h . . tfEACON. flashes: Friday, April 19:h, 1918- Mr. F. R. Johnston ma'Ie a short business trip to Columbia this week. Attorney W- L. Whitley of hi:i hns been in the city this week. WANTED Two rooms in pri vate home. Running vvattr. uc. C. McGowan.- Atty. E A. Daniels of Wash ington wan here on profas&ional business Tuesday , Mr. T. R. Truoblood and wife of near Roper were visitors to our city this week. . Miss Nira Harrison snent a few days with i'riends in Ores well the past week. Our old friend, Mr. William Chaulain of near Cresweil, was in the city last Saturday. HATS For Men, Ladies and Children. Look over c ur line be fore you buy. J. A. Spiiu.ill. Supt. Jno. W. Harden and Mr. W F Ausbon made a short busi ness 'visit to Washington on Tuesday. Miss Willo gitterson of near Roper wa'j in the cicy WednvrS day enroate to visit relatives m Jamesviile. Mr. Phi'ip Ambrose is erect ing a new dwelling on ins fyrrn near town on the site of tne oae recently burned. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Veil arid Misses iVLattic and Claudya Aus-j bon made n visit to relatives and triends at Cresweil last Suud WANTED Young women de siring to enter nurses iraiiu; p. school Apply at once to uhj.. TUceview Hospital. SuitoJk, Vu. Mrs. Robert Silis and little son of Greensboro, are in the city visiting her mother, Mr. G. -V. Harney, en Main Street. MessersM. G., and P. II. Dar- den are erecting: a new dyjuai,. on their farm, the Amino place, Uliew- iiiuw ...... outh. Mrs. Thos. ii Smith's mother, Mrs. Rateman. of Edenton, and sister, Mrs. Ulaokweh Stith oi Isorfoik, are her guests this week. Our waters seem 'full of fwh just now, but the poor fellow who has no net has 10 pay .war time prices for the psivileye ci picking bones. . Just received white hats for late Sprint; and Mid-Su-umef wear Also the new mnnish Sailors in all Colors. Miss Louise Aycrs. We are requested to announce that Rev. W. A. Das will o each at Zion Chapel church jS"iday evening at 8 o-ciocit. Tne inenibef ship Will phase urge Ue people to attend. A 1 quality 1917 crop cowpeas delivered at ycur station lor p3 -55 per bushel. Ser;d cash to me or Bank og Liberty Liberty, N. C. Want th buy Soy l:eans, J. M. Field, Climax, N. C' o t Sheriff J, E Rcid and deputies L L Cnesson, W A S-m and F E Rcid have been altering the Federal Court at Washing ton this week as witnesses in n, of U S vs. John Greer, charged with interfering witii the registration laws. Green was acquitted Our clever young friend. Mr. C Everett of tne P.easley sec- ticn drives the fastest hDysojn this section. ' Mr Everett is not only one of the most progressive farmers in the county, but be o-ives much attention to stork : - Wrt nrw informed that raisin ,,v- . ; . , -th;s -entlcnian is making astuay of 'stock and their disease., ard will possibly equip-himself m the near future as a vetenaiian, something much needed here. . rvvn q a T ."Pi Pi luiMinK lot?, 50 bv 150 ft. located in best hl'vk in towu Plymouth abour 20(i it from new Court House, b. Ward. An Announcement Just as we go to press we are A Quiet Marriage. A quiet home wedding was solemnised at ;the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jackson on Wed. nesday evening, April 17th when their daughter, Miss.Zula, was married to Mr. W. B. Cox, R3V. R O. Myerr, pastor of th Baptist Church, officiating. The bride is one of Plymouth's most charming young ladies, and the groom the popular young as sistant at the N. S. depot. Our best wishes are with the happy young-coupe. Wha: Will You Do About It? Washington GountVjS Appor tionment of the Third Liberty Loan assosiment is $75.0UO ($, of which only $3,850.00 has so far been sld. This money must come from those who have it ; ic cannot come from those who have none. Is it not better to loan it ttr your governrne&t ton to hive Germany take it from you ? If the first is not done, be sure the s-cond will be. Don't fool yourself in trying believe it will Lot reach you. School Closes. Chapel Hill School closed a very successful nine months ses sion on Friday last. The vvent wsis celebrated by a tu basket pi? nic, tiios'i present itpj?;ing a Tn 'S d '1 i ;rhf f .u 1 1 i m,e 'J hi i.-c :0'..)L under the cp;r j of "i ;.-;:? uuoro aiiii iiunt. has :nt ;.f3 g od this ear and .here seems to be a spirit of enthusi asm in i;s ??.hool ard through out che cii trice Ve ui e informed tuac the services of thse two excellent teachers have been secured for neyr, Kppsmn. ,Clean-UT Week, This weeiv haviny bven $e Vurc . by the ht te Deptrtnnt ji Insurance as N rch Cttiuiina VAcan up Week." ommisioner W. A. Grahxmof the Agricu.tur al Dep irtmj'nt cp!!s Jo the atitn. tion of Car Heel Jlai.,nei-i tht it is essential for them. to have clf-arj proinisfs .s it. is fur the city rn vn c is well known that a great nurnber of the fj.ej wiih which North C vrolina is scourged could be prevented we e t.r ete less trash nd combustible ma terial lunjr ar urd the yardcand ouibuiiaings of the iuun. asked to say that the play from Mnkeva. "Claim Allowed," will nresented at Roper this even- incr at 8 o'clock, and at Cherry next Friday evening, April 19th Red Cross Announcement. Mr.Jame G. Lane, Assistant Director, Bureau of Development of the Southern Division. Ameri can Red Cross. Atlanta, Ga. will visit the Plymouth Chapter on Monday, April 29th. The officers and members of all the committees of tne chapter are requested io meet him at the Red Cross room at 2;30 P. M, pn tnatda-y and be prepared io make reports cf the work in each derartment of the chapter. Every other member of the chap ter is also cordnlly invited to be prestnt. Mr. Lane will come 1o vou with first hand knowledge of the great task ahead of the RtdXrOss, and he will be glad t ) answer any question that you may wish to sak. Anno11 ncemCIU The Washington County Church Committee for War-Sav ing Stamps will hold its, second monthly meeting at Mackeys N. C. on Thursday. April the 25th 1918 at 2:30 P. M- (new time) Let all the churches be represent ed by their member" of the com mittee- or bv .proxy. We trust that good reports will be made in the sale of the War-Saving Stamps. J. H. Abernethy Chairman. Cresweil. N- C. "Claim Allowed." Under the direction of, anc with the efficient co -operation and assistance of her corps o teachers and pupils of Mackeyl r 3 i n - i i ,t i ,yraueu ocnooi, me aDove jnanxei play, which is written dip-to-tfl minute, and added anticipation one of the best stories of pro4 and patriotism now before tl public, was presented to our e pie in the Majestic Theatre he on Tuesday evening by Mj Mary ftankin and a troupe fro her uhool, to an appreciativ and enthusiastic-audience. With scarcely any advertising and the weather coming on ba in the late afternoon, we were fearful that our friends from Mackeys would be disappointed with their reception here, but before the performance bet? an a fairly good number of people had arrived, and e felt better, yet we are truly sorry more of our people did not see this play, for it is one written with a purpose. and reaches tltc40firinost soul of every patriotSffma; fend every other one woo; has-not reached the lowest depths of avarice and inhumanity to man. . . The play is brim-full of drama, comedy and pathos beautifully interspersed, and its rendition, using the mildest terms, gave Plymouth the greatest yet most agreeable sui prise it has reeeived in quite a while. The acting was not amateureish in the leaiit; the articulation clear and' distinct, every member knowing just where they .were evgry minute, and had the price been twice what it was, it was worth it, and more. While giving full credit to all concerned, we must say that Miss Jlanljin is a genius of no mean ability and .is an .asset not to be valued in dollars and cents to any school so fortunate as to Secure her ser vices. We are informed that this phay will visit Roper to-night, and will also visit other points in the county, and possibly else where. If it corner within your reach be sure erd see it You will not regret it, and then you will be helping a cause tftat is of vital interest to all America the purchase of kibejrtjf Bands. We understand tte re ceipts amounted to something near $50.00, and that Mr. Ever ett, manager of the Majestic not only "cut out" his show lor the night, but refused to receive indemnity for loss, or rent for the theatre. We personally most heartily commend our young friend, for his liberality. ' l .-Ill Jf&rk.J '--wisfii 1 I j"SM fr.n''!! ntdb M J t c m . m stop OF IT M SUSPENDING NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Washington County In the Superior Court. Lfczie Sawyer vs Matthew Sawyer The defendant Above named wijl takg notice that an agtjon entitled a above has been commenced in the Superior V"uilui wa5ningion county by lizzie gjwyer for the purpose of obtajnjngaa "wuiuil- uivurce; ana tne saia aeenu ant will further take aotice that he is required to appear at the next term of oUlJL X rf Monday in June, 1918, at the pour bqtise of saJd county in Plymouth, N. C, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will ask for the relief de mauueu in saia complaint mis me an day or March, 1918 P C. V. W. AUSBOH, C. S. fl, To stamp oat treason Uncle S 1m must come down heavy on all the traitors ar.d sympathizers NOTICE a fjnder and by vrtue of an order of l&e superior Uwt oi Washington j-. ' i j? vouniy, maae in if)& special proceeain: entitled : Mrs. Sarah E. Hushes an' Mrs. Josephine Powell vs. G. W. Spru ill -end Wm. Spruijl, the undersigned commissioners will on the 17th day of May, 1918, at o'clock p. m., at the Court House door in Plymouth. N. C. offer for sale to itiie behest bidder for cwh, that certain tract cf iand lying-its; Skinnersville Township, said couatyj adjoining the iands of AbramSraiit and others, and described as fofioVy Beeiuninf fir Jvdan Suruill'i llbi -the line of Wm. D Newberry fct westwardiy along nis line to tne well boundary of said land ; thence norths- war dly Along the line of Nathan Smittt, deceased, to the main swamp ; thence alone the swamp eastwardiy to east end or flew island ; wtacfi norm- wardly a straight course to the first: sta'ion, containingbUacresmoreor iea This April 9, 1918. ,. v J. C-COGGINS,' ZEB VANCE NOKiQt CommisO&m. Report of the condition ot The Bank of Plymouth at Plymouth in the J State f C. at Ios..o. bn4wi'Mty& 4itn wis. . .. RESOURCES. :t Lcfis and discounts, v $W,m.$7 Overdrafts wpsecured, 2,288.94 United States Bpp4snd Lab . , - . rtyBpods J, - v.. 15,000 00 Nortl Carolina State Bonds 5, ooo oo Premium oj Bpnds , 11331 Banking Kcuses ' K 4,5oooo Furniture and Fixtures, 2,602.70 All other roal estate owned 2,100 oo Demand Loans, 23,081 10 Due from National Banks, - 9,32235 Cash Items tetd over 24 bs, 2,1.55 Gold coin ' 1Q7.60 Silver com, indluding all mi nor coin currency, 3,537.94 2.844,00 National bank notes a&d other 17. S. Hotes, Tpfcal, $149,284.60 WABILITIES, Capkai f tock paid-tii. . . . $20,000,00 Undivided pVofits,' less cur rent epenaSj5s& taxes paid, 3,43,24 Deposits subject to chrck, 63,989 41 Savings deposits .-.,, 61,522 51 Cashier's ehecks outstanding 429 50 Total "fl49,2S4 66 State of North CaroHna-LCounty of Washington t 1918;. I, L, 11. Harrison, cashier of the above named Bank, 4o solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. H, HAHWS0N, Cashier. Subscribed find sworij fa before me, this 30th day of Jan. 1918, . ' Gko. W. Hardisjn, Notary Public. Correct Attest : A. L. Owens, W, R. Hampton, M. G. Darden, Directors. NCTICB Havinir qualified as exenutor of the will of M. L. DavQnpprt, deceased, thig ii io nouiy an persons holding claims against the estate of said dppcascd to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 5th dav of Anrfl. 1619. or this notice will be plead in bar of thejr recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediatG payment, j ms April 4th, 191.S. S, B. DAVENPORT, W-P Executor. a bum hhwiiii ror mty rspQl brings Gold a Heelth m4 AewJ Wflor. ' specific for Coostlptka. lwl4tMi, UW nd Kidney troublen, Plmk,, t; Import B1om1, Ba4 Preath, S'.uRRiaU 3awelJUalq,oH iviBtwkaohe. ItgocKyHouct&in'TeaiD tafy t orm.aS oentit box. uenuine tnadf ,f BOUUTIB IBC CXK?AKT, MUlaoU, WU. DR. J. C. COCGINS, ATTORNEY-AlJ-IiAW pjymvui N. C. WHILE YDU ARE ABLE TO WORK AMD EASN MOiMEY WHY CAN'TYOU PUT SOME OF IY IHTHE 8 AW IK ? YOU CA OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT WITH A LITTLE MONEY AND YOU CAW ftDO LITTLE SUMS THAT YOU RE NOW FIDELINC AW WTIL SOME DAY YOU'LL FIND IT HAS GROWM INTO A 8IGSUM, AND IT WILL WORK FOR YOU IN YOUR OLD AGE- WE ADD 4 PEB CENT INTEREST. COWETO OUR BANK. ;JJie Washington County BanL In nd other way cn we better show our patriotism right now? THANBYBUYINQ Van B.Martin w. F. Midgett MARTIN & jyiCETT ATTORNEYS-r-iAV . ' ' Offices in Harney Building 51 t MOUTH, N. C (PftrtnershD doep pot apply to crim inV cases U Recorder' Court Dr. P. B, CONE Dentist WUliamston, N. C. Oce over Farmers and Mer chants Bank. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone No. 9. O Subscribio trie Beacon. FOLEY KIDNEY PHIS LIBERTY ,BQND OF THE THIRD LIBERTY LOAN ETveryone knots' our government must have, mone to gain victory, and we shoud not hesitate to lend every dolior we can spare and to urge everyone to do the same. " 'Come Into our bank and buy your LIBERTY $OND today, Remember: You get the best jfccUrlty in the whole world and Interest at 4 14 per cent. If you haven't the full amount to pay for a Bond, you can buy a liberty Bond on the esy payment plan. THia AD CONTRIBUTED BY -THE WASinKGTOy COUNTY BANK. Don't miss it. cf the enemy. Subscibe to the Beacon.

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