MANY OF WASHirUJON COUNTY'S SCHOOtsV MAY NOT OPEN NEXT FALL, Hundreds of School Children of the County may not ' have the Doors of the" schools open to them Next Fall. INCREASED EFFICIENCY. IN CREASED LENGTH OF TERM, AND INCREASED TEACH ERS' SALARIES. A we nre approaching: the of the schools in the county, it k m-rc and more apparent that many of our schools will net open their doors t6 the children next fall. There are children in . the county that haye been denied the privilege of attending school this year ibecause of the lack of funds to. pay a teacher a deoent salary. If conditions are not im proved, it least fifty per cant, of the five thousand school children of Washington County will1 not hare the advantage of school next year. I have talked to many of the teachers in regard to the work next year, and they all of one ac cord say that they will not return next yea unless they can get more money. Thev all say that i-hpv likfi thfi work and the svs-;m .tem in the county, but can't re turn at the salary they have been getting this year. They are get ting from $40.00 to $50 00 per month and paying from $20 00 ,to $24 00 for board and room. Many of them live many miles -from here, some of them even in other states. By the time they -buy .trAnsportation and pay all the other necessary expenses, they.hav$ npthing left for vaca tion months. . . . , ;lThere are very few schools in the county. that are in a position -to pay the; teacher a respectable . salary un4r the present condit ions.' '.I would suggest that the .school committeemen and trus tees think seriously about this matter.ahd talk it over with their teachers and see if they can se cure their services for next year. TJp to the present time not a sin, le teacher has promised or de . sires to come back and teach next year under the same con ditions. Now is the time to be getting pur work lined up for pext year. Under ordinary cir cumstances we would have many places filled already. It is necessary for the people to stand behind the thousands of school children and see that they have school next year, and that conditions are even better than they have ben in the past. Let's shjw" to the people of tne state fiat wg believe in better schools ' sud more of it. April 20th is & moat excellent time to ghow that you are really .interested in the schools of the county. John W. Dabden, County Supt. NOTICE. ' To the Democratic Voters of Washington County ; You are hereby requested to meet at your yarioua polling pla. Vees in Washington County Satur day, March 30th, at 3 p. rn., for the purpose of appointing dele gate3 to the County Convention which jvvin meet at Koper, N. C. Saturday, April 6th, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of appoint hfC 4eleifates to the State Con Vention which meets in the city of Rafeigh, N. C, April 10th. A full attendance is requested March12th, 1918. V., S. Davenport. Chm. Dem. Ex. Com. Washington County, m m m 1 v. PRO CEr DINGS ROAD I COMMISSIONFRS. The Brd 'of ;R6ad Commis sioners met on. -Monday, March 4th, 1918. Present, H. C. Spruill, Chm.; W A. Swain and B. F. Spruill RJinutes read and approved Ordered that the following amounts be paid; Plymouth Township H C Spruill, vegetables $11 40 T L Satterthwaite, cab bage plants Dave Underwood A F Arnold, services H C Spruill J)r. Disosway " W H Hampton, supplies Plymouth L & I Co. 175 40 00 75 00 2 00 10 00 m 05 3 45 Lee's Mills Township Bank of Koper pay-roll $237 82 Swain & Davenport, sup. 4 66 City Hay & Grain Co., hay 14 52 VV A Swain, services I 10 Skinnersville Township Bank of Roper, pay-roll $120 SO - Scuppernong Township Bank ot Koper, pay-roll $154 84 Wash. Co. Bank 165 24 B F Spruill, services C 60 City Hay & Grain Co., hay 88 00 F. It. Johnston, Clerk. NOTICE OF ELECTION, Upon petition it is ordered by the .board of Commissioners of Washington County that an elec tion be hed on Saturday, April 20th. 1918. lor the purpose of levvinir a sDecial school tax of 30 cants on the $100.00 valuation of property and 90 cents on the poll all school districts where the levy for this purpose does not al ready amount to this sum, and for this purpose the following Registrars and Poll-holders are hereby appointed : Plymouth Precinct Jas. H. Smith, Registrar ; B. D. Latham and H. C. Soruill, poll-holders Lee's Mills Precinct H. L. Freeman, Registrar ; Geo, Dixon and E. D. Chesson, poll-holder?. Skinnersville Precinct 0. V. White, Registrar; C. L. Everett and A. E- Davenport, poll-holders Scuppernong Precinct Jas. F. Belanga, Registrar : H. W. Bate- man and W. D. Peal, poll-holders Wenona Precinct H. Booker. Registrar ; C. S. Poison and L. W. Ferbee, polUholders. March 4th, 1918. J. W. Starr. Chairman. NOTICE North Carolina. ! No. 2343. Tyrrell County.) To B. B. Jones, Register of Der ds and Ex-officio Entry Taker for the County of Tyrrell and Stace of North Carolina : I, A. L. Walker, a citizen and resident of the County of Tyrrell in the btate of North Carelina, enter in ycur office for 158 acres of land in Tyrrell County, Col umbia Township, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at an iron pin a cor ner on tne Josiah Collins Patent tine, then along the Josiah Col lins Patent line the following; courses; S G5 deg. W. 6,74 chs. co an iron pin; JN. t . deg, W. bu ths. to an iron pin; N. 13 deg. E. 21.25 chs to an iron pin; then along the line of A. G. Walker and Miles T. Ansley S. 86 de;r, E. 56.05 chs. to an iron pin Miles T. Ansiey's corner; in the line of Edmund Sexton's line S- 6 deg, E, 25.58 chs. to a dead pine, then S 27 deg. E. 2 52 ehs. to an ircn pin the point of beginning. This February 25th, 1918. A, h. Walker, Witness : B. B. Jones, Register of Deeds and Ex officio Entry Taker. NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator upon the estate of J, K. Campbell, deceased, late of ' l 'JL Y:,iZ claims against ,the said estate to present the same to the under signed on or before the 25th day of February, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re coyery.- All persons indebted to sail estate will please make im mediate payment. This Feby , 25th.. 1918. J. R Campbell, Adm'r. Sond us ycur Job Printing. Report of the condition of ; V Tho Bank of Creswell at Cre'swell in the State of N. C. attheclojeof business March 4th, 19IS. y. , RESOURCES. " Loans jinu discounts $55 121 25 Overdrafts unsecured m m j U. S. bonds and Liberty Bonds m 00 rurnuure ana nxiures 2 4oo op Due from National banks 12 U5 4ti Cash items held ever 24 hr's. 5,St,6 03 :?3 46 Gold coin x Silver coin, Including alj nii- por c- in currency National bank notes and other r.0oo 1,030 50 U. S. notes 3,15o oo ToUl $S0ii4 16 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ Undivided protits, legs cpr, rent expenses and taxes piid Bills payable Deposits subject to check Demaud certificates of den. sif 5,000 oo ,.75. 7,5oo oo 30.JM1 GO 2,1?. oo 28,0.0 94 3,460 87 120 20 Savings deposits Cashier s checks outstanding Pertified checks Total SiO,S84.16 ..t.:... . of I, 1). K. Woodiev. cnshiVr nf iUn o bovc-namcd K,ink, do solemnly swear that the above statement is truo in iho best ot my knowledge and belief. D. E. Wood ley, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn in hn this 20 day of March 1918. S. V oodloy N. P. Correct Attest: W.H. Hordlson. Wm. Wuey, Alfreo Alexander, Directors. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina. Wxah 1 rcrTn-r County In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Mrs. Josephine Pow'o'l nnri Sarah E. Hugh, g, Pl'ffs. . vis, G. W. SpruiJUqd Wm. bpruill, Deffs, The defenuants above mentjoncd will take notice tha a petition i.ns been de court asking for a sale fo? the following described land in Skin nersvUIe Township, Washington ciSS ty. N. V., adjoining the landl of Abram Swain, and further described m?oN ows : Beginning in Jordan Spruilf's line m the line of Wm, D, Newberrv thence westerly sin uL u.ZI? west boundnr of said land . thSncJ r!iery a,0D? the line, of Nathnn oumn, aeceased, to the Main Swnmn mence along the sWamp easterly to thP east end of New Island ih "y . erly a straight conrsn i'CZ tion contaiaine 60 acres more or less"! Book 53, page 2GS. And this suioni April TZtAlG a U,e 91h"Tyof Sotice that if ?hlet SinCaTako ! notice that if they fail to answer said - app v0ntonthiid lhe Plaintiffs" 11 ! apply to the court fnr tua i;0f - manded. This March 7th 101S - v. w. AUSBON, C. S c. sua . Operates passenger trains from North Carolina into term inal station Norfolk, without transfer. N. B., Thefollowincrschedulefimirps nublished as information ONLY and are not guarjnteed. Trains leave Plvmouth Nnrfh L , . ties above named and all others intr- bound. ested, will take notice that on the 2Sth No. 43:54 A. M. daily Pullman day of November, 1917, theabove nam Sleeping car for Norfolk. . ed petitioner filed a petition in the No. 22:45 P. M. daily for Edenton, 1 office of the Clerk of the Superior Hertford Elizabeth City and Norfolk. , Court of Washington County to have Southbound. No. 32:24 A. M. daily Night ex press for Fayetteville, Charlotte, Pull man S'eeping cars to Kaleigh, New ern and intermediate stations. No. . :23 P. M. daily for Washing- ton, Kaieign, uoiasDoro, ueaurort ana intermediate stations. PullmaD Parlor ar for New Bern. For further information or I ullman reservations apply to M, T. Bradshaw, Ticket Agent, Plymouth, N. . J, F, Dalton, Gen'l, Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. ZEU VANCE NOltBIAN -AD SMALL, McLEAN, BRAGAW A RQD- v MAN Attorneys & Counsellors at iJaw Plymouth, N. C LET US DO YOUR PRINTING: CARDS ENVELOPES, -STATEMENTS. BILL HEADS. LETTER HEADS PACKET HEADS. DODGERS. ETC. AT THIS OFFICE. EARLIER THAN EVER. GOODS ARE We bought consequently it asts. DuDlicates will h some geeds 11 p E ARE SHOWING A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES, IN ALL THE NEW ANTED SHADES. ' MILLINERY!. '.MILLINERY!! MILLINERY!!! "We have about 1000 shapes, in .all colors. and styles. ' I matters not New Spring Silks in every shade. to match mm .!...X?-- EE Nortn C rolina, Washington Co unty inn the Superior Court, before ihe Clerk. John L. Roper Lumber Company vs. Eastern Carolina Heme & Farm Association, Inc., Magnolia Land & Lumber Company, The Interstate Cooperage Company and G. T. Burrell. V NOTICE AND SUMMONS. I To Whom it May Coceern r The par- i tne title to cenain iana uescnoea therein registered ard confirmed, pur suant to Chapter 90, public Laws of 1913. as amended, and thru summons i hag been issued, returnable into the office of the CJerk or the Superior I Court of Washington County on the 30th day of March, 1918, at one o clock in the afternoon. Said tract of land is situated in Washington County, and is bounded on the North by Lake Phelps and the land of Magnolia Land & Lumber Company, on the East by the county line whicn divides tne couu- ties of Washington and Tyrrell, on . South by the county line which div: the ids thp counties of Washington and Hvd?. and on tho West by the lands of the Eastern Carolina Iiorne& Farm Asso ciation, Inc., and Magnolia Land & "Lumber Company, containing 15,812 acres, oarticularly described by metes and bounds in said petition and nap thereto attached. Notice is given that upon tho return of said summons, petitioner vl11ask that the same be referred to an Exami ner and that i's title be registered and asSured Given undr my hand and official seal, this 2nd day of February, 1918 I Seal C. V. W. AUSBON, 8-t Clerk Superior Court. . EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as executrix upon the estate of C. T. Spruill, deceased, late of Washington County, N. C, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate ettlement. Ths Marc!i 7th, 1018. L. C. SPRUILL, Ct Executrix. v. i. js-: :r l h SCARCE AND 8 most of cur goods months. ago, our . stock is u-cases t we will n Be what kind of ha y JAMS ... i wiPi i in ' 1 1 nil ii mil Some people dis'ike to enter the doors of a bank because they ; j their small business is too trifling for the banker to bother with. We invite cllch people to come in and use this bank. We are in business to be bothered Every man, woman or child should have a bank account of soms size. Ja-Wi in nuimt Dr. P. B. CONE Dentist WUliamstoR, N. C. Office over Farmers and ihants Bank. Hours 0 to 12 and 1 to Phone No, 9. Mer- 3Tb TTTiTT TyTZYkYJD VERY HARD ieq while - !1C 1 l and on 2 3 1 v to e have it. Georgette r W 'W S or CS doses 6GG wHI break my case of Chilis t: Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver Dettcr than Calomel and does not iripe or sicken- Price 25c. mm mmiWmE "O tiACKACHS IONEYSAND EiuogbR Subscribe to the Beacon,