PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HOMESEI.KERS Me Doaiwke ggemukisnd THE B E A C0N OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER » Year, In Advanoe. •FOR COO, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR TRUTH." Single Copy 6 Ccatau VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3D, 1927 NO. 42 ■■ ■—i , — ■ LOCAL NEWS Lee Roy Harris was in Wilson list week-end Mr. 0. H. Lvon motored to G'eenvide Monday. Lue Read and Jack Peele were inRoxo’sd Wednesday. Mrs. 1). G Darden is visiting at Terra Ceia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Legget SDsnt Sunday in Suffolk. Mayor and Mrs. R. P. Walker motored to Raleigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sexton spent Sunday in Jamesville. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Liverman motored to Columbia Sunday. Louis Phillip llornthal, Jr , c.f Williamston, was here Sunday. Miss Frances Warren, of Gonetoe. was in town this week. Mrs. Robert Hidenricht, of Williamston, was here Sunday. Messrs. A. T. Leary and Bosie JJarton were in Washington Mon day. _ Mr. H. A. Li\erraan and little daughter Anne were in Columbia Sunday. Walter H. Paramote and Miss dargaret Brown motored tc ipothmd Neck Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Belote, of Dur ham, is spending a few days here with Mrs. Byrant Jordon. Mr. and Mrs. II. G Harrison of Lcuisburg, are visiting Mr and Mrs. W. C Harrison. Pr. C. McGowan, Mrs. Marths Parrjs and Mrs, h. A. Livermar motored tq Wenona Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S Chesson of VVilson, are here the guest3 oi Mr. and Mrs, B. G. Campb 11. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dupree, ol (Jreensboro, were week enc guests of Mrs. A. R. Dupree. Messrs. Jewel] Ayers, J. S Brown and ’L L. Gwens attendee the fair at Williamston Tuesday Mr and Mrs. W. B. Watts, o: Williamston, were guests of Mr and Mrs. L. P. Horntha! Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Zer.o Lyon, ol Ayden, are here this week lh< S nests of Mr. and Mrs. L. P "ofnthal Mr. and Mrs. F. C. HendricI and Mrs. Aubrey Smith, of Berk ley, Va., spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. G- Ha.-rison. Mr. P. W Brown was in Nor folk this week and was accojn panied on the return trip by hii wife and Mrs. 0 R Leggett. Miss Carrie Smith, of Tusca loosa, Fla., returned home this week after spending some tim< here with mother Mrs. J. H Smith. Miss Ruby Templeton, of New Bern, former member of th< local School faculty, was the gqesf of Mrs. H. V. Austin dur ing the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Rogerson of Pittsburg. Pa., are here thii week as guests of Mr, and Mis S. W. Beaseley. This is their firs; v|sit her*? in about 35 years. Mr Roberson is a former resident FORMER SOLON DIES AT HOME NEAR HERE BrNr.1- If’. B. Chcsson The death of Mr. Charlie \V Sneli. occured on Friday morning at thirty minutes after seven , o'clock, September 23. 1927. His going cast a gloom over the entire community He was bom in Wash ington County, November 8, 1858, and was 69 $ears of age. Son of Silas H. and Frances A. Leary Snell. Educated at the Pantego Acad emy. 1879; J A. W. Thompson High School, Siler City. 1888; and Smith's Commercial College. Lex ington, Ky., 1892 He was a distin guished merchant and farmer, chair man of the Republican executive committee of the county. Repre-> sentgtive in General Assembly from Washington county 1887. 189! and 1909, Was a loyal member of the masonic fraternal order and for 50 years a consistent and faithful member of the Christian Church at Holly Neck. Was married Novern^ ber 19, 1897 to Miss Eva V. Leg-? get, of whom was born one son, Mr. Charles W. Jr. Mrs. Snell, in her most amiable and untiring mam ner was faithful by his bedside dur ing the four months of his illness, rendering him her undivided atten tion, care, love, and sympathy. All was done fer him that medical skill could do. He never saw Mrs. Snell not filled with smiles of sunshine for his comfort even though in her heart shadow existed with sorrow. It was said by all who know them that their life together tyas the most perfect exemplication of love, Rindne-pS and congeniality and Christian beauty of any couple they l_ Wherever men and women were gathered you could hear reminis sc'cr.cis tf tl is cr that feed thing in which Mr. Snell was identified. He has been called of God to pass through the doorway of death tQ enfef into inimprtaljty, ypt his memories are embalmed in the hearts of his loved ones and friends and his virtues will inspire them to 1 higher aspirations and nobler a chievements. While the world is on the rush in business fulfililng duty and fol lowing pleasure it is emminently fitting that love and friendship and memory should cause us to pause and commemorate the virtues qpcj 1 many admirable qualities qf Mr. Snell. He was always identified by his patriotic fidelity and affection There are few w hose death is mourn ■ by a larger and more devoted circle of attached friends than he. His excellent and amiable quali ties now crowd upon our memory, ! He w'as kind, unselfish- generous and genial. He had in the largest measure the pride of lineage and character, yet all his life was sub orinate to the obligations of duty. Where duty called he followed with confidence; He was a recognized counsellor and guide always direct . ing in the paths of rectitude and honor, a faithful sorj. a loving hus 1 band and devoted father. For a number of years he has been a teacher of the Bible Class at the ■ Pleasant Grove Church and loved 1 his class and manifested great in 1 terest to the end He was thoroughly consecrated in Sunday School work, w'as faithful until he could go no more. Always bringing inspiration ! and radiance of sunshine in his class, leaving with them a daily ex ample to take with them. His class dropped the tea of long and sacred friendship upon his bier and lament his death as their personal loss. The 1 beautiful floral offering was cairied ! by members of his Sunday School ’ Class. The funeral service was h$d at INCREASE ROAD APPRORIATION THIS YEAR Washington county will spend $ 25,073.78 on t he maintenance of roads for the current fiscal year. This is an increase of $2,582 94 over the previous fiscal year. Last year the road fund expen diture amounted to $22,490 84 Some new equipment wili be purchased this year. A new four wheel driver truck will be obtained. This will cost about $5,000. Also two new graders wili be added to the equipment, an expenditure of $ 1500. This fund has been appropriat ed to pay bridge tenders and convict guards salaries, to im prove ferry?, roads and convict camps. Some of the money will be disbursed for the maintt nance of the convict camp. It is hoped by the county com missioners that the state will take lover some of the most prominent roads and convert them intestate highways. Probably more roads will be ha/dsurfaced this year. i New Star Route To Columbia Mail for Columbia and other Tyrrell county towns is received at least si.v hours earlier, since the addition of the new star route from Plymouth to the Tyr rell county capital. It is del ver ed twice daily in the week and once cn Sunday. Contract was Iat recently and J. Ii. Bateman of Columbia, was appointed carrier for the new route. A great amount of mail received at this post office is des tined for towns in the sister county. Newspapers also benefit by this new route. Passengers are also taken by I the person ■ carrying the mail. [This new route is the samabene j{R as a train except it does not carry express and is rather in |convenient for the passenge s Entertains At Birthday Party Little Miss Elizabeth Norman Bratte; , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bratten, entertained j about 35 young guests at a de lightful birthday party, at her home on Main street, Monday afternoon, celebrating her seventh anniversary. Those at tending were entertained with games and story telling on the lawn in front of the home Near ly two score presents were re ceived by the young hostess. Refreshments consisted Q f homemade candy, lemonade and cakes, in addition to the beauti ful birthday cake which was cut by the little hostess. 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon in Pleasant Grove Methodist Church. Rev. W. E. Norris, pastor of the Plymouth Christian Church, assist ed by Rev. 11. A. Chester, officiat cd. The service was concluded at the grave by the order of the masons. The interment was made in the family plot in Pleasant Grove Church yard. The deceased left one brother. Mr. James Snell, of Belhaven, one sister, Mrs. John W . Chesson. one son Charles W, Jr., and a devoted wife Mrs Eva L. Snell of whom survive him. 1 he entire community extends to the family and loved ones their heart felt sympathy and pray that they may be re united in an everlasting love, in that heavenly home, to which he has been transplanted. The large attendance of relatives and friends from the county and surrounding towns demonstrates the life of a “good man gone. " LOCAL LAWYER ADDRESSES l.O.O. F. MEET Attorney W. L. Whitley, Grand Master of North Car tin a, of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, was the principal speaker at a special meeting called at Mofthcad City this week bv Rev. J. E. Holden, pastor of the Meth odist Church at that place and also official in the lodge. Several other orators of the lodge partic ipatc d in the speechmaking. This was a join* meeting of the Beau fort and Morahead City lodges. Immediately following the speaking and transaction of the regular, business, a delightful course of refreshments were served. Attorney Jerry Sawyer and Mr- W. T. Nurrmy accompanied iVJr. Whitley on the trip, and vveiC special guests at the meet ing. _ Revival Increasing In Interest Much interest is bei.g mani fested in the revival services that are being conducted in the local Baptist Church, by the Rev. I. L Yearby, pastor.evangelist, of Tarboro. Each service has been marked with good attendance. Evening services begin promptly at 7,30. The Rev. Mr. Yearby is a very influential minister in the de nomination. Ilis sermons are powerful and eloquent. The musical program is grow ing in interest also. A junior cn.rir has been oruramae i among | the young folks. The se? ?or choir , is filled at every service Con Igregational singing is continuing in interest. Sfsters Entertains At Parties ' The home of Mrs. L P. Pinkham on Third street, was the scene ot mu parties at the same tin e, Tues clay, when Miss Grace Pinkham. entertained eighteen gues's at a birthday party, celebrating lie 13th anniversary and little Mis Marga ret Pinkham, entertained 3 young guests at a similar party, celebrat ing her eighth anniversary. Miss Grace entertained tier guests in the house, while little Margaret enter tained her friends on the lawn. Amuscn\:nts consisted of various games suitable for the lawn and in doors. Refreshments wore served at both parties. Rally Day Ser ice A grand Rally Day service, of the Oreawell Methodist Protes tant Church circuit, wi'd he he’d at the Mount llermon Church, near Creswell. Sunday. Dinner will be served on the grounds in picnic stvle. AH Sunday Schools in this dis i trict are urged to have delegates present. Others are invited to rttend. ALMO THEATRE TO-NIGHT Lon Chaney IN “Mockery'* ALSO M. G W. NEWS Adalphe Menjou “The Ace Of Cads” ALSO M G. W. NEWS AtiD THIRD EPISODE Officer 444 COMING SOON “The Big Parade” 9 COUNTY COURT Swift justice was meted out tc the six offenders of the law which were arraigned before Judge Zab Vance Norman, of Recorder’s Court here, Tuesday. The following is the disposition of the cases on docket: George Simpson, breaking and entering, judgement suspended on payment cf costs. Stark A Holton, disposing of mortgaged property, prayer l'or judgement continued until Octo ber 11, upon payment of costs. Kisar .ioyner, trespass, re manded to Juvenile Court. Stewart Moore, Mattie Moore and Hattie Moore, trespass and assault with deadly Weapon, not guilty. J. W. Davenport, violating traffic laws, nol pros with leave. L- E. Ambrose, violating traffic laws, as the result of an automo bile wreck, judgment suspended on payment of costs and the sum of #50 to C. E. Mizell for damages to automobile, Game Warden Makes Five Arrests Five arrests liave been made by Harry Stell, Washington county game warden. Parties have been arrested for exceeding the bag limit, bunting without license and aiding and abetting, in the violation of laws. Over 300 licensed huntsmen are ready for the game season, the first of next month. Twenty live of these have purchased staU | license. No applications have been received l'or non-resident state license. Warden Steli is on the alert foi violators of this law. Mr. Luther Harrison of New Yoik is visiting his mother, Mrs, J. W. Harrison, of near Ply mouth. SKINNERSVILLE NEWS Tho Rev. R. L. Hethcox, oi Creswell, was in cur community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Owens of Columbia, were visitors hen last Wednesday. Mrs. Pattie Spruill spent the week-end with Mrs. Jerry Saw yer in Plymouth. Mr. and;! Mrs. " alter Whitt and dauglijter Marjie, were ir Eden ton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phelps, of Clinton,.'.were visitors in this neighborhood Sunday. Mrs. (Hinton Everett spent Wednesday in Edenton the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bell. ^ Mr. G J. Cherry, of Charles ton, S. C., spent the week-end with his sister Mrs. Guilford Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Everett and Mr. Carey Long, of Beihaven were Sunday guests of Mr. anc Mrs. G. L. Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. George Swair and daughter Miss Doris, oi Suffolk, Va.t were here Sunday the guest of Mrs. Henrietta Swain. . • Mr- and Mrs. Chas. T. Whitt and sons William Connor anc Chas. T. Jr., of Edenton, spem Sunday at the home of Mr, anc Mrs. C. V- White. Misses Jessie Curley, Mabel Everett, Messrs. Joe White and Vernon Everett attended tht revival at the M. E. Church ii Roper Monday night. Mr. ard Mrs. Henry Phelps and family, Misses Mary Walker Norman and Inez Ambrose, ol Bay Post Office, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs. Andrew Phelps, COMM E RCI AL BODY DISCUSS NEWBRIDGE Members of the local chamber of commerce in their regular weekly j session here in the court house on I Monday evening, discussed many important matters pertaining to the growth and commercial deveop ment of the community. A committe including Secretary C. L Groves was appointed by President A. L. Alexander, to cor respond with officials of the Mont gomery Lumber Company, induc ing them to locate one of their plants here. Previously this plant was located at Spring Hope. John Lane, manager of the Spring Hope unit, stated that the officials were contemplating moving the plant to Jamesville. A concern writes the local com mercial body requesting that they instigate the inscription of the city's name on the roof of a build ing so that passing aviators will know the town they are passing. This city is on a direct route be tween Norfolk and Fort Bragg Inquiries were made in the city by a party from Kitty Hawk, N. C , this week relative to the erection of a modern theatre. A lot on Water street will perhaps be used. a uerue county delegation com posed of the following; W. T- Tad lock, chairman of the county road hoard; J, T. Stokes, chairman of the Bertie County board of Com missioners and J. D. Phelps, ap peared before the body, offering their aid in obtaining a bridge to span the Roanoke River. They wish to locate the bridge at Hy man's Ferry, above Hampton’s fish ery, on Cashie Neck, which wilj intersect highway 30 between \Yii liamston and Windsor. The corn mercialists body agreed that a bridge crossing the Albemarle Sound parallel with the old Norfolk Southern railroad bridge, would be a more convenient location. The railway company agree that if a double deck bridge were erected so that the railroad company could operate on it that they would aid in paying toll Motion made that the chamber of commerce adopt the action of the county commissioners, in rec ommending highway No. 97 for im provement and refuse to accept the ; improvement on the other route as suggested by Frank Kugler, district highway commissioner. i . - . Services At Giace Episcopal Church Sunday Dr. J. M. Robeson, of Lynch I burg, Va,, will conduct the morn lingand evening services on Sun • day, at the Grace Episcopal Church. Holy Communion will i be celebrated at the morning I service. Every one is urged to i attend. WESTOVER NEWS Mr. and Mrs. L R. Davenport and children motored to Wash ington Sunday. \ Mr. Vance Vers left last week for Chr. \;li where he .will enter th jjfcirsity. Mrs. Carr jaldwin of Green | ville, spent t. /veek end with 1; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ayes. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robbins spent Sundax in Roberson ville as the guests of Mrs. John Grimes. Mr. Richard White of Creswell spent the week end herewith his parents Mr. and Mrs. George White. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Skiles, Mr. land Mrs. G. A. Holland and Mrs. } D. N. Bateman motored to Ham ilton Sunday. Miss Mildred Vail left Wednes r day for Greenville where she will enter the Eastern Carolina Tea* chars College for this session.