111.. i V i 1 u Tlfe ROANOKE BEACON .Fii.lv, Aurint 3Va, IQ1S BEACON V'LASflliS. Mr. C. L. Everatt oi Skinners ville wa3 in town Monday. Mr J. P. S.oruill fif near Cres Veli was in town this veek. Mr, Coss. McGovran of Cherry was in the city Wednesday, Mr. Victor Lewis of rear. Roper in town this week- Mr I?. W. Johnston has been jii Kulebjhon ha-aricss thU week. Grape Jell)'. 4!b. grapes, 1 lb water: Crush ?rape"i and hoi I f or 2) in!nu(.e.3. nrcfs-thru eVver:? cloth and allow "o drain thra a i'iaanel b:i$. rin "juice to boiling p ji nt and to each cup of jmce add ? 4 cup honcv. Continue hoiiinp- until j'lly point is reached! Skim, pour into hot" glasses and Fcah thj Chapter will not receive the M . , 25 par cent, refund that is novj i SKIR T3 A :;:np.iy line of skirts, in Serge, Silks &n& being nnde on all collections J waslj skirts ancl sh Sating dentin. We especially urre Uio.se ; ! who have allowed their payments (- lo lap3 to bear this in mind. i in accordance with instrua-fa tbns from Atlanta, comfort kits ! W life S'i es ly; til 2 ICiJdioj and ail the fimily 4bc1xp. will i . ; I, Uti UllllOU-U tilt 11 c 1 l i ..J training for camp in the future, I j It his been found that many arc destroyed or o.st en route or ia iho confiirrio.i foilo .ving the ar rival- of the men at the camps. Mr. J W. Franch, a former aful heir friend3 miy h Plymouth boy, hut who has been living' in Petersburg, Va , for Ford car for sale Victor Lewis 11. 1. Do;?. 03. Koper, N C. (ad) Mr. Ab'ram Newberry of S vund side was in the city M r !?r'nn d.iy. j t'-v of (V j. some time, came over Tuesday I r4 .. !Ued Cross through- the Field h assured that every need 2d ar ticle will bo f'jnished bv the A li vcted number of iron's Corduroy Suits $15. values fo- $) wheii t!i .'Si are n we will have to i;et $15. Coin-.: early ami jr.et your si:: : before it is gone. jr -.hiuct n. ihuhiuljUw mt wi m m tmm mi ma nmmi n m 11 mm iwnfi ran r iwifjl Wiwnrwmw LI NI-: Pure Linen Damask 70-isi. wide 2.50 per yd. f I rv v,l'v I'm n ail shades, 1 yd. wide $1 .25 yd. PALM HE AC! I SUl TS Op.ly a linuretl number left in - j .) s'.yle x. rt:., f ; f ' i; i; ?- u r -Lik KMiA P. aftorr.eon and on Wediv.sdav 1)irtctors h - camp?, and that H m-rnir. at 11:.)0 o'clock was pia frlly crjipp-d t uior d:OD, i . , il .? i ''.''.-. s ; f mrn -.ill W h at;.,, r ,i .t. i ad tho rv, t!;o5 c.f llie men -,viil f I j ! , i . i i.i .., 1 1 . r r c c. ;';.-( ! iree 01 elia.v!: o. In ti i h.s wav. a rreat waste 01 Red .- Movers G. w . j .v,? p - ar..-i -Ms. ; ' T, ",,";T ' " Pribhardof Skinnersvi lo k.bil; : l- J-1 -ri tovn Tuesday. Mr. W. S. Ainslcy of Cresweli at ; k - - n , j r::j;-. d ir vik 50-vilue f ; 'I pooler, el . w: jrjrtk.nriing the ce( mony i:i the prcscTce of th mv ited quests. iiionoy ant t'uio wdl be avdded. . K' aitters lire r e'.iesLcd to cjh- w rinue to knit, ar.d to bey r. in ? Q - We vvi;i ol!o v V) p;r t -nt i nt f.r mi. ' . o. .A.c..jr v. . : in r f, r.,n:i... , ,1 r. ... ;iunu mat it is more important 1... UnVlf-pl fllr-QfC . "lJ Uluwi.V.'.lo ItirUl L.J Jt,. J city yei-ieruay. Hon. V. S. D ivenportand Mr. J. F, Sw;:'n of Maektys. were in th-3 ciry Tuesday. Lo .v S i o -s. thii u id ik)!: Ia any lo::jr tliin August i 5:!i. C n eir'y a 1 yours h .f re tlitjv are picked OV-V The nowlv married w, lock ! ,ions as lo ni'-ner of stitches. ! the 12,19 N. S train Cr thcirrhi3 l-aus3 of the different g S 'l 1 L'. i :h ; r ,S h ) : ;, c 15 ) a d ,i up. Mr .1 l Woodlevof Skinner villi nvide us a short call while i h-. in town' t lvi-3 we'!:. , ' : See L P: Fink':em f,.r a Mu j Entrained for Ca:iap. eder Pip. losa Fu-raee. ad j v.,, ,. , , ... , 1 ; J. u.eo a o. t .; . e u :y .oour, Mi-s ?re:'k; '71 r iuryoe 7 -rdi. e a e e d o; i.i:r p. cele w re honi- Sunday after s-veral cbys : i4l l !it. A c; dcjA I W'i cres- visit to re-aMvea at E City. i . n;o;.hin.v lo l;iti q. to Mes?ersW. J Mercer, A. I; ;27 voi-ns; white nicn v. h left Holmes and W. J. Htr of Crts j Vcr lho (;..; ti, ;n -ur ,jamp well wjrc in.town Tue.-day. ...... ,. .. .. , . v ... ., ilt To th 3 names qf the illubtriou:-1 .jt-p s'.veli liv-i ever- inere-.-.biop. o-enerals of today, his-ory vvil: j tra.v aij cit-1en,; upon to j istly add General Ileuvitc. p,t...VJ ou, hon,,ri hb0lty. Mrs II S. Mid ett of Norf.dk J Oa t'uusd iy of last wc k S7 m iu-s a short vi.v.t to her paiei.is .Q-C. Vl ho-, s ei.tvaini t; : r Camu f-Mturp'h mMnp,;r,:irv v.'r ' weights of wool and ciz.' .s of (r- Aish fur them a !on- at.d" happy ne"'S Necko of sweale; g :-iUST measure iy'. to - ir.cr.ep. m Ccsyr'.yli. Hurt Sctaflner t Jisi - Don't forgot us v-hcn you need a straw Kat Come in T"3 (htreichcd). A-:rocS the chest, j. and SCO. 5,. Ve W!U bo glad ta GTC VOU and fhoW OU 17 lo 20 hvoi ('Wit Ft-e?rh(d) " & ' , . " ' id ii clus i'ioni top cf Ic p " hbmlocfhco. SiHKinte f f d WW m 05 cuter edge rf herd to end Doth k-r and foot din-; N k iA , t" 4 i.. u 1.-.- .i tv. . 4 k l .i o ctllicJ l Hi" v i'jLSk t-'.i L. i i1.? To Farmer andout-of ply ituH's srrrpi.NG c enti-r H A BR D H LO. DIE S AND GEKTS DV-TD-WEAR. town customers that has ,iliinoni;K--LiSsi, tlfvi) &LKT5 EiErtDy-TO- been using our blend ErK-Stt fresh wanted coffees at 25c -'H)c! i d-,c and 50 grade's voir can on-, . . n jr.y the name gooi co fives l-y! .f.r, t( ,, -i, . . i- sU aud Mrs J. W. Ui.bott, thi :, N V ...V n.kes I. !:.d:ng tor 0 -.us, lots v. week. jou.n.dC., um.n m kvs U),ep..y postae a7ld cCild t I loial oi .4 yourg men leavin FOR SALE - 7 to&.000 ivckled C0UMt v vv,Lhia the week, herringi. . at J !)nce. T , hco(I is v Apply nr write to L;P. FlMC ?A.vi, t . (. ... . lMyincu h. C. au 'j far. 1. i V 1 JO, IU.J f. O . U il 111 M&'l-HCllii. l.u'lU uJ i.U.iltJl-1 wl-.' . i; I to you vou now lju i;a. The paet cai never b e undene ihi f'j ).l you s'i ).i,d have coarer ed wid never r.ach a aung'. in ath. j Mrs L Ii Shefil dd -f Tayeite I' T-- -c-v fie, is theguesi of her parens ! When it was learned Uiiivvcck Mr. and Mrs, 0. V. II nna-n on , , . r, M ,., , l.v:i'V p:accu ia a deter i u ei.i-F, Mr. and irs A. W. S.vaiu ; ,,vin ; to the r:li,t Hut h:. t-vo an 1 chi:ii'tMi. hzjve returned irem . -. , ' , ' , ' , , 1 1 1 , t.u n i . i ---f i ! i older brothers were a ready m a triD throa fa ch.i c-ri-val pai t uJ the State. " . ' ' the anriy and Ui3t be w..s tne ln.r T, , . . . L inly' child left to his a idc wed HONE f, -I have a L-toJ nice . r .... , honey fur aie;'24 s-cdn t-f'a-)J' VVV ..:r1 V"", " cas(,' $i SO please f. o.'b. Ilo re ciassdnd and cadeu, our per, N. C. ' G V. Lswl-?:. ad po p:e bcaina interested in t hv Tt... w (i Tx.3p,.;n s. ! mother arid begrn to look for Vincent's Hospital, Norfolk, V,-. wh e-e she tt.i rcc.-r.lly un-'U.r go .ie an or: rati on. r,( CO; -non en er;eh nurchase Usux n.p:i,:s- and ihcw w.th )f ,JJYLhin;r ia tho ' crore. very pie-r.ouru-m y, Lavnva , are j T?,.r , VAM t-n, or.,. patronage and hope t continue T,,h;, I. I.'.,:., i i.i.;i,1ktCc;m; anv, Hum. by parcel post, and can alco get , "i)!n"Mai...iaciauii Oo.v.. ;a.,,' n. e get the Innf-fit of our profit shar- -" 1 J-;. ir g coupon whi-?h we give yen ' ,i Mcuuwi,,, -j. i.. ia.-,.!;, k. w. i j . i . U. Hiiil.i: r, . i . s .1 ' i - t- :K'r ' , ''--4 p. f . - ' T-- thil L. .-Ml.iy- viC. To All. ,i - i n : 1 J (m f " ti iti ' n t vnn . ! f 1 vnn !:!rtif-! v.lii.v: tlUIOlu t.iiU I-tl v . t ..4.1..4.1., j v. IT 4 111 J uu 1 ' - " " . 1 I KOflS llitLI . ',.t ll V. 1 i tUiil. Ii n-.lL', HIUI 1 1 !J .1 J Teas, Coffees and Groceries. man could be spared to !v:r, but I. -lc.V'e ?v? ' re. ! ' 1 ; oh iLu L!.n dry u ..).-, u.c . g noovo nati.ea pui.iiwi.i r u;v.u ti oiiuoi. i j I 1 : : c. u, tr.i l.-v.;U ta--. i y, r.i v. ;iK.e uomtne iuorn iiigv.;i:h u :!eti.r lraad may have n ci duty e;-!-:sr.ei2C.S. ::.n.t-, 'u.wever, wl.cn Mr. iLnry opruiil, a young married man, out without eni'd-an, volunteer ed to take Mr. dbs -ell's place. i!r.?. I.. ,1 liiss-UTi anrl Miss r This is more comnvandable when Lidn B. Lew:3 left v'fcdnef.dav.;ve kno.y that !r. -Gprudl is a tor win ton to attend a Hous-1 , 4. . , ., , . P xrty at the home of their cousin p301 in' anu lhat boLl hli Miss Myrtle P-irce. , family and th.jt of ma v;:!a .-rc T-.n oirn -7 i 1 dependent upon daily labor l'cr FOI SALE. 7 room ho.use, v L f , , . next to F D. Wilson's new resi - i --"PPo.-t, and that he Ins to ivc deuce on lioush St. Oa of tin .ap a good position when he go-5 best localities in It-per. ' J. O. !-to c.i;r;p, which will bo tomor U iur Couil of v. s..n.i4iuii v.-iail, lu ! havft the Utic to u-.u. lai.da liiuiu. Ii 'ntcr St. .it ii I Jicuslcr I,;tttc i described rcjiit.i.ca aim uuiii.riueu . 1 pursuant to a:..J l-r UJ o U;e 1 ulht. ,taws of 1'JIK, uuii r.c.a lui.ef.autoi NEW BARBER SHOP. thereof at d ,ur ;,u r.jeiuul t..uc.o, auu able at the otni-e ot the cu i U ol i::e Thanking our friends lor their superior ct.:i C w'a:Uiai-t .n uotaas , past pUronago and soliciting a ' -J fiyniomi., a. e., -m-aaaoay, u.e 1 . . :jlst day ut .v.ii,.!, i"'- continuance of the same, we j - yaid latiu i3 t.;.u.ued m tiiocuieta wish to announce that we have ' Norm Caror,.. "fu'"u: 1 n. h, pnn.r ..I l ,.i id lliL 'A..H J.. re opened the Hotel Bar ber Shop perun.oet Coi:a)ai ana ou.o:s n.m j nn Wi'ii'On SUrcet where v.'e:ECribccl l:i rii-tiUL,' li i;-,vV',i : I Will De gi lU tO continue serving m u kerset -.:;(:: tit hHut.lv uaiif.e i J .-.bout 3o l'i-a o. u.e ..luucu. JA2. LUCK" PETlIFOIti). ! na au,j run.:.'; . ii -- i.oi .u 'j av.j.n eb . Vr -J'f rV-'V 1 415-iW! 4 - .- 7 -iv:-. :::tv Hmmmi 4 r --'rv- ' T. II. Bostic. ' n u ir.ii.dtefc t '-". 1-.. S. v:i ai-a:.' a ! line of ma. ku i.---'-- diVieuu tuv iui.u r j-tveili clCi.e::i.-ea l.u tl:- h'V- ,:1 North Carolina, Tyrrell County, i tc's ui n..,.-f; Iti the Suneiior CoUlt. Nevem-UU'.'S west 4l.0 cU.:n.s :-:; a In e oi marked trees u:vui.uy u; j .....w i.eie m oescrilieu a.;d U-e auius el o. h., ana IS. K. D:iv.ui.,uit a:.d oil ers lo a uoiiy tj--. thei.ee, ao.uh 41 .l.-rree:. 4j mm- HlGIISMlTII. p : O.irneop'e de-cp'y .yip.ithize ! with Mr aai Mrs. E. 11 Liver j man in the Joss of t.hu see.) rid on; ; of their infant twins, which died on Satur Jay night list. Piyiroulh Chapter. There is no d3i'erred; ela'4sifrca- j- An allofnicr.t of reTugee gar tion in food ens-srvatioa. ,w are ;:;lcntG was retired ltd a week. .-ill in class 1: all in camp, aad : . ,.nM .v.,trn .... i ni(-r,.: , .. ., , . ,, . . .-it. c-oon a piuui ..a ufiti ii:i..Lej.i- reidy to go over tho top 'warn , r , . . we mast farther cona:rve. I als r" comp.eiMg same can be 'secured from Ilea kiaarters, the After a pleasant v.sit to ncr V.U ;e open every parents rIr. arid Mrs j. J. ilv r , . , man, Mrs. L. A. Bodiap and ehii- afternoon as ureal, imsaiiot dren left for their homo in Huf. Unnt v.;!? have lo be rtiaue and p,v, )tr.t! jo. V.-i-. '.' td-ieoia v Iskienr-d nreir.ollv : thcrjiore a Toe wind and rr.in st ;rra cn fittarday aitro: I , whdo nr. I s.- pro:r:pt icrponre to ih wri I-'..:: wid be gret.:i h fT-W 1 -.. rt . ( .-r nero as f a i: :-r e-:. c:ru' u. ber Term, 11)1-3. . E'.uP.e Swain, vs. C1eophi1.sSvrtiti. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. Tin-: i)K ::::m)ant aijovi: named WILL, TAN!.-: NOTJCF.:- utes west 1 l.Co ei.aii'S aioaj- a .i!e o . j n-.afked trees uu"'..:r.il na.- nua s r.-veiu . de:,etibed .u-a the iat.i.s v,. Id K. Day- J ennort a'JU ouu- s io ;i ;-'.e u e-. . , Iheace. beUlh M d vTevs no tr.inutts ) y V.t.kw.::T. V't. Jt Kr;ii "f. CHVING IS A MfVriJAL INSTIIiCT. IT IS SELF PRE SEaVATIOH vVtilC-i li. TuB np,5T LAW OF NATU?.- 0,V ANY M-Aii C-HM SEE CENT CF HIS EftUN- I'-iG3 "GO." EACH PAY DAY, fttu MOT SAVE ,0!.E CE IT YOAJLD PUZZLE f,KY t bUGAL MlKO. OLD iGE 13 SUP.E TO FIND YOU EITHER PENNILESS OSWITH PLENTY. START A BANK ACCOUNT YOU'LL GET THE H A8iT AND YOU'LL SOON HAVE i"BIG WAD " ' W E ADD 1 PE R C3JT I NT ST. The Washington Qmwv i Ccai.t Thai :ut act' n, entitled as above : west oo.or. .-r.a'i'.s a imc u u..iik- has lu'tn iiirfLitu.ieJ in the s.upet ior ; c -1 trees .iivkl;,. ; ::ie l.:'. a-veiu (.'e Court Tyrreil e-ounly, Isort'u Caro- h.-.ribe.d ai.d ire : untl-i. 'O.-i. U-.r tlTe nun-use of vb.;Jnii)Lr ii-' i-:. Davcm; ort, O. M ik'V ...,u!'. ar.'. voree iroia tire I: ni'Js ;r matnaiony ex- others to aa i. ..n i.-.u u-; , i..ei;, , .... ii. . nee-s o:.:.v!i t;ie .ui.it. j yg jj ;.j-rt;n y yir-, c, . jsiii-.-- Lelwoeu ! hesti'M Sadie tf-v.-ai and ; i..rUi St', u'rc..: a jrr.;s.i!.:.ti .vv.a i-i.e' i iior; .ti dcs.-ri.l a :u! iiie iai.d.; s.f i--:-.:d ' ' A" l th.t'- idCieopi.ast'v.-aoi. The said act- ci;a!s ;;;Vua :i ie.-' ..urid tu!l;i;.-r um,..;,,- t. fn i:- 'anrk ;r; j MA'lvTi.M 5i IVID CSTT 'Poa is retutv.ahle to the November ; civiue.a- tao .;:.d l-ei'i . -. se.s.'e., ;iu,i ( i: v.a ... o u Term, 191-S, ofJ-e Saper-..r Court of ! f.e lands of J. v;-.e, U r'aeins, ! . .v.-t ,rr:tjca:uar; aaaa i.a .; ol r-ark- ATI 0.. l. i -LA T-n-e l County, North Caroiin, which : nruiil, Ai A- ...i est? and e!i:e; ; . tr-ev d.vion'.;- t:H i.5.id ne-.a.i de- Krdd tert'i to-ji1:s oil the lAiUi i!ay of : to an iron a-ttiker; tneaee, north I senbt d ir.d iU hxn-J or s::al I'oper v. ..'... etr- ..t v.l,r 1, tM-.iu v.-!. .'?( ,i...r. . i--A no viuvea- 'A e.-1 -J.aa c'.i.'.nv , e.i ::?-:is. io a.i n uu n.arw r: i a.T.c.', i v:.t:i:v:Ho :ttnear atul answer :-r do-! fl-In-' a Jim- ef ru:.rk,-U trees dsiCU. j no. T.: lavs rv r.'L.utes t ; t :i;Uv; I r.uV i) the fo:r:"!iii'it of the nhuatii'f or , the l.ad hen in d. -;t:-t ,ed t::.:rl.e i-.j.:--: -. : :.'.:): a u.o oi okwh d Jrt-ry j if--sttnors?..-, de.- io-t ppply to crimv. in.ii ca.-cs ia Kcjoracr's Ccurt Offices in Ilirncv Uuiidiag PL-V LioiJTir, i; c. else thetilahuiir will at':Iy toti-e Court : of Alua r.;ro;e a:;i ot. e i tor the relief di aianded in t!:e com-, iroa marla i : th-aa;.:. -.ouut 1 a-:; nbinb You wii! "f:iii':t r !:!ke r.otico ' no minnto:-. ve .t !- ro -n;';- ; t;-atthe complaint in tbi ' e.i.:i Las ' !ir.c of int' ' t.y;:s ii.is cav be en Lieu in the of? iee of ti:e . LTei:i cL---- l- at.ii ' :'' - Lie: kef said Co" it. C Clifton, i ' ' i-" ' "in is he Olh !..' ot Aut'u?.v, l'..'IS : CenTanv : VN.Nokvav, iai tHe.:':vr Cr r, -rwk v ( !, (. ;:'.!' " .1 . ..it ; I 4 '. : : i : '. . " . i ; Le ian:i of .vd iln or Corry-a-'v t r,:i . i-l,e. eonr-eieraoia u:tni.i.re, e-roeikoy in N a1 .(.) llL I Ol' u.'.::j b. J-u;-.ii N'. bee is tieieuv -a t' O o-t .i:e i i 1 th cay tu r-TTe- i v "n- :0:;uhy ia.n'rd of i-.c!:: .'a.llen of V.':.: cis:.;,n '4 e-. - - A v p tr r ee.u r 1 1 ' 1 i : :n!-'.. S ii: .,' I Sm' ..N ' ' -f;ll i.Vi.i i '1 ! if .... ...... ,, .- .. "JWar lied Will be due Mood--. County, iVa-t!, Ca.oi..;a, v.: sc. - i.t : at'tSe'souilnAst.- i"Cv. J. Ii. Cirri-kof Ivor, VaJ,,M, , , cwo vr,,rc-CK: ..vl late sale !;::; s of Cres-, . ..,, , - . ;..:wf'1hle tO.thiScCOnd-Ked CrcslNorthrolina, intr.'sa,; ola.o ,).- j :. C, ,: ,;,..r-7 a. ,n: rl..K' t,4.',i,h;- ; , c,.00. rusnn;.: .twenty y.ar.-.. -rh.d Lcs;.- , d;, - ,,r , : i!i.r veeic air. t.-arncx z a most i 1 u"-. 1 , u-- '-aK "-v 01 interet :it the ma (a si:: per..-.. nti-.'it j ,. .. : .. . ... -' ? i-rr..,2-r,-. . - k y-.uyCf... e: :j :-!,i-ss f,: t p and forceful .)':.. a r (i.iU I an. ran ci to.: f-iu-eh intercut ia c er.-oy cow and i0f the comniitttc in their report y ; I'ramptnc sr. en year part wi;i ; 1 .c v. v . t-. ... -.. . v ) N b : i. j tj . o e r ? o v c o w a n d i yearling U years old. Will svvap j t0 AtbnU . bodder, savin- them tor trojd m lK cow, eraellfor! , i r ' i i . f?." 0-') cash. ja L.t'?at drnd of reai bard work. FDii RENT. - 1)5-acre farm, on halves. A. B Alcvander, M?.cke.ys, N. C, complete c'ordre; oat of this matter is irreatly desired before the 1 rt of November. After then j ;p. a L : : in.ra-f'-; m. ', miaoles v. V.'i,a:);Cr. 1 per ni.ru'O, ;-rly:U..e so ni an;aj;,,ly. jjir.s t'T r.iia o 'nas .vi.i recent-' : i the of ee o" ::.'d ('ount v beard cf K.i ..:.,...,.,;;.'.'..,' ",- -,..,o, -b ' Mi..-...-V...... ....... ' ; .,..;tMl tl, , ,, L'anrma.- eoooKs.uai i.iut, .n no. c:i:) dt.;;,ri.,od -.d thf !:.! i.ons.aier eu. Dated Aurju-.t 17, lib?. C. .1. NOk'MAN. . J. Ii. ftlNlil.'-iTtiX, W.m". V ILliY, Cou'.tly h.oard of Ivlucatieii of Yas'iiti-zton County. North Ctvob'n a . a i , i " i : . . - ; " . ; ... :. . .. .a : . -b- a . : ,m ' - .... i : v. : .'U ...... . Orv.,,. ... , . .. , ....... I ' T . I i 1 .r.r-( a -, . ,i romnny to so ),.: laa. !:.; :, ... nor.ii 4S s -to tbnbis abas'' a :;iv oi' . : t ;, vidbn; the las ' ' .arcin ;ls o i1 i d :aal ihe lands of ssid lo p. r C-.m..;.!. v la an j iron marker; ti.r; ,e. n: .h . 1 . -a ' ' i ra. ,':'.'. ' Ms: ua i a ' ' I ' t i : ' :i.".r, wiiKin - : :a . , ! t : ai :! 1 by 1 iw .-. Ino . : wi'i o: r,v 'o 1 i.e cmi ; t ler ' v i a sa.-nsv-'.l .:: pajna. o. Tiii. i: a (';, of -:n !''.. t V v: W. Al Sbf!.;. t . 4.t t: ioi Court ! V; e :.'.) ''. ..a La V ei i ti r5 N t'i! J 4 A. A r 4 r k

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