Friday, D member 14th, 10 1? BHACON FLASHES, A good h'. S.Jon.- P: w for sale. Sc? O p at;a, N. C 40 turlr-' imouth, N. O. I. .. Sexton of Rep. r oppirg the - o r Go to J C Chrisun- : selection. cav !, ! e-;AL, Mrs. M E" Tarkenton and in Mrs. r. j. Wynne of Mackeys Was 111 t'l J ftv sl-.rrmir.v I ji Friday. mul C W. Cahonn. , Mr. Blount is a native: Spruiil's foe . ar 'j has :i lino , Wilson; N. C, officiating. mi i . Ill CHI:' !1 D dressed in evergreens and cath edral candle?. Just prior to the ! entrance of the bridal party Miss RifUiChe Gilbert sweetly Far..; j ' 'V w I, " T'i x i : .. .oar. h sts jjiaVi-u i.v ft; . I Ii -r. Johnsun. Little i j L? I!.-; Dardn v ring-nearer ' 1 a ;. iv : v di b i . i learn ; i' , h,j, vk the s.-.-'-o-)ki's b-r-st man and -u-i' z r WiNo'twicH. M.-tc. "if 5 T SALE! (:'. i iiuies. iviisses U 11 1 yLU! JS. !rcn Hate. WO! Mc:: e J. K. Rcid. it. W. ;ohu- ho yiTcHTx i an to read every ad-;,., ,., . fc J . . ! II Jjiil.'.. I . I V, i ,! X t ' erusement in tne paper, avery;,-, , ' ; A . one or them are mnnw-e-ivprs r..-. J' tiJ'' ui vvimou. ine iu you if you have anything to buy. j ost estimable young leek tii:.- (own, where both have many :e f It began to snow here Tu:s day night and on Wednesche the heaviest snow for many ye:u.: was upon the earth. t We have not increased tlu price of your paber despite tin greatly increased cost of its pro duction, consequently our mar gin is very small and if you app reciate what we are doing ik r ! you please pay up, if you owe u; anything, between now auc Christmas. Riil th j advertisment of cur Rdeiinng friends. f he happy couple left on tl.o 1-1::;) N. S. train for a n.htih trip, alter which iny ,in l-v v--home iu Win ton- i:m-:st YOUR SAVIXG accoux r. i i v o ; ; In or them ' to (M ;e i. ; t i3 lo. iOWiiJi p i i..,t.i:- ... uiHL ve now nave III uuJ Cbiidrri! Ilaii . ' V. ;: e ( f tlu ver; ;t.- o.f tlu; best quaiitv ' : , '. btn re. l 0n't:ct:':- - to style and quay .;'.''t f.v.'fty we have decided to sell us they last: Genuine Velours e!vet and Silks All S-150V-J-; All 3.00 All 75 Ail 2 50 All 2 00 Ail 150 Other hats down to 25c. I'-'Iis and Furs ?2.75 1 75 1.G0 1.50 1.25 1 00 n The Christm of G1& Wil e With Hundreds ?:ihidon Next Week li y coi r. ! -i.nt a new hat for Chtisimas vve would advise you to once while we have a bit.? stock to select fnin. Given 1 li to c: -cli on. v ho ran-chaK'y a hat dnrin-r t Mc ci - - ' o i UUll) ;t ponder it you eat out li b n-i and brit-K it with o.;!a-.roNon ali m:ii order.-, . mi you can not vitit :f lf,l:" 01 '(- v.-c wili vx-i-y carefully select and "y i'j..i;ni mail. "Flaas Shop Early" n ; none of the desirable Merceandiso we will diphiy can bo duplicated. Toys for U.; D.IIr. for Girls; Games for All. Gifts for M'jn, Women and Children. Christmas Neck wear, Umbrellas; Christmas Handkerchiefs and Gloves. A Ah play that is truly without an ecu d: Kibbons and Ribbon Novel ties, Leather Goads and Christmns Hosiery, Silk. Satin. Hat Caps and Shoes. I also have a line line of Groceries of a!I kind Confectioneries, Fruits Nuts and everything you are looking for ia a First Class Store. TOYLAND BIDS YOU WELCOME. The Biggest Toy Store in Plymouth. The most wonderful Toys to be found any whsre are at J, C SPRUiLL'S and they can b3 bought at the lowest prices in the town when you consider the quality of Toys sold Inre. The aosortmants are complete. Come and select your toys. If you btarted a Savings A count with one of our bai:k? la January ycu did the w! v- t. ;;r; c- mend L. P. liornthal m t:i:s ! ard we know that you a:c l Uer issue and we can heartily roe-loll" financially this C aft Unas omend him to our people, as you ! than you were last by ik'ty or a will get a square deal from him (hundred dollar:-;, and cu feel every time and we think it will ! better. Now. co down to THE pay you to wait for him. j INSURANCES REALTY GO'S. A i: 1 . -. r-''11-" a.iu m.; uivi.ivi m a rx Ji uii line jl iicvw uctto aumc- thing snappy for a Christmas Adv. "jfr -r - - rv- -: - -j . .r. -w-.-i-:. . 1 4 ! V it gut u, (Janoon - You can obtain a Turner's N.C, Almanac for 1918 at J. C. S-iruiik' . Adv MessersL H, Basnight, Jack Gurkin. Clyde and Lewis Hasrell. Sam Lupton, F. S- Ausbou and J. R. Darden spent Sunday in Edenton, For Rent Or Lease 50 Acre farm seven miles from Plymouth, for cash, rent or on shares. Ap ply to the Insurance & Realy Co. Place your criers now for . Xmas. fruitcakes, fiiest quality, 30c. per lb- in ar.y aize. Parcel post orders will recieve prompt attention. Ha -'.'l Bros. Bak'-ry Plymouth, N. C. Ad. In ju:nt?K;j,' irom a wasr-;:: j Tuesday rJr. E. W. Chez v. landed m . clj-j of his foo. (''"'Ij di3iocali.r. xh : same and sulfur-! ing a gainful strain of the ank-e ! ("('H'. Mr. Ciieiscn was taktrn to P. 1 ., JDavenp-jrts' Druf Store whe.-t j -he n-'cesrv examination wai-: ; made by Drs. Vavd and w Gowan. No bones ceing four: I , broken Mr. Coesscn was tak j i, home and is now :;c-t?.ing aki-g! as well as could ... expected. j Little Master Join W. Darden. ! :.' Jr., whose foot had to be ampu- J tatea just about a year ago met j with another painful misfortune j last week. In jumping from irs ! porch he struck to hard ai:r.i;L broke his thigh bone just at the top of his artificial limb. We arc : indeed truely aorry for the little j : fellow. ! To all parents living in Wash ington County who have eons i the army we make this offer: it v, you are a paid up subscriber we will send a copy of the Beacon ; free to your son so long as he r r in pamn in tViA TTnifpd Kttipc v:" ' ' you will send us his address. ! : 1 :i ; crlgr. LIF INSUK.iNCi: POLICY. I It will pay the iirst premium on : i?-.iiey for 0:ie or two thousand I ; tnat will mean that your osraie is woHh that much more, a; -i in case of death it guatan iu So thos 1 v, no ar dependent u;i -n you reiuly re- ;!. Do this ai.-.l then star: iha. I'ank account in January make it. larger if NOTICE. ibie anu next ye ar you wili have the mo: cy with which to pay the second premium, togeth er with the int irest earrings of th? iirst premium. Let tne tirst savings account buy y:ni see thing worth its face value. . .i,k : it do double dufy draw ioieres? and protect the loved or. to. Uo not r.eglect this importaet duty. You r.we it to yourself v H : o v family, and ycu nre ?v..-. 'i - t : to do the needful, r -e , yo r b?i:ker if tin:, is e r' : ''cO thing to do. He ea . ; ' - ; . ' e--; a. ue, wny not you ; ; v e k Ire of veer f -ei...'l ..-.v,-- ? iiiisioLuj.u.ii) ta. eoKomers and the peneral 11- .1 . T -11 1 1 .... . O ' "v,al puDiic tint l win itave Here 1 uesday January 1st o purchas an extra good load of horses and mules and hon 1 .1 t 1Trv.- r ro nave mem acre oy Jan. JUtU. 1 wish to thank th lor the orders tney lave given me and say I appreciate them waiting for me, you liave saved feed by waiting a id I assure you 1 will brine only thehfrst nnrl cfo j ... i toi dssuicu you .Vll 1 ..nuriuuuVHi every way, r0r it is my i :e von and to "-ive vn J-inMsrcr o . " - wvij! oervive. v.i'i.nng ym- 1 r advance, I am ncerely Yours, IIORNTHAT. Ji. W JUS has been uuthor 'zed and anointed by the U. S. Treasury Department to ae; as Agent of the First Class for the sale and distribution of War Saving Stumps and Thrift Stamps, and we now have a full supply of same with Certificates and Cards. These Scamps are "Biby Bonus" offering the ver fin est opportunity for the Saver and Investor from 25c up to $1,000.00, nd pay compound interest at 4 per cent. Every man. woman and child should start a Certificate or Thrift card and help win the war. Will make ideal Cbristmis presents for the children or your friends. Come in and let us explain fully. s-j ee, -ee (';: , A . i.u.-v. .11, , it ihi Vr.ri- JUir".tou'iiours wiih- '').. .V,!t:" S I Ail o -r- ' '.i Plymout: :o a. rr. d-eiv-r-,r '.r for Norfolk. 'JM. daily for Iv.;-! :.'.:r:b.-t'; City and :c: . liar:li- ijUv.tU 0:i.eiU. - j r il. .iJ Cars to ..I "r'lici : 3 e MARRIED. G.i . J...'. AC vv ar. 1;e rt.-".;t o.-e .--.;; .- vO shier' j rti:i l, ii cur- net ,:eS-!-;e ii :e.'iTr.; 1Cii Ihousand !ti - '-o'ut'V..V1i' k,"- l)rov.,acl in said ...)iib.K.,t ni aie "ii0.UUi i0 Beacon " .tKHp.p,,-published in WrSaton kceii: ckn 1 f -V lat li0A-d would L -Slv I h-'4',?' tllcir regular Ti , , ,,.,-m , Jtl -' l 'Owch time - t'io i'nM-.i k - "-,aaa voiistdered i ... mo n.uird cnrcslv If ,1 fhc1 1 eii any and all - Ohaptcr l of ti rk..l . eii; kk I l-tin&to i;e.s and Towns . ,ke ."s Uoard u unable to .-iv0 s ' nlV"i.ijl detail tlurn thl can be rained livn fr " "b" .1,1f:jdl1s" of the Board k.Jr Mik",d t0:.T,19 bids fubmit- VI:. i1 - 9 '. eiiycyw ..- tgLt hi.' 1 on aziu 1 si H til Y T 7 vve Buy! 00 ?29 73 417 80 $21Ss."iJ.'.(4 . Comes- of 1317. : of r-- r; n-.-rn. Mr. D. W. Gardner to Mis: Minnie Berry on Saturday Dec 8, 1917 at J. T. McNair home in1 the presence of a few select friends. j 1 .;!; ie iJ.ii 'j r information : an ul y tj M. Ply:ncuth, ::. C. . Kie, Traffic Mar: ; or. on. Ucn'l. Prsf e?3;r; r A", Nerves ya. correci .vt: On Sundayt A M. about 3 o' clock Justic, J. S. McNair was called upon to unite Mr. VV. E. Clayton and Miss Gartrude Bar bee injnarriage. Both from Nor lina, N. C. -i r 4.N O k and natliority :-e! dated ';c-r, ma(!e cy Hiil U J. II. in the cii' ice of f Wabhinoton I Pursuant to th ' e.vtn in a eu i .i. i i..e - JLh day a, :'. rid executed hy ; eaicnan and n..: ; i-.v lieistcr o ! Cu-'j:.ty in Bo- i: e ac 271 I will sell al at Plymouth, vv'ashintjton, at 12 o'cl-.-ck M., to the hemcst 1 .dlf r tor rnsh on TV.r.c. m n a t, r Jj- djy January 10! 8, that certain A Pfetty CilUrCn Weddlllg. S tr; et or parcel or land situated and be . . , , ir- in Washin-io:i County, Skinn'rs- Th3 Christian Church was the v;,.o Townshi-.. ar.d bounded asfol- 'na nf i nreT:lv marriao-P if- : On the H --th by Robert Weavc-s, SSfine ot a preuy marriage at 0n ihe Kast by i.'ne public road lcodin" high noon Wednesday, Dec. 12th, fr:.:n Plymouth to Croswell and on tlie when Mr. C. L. Blount and Miss . ISk Mamie VanlNorcwicK were unit- jsancy h 11 trom r. j. i?a-,ni'-ht iL I' ! by J. II. iaten:.-.n , 1:07 Casldc CVcs Sul E j : 4-!rr,n fn ffiA nr,r, Tne loilowing personal property uy c hi j r yno tav mule, sol'. nf n Tarce congrresration of rela- to -"aiey Hill. lives and friends, Dr. Smith of the Atlantic Christian. College , ' Columbia," n.'c PursuaiA io .:;.-luv.ov. i-.ioptc . the Boar ! of Aldermen of liie Tcvu ul' Columbia, State of North Cprolina, at a special meeting of taid ieiard held for that purpose on the day of No vember, 1917, it was resolved by the said Board that they would receie bids at their reulnr monthly meeting to be held on the first Monday night in January, 1918, for the purpose of establishing an eu.-ctric lighting system in said town, which said Resolution can be si en or, ute uork ef sai cf :ino of th.- ;e?..:' ing sy?t. rn fi-; v ' Ucsoluti'.-n U a A good i ;;d . -r,n-itv If, in .' : ;V. dynamo s.,i ;i . for approxi.n-.iiL ;nectio:i of the Min- vn. A general out- ..'ions foi' :.aid ligh'. ' h- d for in the said h vvs : ' online of suTfic"..:! h ii dit for li e ' -id :; ' . :;h 'hi ;..-n' '.lie cui i via f t'lirty btrett .7 r,'--oned and such aclion ihe'be tCe('naf Board deesto l: k Tsl '"V-ost ol sa.d town, tiic v. :'d nil leV V'n" tI,e ri-ht t0 ject any '- -'i .h day of November, 1917 C M. TATliM, I own C lerk. d all bi This th We are in ;i position to Inndle your farm or other estate at a proiic to you. We have to of fer for s.d-3 now several atrractivc farms at a low price. For inform U ion address the Washington Cjunty ReiUy Corporation, Inc., P'ymoutli, North Carolina, or confer with J. A. GRL'SINGRR, Manager. Office in I larri-ev B ii!din. saamnrta ioarc.'j bwb-w- 17 om ystemize Y intU Wash i nrr! nr. iE Ljunty -Superior Court. il J. II. Carter ! v s J Johfl ?. (:: olprnnrl i H Open a Bank Account here and put ail tr.e monty you b .w.olna tr- c. rMi oc Inn riTPlVf if I 1 oht ?nfn T?nt:L- Tlie iiuric ubiYi.' iia.s i. M:p. John e. Cckcler NOTICE ints above named will tj e.iat an action entitled as p '.'11 COmmptlfirl in fV-.n n- t ... , , .... - - ... 1111. ri l'klu 1c;j,url ot Washington County ty eomj cl the specific performance of an V agreement to convey to the plaintiff f endants will further take notice that j iJZZ, Y required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to bo held on the 7th Monday before the 1st Monday in March, 1918, at the court house of said county in Plymouth in said county, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or Uo i .aintiff will apply to the court for tlie relief demanded in said complaint This 2SU: day of November, 1917 C. V. W. AUSBON, Clerk Superior Court. Send us your Job Printing. nockethook leaks. Your Bcnk Accciiit ccetn't. It costs you nothing to keep a Bank Account h re. We furnisli vou with hooks, oh.ecks, etc., free. If you don't must 4 per certain land in Washington County, know llOW to do it let US SHOW ycu. 1'Vcry GDC taVeompiahiSSindK learn sometime. Wlip not etait kai nil ;5 to-chn ? cent on Savinffs Compounded Ouartc ily. "Our Aim to Plcacc' 1J 7. tin Oank Cresvell, N. C.

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