iiHiiiiiiiiHHisimniiiiHiiiiinnniiiHniRiniiniiniinin Smart, Cool and Neat Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver Calomel sickens I If bilious, constipated and head achy read my guarantee. 55 H oiy . inimp There Is Uil .... . lvionop g in the packing industry. 1 Swift & Company, al ii 1 though the largest packer, handles not to exceed one -eighth of the total meat production of the United States. The five large packers do not handle to exceed one-third of the total meat production of the United States. E3 n3 33 E3 E3 B3 Swift & Company is not in combination with any other packer or packers to control prices. There is very active compe tition in the buying of live-stock and equally keen competition in the sale of dressed meats and by-products. 1918 year book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois E3 4 ES3 Swift & Company U.S. A. IHlIIHI!IIIiliininmiini!!!Hlli!!lII!!!i:il!iIinH!iiinm!I!IIIiH w55 Kg' Needed a Bedmark. It was a Kansas soldier boy who wrote home to his mother that he had bo many blankets on his bed that he had to use a book mark to see where to get in. Ccpper's Weekly. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Baby in hi3 high chair is the real autocrat of the breakfast table. Back Lame and Achy? There's little peace when vour kid neys are weak and while at first there may be nothing more serious than dull backache, sharp, stabbing pains, head aches, dizzy spells and kidney irregu larities, you must act quickly to avoid the more serious trouble, dropsy, gravel, heart disease, Bright's disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that is so warmly recommended everywhere by grateful users. A JNortn Carolina case "Every Ficturt TiUg a Stery M. W. Tigho. engineer S. A. L. R. R., 507 Hali fax St., Raleigh N. C, says: "I was badly injured in a railroad wreck and was laid up. After wards I suffered a great deal with my back. I couldn't stoop without sharp pains across my Kidneys. Often my back was so lame, I could hardly get down from the engine. My kldnevs acted Irregularly, too. The first box of Doan's helped me , and several boxes fixed me up in fine ehape." Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S jSSS? FOSTER-MBLBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Polite Reply. "Are you trying to make a fool of me?" "No, indeed. I never attempt to improve on the works of nature." WHAT run ."N r 1 1 . us DO MARY JOHNSON'S HAIR Was Short and Kinky Now its Long and Fluffy She Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Price 25c. If your dealer fean't supply you send to us. Refuse substitutes. Manufactured by NOAH PRODUCTS CORP.-. RICHMOND, VA. DAISY FLY KILLER tlZi Wr'Ii all files. Keat,clen, I pheap. Lftit all eaoD. Made of ineUl, cun t spill or tip over ; will Dtt iwl! ! or injur auythinf. Guar anteed ffertivt Bold by ,- . pref, pr.pid, for 11.00 AftO! KHIIM, MO SI HALS AVI., BROOKLYN, M. Y. mmmmmm "-.....it...(...(..n(u(..tY i Juice of Lemons! I ? ta i How to Make Skin j White'and Beautiful I At the cost of a small Jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifler, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle contain ing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice Is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as sallowness, freckles and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifler. Just try it ! Get three ounces of or chard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily Into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, fresh en, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is wonderful to smoothen rough, red hands. Adv. The Point of View. The Tiano Man How's business? The Scissor Grinder Fine! I've never seen things so dull. Puck. Itching Burning Skins. For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irrita tions, pimples, dandruff, sore hands, and baby humors, Cuticura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective. For free samples address "Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." At druggists and by mail. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. Missing From Illinois Farms. Illinois is said to have lost .300,000 farm workers from its 200,000 farms. Chicago News. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE DOES IT TChen your shoes pinch or your euros and bun Ions ach 3 get Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic ponder to be shaken into shoes and sprinkledin the foot-bath. Gives instant relief to Tired, Aeh Inpr, Swollen, Tender feet. Over 100,000 packages are being- used by the troops at the front. Sold every where, 25c. Don't accttt any ttttitHte.A.&V. Marriages, which should make one out of two, often result in sixes and sevens. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Herce's Pleasant Pellets. They rogu Inte liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. Occasionally the man who refuses to face the music follows the band. Here Is the last word in the taildred blouse and separate skirt for utility wear and it is a very creditable last word. It isn't likely that anything better will be developed for the work-a-day outfitting of the average busy woman of today, although we may have equally good designs in both blouses and skirts for the same sort of wear. Neatness is the keynote In this kind of outfitting and it is the most potent charm of summer dress ing. The blouse is a strictly "shirtwaist" model, made of white wash-satin which proves to be very practical and desirable. It is one of the few de signs with a high neck and buttons straight up the front, and collar with small white pearl buttons. The cuffs button over with a single button and the waist will look well developed In wash silk, percale and other substan tial weaves in cotton. The skirt is simply two lengths of 54-inch wool material cut to fit about the hips and without plaits. The wide, shaped girdle is pointed at the end where It buttons over n large bone button at the left of the tront. Snap fasteners above and below the button hold the belt In a neat adjustment to the figure. This girdle Is the most popular that has appeared this sea son. The skirt is correct In length and width for a walking skirt, which should be in the neighborhood of two yards wide to insure freedom in walk ing, and reach an inch below the shoe tops for good style. In cutting a two-piece plain skirt from wide material there is enough cut away to account for the girdle and pockets as ample and original as those that are shown on the model pic tured. Twice the depth of the pocket is needed for making it, one-half of this length cut into two straps that fold upon the pocket and fasten down with bone buttons like that on the gir dle, but smaller. The straps and pock ets are lined with silk of the color of the crossbar in the material. In this skirt a deep tan ground is crossed with bars-of -flag blue. To Insure Becoming Hats that is There are not many things that af ford a woman more real satisfaction than to know that she Is wearing a be coming hat, and her chances of acquir ing such a valuable asset were never better than they are now. The shapes brought out this season are graceful and varied. There are almost no freak ish hats, and there is a wide range of styles and considerable variation in size in fact a hat for nil types of faces. It is a good Idea to give plenty of time to the selection of the right shape and to remember that trimming sometimes plays tricks upon the eye altering the proportions of the shape apparently. The first essential of becomingness in ft hat shape lies in its proper fit. It Is because the head size is too large or too small that many a pretty hat falls short of being a success on the head of Its owner. When the head size is wrong all the lines are wrong; the crown too largo or too small and the brim, therefore not in the right po sition. When this matter of first im portance is taken care of the other details of color, and trimmings and style are not hard to manage. Three hats shown here are irre proachable in style and quality of ma terial and workmanship. The hat at the left is a good semidress model of sand-colored crepe georgette, having its upper brim of satin-straw braid in the same color. There is an odd drape made of the braid that extends across the front and it makes a fine back ground for the short and beautifully quill posed marked eagle agstlnst It. The hat at the right is also of crepe georgette. It is a wide-brimmed model ; one of those "halo" brims that are becoming a fixture in the millinery styles of midsummer. It is beauti fully made with a balmasque finish about the edge of the brim. The trim consists of a collar, covered with nar row plaited ribbon, and small, conven tional flowers of braid with stems. A hat very similar to this is covered with georgette tucked in the fashion able narrow cross tucks and finished with crepe flowers applied fiat to the crown. They are hand made of the same crepe as the hat. These wide brimmed, transparent or semitranspar ent hats, will make lovely headwear for the June bridesmaid and the June bride. A hat of fine black milan faced with sand colored crepe finishes the grtjp. It is trimmed with clusters of lacii'iered leaves, at each side of the froat, in a bright shade of light blue. Hats are not easy to make this sea son. They require the work of a pro fessional milliner. t Plaid Gingham Collars. Ilaid gingham collars are worn on ! the new serge and crept? frocks. Some ' are tied about the neck, handkerchief Listen to me ! Take no more sicken ing, salivating calomel when bilioun or constipated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile, crashes Into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," If your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or yon have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make yon feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Ton is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetable, therefore it can not sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel, miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling fine for mcnths. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. Adv. Speaking of real estate in cities, a front foot is often worth more than a back yard. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taicen internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the. disease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature in doing Its work. 1100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE fails to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Foolish people allow pride to rob them of infny comforts. What Do Yon Know About CATTLE? Do Yon Want fo Know tha CATTLE BUSINESS? Drop ds a post car today aixl get FKiCB rN FORMATION aboo the New Book, "CATTLE. BREEDS AND ORIGIN" about all breeds of cattle on earth. iR. CAVIO HOBERTS' VETERINARY CO. , A 100, WAUKESHA, Wll EGGS-POULTRY We are the largest handlers of Bggs and Poultry In the Hootb. WHAT HAVE YOU TO 8HIP? The highest market price guaranteed with qnlok returns, tilre us a trial. Beferences, 1st National Back, Bicbmond, Va. WOODSON-CRAIG CO. Comnuuion Merchants. RICHMOND. VA. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 17-1918. For Lend Him A AHan 5ETY buy; LIB BCmDS ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Buy SAPOLIO For scone "Actions speak louder than words -Act - Don't Talk - Buy Now mm (SkuiLlbKins SOLO FOR no YFAKS. JLI I I a M For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. ALSO A FINE GENERAL STRENGTHEN ING TONIC. Sold by All Drag Stores. Want SI tF Take cn NR Tonight H IT ft H 1 ! eei JIM mmii IS3 JUST TRY IT AND SEE hvr fnuch batter yon feel In tho meriting. That "ioCTw ' headachy, tired, dont-know-what'-th-matter feelinj will bo gone touII feel fine TROUBLE IS, your system is clogged with a lot of impurities that your over-worked digestive and eliminative organs can't get rid of. Pills, oil, salts, calomel and ordi nary laxatives, cathartics and purges only force tha bowels and prod the liver. Nature 's Remedy (NR Tablets) acts on the stomach, liver, bowels and even kidneys, not forcing, but ton ing and strengthening these organs. The result is prompt relief and real, lasting benefit. Make the test. Nature's Remedy will act promptly, thoroughly, yet so mildly, so gently, that you will think nature her self has come to the rescue and is doing the work. And oh, what a relief I Yon 11 be curpriied to o4 now much better you eel brighter, better ererywiy. If btbltually or itubborcly con- tipated. take one NR Tablet each nlebt for week. Then you'll not have to take medicine every day. Just an occasional NR Tablet after that will bo . aufficient to keep your tystem Jn good condition keep yon feeling your best. Cet A2Sf BOX 1M Remedy (!T: la sold Guar ante ed nd recommended fay your druooU t-rJ-i-v H i M immii.i ,..: i As Age Advances the Liver Requires Small Fill, Small Dose, Small Price But Great in its Good Work Carter's KITTLE jlVER 1 PILLS. ;ttNka3a2aMj!il3 occasional alight stimulation. v CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CONSTIPATION Geeulne bears signature CoIorleSS Or Pale Faces uaUy indicate the absence of tenia ill be greatly helped by Carter s Iron rills condition which wil iiMMlu FRESII-CRISP-WH01ESOME-DEUCIOU5 THE SANITARY METHODS APPLIED IN THE MAKING OF TMMU BISCUITS MAKE THEM THK i STANDARD f EXCELLENCE , iMex'Lvour o& Kiem, or u net n fsk. htm cr wrtto us alvtna bis r.am . Chattanooga bakery

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