BSEVARD NEWS, BBEVARD, N. C. ON yVEIl; BOILS STATE WIKERS No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. Get a tO-cent box. Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Caacarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills. Castor Oil or Purgative Waters? Stop having a bowel wash day. Let Cascarets thoroiighl> cleanse and reg ulate the stomach, remove tlie sour and fermenting food and foul gases, taiie the exc'ess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste nr.ilter and poisons In the bov/ela. A Caacaret tonight will maiit* you feel great by morning T.h*>> work wiiile you sleep never gripf*. sicken or catise any inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your stoie. Millions of men and women take a (’ascaret now and ihcn and never have Headache. Hl'.iousness, Coated Ton"ue. Indigestion. Soiii Stomach or Constipation Adv. Books in Pnuon, i ‘n M 'II 1;' I ‘I :i r '1 !■>' h.-i ^ :i i :i 11 s 'III. ^I:i !i> il- [MH'irv I:i ,11es I-..ii;[>c !•-, iiiiiiio;- i!':. ' i.1!Ii•') iii'i- h; .-t t II .n>'ll! i!.! ) • . ' I . I' _ in': . !’• iji'.‘ii::i •'] >: 111- "I’i'i,'’ ’ ,r> ' l{;i li>: : I ir ' •' 'V\ i>f ! h • ' 1 \ ’M 1'^ if , ' ’•iMlr i;i a :i'^ llll-'lll ;l' A •''I 111' 'irui! ' ;i :i lv‘>!il:ili i| I.i .)'■ '>!' lliv pr.- vv,-!l Iiem Mil il- ' Ml ll'!;. •'! fi’Mi'i.i !.i:;^;.a^ ..'a:--. Ml 'li' 'li 1* ■■ s : • • hi -- ■ c,i _ ■ ■ ■ I tM'_.|.;, , W a r> 'i:i i i 'V I'll ■i ! I. W al- .-.i: i:'\ 1' of I >-,l. ' .'IJIK'! l.r I '.I III '•1. Ilf ivt‘\ . :;-'i'ii . .Mil. >! pn--.: ■ >I •!:• ■■•I! !'. ■. a:. I 1 » . ! ' : li.' I,'.‘ . ' li.' W > :l • . I . nt- I'i-Mld A Trial Gave instant Relief—Kever Disappoints —Great Kidney Remedy -a nil i.i.;i‘ ■ Mij \\ii .tc-i'.!; > n l>r 1\: I'. HU* • . .-I l! If-. 1 ‘ I'A a .11 - 111 ’I. -u" --I ' i;.: ii'iif. I : 111^ ■ •■n.*: ; I- i'i\* -I' 1 t)\ .t ! at !' ' .iia;> II ■ ii: u •lit' ut! ll'.'! U'l.^ .Ill in! >v. I'ap .. i: '. ia -v , U: I 1 1 I i\;!iiu-r' ' ,.t U \ ' • J*i I ia-.;>- oiit 1. NL] M,.!|MI. \ •]’ \ i . \ . !• VI-C I O.lll' ■ N r. Prove W?!st Swamp-Root Will Do For You i);-. iviliaer i t' > . [• I -i!u;>!f but iii>u!ie ^ lU wiil •II i--‘ii'-. • I Dv. ivniaer i i: : j n. \ Y it uJ! v.rn 1 d j.i rt‘.-e;vo a !••. of v,i!uahle i:i!'>r- iti.ri iTi. .'t'-.ijf the kidney!^ ari l blaJ- !'■!. Wtuii wntifiit, ri«‘ suii- aui iiierition ttiis piper Kc*j;uiar tifty cen'- mi oue- c:m. 1) »tle« for s.ile dt »li drug •t .-ei.—Adv. Idle ,>•••! ! i:r.-'; a’ : '•)'»k. o jnosi . Ml. ’ ■ 1 III! " • ;;|II \ . ‘ i ;ir jli: • ■ -• tl-'-'l' liUllt.” • '' :i .rt;i '»,i_:^;ii; • i:i li li--'-'.;' :tr-- . 1 • 1 1 . ■:!i J. i;i i' ’1 \ . ' 'u*'! ■ > hi Til*' house passed the omnibus Jus- ti('e of tlie peace l*ill and raiised the standard in liieiising embalmers. The Clark hill )>:i.;sed to am(>nd the law as to disi>o.-'ifion of po.ialtif's in case of usury « iii(r>;ed on mortganes. What is iiil'iideil to make seciei remedies under various ;nid sundry trademark.' and iianies ome out in \ the open, is ilie pnrfn)se of a hill in- ' troduefd in the senate Ity Senator ] Sca!.“s. of ('luilford. A .simihir meas- | ure was introduced in tlie house by Representative I’age. In tiiis action tlie State of North ('arolina is the fiist I state in the union to attempt the open f(»rmula. While the measure has I strong friends in both houses, {hose Resume of the Doings of the General j behind the bill are^ expecting a fight Assembly During the Past Week , *be ojiposition. Told in a Brief and Interesting Way. lisni, G*S| LEAGOE for peuce RESOLUTION PAYING TO HIS MEMORY IS TRIBUTE PASSED IN HOUSE AND SENATE. WITH THE STATE LAWMAKERS ‘‘Pape’s Diapepsin” cures sick, sour stomachs in five minutes 1 —Time It! I “Really does” put bad stomachs !n , I order—TeaHy does” overcome indlges- I MAKE MONROE DOCTRINE WORLD DOCTRINE, SAYS PRESIDENT IN ADDRESS TO SENATE. makes Pape s Olapepsin the Iftr- ■ APPCADC DCCflDC cciuatc elling stomach regulator in the i DtrUnt btniAiC For Our M tny Readers. Raleigh. Senate and iiouse botli adopted resolutions paying trilmte to .Vdiniral Hewey and asking t!ie North Caro lina delegation in Congress to ofli- cially repres«‘iit the state at tlie |)ew- •*v funeral. The senate received a no»ahle bill li\ Senator .Mien of ‘^ayne to abolish capital punishmeiil ex ej)! for crim Inal assault proven by more than one witness \ bill by Senator Kong would i>,ive lodging house keepers l!>'ii on bay^aK'' of Kusts. There is about I $:?rt(».u0(t,O00 invested in these reme- i 1 I , dies wliich tiie law’ aims at and their I line up agi’inst the measure is ex- | pected. ’I'll* re is no tight on th(> s»- 'alle(i patent madicinns. offit ial reme dies and remedies compounded (Ui the j l»resciipiion of a phy.-ician. If a scrai) ' (omes one ihinn is sure. th«' infrodm- ! ers of tii»‘ bills in both liouses are not , afraid to meet it and will be found to I l)p able tf> take care of themselves in the most aiiproved manner. j 1 In Line With Governor. This measure is in line with tliM reommeTidation of CoviMiior Hickett . in liis inaugural adflress. The other reeonimendations of (Jovernor lUckett .\ numi>er of additional l»ills were i were emliodi«“d in biils introduced bv I'fiertwl both for statewide and for county laws for tli-' eb'ctioii of county b.*:irds of education and superintend ents of scliools Senate and liouse lint!; ail,journ*‘il in honor of Rolx-rt 1-ec. 'i'lie speakers ih sk in the boii-e is lirapt'd with Confeijerate and ■'late flaj’.'. ri"' 'I'll.Ill' I'asf^eii a ri'soliition I'v.-i lii'!’, ih appointmein of a joint toinniitte* of lfi;i-.lators to ufve sin’- cial attention to pi'eparation. introduc tioii and passage of whatever liills Tins It'uislaiiire niiist enact for the pi'iiti'i' npi-ralioit oi' the constitutional aH'i' H.IniciiK. •■'.pc, ially iliose I'-;, 'aiiiiii a- i(' municipal and coiini\' a'.:' 'I !h- i c iMl'.ition calls I’or >ep a.M'c ( o'pmil!e("~ 111 prepare mca'* i!’>*s a - to niiinicip,;! and as to c.ninty ,1 fairs .'Senator IJreni/.cr c\pr"'-.',cil the ‘sentimeitl of tlie sciiafe, wIumi iic liei lared tliat while tiie le ■,i>la^c s .i]-. j)reciated the work of ilie S';:;’ ila- \s«nciati('n in preparing sinh m:'aa- ’’.’•e';, it was fai lo > impiM taip ina^ T-’r to 1 be I.l';i \e dpi n in liiat wa>' and mu t care of direcflv bv tlie b'-.’i^ Senator Warreti of Heaufort 'Ounty. One provider tliat no,prisoners shall be sent to tiie loiinty chain ^an.u wlio ar> ."eiiteiii . d ti> more than two year.-;. The otliM v; - lor the appointment of tiie go\ cliairman of tlie stale t;ix ionimi>'i'in and the state Ii’eas iirer to lo(in a comnhssion to investi u:ate and make a i oTnnrehen.sive re port on a 'V.-tem of taxation to l>e sub mitted to tlie ri( xt (Ii ’u'tal .\ssembly .\no'ii r measure introdui ed l>y Senaior WaMeii was to iiroiiibit lioys tiom actiiii: a" aj;ents of teripraph and tei.'pliot'.e iiimpaniev 'I'iiis woubi pre vent the t tnpb>> tc.ent of persons unde; is years of ace tor the deiivery of in- iia'^tate me--'a::e'- Aiiiiihi ;■ .mi'orraii' nie.i-ni-f \\,»- ia- triM'ii. •; b\' Senator .Mb a. i'his jiro- \ ide^ ;■ : til' esi.i bli'h tie III o:' a !e fo'in.iiI'l". I'lr woriieii ai I'ae .-tale III !-i.. >•'!..I’n- M. im: in a bill ..m.'ii'.ii'.i; rhc bi-.v ;.'la:i\e t i d.'.i>fie, f :hact ion, i.ieinbers of cf tlie North I aroliiin tion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and ! sourness in live minutes—that—just j that I gest selling stomach regulator j world. If what you eat ferments Into ! I atubborn lumps, you belch gas and ' eructate sour, undigested food and * I acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath I foul; tongue coated; your insides filled | ' with bile and indigestible waste, re- ; member the moment ‘ Pape’s Diapep- I Bin” comes in contact with the stomach j all such distress vani.shes. It’s truly astonishing—almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large flfty-cent case of Pape’s Dia- pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction. ft’s worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your home—ahotild always be kept handy in case of sick. sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It’.s the quickest, surest ami moat harmless stomach doctor in the world.—Adv All Records Shattered. Tile coiil aii'l >•>':,II’ 111 the I'niied Si)ii**s broke ai! r.M-tird' in 'i'he tola! coke iirn'iiicion. o- cordinu: to csiimat'>s prepared b> K. I.e^ller Ilf the i ui'ed St iles ^'eojoeiral survey, i|epaM!n,.|,. .it 'be interior, ‘'tis Mi,(!tMI t'lri^, :m inei-.-a^f >,vfr of I'J.T'III.'•'Ht ii»n>. 'ir .'••• per cenf. ;ind over I'.M.''. of s.ikmi.imio I.mis. Coal proij'ie'ion ree.ird^ \ ere sai.isli e(| !i\ nil oiiiimi Ilf tiii>, ciitiipareil ,'jiii '•■»o t •'i'>, tlie prevl.i’iv lii:^!' re.-Mfl .•^t,iM;-iie.' V.n.‘! 1 tie ipia:i!i \ Ilf iii'Miiiiii >U' Discucses Nation's Foreign Relations —Declares That Lasting Pfeace in Europe Cannot Be a Victory For Either Sici^. Wasliington Wiipther the IJnUnd States sliall i nter a world peat e league and. as many cont»*ntl. tlieiet)v al>andon its traditional policy of isola tion and no entangling allii’nces was laid squarely i>et’ore Congre - and the country by President Wilson in a per sonal address to the sf^iate. Kor tii>» first time in more than a iiiindred years, a 1‘residetil of the I'nited States appearc'd in the senate hamber to disi uss the nation'.' for eign rehitions afte>- tiie manner of Washington. .Vdams and Madison The eiTect was to leave congrt’-'S. all of', i- iai tpiarters and the forei,in diplo:ii;i'- amazed and bewibbMed. Immedia-ejy th»*re arose a 'hari> ilivision of i»p;!ii')i. over the proprie'v as well as the -ab -i'aiiee of rile I’re.-i lei.t s projiosal ■'Stal l ling," ■■ .•aui-'eriiif;'." "asio'ind !iiK. ” "Ilie tioble,! liti*-ra!ii e riia* b..i-- :aUen from him.a:: lips -:ince the [>•■ • l.iration of independiMu-t;" were the e.xpressioiis of senators. i'lie i're-;dent. lliniself, ;'fler his :id'l!e>s, • aid : lai iir •nil housi -aKe t ion I i-'W.-'v’T ion from t !'•• ' put na- ard o.ib'i'eii eiii'oll'd for ralilica ai't* r Senators ()ates and C.incr No Place to Stay. Voii c;io\>. 'In- i:d 'a.'.i’iu 'h.l' CMlTh Is found at tile boftom o: a 'ies' repli.-1 the e\nic. ■■an.) 1 also Ivnow that wfll'. are ii.uni: •);' I'a'h- lon no A :id!iy ' Fallen in His Estimation. Mrs. l-'latinish l>, ln't \ou s'i> Nuiir liiisband used ' > like ’he b-.* arM sa.»vv; •Mrs licnsonhr.i'; >h, >es. ■‘Well, I s;i\\ him 'odiiy. 'la 1 tie s 'eined to be d' o;i u. " Some folks think tint cistor oi! -ihould fiilio'.v a df>se of V.Tnufut^e, N'i>t cto with Dr I'eery’.-i “Deid Siiot." ^ iiu^Uf .lose not '>nly eradicites W’hiiiis or 'I'cipew.jrai, but >onti up the Ji^e-itiou as woll Adv, Gain in Loss. 11.‘ tiiat lo.'.e.'s aayiiiiii; a;i'i tioin by it, iv I saltier :h.‘ I.'i;^tran'4 *. ■; s w Is bl'.s. O’, liad sjioUeti in its advocacy. Tlie a«i: piio'i was ]iy a risiiii; voti' (»i, mo ■HI of Senator Oales. i)i,> j’le^ideni of :!ie Senate was direite.i in wir' Senator Simnuuis .if the action of Mie V '.‘inblx 1 n t It is ma iter I'll*' Kittrell resolution eiiloaizin*; A'imital I'ewey and jirovidin^: that ad j'»iiri:nie!it be in bis ImiMr alo:u wirh Ib'bert K I,, .. \v;i- laker, up ii.'ines e: ',it!\e flfb'r obieejed fo ,T d .jotl r II 111 e M ’ rl;.if would confU'i this li.inor for t^en •>ra! Lee with anv other per4,ii, 'I'he re',>rei;ce to I'. wey as to ad.ioir ntne’M \\:is vvithdrav\ii ai.d Mi' •libir-' to a.iopti'd The S'tia!*’ toniniiite.'' on “projiosi li'ins ar.d ,t;i ievaticer" ha'- auaii. viited to "Save I’l'nder'^ in the spi-i*. ,! '.loi k l.iw fi^’ht whicl, Ini'- stirred ih.. I.oc:fs- lature this s.-s>jon tikI two ,\'ears a.uo. There was a two lioiirs' heariiii; on iii.‘ bill to jiroviije special tax lor biiibiiiiu a stock fee ,> .aicnnd I'eiider s.- rli.i' ‘TreM rant'e^' could be restore.1 rtii.i an nnfavoralde report on tlii^ b\ an unfa\ oralile reiiort on thi.s b>' the • omniittee* was the result, only two senators, one of them Senator Uiirnett, of Brunswick, voting for ravor.ible re- p'lrf. The hearing was Tn ttie senate chamber which wa.- throimed hy op posing Pender r|eIe;ations. the stock law contingent wearing bad.i;es read ing "Save Pender " and the free rang er«s big streamers leading "Save Pen der Demociac y " and setting >ui bi«: popular majorities in tlie lounty for free range. The Senate held a lengthy dei)ate on tlie resolution to sanction the action of Ciovernor Craie: and the -State’s iH'ison directors in disbursing $10 to the needy families of well iie- liaved state c-onvlcts. It resulted in the addition of the Jones resolution and endorsement by a roll call vote of to 1". Senator Person introduced a l>ill to amend the bill with a provision that no salaried state or county oft'i ers shall serve more than tw’o terms. A bill by Senator Jones, of Ashe ville. would re(juire railroad compa- , nies to pay off semi-monthly, tlie engi neers. conductors, firemen, llagme”. l)rakemen and oth^r employes as well as the shop employes as the law re- 1.1) Iofnle I 'id era'; i-ri.'. c t iioiir .".t hoii'f : a I :'i' ' !• aH' ie >\ I •".' ■ . ■ jior' I... Iw -•!.!, I it;. (!•• I •' ,.i i^; ’■•'a.; Mid C,r la.- Ie ( a M' ■ bi;•, ■ ■ ow’i t ; w • r l‘i.',i- ral ‘ • of ii.i; •.'lidy n.i e .•cm:’:-' mite ij" I M>II toll esi ini: ' I cd Sta' men' o’ I’enn^v I 1 IUll( r|i•! ton V Cil p;l re'I • '. i»r I.' p* •' b- c, i; ■ -eoloUl 'lie iti'eri \;ilii'l a:ri 0;l IM'U I'MO t I i'll :'.M- 'n la I i n Ml i| l|ii. • '■ ! f I i t I' ill m- 111' S.N - ‘no ■ w)«) IM') : a I'.u ■till... .u’(! ^ i.i jilC'Ct; one ot ll •V,: Ml [‘•(I .- aft: !;.i!i- i;ii • ? > mi I ( 11 ir ' O W :nipi 'la \ \: w I ;i: ■. i • 1. ■ '■ ' :o! ..! I•1:; ■.' a.;' i.iw . in K’ II I'l. '•■; a mini I'l i c.f .'o:; M.;!' ati\ here f ;mj '11 t ^ ( a’,!. . til !o)b •>\ lo inair- i'eaker of the -css'oii. came !• i:o':ilde bill-' :.. .. ill a mod: iiill i- ■■) ,: I'll It ; ir. \ liill r., ;ii!io’ i/.e any :.,ir;ei ii: wa of l';i^^e . provide fo" ... . of edu ACTRESS TELLS 3E0RST. A \v,»)i Unown ,al■tr•'s^ t;;-. tit.- i'.r; ca'- Ini; iH.nif for «:i:iy b.iir: 'l o 1 ,iif p .ii of wai*M Uil.) 1 iiz. H.'iy Iltirn. i stnill lio\ of H;u tiu I ■oiii|iiiiiri]. and '.i i,z. of ;'yc-er.ti»v Any 'Iruv^^ist i .m put iiji or yoa i .in mix It at boine ii vt*ry li'tl.* -.^s’ r’ljll illreetlons for m:ikii;-; v;id us-- coni*i In each fiox of H irho t’on;p’>'!H'l Ft will RTadualty darken ritr*'I'l..* I. f;i ie i trr ly h.air, 111(1 ni'ike if .sof’ an I j;I •--«y If will not iiilor tb»' s'alp. i.s not .sti't;y or and doe.s not :tib .jff. A1'.'. Too Mmy low. woiuaii Hire" . U ' nil . 'I IlC'd. lie d erea ■ ll 1 .1 Ml-' ■I • ;oii "i:.t reallv of th ill... ♦ ii-.!! p: • ■. w ' n 1 1 ii; ir.mi i' :a • n • d th;'.i all pei-'-on: .ite, wild r.oi . ' 111“ im i will i).. per ip;ll e’lei'iion.' nliolleil .11 tiie' .ibov-? idiot s. n;" ' . ’ o •... Wii-;-' .'.in;., Iiill. ii ■' '-a' 121 vea:-. liintai. '. coi.virt'^ ''i’ ilii’- I'.ilcs lexcept ino.-e of the Pa’ter wiiii :iie ((iialified a-^ sia'e e]f. lors u'.'iier i i\e constitu tion.. 'ha!! (le pe;tnitte,i to vote in niiinii ii'.il e> ,-t^-'::'. 'I'l:; ir iinc.i '>'.ook\. i' in Hue witii tiie i-e(jne'is !(■ i>c nindc this ,\ear by the woman ' 'Uttrnne league in many of tl," oitiurn and wes-orn states wotin !i ai'e jieimittfii to \ote in c-v laii. niiii'iclpal • '.e- ’ioi'. li is belit-v- ed tiiai ihe women will ask tor notli inn more re\nlut ionarv tliaii tiiis They sd ni to tliiiii; tha* to ask for the comt'b'te enfi'an bi'cmerit ot women would b - tf'o mui h at this time. \V:th Ihe \ .'-w of aflOrdini; to North ('aroliii.t ii'Uniies an opportunity tr liorrow I.. ’ I fcir road con'iructiou at a rate (if b '~ than per ( ent iieprr .'•entative Cla'k. of Piti. in:I'oduced a bill in tlie iif use of ^ representa*ives which, if e- will make availabi • each yea: .or tiie next 4! years the sum of ('fill T'liis sum is to be senired by state bends hearing 4 per cent intt and is ti> be loaned to countie~. townships or road district.s at an I’oerest of .'i per cent. This bill with thi ' e otliers ii iroduced by Repre sentaMve Clark to regulate tiie sum monit.y of expert witres-'e', to amend to arsienii the pendejit families, and t With the Fingers! j Says Corns Lift Out i Without Any Pain t Sor.- i-orns, Inr.'d ■' ir'i". 'oft i Htiy kiii'l oi’ a c.>r:i cci -.h« liftt'd ri;.rlii out ’.vitli :h-‘ fmirer orns or r'iy he I if vou will apply on tli>' corn :i fev drup- of frcezoiie, sa,\a Cincinn:iti aiithority. At little cost me -:in ::er a smail bot tle of fret-zoiie at any dru.; stor**. '.vhich will positively rid ie.«t of every corn or callus Aiihon* pain or sort*- uess or the danger of infe.'ti-m. 'I'his new dri!^ is an ether I'omp.i’iud. and dries the moment ir is applied ;uul does noi iatlame or even irritate the surrounding skin, .lusi think! Vou can lift otY yotir corns and calluses now wiihont a hit of ]»ain or soreness. If yotw driigiiist hnsn’’ freezone he ean ensil,\ '.:ei a small bottb* fo- vou from his w iiolesale lirug hoU'e.—adv. Not Long Enough to Reach iHere. Kill i '■■■e ■-.% ihi' Ti.ipei '!iat China ha.x the !oll^e-'l .li!! I'A--!' bea; ■»>b. no, T\e n, ‘Well, it can’’ ii '.ri'n ' r-*:'i'liei| .V:r • it' Ir. nin. Ion- If quires. Iti the House Kenredentative Lleas- | *’•' ^ -av'on to authmize tlM‘ ley introduced a bill to exempt from j ‘‘ piisotiet s earn taxation mortgages and notes given I amend tlie dejiendent lamilie-,. atid in the purchase of homes in accord one by Mr. Hooker to lall for a report The Quinine That Does Not Affect The He«4 of Its tonic and tazacire effect. lAZaUve Btvoji) (^n'.iilne can be takeD by anyone wltboot .•» h.h- r-len or Goven,or!f™m.Ho.i„,, •igoatareuoneachbo*. ii5«. Bickett. exemptions to he as high aslpn--'i '’•x' '^>^1 of importani t.ills in s' ftOA troduced in the ho'.i-e nr the :1H,1i;T,.1;'; i::un!i!U> ->..’cu;d.*d ^ j School for Blind. "11 per* !ire'women^* house. Matthews of Bertie,! Three bills were introduced by Sen- persons in tli« 77’J. or IndlgPBtlon produ(»a dlsa^reeab!,* and •onriPtimeB alarming avniptums Wrlifhf* Indian \'egetabl* Pills •timulate th-- Jl({ea- tiv> proci^ssea to function ndturalty. .\iv, I.ightness is the chief claim tor an aluminum billiard cue that a Nebraska inventor has parented. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the orig inal little liver pills put up 40 year^ ago. Thej regulate liver and boweU.—Adv. China yearly imporis ;j?4.0iK).00t' worth of varlouH kinds of leather. offered a bill to prevent increases in county tax assessments by the Cor poration Commission without notice. The senate received a message from Governor Bickett transmitting the re- j port and recommendations of Com-1 missioner of Insurance James R. i tor Harding of Pitt, relative to the j Sciioi ! for the Deaf. Dumii and Blind liei-c provide for the erection (^f ten tireproof iottages on the 80- •\cre tract owned by the state here which was purchase dfor that pur pose; the (hanging of tb^' ti'le of prin- Young, the message stressing espe- \ * ipal to superintender.t to make the eially the importance of consideration if the recommendations by Mr. Young hat there be Workmen’s Compensa- ion legislation and legislation amend- ig the state regulations as to lire )cap«s. title (onform to that of the heads of •jther state in«tituti('ns; to require sheriffs in the variou-; lounties to '.ring blind children to the institution when notified by the superintendent nf the school. An -acre . I’odn-’-^" I ere of l.-i'i- .;ood lishiii^ ■’ I i’l :i A " I \ea*-. "I have ,s;iid wliat evi“iybo.t\ -eii lontjini; U'V iii;d has th'tiiL;': ossilib . \'.>w i' i’ppear.' tn b-* ■ble.” The , 1 :-.,;n:s of U,- i'-- ! ‘n’ s addr*'s.- w- re Thai a’in^ peat e in ! . J J' .:n n >s- rope I ;intiot for eft her - ' Tiiiit p-‘.|. ii'. 'I d..' il IT- assii'-.. iiio 'rophe of ' i n. t!i.‘ V. .1 hliold i vnie. p..a sii.n p.. Is n.i- I -- ,11'. a i)eu e of viet, must be I'oi;.*.. o'u i-rt of pow-'- ■ ■ i *:iat till i I 'l::ill overwl'."!n'. 'oncer^ (if ;i ■-^1 a I e I .1 • ;paf pi’i .. 'isrii'o r';. 'ii;t I’le wor'.j, .\i d Ill for-- :i jk ace ;;m i ■':i ' I' i Sfa'e- (bivern:n'i; 'honM f-.tiikly formulaie the iipoi. whi h it 'v-n;ld f.-e ;::--';Tied it', .iskiiii:: the .\m--r; •■•■ord*' •■-ir ir f'-’tnal an.l s-)!"’n ■i.^ "li ’ ; ^ I !--:i nnl.~ ■■ 1’ li If ii'.--r-- ; :ea. ii in ejiher our ti'adirions ,ir. i o'.i'a- II nation, luu a ful::!'.!:;- • ■ I every n. ,: '■-id-'nt fold th^* - in tliis promi- a’.l t ha' nav-> p: i' To Drive Out Malaria And Build t'p The System Take the Olil Standard GKOV’^E’S TASTELESS chill TONIC You know what you are taking, as tha formula is printed on every label, showing it is Ouinine .lud Iron in a taiiteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. An Unsettled Question, l.iitle 1,.*1111101 Say, paw. doe.> ‘Hon.’ ill front of ;i man's tmme mean that he is honest I’aw Sometiiiie> it docs, son, and then again sometimes jt doesn't. Good HealtH MaKes a Happx Home Good liealth makes lioii * v'. ork ea«v }’ad licaltii takes all liap;>mess oul ‘>i it. Hosts of women drag alone: in dad jiii.sery. back at-limg. vvoriicd, “blue,’ tired, because tiiey don’t know ails them. Tliese same troubles come witli weak kidneys, and. if the kidney action is distres'.iiiglv disordered, there shouM h« no doubt tfiat the kidneys need lieli». (iet a box of Doan’s Kidney Pil!^. They have helped thou.sands of discotjr agea women. A North Carolina Ca^ Mr.s. W. B. Har- relson, .James St.. Mt. Olive, N. says; “I had pains In the small of my tiack. with tie.idaehes a n 1 dizzy spells. Oth er annoying symptoms of kid ney trouble lx>th- ered me. t O o. Finally I use. I Doan's I-v 1 d n e Pills and they -ured m^*. I f’onsi'l* r them a splendid kidney medi ine.*' Get Doaa’sat A117 Store. SOc • Bex DOAN’S FOSTERrillLBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. STOCK UCKrr-STOCKUKE IT For Horse*, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop peras for Worms. Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys. Nik V'omica.a T onic, and Pnr« Dairy Salt. Used by % ef erinarians 12 years. No Dosing. Drop Brick n feed-box. Ask yourdeal»r for Blackman’s or wn»-* BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPAN . CII.-\TXANOOf;.-\. TKNNI^SS; COLORED PEOPLE can have nico, long, .straight Imir nsing Exelento Quinine Pomad.;. liich is a Hiiir ^irower, not a is i. y il-iir reuiover. You can se«- di.- ^e-,:,,■^ by using sevenil times. Try a jci i'rice Jit all drug stores or by : on receipt of stumps or coin. n s w a titl'd everywhere. Write for p-ir * e-jlars. Kxelento Meflicine '>., At lanta. (la. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PUNTS E.irly JtTst-y and Charleston i, S--- .lun ;ind Flat Duteh, by exprps^, .Sin. fi d $1.50, 5,fK»), at i’l.'Jo. .Sail-^fai'tion • Postpaiil iV: !»?r 100. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE. S. C ^RKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of nifrrtt. Holpa to eradicate dandrufT. For Restoring Color and Beaut jr to Gray or Faded Hair. BIX*, and tl-OO at Dmggl»ta. A Pertinent Query. ■M'an’t you spare me a dime, nii-'er' ' Nor tixlay." "I liain't Iirid .a bite sirc'e yes'erda ‘■('an’r help It.” ■'Why (-an’t \ er ib> a little f.>r m-?" ‘‘I liaven't nny cluini.'e," “No cliang*'?” ill 'an:. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottla of CASTOlllA, that uitnous old remedy for iut'uut.s and children, and .s*'e that It In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Crv for Fletcher’s Caatoria • »n:id will ; than ao ’ ,1 !le •■i\e> r'-ir J're-,ni..|;i Wil'> m' ■ 1 ri ;,n i'pii'n -M ( iiM'tri--' i.i.-: Moiniay. fore ill.- I’ni; d States le, eiv--.i i'>- fr-mi Minister Italfour. ii. it :--ii l-'ofi-;:;!! Oiiiic. .'ijppl- - l-'nle;':',• reply ‘.i hi' pe«.-- :!’ i on t!‘ - ;-ani-' iia> t iuit t^- i-’irei^n .Mi;,;^ti'r /iinmei man Me.'.tr*'’ .' wa-i iinpo--ibi-' t'or tIo- t'eirra! i’'••■. ev' to o|)i.n]\ lay -i .vn tJieir ierni' 'i'he l*re-- atbil’e wa.-' il:te!. 1 ■■1 ;i-> an ojn n message to tiie worl i if il;.‘ condition' atvier which I;-* ■vvonlil i;ru;e tlie I nite.j Stales to eire:' a world t'ede! ation io triiaraiUee future peat-e. There is notiiing in the al or in tb.e instnutions aceompair. ing its |)resentation that will of I’.e'cssitate an answer, according t'le Administration view but soni** ;e. sjionse nevertheless is I'xpected :rom both groups of belligerents Fear ot a "leak" .'Urronnd^^d -- •nding of the address aii’Mad with such secrecy as !ms seblom equalled in tile State Hepartmen' Only President Wilson. Secretary I,an- -iint; and the men who trar.mitt>»l i: :'!•» known detinitely to have b-’e;i aware of it. While the rre.-iiient was speaking. coi>ies of hi,' addri'-is had been for warded to beliiijerenl c,>unrries for 'Ii-' information of the loreinn offic-'*. and were beiAg i)ropared for repre.sen'a lives of neutral (iovernment he;-' MARINE IS KILLED IN FIGHT IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Washington night liglit hetweei. native bandit.^ and Amt'rican marines in the Dominican republic, resulting in the d'^atli of one and the .severe itijury of another, wa.s reported to the !iavy departni-^nt. Captain Knapp, commar.ding the Atneri* an cruiser for-e.-i. reported the fighl occurred SaUirday night in the vicinity of the Porvenir sitgar plantation near Ma- coris. the seriie of two similar en counters recently. POLAND WANTS TO BE RECOGNIZED BY UNITED STATES New York.—Resolutions calling up on President Wilson to take immediate ^teps for the recognition hy the I'nited States of the government of the King dom of Poland, “which, in accordance ’.vi'h international law and on terri* iiiy liherated from occupation by the lu.ssiati military, already has begun work for the welfare and happiness i the Polish nation.” were adopted ■ire by the Po! national defense immtttee. '■'riiat's u hat I “I'eii \\ ll.’. tber (iieken> doii't • '•vork;" r.oton l^vcninL' Tra.-'.s Opposed to Woman’s Rights. ratience Vii’i '.-ly slie’... an aatl s-,' ■'ragi^t? I’atrii'e—Illilt-eil, 'lie i. i'.iesn't believi' iti ui>nian’> riirh'-' ' N >. and her pr.-juilicc ;;oes t.i -.'i.-i- ■I !eii;:^t!i that on t’liristmus e\,> iiaiiL' np any bnt tb*' jei'r i«' -'x Might Get His. ‘■riuess ['lllll'illb Wtni'l .‘I’lp'y ■ iMnrry bojird ne\t summer." “Why not?” “He was too prominent in th' --i,'.; loycotr to take c]?.-inees on getting 'T' 'he flutches of a t'armer oti the intfer'^ native heath." - I-on1svllle Conr-.-- •’.rnal. Authors and the Like. “I sui>i»ose the time is c*omin^ a' • mt>n will fly to «nd from the!'- work III airplanes." •‘Perhaps so," ^aid the tirnor"'i> r“'7- on. “but if I live to SCI- iha! d ly •nvy the man who work's at liotn. . ' There has been No Increase In the price o! Grape Nuts Nor Any Decrease In the Size of Package ^ Or Quality Of the Food.

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