Mrs. Anna Davis Died Last Monday -® Mrs. Anna Davis, an inmate of the Washington County home for several years, died at a Washington hospital Monday afternoon at 3:30 p.m., af ter a lengthy illness. Mrs. Davis was nearly 70 years of age and had been in the hospital for one week. Very littio information could be had about Mrs. Davis. It is under stood that she has a step-daughter living in Po: '-mouth, Va., while a step-son Johnny Davis, lives at the county home. Her husband, the late ,T;: n he is, died some years ago. Mrs. D.. is was born on May 15, 1874. Funeral services were held at the Homer Funeral Home here Wxlnes a:. morning at 11 a.m., with the Rev. T. R Jenkins, pastor of the Metho dist church, conducting the last rites. Interment was made in the Wentz cemetery, near Roper. FOR S ALE ! HOUSE AND LOT In Good Residential Section of Plymouth Address Inquiries To: J\ c o Roanoke Beacon Taking Applications for Seed and Feed Loans Seed and feed loans again will be available to the farmers of this sec tion who need them, it was learned Monday from Miss Martha Hornthal, who handles applications here. These loans, secured by crop liens, are avail able to farmers for the purpose of purchasing seed, fertilizer and feed for livestock, under certain condi tions. Those in the county who wish to apply for seed and feed loans are advised to make application as soon as possible at the office of W, R. Hampton on Water Street here. DRAFT LIST (Starts on Page One) Thomas Phelps (volunteer), Garland Edward Pierce, non-fathers; Samuel Edwin Getsinger (volunteer), Arlo Valdean Rath, and Durwood Bel mont Harris, fathers. Prom Roper: Joseph Irvin Dunbar: Harvey Reid Bowen, Minton Temple Swain, James Emerson Davenport, jr. (induction postponed to finish school year), non-fathers: and Sul livan Green Lilley, father. From Creswell: Roger Arden Dav enport and Robert Milton Sawyer. Transfers: John Reginald Pierce, from Williamston, N. C.; J. Hollis White, from Baltimore. Md.; How ard Stynes, from Marion. N. C.: and Thomas Linwood Carter, from Kings William Courthouse. Va. The World’s News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An ln!ernational Daily Newspaper i< Truthful— Constructive — Unbiased — Free from Sensational ;.m — editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features. Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a ear. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name_-----— Aidless______— --—— SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST WAIT ADS KNOCKS HERE” WE WILL RECEIVE A LIMITED I OR SAVE: JANUARY 25, 1944: mule? hay, corn, hogs, chickens nd fixtures: plows, single and dott le; household and kitchen furniture, rugs, bedsteads, mattresses: store fix tures, groceries, notions, barrells, etc. Mrs. J. A. Stiiiman, Roper, Route 1. N. C. Pea Ridge locality. J132t FOR SALE: WINDOW GLASS, ALL sizes, single and double strength. Davenport Hardware Co. f 18 tf RAWLEIGH ROUTE AVAILABLE at once. Good opportunity. Write at once. Rawleieh’s, Dept. NCA-171 :\5. Richmond, va. it I UR SALE: GALVANIZED PIPE, fittings, check and globe valves. Spend year cash with us and t- e the difference. Davenport Hard ware Co. o28 tf. USE FIGARO CONDENSED SMOKE for your meat. Saves time and money. Blount's Hardware and Seed Store. J20 tf WANTED: USED MCTROLAS, PI anos, desks, trunks, heaters, cook ir. stoves or any other used furni ture. Cali 55-W. Wier Furniture Co. \\ ■ ; iamsten. o7 tf D • SALF: T. W. WOOD & SONS garden seeds. Davenport Hardware Company, City. J14 t! W -ANTED: ALL TEOPLE SUFFER ing from kidney trouble or back ache to try KIDDO, 97c. Money-back guarantee. At Womble’s Drug Store Plymouth, N. C. t mr 1 LOST—BLACK AND TAN HUNTING dog with mole colored ears. Was seen la t in neighborhood of Roper, with strap on him bearing name of owner, C. J. Spruill, Creswell. Re ward for return. j20 2t FOR SALE: FETRII.IZER, NITRATE soda, bake shell lime, burnt shell lime, potash lime. Please let me have your orders early. John T. Brown ing. d2 tf FOR SA1T-: ONE FOUR-QUART dairy goat, fresh. Cash or terms. L. S. Brey, Roper, N. C. It PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! DO Your own permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Fay McKenzie, glamorous movie star. Money re funded if not satisfied. Winslow’s 5c to $1.00 Store t flO LOST: BLACK AND WHITE FE male deer hound; last seen on New Road Thanksgiving Day; medium size, no collar. Answ’ers to name •’Spot.” Reward for information. Marshall E Woodley, Creswell, N. C. j 13 2t WANTED: 200 LADIES TO USE Woodbury's Hand Lotion, 50-cent value, special at 29c. Womble Drug Store, City. It FOR SALE: 1935 PONTIAC COACH in good condition. Good tires. See Keith Arnold, city. tf FOR sale” ONE-GALLON COCA Cola jugs; only 98 left. Davenport Hardware Co. dl6 tf FOR SALE: LET US HAVE YOUR order for burnt, baked, or potash limes early as possible. Also ferti lizer, as the labor situation will delay all shipments. Davenport Hardware Company. n!8 tf FOR SALE: TVVO NICE YOUNG Jersey milk cows; fresh with calves two weeks old. T. S. Lucas, city. 313 4t BUY ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLS complete with fence, batteries and insulators. Blount’s Hardware and Seed Store. 320 tf WANTED: TOWERMAN FOR Plym outh Are tower, beginning on or about March 1st. See S. F. Darden. County Forest Warden. Plymouth, N. C. j 13 2t GIVE US YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Cole planter parts. Blount's Hard ware and Seed Store. 320 tf FOR SALE: COMBINATION WOOD and coal burning stoves, laundry heaters' stove pipe, elbows. Get our prices before buying. Davenport Hardware Co. o28 tf FOR SALE: LADIES’ VICTORY model bicycle. Phone 2586. It FOR SALE: 2 LOTS 100 BY 200 feet each. Desirable neighborhood: on Highway 64, 3ust across Conaby Creek in front John Browning’s prop - erty. $300 each. Davenport Hard ware Co., City. o21 tf FOR SALE: TABLES, CHAIRS, Pic tures, cedar chests, Imens, blan kets, lamps, electric fan, radio, and other things. See items at S. F. Darden’s residence, 627 Washington St. 320 2t WANTED: TENANT FOR LARGE or small crop, including tobacco. Prefer someone who can furnish own labor. See W. A. Knowles, Roper, N. C. j20 2t NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR BABY chicks, white leghorns, New Hamp shire reds and heavy mixed. Will i set incubator as soon as orders re ceived. Deliveries about middle of February. See me at once. Mrs. Thomas L. Williams, Scuppemong Road, Creswell, N. C. j20 2t WANTED TO BET: USED BABY stroller. See Mrs. Keith Arnold. FOR SALE: BENJAMIN MOORE paints and varnishes; inside, out side, floors. Davenport Hardwar< Company. jl4 tf FOR SALE: 1938 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up truck, with 1941 mo tor. Mechanically perfect. Bob Wine sett, City. It WANTED: MAN OR WOMAN FOR part or full-time agent for large insurance company selling a multiple line of insurance. No debit to collect. This is a mutual cooperative company and therefore have better rates. You will be trained by an experienced man. All applicants will be interview ed. Send reply to: Fletcher G. Thomas, Box 444, Williamston, N. C. AUCTION SALE, RAIN OR SHINE: Tuesday, January 25, at 1 o'clock, J. C Tarkenton’s store Highway 64 between Roper and Albemarle Sound bridge: 14 head good farm mules ana horses, 1 combine. 1 grist mill,, tractor planters. 2-in-l cultivators, j small tools and plows of every kind. i FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT FOR 1 rent. 107 Water Street. Mrs. C. j C. Slankard. It WANTED: A FOUR-ROOM UN fumished apartment or five-room house near high school. Phone 3056. j20 2ti SUPERIOR COURT (Starts on Page One) Divorces granted: Harry Walker from Elizabeth Walker; Helene Du vall Morris from James Louis Mor ris; Grover H. Naylor from Getrude Gene' Naylor: Mary E. Cross from Charlie Cross; J H. Pritchard from Sarah M. Pritchard; Mrs. Nellie Jackson from T. J. Jackson; and Odessa Halsey from James Halsey. The case of Mary Jones vs. Willie Jones was continued. A consent Judgment was entered in the case of Lucille Owens, adminis tratrix, vs. Nona B. Newman. Judgment for plaintiff was enter ed in the case of Theodore R. Ange et al, vs. A. Lloyd Owens. Judgment for plaintiff was entered in the case of The Straus Company vs M. L. Nobles. Tire case of Freeman Hyman, et al, vs. J. S. Shugar was ordered re moved from the calendar. Judgment for defendant was enter ed in the case of James Norman vs. N. W. Spruill. Settlement out of court was ef fected in the case of Sybil Woodley Moore vs. the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company. Continuances were granted in the following actions: Mary Jones vs. Willie Jones: House Chevrolet Co. vs. W. A. Beale; W. R. Hampton vs. Tom Tharpe, et al; T. ,F. Thompson vs Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co.; J. R. Watkins Co. vs. Cary A. earner, jr.; and M. G. Waters, et al, vs. James Polk Spruill, et al; Industrial Bank vs. V. E. Everett; and Jesse Herring ton vs. Plymouth Box and Panel Co. Mail Tire Records With Gas Tickets -® The county rationing board ad vises passenger-car owners that their new tire inspection records were mailed to them at the time their new A gasoline allotment books were sent out. The new tire record is somewhat smaller than the old one, and a great many motorists have come to the office of the board asking for tire inspection records. Tlie old tire inspection records are being kept in the flies of the ration ing board, it is explained, and under no circumstances will they be re turned to motorists. Tire new tire inspection records for truck owners are also mailed out with their new gasoline allotments, but the old the records are retained in the office of the rationing board, as in the case of passenger-car owners. Certified seed potatoes from the three leading producing areas, taken from regular car lot shipments, were tested for yield at the Eastern Shore Ex periment Station. Onley, Va„ in 1943. Of the 10 highest yields of prime potatoes, 7 were from North Dakota seed, including the 2 highest. Similar results were obtained in 1941 and 1942. Can you afford not to use— ^ NORTH DAKOTA Certified Seed Potatoes Insist That Your Dealer Supply You With This Quality Seed STATE SEED DEPT., FARGO, N. D. Expect Increase in Waste Fats Salvage Arrangements have been complet ed for the waste fats salvage drive in this section, it was learned this week from Miss Helene Duvall, secretary to the Washington County Salvage Committee. With two red ration points and 4 cents per pound now being given for waste household fats by local meat dealers, it is believed there will be a tremendous increase in the amount turned in by house wives of the county. It is stated that no special con tainers are necesary for saving the fats. They may be collected in ordi nary tin cans, although the large fruit-juice cans are recommended, since they will hold more. Retailers who receive the fats are advised to have one large container and to pour the fats into it for storage. Arrangements have been made to have a Goldsboro firm pick up the salvaged grease when the stores have an accumulation of 50 pounds or more. The retailers are advised to pool their collections of the waste material and to notify the Goldsboro firm whenever they have 50 or more pounds on hand. The stores will be paid 5 cents per pound by the render ing firms. Program of Services for Sunday at Baptist Church The program of services for Sun day, January 23 at the Ludford Me morial Baptist Church are as fol lows: Sunday School, 9:50; morning worship. 11: BTU, 6:30 p.m.; evening worship, 7:30. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. Everyone welcome. CHILD KILLED (Starts on Page One) cutter on the shoulder of the road. Testimony at the inquest was to the eflect that the car was running from 30 to 35 miles an hour and that it was well on the right side of the highway. The coroner’s jury de cided that the accident was unavoid able on the, part of the driver. None of the occupants of the car was hurt. -^ Presbyterian Program of Services Is Announced Sunday School will be held at the home of Mrs. Jordan on Wilson St. Extension, Sunday afternoon at 3:30. Let us see if we can build up our attendance again inspite of the bad weather. -3 Quarterly Conference at Methodist Church Sunday By REV. T. R. JENKINS, Pastor Church school, 9:45 a.m.; morn ing worship. 11 a.m.; youth fellow ship, 6:30 p.m.; evening worship, 7:30. At the evening service Rev. W. L Clegg, district superintendent of the Elizabeth City District, will be with us to preach for us and preside over our first quarterly conference. The public is invited to all these services. SEED POTATOES The production of certified seed potatoes was up 42 per cent in 1943. This represents more than 6 per cent of all potatoes produced.__ COTTONSEED OIL Cottonseed oil going into margar ine was 28'2 million pounds in Oc tober as compared with only 15 mil. lion pounds in the same month in 1942. Do Your Part! By Buying War Bonds During the Fourih War Loan Drive ★ Our County Quota Is $228,000 ★ The Fourth Loan is a test of us as a nation, as a people. The eyes of our fighting men are upon us to see if we are backing them. . . . The eyes of our Allies are upon us to see if we are with them. . .. The eyes of our enemies are upon us to see if we are soft enough to fall for a non - victorious, here-today-gone-tomor row peace . . . Are we? The answer is in your pocket! LET'S ALL BACK THE ATTACK! PLYMOUTH MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION Retailers Should Determine Number of Tokens Needed Official application blanks for the new ration tokens, which go into ef fect February 27, have not yet been | mailed to retailers who do not have ration bank accounts, it was stated at the office of the rationing board here today. However, they will be sent out as soon as they are received by the board. In the meantime, all retailers are advised to drop a postal card to their banks, telling them how many tokens they will need. This should be done so that the banks may know how many tokens to order. The applica tion blanks for tokens will be sent out from the rationing board, while the tokens themselves will be issued only by banks. Vestry Members To Be Installed at Grace Church Members of the Vestry of Grace Episcopal Church will be installed at a special service to be held Sunday morning, January 23. at 11 o'clock. The following men of the parish were chosen to serve on the vestry for the year 1944: Honorary Vestrymen—J. H. Leggett. Arthur Vail. R. A. Williford: Active Vestrymen—T. W. Earle, P. Bruce Bateman. R. A. Duvall, D. J. Brinkley, H. A. Williford. Dr. Alban Papineau. Lloyd Gilbert, C. E. Ayers, Zeno Lyon, R. S. Martin, David Brown, and Jack W. Reid. Other services scheduled for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany. January 23 are as follows: Church School, 9:45 a.m.; Young People’s Service League, 7 p.m.: evening prayer and sermon. 8 p.m. -% Local Auxiliary To Begin Study Course On Monday "Six Pillars of Peace” is the title of a study course to be undertaken by members of the Woman's Auxil iary of Grace Episcopal church dur ing the next month. Discussion meet ings are to be held Monday night. January 24. and Monday night, Feb ruary 7. at 8 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Vance Norman. The Rev. Wil liam B. Daniels, jr„ rector of the church, will lead the discussion at the first meeting next Monday. The theme of the study course is the problem to be faced in the plan ning of a just and durable peace. Ma terials for the study course were pub lished by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Ex perts in political, economic and re ligious problems in the present world have contributed their thoughts to .his study course. -® Program of Services at Local Christian Church Rev. E. B. QUICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; H. H. Allen, superintendent; morning wor ship, 11; sermon subject, “A New Heaven and a New Earth.” Junior so ciety meeting, 6 p.m.; Mrs. Henry Hardison, sponsor. Evening worship. 7:30 p.m.; sermon subject, “The Sun of Richteousness.” Choir rehearsal, 'Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. The first sesison of the Roanoke District convention to be entertained by this church, January 29-30, will begin Saturday morning at 10:30. Local Girl Gels Rating in Spars Miss Claudia Burgess, of the Spars, U. S. Coast Guard women's auxiliary, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Burgess, here this week. She arrived Tuesday, shortly after com pleting a special course of training at the Coast Guard training base in Palm Beach, Fla., where she received the rating of third-class petty officer. Miss Burgess entered the Coast Guard service about 16 weeks ago. Since that time she has received foul weeks' basic training and eight weeks at the specialists’ school for yeo men. At the conclusion of the latter course, she was one of the 20 mem bers of her clas who received the rat ing of yeoman, third class. She likes her work fine and is enthusiastic about the service. NOTICE OF SALE Notice of Re-Sale: Mrs. Eloise Stillman et al, vs. 'Wil liam A. Stillman ct al. Pursuant to the Order of Re-sale entered herein by the Court on this date, the undersigned Commissioner of the Court will offer for sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Washingtn County, at 12 o'clock Noon, on Thursday, the 27th day of January. 1944. that cer tain real property described in this proceeding as follows: Bounded on the north by Albemarle Sound: on the west by the lands of Hugh Patrick: on the south by the public road and on the east by H. W. Dunbar being more particularly des cribed as follows: Beginning at a pine and cedar at the Albemarle Sound and running out 17.04 churns south 90 degrees 10 minutes east; thence. 3.74 chains north 81 degrees 30 minutes east: thence, 42.75 chains south 7 degrees 45 minutes east to a pine on the south side of the road: thence, 2.43 chains south 80 degrees 25 minutes west to a pine; thence, south 70 degrees 45 minutes east to G. C. Patrick’s line: thence, west wards along G. C. Patrick's line to William L. Smith’s deceased, corner; thence, northwardly along said Wil liam L. Smith's deceased, line to the sound; thence, eastwardly along the sound shore to the first station. The sale will begin with the in creased bid of $3832.50 and the bid der at such sale wil be required to de posit as much as ten per cent of the amount bid for the property as a guaranty of good faith pending ac tion thereon by the Court, the sale being under the control of the Court. This the 11th day of January, 1944. W. L. WHITLEY, 113 2t Commissioner of the Court. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Washington Coun ty. In Superior Court before the Clerk. Joseph Montero Allen et al vs. C. M. Allen et al. In obedience to a decree of the Superior Court of Washington Coun :y, North Carolina rendered Decem ber 27, 1943 in a cause entitled Jos eph Montero Allen et al vs. C. M. Al len et al, and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the unaer QUIClt RELIEF Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due TO EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsof HomeTreatnientthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottles of tho'WILLARD TllEATME NT have been sold forreliefof symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., du i to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days’ trial 1 As t for “Willard's Message" which fully explains this treatment—tree—at ARPS PHARMACY igned comissioner by said decree, lie unde r-igned Carl L. Bailey. Com irisisoner of the court, will offer far ale at the courthouse door of Wash ed on County, North Carolina, to the r he. t bidder for cash, at 12 o'clock noi n, Saturday, January 29. 1944, a i ract of land lying and being in P mouth Township. Washington County, North Carolina, being des cribed and defined as follows: Km ivn a a part of the J. S. Allen 1 mils, i" tied on the Washington Plymouth highway about eight miles from the Town of Plymouth, being bounded on the North by the lands of Ottis Allen, on the West by the the lands of J. H. Allen, on the South by the lands of P. W. Nobles, on the ! last by Highway No. 32 and the lands of J. S. Allen, containing 45 acres more or less, and being the same land described in a deed from Thomas R. Allen to J. S. Allen, being of record in Washington County Registry. There is excepted the family ceme tery location on the said land, same to be square and of a size of fifty feet square, to be laid off so that the outer boundaries shall be equidis tant from the center of said cemetery as same is now laid off, with a right for all of the heirs of J. S. Allen and his deseendents and their families to eo over the said lands for the purpose f maintaining said cemetery and us ing the same for burial purposes. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent of the amount bid as an evidence of good faith pending confirmation of he -ale. said to be forfeited should he not accept deed and pay the pur '\rc price upon confirmation of the sale and tender of deed for the land. This the 27th day of December 1943. CARL L. BAILEY. 16 4t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of W. Lewis Hagens, deceased, late of Washington County, notice is hebery given all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before '■he 29th day of December. 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 29th day of December, 1943. JULIA HAGENS, j6 6t Administratrix. JUST RECEIVED! ★ Mew fasug Men's SUITS SPORTCOATS and TROUSERS Fer Spring Laiesi Styles * SMQERSON'S DUALITY Shop t HE HAS steel in his heart. But he needs steel in his hands, too. Are dollars so dear to you that you can deny him the very weapons with which he will protect YOUR freedom? He’s betting his life on you ... would you bet an extra hundred dollars on his returning safe ... and sooner? Dig down, brother ... is that a heart or a dollar mark you’re carrying around? Let’s All Back the Attack with War Bonds M&W4 &EC7R/C