Net Contents 15 fluid Drachntj TV 5fi mm C-. U Ik. v'i STB '.nr. ESS-- 'S C J ... Sun f r". i 'iniiv'ii . 'i' 'V-'iiM 'I I1'1,1'1 " ''ll;'',!iu:','lliiiU a f nrmnT.-.l PER CENT. IkUVUV- v - ' . i . n IT C.kl cimif.iiindtheFood bvRegulv m tingtheStomachs andBowctsrf For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Thereby Promoting Digestion h neither Opitfm,Morphinenor Mineral. Not hahi"v JhanplunSMt AtxStniut Warn W CtarifiidSsgar , tff..lI?f.mPlvfor Constipation and Diarrhoea ml Feverishness and t cvsT.EEP resulting ihcrcfrotiHW- fac-Simile Signature0 , jheCektato Compaq -vnTJK . Always ff . Bears the $ SignatureVl ft X Use ior u IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL JlNMSOIOOL Lesson (By E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director or the Sunday School Course of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.) (Copyright. 1917. Western Newspaper Union. 1 LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 17 ver Thirty Years 1 1 ... i:'. i Oi nwiwir e vi f i-a w m p , k -a mtii Exact Copy of Wrapper. TH cwtu omLw. witw vohw city. Carter's little Liver Fills You Cannot be Jm A Remedy lhat Worth Living Constipated and Happy Small Pill Small Dose Small Price fir esr KITTLE IjlVER I) pius. Genuine bears signature ABBK.S? r-ARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but wiH greatly help most pale-faced people WE ARE NOW PAYING FOR FURS: Black Musk rats up Brown Muskrats " Raccoons " Minks Opossums to $1.25 80 " 3.50 " 7.00 " 1.30 n LEWIS BAER & CO., Inc. Rabbit Skins IVe charge no commission expressage 4c. per piece and pay BALTIMORE, U. S. A. Largest and Oldest Fur House in the South FRESH -CRISP-WHOLESOME-DEUCIOUS BUiMBgaHleg the sanitary methods appued in the 1111 mBBTrTTTrtri-' MAKING OF THESE BISCUITS MAKE THEM THE STANDARD F EXCELLENCE ?er Pler tuis thm. or if not he should. isfc him or writ us qiving ms name. CHATTANOOGA BAKERY CNATTA NOOOA TINN. DON'T CUT.OUT raffOM AShoeBoi!,Capp2dfi!i FOR will reduce them and leave no bltmishe. Stops lameness promptly. Does not blis ter or remove the hair, and hor can b worked. $ 2. 50'abott'e delivered. EqoK 6 R fred ABSORBINE, JR.. for tnmklnd. the nt!teptlc Cnlment for Boils,ruiKi. Sore. Swelling. Varicoae Vein . Alliyi Piln and Inflammation. Price CI. 25 a bottle rx dru rjata of delivered. W1U tell you more if you write. rV. F.YOUNG. P.O. F.,310 TempleSUSprlnoHeld. Mais. Pure Georgia Cane Syrup 85c Per Gallon kicoiftc w.u.iATuriOLi'HBu,B.v.wwMaiii.iaaMa. able time spitting upon his hands. ' JOIN Have you RHEUfVlATiS Lumbago or Gout? Take RH EUMAC1 DK to remove O eeause una drive the poisun from the Bjileni. 'CHtl lUt !I)K OX TIIR 1X81 DB fll8 UIIklJli'liMl 0.1 TUB CCTSIDK" At All Druggists Jai. Baily & Son, Wholesale Diitributori Baltimore, Md. The best fighter doesn't waste valu- "TV u Fortify tho System Against VJintcr Cold The strong withstand the Winter Cold Better than the Weak. If your Blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, your system will not be able to withstand the Winter Cold. Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the cold weather by taking regularly ill a in Contains the well-known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system, thus fortifying the system against colds and grip. Price 60c Whenever You Heed a General Tonio JESU TEACHING FIVE PARABLES FOUR KINDS OF GROUND. LESSON TEXT Mark 4:1-20. GOLDEN TEXT Take heed therefore how ye hear. Luke 8:18. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOR TEACHERS Matt. 13:1-30; 36-43. PRIMARY TOPIC Jesus telling a story about sowing need. PRIMARY MEMORY VERSE Be ye doers of the word. James 1:22. Jesus tells us plainly why he tnught so much by means of parables ( Matt. 13 :10-13). The truth had to be taught ; hence the parable, that those to whom It was given to know the messages of the kingdom, those who sought it, might know and understand, and that to the others It might be hidden (Mark 4:11, 12). Like all his parables, Jesus draws his pictures from the common experiences of life the field, the homo, etc. Paul draws his illustrations chief ly from the city, the army, the market. In studying this lesson we must turn to the parallel account as given by Luke and Matthew to get the full and complete picture. What is the seed? Luke says that Jesus told his disciples that the seed was the Word of God .(Luke 18:11). We get the same thought in verse four teen of the lesson. A great deal is be ing made today of seed selection. Some wonderful results have been obtained. How much more important for those of us who deal with immortal souls that we select the best seed, i. e., the Word of God. j The second consideration is the ' sower (v. 4). Notice he went forth not , to "soar," not is it recorded that he was "sore" because the people did not ! all receive the seed alike. He did not have a grouch ; he did not enter into j his work that he might receive the adulation of men (Matt. G:2). It is, however, the "soil" that seems to be most emphasized in both the direct teaching and also the explanation of the parable. There are four kinds of soil. The manner by which the seed came into contact with each kind of soil is significant. Some fell "by" the wayside ; the path was well trodden ; the ground was preoccupied ; e. g., it was used for other purposes than to yield a harvest; it was hard to be broken, and hence it was an easy mat ter for the birds of the air (v. 15) to come and pluck it away. - We need to remember that if men receive with meekness the Implanted word, there will, of course, be no such opportunity for the evil one. The trouble in this case was that the Word was not im planted. Thus it is that one-fourth of the seed is lost. The result is a deplor able one as we see from Heb. 2:1-4. Is the soil of our life so hard that God must drive the plowshare clean through It ere there is a chance for the seed to take root? (Ps. 129:3). The next fell "on" the rocky ground. The first is a picture of the hardened, and this is a picture of the superficial hearer. For a time they did run well. They even received the Word with gladness (v. 1G), but they had no sta bility because they had no root. They were superficial. There was no chance for the seed to get a real grip on their lives. The earth yields its. increase though we do not understand. So God will add his 05 per cent to our 5 per cent. The oak tree comes from small seed. In the third place Jesus speaks of the seed that fell "among" the thorns. Here is the worldly soil. It is not so much the character of the soil, it is the character of that which already oc cupied the soil ere the sower sowed the seed. The cares of this world, the dcccitfulness of riches and "other things" had so entered in tlrat the good seed never had a chance in the soil of the human heart. It was choked and yielded no fruit. There was no real grip of the will, no whole-hearted surrender. The cares of life that keep the housewife or the business man; the deceltfulness of riches that snare men and choke the word which at one time gave such promise in their lives; the lusts and other things which the evil one knows so well how to use keep us from the Word, for Satan knows that by it we are to be saved (Luke 1S:12). Are we impulsive? Do we make vows soon forgotten, ties that soon fade away or fall beneath the temptations for lack of root? May God blast and turn up the subsoil of our hearts by strong convictions of sin, and so occupy the soil that there is no opportunity for other things. We have thus seen three-fourths of the seed lost. Of the remaining fourth, that which fell "into" (It. V.) the good soil, not all yielded the same return. It all brought forth (v. 7) ; it all yielded ; it all sprang up, but not all in the same ratio. There are three distinguishing fea tures of this last kind of hearers: (1) They hear the Word. These are the ones who appreciate its value end give good heed to Its precepts. (2) They ac cept it e. g. they understand its teach ings. They take it into good and hou est hearts. (3) They hold it fas.i (Lake 8:15 K. V.) These are the ones of which martyrs are made. Jesus was a great open-air preachei (vv. 1 2) and like all others he bar various kinds of hearers the hilf hearted hearer the shallow-hearte hearer. The way to reach the masse, s to go where the masses are. There's no u. e in rocking the cradle kirnlle you pinch the baby. Conatlpatton generally Indicates disordered tomach, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills restores regularity without griping. Adv. A shrewd financier is a man who can 'xtract dividends from the theories. To Cure s Cold in One Day Take LAXATI VH BHOMO Qnlnioe Taoiets It stops Mc??';and. Headach a,Dd works off tbe Cold, a. W. afiOVil'8 senator on box. 3Uo. A nation may not build a wall high enough to permit it safety as a recluse. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. Man prides himself on his superior intelligence, but who ever heard of a woman buying a gold brick? Fiery Red Pimples. A hot bath with Cuticura Soap followed by an application of Cuticura Oint ment to distressing eczemas, etc., proves their wonderful properties. For free samples address "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. Can't Be Done. "I tell her she is the only woman I ever loved." "Of course." "liut she doesn't seem to believe me." "You can't help that. I doubt if Adam ever convinced Eve on that point." Louis ville Courier-Journal. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, p. smnll box of Kit'bo Compound, and V oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directiona for mak ing and use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded pray hair, and make it soft and glassy. It will not color the scalp, is not 6ticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Slippery Retort. The messenger boy was red-headed, cheeky and dilato. y. "C'mon ! C'nion said the elevator man in the chamber of commerce as he Started to close the door. "Don't get icy," said the boy, as he wiggled into the car. "Don't get Icy or I'll slide on yuh." Ihill'alo Express. "Cold In the Head" Is an acute attacK of Nasal Catarrh. Per sons who are subject to frequent "colda in the head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. $100.00 for any case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not core. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Another "Less" Day. Mother was giving her young son a bath. She, of course, scoured him rath er heavily and got soap in his eyes be sides. "Mother," he said between his shrieks. "Yes, dear." "When are we goin to have It?" "Have what?" "Why, one o' these here 'less' days. I want a soapless day." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half a century for constipation, intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It is a most valuable remedy for indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming up of food, palpita tion of heart and many other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will Immediately relieve you. It is a gentle laxalive. Ak your druggist. Sold in all civilized couniries. Adv. The allies are marching against Ger many's worst enemy. Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and head achy read my guarantee. Listen to me ! Take no more sicken ing, salivating calomel when biliou.i or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out' if your liver Is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. nere's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If It doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it is real liver medicine ; entire ly vegetable, therefore it can not sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for inonths. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like Its pleasant taste. Adv. YOU COOK YOU YOUR TOBACCO? YOU know what broiling ioes to steak, baking to a potato and toasting to bread In each case flavor is brought out by cooking by "toasting." So you can imagine how toasting improves the flavor of the Burley tobacco used in the Lucky Strike Cigarette. 104 Jllllltf ? Guaranteed by JMS OA POMATBO 9 Wild Hervons Mothers 1 III y ::' ill OlXf I .'H tW m vv "S'' Should Profit by the Experience of These Two Women Buffalo, N. Y. -"I am the rr ' or of four children, and for neariy uiree years i sunerea . a iemaie trouble with pains in my back and side, and a general "weakness. I had pro fessional attendance most of that time but did not seem to get welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which I had seen advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed a marked improvement I continued its use and am now free from pain and able to do all my house work."- Mrs. B. B. Zxelikssa 202 Weiss Street, Buffalo, N. T. Portland, Ind. "I had a displacement and suffered so badly from it at times I could not bo on my feet at all. I was all run down and so weak I could not do my housework, was nervous and could not lio down at night. 1 took treatments from a physician Dut tney am not neip mo. JIy Aunt recommended . Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. 1 tried it and now I am strong and well again and do my own work and I give Lydia E. linkham'a Compound the credit." -Mrs. Joskphinb Kimble, 935 West Kace Street, Portland, Ind. OMA Every Sick Woman Should Try PE w mm urn C0I3POU LyniA CRNKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS.