i A BEACON FLASHES." Friday, February 22ir 1918 Washington's Birth-Day. -Mr. N. W. Spruill of Roper was inrtown Monday. Mr. W. A. .Blount of Roper was in town this. week- . How many War Paving Stam PS have you purchased ? Mr. Geo. W. Phelps of Skmn rsville was iri town Wednesday. Postmaster Asa F. Johnston of Iwoper was in our city Monday. Mr. L. L. Owens is m'ovincr in to his ne. home on East Main St. . Mr. J. W; :Beasley made business trip "to Norfolk this Sheriff J. E Reid made business trip to Norfolk this week. . Messers. S. B. Phelps and J F. "Shell of Cherry were in town Monday, Atty. Zeb Vance Norman made a professional trip to b. Ci'ty this week. '.Messers. J. Wi Starr and AV h :HoImes of Creswell were in town Monday. . Atty. J. D. Paul (if Washing ton was here on professional business Tuesday. - We will pay 45C;in trade per a )2en tor eggs, baturaay, eb. 23, Clyde Cahoon. Adv. Mepscrs E. R Spruill and G. W.' Phelps of Skinnorsvs were in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs: W. A. Swain of Mackeysand Mr. Ed Swain pf Swain were in the city Tuesday, Wamted Good tenant, apply to O. M. Chejson, R. F- D. No. 2. Plymouth, N.C. ad3t Mr. Abo Adler has returned from th nothern markets where he has been hying his Spring goods. -Mr. and Mrs,. .Wilbur Ralph and children of Norfolk have been .visiting Mr. V. 'S. .jp;..uill on South Washington St., this 4veek Mr. and Mrs E. B Norman of Buell, va , were here this week to attend the burial of Mr. Nor. man's grand morher Mrs. E Ludford. - Presiding Elder G. T. Ad ms preached in the M. E. Church here Tuesday evening, at which time he held Quarterly Confer ence for this charge. Since the rairioads have been hampered with government traa?porttion it seems impossi ble for us to get our paper in time to printpn Thursday night, cs we shoulo do to be out on time, although we are h?.ving it fhipped a day esrlier than for rnerly. Wanted By experienced tobac co farmi r a good place to farm on snares where there 13 some lubor that can be used in a crop of tobacco. Will not coneider a small crop, or will buy a geed farm." Let meTear at once what you havfc to offer. Address J. H.Dixon, Grimcsland, N. C. Adv. Early Q 3 sing.'. ' Beginning next Friday. March 1st, our merchants will close their .stores at 7:00 o'clock in the evening on all days except Sat urday, r.d will continue to do So until December 1st. Heretofore tl is has If rr. r. eus torn with cur merchants for the summer only, fesiirg fr m Jur e until October This isccrrmer-- idable ; it will ?xt crly be zrre dated bv the clerks ar.cl trcir families, but .will: Le. a saving to the merchants as well,' in' saving of light bills. Arm Broken. Mr. Philip Ambrose met with the misfortune a lew cays ago - - . A t cranking an automobile. Aside from the tain suffered, jthis 'w indeed a sad m'sfortune to Mr. Ambrose, ccming as it oesatthis season of f he year, ho beinfj a fcrrnrr.'p.nd also hav ug recently lest his dwelling lnus3, w'ith Hi c itents, inilu? jing the clothing of hi-j family. L A Good Woman Dead. While her death was not unex prcU d, our community was made sad to learn of the death of Mrs. Enoch Ludford who fell asleep at 10:30 o'clock on last Sunday morning in the eighty-ninth year of her age. The deceased Ieives .a grief stricken husband, four sons, one daughter, several grand and great-grand children, and a host of loving friends with whom we join in their sorrow at her de parture. . A .ttfs full obitu.ry,3,-. ill be given next week. Card of Thanks. We take this method of thank ing 'his many friends ifpr their reat kindness and attention shown to our brother, Joseph S. Woodard at hisdeath and funeral and we wish to say that Hi ever the opportunity occurs we will gladly do anything we can to show our appreciation of their many attentions. - Mrs. Gus Oliver- . Mrs Eloise Ralph Mrs. Allen Barnes Mrs. Sarah Leary Mrs. Walter S. Spruill Club Notes. On last Thursday T: e Home Economics Club cf Roper met with Mrs. B. F. llalsjy and organized a War Savings Society. After the organization we had an exceedingly interesting ex hibition ef vvarcjokery. Quitea number of palatable, attractive and nutritious bieads and cakes yvere shown, using flour substi tutes. At our next meeting we are to have meat and tugar subs titutes. We hope every lady in the community will attend, whether she is a Club member.or not. , 'Home Demonstration Agent. MARRIED. HUItLEY- MARTIN. In the presence of a few in- viied friends Mr. David Hurley and Miss Allie Martin were qui ' etly married at the hime of the bride's sister, Mrs.' L Smith, on Monday evening at 8;30 o' clock, Rev. E. N. Jlarrisen of the Al. E. Church cfliciating. . Mr. Hurley is a popular young salesmauwilh W. H Hampton & Son, and the bride the daugh ter of the late Mr. and MrB. Charles Martin. Both have many warm fritnds.in.this community, all of. whom ,jo;n us in wishing for them a long, happy and prcs pcrcusiife. GURKIN-JENKINS. Mr. Colon Gurkir;, popular salesman ; for Mr. J C S::ruiil was married on Sunday last to Miss Ethel Jenkins, at the bride's horn? in Bethel, N. C. The happy coup e came to Plymouth Sanday night and will make this their future home. Our best wishes are extended to the happy pair. RESIGNATION. I herewith ofTer my resigna tion as Principal of Cherry Grn ded Pchooi to be duly considered by the committee of said school, same to take effect whn my present tn-m shall have expired " This Feb 19th,.1918v ": " ' - H M. AlNSLEY. Mr. Joseph Vail Dea3. We deeply 'sympathize with the family and friends of Mr. Joseph Vail who died at his home near Plymouth on Wednesday, Mr. Vail was on old Confede rate veteran, and a man held in tho highest esteem by all who knew him. The interment was made yesterday afternoon in the pressnee of a large assembly of relatives and friends, Rev. E. N. Harrison conducting the burial services. Washington County War- A Saving Ceamiltees. A representative number of the people of Washington County met in Thompson's Hall, Roper, last Sunday afternoon and or- ganized the Washington County War-Savings Committee by elec ting the following heads : Chairman, A. W. Swain, Vice-Chmn, Van B. Martin . Secretary, W. B. Watts Publicity A: Vg'r, H. M. Jacobs. Executive Agents, John W. Darden, W. II. Waed, J. W- Nor man, Li. Jj. Green and II. K. Frehn. The following Chairmen were elected : For War-Saving Societies, Miss Alice McQueen Finance Committee, B. S Clark Schoo7s, John W. Darden Speakers and Thrift Teachers, W. F'Midgett Churches, J. H. Abernethy Fraternal Organizations, W. M. Bateman Woman's Committee, Miss A. C. Carstarphen , Banks, Stores and Railroads, L II. Harrison. CMmmKSmmmtf Operate3 passenger trains from North Carolina into term inal station Norfolk, without transfer, N B. Thefollovviacrschcdule figures published as information ONLY and arc not guar ntecd. Trains leave Plymouth North bound. No. 43:54 A. M. daily Pullman Sleeping car for Norfolk. No. 2 2Ai l ftl. Qauy lor r.uenion, Hertford Elizabeth City and Norfolk South bound. No. 3- 2:24 A.. M. daily Night ex press or Fayettcvil!p, Charlotte, Pull man STecping cars to Raleigh, New ern and intermediate stations. No; :2S."aP. M.' daily for Vashing- ton, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Beaufort and intermediate stations. PullmaD Parlor ar i'cr Nty Bern. r . For furtlier information or 1 ullman reservations apply to M. T. Bradihaw, Ticket Agent, Plymouvh, N. . E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager. F. Dalton, Gen'l. Tasscier Ager.-t. Norfolk, Va. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina. Tyrrell County, Superior Ccuit, Spring lerm, 1918. John Jones ) vs. NOTICE. Lula Jones The defendant above named will take noti9e that an action for divorce has been commenced in the Supeiior Court of Tyrrell County, North Cacclina, to be held in Columbia, N. C, on the Tuesday after the seventh Mon day alter the first Monday in March, it being tne 23rd day oi April, 1918, and that unless she appears and an?wers the com plaint which will then and there be filed, the plaintnt win move for the relief therein demanded, which is divorce abso ure, W. N. Norman, Clerk Superior Cuurt. North Carolina, Washington County Superior Conn. J. H. Carter and vs John C, Gekcler ank Mrs. John C. Gekeler NOTICE. The defendants above nanipd will take notice that an ac;ien entitled as above has been ccm- v,.rM p.- (1 in tho. Kur.pr ior Conrr. fif Washington County to comptl the eDecific performance of an agreement .to convey to the plain - tilt ce2tam land m Washington County, N. C , all of which is fully set out jn the complaint fi ek ; and the said defendants will futher take notice that ihey arc required to appear-at the Superior ccun m yuMongion voumy, I 4,, c, rv.,,- t North Carolina, to compell the deien termotthe Superior Court of . :J"" !fic;,15, t0 Ptrrrorra his cou. said County, to De Ce'Cl on the 7lh Monday before the 1st Mon- in Ivionaay oeiore ire xsi ivion- lay in March, 1918. at the court ,rnCA rf eiVl prvinrv in VMvn-nnth lOUSe Ol StMCl COJnty mi lmoutll d hou in said Ccunty, ana answer or demur to the comn'aint in said This 2Sth day of Nov. 1917 C. V. VV. AUSBON, Clerk Superior Court. Subscribe lo the Beacon. nni, nrthpn aintiff wi nnnlu North Carolina, ana answer or ti. LAW lift V V A S A V ft ft A. t ''HfJ . . . tn thpVmirt for thp riAipf rfp. to the compiamt in said action, or to tne com c ior iue rcnei ae- Dlaintiff win apDiy to the court for mantled in saiU Cpmpiamc. eiief demanded in said complaint. Nrth . Carolina Washington County, in the Superior Court Before -the. Clerk. :. . J 3Crft Johp L Roper Company, James Blount and Richard Peacock, notice. To Whom it May Concern : The parties above named and all other persons interested .will take notice that on the 14th"day of February. 1918. the .above named petitioner tiled a petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court .of Washington County, to have the title to cer tain lands therein described reg istered and confirmed pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Public Laws of L913 and that summons has been issued, returnable to the office of. the Clerk of the Sunerior Court of Washington County on the 8th:day of April, 1918. Said iand is zituate in the Countv of Washington and said State, ad joining the lands of George W. Chesson," John L. Roper Lumber Company. James ' Blount and Richard Peacock, it beinr the land on which the said petitioner now lives and occupies. This the 14 day of Feby., 1918. C. V. W. Ausbon, 8t Clerk Superior Court. North Carolina, Washington County, in the Superior Court, January Term. 1918. II. T. Dillon ) Notice of Summpns vs. )- and Warrant of At- Carl Broker. ) tachment. The detendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above en titled action was issue&against defend ant on the 1st day of Jauuary, 1913, by the clerk of the Superior Court of Washington County, North Caroliua, to compel the defendant specifically to perform his contraet to convey to the plaiutiff lot No. 28 north as shown, oa the plot of the subdivision of the East ern caroiini Home and Farm Associ ation, Iriccrporated, which is. duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Deeds of Washington county, and known as Drainage Dis trict No. 4, which summons is return able to the Superior court of Washing ton countv on the 14th day of January, 1918. The defendant will elso take notice that a warrant of attachmant was is sued by the . Superior court of said county on the 2nd day of Jany., 1918, against tne anove cescriDea propeny at said defendant which warrant is returnable before the Judge t)f the Superior Court at the time and place tbove name for the return of the summons, when and where the defen dsnt is requir- d to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This 2nd day of January. 1918. ... C. V. W. AUSBON, C. S. C. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS ZEIS VAN C 15 NOHMAN - -AD i SMALL, McLEAN, BR AG AW SHOP MAN Attorneys & Counsellors at Law Plymouth, N. C DR. J. C. COGGINS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Plymouth, N. C. Van B. Martin W. F. Midgett MARTlk MIDGETT ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW Offices in Harney Building PLYMOUTH; N. C. tPartnershia docs net apply to cr:m innl cases in Recorder's Court 3. CONE Dentist Wiliiainsten, N. C. Office over Farmers and Mer jchanta Bank. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to .5 Phone No. 9. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, WASHINGTON 1 cUNTY. IN THESUPERJOR COURT II. T. Dillon vs Carl Broker. e notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the The fietenaam auove namea will traci to convey certain land described in the complaint filed in this causejand in the compiamimeu in uv.s causejanu the said dofendant will further take notiCe that hc ls reQulrcd to appear at the Superior tVurt to be held cm the lst Monday in June, 1918, at the court house of said county in Plymouth aemur the the C. V. W. Ausbon, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 5th day of January, 1913. gerid us ycur Job Prir.lir.ff. I ! Owners We baye jiist enstalled an up-to-date Vulcanizing Machine to re pair cassihgs. Let us have your 'Work. Plymouth cinrnv. mmc m in rr eta OUGHT TO. JOUl k Muss ikri Mmt:ry v- Vwr i-ife HAVE YOU JOINED OUH CHRISTM A CAKKIMQ CLUB IF NOT, COME IM tiOW AND DO GO. BRING THE CHILD UEN WITH YO'J. THE-hRBlT Or SAVING MCMEY IS OHE OF THE BEST HABITS YOU CA TEACH -YOUR CHILDREN, AND YOU CAM TEACH THEM IN NO BETTER Oft En 51 EH WAY THAU BY Ot) R CHRIST MAS CLUB PLiH. .f MEMBER IN CO. WEEKS THE 10 CENT CLU3 G CENT CLUB 2 CENT CLUB 1 CENT CLUB YOU CAN. START WITH THE LARGEST PAYMENT FIRST AND DECREASE YOUR PAYMENTS EACH WEEK. COME IN. WE YILL GLADLY EXPLAIN EVERYTH1HG TO YOU. WE ADD PER CENT INTERE5T. The Washington County 7 Tte Lurimne Gcrsatee: , after using rns contents of a can, you arniof srri d in every respect, your gro cer vrill refund your money. The Reily-Taylor bend Us -1. our Job rnnbos .Gara? & V !i Co. iJ--J'T'Ti '???V. K ;.' m -i-r-rr-trm mi r n TrfBssi OURjWm PAYS PAYS PAYS PAYS $127.50 C3.75 25.C0 12.75 Grocer's 1 "Ti mm lie Lnows coffees has mixed them and sold thm for years. He kr.ovs Luzianne. Ask him what he thinks of it. Ask him what mc3t of his customers tliink of it. Luzianne will ctsnd cr fall by tliis tcct. If the re port 13 fvivcratlc, t:.ke home a can and try it yourself. Make up a poi, ac cording to directions. You have nothing to loco, for the guarantee; assures your money back if you don't like Luzianne. Buy a can today. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. Company, ATev7 Orleans

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