BKEVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. 'Women ef Many distressing AQmoits experienced them are Alleviated by Lydia E. Pinldiam’s V^etable Compound. BICKEH DELHERS iL GOVERNOR CRAIG TURNS OVER GREAT SEAL OF NORTH CAR OLINA TO SUCCESSOR. WITH THE STATE LAWMAKERS I Here it Proof by Women who Know. Ix>well, MasP.—“For the last three years I haT» been troubled with the Change of Life and the bad feelings common at that time. I was in a very ner vous condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the tinie so 1 was unfit to do my work. A friend askod me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble ComjK>uii(i, which I did, and it has helped me in every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head ache or pain. I niu-'^t say that Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Com]K)und is the best remedy any sick woman can take.”—Mrs. Margaret Quinn, Rear 259 Worlhen bt., Lowell, Mass. 6be Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinkham*s Remedies. North Haven, Conn.—“ When I was 45 I had the Change of Life which is a trouble all women have. At first it didn’t bother me but after a while I got bearing pains. I called in doctors who told me to try dir ‘ ‘ day ray husband Hnkham’s Vcge . . _ them and took about 10 bottles of Vegetable Compound and could, feel myself regaming my health. I al.so used Lydia E. Pinkham’s J?anative Wash and it has done me a great deal of good. Any one coming to my house who sutfers from female troubles or Cliange of Life, I tell them to take the I*inkham remedies. There are about 20 of us here who think the world of them.” —Mrs. Florsmcs lasLLi, lk)X 1U7, North Haven, Conn. You are Invited to Write for Free Advice. No other medicine has been bo successful In relieving'vroman'8 •ufferinff as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 'Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answed by women only and held in strict confidence. Full of Trouble. ■‘You'r* looUiiij; awfully i.!., '•1'. Wliat’s troulth*V “Tnmltlc fiutiiyh, lod top. M. \;ii» ;'s ti, l«tnt« li«Tkuo\v. anil 1 t kiiow r I'v** {lot on the itrup*'!* tie ;tiil tliiit };«> with tlie suit I'di .iifc'.”- r.row ulnn'.s M:ip>j(n**. Important to NIothora Bxamine carefully eTery bottl* of CASTORIA, that fuinous old rt*niedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears tha Slfnatnra of In V%9 for Over SO*Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria Natural Enough. "1 iniif ill*' coal liaroiis ar** :ij;aln raisiii;: prii-r*;." "■niat’s fo(»li.vh. 'I’ll*' }mhli«' are mad r.oiij:li a»; i! is. aiiO tliis continued raisin;: of oal only aMs l'ii*‘l to the nanif's." St. l.oi;is lias one factory w lilt 1: wii tiils \*-ar lon'iiiiiie lUi.Lu-i-. If your cx*a Bmart or feel acalufu. Ro- B.aii K>» Balaam ari'Ht-d upon s'in^ ti beci >m lUt iblns lelieve tht-ni Ad\. Wlienever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tooic is equally valuable as a Gen eral Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver. Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Boildt op the Whole System. 50 cents. I I.( ;* iiiperatiire of Situtln-rn Aus- TJiiia \aries n*t more than ‘JO d«*Kr«'t*.s 1 ;riiiL' :he vear. Pimpilef. boils, carbuncles, dry up and disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden Meaical Dit-cover>’. In tablets or liquid. —Adv. i.\Otlile is iticrif yeiiJ nieltei! a Tii*' United StaH's lias .'tVO piano fac- •ttle torie«. The New Method (BY L. W. BOWER, M. D.) Backache of any kind is often raused ly kidney disorder, which means that the kidneys are not working properly Poisonous matter and uric acid accumu* iate within the body in great abundance over-working the sick kidneys, hence the r«>ngestion of blood causcs backache !t. liie same manner as a similar con* ireMion in the bead causcs headache. \ ou become nervous, despondent, .“Ick. feverish, irritable, have spots appearing 14‘fore the eyes, bags under the lid. and ;u( k ambition to do things. The latest and most ofToctive means of overcoming this tnmble, is to eat spar- !tij;ly of meat, drink plenty water be tween meals and take a single Anuric :;.tjlet before each meal for a while. Simply ask your favorite druggist for Aii'iric. IT you have lumbago, rheuma- t>ui. gout, dropsy, begin immediaiely With this novel treatment. LOSS OF POWER and vital force fol low loss of flesh, or emaciation. These come from impov erished blood. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery enriches the blood, stops the waste of strength and tis sue. and builds up healthy flesh Thin, pale, puny and scrofulous children are made plump, rosy and robust by the "Discovery.” They like it too. In recovering from "Grippe,” or in con valescence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up the whole system. As an appetizing, re storative tonic, it sets at work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings oack health and strength. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is the cause of many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take as candy. SoU for 47 yean. Fir Nalaria,Chills&re?er. Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonk. 60c and f 1.00 at all DniC Star**. tflMTCRSMlTH's |f @ellTonic fffNCHeSTOi *i Leadmr" and "Repeater** Shot Sbezls For the hi^h flyers, or the low flyers, ** Leader** and *'Repeater' shells have the reach, spread and penetra tion. Their great sale is due to these qualities, which insure a full bi«. Made in many gauges and loads. JBB SUR^'TO ASK FOR THJS W BRAND ^iiniiiinniiiiiniiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiimmiimnmiiiiinniiinnnmininiinniimmniiiiiiiiiiifg Resume of the Doings of the General Assen>bly During the Past Week Told in a Brief and Interesting Way. For Our Miny Readers. Raleigh. In his inaugural address. Gov. Birkett stated that the activities of his administration would be along cK)n- struetive lines. A large portion of hi'^ address was devoted to plans for im proving the conditions of the farm and the farmer and the education of boys and girls in agricutlure. “If there is a man in North Carolina.” said tiie (Jovernor. "who desires to drain a swamp or terrai-e a hillside; if there be a farmer who is struggling to es cape fr«)m tiie crop lien’s deadly clutch; if there be a tenant who hun gers for a vine and fig tree he may call his own, I want all such to know that tlie Governor of Mic State will e«»nnt it honor anel joy to rise up at midnight and lend a helping hand.” Among the important legislation that the (Jovernor will make an effort to have enacted during his term of of- fue and rerommended in his address were the following: Six months school term for every child. Enlarged health work. Fields tilleci by men who own and love them. Harvests free from crop liens. Modern conveniences and whole some diversions within reach of evary county home. Freeing of State from ignorance. An acre of ground to be cultivated by every .school. The bridling of the water, powers. Telephones in every rural home. Levy of maintenance tax for roads i)uilt by issue of bonds. Improvements for manufacturing industry. The short ballot. Rotation of office. ■Ml state hospirals controlled by board of seven. Prison reform. SENATE. Hon. K. L. Daughtridge. the retiring Lieutanant tJovernor. formally turn ed the Senate gavel as presiding offi- er, over to Hon. (). Max Gardner, the new Lieutenant Governor, and spoke feelingly of his retirement and his appre'iation for the consideration of the Senators. He presented Mr. Gard ner as “young in years but old in experiene anc’ service." Lieutenant Gov. Gardner was escorted into the Senate chamber by Senators Long of Alamance and Holdiness of Edge- ■ombe. This ceremony was preced ed by the adoption of resolutions ap- pretiative of the servii'% of Mr. Daughtridge. Senator Jones of Bun combe presided and the resohitions were ofiered by Senator Oates. Mr. Gardner declared that he could pay Mr. Daughtridge no higher com pliment. or set himself any higher ideal, than to endeavor to discharge the duties of the office with the same ability and fairness that character ized his predecessor. He pledged his best eftorts for the enactment of the progressive legislation outlined by Governor Bickett in his inauguaral address. .\fter the Justice and Parker amend ments were voted dow^n the bill offer ed by Senator Scales to increase the salary of the Governor to $7,500 a year was passed after a lively debate. The bill increasing the salaries of the constitutional officers of the state —Se retary of State. Treasurer. Audi tor. Attorney-General and Superinten dent of Public Instruction—to $4,500 a* year passed its third reading after amendment making salaries $4,000. A resolution was offered by Jones of Buncombe to ratif>’ the action of Governor Craig and the directors of the state’s prison in distributing $4,060 In alotments of $10 each to the de pendent families of convicts. Sena tor Jones expressed the view that the action of the Governor and directors waa most commendable and was en dorsed by the people. Person of Franklin wanted to know' If there was any law or precedent for such action and Senator Jones replied that I here was none. A motion by Warren of Beaufoit prevailed refer- ing the resohition to the appropria tions committee. A resolution ofiered by Senator Brx^nizer, t>f Charlotte, to have the cqmmittee which is to make an inves- ti‘.?ation into the advisability of creat- j More St’ingent game laws, the ap. pointment of a state game commis sion and a tax on both resident and non-resident hunters of North Caro lina will he some of the things the State Audubon Society will ask in a bill to be presented to the general as sembly at this session In addition, the legislature will be ask d to pas« an act prohibiting the salt of game in the state, making a bag I mit of !.’> quail for a day’s hunt and to make all these measures uniform and ap plicable to the state at lar|;e. ing a central purchasing agency for the state to consider also the advis ability of establishing a board of con trol, etc., and if they thought such measure advisable to draft a bill and present it at this session of the leg islature. was adopted. A stringent State-wide bill for the registration and regulation of the bar ber business in the state was the most interesting piece of proposed legisla tion that was thrown into the hopper of the senate. The measure was in troduced by Senator Jones, of Bun combe. The bill would make it un lawful for any person to engage in the occupation of barber in any towi^ of 1,000 population or more without first having obtained a certificate of registration. Two bills went to the table in the senate when unfavorable reports were made on them by committees. One of these was the bill to repeal the stock law, which was passed at the extra session of the general assembly of ISl.T for Pender county. The bill originated and passed the house be fore the delegation from Pender got here to be heard on it. However, they had their say on it before the senate r-ommittee on Friday afternoon and tlie committee put a black mark on it. The other bill that got an un favorable report after a delegation of about 100 from Washington county, including those for and against it. had aj>peared liefore a committee was the bill introduced b.v Senator Daven port to allow the people of Washing ton county i,i vote on the question as to whetlier the new court house, which is to he erected, would be locat ed at Plymouth, the present ounty seat, or at Roper. HOUSE. The House resolution to invite Wil liam Jennings bryan to address a j*)int session of the Senate and House at his convenience, came up and was amended to extend a similar invitation to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, expected to be here at the same time. Objection was raisel by Senator Brenizer for the reason that he lonsidered such ac tion tiie establishment of a bad pre cedent in such mutters. He believed su* h a course would detract from the dignity of the Assembly to have pri vate citizens and others come before the body and present their acuses. There was hearty agreement on the part of Senator I..it'Je of .\nson and others, (he view seeming to pervade a number of the opposition remarks ihHi the burden of the address by Mr. Hryan wtmld be the prohibition cause. The objection to the resolution raised by Senator Brenizer and Sena tor Justice were withdrawn and the resolution passed unanimously and was ordered enrolled for ratification. The salary of the Governor of North (.’arolina is to be $C.f>00 a year instead of $7,500. as the upper house of the General Assembly voted it should be. the increase being from $5,000. The final contest over the issue »ame in the house, when the commit tee bill for the $(;.5(>0 salary was pul through, after a iiard fight. 61 to 48, u Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, dlzxi* ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath—always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, Itrmenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in testines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested ' food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They I work while you sleep—a 10 rent box I from your druggist means your head ! clear, stomach sweet and your liver I and bowels regular for months. Adv. I Justification. 1 “Jinks drini^*.' like a li^li." j *‘^VIl.v. I thouirht he was strictly leni- I peratp." i j ".o he i. but ili*Mi lishe.s. you know , never drink anviliin;.' l.nt w.nter.” CUTICURA COMPLEXIONS Are Usually Remarkably Soft and Clear—^Trial Free. WHAT 18 LAX-FOS LAX-FOS is an ispnnd Ciscaia (1 tNle-lintlw) Plmiil to takt In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved hf the addition of certain harmless cIma* icals which increase the eflBcieocy of llbm Cascara, making it better than ordiaaijr Cascara. LAX*FOS is pleasant to taka and does not gripe nor distarb stomai^ Adapted to children as well as ado Its. Just try one bottle for constipatioa. joc A Cynical Mias. She—'I'ell me :i ‘^tory. He—Onee ni»on a tii;i»- b*^fore people Tiiarrieil for money— She (Hi. that's too :!r.cient; that ninst have happened hci'ore money was Invented.—Boston i;v**:iin;: Transcript. Pr Prrry'* Shrt" in jiow^rful and rronii'i but safe. One- »!•»» only la enouck to r\iii Worms :«r TjiT'No caat*r oil ni' r^aary. A&v. Some spiders In !i,ake wet. «> 'trong that it rcqnir. ; i :iife to -ever I Ikmii. Make Cuticura Soap your every-day toilet Soap, and assist it now and then as needed by touches of Cuticura Oint ment to .soften, soothe and heal. Noth ing better to make the complexion clear, scalp free from dandruff and hands .soft and white. Free sumide each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. An After Thought. “I told Mr. 'I'liii-ku it/. iii:it Iii^i bab.v loked like him.” “Of -ours»- li*“ \va l»lc:iscd “In)niens*-iy. He didn’t hear me ad l: Poor little rlevii.’ under my breath." \lr. \\ Ilf— Do \na krc» £ooJ for raU-” M «« Sio«t—"\\'h>. foi'on. cl four«.” Ilf — "No. that «oj(d ln!l ihcm—che««e." Do you know w hat's good for acough, throat and lung troubles, that wili allay inflammation and insure a good night ssleep with free and easyexpec> toration in the morning? The answer always the same year after year. Is Boaehee*s German Syrup Soothing and healing to bronchial and throat irritation. 25c. and 75c. sizes all Druggists and Dealers every- w here. Vour grandfather used it 51 years ago. Try it yourself and see how it stops a hacking cough like magic. ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress give.® the follow- Inc recipe for grray hair: To half pint of water add 1 cz. Bay Rum. a small box of Barbo Compound, and >/« oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Pull directions for maktne and use come In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make It soft and glossy. Tt will not color the scalp, is not sticky or areaay. and does not rub off. Adv. after amendments fixing $(i,000 and for tlie original 17.500, had been voted down. I’nconstitutionality and inex pediency of raising the salary close on the heels of the great western Caro lina flood were the «hief objections set up by Ray of .Macon, ('lark of Pitt and other opponents of the bill. Turning from the passage of Gov ernor’s salary bill, the house, however, killed the companion senate bill carry Ing raises to $4,000 each In the salar ies of the secTetary of state, state treasurer and auditor. No roll call was demanded, and very few represen tatives voted for the bill. The house voted down a bill to make the salary of the slate superintendent of public lnstrution and that of the attorney general $3.500 instead of $:i.OOU. This would put these consti tutional officers on an ecjual fottin};, with their associates. County Farm for Women. The establishment of a county farm in each county of Xorth ('arolina to which female vagrants and minor male ollenders may be sentenced is the ob ject of a bill to be introduced som? time during! the week in the house of representatives. D. Henderson, presidential elector and county attor ney of Craven, is the author of the idea. He will draft ihe bill. Repres entative Dail. of Craven, will probably be the introducer. While no allusion was made to the bigger measures to come before the I house while that body was in s(‘ssion. I they were fr*‘f'ly talked of around the loiibies and hctels. One hill dis cussed perhaps more than any other is that prepared by Rev. R. Lee Davis, superintendent of the Xorth (’arolina Anti-Saloon League. This bill as it staiuls now is saiii to offer no very drastic i-hange in the present law be yond the iat that it absolutely pro hibits an.v person t«) have in his pos- =e:-sion mure than two e.iiarts of whis- i'ey ;if one time. It is understood that with it in oj)eration the law aftecting tiie receipt of one (juart every fifteen davs would not be changed. Wouldn't Be a Queen. He- Queen of niy heart— She--Queen ntithinp! Queens -an’t pick their husbamls. I can—and be lieve me. I'm some pi'-ker.—Judge. MOTHER, ATTENTION! Gold Ring for Baby Free. For Horses Horsemen agree that Yager’s Liniment is the brit ar.d most eco- r.omicai liniment for general stable u&e. For ftrained ligameots, spsTin. harness galls, «Tveer.y. wounds or old sores, cuts and any eciargementa, it gives quick relief. A 25 cent bottle contains four times as much as the usual bottle of liniment sold at tbat price. At all dealers. YAGER'S LINIHENT GILBERT BROS. A OO. Baltimore, Md. Get a 25c Bottle of Baby Ease from any drug store, muil coupon as di rected and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Baby Ease cures Bowel Complaints and Teething Troubles of Babies.—Adv. JOINT! Contrary Methods. “He tried to hang himself hecaune he wjis cnt tip." “And he didn't succeed beeanso he was cut down." FHLUN6 HU MEMIS DtNDBUFF IS ACHVE Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottia of Danderine Right Now—Alao 8topa Itching Scalp. Hcive you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout 7 TakeRHBUM AClDEtoremore tbecaase and drive the poison froB the tysteai. “■■■nuriBK OR THi inura rcn BHtcBATiea os m ogtbidb'* At All Dra^KUte Jaa. Baily 4 See, Wkelesaie Diitribsters Baltimore. M«l. STOCK UCK IT-STOCK LIKE IT I j ( ' * : NfOICATEQ. ; ; ' lift Vv'u Mir.' ; (, I J , I For Horsea, Cattle, Shee^ and Hogs. Contains Cop* peras f&r Worma. Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vom ica, a Tonic, and Pur* Dairy Salt. UaedbyVet* erinarians 12 year*. No Dosing. Drop Brick in feed-bos. Ask yourdealer for Blackman’s or writ* I'lymouth in a shftrt time may cease to be( ome the ( ounty s«>at of Wash ington county and the court house and the ofli( ials and things that go with it may be moved to the thriving little town of Koper. At any rate, Koper is trying to rope It in. There is so much diversity of opinion ae to which town should be the county seat that Senator Davenport has introduced a bill for the establishment of the coun ty seat, which measure will allow the people of the county to vote on the question and settla it. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected icalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of Its luster, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish* ness and itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—any time—will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton’a Danderine from any store, and after the first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and ?uffy and have the appear ance of abundance; an ir.comparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks’ use, when you will actual ly see a lot of fine, downy hair—new hair—growing all over the scalp. Adv. BLACINAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE Coltl i.rick buyers :ii-c Imru ofieii •‘Monjrh to kcefi the inanut’:u*tnrers from .uui)^;.' out of business. INSIST ON YAM NUTS— I’p-to-date grocers have them—the new food with an “unforgetable flavor,” made from Southern yams. Try YAM NUTS once, they'll win you sure. The Williams Co., Greenville, S. C. Adv. rOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt’s Liver Pills acta* kindls’onthe chid, the delicate female or Inflroi old age, a* upea the vigorous man. raifi nib give tone and strength to the weak stomach, bowels, kidneya and bladder. Pecan Trees Nov* ia the time to set them. Begin bear> ing in thre* to four years. Add both beauty and utility to the home. Pricaa and valuable information free. J. B. 'WIGHT, CAIRO. GA. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PUNTS Early .Torscy and Charleston V'akefleld, Sue- cPhsion Sind Flat Dutch, by e*ores*, 500,11.00, 1,000, li.liO, 5.W0, at SI.25. Sa»^«fa,f tlon eruar- ‘ antecd. Postpaid 25c per 100. D. F. JAMISON. SUMMERVILLE, S. C nFAl FDC and agents wanted to sell Oaatin*. a-Sold with money-back naiantftew I Big moneT to hnstlers. Write t^odsT for panic* ! Dlan. R. M. Hanye, PiedmoDt Ave., Atlaata, Ua. GALL iontdoors. 16c and 86s. STONES ope^aIions (li. ouj Aches tn stomach. Back, Side or ShonlderB: UTer Troubles, Stomaeb Misery. Dyspepaia. Oollc. Gas, Billoasness. Headache, Constipation, Piles, Catarrli, Nerronsness. Blues, Jatmdice. Appendicitis. These are common Qallstone symptoms-^AN BBCURBIK Seitd (or home treatment, ■•etail aMk PDFp* Uwr. Btaaarii. Sail TtmMm ssd * SxXcCs SsHit— »»M«Sy €•., Stpt. W-4, lit a. PfkTbMB S».,fMtSiS American preserved orange, loiuou ^ — —: :r: and eitron pw? find favor in Canada. [W. N. U.* CHARLOTTE,* NO. 3--1917,