N MIRROR OF TRANSYIjVANIA COUNTY MFE revard New (Name changed from Sy von Vje'Fc/ f^ws, January I, 191?.) mUMK-XXIl BREVARD, NOm CAROLINA, FiilOAY, -I 'NIIARY 19. 1917. NimBKK- * Revival Meeting Mow in Progress HOLDS AN'OAUSIINe Officers arc Elected and Usual Dividend t laved; Husiness ' Good for Past Year and Out look for Year is Bright. : 1 Tlic slockliuliU'rs of th(‘ i’.vc'vard liiinkinir conijiHny imt in ;iini;ia’. session oil JjinuMi V I fiiKl n* i licl' ii tlu‘tclltiwiTijr (liiH'Ctors : » .los. S Silv('rst(*in, chHirinan. .1. F. Hay-, R. 11. lh>:xv.‘r, .1. W. Mr- .Minn, \V. S. Asli worth, W. i*. Wfilt, T)u)S. H. Shijtnmn. The nicM’tin.i; of jUockhoUicrs was follo\v»>(,l by lliat of tlu5 dirrctors, \v})o rt' oHict*rs as follows : .1. F. Hays. jirfsidtMit; U. !l. Di'iivrr, vict! ])n*si(lt>nt ; .1. W. Mc- Minn, ])ri'si(U nt; Tho«. II. t'hininun, casl)icr. Th(f stt)pkliol(Iers v.«'ro ]>loast*(l with tht* l)usiru ss of th* ]>»ist yrsir. Tlu' usual .‘'t'Tni-annnal roj'iilar div- iih-nd of ;! ]i«'r c«‘nt and tlit* “xtr;i (livitlt-nd of ])^r cont w*ro d(- clarcd. Th* ontlook for tli‘ lu-w yi'ar is }>riul5t. Tht> (inartcrly vr- l)ort jmbiislit'd last wrok shows ii total o: tiim- and chfckm” d(.*j)osits i*f f' r* *• J j i^lAfiiO L'iufcljiji New Road Law Names Road Commissioners With Full JluthoriiM WILL NOT GONFLiOT Tlio Irw ('on(*«*vt foTuj'a nv, scpimmI nnnil t rof t he I'ccwin conisf*. will l't‘. Ml f h(? A ndi 1 ui i iini on 1!k‘ ni^:ht ot JiHiuuvy "11. I ill coi(i])Mny is (M!:ujio>Mi of Coi’.lralto f-oloi.st, ])ijini.-t Hiul afvorM]>Hi>isl, »illlMli*s, and tlu'ir I'ro^^ranj takes the form j of ji rerital. 'riit' first nrnihor in lUcvard was iiiirlily ]ileasin;.r. Allhonj^h tills nr.niher (‘onu’s on iiday ni>:ht. when tlu? revival will he in ])r(if.;ress at tlio Ba])tist clnircli, tlier»! will he no conflict. When it WHH learned that nianv ]>ersons wonld like to «tt(*nd both tlM' Tneeting and th^ lyceuin. ar- tan.'.M'nienfs were made wher(>by tile lyc«*uin will not h(‘«»in nntil th.e tni’etinir clr)ses for thct ni|jjlit at tlu^ chnrch. which will he not later t i an s :;iO. r ARM LOAN ASSOGiATION TO BE ORGA^iZED MONDAY BREVARO iliSTITUTE Fanners of Transylvania will meet in llievard at 1 :;50 n»‘xt Monday to oi;rani/,- a farm huin association, tiit^ pnrposc of which was fully ex- ])l-iincd in last week’s News. ^Several larrncrs have indicated an interest in the ]»ropi)Setl oi'*^ani/.ation. iJi{. Vv'. JL>. xNOVVLIN The revival ' tist chun-h !M' continue ihn wiek IstTM- .! t lit hi'eval (! li i]i- Sunday and ill ;s^!i Fnd::v of n.’Xt «. art' lu'inir held at 11 o’clock each moi nini: and at T ; 1 • at ni-zht. t^onix sstvici'S ari- ( "n ductt’d at sotiif lenij:th at ni^ht ! y .i*' K L. Wolsiau'el (>! Asheville. j)r. W. D Now liTi. who has aci'ejiTed a (*all frv)in Kiujxviile to L >uisvi.li‘, is (h)inj; the j-reaehinir. Ml. W oi- slaj't'l arnve(i Sinnlay an.I t'>'l\ charjic of tin* inus.c tor the Svinilay nij;;ht service. Ih'. Nowlin con ducted his first st'rvict' ?.l«ii;(:ay nifjht. Although the weatln r was (jnit(' unfrtvoralilt'in tl!'“ hr 'inmn. tl:.' meeting beiran with a j;ood atiemi ance, whii h In i n L'^rowiDU unt;l tlu! sc'atMiL: ( :;]'aelty ui t lie i building; is tuli i' well taxel at ihe ni^ht si'rvice. Dr. Nowlin, sin. i’ deliveniii' the Brevard Institute c(.ii!iiience- i)u*nt sermon at the 3.i 'tlu'd;.-! chnrch in May. followed by a s'.'r- nion at tln^ li:i])tist cliurch at e.aiij.isjic department of the liijitist !!i.nie Mission Hoard. 1'a i nnxer. eliieient worker an.i tine sinmr and soon made lnenl-. to the extent tliat he has a (H)>fer ehoir of hoys and jrirls atr- iiuL' about 10(1 members. A The first social httur since tlu' Xnv Year was held on Saturday ' evening in the girls’ ])arlor at 1’ay- l(»r Hall (ianies and music were till' ord('r of thei'veniUK jiiul a vi-ry I ])leasant hour was spent. Mrs. H. \V. Mar-Doncll. of Nash- vdle, Tei’.n.. wh‘> scn-retary of the Woman’s Missionary Council of the Southern Methodist church, sjx-nt a f(‘w days at the Institute this w'e(‘k. The Misses Estelle and Lncile R(‘aves. of Arlin*;ton. S. (’.. wlio were de1ain«'d at ho’iie by illness, sinci^ Chri>tnias. have returned. Miss Kisie Lester of Alhi'tnarle and Miss Frances Kandall of Lin colntini, an* back a^ain, havinii b(*en unavoidably delayed since tin* lu)lidays at their homes. Rev. John R. Ilav of the Brt'vard Presby t»‘rian church, c’ondncted the Stindav evenini; services of the joint V \V. and Y. M. Christian Associations of tlu* Institute. On account of the inclemency of the weather, the exercises were held in the girls' i>arlor at Taylor Hall. PREACHERS AND PLUMBERS IfEV. A. W. MCDANIEL Pastor Brevard Baptist Church (From Asheville Times.) Preachers and iilnmhers, ahout the lirst to dis(iov(‘r a new family, report the arri va! of several fami lies in Breviird on the strength of doveloi)ments by tlui Transylvania Tannint!; cotnjtany.—Brevard Nt'ws. That is the lirst tin’e “preachers and ])lumbers’ have been cata logued to«iether. Maybe it is a good thonght. CEDAR MOUNTAIN PLEASED OVER PROSPECTS FOR ROAD E. I-. WOLiSLAGEL night, IS no ement ot tin of Brevard. H*e is a liopular and able preacher, one with strong convincing, ins]»iring and at times ; eloqnent inessaires far his ser mons have been directed for the •creator p»' t to the Ciiristitins in an effort to arouse thi in from indiffcr- j ence and move them to a grcaft't: Christian service through the spir it of loyally H’^d faithfulness to! their Master and his sermons have been received with keen interest. Wolslagel lost no time in gainintt h warm jdace in the hearts of his hearers. He has well equipped himself for his work and his services are in great demand. He is tinder the direction of the •■trong adult choir has been organ- iziMiandthe sonixs from th(‘ new •ooIts are lu ing wi 11 rect*ived. Dr. Niwlin, Mr. Wolslagel and rhe imstor. Rev. A. W. McDaniel, • •onductt d serviM‘s in the Audi^o- ium of Brevard Institute Wedm-s- iay mor^'in*;. Future Services The service Saturday morning vill he for ynuniX i)eoj)le especially, itiouuh adults will be recived. ]Slr. V\\)lsl;urel i)romises a unique ser vice in that h* will show something that has never 1 een seen bytho.se to whom hi* will show it and once 1 hev have seen it tlu^y will never re it i!'_'ain The service at 'A o'clock Snndav will be for men onlv, iiu'luding all ov(*r 15 vears old. Dr. Nowlin will j>reach on the ‘Klcfnents of (ireat t e'S" Mr. V.'olslaeel will sing The Old Ace>mT\t.” H‘ has he‘n Holy Citv,” which lie will irivii af some service tranuM-r to a lartre el- el'Uich-going ])co})le*to sini; ih E. A. Heath when in Brevard Wedni'sday said that Cedar Moun tain peoi>lo were highly elated over tin; pros})ects ft)^* the building of a new road by Greenville authorities to conn«'ct with the Transylvania road. Engineers are on the ground making an entirely new'route dcnvn the mountain from Cedar Moun tain and not exceeding a per cent grade. This is a link of the Bre- vard-Greenville road. TRANSYLVANIA HISTORY The third of a series of historical articles on the history of Tran.syl- vania county as compiled hy Ora L. Jones will appear in the Asheville Citizen Sunday. It will deal with the w’ar between North Carolina and (Georgia near Wilson’s bridge. The News i^xpeets to run the first of the series within the next few weeks. BAPTIST CHURCH soon. The Baptist quartet wil also sing on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Nowlin and Mr. Wolslage will conduct the Sunday school ser vice on Sunday morning. Monday will be “Institute Day,” when the pupils of Brevard Insti tute wnll attend the morning ser vice in a body. Considerahle interest is being taken in the meeting by the peo])le of Brevard and a few are attending from churches in nearby commu nities, and it is believed that the meeting will be fully as interesting as was that at this chnrch a year ago, which was possibly the great est from the standpoint of results that has e\er been held in Brevard. GREENVILLE S0RVEYIN8 THE JONES GAP ROAD (’t'dar !Mt.—W‘ldon Lc(' and Hamlin liishoj) visited on Litth' llivi'r Sunday. Miss Mvrth* Hamlin, who has been is (-Jrcenvillc alxuit tvve months, has rcturn( d to her home Mr. and Mrs. B. Mctiaha vis iti'd their aaughter. ^Irs. El/.ic Ra.x ter. ni ar Bri‘vard. rec“utly. Miss Sadie Heath and Dt)rce Alli son w('n* married at the honu' of tin* bride's ])urents, ]Slr. and Mrs E A. Heatli last Tuesday at 11 t)’cloek. Rev. E. Allison tdliciating. Only a few friends and rehitives ot the briwc and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs. Alli.son are planning to go to housekeeping this week, W’illiam I). Neves of Greenville has been staying at the home ot George Hisho]) and surveying the route for thi new rt)ad, w'hich is to be huilt on .lones Gap. He says he hojies to have the convicts ready to start work by the lirst of Febru ary. Mr. Patton expects to he with Mr. Neves this week and thinks they will have the route complete within a few days. Louie Bishop of Greenville visit ed his mother, Mrs. V. IJ. McGaha, last week, PAT. INDEBTED TO ORA L. JONES Board cf Count); Commissicners Is Divested of JIU Authority in Road Matters By ?lew Bocnl of Road Commissioners Consisting of J, U.K JvlcMinn^ Chairman; Ckas. E. Orr, Secretary, and 1^. F. Glazener; J^o Provision for Ba-ici Issue; D. L. English, Attorney for Board. 5^ VOLUMES DONATED TO CITY GRADED SCHOOL The St. Philips chnrch of Brev- vard has donated to the Brevard public school a good collection of hooks, r>20 volumes This gift, to gether with the 2ti0 volumes the school had, makes quite a valued case of good books tor the use of school children. Principal .L C. .Tones iniormed the News that while there has been no system looking to the distribution and collection as well as preserva- ticm of the books, a card ind* x system will he instalh'd, old hook.s will bti rei>aired and catalogued and u suitable case provided for the good selection of reading matter now in the jiossessionof the school. WILL BUILD KEW CHURCH Rev. P. P. Orr brought to town Monday the news that Turkey Creek Baptist church will build a new house of worship to cost in the neighborhood of Legs have already been cut for the material. The building will be liO x 40 feef and will he more conveniently situ ated on the Asheville road. The present building is said to be too small. [From VVaynesville Mountaineer] Our friend Ora Jones is doing Transylvania county a line service by writing a history of that pros perous and plucky section of West ern North Carolina, Transylvania county has a new! road law. All matters iiertaininir to roads in tlii* county have tteen j taken out of tl'.e bands of the board ! of C(juntv commissioners and turn | ed ovtT to the runvly created Hoard ; of Road Commi: sioiK'rs. i The hill as introdrc ed liy Kc]»r»'- , sentative ( Jcorge Vv'. V\ ilsoa, was ratified on .lann» ry ‘.i. I The rotid coiriinis>ionf-rs consist of .L V\'. McMinn, Cli.'is., E. Orr and | R. F. (ilaze.ner, who orijanized on Saturday by eleding Mr. McMinn clminnan and Mr. Orr secretary. 'rhf“y took oatli b;‘fore Clerk N. A. Miller. D. L. Knulish, the county attorney.V.as eh cted attorney for the new boa '-d. The new I i'ie* rs now* i;av(! all cou'ity io:ul matters in ti'eir hands. Wl'.ile the full ser;.'e of tlie ro.td act is given below, tlu> fv.ll text is not uMveii in every section of the hCt by reason of its ’ensrih. Tlu* news has sim])ly strl})]t;-d the docu nient of its legal piiruseolugy and verbosity. Contents of Act Sec. 1. That J. \V. McMinn. Chas. E. Orr and R. F. (ila/.cner be, and they are h»*reby anroint- d and constituted the Bjaid of liu ul Com missioners for Trausy 1 vania .-onntv. That immediately after the rat ill cation of this act the said cominis- signers shall meet at Brevard and organize by electing one of their members chairman of the board and another of their members secre tiryof the Board. That the term of ollict' of the said commissioner • shall be four years each, beginning mm Commissioners of Transyl'i .-' i-i county. Sec. 1. The said road coir -— sioners are authorizrid nndeT;,,. . ered to employ a county sr,; • - tendent of roads or such assi ' as tlu^y may deem necessarv. -1 tl.'-y fduill have the full righ’ ' • i j)ower to apnoint rules and Tt-.- -- lions for the construction, 'i-y- out, alteration, aniendment, 7>' r and maintenance of said ; roads as they may deem nee. -• ^ ? v and not inconsistent with the of North Carolina in regard tie > ri ‘. Sec. T). The said Roard oi i . I C'omniissioners shall have fr' / 'y-J c'^]ii])let(i charge of and coiitri.. the chain gang and convicts ' . ing on th.e ])ublic roads in •• county in as full and coij;-: a i!ianner as the county i . ).. missioners may nov/ have '-r may hereafter have. Sec. fi. That all rights, p; • . ••• and j»rivi]eges now* vested Board of County Conm.iss: '>• of Transylvania county as !•' ri »■ layinir out, construction, alter.'.'. amending, repairing and inain^ mg the ])ublic roads, cartway •> .-^ 0 bridges in said county, areliv? ; .v tran>ferred to and vested in ' Hoard of Road ('ommissioner: the said hoard shall have av and comidete control of al3 ])ublic roads, cartways and bv; in .‘aid county in as full anl .m- plete a mann(‘r as same hav? ; ' - - t(jfore been, or may hereaft ’^- vested in said board of couEtj i / missioners. Provision is made in Section '; • r filing all road reports by ovo.• rs with the new' board. Section s provides that thp -.ru I >hall meet as often as deemed; r; •• lessaryand each member ah:>i’ ? 1 rt'ceive more than ^2 per da >; necessary expenses. Repur • .:r\- to be jjublished annually. Se?. 9. That the bra'-'’ i f county commissioners of Tr; i vania county shall place all v.- ass(>ssments, moneys receiver the sale of bonds or other evi'.-nr% s of indebtedness with the trt r.? riri v of the countj* to the credit “ Board of Road Commissioner- .'..(M moneys, to he deposited wifn county treasurer as soon as is collected. Section 10 provides forth.- . .'/"k ing of orders necessary treasurer, the same t(i be sip? > 4 the chairman and secretary. > r: -.' ta.xes or assessment for rtv -i -'r bridge purposes are to be p3a» ? ;i ! - the credit of the new board. BIG TANNING PLANT IS VISITED BY OV; from the date of their qualification and organization under this act and until their snccess»)rs §hall be aj) pointed and qualified Each mem ber of the board shall tak(‘and sub scribe an oath before the clerk i;f the Sujierior court of Transylvania county for the faithful performance of his duties as a member of said board. Provision is made for appoint ment bv the governor in the event of a vacancy, the a]>po\ntee to fill only the nnexpired term. No ]n’o vision is made for eh’Ction or ap- ])ointment after a iieriod of four years The board in Section 2 is consti tuted a body corporate and is to act under the style of “The Board of Road Commissioners of Transvl vania County.” Sec. 3. The said Board of R.^id Commissioners shall have all i.nd every power, right or righti^ and control over and of all the ])ublic roads and cart wavs of Transylva nia county as they now exist or m«v hereafter exist as are now vested in, or which may hercttfter be vested in the Board of County Joseph M. Schain and M. sky Visit Brevard and l.ook Over Site and Founr:i;i.oi^ Work of Proposed Plant. W'ork is progressing nice?- fjn the foundation work of the ■ building of the Transylvania ' .'t?} ning company, which will be* . • ;.'h> feet in dimensions. The foun. *i ;»>?> is of concrete and a good poin r? i t it has been erected a few feet « the earth. For the lirst time sine*' t?»« company was organized a feAv v,, ago two of the incorporator-. seph M. Schain of BerwicV and M. Osmansky of New V*->r& city, were in Brevard this w# r u»v ing.over the situation with -J S. Silversteiii, who willcond* > buiiditig operations as mailt*ge the plant when in « > r«- tion. They left Brevard "I -a.iy morning. NEW COLORED PASTOC The Bethel Baptist churcV. rc2- ored, of Brevard, has called v. C. F Whittenbnrg of Spartanlnir^ to succeed Rev. T. H. Broauvts of Greers, S. C.