a; , . : : ." . I .. .v . . , .' . .1 . , . ' , nriVjJ '' T r '''.",'"?'"!'7'''''' . ,.:...-, . : i ::-r -KS;:u)Son t a. . rO " i. ? ' iL..u.ai.ol4pitci;s5'.h Mini- Kwui ' !;----; , ; ' reio-n' Is. till 'ftri fio-hr' fnrvrvn' T r:!?mitlv- 'J A Rnitiil! ' '.4 !At t(! "Av- H lU-' :-A ' ; - M foreign land to fight for; you;' and then oppress t ho ?. they assisted ut home. A Your best service to thctn wiU be zo aid and assist their Jo veil onto Jett behind. ' - ' Another .Drainage District .for .Washington County. now under vvav. When tiri?, ; together with pther develop- Clients now mcvin;r forward ' are completed it will bring ; 'into pronical existence all that- fertile land lying "south of the pre8eot.cu mt lanflS! and up to the Beaufort and fjlyde County lines, and will open up public roads leading from the old NeV Land road near the west end- of Lake Phelps, vvestwardly to Roper and Vyenona and on thrcugh the disirjal south-east of Ply mouth, and into the Acre road. Primarily this will add, within a' short time, we be-j .lieye, 100 per cent, to the taxable valuation of the farm property of the county and 'will benefit every town in it. 3pecalfly is this true of Ro "per, which will oe nearest tc jhe center of this proposed- 4evtlopment, but the on showing the broadest minds,' ;rriost public' spir't and co- gperation and that goes after'JT S Simmons It naraest win oe bencntted most. Distance cuts little figure in these days of motor .'' trucks and;autojnobiles. Creswell has in addition to a railroad, a fairly good water- 'wav. Plymouth has two rail roads and waterways Lading In three cjirections. A tip to Roper: Get biisv and have another raihoad by the time these canals are cut. You can do it if you go alter it in earnest. HONOR ROLL. .Washington County Gees "Over the Parapet." Before the third sale of Liberty Bonds closet! on Saturday last bresVell, Roper and ' Plymouth had all passed their otiiota and von Honor Flags, and when the county had reported it was found hat, as' a whole, it had gone ''Over" also and won a ikg. ; "Thdsa over' subscriptions tc this'loan has bien' na"ticn v.ide, and is one of the hardest blow- the Huns could " pos?ibly be hii by the peo;le of America. ' As promised; we ure goinr tc publish the list of subscribers t this loan in thi3 county as an Honor Roll, from time to time We receive it' ard have space tc spare. We to-day publish the list as given us by W. p. Watts, County Cnairman of this drive Uther lists will follow as received. ' ' HOOR ROLL-White C w Norman W H Gay load G R Coburh T A StubbV C Lj Jackson J F Swain ' . C E Ayers EL Blount WB Cox Joht W Darden S D Davis B M Fagan R G Hardison L P Hornthal f J&rry Fpruil A R Dupree Mary L Ayers J S Brown Mrs W B Cox M G Darden V J Everett 'W R Hampton Mrs W R Hampton J L Hayps Aosie Horton H L Horton J M Horton Mrs J M Horton Insurance & Realty Co 1 , ' Jackson Bros J H Jackson F R Johnston W Johnston OR Lecrgett . Vn-B Martin - - T' ; orraan Dr C McGcwan LA Peal T L Smiih- J A Spiyill C M TetGrton . .' S A .Ward W, J$ Watts ' Wiljouuhby, David Garrett II A Willi ford J II Lefcet t ...Mrs Fr'ar.cis Jones Mrs Emma E Bririkloy . . ' Miss L-.ah & P G Allen Jas II Gyloid Sr J II Atipe J WSaeli ' : - M T Sitterson H C Spruill W C Harrison EdSkiT Msrcla Latham R Stephens Annie Spruill Mrs VV H Gaylord M J S.tilimah . " ' E R Spruill LAS.ykes.' Jas F Jackson D Loane P L Hares F li Smith W F .Eucasf p, th Graded School Alice McQueen J W Wtts Mrr'ED Carstarphcn E D Carstarnher. J K Reid P H Dardcti J W IV.ount T L Satterchwaite J 11 Campbell ' A V Diaoway J A Getsinger Mrs Carrie Carter A U Newberry C L Simpson Vv' P Lucas J II Ange' Hassell Bros. "J C Fasr.n J D Phelps J II Ar.ge G L Bo wen' HONOR ROLL Colored Weldon Smith Larence McNaiH Ernest Boyd ' Geo. McNair T II Bostic ' Noah Taylor Dr L S Mitchell W W Walker" W A James E I) McRae S E Moore Tom Williams Asa A Boweu R II Hiiughton Alex Owens Vm J Johnsm :A V Williams J H Tooijie A G Moore P II Bell jBn'ton Barnes Jos H McNair Alex Barnes A B Griffin J T McNair J L Petti ford II C To we JZ RPowclf REGISTRARS APPOINTED The following named persona were appointed to serve Reg istrars and Judges of Election for Washington County for the Primary to be held June 1st. The repristration books -will close May 18th. ; Plymouth Tovmship. J. H. Smith; Registrar; P. W. Brink ley and W. J. J.tckson, Judges Leo'fj ' MiiJs Township ; Roper Precinct. --J. W- Williams, Reg istrar ; II L. Freeman'and B. B. Spencer. Judges. Wenona Pr9; L-irict E. M. C h eso n Rei s ".rar ? C. rA. Faucet and A. L ' Glover, Judges. ' Skinncrsviile Tovnship C. V. vVhite, Registrar; IJ. A. Nor. man and Geo.' C Staley, Judge.' . Supp anion;,!; .Township J. F delanga. Registrar ; E S. Wood ley and J. L PhelpsJudges. Zeb' Vance Norman, Ch-iirman LET US DO YOUR PRINTING: CARDS, ENVELOPES. STATEMENTS. BILLHEADS. LETTER HEADS PACKET HEcDS. DODGERS ETC. ATTBIS OFFSCE. ZEJi VANCi: NORMAN , -AD SMALL, McLEAN, DRAG AW & ROD . MAN ' ' A.ttorneys & Counsellors at Law Plymouth, N. C EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as executrix upon the estate of O. T. Spruill, deceased, late of -Washington County, N. i'., this is to rttify nil persona holJiny cifiniLT against said estate to prescnt them to the undo signed on or before tlie 7th day or March, lylJVor this not'eo will be plead in bar of their rcco erv. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. . Tlr's March 7ih, litis. L. C SPRUILL, Gt Executrix. if. If. if. Tf. Jf tf if. if. 4 :f id ' w J J kit . By WRIGHT A. PATTERSON. Hilly Jonoti ma.vhe your son or (he son of a iieitrlil.'oi--was in the front Mne'trenclies'in Frunc, "when the Iti m:i;i hos:jl)iiut"Tni'ty was tlt'lveii biwli. His eiitliusicsm 10 set tlie boohes rar riod over the top of t lie tretidi, an.l nt c.jo 'edffe of No Man's Ltir.U n ilun bullet pot liini. -- A oomriuU? ru:iy!e your hoy craT! ed out into No' Man's Lhim! and lirosifciit Itiily Jones '"buck to . the Auaericaa trenches. Other conirndos carriod him bfi'I; through rht maze of uvnc:s to n dressing station, wliere his wuiir.d wnj eared for. A niedical depnrtnent nm!)nla;K'l carried hira on to t!ie field hospital. From there Iiij'.v .Tones wns taken fo ; the base hospital, and there Hod t j "e base hospithl, nnd there Hod t ross burse your Ued Cross nurse , tenderly, carefully, smilingly nursing . Kj Cr is him back to ri(-alti) a-.'-'iin so that 'io may not have to pay the extreme s: '. rifiee that we that you nml 1 and o r neiUiors may enjoy uie oicssa;i;s i . . . . , .. . ... ... .. j I Is' There are half n tniiyon , of the -e boys of ours In Vrance "tod'ay sum! more poing "over there" every weolc. Th.ey are there to wage the supreir.G eonllict of the world with the brutal forces of autocracy that democracy,! our heritage, may not perish. W want those boys nf'oura tn'eojnc haoK- to us, and it b' the-lied' Cross men uml vvoir.en 'our Hod Cross men and I ..." ...!. ...Ill l.,.i., thorn back wio would not otherwise roim? if our dollars will but Ueep tlio;n there to minister to these boys of ours. They are hut doint;' for us whui vo annot do for ourselves. ASCORE'OF'teiS r'rtri iyT rt1' "'7,r,r' ' War fcr D:niccri:oy. !, What dues !t ftjenn to yon to Smovr thai yo::r Amev: n' j;vd Cross: . ! Is snpx'rt'u.rr rit)!;ti 1'!m-!c'i :)!:!!(:;. Semis s:ii'!!;ies lo I'.A'SA I-'reueii lry hospitals.'' Pro iiles 2.00') lrtscli . h-rs-pitals'-wjili surreal tvssl'rii's Is opetatir.g ."( canteens at tbe front line. Is opera tin;; six oilier,. i".nteer:i' at French railwity jniietlons. sorv.iss :50.(XU Fren.-h idlers :, day. 0;en;ies iv nu.vnl.1e b-y.-'.ital in four units aveo'inmodatiiiK l.)'R tfteu; Is u'peratlr.K a cldblron's refute in 0:10 part of the wr '.t'Sne. tsnd in nuothe? a 'medical vvv.irv and t ravelin;; -dhs- ' peiisary; both capable of aeeommc- datir.K more tlian 2.0';') children. Has opened a "ion;; e!i.i'i of waro . hsiuses stoeked with jitKpimi k i- .' plies, food, soldiers'' confor;. t!- baeco. blankets, etc., ail the way from the seaboard to the . !.?wisa frontier. . warehouse eapacity for ltK.WO . tons clas -!;;.) motor cars ami operar ' iseveu pirisws, making all repairs. ,' Has shipped 'Hi freilit ear loads i? iissorted su;plies to Italy from 'ranee within (l,wo weei.s ni'i'i It bef;.!!i Dperatni; l.i the fniiiier co::n- t."V. Fj;d a Imnerv .r.f moror" :H!il'H:!""e3 i.i i 1. 1 i i- ii.'iii it. i.-i 'i.i.i ...... j ., . ,1... r .,-, .. tV....... (.'..., r . I.', .- K- the United Suites declare.) w;ir on Anstrm.- j Started a huitirel iliITerent net i vitles , ' in lt.-ilv a; the time !b:ii nntloa wa;.i j I ' , - I iri its niovt . critical ee.ntlition. (li.s established bve hospitals In I'.o ! hnoi and operates workshop f..r ; tiospltnl snjipliv;' ernpioyiii;: v:.t::M) women. : And that PJO.P':;) crimes of suppii.-n J have been reeeive.'I .( the' I'nrla j heiMbjtjaners of the Arnerie.ui Ued i Cross f rom vonr varb-is eb.iptera j scattered throhot the United c, , . . s,5,u"8- ' What lo;1? h!I tr.i.i mean "to yon? I I Ar,d 1 have tohj yon bat n frui'tbin of I he work votir Ited ('i'iss luis done and is-doinft. It means that -.virliont t-libi ecits-dcKs. heroic'" wort "of Us Ataurican Ib-d Cross, we could never i wia tics war: . ' iiiiii.v.1 ,,.iii iH 'i . i. i. ii. ii riin:iat:la would have starved to , . , ... , , 1 , . Williont yottr Ited Cross Italy woi.bl In (ie never Imve rei,U"J.tjat ftou-erful snp- fiort of the Vw.ii States in the hou? of need. ret. W'li liont fcas1. r per! f'ross .''torsanda of French rit iers now Valiantly' liudit' ln for ylto at the front vvob.l bavo died of yfecauls. exposure and bi U of food. (wtC Ibit j?iowt' nuist all rodoihle our rfforf?,.i1t:2 ss'i'-rifi.-es for our Red Cross bec!p;i n million tuothers' 'sons nr; poH to carry t'.M stars nnd st rlp to tiie cr(intst vleiory (oxl !n:s ever .,' aivw, rn !,n" "..I ii.,..' for h'.nor iind ibc::-?. ' I ...... ., . .. . ...... w mi vl" n"ip oi your .t-ai v..rs your b'-jy will w'ji. k tf f lustre ceieci tinty:five dozen 'ileslWaists, , Amo isj. biik and-baon .:-Mrts9 : some , or We are hcy:fi7g i 1 r fy r. fV -i JcsS. r c t Vc 41th mis. tiursnncUiiunis, ' ' ' S Sif.r.'3.r h tll"' ,J ,"3U ul,i" r " ' . a! 1 - ; N.u- v.:ru:iv.a ia; i.ncs u to lM;uvb:. , run i.ui': i- i.mu. - Ail C'lr.'vi' Icai ( tnUlC '.:V. u T f nrn i;d I srr 1 TH.o"iViiM Niuu.i:al Psnk?. ;.!:; li'i" s i.c ! J v. . U-i r-; (Mia : o Lur w; ei:r j :;;:;:y , -. iMiijoiifii i.r.iiK notes auu cir.er t s I. .s. Not.-,. 'i O'il). - - , ! If ? oi ";.( 1 4 A 1 V, i W J j IS LIA.LITIF-S, K r;t , lock :.. 5r 5,003.0 J I j Umuvided liu!;;. k c;:r j? , -cni expenses iaxes ;a:d, - J litpodls si.L-j-jct to chefs:, 41 t Fcvistjis (U-r.osiis 6 1 , o'. CI. j CcsLicr's check;? outstsuisKin :rl j j ; 'fatal fH0,23 CG ' gjate of Karlh Carolina CoU:iiv f! 1 VrIr'nglu, ' i ,'!,. ! 1 Isrt'iscn, cns'iicr of i!:': c.hovc j "nrincd V.ovAi. do Kcicmr'iy v.vear ihet j '-'thfe aboe fiiateaxiit -sttua lo tin: best -3 ., of my kn-.AVlcc-e and bed ' j L. i:. ii.uu..,..,. ti. j j ?l:in:cr ned niu sworn to dcui me, H uixi- '-'u uaJ '?'" Correct Attest: A. I.. Owen?, W. 1. !!sn-'i:ion, I.L G. Darden, j;k-oc:crs. ICcport of the cone. :;t!cu of . , r, . . i .; t- (y "; '' u.i v,. at th cl 335 of busiKitss March 4il1, i'JiO. . T c,TTrr.r.f., . i-.i.-'Uuj,tl.k. T - , r 0vt. ;Ui,: ,.ired .5 lL K b(... ,,s ...j j il:crty j:cns . cr, 00 purr.?:!;"'? titul fiAurcr.'' ?,4co co Due from i'.;Mio:ia! banks 12,!d:i 4(5 Casb i!r r.i:! c .! d t ver 2 hr's. &,K0 Cjn "!:s ior ch;arii.'g 4C fto'.d C( GO co Silver coir, incii;dsng iM nti- v 'f " . JJfiO National l:ank notes ao. 'V.Iier C. S. no'ckJ -' V.AZo no . 7otal S3C.CS4 1G ' ' . LIABILITIES. Cr.pitel f.lrcK pr id in $ .r,0oo f C5 IJfdiAidcd, pi it'i'.s. less Ct-T- ' rtnt expenses and taxes , ; !.-., . rn r.f'pbV'.,4 t r- tict I Deposits subject to u-.ee: 5-.,vMl uo 'Deraayd certificates cf deposit ' 2,:3oo kvj,.; (irpoMs ' 23,07.0 9. Cashier's checks cutjitar.i'.ii: ;),4(:0 87 Certified chicle ' ; ' 120 20 Total . SIO.SSI.IC Stte ot North Carolina County cf i WsVJ:itrty,i. Mar.- 1U1S. I, D. . VA'oodley. -cachier. ? the a-bovc-named Kar.k, Uo solenialy swear that the above statement ii true to the best oi' my k-owiedtre rnd belief. U.'H. Vv'ocdlcy, Cashier. j fubrcribce ino :nvcm to be ore r.ic, SthisCU tliy tf MaiTrt 1918. K- S. Wood ey K. 1 . j iri.,.i .' ,- . yyi. LcjCitii .I.c cc : ti ; ; : f : ; ........ 1 I ' The iSaiil: ct nil till, :!l l! s nt.P..vmoi.tIS, in the l tno oi W. j . Vv'.II. TinrdVcn, V.'ir.. Wiley, , ' I .Aiiitd-Alevrrc'c-r, J - ' kircci'jrs. jnces irom $L a . Jcycly linc,cf s y tit. fas us t f eg i . str.rt SBHfcsi4?" dfipr -iletl vvilh-i:?? is UTi-iO-d&te rr.cihcdr. E-2rjr pIrcn of t!;is Ir.ra: is a corded cctirtf crs J2rc-.t!r5ent and t:e rr.c.Gt. liberal terms cohexstent with soiind banking practice. - . If you arc l"6kbg. fo ; ; ' : '' ' S A F E T Y A- N B ' S E R V I G .E . in a t'riiliiEg c.:: n- jc.ion eit?t r.n aeccuri with up. "4 7.1AV"; c-- ;w PEOPLE, "L'.J iJ -J' .a sin f5i tv.A fctm I w: rn w. sra ma trrv Ssa CW2?J35J JEW! ICR gS KS B WB? m Ra mm Tm'mtmu $m t, i ' WATCH 7 IS SPATE. EVERY' WEEI1L. 'AT THE MAJESTIC , - D U SAIN , rAKW y M - - TiSJ t 1 . ' s If I'f THE KAISER'S AGENr EXPOSED. It's a FOX Feature. DOIf T MISS IT- s n " Jr.r.rr.'CT - 't . 4 Nobby - French to $3.59. 'A V wzzh .ddxi goc&s ilry : 4 rsoi f safc-gaaried by approved and aoa t& POPl,W YOU ffj lu sni-'u f ;u Si&si um vt ii ksd A.vl ar-icANizet3 . . . V- . j . ft . ts as- y m . Seven Reels it - - 22 CENTS. K-. !- w.'J r

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