"ike mam There la a difference between efficien cy and effectiveness. Ffnciency is doing In the best way something that makes oneself better off; effectiveness is doing in the best way something that makes other people better off. Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Don't take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious, constipated, headachy. Listen to me! THE BIST oKinrRDnui 'r.-...ii.-iij-r n in V v 1 ATTACK OF KNITTING NERVES Many Women Suffering From Trouble and an Epidemic Feared, Declares Physical Director. Now it's "knitting nerves," caused by concentration of mind and hand on the needles. Thousands of women In New York are afllicted, according to Dr. Louis 11. Welziniller, physical di rector of the West Side Y. M. C. A., who adds that his only patients show ing symptoms of the new war-time complaint have been women. Doctor Welzmll'er says that there is liable to be an epidemic of "knitting nerves" unless knitters learn to knit properly, lie offers the following advice as u remedy : "Don't hunch over your knitting ; sit upright, and when your mind tells you you have knitted enough, quit. There are 3G5 day in a year, and you can't finish a sweater in a day, no matter how much you love a sildoer or a sail or." Dr. C. P. Christenson of the Psycho logical Research society concurred in the predictions of Doctor Welzmiller. He attributed the nerve scourge to the failure of women folk to compre hend "the vibrations of nerve laws." He continued: "The women are overworking them selves. Knitting has become a craze. Nerves cannot stand this strain." BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP Why use ordinary cough remedies, when Boschee's German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-one years in all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the Inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Sold in all civilized countries. 80 and GO cent bottles. Adv. Put to Work by Women. The resourcefulness of women can teen workers in the French field Is Il lustrated by a recent achievement re ported from Paris headquarters of the American lied Cross. Seven of these workers were operating a rest station at one of the aviation camps abroad, laving an insufficient number of tiu cups for the ues of the canteen, the head worker discovered that there were several plumbers among the Ger man prisoners working about the camp. She gathered a quantity of empty tin cans and set the plumber prisoners to work fashioning drinking cups. The canteen was quickly sup plied with plenty of well-made tin .cups, with neat handles made from the covers. May Soon Call on Women. Women and children "for the pres ent" will not be made subject to com pulsory munition work in Germany. The reichstag committee on national service raised objections to a proposed project to make women and even youths between fifteen and seventeen subject to compulsory munition work. The war oflice then stated that "for the present" it will not be necessary to call op the women and children. Bermuda's Imports. Bermuda's 1910 imports aggregated $3,575,899 in value; exports, $2,821, 733. TheRichHavor GrajfeNuts is due to the blend ing of malted barley with whole wheat flota Meat alone does not possess this rich flavor is also partly due to the barley for the barley contains a digestive which wheat lacks. "There's aReasorf -Grape-Nuts mm i The wonderfully easy digestion of GraoeNuk GOOD EATING. From stale bread cut six slices, re move the crusts and butter the bread. Put through a food chopper sufficient fresh coconut from which the brown it i i Rl-i make a cupful fFm nn( v hnf. Sopa- line lliu h uiir.T (iinj yolks of three eggs, beat the yolks with half a cupful of sugar, a half teaspoon ful of vanilla and one pint of milk. Cut the bread in half-inch dice. Arrange half of It in a baking dish, sprinkling one quarter of the coconut through it. Pour over It half of the raw custard, add the remainder of the bread, an other quarter of the coconut and the rest of the custard. Bake In a mod erate oven until set in the center. Spread the top with a layer of quince jelly, ct)ver with the remainder of the coconut and over all heap the whites beaten to a stiff froth and sweetened with three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Sift sugar thickly over the top and brown In the oven. Pittsburgh Potatoes. Wash and pare potatoes and cut in half-Inch cubes. There should be one quart. Put In a stewpan with one small onion chopped fine, and cover with boiling salted water, cook five minutes, add three canned pimentoes drained and cut In strips, and cook five minutes ; drain and put into a buttered baking dish. Melt four tablespoonfuls of drip pings, add the same amount of flour, cook until well blended; then add two cupfuls of milk gradually, stirring con stantly. Bring to the boiling point and add a half pound of good cheese, grated, with three-fourths of a tea spoonful of salt and an eighth of a teaspoonful of pepper. Pour this sauce over the potatoes and bake In the oven until brown. Puree of Pea-Pods. Chop the pods from two quarts of fresh peas, add five cupfuls of cold water and put on to cook for an hour and a half, then rub through a coarse sieve. There should be three cupfuls of the puree. Add three cupfuls of milk, a table spoonful of sugar and salt and pepper to taste. Thicken with two tablespoon fuls each of fat and flour. Let br.il up and serve piping hot. The day is most fair, the cheery wind Haloos behind the hill. Where bends the wood as seemeth good. And the sappling to his will! FRUIT FOR THE TABLE. If there is any one thing that nppenls to the eye and thus afford pleasure at the table, it is a well-nr- ranged, well-laid, attrac tively set table. The cen terpiece is the first thing that the eye lights upon, so it shculd be just as at tractive as possible. The professional knows that he must appeal to the eye in order to sell his wares. It should b just as important that the home cateress have the same methods of couxing an often jaded appetite. This does not mean that great expense is necessary, for the simplest, least ex pensive arrangement may be beautiful. A very pretty centerpiece was used the other day, which almost anyone could repeat with small cost. An ob long wicker tray with a pretty feathery fern In a pot dressed with green paper was placed in the center of the tray, around It were arranged bunches of grapes, a few red apples and an orange or two for color. ' Fresh fruit, without which breakfast Is an incomp'ete meal, is nine times out of ten served In the same manner day after day. If bananas are to be served for the meal, buy them attached to the original stem, then arrange a background of green, either of fern or a few leaves or even crumpled green paper and the transformation will surprise and de light the eye, making a tame banana seem something out of the ordinary. The old-fashioned epergne Is a treas ure any woman would covet, for It lends Itself to so many attractive ar rangements of fruit, leaves or flowers. The old-fashioned standard silver cako basket is another artistic treasure. A birchbark boat, or hollow log (which may be bought at a florist's) filled with golden oranges, with the duller tone ot a few bananas and a bit of green for the color setting Is a most charming centerpiece. The fruit itself served tn this unusual way takes on a new flavor. There Is such a wilderness of hns kets to choose from for table baskets that almost any color or design may be found. A heap of white grapes sur rounded witn bright red polished ap ples, a most commonplace dish of fruit, la changed by Its treatment Into a study in colors. lWt 7VWvtll. We Need Bolivian Civilization. The Indians of the Bolivian Jungles bind their arms and legs In childhood so that below' the knee and below the elbow they are strictly sinew and bone and can walk through the thorny un derbrush and never know It. Some sort of protection might conie In handy 1a the evening rush on ret tain street car llnea. Springfield Republican. i ! CanAVe fu rfTOro J y KJ ml The business of the American Ued Cross is "To aid in the prevention and alleviation of human suffering In times of peace and war." It was origi nally organized to supplement the med ical services of armies in times of war. When the American National Red Cross, by act of the United States con gress, approved January 5, 1905, was Incorporated and placed under govern ment supervision, Its purposes In ad dition to its duties in times of war were declared to be : "To continue and earrjf on a system of national and International relief In time of peace and apply the same in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, fam ine, fire, floods and other national ca lamities." This organization has there fore a great work to do at all times; for there is always human suffering to be alleviated, but now that the world , Is racked with wife, Its work Is tre mendous, and It Is doing it In a way that should make every man, woman or child who belongs to the Red Cross proud to be a member. It Is the only hope of thousands of suffering human beings and stands between them and cold, hunger, sickness and despair. It Is the Instrument by which each one of us may make himself useful ; our only means of extending helping hands to the Innocent victims of the war. No one can start the new year in a better way than by joining the Red Cross and by aiding In the campaign for new members. In time of war the Red Cross chapters handle their ac Coats That Welcome the Cold 10?' jr v ft The tonic of the cold is to be thank ed for much of our progress. North erners, 'obliged to stand it for months, get the habit of industry and resource fulness ; they have learned how to clothe themselves, tb defy the weather and even to enjoy It. Inasmuch as there are not enough furs on the mar ket to put fur garments In the reach of everyone, and because the manufac ture of fur clothing involves much time and work, which mean expense the looms have been called upon to weave substitutes which provid? ns much warmth es the pelts of animals. Of course wool Is our great depend ence In putting up defenses against the blasts of winter. The supreme achievements against the cold are voluminous coats of fur, or of cloth lined with fur. Next to these are fur fabrics and cloth woven to Insure warmth. Coats made of these and trimmed with big collars and generous cuffs of fur make their wearers rejoice in winter and the vigor that Is Its gift. It lf a tonic only bit ter to those who do not know how to keep comfortable, or have not the means to. Illustrated above Is a coat for the heart of winter. It might be devel oped In many of the flat furs and trim med with marten, but as pictured It is made of handsome seal plush. Its enveloping shawl collar broadens into cape over the shoulders and hack. tivities through various committees. They undertake to raise and collect funds; to manufacture hospital gar ments and supplies; to take charge of transportation and supplies; to aid families of soldiers and sailors and their widows and children; to train for and assist in securing self-supporting positions for those permanently crip pled or blinded. In any one of these lines of work women have proved themselves efficient. The manufacture of hospital garments and supplies is left almost wholly to them, while men handle the matter of raising and col lecting funds and taking charge of transportation. The work In hand just now calls foh special activity In securing new mem bers. The business men In any com munity are the ones to undertake the planning and carrying out of cam paigns for Increased membership in the Red Cross. In cities of consider able size good work Is often done by creating a rivalry between men in va rious lines of business; the grocers un dertaking to secure a greater number of members, for Instance, than the dry goods men or employees of one house entering Into friendly competition with those of another house in the same line of business. An able business man at the head of a drive for new mem bers will be able to engineer It in the most practical and efficient way. House to house canvassing for new members is about the most thorough going method. j and It has huge marten cuffs that maj well answer the purpose of a muff. The wide band of marten about the botton of the coat adds to Its luxuri ous looks, more than to Its actual warmth, serving a good purpose in both these directions. For one of the duties of the comfortable midwinter coat Is to look Its part. This ample, straight hanging, con servative design Is to be recommended for the midwinter coat, whether of fur or of wool fabric. When the active northern woman dons a coat of this kind, she gets Into it and expects to stay in It for three or four months or until the siege of winter Is raised. Such a coat Is suitable for street, mo tor and other wear, and it Is designed j on lines of proved merit. Its service able qualities are expected to outlast ; several winters, and Its business Is to be warm and convenient This It ac complishes along with a style that doea not point to other days. ' 7 The Return of Batiste. iW'cause of the simplicity of waist styles the women turn more and mort to the fine fabrics. For this reason sheer batiste In soft ecru, flesh of white. Is very smart. Calomel makes you sick ; you lose a day's work. Calomel is quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, slug gish and all knocked out, If your bow els are constipated and your head aches or stomach is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone instead of using sickening, sali vating calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be work ing, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and bow els regular. You will feel like work ing. You'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a Early Submarines. The modern submarine is the result of the slow development of an idea and the cumulative work of many in ventors. Successful experiments in submarine navigation were made con siderably more than 100 years ago. Iu 1747 the Gentleman's Magazine, a Lon don periodical, published a picture of a submarine boat that was being op erated on the Thames. It was invent ed by an Englishman named Symous. Between 1773 and 177G an American named Bushnell built a submarine boat which was used In actual warfare, but with little or no effect. It embodied some of the features of the modern submarine. Between 1790 and 1810 Robert Fulton, American inventor of the steamboat, built several subma rines which served to demonstrate the feasibility of underwater navigation, but he died before completing his ex periments. Experiments and inven- i tions continued In several different countries until the present fighting machine was developed. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acts through thft Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining: of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing-, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many caes of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Justifiable Adoption. The big, fiat-footed, hungry negro was up for theft. "I caught him nippin' a fresh-made pumpkin pie from the MacGregor house on Marguerite street," explained Officer Casey. "Did you?" demanded the judge. "Dat's a rough word, yo' honah sayin' Ah done stole hit. Now as ter de truf dut punkin pie was settin' dar on de winder ledge, abandoned, jedge. Nobody nowhar nigh it jedge. Hit was a case of 'justifiable adoption' brought on by de Christmas sperrit." Philadelphia Star. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Ttfnra the Signature oiCJfffZ In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A Misnomer. "I saw somewhere In Cairo that men in the native tailor shops iron clothes with their feet." "Then I suppose it would not be proper to call the employees of such shops, hands?" To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed oa every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron ia a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds op the system. 6o cents. Will Rebuild Salonika. Greece will spend $1,158,000 to build 3,500 homes In the burned district of Salonika. A FIGHT FOR LIFE It has been fight or die for many of us In the past and the lucky people are thone who have suffered, but who are now well because they heeded nature's warn ing signal In time to correct their trou ble with that wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierce's called "An-u-rlc." Tou should promptly heed these warnings, some of which are dizzy spells, backache. Irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism, sciatica or lum bago. To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as stone In the bladder. To overcome these distressing; condi tions take plenty of exercise In the open air, avoid a heavy meat diet, drink freely of water and at each meal take Dr. Pierce's Anurlc Tablets (double strength). You will. In & short time, find that you are one of the Arm indorsers of Anurlc, as are thousands of neighbors. Step into the dru? store and ask for a 60c bottle of Anurlc, or send Dr. V. M. Pierce. Buffalo. N.t Y.. 10c for trial pkg. Anurlc, many tlmgs more PotenJ q few cents under my personal guaran tee that It will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it won't make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being sail vated. Your druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone because it is pleasant tast ing and doesn't gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson's Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, -vegetable liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle oa my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me. Adv. Cottonseed Oil for Canada. The United States food administra tion has completed arrangements with the food controller of Canada, whereby cottonseed oil and Its products may move into Canada for local Canadian consumption. There will be no re-exports of these products. As Canada raises sufficient hogs for Its own uses, export licenses for hogs will not b granted for an indefinite period. The policy of the food administration is to see that Canara is supplied with cer tain necessaries from the United states required for feeding their own people, but no more. Regular licenses will be. required on all shipments aa heretofore, but no licenses will be is sued without the approval of the foo4 controller of Canada. Self-Improvement First. It is folly for a man to expect the world to grow better until he begins to notice improvement in himself. Prof. II. J. Hunt of Bangor, Me., e plorer, believes land exists in the Aro tlc ocean. Dr. Peery's "Dead Shot" not only expel Wormi or Tapeworm but cleans out the mucus In which they breed and tones up the digestion. One close suttlcient. Adv. Enterprise and advertising make th biggest pair in the deck. Neglected W Colds bring Pneumonia CASCARA m QUININE The old family remedy in tablet form afe, sure, ey to take. K opiates no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours Grip ia & days. Money back if it fails. Get the senuine box with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 24 TabUts lor 25c. At Any Drug Stera Ho v you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? TakeRHEUMACIDK to remore thecanse ana drive tbe poison from U system. "EHECTUriDR OS TIIK IHSIOI PETS HHtttBATlHI 09 TBI OtTfilDI" At All tin igftlsUi Jst. Bsily & Soo, Wholesalt Distributors Baltimore, Md. iwnpaiaso Young Rub Dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment Shampoo with Cuticura Soap Wmmmrih affrtsi PARKER'S nS&f HAIR BALSAM fL-- .Jjit A toilet preparation of merit fow-ff . Help to eradicate dandruff. ;'U -f For Rmtorinf Color end WWfK BaaatrtoGra-orFadadHair. -"y.! Wo. and 1.00 at Dn irsiata. KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do highest class of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Caletki Optical C., Rick-oad, Va. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 2-1918. A West Virginia Woman Speaks Volga, W. Va. "Golden Medical Dl covery proved 80 beneficial In my past state of 111 health that I was glad to try An urlc, the new dis !overy of Dr. Pierce. I was In a delicate condl don and suffered from many dis comforts. I ached all over, was constipated, had Indiges tion, was extremely nervous; another discomfort was shifting rheumatism, something I had had for years. At that time It was in my hips and lower limbs. I took the Anurlc Tablets ac cording to directions, and can say, and fpeak In the bounds of truth, that 1 have not had rheumatism since. Th relief could not be more sntlsfnf-- 2s