.3 1 . v f :3 '.;) . T ANT ANNOUi p- wrAikrar.'uaur.vn AW 1 gilis t7 V.. - , . i0'-.; ' W vt ill CeWf- to Jbh .l.'i'.-r-iJl c;;:hs in the table below, and select the: club you wish to join then, come into our bank with ICc, Cr, 2c, lc cr 50c,. $1, $3 or whatever sum yen L':c; ve will make, y u a member of our Christmas Banking Club and give you a Bank Hook showing the amount of money yon have paid iW, und the Club vou have joined. v:V ! ':' - I'j ' L2rl 22 : 1 -; The Re II should join. I - fSand GIRL, LITTLE CHILDREN, the BABY all should join. - You can take'out memberships for "your family or friends. An employer can take out memberships'for his employes. We will welcome everyone. Parents should join our Christmas' Banking Club to '. a ood example to their children. The saving habit asquired early in'jif e is of untold value to them in the future. The Christmas Banking Club is the best way to learn to save money. sons for the Christmas Banking Club ! To provid3 a way for thosa of morats and even small means to save a part of what they earn. ' To teici tha saving: habit to old as well a? young by having a certain specified sum to save ei2h wejk. To mika it easy for little eailL-aa t) barn that saving ail bin'ihig maiey is the sure way to accumulate money. To taach economy by showing that the iiraall amounts usually frittered away for unnecessary things amount to large sumo in a short time. To m.ika "S.WERl" instead of "3?E:TD3S3" out of the people. To halo others to holp themselves. lc CLUB PAYMENTS ?,rc Wek 9v 3rd Week ...2c Increase Every Week by lc. Total in 50 weeks $12.75 2c CLUB PAYMENTS 1st Week.... 2c 2nd Week 4c 3rd Week 6c Increase Every Week ' by 2c. Total in 50 weeks $25.50 What The Different Clubs Will Pay You 5c CLUB PAYMENTS 1st Week.. 5c 2nd Week .10c 3rd Week..l5c Increase Every Woei by 5c. Total in 59 weeks $63.75 3d V&Klt!F&amr-l Bl U .II'-1 ffwarer 10 CLUB PAYMENTS 1st We-k .lOc 2nd Week. .20c 3:1 Week .30c v.- by 10c. Total in 50 weeks 50c CLUB PAYMENTS 1st Week..50c 2nd WRk..50c 3rd Weok..50c Deposit 50c Every Week. Total in 50 weeks $25.99 ) 1 ,0 D Ci-iU3 PAYMENTS 1st Week $1.00 2nd Week :5l.O0 3:d Week 31,00 Deposit. 51. 00 Every OOiv Total in 5U -v. ; ! s '" 2 .1 W for I ) 10 el n .Any 1 Yon can pay as many weeks in advance as jo Make the Largest Payment First A very popular way of joining the Club is to begin with the largest payment first Then you decrease your payments each week This makes it easy at the end. For instance, if you join the 5c Decreasing Club your payments are 1st week $2.50 2nd week . $2.45 3rd week . $2.40 Each week you decrease your payments 5c. Your last payment is only 5c. In 50 weeks you have $63.75. ;We have decreasing Clubs in lc, 2c, 5c and 10c. i-ursc Clubs to FiL Kv. Our Christmas Banking Club k; for YOU. V, wa:; made to admit everyone by having Clubs for small as well as larger mounts. No matter how much you earn, bo it a lare or nrs.dl r.mcv.r- we have a Club that you can and should join. The best advice your hczt friend can give y :u is to Vnrn to fave cuwnoey. If you haven't yet lo-nod :1:1c, h:;::.. J..- ooo Chrtm Linking Club. ' It is the only sure road to wealth Ask any rich man today hov; ' got hi ; -tart- He v;i!'. toll you it began with a small Savings Account. Make your start. Make it NOW-Join our Christmas Banking Club. You vill receive 4 per cent interest. We paid out in IOIO $1,35KI We wMI pay out imi $4,SKP WASHSNGTON COUNTY