BREVARD NBWS, BREVARD, N. C. Personal Mention Look throujjh tht-se columns; see if thf names of vur guests are th , re. If not, you have nejiltfted yrur tluly toward tiu'm. It «locs not cost any thin';. Ti'lt'plnnie, write or briiij; your news to News ollice. Rev. W. K i)ooY(‘y was in Asho- villo Tm'siliiy. R. R. Di^iivi'r r(‘tnrn«nl (iii SnnilHV Trom u business trip in AlHlmnia. Miss L\i(‘ilo Tamos of AshoviHo is visitin*: Miss Minnio Carr. Mr. anil Mrs. F. Rildwin of IJlantyrt' won* in Brovartl Muniiay. •Tesso Smith I’.us hccn oonfint'il t«' his b«*»l with measles for the past few daj’s. Miss I’atton has returned from Aslii'villt*. \vlu>r.‘ slu^ has l;een for some tiMie. \V. S. I’nei', wlio is (‘onduetini; the comiuissfiry for tlie Tjaiirc'l Fi>rk eunipiiTiy, was in lir**vard this week. Mrs. ,1. Norman Whitmire left (ni Sunday for Mills Hiv('r on a visit to her mothiT, Mrs (-J. \V. (.'airnes, who has ht ell (luite ill. tT. E. l)uek\vorth of Island Ford ^ continnes to Miller with rheuma tism. lie has lieeii confined t( his room for several weeks. W. t’. 'leveland of (4reenville Was in Hrevnrd on business last week. Mr. ( leveliind h"ld> a bi>; intori'st in the Hrevard (’otton Mill. Mrs. \V. K. Uobertson, wlio has been with lu'r inotlu't at St. I’eters- bnr^;, Fla , recently returned to Brevjird on account of the illness of one of her children. M. Do vie. di.>;trict h'])uty of tlie Masonic I'ub r. s(U'nt hist week in Rah‘ii;h attending the meetini' of tli(‘ (iiand Lodt-'c of the State. He roturiuil to town Friday. Abner ('liastaine, of IMckens, S. routt' 1. who about .'>i\ years a^o was a resident of East Fork section, >VHS in Transylvania this week on a husiness trip. Miss Iva litdle Seay r('tnrns to her honu* in ('olumbia, S. C., this week after spending six months in iJrevarvl. Sl)* has been with .Mr. and Mrs. B. Deaver for tin* last few weeks. Miss Julia Deav(>r has returned from a visi'. to Miss Della (larrcn of H'ndersonville. Mrs. Emma. Drant, Eiiiscojml d(>a con>‘ss t)f C'incinmiti, is a guist of tile Hunt e(»ttaf»es. i .Major W. !{. Robertson, who mar ri«a! thi‘ daughter of Dr. and .Mrs, t’ \V. Hunt o! F^r**vard, was at In'* h(»me in ('luirlotto on u visit f»ojn , the Mexican Itorder last we('k. Ht‘ thinks the troops will reluin b March 1. 'Phe !•]. O. T. Hook club meets with Miss Flora Dc.ckworth on Thursday afternoon of this \v»*ek, when the lii'i* of .lohn t1anu*s Auduboti, tht* naturalist, pnd the history of tho Auilutjon society, will be stnilied. Mrs. E L. Wolslafxel s]>ont the wreU end in Brt“v»ird with her lius- btind, who is conducting? the* music for the rc'vivMl servi‘«‘s at the I’.nj)- tist church. Mrs. Wolslatjel is tho dautihter of Rev. W. H. W,oodall of Aslu^vilh', who conducted a Hiblo study class lu Ur»'vard last sprim;. T. H. Shii)Tuan has been advised by the i)r»*sidi'nt of the bankers’ «)r triinization in this state of liis h]> jiointmert on the le^rislativo com I mitteo. Th»-rt' are only two m‘m. I hors on this comnntte» and itiscjuitH a i*(»mjiliment to the jirevard Hank- inix company and its cashier to re c«‘ive this recoijnitu)n. in which connectioti Mr. Shipman leaves for Kalei''h next wei‘k. Carmen—Second Rccital On Tuesday afternoon at tlu‘ home of Mrs. Ida Bryant, Mrs I'. N. Simons ji^ain delighted her au*u- eni*c* by her artistic renderin;^ of a Kreat opera. 'I’his tiine she clio.-e (’arm*-n. by the Freiudi »‘omposer, lii/.et. The characters and settini; lieimr Sjmnish, sonn* of the music '.vjis that of “Old S]tain.'’ The cun trast between the pas.^U)nHti;, dra matic music ol Ciirmen and tne sat- islyin.LT, lyric music of Ronu-o and .luliet was very niarki'd. (’armen IS beautiful, intense, wild, occasion ally t^ay, but, oh 1 so disa])i)ointintr I It is absolutely without a .'^oul, leavinj^a hunger in the lu*arts of the hearers. l’i»on sober tliouyiht, one rt*aliz‘*s this is exactly what the cornpos(‘r int»‘nded. lie has in ('armon the (iv])sy ^irl, a subje(“t beiiutiful, stronfj, passionate, but WANTED! Teri; Fifteen or Twenty Acres land, wooded or partly woc-ded. Prefer moder ately rolling or table land with some natural beauty. Must be within two miles of Court House and reasonably priced. To be used as a cemetery. GALLOWAY MINNIS Real f^state Room 9, McMinn Building If It’s Style You’re After THE MODEL ILLUSTRATED HERE IS RIGHT UP TO THE HIGHEST FASHION PINNACLE IF IT'S QUALITY YOU WANT, LET US SHOW YOU THE CHOICE FABRICS IN WHICH IS SHOWN THIS STYLE. If it's permanent dressiness and durability you're seeking, let us show you the careful hand tailoring. Griffon Clothes combine all the features of complete and satisfying clothes service. Reasonably priced for abundant value giving at $^0.00 to $22.75. WEILT’S GENTS’ STORE Opposite Court House lOTUt.'* |lickh‘; indilterent as to what her 1 lile or destiny may he ; bestowin‘4 : her charms wherever fancy die tates. S!u' bas-n’f a soul ainl in de pietin^ he?', tlie (*oiu])oser nuist : needs disin-nsi' with one also. 'rii* S]tain of l::(‘ earlv nineteenth ctMit- j M'vv -iMiw'i '\itli all of its bir- bantv. siip,‘rstitiou and v^noraiice. , tli(^ (>!u* r.iy (-1 !’:Mit i);-ini; the mu- ' sic d«'•^•1 ipl iiiii (•.!' iJio sweet little maid .\])i iiar;o. Next i'iH‘Silnv afternoon ])rom]>l Iv at .’! : i.'> in Saii Aii^cbi cha])cl at the Institute, Mrs. Simons will ien(ier 'i'annhauser by \Va;^ner. Descrihinj; Mr. Wolslapel. i 'riie following; arlieli* from the li";ini)];e 'I'ifiirs Will be of interest to Mi-. Wol.sla.eel's friends by r»'a- son ot Its 1-'V( r des« ri}>tion of his nhilitv as a choir leinU'r and soloist, , and his metln ds of work : As one sits in the pew and watches this ^reat in sontr, he Cannot but b«‘ imi)ri,\ss(‘d with the manner in which carries his audience with him iVlr. WolshiLcel comes as near b**int' a humanized note of music jis it is possible for man to be. From the moment lie tak«'s *har};e of his choir In^ seems bubl)lin.i^ over with sonjr, his face is wrt'atilt'd in smih*s. and tin* peo ple sci'm to I'atch the s])irit of his motti), “Siniras You (to.” As the soni? ])roc«‘eds, a I’d there is a thouj'ht he wish*s t.. drive honiii, the leader will ebis]) his hands as in appi'al to his h’arers and th»!U with clinclu'd list will jxmnd into tht^ in nermost soul. Sudilenly the t‘xj)res- sion will clian,"e and a look of s‘r iousness will cov*'r his face, the smih’i fades, and tlu*n the obs(>rver will discover that a sjtron^ thou;fht is beini; brought in the son^, and . Wolslairel with a stamp of the foot, his liMJids t)eatin>; the air, seems to endeavor to (‘linch it before it can i;et away frcnn his heart'rs. Wlnm a liiirh not(' is reaclie«l or tlu're comes a climax in the music, on tip toe beseems to be williui; to sail ii]> with the note, wi're there not s > mucli of the human to hold him to earth. Fie is a wonderful ])crson- ality. and th‘* hardesr heart tirows tender as he siii'_r>i the j'osju’l m»‘s- SM*re in ids tellii^i; way. Asa leader h(‘ has few equals in the South and as a S(Uii: writer and musii-ian his reputation is far reachiui;. He has been with the evan‘^t'listic oorj)s of the Hom*-; Board for the ]»ast four years, and has suiif.; tho gospel in ncaily (>very State of thi‘ South. Ilishomt* is in Ashe\ille, N. (’.. though h(' is a natlv.' of Ohio, and is a trraduate of tlu* Moody Bible Institute, of Chicago, 111. SYMPATHY FOR MRS. ECERTON Whereas Hie Lord in his uhvise judt'm‘*nt has set n lit to rt'inove from her friends and loved ones on this t*arth Mrs. Harriett Broyles, the motlier of Mrs. B. T. Eirorton. and ij:ath«*r her to her reward in heavcTi and wht'nas we the Bre ' vard Methoilist Sunday stdiool ft;el 'so deej)ly nfTected by this losS to our beloved sist(*r and c'o-worker, b> it resolved that wt* i*xtend to Mrs. I'Vt^rton t>ur dee])est sympathy. And it is h»*reby ordtM-ed that a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mrs. Eiierton aiui a co])y sent to tlu* lirevard News to b»* published ' in said ])aper and a copy spread on the minutes of the Brevard Meth- : odist Sunday schfiol. ]\Iks. \V. H. Ali.ison, Mks. M. M. Kinc, Miis. (J.m.i.owaV. ! dan. *J!, I'.n:. NEW MOVIE AND MILLINERY BY HENDERSONVILLE MAN (From Hendersonville Visitor.) John Glenn made a business trip to Brevard last Thurslay, where he has arranijed to ])’ t in a movio theatre, also a millinery store. Mi. Glenn will continue to operate his show* and mercantile business in Hendersonvillt^ where his family will remain. A BEAUTY HINT. How to Wash Your Face In the Right V/ay. One of the methods of acquiring a clear, wbito coiuploxlan i.-; so simple that It is almost amusiiii;. It is mere ly to wash the face j)roperly. This should bo as re;;:il:'.rly a part of the toilet at night fis Lrushin;; the teeth TLe procedure is lu this wise: With liot water and a p:n'o v.'hite soap thor oughly cover the I'ace wjIIi lather, iisins a {?*^»od complexion brush. The latter is belter tliaii a v.ashcloth be cause it “scrubs” bitter and acts as a tfood stimulant t * tht; blood vessels of the face. One ivjed not be afraid of this thorough scnibbiiij^. for lon!^ hours of rest in bed provtait any harm coming to the tender skin afterwanl. When the face is rinsed well with tepid water nnd gently and thoroughly dried with a soft towel rub a good cold cream into the oi>on pores. When this has been thoroughly spread over the face and has remained there five or ten minutes gently wipe It off with a soft cloth, preferably silk. Do not rub the face too dry, for some of the cream should be left in the outer tissues of the skin. The severe scrubbing thor oughly softens and cleanses the skin of all dirt and stain, while the cream nourishes and whitens it. MRS. HARRIETT BROVLES DEAD Mrs. Harriett Bvovle^ of Yale, H(!!uh*rson county, motlier of Mrs. B. T Ktrerton of [Jrevfird. died un t'X])eeti‘dlV at her home lasl \^'^MlTlt“s i^av Mi rnin^ a» tlie am* ot S‘.“ years Mr. aid .Mis. iv.'eito?) attended the funeral, »{iid lnirial a{ Sha s ('reek ceineterv on Wedne'-da \ . tlu* ser- vici s beini' conducted b\’ Bev. Mr. H;ti('vcutt. Thi> deceased was h coTisistent memher of » le Shaws ('reek Methodist cliureb. Miss Ida Brovles and .Mbi-rt Uroyles, wbi» lived with their motht'r. and Mrs. Knerton, werethc* only children of th(f deceased. I'iano for sale cheap. Inquire W. 1*. Mackey, Pisjrah Forest. l-26-2tp. Diversllleil Ads Are Business Builders ln«' I'cnt :i wori! for iirst insertion; oni- lialf I'l-nt .1 wiinl for cii'.-h (ncnt inscition. • M-. 'i initial or ahbrcviatiun cnuntii!;^ as a wiird. FHI SH MILK FOR S.VLK. Sec Frank Jenkin.s. 12-29 tfc A FKW first class pigs for sale. C. C. Yongue. 1 26-2tc ROOMS For Light housekeeping apply to Mrs. Ida Hryant. 1 12 tfc lIOrSES AND LOTS and vacant lots for sale. See W. 11. Faulkner. 12 2'Mlc TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, X. C. 4f FOR S.\LK (lenuine Ribbon Cane M«»- lasses in barrels, off Florida farm. C. C. Yongue. l-2(»-2tc WANTICI) lllDKS, WOOL AM) FI RS, liring them t(t W. L. Aiken for hi^diest market prices in cash. 12-H-tfc WANTKl) W e will pay you cash for all your old feed sacks. IJring them to Aiken Scruggs, Brevard, N. ('. lO-l.^-tfc LOST—Two tlashlights nne week before ( hri.stmas; one jmcket light and one household light. Reward if returned. Miss Irene Montgomery. Itc. CORN OROI NI) .\NY TIME The Miller Supply company is running its grist mill at all hours of the day of late and you can get your corn ground by wait ing a few minutes. 12-1-tfc W.WTKD—To contract between to 2,0()() cords chestnut wood to he cut | and delivered to the railroad. Distance four miles, with good houses and barns. A good opportunity for good men with teams for the winter. Thos. H. Ship- mon. 12-29-tfc I*OR S.\LK I'ifteen choice lots within} hall mile of Pi.^gah Forest pdstollici*. Ne:ir school ;infl church. I have sold, several lots and wish to dispose of the { «)thers ininiediateiy. Pricees and terins reas(mable. See W. 1\ Mackey at i’i.s- gah Forest. 1-5-ltp FOR S.ALK Handsome farm, four acres! bottom lanJ, si:; and se' en tenth acres mountain land, and good house and store I room on bank of road beside waters of Crab creek; near church and school; no debts and taxes jKiid. Cash sale desired. .\p]ilv to J M. Drake, Etowah, X. Route 1. 1 IV Mp I FARMERS TO MEET I I The. Tmnsvlvijnia County Farm ers Union will met t «t lOiIJO ji. m on Saturdav, February :i. It is de- si n^d that every local in the county bii r(*j)iescnted at this m -efing Itn- ])v/rtant business will he transacted. WILL PREACH AT BQYLSTON Rev. W. E. Barker will preach at the lioylston Baptist church next Sunday miirniug at 11 o’clock. Lots for sale. See W. P. Mackey, Pisgah Forest. l-5-4tp. Important Notice To Taxpayers! To the Taxpayers of Transylvania County: Owing to the fact that 1 have but a short time in which to collect the taxes now due, I take this opportunity of noti fying those taxpayers who have not yet paid their taxes that same must be set tled immediately. Heretofore, during my terms of office as Sheriff of Transylvania County, I have been able to give extra time for the set tlement of taxes, but this year, no longer being Sheriff, I cannot grant this exten sion. 1 will have to give up my oftice in the Court House on May 1st, and I am, therefore, going to garnishee and levy for all taxes due, unless parties make satisfactory arrangements with me at once. I would appreciate immediate settle ment so as to know the extent to which I shall have to garnishee and levy, which work I shall begin with at a very early date. All those owing taxes will save costs and trouble by settling promptly. Respectfully, J. H. PICKELSIMER, Tax Collector. WHAT FARMERS FOUND OUT ABOUT WAGONS certain sections of North Carolina wagons are subjected J. to unusual service. Ovtr almost roaillcss mountains, with li> r>.vy loadn. up stoop asconta and down the sldi s of sti-op docllvitlea tlii si* wagons art- i;oln. dally. Tl. V withstand in this s*'ction iMore usu, abusi.- and strain In a year than most wagons do in a Ilfi tinio. No iin-diocr.' parts will sutficc. The margin of strength m'list be erood and ampl. Hi^ht h r.- in thia rough soctlon la where our Loni? Sl- ev*' St-cl Skein proved ilst If practically unlinakalile, and the only Skiin con sistent with Nissen stability. And farm.Ts in this section will hardly have any but J. I. Xlsson W'aKona with Ion? sleeve Steel Sketns and Mitered Spoke Wheels. The tough materials from which t!i*y aro made; the ainpli' Uenerosily in every part, and the us*' of wrought iron whi-ro many makers employ malli-able or casting;—makes t!um with stand tile hardist usage. They aro literally tho foes of wear. We make every part of these Nissen Wagons In our own shops. We know the materials tn evi ry pari. It is impoS' Elide for a Wagon materially bi tter to be made. You may never put your wagon to su'h strenuous scrvlce, but wouldn't you like to have a W’agon that resists wear like this Wa.TOn doec — the Wagon that "stands up.” Ask your dealer to show you the famous J. I. Nissen Wagon with Mitered Spoke Wheel. If he cannot supply you, write us for the name of a dealer who cau. The Nissen Wagim Co. Winstoo-SalcB. N. C Now is the time to buy- one of these WAGONS before the advance in price. The factory has advised us that the price is to be advanced $2.50 on each wagon, Present selling prices for these wagons are $56, $58 and $60. Save money by taking advantage of these prices at oncc. FAHMEHS SUPPLY COMP AMY ]

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