BREVAKD NEWS, BREVASD, H. C. HykOB ROLL FOU Are Bosioess Byiidars 'ji‘ cotit a woril lur tirst itis-. i tiun; I'nc ti.ilf '•nl a \vi>rtl I'cr (-a -li nisv-ttion. ; inuiotl or ablnovialu>!i (.ouiit.aK: as a / I'rJ ‘ IE PAST WEEI { :SH MILK KOR SAL;:, tonkins. Sro I'ranlv New Subscribers HonuM-':ill Hv-iMMirir, Tcir V. i\. .Mr:van(l(‘r..l’ifkfn.-., 'v t' , U- Renewals iiOUMS For hcuisclcecpin" I'Pi'ly •;> Mrs. Ida lirvant. 1 12 tic Sot- \V. 11. I'auikiur. il: j'Mfc I'ninly 5 {jiil'.i'n dil c:r,r.. oliiu-or I’o'iorino. D^'vk'. I ? tu > '>V-, V LO TS, farnV' atid tiri'.'rr ' ■.iXi'' i .it ' . l-'ranlv JiMihiiis, Hn.'varcl, \ ( WOdI, AM) rru'^. /■ r. ihc ii . Aiki-ii ftir iii •-.I pi K i's ill (.•asli. '’•'f "!'D \Vi‘ will !'ay yun cash f.T a!I tl(l fci'tl sacks. 15riii^ tlum in \ikcn t!t Sc: uj^L’s, ilrcvarci, X. t‘. IDi.Vtfc : ;)R SALi: C'ilKAl* S.cnnd lia-d Fcr.l. .Mia'vcI! and Hiij) auti»i'.iiil'ilcs. Ki'i;’, )..i vtM v Co. 51’)-lfc I'L (i. (iALL'’V> A', succt'ssor JNiljiatrick (i;'.ll('\»ay, will m-11 at cosi tn Saturday, .lauaary l!l'. all hal-; i i l>i>lli iriainicd a:ul iiiitiiiiuiu'i. : )2 2tc I ;>KN CRorXl) ANY TLMK The Miller iir.' vnrd ('I'lb T’rt' V.'! I’l' 11 ' .l>il:iv Htv'vn ■ ( ! ■]. ! /I! I'l 'i]! . . 1 r I' 1 : il.'i.l Oahhiixl (;.' r. Ij' -lay uiTVii'vi A . '; 1 .vh' V .... Hrt‘v:inl \ I : Mr'.-.-ll ... 1 !;• 'v:ii(l K-'J '1- ' .1. A . Siii-fc! tl' 1 Jrt'vnvd II-'. v\ . !‘ '(J.ilin i^rlli 11 > . ■ l{. Slinrj* ,.. Sell CM . \ 1 . Lm ll'M' I'i: !l l li-1 ■/ ’ • i, > ’ .. i.a !{• 'I' )\:i V. :i • 1 ^ . i:. \V Slinrr, .. ('niso 1.. i. !>is!ii>ji ' 'il Ml 't !i X.iT li:i h. • Iv >rs\ t h.' i ;r::tisi)T) Si S • 1 1 11. if-i-vki;i .X'.'W l?i rii ' h: '■’ics I.. N'ichi>1' 1 >urimii; ■ [ Citron Pre rorvcs. r. ’.n* ciJron :.nd i lit ill sli« ('s one and ' one i’.-iir in!i iliick nntl :ilM>Mt thr;-i' ill-lu's !nim. 'I'.i carli piMniil of citron all"\v >'!'(' ;iu!!nl of \vliit»* sui:ar. First I’lMl'.o yi'ur sirr.ji, usIiil: ono pint of \va ter I;> (‘Very tiMi poiiinis of sir,ar;skini woll. Ill 'll a!‘.l frnif: boil ont‘ hour, or tnitil fi'in'u'r; lo m>t stii'; sllco t\vi» Inn •ii.s t^in. rxtra iiiit: t!u' koivIs; put tli Su!>!)ly company is running its jurist j;i tho prosorxt's with two onn'-cs of at all hours ot the day of late ;.!ui M>a your corn jjround hv' wait- a few niinutc.s. ll'-l-tlc foi;; .uiii or (whilo). 1 to not loim iiftrr aihlinLj Iciuon. 'riii^ is ('XctMlont if ria'it* carcrnlly if ymi (••innot obt.ain A 'JTKl) To contract between L?00 (itn.n. w;ifonncl.«!i rind can be substi- !■ cl cords ciu-tnut wood to he cut Iniotl. but. soak ov(>niii;Iit in :slnni Ava "■ di'liveri-d in liu' railroad. Distance '.ur miles, with j;ood l'.ou;^''S and barns. > ^..iiod opportunity for ^niod men witli * -.r is for the winter. Thos. M. '^hin- ' ion. 1L’-L'') tiv ; >K S.\L1‘] Fiftei'n choice lots v.ithin half mile of l’is}j;ah Forest jiostoliice. \f ..r school and church. I have svdd several lots and wish to dispose of tlie i/Jiers immediaii lV. I’ricees and terms Te:;son;ih!e. See W. 1*. Mackey at I’is- *-ah Forest. 1-5-Itj) ' ; SALIC }land'om(' farm, four acres iiottom land, six and s •-ea :c:):’ti aci^.s ;n(iiinlaii\ lai.d, and >.;o.u! 1" ii^t- au'! : ■.u;r ; tuni on hank of r iad be i:ie wat,. »s (if *''al> creek: near church an.] school; i,o ■Icbts and taxes paid, ('ash sale desired. At'plv to J .M. Ihake, Ktowah, X. ('., !{onte L 1 19 3tp HE Merchants who advertise In tMs 2saper will give yon best valaes for your money. lor :i!k1 bcdl in olcar water Iwotily niin o.tcs noxt morning;. J 1% A m. T. W. BICKETT I'tovi rnor of North Carolina uarcii jjirectory IIUKVAKI) TKKSiiYTKlvMAN CliUIJCH John li. liay, Pastor. e!n!i\!i services every Samlay. l-'iisl ill!.I tliiiil Sun.ia\s, ii:oi> a. m.: iii't .o>i l.'iKlh ^ll;Mi,l\s, _ I J). 111.; liitli '.i.i' .. n!. .II!' ,.i' ..-ill 1 11 . ' \ .T' Mi-' I ■! V. I'l a. Ill. i. 11 s 1 ' .il :'e^ . K: II! i ;il il'' I ’ iiss. .■..I'll!; 'f. )i f'Isristian Kn (leavor evei y ’ruesi'ay t'veniiii^, rus- 1).\VH).S()N i^iVIC!-: I'KFSliVTLiaAN John II. !!;iy, I’ai tor. l\'".ra;ar ehiirrli -rvi ", s i-verv Sim.lay. lioins: .'-'ivom! aiv! ti.irlh Siinilays, ii;iv> a. Ill,; iir ;t aii'l lliiiil S;tn'..ivs, p. in.; lifth .Sun l.'ivs i>>' aiir.>;;iii i’i:ii !it. .111 *:.y veiioiii e-.eiy .sini lay, io;do !l. Iil. r,‘;:':vAR!) ivM^Tcrr ('iidijcn. Corner .jord;!". and (lasli.;i slivets. i ,\. W. MclV'.niLd, I'a: t'jr. JMione Xo. 1 l.S. j r.lil.- '.'Iiiiol .,:n a. ni.. v.\ll ;nl ||4 siporp T@ otice » vers , ;ciMt I 1 * ’• a. in. iiu^\ 7:15, p. ors})i;> iiTvl fi'llowshi;). A Si82py Time St:ry Abciit Two VVgous Feci:!3 :A a Fair. JOEY SQUIRREL Ar’3 CUNWY. Ot.-.-n c C.P..I Ar.i Thi:_.; Ceocli. L1: ..j — .. . c i-'-oy t.-.: I'lK-ie IVjii was all al'ter s'lp i or and s.'.iil to Iil ' - Xod and F(diy .Vnn he would ti ll G licm abui.’t BL'NNY AT TKfl FAIR. W. A. GRAHAM Ccrimifsioner of Atrriculturo, ‘‘Are .Miu u'oin;; to tlie fair:" nied lUinny, s.-aiu; crin;.:' tip to Joey Snuir rel. "We are all off and :u'e coiiiL; to liav(‘ sneli | “Yes. I'm cMininir. I've lu'vcr sseei; i a. fair bi-fore. Wii; joi\ tala* iiu> with ! .Vmii'.'”;.'! .b';/. , ‘•Ye.s; etiine al.>;iLr," r >plit -l I’-r.uny. I In :i few nnc.iieiiis ,b.ey joi'cd be friend nil i tin* liule faw.lly «'f b;;;i- i I’r I’.I. 111. ■ ■.'.■I N .-'mi’ I.; . . w.-e'.; ■■ VI. ! ir - ;i •'!. \> 'lie .ilav. , :i;ei. 111.I -liee 7:;: ;i. ill. !'ri'l;iv '.'.v.'i . r.ii I. ! !ii. e-■. .Ill ! !i. -.iiay evening; after ■ ■■.t V ol'eue!i emr.tli. A 1 e '^e el:(ir’i ■ elviir lea Is ‘;!ill iliai’'lyjiins S ■ ei 111. e_; ,il i .11 .iiiil llieu' ai“ looks lur .lii. ril'-re :ir" also s.i.-.-j.iI t-i'isieal i;ii!"’jers. \r. \v;|.i'lesire to en.’.iiira;;e nr to a .sisi the ■'ji!> "f 111 I ..!■ to !>.• Iieliii'l by v.'.rsllip .lie v inviieil to att.'iiil ;i.l services, ''trail.;. IS aii.l visit.irs are especially weleome. MLTHODIST CiirUCIL | V,’. Ivlfxar Poovey, I’a.stor. | Sirii’ I'.’—Siin.l.’ty seliool :i; i;;45;i.i:i. Preaeli- ’ ill'.; .'it ii;..- a. 111. ami 7:15 I>. 111. Juvenile so- | eiet\ 1:. .1 III. ' I'iay V I’. M. S. 7:15 ;>■ m . fir.--t anrl tiiinl ,\I. V l".\ iiijilits. ’ '..l.iv i.Mler iirst Sv.ii.lav I iloanl of ' St'- .v.i. 7:15 p. 111. W. ilr.ev.l.-iy l'r;i.ver !ile -.;r n ni. 'r'lii'. ..;.i\ ti-i; 'iliiiii' V.'-'i .in's Mis- si..n..r\ *. :e‘v. .-’.-i.i p. iii- Lm'ai .\ii:-;iiiar\' ; 4 ■ 1 ‘ ! I!. l-'ri-lay riiuii prii.etiee 7:1; p. ill. ■■( onie tlieii wit'i US ,i:i l ue v.ill ilo thee ^;eoil."- Nur.i. i.i jg. Speciul Announcement. i An Object Sermon to children “The (ireat ,\hit;iu-t” Sunday mornin.ij. Sunday eveninjf service cancelled in j favor of Baptist Kevival. ST. i'HiLii's LiMscoi’AL niruriL Rev. Chalmers I), ('hrr.'man. Minister in C'liar^ie. . S".IV!'1 ' M.iiniii” si-i'v! at n:.i ■ n'l'loek. ; >;;i-.i :il. We-.; I>..\ > ■ , " vr e.i-r v ■ . \V... !ti,'SI i;i s'■ .1".! il.iiHi'.; .v.l'.'i.'; \Vi ‘ries.i.i> ■, .i;. ! i e-..i. i!av m il ly Week; .il- Sain; ^ ‘.:r. s. Hiil\- enair.iuiiii in the tir-t a-il tliir.l .Sun.lays of everv aionlh; aiso en t!ie 1 iie;i!er 11 olv da> s, t i-tir.a-.. t;';.' any. Asli \Ve.ine.-.l;iv. Ilf.iy 'I'hui s.lav, K:!-•. I- il:iv, \-,.■,■11 ^i.>n day. Whit .'-un'iay a;i.l 'I'riiiiiy sur..h-iv. , Spccial Announcement. Thini Snntlny nftor llio Kpi])luiny, .Jantinry 'il. I^itnny, holy com- tnriiiHin nnd sfriiidit :it 11. Stib- jcct, “iV.ilt'r I ):s rl:!;i“ss.” S])eci;il oli'criTi^ for iiiis.-ii r-s nhrnad. Tlmr.-'dny. .'niiiinry 'Jo; ('(iiivi'r-, siiin of St. Holy c'oijiinniiion , with brief addn-ss at 11. Friday. .linr.i irv ID : Kvotijjuiil: . with address at I:!-'). Stili.ii'ct, ‘ ^lissioiis. I Tlio k nf tiiissidiis is the oil'' 'To the Taxpa'^ers of Transylvania County: Owing to the fact that ! have but a short C'inie in v/Iiich to colie11 the taxes nov/ due, I take this opporttinity of noti fying those taxpayero v/ho have not yet pa^d t I '.XC3 that same must be set tled immediately. Heret-oforCp di’.ring my terms of office as Sheriff of Transyivania County, I have been able to give extra time for the set- tlen:eni of taxes, bi^.tthis year, ro longer being Sheriff, i cannot grant this exten sion. I will have to give up niy office in the Ccart House on May Lst, and I am, therefore, going to garnishee and levy for all taxes due, urJess parties make satisfcx^ory arrangerfients wlfch me at once. 1 would appreciate immediate settle ment so as to know the extent to which I shall h:;;ve lo garnkliee and levy, 'Wi’Acti work I shall begin with at a very early date. All those owing taxes will save costs and trouble by settling promptly. Resp2ctf:^51y, J. K. PICKELSIMER, Tax Collector. Our Oooi's Open to Everybody Our large stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools, Stoves and Ran'jes, Nails, Builders’ Hardware an;? Roof Paints; also a larj^e stock of plumbing material, and sve cheerfully give estimates on all kinds of pliimbin^j and slieet metal jobs, we will jiladly sell to any and everybody. We have enou^li to take care of our re;^ular customers and then some. Cr.o J goods and prices consistent with market values. W. E. BISHOP CO. BREVARD, N. C. We Do Genera! Repair Work. niea, :ihu t;;ey k1;> \vo iriaii 1 ii;;t!i to tl.'‘ li ran •]d. From the Merchant Who Advertises. ■en tlie crowd '(•hnridi tlint is net this W'.irk Vni sliordd j;:st iia\e ^'I'l '....... 1 I. ' ...• wh:i{i‘vcr it liuiV ])ksm‘ss of 1 here v. iTi‘ so r.iniiy and siff-li s.ores ’ • i. r lints v.iTi' so I'.iniiv anil sir-n Siore . . , , . , , .1 T : :ii»ostdi* or’'.:ir. j.iki :i iitlinritv, ot and l)in;s tlnit .loi-y \va.-‘. iinr.e ,,, ,. , , , , , , '• MtiK li(* creed, aiKi sacrauu'nt aiul lie\vilder(‘d. know—ril 1 eaii see a iiioniout tli;tt \v;is From A.iken & Scro5??3 Having made a change in our business we take this method of thanking our many customers for their "patron age sincc we opened business a year ago. The business will be run right on with but few changes. On and after this date all FEEDS will be sold strJctly for cash on delivery. Owing to extremely high prices of Feed stuff s v/e have decided it best for our customers as Veil as our interest to put it down as low as possible and sell strictly for cash. It saves disputed accounts, bookkeep ing and accumulation of bad accounts. Quick settle ments make life-long friends. Let's be friends. Yours for a prosperous J9I7, AIKEN & SCRUGGS Successor to Aiken & Brooks Tliei’e V. ( re siioe eaini'l.s there to Live t!te i«eo]ile ri !i's, and Joey lil^( d 'hat i;;n"h i.ilfr; h“ mil ri.^Jt t" lh(“ ••liK'r si''e ol‘ ilii' li. ld on i.n '. 'I'her • ;i.«’V S’i;.'e n.i e t’oir'; U'i.'l.s an.l siayed v,them fer oullo a ;o!:;: iir.;e. “N\'(> lieiti'r f^o liack now; iiiotiier will woiiil.T where we are." saM n'i;i- ny, I'lit the i-rov. I \.:,s so ^I'eat that tl; I 'liiM Mr.; riia! her a,”ain. ■ \\'’:;it sh:i!l v>‘ do'.'” ask(‘d juMir Kt- ll(> .I^ey, iie.uinnin:; to ery. “I know v.e'll sit the I’.edu;* ilil the rest liave nea.rly a’.l ^oni‘. th»‘n v,(* shall see her," ans\>en-d Huiiny 111"*, vely. Sud:; «!dy .To\v said: “I run 11,1 ihls iri'o, and tlu'u all over t'.ie fair. Siiall IV” “Ye.-, d ’," said l;unny. He or.t uf si^ht in and I'ouuil ho etiuld see a! ..ein;’: ( II. :i!id al'Ier :i few nu iienis ho s]>l'-d Mrs. r.nnny on tho otluT side of the Held lalkini: lo I'olieeniaii Hip |M);uitanius. “! ve>‘ lior!” ho cried and, Iilin,:; down, tool; his lililo trieini's hand and rai-‘d ilT. It wa-i hartl wcr!; to ;:et thiou.Lrh lh(‘ ernv, d. li’it l!i;'y rea-hed ?k:rs. IJunny :;t last, jnst as she Avas heixinnin.i; to cry. “0!t, lio’.v t.l i'l 1 am to s,'(* you!” she* said, kis.'I:;'4 them Ixtlh. “V.’here, have* you iK'onV” “We v. ero lost, only Rnnny said we'd stay nntler the heil.ue. so iiohiuly hurt i i;s,” (‘Xitlaii'od .looy. I “And ,I«K*y climbed a tree and foiind ; out wliprn you were." adiied Uinniy I .Nnd then his u;otl;('r kissed them j iv'aiii and took them home. I She ^avo .ItK'y a lovely siipjier be fore lie went homo, and tlKMi ho ami I r.iinny said jiood iii.ulit to oat'h oth'jr : and v.o!!t to bed, (juito tired out with sueb an (‘ day. htur"Y. gpaBEaosa™ip A Mew Model Typewriter! I 21* SUmdard VmSta Writer BUY iT NOW --»•-ju *^.yrjsf The martin will save enough to pay for itself several times durinuc the first sea son. It saves time, labor and real money, but what it earns for you is more important. Martin ditched farms pay from $10to !^30 more per ell.* re. Tills machir.a reclaims vv.n.ste laud and ina.kes eveiy acre pay. We don’t ask auA'one to take our word for these thiugs, but V/e ask you to try Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here! it is just out—and oonies ye:trs heiore experts cxpected it. For nuikers have .striven a lile-tiine to attain tliis ideal niacliiiie. And Oliver lias won ajjjain. u.s we scored when we gave the world its Iirst visible writino-. There is truly no other tyjtewriter on earth like this new Oliver “0." Think of tc*uch so liuht that the tread of a kitten w^ill run the kevsl Spend Your Money with your home merchants. They help pay the taxes, keep up the schools, build roads, and make this a com munity worthwhile. You will find the advertising of the best ones in this paper. Farm DitcKer and Road Grader for ten days. Put it to work. Sec what it is \7orth to yoa. It cuts a V*shaped ditch, cleans out old ditches, tliruwa t’.p tL-rraccs, builds and levels levees, fills firullies, grades roaUs; reversible—throws dirt to eitner side; adjustable for narrow or wide cut. Made oC steel and wiUlast a lifetime. BREVARO HARDWARE CAUTION! The nc'.v-day advances that come alone on this machine are all con trolled by Oliver. Even our own previous models - famous in their day—never had the Optional Duplex Shift. It pms the whole control ot 81 letters and oharacters in the little fingers of the right and k^ft hands. And it lets you write them all with only 28 keys, the least to operate of any standard typewriter made. Thus writers of all other machines can immediately run the 01i%’er Number “9 ’ with more speed and greater ease. WARNING! This brilliant new Oliver eomes at the old-time price. It costs no more than ksser makes—now out of- dattf when compared with this dis covery. For while the Oliver’s splendid new features are costly—we, have equalized the added expense to us by simplifying construction. Resolve right now to see this great achievement before you spend a dollar for any typewriter. If you are using some other make you will W'ant to see how much more this one does. If you are using an Oliver, it oaturally follows that you want the finest model. Made by 0’//ei»bcra DitcW aaJ £nil«r C*^ Inc. Owaaihan, Kf. Psientad 17 CENTS A DAY! K^'"fmJ)er thi^ brand-new Oliver “9” is the X f i * . greatest value ever ^iven in a typewriter It has all our previous special inventions—visible w'riting, automatic spacer 6'.-ounce touch—plus the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective Color Attachmefit and all these other nev.-day features. Yet we have decided to sell it to everyone everywhere on our famous navment plan-17 cents a day! Now every user can easily afford to have the worlH’c rrnrk- visible writer, w^ith the famous PRINTYPE, that writes like print, included B'KEE if desired. TODAY-Write For Ful 1 l^ctsills ^ among the first to • V • liHo^v floout tihis iTiiirvt^I of writing machines. Sec why typists, employers, and individuals everywhere are flocking to the Oliver. Just mail a postal at once. No obligation. It’s a nleasure for us to tell you about it. ” THE OLIVER TYPEWRITEB CO., Dliner Typewriter Bldg, Gbicago Always Patronize News Advertizers.

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