BRili V ARD NEWS, BREVARD, K. C. Personal Mention 'i tt A. II iild\v«‘11 h'tt 1 hi> wei'k oe a liiisinc'.'-s trijj to Knox' ilhi. T. E '^eid ha.'.; e!)nns.C( o his N«* ■ nddrt ss from Brv'Vhrd. rojite 1, to Oa kliiud. Col. (3. iioil^'es lei t (.n Miuidav l\ r a lm>ine?.s tnj) o: a wtn'k t . 1 'I'.icMjro Miss Olive lloleotnhe, v.ho hji'- heeii t)n the >iek list lor several Loi»k throu^^h tlu'so colvimr.^i; sec if the names of voiir jruests ;.iv tlu-re. If you have lu-” Ire ted ynur thit\'^ toward thrm. It tb>‘*s not CDsi nny- thinjr. Telt*ph«ne, write or Iiria;j, your news to News ofliee. Thoniiia T-airue returned on Wednesday troni a visit to New Vork. Mrs. (’hnreh Morri« i vis'tinir *' i'L I '• .1' . Inr on i •» It. t ^ttvuniuili, C^a. ^ Tho Bettorm* lit jissociaTidn will mt*ot at tlu' S' lu'ol lio'iso lit ;> ;;iO o’clofk on next 'rucsdav. Mrs. Frank .It'nkins, who has been confini'd ti> hi*r ht>l for si'VtTal Weeks, is iin]»r(>vinix, thonirh slowly. Miss (lortruth* Allison is siilTor- iTi^ with a spraint'tl ankli* a>i a rosnlt of i'alliii'j: on ict‘ last Satnr- (liiy. Miss Fannii* Hunt i>f Ashcviile, lau^'ht(*r of Dr. mui Mrs W. Hunt, is visiting relatives in liri'- vurd. ^lt*s. Hattie l\'rkin'J enti'rlained a nntnl)(‘r of yoniii: ])“oj>le at licr home t)n Tuesday ni>-rht with ])r.)- gressivo rook. Misses Dora and H 'lilah jril('s]iie of Kosnian aie s|)«'nlintr the wniti-r with their a vutt, M! s. ('., whih'attending >eliool in IJrevard. Mrs. E. \V. U'vtlii' has returned from D>ividson, wli-r»‘ she was the s::nest of lu^r si>N! r. Mrs ,!. ii. Withers, durintr tlie holidays. Slir* was joined tliere i>v her daii^iitt r, Miss Margaret, who is attendin:; sehool at the i^tate Normal at lireensh(.»rt>. The las? ineetinir of the Mission Study class uiH h.' held in tl'.e Metho(livi chureh ]iarlors, ^londay, •Ian. (it o'cl,t'-k, !)'• 'i n vi ta t ii in I'l ?.lr:v 'I'ay ;o: . Tiii' c.Xi'ri-i.xes will h d bv M;'>. •!. rro'.vltriil^ 'Die .■losii :: fiiu]>t‘r treats of f'n.* Paniimu ('otij^r. vs and the »e.itlook lor the lutnre of South America. DO YOU KNOW That practically onc-o.uarter of what America builds each year is destroyed by FIRE? The g;reat blessiny^ of protection by Fire Insurance now leaves you no excuse whatever if everything you own, whether it be your dwellinar, your barn or your stock of mer chandise is reduced to ashes tomorrow. Do not fool yourself. THE LAW OF AVERAGE SAYS: Year Turn Will Come! Wc are here to serve you. We have more than 25 millions of combined insurance protection to offer. It does not cost much to have the benefit of this pro tection. Ket us figure with you right now. Brevard Insurance Agency GALLOWAY &. MINNIS Room 9, McMinn Building* Store News For Weilt's Stores Both stores arc full of fine season able merchandise, and we are here at the service of our patrons who have personal and home needs to be sup plied. Everything is marked at prices that represent very good value con sidering the present market condi tions and consequent high prices being asked by manufacturers. Many new lots of outerwear and underwear at prices that represent big values. The offering will include gar ments for men, young men, women and misses, most of the lots having been bought before prices were ad vanced from manufacturers for the cash. We cannot describe and give you the prices on all, but will when you come in to inspect, and from the prices on these garments you will find tne savings are unusual—big enough to make it profitable to bi;y. Ladies’ and Misses Coat Suits, Dresses, etc.—Even though the garments may not be needed much for immediate service they can be altered some or cut down for another season’s garfnent. Household Lines—J*.jst a few hints of some of the good values you wi!! fhid among the househcid lines: Bleached cotton damask, inches wide, at 35c per yaid. Linen cam .sk, 50c, 75c, $J.JO and $1.60 per yard. Sheets--Shset Slx90 at 65c each, bleached; have a soft finish and are made with a seam through tbc the center. Under Muslins at popular prices. Fancy aprons are shown in various styles at 10 and 25c. Night Gowns arc shown in various styles at 50c, 6&, $1.J0 and up. Underskirts may be had in various styles, embroidered and flounces, and attractive patterns at 50c, 60c, $L15, $2.05 and $2.25. Corset Covers from 25c to $1.00. G>rsets in stock are much cheaper than manufacturers prices. They may be now at 50c, Sl.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Don't pfocrastinate, take advantage while you may. 3tyle No. 2067 PUBLiSliES SGNa BOOK lia.vs, is r*COvt'i'int;. \V. K, liioi -e retnrni'd from ; Week's i»usiJie'N trij) to Kaiei^h oil Thnisday oi last we'l:. Miss Marie (’kirk of (Oakland, Cal., will hi* the iriiest ol her aunt. Mrs. A. Shutdrd, for .'^everai months. Wt'lch (iall .wa v, an attoniev ol Bn‘vard, wa.' ht're on i>rofessional Hess til I lay-— I lendersonvilie 'I’imes. Mis \V. S. 'I’avlor has ehanired her \ews from Sunburst, ill Haywood county, to lirevard. route ‘J. M. ('ookt* returned «!n Thurs day oi last week froni Lonislinr^, whi'ri* ht^ visitetl Ir.s jHH)i)le dnrinir the holidays. Prof. J. C .Toni'S met his fatlu'r from Wimrate and brother, who is t»aeliin;i at ('ullowhee, in Ashi ville last Stinday. Mrs. S ('. Matt'S is sufferins' with a (turned arm as a result of slip Itimr and fallinLT n])on a stov»‘ last rimrsday. Thi* injuries w«*re not vt'rv serious. S|)urreon Osborne left last week to emra^e in work at (’hf'ster. Pm.. durinir th( wint«*r. He will return to Brevard next sjirin*'. .Mr and Mrs. 1). (i. Ward u'ft on Wi dut sd ly on a visit to the for- n'-.M-'-H inotlier. Mr's. K. F Ward, in Ni w Vorlc. 'riiey expect to lie iroiie on a vae;;1ionof a month. In their absi^ncv" Dr. 1). (’liaj)n)an will make his homo with Mr. and Mrs. \\. IL Norwood. Weilt’s Cash Stores Brevard, N. C. s. A Il'vorth. of Brevard. ■ - s h -I' i'uesda v at teiidiu'i: tlie '• ' ini' a.i.iUiil meetiru: of tile ('itl- I / N'-iiidiial hank—Ih'Tuh'rson I ■'ii- ru»ii‘>. I •ii' ai'd *is..l r. Ifavs tif v.iid. wiio’n .ve i>e in Ash“ville ' r a |e\ oeel.s, al iJiverside * ■ ifie;- o, lii V. aventu’, .luek- 1;! \ 1111 •. K ■. I. if aiitl Mrs. .1, )l Pirkelsimi'V M. '( v : "ited th(‘r home and arc • di!i;. ( he v« inter a r the !n»me of .‘l‘ ail I \1 1’ 1) |]ii!i-land 'I'in y . . >1(1 tlieir to:m«-r bonus and I'Ciia^td th'- Noiion place. .1. vlacu .\lli->on i'e't iirncd on Mon i) iri>m Houston ;*nd (Jalvestoii. wiic'e 111* rc'n.i n 'd on busi- II. -- tor thrc- da\s On his return 1C vi-iti'd bis I>rotbcr, ( . A. Alii s •!), who Is in the lurniture busi iic-s a t .A n iiist on. Ala Miss Marie ('larl:e, v. ho is ht're on a vi^it I rom Oakland, (’al .and Ails'. N« Ihe liav.kuis of i;re\aitl Inslitutt. wt'n* entcrt.’ined Tues dav at (iinner at Hotel ('rary by •loiin R. liurU'* of Spartani)ur!^. .\ "crics ot parties is licin^ jilanned in honor of Miss ('larke. .Miss ?d -liie Lvday. dau*;hi'.r of Mr. and Mrs. L)clis Lyday, and.). * ' Mct’all wer*‘ married at Tiirkey (chureh Sunday morni..^ af ter the reunlar church service by the P. P. Orr. F’cillowin^ the shower of conL'ratulatioiis the bride and i;rooni went to the lionn^ of tlie lormer f(n* dinner, lat'-r leaving for the home ot the ^room. The L'nited I)aui;hters of the * \»nfe(leraev will observe Let'-.juek- son day at tin* eha]»ter houses on next Sa turday at :;(> o'cloclc. Mrs. Ida I’.rvaiit and Mrs. .T. S. Brom field will 1h‘ hostesses tothcdauirlit crs. Eaeh niembi r ])res(>nt will be exi)»‘cled to honor the t)eeasion for this celebration by usin^ some (juo tation from either Lee or .Tnck- son. Minutes of the rc'cent stat^c meetiiiic will be distributed, also 1" ouiraiiis of int> rt'st to thedair^h t e: s. i bie ol the en j' ■yable social everits of tins ])ast week was the rook p.arty jxivcn on Thursday ni^ht by the ])ublic school tt acln'rs sit the rcsid‘m‘e of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Me !>onald, which is beinj^ occu])ied by the Misses (lOodt', 'rii.-s Sue (’annon and Miss Frances McIntosh in the absL'ni'e ol tlus owners. Social in tercoiirse, jiro^rt'ssive rook, musical selections and refr«*sliments made the 1‘venini; a ])leasant oius attlu^ ])lace n]»on which has been confer- ri d tlie title of “Teacji**ra^e," 'Flie partv was chajieroned by Mrs. Hattie Perkins. Romeo and Juliet The llrst recital of the o])i nitic serit-s to bis >;iven by Mt s. P. Noble Simons was Indd at tlus home of ^Ir. and Mrs. Henry N. C’arrier, Tuesday afternoon. The opeia chosen was Honu'o and .Inlu't by the fanuius Fri'TK'h composer (iou- i:od. 'J'he lecture jiart of the i)rj- ^ram consisted mostly of tiio read ing of the Shakesjiearean story as told by (.'harks and Mary l^amb and it was interestin'' to note the slij^ht changes in and additions to the orif'inai niude by the librettist. The music was well adapti'd to tin* theme Jind, throughout, comjioser and j)erformer were in close accord. From the time beautiful, happy- heartt'd Juliet lij'htly tnpin d on the scene ^aily sini'in.^' her beanti- tnl airs tili the traj^ic end, the i>ian- ist’s rare skill in bringin-; out the various solo, diict, and quartette purts against a full ucconipaniment, made the characters live and movts before her audience. They were really present at Jnliet's llrst ball, unconsciously engaging in the gay dance, the rliythui being so i>er- fectlv marko(i as to hts almost irre sistible. Latev the sorrow of the hero and heroine was theirs also, the wuil of the music striking a re sjionsive chord in all hearts and leaving them with that feeling of impoti'nt rage which is always aroused by the knowledge that such a wholly unnecessary tragedy has occurred. Through Mrs. Simons’ art, the composition was not merely a pianoforte solo, but remained from beginning to end an operd. Tlie second of Mrs. Simons’ course of operatic lectnro recitals will take i)lace on Tuesday, January 23, at ;bO o'clook at The Bryant on Depot street. A special subscrip tion rate has been made for the re maining four recitals and can be obtained at the door, as well as sin gle admissions. “Near'ri.e > !•o^s” i lirie ol the 1U17 hook ju-^t d liy the. i\‘)ic)i(>rs M i‘-i !* i iii I', .^r com- |-Hny of H'. i'.e’r' \ ' , in \ioeh II'.'V, P. 1\ ()r>’ol !' .. " ' o.|,uiie ol the ihon.‘cr uiu!eia?'s of the eonntv, iins a ’ilOH ■ • 'elrctions •■.1 his mu'-ii H 1 " ■ To Cl'i.un n C.-'s c. Take ort ;i!l tiv !■!!!■;;:. i; l tl: li'Di; toi: :. lh^> b',!:’!: cl.' 'I'l;'* ’ lift crisMy. P.!’:i v,i i.i a tub r v.;>: !i Iioi’or r 'I \v :h v*:’y liot waior. I Mss.'ilw I::i!r a cu!) (if !yc i;i fir' u.Ti’.r :’i: 1 lit t!:-.‘ni'l I'm :ni !' or so. o,- livcrai !ii ’.vnuM i" yn,', :t-i i v it ( are sIi'it’!;! l» • !l" ‘ I!:-' I'lnrls 1 . not CO* ■'> ia ('iiilacl v. ;> t'a* 1;-• v. a f'>r 'i'!',' !:e:i(1 :;!i ■ '1:1 !.•■ I;ej:! f"'-> M’he s I’lr bool; con ain' 1]>agcs : ;;r :'y f;;»; i I’ ” t \.n wIk a t!; • 1. c i .! !i 1 is i b’ ■ li 11 h ( f 1 n 1' 11 p I' I li si 11 i i mva’d 51; (it 1 lie 'vv i'r. 'i i t i • \ v m !:V thi.-! comjtie,! , ot li.cii '.li'. Orr' a‘"r(""i!:!;‘ t» ?-r:‘l tli.* is a memlier tb- ri o .i ■ ’.riatitv REVIVAL ON FEB. 4 If e !'■(' :i * ; tli. o" cv(‘ii ■ op i' .'“■unday oice ia lw>t i '(ri.lts. i.' t' ;• i! '' school an'! church song books. Mw Ii "i irir. t'a* r.:i.-,e be pcrfc.'tly I'n';* j;>-ca 'c of aav Iciud. If yoi!r ov(‘!i t::r:is or stae'l nir ty. rn1> i’ltcri'i:- with I'r • •t'a’k «'V>vy v»!v'’-s. v.’i!l it (lie i;!>p( araa' (■ of Jin caaau'lcil ovon. is worth fryiii,:;. 1 iibT sa l(‘s if till s Os GETS irno mmi I .Minority sluckholdcsri^ in the Hre V ird Tannin C(':ii])Mny at Pisirah Forest have tiled a ]ietition in the fcdt'ral court at Asbevilh* asking lor a receiver for tin* cotnjinny and an injunistion to ri'strain the d(>- fendants, or m.ajority stockh(dders, from int(srfering with, transferrinir. sellitig or dis])osin*g of any of tin piojierty of the comjiany. (Miargc's of n*gligonc(‘ ar(> ma«h' alleiriug that in)])r(*ximatelv o:-() havts been lost during tlus j) ist year. The complaint sets out that the autb'irized cajntal of the comjianN IS S-'ti'•.•lb, divided into .■»,()()() shares, half of this bi-ing preferred stock .and owned by Kdward I). Adams. t4«'orge 1j. Adams and Wm. F Decker, who own a majority of the total issue. New or renewal subscriptions (beginninjj January 1) will cost $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 months, .^5 cents 3 months, 23 cents for 2 months. YLi7LIfTJ?U7LIt^ JAMES R. YOUNG Inaurance Commi6Sionor. The Brcsvard M‘thodist church will begin a revival on February 4. Rev. W. >]. Poov(‘y, the pastor, I will conduct the meeting but will bavesonus outside assistance j)art of the linu'. ! I). V'ard ?>Iiluin, a noted evange- ! I’.stifs sii!'’:ei*, who rectsntly conduct- I ed th(' singing at the (N*ntral I il thoiiist church at Asheville and !ai a la hernic),. nu eting in (4astonia, ! vvill coTMlnrt the mr.sieal end of : t bese m» ft i liirs, v.hich will last for t'H (lavs or two w*eks. Ciisf Market When in need of any of the following meats or vei^etabies at reasonable prices, considering market conditions, call on us: Chickens Beef Pork Lamb Oysters Fish Lettuce Celery Turnips Cabbage Cash paid for Chickens City Markets S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHONE 47 Prepare for Boom Brevard will within the next few months enjoy oire of the greatest building booms in its history. The new cannery wiil mean increased population, which will call for many more residences, it is the duty of Brevard to be equal to the occasion and we are going to do our part in the way of supplying tools, machinery, and builders’ supplies carried in our lines. The illustration herewith shows only a few of the many tools we have. We are stressing the Keen Cutter brands for they are among the best. We have a supply of 1, 2 and 3-ply roofing that is very useful and economical for covering barns, sheds, etc. We also have builders’ paper, roofing nails, and all other kinds needed by builders. Give us a call when in need of these things. FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY ^The Id ss of a position has no terrors to the et^cient workman who has learned the use of classified advertising. ^Want ads are “Job Insurance* at a very low rate. on M Three Months Trial Sub scription to THE *\SIIEVIIiLi: TIMES Korth Carolina's llvest newspa per is offered to the readers of thi.; i»apcr for Daily and Sunday. Full As.roclatoi.1 Press Report. United Press Sunday Kervico. J'^ashion Feature:;. IHui^tralod. Serial fc't.oric;j ar.d UrhalLil u!.' -iev.s. • find I51.00 for a three months Trial Subscription to the Asheville Time:; — Daily and iiuiKla.''. X'.ime 1*. O Street R. r\ D