PLYMOUTH EXTENDS A HEARTY WELCOME TO HO.VlESEEKERS :;I'ke Donnoke Deman THE BEACON OFFERS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISER Year, In Advance. "mm 600, FO* COMMTWY AMO FO* THVTH." Single Copy 5 VOL. 38 PLYMOUTH, N.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1927 NO. 44 LOCAL NEWS Leo Peele was in Roxobel Sun day. _ Mr. A S. Jordon was in Wash ington Monday. Mr. Joseph Peele, of Elizabeth City, was her-, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Davis spent Sunday in Oriental. Mr. and Mrs H. A. Williford were in Washington Monday. Messrs. W. T. Nuriev and W C. Martin were in Weldon this week. Misses Lorena Stillman anc Sailie Bateman, of Durham, were here last week end. Miss Ruby Tempt' ton, of New Bern, was the week-end guest ot Mrs. H. V. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ward and Mrs. R- W. Johnston, were in Washington Monday. Mr and Mrs. Henry Midgetl ar.d Mrs. T. L. Brav were in Washington Monday. Mrs. J E. Linham, of Newport News, Va., is visiting Miss Velma Satterthwaite. Mr. and Mrs. George Sexton and Mrs. Will Gurkin motored to Washington Tuesday. Mesdames P. M. Arps, S. D Dayis and Louis Horton motored to Washington Monday. Mr. Tayloe Read, of Richmond gpent the week-end here with hid mother Mrs. Claudia Read. Miss Elizabeth Ramsey o i Willian.ston, spent Sunday herf the guest of Mrs. Joe Norman. Mr. and Mrs W. W. Satterth waite and daughter. Miss Velma, motored to Greenville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B- Watts and Louis Phillip Hornthal, Jr., ol Williamston were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G Payne, of Portsmouth, spent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. T. E. Bowen Mrs A. M. Baines, of West Palm Beach, Fla., is here visiting her sister Mrs. C. V. W. Ausbon. Jack Peele. Dwight Weathers and Nathan Thompson attended the circus in Washington Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Swain, of Durham, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Satterthwaite this week. Mr. Frank Spruill of Rocky Mount spent the week-end hers with his parents Mr. and Mrs A. G. SpruiH._ Miss Ruth Bowen, of Eli?* betb Cjty, spent the week-enc With her parents Mr. and Mrs Q. W. Bowen, Mr. Lloyd Horton motored t< Grifton Sunday and was accom panied on the return trip by Misi Lenore Stone. Mrs. Sallie B. Woodroof, o Portsmouth, Va., spent the weel end here with her sister Mrs Fannie V. Grant. Mrs. C. S. Ausbon and son Douglass, of Elizabeth City spent a few days here this weel the guests of relatives, Mr. Bosie Horton motored t New Bern Sunday and wa accompanied on the return tri by Miss Mary Brinson. Mrs. W. F. Ausbon. Mrs. J. S Brown. Miss Hermine Ausboi and Mr. Toby Rogerson motore Washington Monday. Messrs. Whitt Arvin and Cai Rirhy. of Greensboro, were her during the week-end .guests c Misses Thelma and Louis Harrison. MARTIN NAMED NEW COUNTY ATTORNEY In a recent meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Van B. Martin was appointed county at torney, to fill the unexpired term of Attorney Edward L. Owens, resign eel, who was appointed following the election of the county board of commissioners last year Three Justices of the Peace ren dered their reports at this meeting. They reported no cases tried and no fees collected. Those reporting were J. C. Gatlin, J. H. Allen and J. A. Combs. It was ordered by the board that every Justice of the Peace failing to report to them at this month as required by law, re port to the Auditor by next month. Auditor Gatlin was requested to check the jury list, stenographer fees and civil cases tried, with C, V W. Ausbon, Clerk of Superior Court, ascertaining the amount of insolvent and uncollectable fees. A report to be made at the next meet ing for the board's inspection and approval. It was ordered that L S, Bray, former treasurer, and his bondsmen be notified to file with the board on October 15, an agreement ac cording to chapter 621 in 1925 leg islative acts, and that a notice to the same effect be sent by register ed mail, with a request for return receipt to be sent Surety Bonding Company, of J, K. Reid, Sheriff, The commissioners passed a reso lution ordering the county attorney and auditor to prepare the necessary papers for the issuing of $40,000 j school funding bonds, according to finance act. The authorities will secure a loan of $64,000 from the Branch Bank ing and Trust Co., to take up notes now due in New York, A $10,000 note will be issued to this bank for expenses of general county fund and schools. This note to draw 6 per cent interest, and issued in an ticipation of 1927 taxes. Plumbing fixtures in the road superintendent s house, now occu pied by Arthur Vail, was bought by the county for $137.87 from Mr Vail. This money to be paid when the occupant vacates the house. Rules In Favor Of Commissioners Heirs of the late Roland Spruill appealed to State Commissioner of Revenue. R. E. Doughton, of Raieigh, last week, in an effort to get the tax value of their property in the Pea Ridge section reduced. The property was valu ed by {he tax listers and Cpunty Commissioners at $25 an acre, A decision was rendered in fa vor of the tax assessors, and the tax value will remain the same. B)y Scouts will meet tonight, ALMO THEATRE TO-NIGHT John Barrymore IN “Don Juan” ALSO M. G W. NEWS Saturday Might Alice Terry TN “Mare Nostrum” ALSO M G. W. NEWS AND FIFTH EPISODE Officer 444 FREE—Each customer will be given a number with each ticket. Those holding lu;ky numbers at the show an Nov: 11th will receive valuaole prizes. DELEGATES OFF TO AULANDER CLUB MEET A delegation of women will leave here today or tomorrow for Aulander, where they will attend the meeting of the Fifteenth District Federation of VVomen’s Clubs, vhich will be in session there on Saturday. This district includes members in Washington, Martin, Beaufort. Pitt and Bertie counties. Members representing the various kinds of women’s or ganizations will also be present. There are 42 women’s clubs with an enrollment of 834 mem bers in these counties. There are 50 girl clubs. In these counties there are two county federations of clubs. Members of the Beau fort federation meet semi-annual ly, while the members of the Washington county federation meet quarterly. The following projects have been studied in the various clubs in the district: foods, clothing, housefurnishings, household management, landscape garden ing, poultry and marketing. For some unknown reason Miss Bertha Lee Ferguson, preside!) of the district federation will not be present. High School Inspector Here This Week Assistant State High School Inspector, A. B, Combs, of Eliza beth City, was here this week on official business. While here, he reviewed the course of study pursued in the local school. Also his attention was drawn to the equipment of the library, phys j ical equipment, together with* other things that pertain to a! modern standard A school. Some time was spent in confer ence with City School Superin tendent Li. H. Hubblie. Several matters of impor ance were thrashed out at this time. It is noticeable that the enroll ment in all schools of the county has increased over the previous year. Attendence has increased also. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Livers, who have been spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ausbon returned to their home in Hampton, Va., this week. SKINNERSV1LLE NEWS Mrs. Walter white and Master Frances Everett motored to Ply mouth Monday. Mrs. Henrietta Swain spent last week with relatives and friends in Plymouth Mrs. William Wiley, of Cres. well, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mollie Wiley. Miss Alma Lee, of Aulander, was the guest of her grand mother Mrs. Mollie Wiley Sunday. Mrs EmmetteGrandvand chil dren. of New York, are here the guests of Mrs. Henrietta Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Clingham Mit chell and family, of Aulander, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. J. Elliott. Messrs. Fred and Louis Bate man accompanied by their sister, Miss Sabra, attended the circus j at Washington Monday. A number of local young people attended a Bible picture show exhibiting the life of Christ in the school auditorium at Cres well Monday evening. Mr Mrs. Fred Earbarks left Sunday for Bertie county, where they will spend some time with friends previous to return ing to their home in New York. The district Sunday School Convention scheduled to he held at the Rehoboth Church Sunday will be postponed until the second Sunday in November, owing to inclement weather ADMITS THEFT OF CURED TOBACCO Theodore Hassell, young white man of the Roper section, was ar raigned before Judge Zeb Vance Norman, o f Recorder’s Court, charged with theft of tobacco from a packhouse on the farm of Mrs L, B, Thompson, near here. Hassell was a tenant on the farm. Dan Marrow, manager of the farm on which the theft occured. was prose cuting witness. Developments of the case in the tr;a! revealed that the defendant admitted stealing some of the cured tobacco however, the amount stol en seemed to be the tangle in the affair. Marrow claimed that it was about seventeen sticks, weighing about 170 pounds, while the defen dant alleged that the amount of to bacco he stole only brought about $20. A plea of guilt to petty lar ceny was admitted. A tour of the markets in this section made by parties seeking to ascertain the identity of the thief, led to the arrest of Hassell, when the tobacco was found in a pile on the floor of a Williamston ware house, already sold. Judge Norman required the de fendant to pay costs of the court and make satisfactory restitution to the plaintiff. Presiding Elder Here 1 his Week The Rev, H. I. Glass, presiding elder of the Elizabeth City district of the Methodist Episcopal Church was here this week checking up on the Sunday School work in the local church. This was done to aid the Sunday School Board of the North Carolina Conference in se curing data and statistics, A number was present at the meeting held for this purpose on Monday evening. Pastor R. G. L. Edwards of the local Methodist Church, was assigned to check up on the Sunday School work in the churches at Mackeys and Columbia, Mrs. Class accompanied her hus band and while here they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G, L. Edwards. Enjoy Weiner Roast A weiner roast was given by the senior class of the Roper High School last Friday evening, on the bank of Kenkrick’s Creek near that place. Amusements were varied and were enjoyed very much. Those attending were Misses Thelma Smith, Elizabeth John ston, Virginia Newberry, Helen Knowles, Mabel Tarkenton, Alice Spruill, Perla Hopkins, Mary Hassell and Edna Mizell, and Messrs James Collins, Robert Knowles, Hallett Chesson, James Bateman, Cecil Blount, Wesley Marrow, Ralph Harrell, G. C. McBane and Roscoe Gaylord. WESTOVER NEWS Miss. Margaret Norman, of Roper, was in the community Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Jackson of Plymouth spent Sunday in this community with her father Mr. B. F. Skiles Mrs. Carrie Baldwin, of Green ville, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Ayers. Mrs. H. L, Barnes, of Tampa, Fla., is spending some time here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. C Vail. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Allen, of Greenville, and Mrs. H C Kin said, Mrs. Laura Crawford ar d Miss Mildred Vail were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, N. C. Vail Sunday Mrs, ^e$ekiah Siiterson and Mrs. FVed Sitterson, of Wilson, returned to their home this week after an extended stay here dur ing the illness of their mother |Mrs. Piuy Swain. ATHLETIC CLUB HAS BUSINESS SESSION With about thirty five paid up members on roll the local Athletic Club is making splendid progress and the organization is fastly be coming a necessary factor in the life of the local youth. At a regular meeting this week, a constitution was adopted. A com mitte was appointed to draft the by-laws. A custodian was elected and a membership card was approved for publication and distribution among the members. Also several minor matters were disposed of. A special called meeting will be held at the club room this evenings All members and candidates for membership are requested to be present. Mrs. Norman Hostess To Club The Thursday afternoon Liter ary Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J- S. Nor mas last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. T. L. Bray, newly elected president, presided. Committees were appointed for work during the year. A letter was read stat ing that the University of North Carolina Glee Club, which has re cently concluded a successful tour of hiurope, would give a concert here in November, under the aus pices of the Club. The president urged the members to attend the meeting of the Women’s Clubs of the 15th district, which will be held at Aulander tomorrow. An interesting literary pro gram was rendered. The book, “A Daughter of the Samurai,” was the topic. Interesting papers were read by Mrs. J. B. Edmund son and Mrs. S. A. Ward. A delicious iced course was served by the hostess. Guests of the club were Mrs. R. G. L. Ed wards and Mrs. C. J. Norman. Notice To Members Of Library Association The Washington County Library Association requests that all members pay the $1.00 an nual dues as early as possible, and invites new members to join the association and help make our county library grow. A number of new books have been purchased and the asso ciation expects to add more as fast as funds are available. ROPER NEWS Miss Hester Stern spent the week end with her parents in Belhaven. Professors E. N. Riddle and G. C McBane motored to Hamil ton Friday. Miss Daisy Davis, of Edenton, is spending some time with Miss Thelma Smith. VIembers of the local Episcopal Church gave a benefit salad sup per last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. C- Slacum. of Creswell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buchanan Misses Perla Hopkins and Ed na Mizell .vere dinner guests of Miss Mary Carolyn Hassell Fri day. Mr. C. E. Mizell, Jr., State College studentat Raleigh, spent the week end here with his parents.. Misses Mattie Marrow and Margaret Bateman accompanied B. G O’Brien to Raleigh last week end. Mr F. D. Wilson has opened a general merchandise store on Main street, between H. L. Lewis and J O. Highsmith. The Woman’s Club held a meeting at the school house last W ednesday afternoon. A large Inumber were present. ROPER FARM STU DENTS ORGANIZE Students enrolled in the voca tional agriculture course in the Roper High School, met Wednes day, and perfected an organization known as the Young 1 ar Heel Farmers. This is a unit of a state - wide organization. Mr. J. S. Howard. District Supervisor of Vocational Agriculture, was present and aided in the organization. The purpose of the organization is to promote vocational agricul ture, thrift, encourage cooperative buying and selling, establish con fidence in the farm boy and his work, promote scholarship, leader ship. create and nurtue a love for country life. Also to provide reacreational and educational enter tainment through state agricultural contest, summer encampments, summer tours, father and son ban q u e t s. This organizaiion will inaugurate the community spirit and promote better schools, spon sor community improvement pro jects, and create more interest in the application of intelligence and business principles in farming. The following officers were elect ed: Howard Oliver president; Hal let Chesson, vice-president; Charles Williams, secretary; Louis Edward Hassell, treasurer; Robert W. Knowles, reporter and B. G. O'Brien, as advisor, with Aubrey Ainsley, Brantley Peacock and James Collins, composing the exec utive committee. The members are very enthusias tic over the new organization, and a good program of work is being outlined. Complains Of Porter Service At Union Static, n Information received from the officials of the local chamber of commerce, revealed that the com mercial body was in receipt oi a letter from the Interstate Corpora tion Commission, relative to a letter of inquiry written them by the commercialists, in regard to the operation ot a union station in a city. Citizens have registered a complaint about lights and other conveniences at night. It seems that the night porter sleeps until the train arrives which awakens him. There being no light before the train arrives. The commission wrote the railroad company. 1 he railroad company in turn wrote the commission that this complaint is w'ithouta foundation. Another matter that the commer cialists are considering, is obtaining a taxi that will meet the trains. This is a great inconvenience to the traveling public. No definite plans have been revealed as yet. Harrison-Bateman Of interest to a wide circle of friends in this community was the marriage of Mr. Henry L. Harrison and Miss Neva Bate man, at the bride’s home i n Anlander, last Wednesday after noon. Following the ceremony they left for Washi feton City. Mrs. Harrison w the beauti ful young daught/A *f Mr. and Mrs. Ben BatenyU* formerly of this place, wh/nlw resides in Aulander, whill Mr. Harrison is a prominent young salesman of this place, with a wide circle of friends Card Of Thanks We take this method of stating our appreciation for the kind deeds done, sympathetic words spoken and the be.iuMful floral offerings contributed at the death of Mrs. Leah V. Jackson. Family.