H1H ..ft W- COURT CALENDAR, SEPT. , SPECIAL TERM, 1918, "A .WHITE CHOOSER IS, A HAPPY USER." ft it?- D L.E 52 ' S J: ' fO? Washington Conly Superior Court. - MONDAY, 'SE'PT. 8Kl. No. 3 J J Johnson vs. Roland Gaylord 5 D 0., & P W Brinkley vs. EP..&JB CuViqcd 7 S W Morris vs. Z W Brown tO Cornelia Bullock vs W A Harrison, et als. 13 garaB A Craddock vs. D O Brinkley 14 A VV Ambrose vs E Davenport, et ate t5 iBarny MMler heirs vs Bn Wood 4 . V TUESDAY,. PEPT., ZiTll 18 A G Walker vs. W M .Staley, et als. p !j S Shusar vs J H Long 21 Kifsleman Bros, vs A Corey, et als . 22 "W rl Ellison vs Motor Sales & Service Co. 23 Selz Schwab Shoe Co. vs Friley Ch?sson '24 G W .Chesson vs Wiley Normin ;2G L R Chappel s W & P. R R. Co. ;.27' Ella Ifocker vs Western Union Telegraph Co. v . WEDNESDAY, SEPT., 25TII. . 23 Jos Ash V3 Nancy Fettiford v 29 Kentucky Horse & Mule Exchange vs. Andrew Lewis . 31 A T Knowles & Son vs. N S. R K Co. 32 Baltimore Bargain House vs. Lillian H Gaylord, et al. 33 William Clark & Co.. ' ' 36 r Jesse Ange vs. Woodmen of the World. 37 H L Swain vs. Jos. McLawhcrn THURSDAY, SETT., 2GTH. 3S C W Antrim & Son vs H L Sprtrtll ' 39 Ky. Horse & Male Exchange vs- F C Tarkentcrt 40 Pan Mfg. Co. vs Mrs J B Johnson 42; J :E Norman vs. 2J S, R R. Co. , 44" JTheNe;v Way'vs A Swain &Bro ':45 C W Blount vs N S. R R. Co. 46 R T Chesson vs. Roper Lbr. Co. FRIDAY, SEPT , 27TI. 43 Maxwell Motor Co. vs. A W Swain. 49 D H Holmes vs Sol Littiejohn 59 Henry Bros. Co. ts L W G'urkin, et als 51 W tV! Pottford vs. Insurance Co. 52 N ! Paramore vs. W M Pettifcrd, et aU 53 T L Smith m. Express Co. 54 T L Satterthwaite vs. N S. II R Co. 55 Kramer Bros. vs. J M Woodjey. Witnesses not to attend until day car.c set far trial. voree cases to be called at pleasure of the Court. C. V. V. Aiwuon. C. S. C. North Cgroli'na; Tyrrell County, in the Superior Cotrrt. Novem ber Term. 1918. Sadie Swain, C-feoohasS'vain. NOTICE OF SUM vlONS. THE DEFENDANT ABOVE NAMED WILL TAKE NOTICE. That on nction, entitled as above has been iustituded irv tne Superior Jourt of Tyrrell county, North Caro liua, for the purpose o obtaining a di vorce from tti bonds of matrimony ex istiny betwoen Uie said Sadie Swain and the said CWophs Swain. The said fac tion is returnable to the November Term, 191S, of the Superior Court of Tyrrell County. North Carolina, which said term bejns on the 2(31 h day of. "November, li'lS, nt which time you are ' c'i'r:ei to anpear and answer or de--t'Urte the comttlri'it oisthe ,l:;;ntiff or elso tbe ,'lr.intilf wii apply lotbc C-iurt :'! ti e - r- ' 'r,; - ir' : in i:-'- -on)- '.nlnbir. N'.i" v.'-b i'i!.,t:.i r It!'.'3 ro that 11 n i.ij.-uiiiiint. iu liii auliii hub i this da-y been filed in the o-ftice of the CTerk of said Courts This ttc 5th day of August, 1913 V, N.Noivav, Clerk Superior Court. North Carolina, Washington County, In the Superior Court. Before the Clerh. -John L. Roper Lumber Company vs Norfolk Southern Railroad Co., etal NOHCE. To Whom vp M ay Conch kn : The defendants T. V. Lewis August n - Keier, U. T lJyrrell, John iMnier, Leon Millar, Mary Miller, Krnest Miller, Howaid Miller, Lydit lay lor. Sheridan 'Oylor, Jim Sutton, JasperM'.lIer,- Law rence Jackson, lieortre Jackson and J. F. Trafton, will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been cotmenccd in the Superior Court of Washington County, North Carolina, for ihe registration of certain lands tfider Chapter SH of the Public Laws of VM'.i, and ainendii'ents, and that they, as adjoining lynd owners, are necessary partfes-b) this proceeding. And the said defendants will furtiier take notice that they ;ire requiied to ppear before the clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court hour. in the Tovva of Plymouth, Norlh Caro- lina, on the 2jtn day of SeDtmbr. i 1ilS. and answer or dem-iir to the Pe- tition in said action, or plaintiff will , npply to the court for the relief de- Lan ea in saw pennon. This th 2Sth day of Aupust. VAW. C. V. W. AUSBON, Clerk Superior Court. tRATOR'3 NOTICE. as nd'Tiinislrator of vi' Prn'H. deceased, County, N. C, this holding claims jesent. them to -e the 27t!i Sjfi"o wi)! ) I HOTEL BARBER SHOP. Since opening up this shop 'aboat threo months atro, cur business has been much better than we at'lirst expected. We have made every effort to give good service and please you in every way, snd we believe that in this we have succeeded, Jae. 'Dues" Pettiford. T. H. Bostic. .NOTICE North Carolina, Washington County In the Superior Court Peari Fi-aukHn vs i Ivibei l i rT!;l Ish'r ;' -1 'c ' ' - .'. v:.T..r,u.:. : s has been commenced in the Superior j vuuiiji v aMn-ngion county by lJearl Franklin for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce ; and the said de-! lendant rill tsirthcr take notice that he is requirsd to appear at the next form rf tint 0 1 1 , v. , 4' : i county on the 13th dav of January, i at the eowrt house in PJvmouth nd answer or demur to the complaint m saij action or tne piavntm will ask for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This SeptemW 11th,- 1S18. p C. V. V. AUSBON, C. S. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE' nl' th ...tpufcmu,- Vo..,,,,..,, cfiKi H lt,. vhimnn C, this is-to notify al! persons holding elding-against said estate to present them to the undersigne4 on or before the ISth day of Sept., 1919, or this no tice will be plead hi bar of their re covery. All person indebted to said estate will please mak? immediate set- tlcmenL Tli is Set., ISth, tt8. 1, O. LKINKLEY. Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE. The following, described property s?izei ot L. 11. noimes, under varrat ' distraint tor the nonpayment ot as sessed taxes due, v. ill be sold as pro vidud by Section 13190, Ksvised btat- utes, at public auction, on 4th, Oct. 1918 at 11 a.m. in frot of the Post Office at Cres-wll, N. C. One bale of cotton. J, V. BAIL1-Y, Collector cf Internal Ieveauc Ralegh, N. C, August 27, 1918. By Lnv. Ai.f) Jam;, Deputy Collector. Van If. Mar'-in W. F. Midgatt MhTIN & M2DGETT T TOT? N T, Y? - AT-L ,' W PL .MOUTH, N. C. kyPartncrshiu dots not apply to ci i;r.-ip-tl caes n Ivpordcr's Covrt I fcrV.'-r YOUR MONEY Invested ia one. of the very tlassyt brand now, improved White Sewing Machines wiH satisfy youthatit is tnoii. cy wo'! spent, for not only wi',1 it givo yen a machine embracing beau I v of sign, riehnosf of finish and durability, j ; bu'. the character of its stitching and I j the enduring quality of White srriro Q will cortvinceyoubeyondallhoubtihat, j $ price considered, It the Invest bargain ! tfjj I $ juu e fi t; v . J!c nurc to ;!Sh rorr Tl'ViZc .vW"r or ,1 ihfiiiiriftrri ion . W manufacture the White in botS Vibrator nd Rotary Shuttle sty!ea. IJT. 7. II AM P VOX it' SOX Plymouth, X. C. LTUS DO YOUR jr.. MWWWMMWOHUJWIUlummyWWaM WkWIIUaU.lUII . t-rw"" .. w-. , i i 1 1 ' i ' ... . - - - i w aw iimj i iwwnaiwm Mini nmmw w n iwwi wrora'- , a i - . i ' d 1 ISferfrMlra P m, mgm$0 Mi I II rllf N Ir.'ZK vr-i have n need in cur line and ! j want it uuick !f; PHONE US. We will i;ive you Absolutely Accurate and Immedi ate Service, and deliver tu you perhaps bt fore you could reach cur store. We Gi'e Special Attention Jo Phone Orders Because we know the need is urgent, and we will send you Just What Ycu Want. 1 NOTICE OF SALE Dy virtue of a judgment of the Su perior Court niat'.e in a special pro-eeedino-entitled W. C Havts vs. tiladvs Davis, et al , 1 Mm authorized f.o land wA uilei toi sale by uuhlic auc ! tion at the door of the Clerk's office it: Mary ivy A., deed dated September lGth, I joining tne lands ot the heirs at law the late Mtle ttersn and oiliers ; Kouiff 1hr ?Ti( f:ti when s'l'd 1 S 187.1 adj of iS,.;.. ir.H nt iiw. limn ,a- a. :' i i Ti . iISO IWO UllOH-UiUCU iUlilll u.u iov.u of Koper, each 5ulU) feet, on Hank Street, laljoiniug John W. Ellison ami others 1'ho terms ot sale will lie as follows All of the purchase money will be payable in cash when the decree uf sale is confirmed, except as hereinafter stated, and 10 per cent, thereof de posited at the day of sale with the Clerk as an earnest of good faith to prevent a repetition of the r.ale. After 1 the p lytic nt oi a rortgas anproxi ria'iing'."!'!'l to come out oi the general fund and (he exr'-nsrs of sale, which f annot now he rcfi'ateiy staled, the iiirec-sevcnths in'.t rest ot the minor heir.-, may not ho p"i'! in ca:-h hut may pe see tired on ti: farm by no'es and mort! ; or str.'h other v-.ay as -.nits the purcnasr. vr;vMc ' . ,V. ' Ivi!e- ..rnv.": at ii.e :tgo i:i re.--.fcUvc;y, bt-ariu: i:uei ui al o per c-cr.l. This'Scplei;r-er 10, l'.dS. II. S. V'ARD. C'"nii.ssioii!;r. I I . 1 1 lit. U X j' - ...1 X. fand'Velonging to the The Cove, ninent an d busin-sj con heirs f the late M. S. Davis on which i s are short 1 1 I UN 1 KLi W. C. Uavis resides, -conveved to sid THOUSAND o Itlce assts.ts ba .nes : n.,vk iw w M .,n,i ,v,tv, never before heard ol are now being WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A I ioueen quality onos . Fof Women. La i . tt if! Government Sends An Urgent Call The President of (be Civil -Jm rvie Cuniinission recently wired : "Need tor stenographers end typists at r''f,red 1H-i'--!T' i-i.'n a,i ; - J j Vo;. ;U hoin ;y ' THIMTV LKSSONS, a system hi .,.-,.,.., ! ot Shorthand vised ,). about NIM.lv I rr cent ol the Ooverntneiit stciiog- - . . t . RV h, .,, 1 1 1 : .-. " - - J - . in FIGHT WFHKK, a buoiiKeerung Course that is SUl'KRlvU to any SIX MONTI IS' Course. The Oovernment drafted our Civn Fe-vicc Ik'okkeepimr Set. "Clip, fill out and mail the COUI'ON following: I DUAUGHON'S COLLEGE, Nash I vol- Tfnn.: Send 1-KLE book ot on illome Study and tell me why alii I Fomn-Studv Cotirse, gtven by your I 5 f new meth.nd, is better than a co'ir ; I at cnli"p ; also, 111 me about the ; I r.ontracUh'it you will give to cecurr 5 ; for me a ieod rxs';,nn- I clipped f J "this l(ctie. from he x;rx i, a- ; J I con, lv.itrt. !.,--. L , . ' ii 1 , i I Ad lire rs Ladies and uenrs scao 10 ruoi OutfiU'firs. . I We will not only handle your." com mercial account a little better than any one else but we solicit savings accounts from everybody- YOU specially. Deposit $1.00 if vou wish. We will pay 4 per cent annual interest, com p o u n d e d t vvi c c a ' v ear. Come in and gee aqu.iinted regardless of your needs in the banking field. The Bank of Plymouth. THIS IS. THE VW? Bank your wmxC Jm? AND YOU can THE BEST DIPLOMA A BOY CN HRVE IS A BANK ACCOUNT THEN HU IS READY TO FACE, LIFE'S BATTLES- ALL THE BIGGEST, RICHEST MEM, ALMOST WITH OUT EXCEPTION, GRADUATED FROM THAT SCHOOL. PRACTICAL, WORKING KNOWLEDGE IS CONTAINED IN A BANK BOOK. THE BOY WHO HAS EARNED ONE FOR P.IS DIPLOMA KNOWS KOWTO FACE THE WORLD- START YOUR EOY IN RIGHT NOW- W F. ADD '4 Pi'H CENT INTEREST. COM 'J. TO The WasKiD ff" v.- .-4 v--"tr -w.-.?ratHr rt.'-'rijBfc SHIPMENT OF in. ...I. m - tt-' ' --T - ,. . OUrliHK. County WTO f inn i n.w i '