IP E: IFi!. 1LJ Fl Made Mo a Well Man Mr. Louis Young, 205 Merrimac St., Rochester, N. Y., writes: "f suffered fof thirty years With Chronic bowel trouble, atom nrh trouble and .hemorrhages) of the bowel. We bought a bottle Of Peruna and I took It faithfully, and I beano to feel better.. My wife persuaded me to con tinue, and I took it for some time as directed. Now X m a wH man." ass Mi VIA Suffered thirty years with stomach trouble and hemorrhages of the bowels. XJo.uld or Tablet Form JSJSM THE MARKETING BY PARCEL POST n SOLO FOR BO YEARS. For MAIARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. EJSisE" 2ZglSE?S2!l And Trr Wasn't Pleased. After Tli , ;u Esq., had been a member of ii. . ity council for several years he thought that at the earliest opportunity he would endeavor to get a permanent record of his term of of fice there. Nothing would he more fit ting than to have a street called after him. After having expressed his desire to several of his cronies on the strict Q. T. he got his. wish. They had a place n;.nied after him : "Soar place." London Mail. Sugar Beet Experiments. By experiments with sugar beets it has been proved that plants growing close to the ground thrive better when planted in rows running from east to M'est rather than from north to south. If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro man Eye Balaam applied upon going to bed la Juat the thing to relieve them. Adv. Germany prohibits sale of newspa pers from foe countries. Plan Outlined by Department of Agri culture for Buildina Ud Trade M and How to Keep It. iTrepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Parcel post as a. means of transpor tation has been found by commercial houses to be useful and efficient. There Is no reason why farmers cannot make extensive use of it under certain condi tions If they will. It has been found that one of the chief factors In pre venting the satisfactory development of parcel post marketing has been the price asked by some farmers for prod uce. To Illustrate: One farmer's wife was receiving 20 cents a pound for but ter In her local market, a country store. When asked If she would be willing to ship It to a city by parcel post, and at what price, she replied that she would do so at 50 cents a pound. Would-be purchasers frequent ly have been known to offer producers Happy Thought. The manager of the prison baseball team was bidding farewell to his star pitcher, who had just finished serving a sentence of five years. "The team's going to be badly crip pled without you." "Maybe so." answered the great in tramural slab artist, who was also a modest man. "But I don't see how I can stay any longer. The authorities, you know " "Of course, not now. But after vou've seen air your friends on the out- ! f Ltl )i i i.-.i - 4i i... . f "WKWVTVS Jv Mtie mm iiau- juul uiiip, w iij inn uiuib. a crib or something and come back to us?" Birmingham Ape-Herald. F5 1 L -if"- 2.' m When a young man finally gets mar ried, the girls who "also ran" are unanimous in condemning his choice. When Baby la Teething QROVH'S BAB V BOWKL MEWCINM will correct the 3..mach and Bowel troubles. Perfectly harm less. Sea directions on the bottle. Health may be wealth for some, but it is poverty for the doctor. . forward dl With no thought of bursting shrap nel and poisonous gases into which they plunge with every muscle tense, with every faculty of mind alert, with one thought only TO FIGHT AND WIN. That is the way our men are going into battle. When the shrill whistle sounds the advance, out they go their whole heart in the task before them. No power on earth can hold them back. Forworn W 0 The same sharp challenge to battle is sounding for us. We must answer in the same proud way the way of our righting men the American way. We must lend the way they fight. We must show the war-maddened Hun a united American people mov ing forward7 shoulder to shoulder, irresistibly, to Victory. Our task is to supply the money, the ships, the guns, the shells that we must have to win. It is a tremendous task. We must do it as our fighting men do theirs with the indomitable spirit of Victory. We must work, and save, and lend with one thought only TO FIGHT AND WIN. Get into the fight with your whole heart. Buy Bondsto the utmost! This Space Contributed by Swift & Company Well-Prepared, Attractive Parcel Post a lower price than they can obtain in their local markets. It is needless to say that such imperfect and erroneous Ideas as to proper and equitable prices altogether defeated the possibility of marketing produce by parcel post. Business in marketing by parcel post can be secured and held only by ship ping produce of high quality and by charging reasonable prices. The larger the quantity, within the postal limits, that Is shipped at any one time, the more economical Is the factor of postage and therefore the more attractive from the viewpoint of cost both to the producer and to the consumer. This applies both to ship ments and the return of empty con tainers. It would not be economical to secure half a dozen different kinds of vegetables from as many different pro ducers, but If a supply of half a dozen kinds of vegetables, or vegetables and fruits, could be obtained In one parcel from one producer It would be both advantageous and attractive. Another advantage to the producer In parcel post marketing is that his mall box or local post office becomes his shipping station. This relieves him from any extra trip In order to make shipment, as the rural mall carrier takes the shipment from the mall box or some member of the farmer's fam ily deposits It at the post office when going to call for the mail. Many farmers often have a small surplus of produce, not needed for home consumption, which could be marketed if some ready means of get ting It to a consumer were available. The parcel post supplies this medium. There are also many supplemental or side lines of production which could be developed for the same purpose. Mutual confidence and helpfulness are needed In order to succeed; co-operation Is needed. Consumers are In terested in buying by parcel post only when they can secure more satisfac tory produce, some advantage In price, or both. The producer will not be in terested in marketing by parcel post unless It means some additional net return to him. A high quality of prod uce, well prepared, carefully and at tractively packed, and forwarded so as to reach Its destination at the time de sired will go a long way toward the es tablishment and continuance of busi ness. Ordinary or Inferior produce will not only lose a customer but hinder the gaining of others. The producer must aim to give satisfaction by supplying jls customers, as nearly as possible, with produce which meets their indi vidual desires. The consumer must also aim to give satisfaction by proper ly caring for and returning containers, making prompt remittances as agreed upon and by doing his part In all phases of the transaction. In other words, a square deal Is needed. OESERTER GETS COLD RECEPTION Wanderer Returns After Absenc: of Thirteen Years and Asks to Be Forgiven. Chicago. Bronzed ann sunburned, Paul Thiel, who deserted his wife and family 13 years ago, has returned to Chicago after many years of prospect ing In the West, wandering in Mexico, working in p restaurant in Kansas City, Mo., and running a bar in the "Barbary coast" of San Francisco. Thiel returned as from the grave and came home surrounded in an atmos- Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver i Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and head achy read my guarantee, f Listen to me ! Take no more sicken ing, salivating calome' bilious or constipated. Don't lo. a day's work! Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes into it, break ing it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or j-ou have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If it doesn't straiRhten you right up and make yo feel fine and vigorous by morning, I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it Is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetable, therefore it can not sali vate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful T Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated Waste which , is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of, Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fata lly feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant tastsY Adv. His Reception by His Wife Was Cool. phere of mystery and romance. But there was no romance about it for his wife, Martha, whose name appeared in the directory as "Martha, widow of Paul." . If Thiel expected that all would be forgiven and that his journey would end in a lovers' meeting he was disap pointed. His reception by his wife was cool. The children, however, were more lenient and It Is through their hearts that Thiel is seeking to win back the lost love of his wife. The wanderer, pending his banishment, Is the guest of bis married daughter, Mrs. Robert Firestone. Thiel returned to Chicago to see his oldest son, George, before the boy was called to the colors. George, who was a little curly headed fellow when his father left, is now eighteen and is anx ious to get Into the service. "We are for dad," said George. "He'a going to stay, and we like him." But with the mother it was different. No regrets can quite blot out the mem ory of 13 bitter years. "Why should I take him back?" she asked. "He left me with four llttlt children. We were living In the coun try at the time and he was working in a greenhouse, I hadn't a cent and had to write to my relatives in Chicago in order to get back to town. Then I worked in a laundry to buy clothes for the children and to send them to school. I had an opportunity to marry again. Once was enough. I don't need a husband, but if the children want a father well, It's up to them." During his roaming through the West and In Mexico, Thiel never wrote . to his family. When he finally ap peared after his years of absence, the wanderer decided to remain in Chicago. Born Advertiser. The other day a fishmonger went through the streets of ii small New England town blowing a horn and be tween blasts yelling, "Scup and scrod!" "Soup and scrod" two well-known kinds of fish in that country. A woman came to a door and said: "(!ii:itMe si, siMin." ilavi n't any sciip,"' said the fishmonger. "Well, then." said the woman, "what are you yelling scup tor if vou haven't got any 'scup?'" "Well," replied the fishmonger, "J didn't want you to forget scup when I got scup!" Printer's Ink. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears thp Signature of OStfM&ll In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria The Harvest. "Now, let me see," says the modern fanner, looking over his field ; "there's a new automobile in that lot, a dress apiece fr the girls, a hat for Maria and somethin' left over for Bob in France to set 'em up to the fellers." Toledo Blade. Her Status. "She is a mere butterfly of society, isn't she?" "Well, not exactly. I should rather call her a butter-in." Lying too much in bed Is almost as bad as lying too much out of It. Indigestion produce disagreeable and sometimes alarming lymptomi. Wrlght'a Indian Vegetable Pills atimulate the diges tive processes to function naturally. Av. England is opening schools for fac tory workers. Mixed About Mother. My husband, who is stationed at (.'amp Zachary Taylor, Ky., yas pres ent when si mie negro soldiers were signing up for government insurance. One soldier, having named hi mother as tin beneficiary of his poJ ier, gave hi own age as thirty-six. ;i! i'ii!n :'! !,; r.v !:; fsge was nnsw ivd : Thirty-eight." The odicer said, "'Why, man, she's bound to be older than that," whereupon he re ceived this reply, "h, well, boss, just make it fawty then." Another negro soldier gave hit mo:her's maiden name as Mary Thom as and in a few moments exclaimed, "Ilnd on a minute, sun ; that ain't her name; it's Mary Thompson. Some way I'se just got so much on maa mind I can't seem to think." Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cord by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There to: only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE act through the Blood on the Mucous Surface of the System. Catarrhal Deafness 1 caused by an Inflamed condition of th mucous lining: of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is ths result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness ar caused by Catarrh, which Is an inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Your Own Way. Many have an idea that it would in pleasant always to have their ow way. It is sometimes pleasant, but tho results are not gratifying. It is the road that leads to temptation an J bondage of sin. A well wisher is one who invests hl8 coin In oil wells. GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES DAIRY COW FOOD CONSERVER One Great Law Is to Turn Inedible Feeds Into Food In Cheap est Manner Possible. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Two facts stand out prominently as reasons for the increased production and use of milk. The first is that milk as purchased on the market usually supplies food material togeth er with the growth-producing meat or eggs. The second reason is that the dairy cow is the most economical pro ducer of animal food. One great law of food conservation is to turn In edible feeds into edible foods in the cheapest possible manner. The dairy cow will utilize coarse materials, in edible to humans such as grass, corn stalks, bay, etc. and will turn them Into milk. Other farm animals also are converters of coarse roughage Into edible foods but are. net so efficient a the dairy cow. SETS COT AFiPiE WHILE IN JAIL TO AVOID FINE Stevens Point, Wis. When John Liss was arrested for en gaging in an argument with Joe Ostrowskl, who was also taken into custody, John calmly set the cot in his cell afire and went to sleep. Joe woke up to find himself nearly smothered and to see John still slumbering amid a circle of flames. Joe gave the alarm and with John was re leased, only to be haled Into court and fined as per schedule. For centuries all over the world JOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has af forded relief in thousands upon thou sands of cases of lame back, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, gruv el and all other affections of the kid neys, liver, stomach, bladder and al lied organs. It acts quickly. It does the work. It cleanses your kidneys and purifies the blood. It makes a new man, n new woman, of you. It frequently wards off attacks of the dread and fatal diseases of the kid neys. It of ln completely cures the distressing diseases of the organs of the body allied with the bladder and kidneys. Bloody or cloudy urine, sed iment, or "brickdust" indicate an un healthy condition. Do not delay a minute If your back aches or you are sore across the loins or have difficulty when urinating. Go to your druggist at once and get a box of imported GOLD MEDAL IIa&i lem Oil Capsules. They are pleasant and easy to take. Each capsule con tains about one dose of five drops. Take them just like you would any pill. Take a small swallow tf water if you want to. They dissolve in the stomach, and the kidneys soak up the oil like a sponge does water. They thoroughly cleanse and wash out the bladder and kidneys and throw off the infiannnati'-n which is the cause of the trouble. They will quickly relieva those stiffened joints, that backache, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel, "brickdust," etc. They are an effective remedy for all dis eases of the bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs. Yoor druggist" will cheerfully refund your money if you are not satisfied after a few days' use. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. None other genuine. Adv. BEES ROUT TRAFFIC COP Take Possession of His Sun Umbrella On Busy City Street Crossing. Amsterdam, N. Y. Bees put a traffic officer here to rout. Traffic Policeman Albert Leagher left his post for a few minutes. When he returned he found a swarm of bees In possession of his sun umbrella. lie Is stationed at the busiest crossing in the city. A largo crowd gathered. For three hours all kinds of methods for driving bees from their perch were tried. Finally Ralph Kline, engineer in the department of public works, flirted with the queen bee and got her away. The rest followed. Policeman Stops Game. Kansas City, Mo. Odilo A. Cyre, nineteen, of Clyde, Kan., arrived at the Union station here nith $51. He came to enlist in Uncle Sam's navy. Two strangers offered to escort litm to the recruiting station. In a near-by saloon the strangers argued as to hla weight Each had lifted Cyre several times when a police officer hove In sight and took a hand In Jie proceed ings. Six dollars and a watch had been "lifted" from Cyre. 1 (mX3SES33 The first sign of stomach misery usually comes after over-eating. The doctors call it "superacidity . The people say "sour stomach". Millions of people who have lost their ambition, energy, courage, vitality and strength who are weak, pale and listless who go through life just dragging one foot after another tired ana worn out nearly all the time nervous, ini table, subject to sffi severe headache. (M& insomnia, and a long train of physi cal ills would be surprised, yes, dumbfounded, to learn that it is just an acid-stomach that is causing them all their misery, xet in nearly nine t:iii.:3 uut di r.eu uiai is just where the trouble start?. . Now a sour, acid-stomach, or ' "sup eracidity", of course, simply means too much acid in the stomach. You can now quickly rid your stomach of its excess acid. A wonderful modern remedy called E ATONIC literally wipes it out. It does the work easily. quickly and thoroughly. It makes the stomach pure, sweet, cool and comfortable. It helps you to ret fall strens-tk out of every mouthful of food you est: ami unless you do get full strength from your food yoa cannot enjoy robust, vigorous health. EATONlC is in tablet form. They z pleasant tastinir ust like bit nf mnrf g and re absolutely harmless. Tsk wonderfully different you will feeL Se LAVZZ'COyy "mediate effects of acid-stom- :n Dlost. heartburn, be. f chin?, food repeating. ia . aiffeeuon. etc. see. tost r V-VS "VLi. k. J?, -Ar how quickly your eral health improves how much you rebsk your food how much i more easily your food . le dice ted how aoundbr ness and irritability dias ear. And all simply becau . takiair EATONlC. yoi' rid your stomach of a lot of ri-l that has bran hnldinir YirJ making your life miserable. So get a big box of EATONlC druggist today. Ue is authorized tt EATONlC to please you and you carf make this guarantee good. If EA in any way. take it back be wiV money. If your druggist V EATONlC write to us direct f you a big 50c box and you can you receive it. Address Eatonic Remedy Co. luia can sv': :H f

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