BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Xaim- I'lKinci'il from Sylvan Valk-y Ni-wh. January i. kj'7- M. Publislu'i? ovo t»io« SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year - - - - $ 1 .OO Six months - - - - oi» Three months - .35 Two months ... .y5 Payable by check, stamps or money order. Canls of tliank'i, n'solntions ami nioinorials imblislu'il only at halt com- rato. Sub>v.rii)tion'> not rotifiiuu\l aftor cx- I'iration of tinu- i>ai>l for opt on m-- iliu--t an>l promisf of pavnHMit ol i oi nt cxtr.T ahovf snhsi'i ip! ion ratf foi cai-li wi'i'k paper is sent initil Mil)si.riptio:i i-. paiil. Friday, January 26, 1917. tlirough which tlie road to Toxa- way leads, for they need and will of course deniand road improve ment in that direction. Another ^ood featnre of the l;i\v is the provision for a load siii>er- visor, without whom the j;reatesi possible j;ood could not he acann- plished with the nu)ney to be ex pended. If the county is to enter u]>on a road ]>uildini; ])ri>^ram it is noth in;^ l)Ut rii^ht that the county com missione ASHEViUE M^N’S WEI8HT DROPPED 5S IBS. HE SAYS Norton Comes Into Flealth After Decade of Suffering; and Thanks Tanlac BUILD A FLUME, THEN (From Hendersonville Hustler) Th(‘ lleiuh rsonvill IlnstltM keeps on >Miiiiii - In >. t if It ciin’t sinoll a cotton mill smoko stuck sona-whe e amonfr tlu* aircji.-'tlcs ol’ the town. Como ui) to |{r(‘viird about next .Inly and will show you wluit a l.*»0 foot brick st!ic;k siin‘lls lik»‘.— i IJrovard News. No noi^bbor its not Iho smoke stacMv w«* lout; to st*»‘. ('otton bavo loiifr abolisbcil snob tbintr- when tlu'.v can sccuro such cIumJ) Jinother Camp School. Ant>tlu'r bright ji'wcl in the ma*;- nificcnt crown of educational insti tntions for Hrcvard—acamj) school for pirls. All shouli rt'joicc in the acquisition, cnulit for which is due Miss Katherine Krwin. wb«> left no stone unturned in an etVort to show to b(*st advantaire the unexrelled desirability of this si'ction for such an institution. In this connection wo would feel it derelict to one ot our highest duties as a ntnvspapcr did wo fail to ex(‘rciso this op]>or- tunity to commend Miss lOrwin for the sjiint and di“t«‘rmination wbicb directed her in this ^ooii work. But it was only in keejiin^ v.-ith lu-r modest though commi'udable ]mb lic-spiritedness and love for doin>: good, another notabb' ovidenct* of which was recently rt'corded in lu>r ett'orts in behalf of the sale of tlu* Red Cross Christmas tSi'tils. Herein are examjiles of iiraiscworthy useful service dt'servin*; of t'mubi- tion by numbt>rs of young mt'U and women in Brevard who art' frittt'r- ing their time and (*nerj;i(‘s away with trillini; things that will rt*- dound neitlu'r to the good of the communitv nor individual. aiitbority in these matters would at times be at cross ])urposes witli the authorities and as a result there Would be diffireiK'c , political aiul otherwise, that would not con tribute to the cihciciKy of road adniiiiislr.ilion. tlierefore we are glad to .''ce a radical change in mat ler> of road building. \egret lia‘ no amount ot money the commi.ssion- cis shonlil s]>end but it is highly ]>robal)le that all they can get their hands on will not be out of propor tion to our needs. Further regret lias been ex])ressed that while an annual }>ul)lished statement is re- (piired a detailed one is not onlered. Some sectit>ns feel uneasy about the lack ot ])rovision for an ecjuita- 1)1l or piojioi tionate distribution | macv. Advt*rtisement W(.>rk in the various townships. Others see an oversight in the ab sence of a provision making all the records a public matter and son.c t,,,. „„,v«rd M„t..r c„in|miiy lu.s tliink the commissioners, however si)ld ()vi‘rbind cars to Koliert Kil- lioui'rable, should be under bond to l‘*‘^^rick, Dr. .1. il. Mclji-an and , . , , . . . • lieorgo Mort;an within the past few guarantee ]>roper administration. weeks. All in all. the law ap])cars to us to be a splendid one and the small SOUT^ “I used so much medi(uno with out gettin‘» ndief that I becjime r^bc rclicvcl of this ro-ul ^ i I Mi> Depot street, Asbevilb*. lalloraf^ work and its nianv responsibilities i m i .1 Aftt*r learning about Tanlac, tof the\‘ have ]ilenty to do without ! bowt'ver, mv Mmsi:ience wtmld m>t this. A rtiad commission without ; ^ given it a trial. “Every cloud, they .miy, has a j silver lining. 1 lind mine in Tan bic. I “One b.)ttle of this wonderful I m h mm o v, mt'dicine worked a complete cliangt‘ ■ ■ in my contlition. It went directly to the seat of my trouble, it seems, and started to fret? my system of thos(* terrible mucus formations. My chest is m»t sore. I liavt* b» t‘n iiblt^ to eat more anil gam strent»tb Regret lias been expressed that I ntanh-d , I sustt;nanci‘. limitation was put on the , “(irateiulness promj)ts me to publicly announce the henelits 1' ^nooiol EvOliroinil [OFDO have (^ainiMl from Tanlac and I will 0|Juuldl LAuUIuIUII I Qluu be ])leasetl if my story will help but a single sufYcrer ” FfOm BrCVard, N. C. For the past decade Mr. Norton was a victim ef catarrh. During S21.05 TAMPA, FLA.:^ Gasparilla the last twelve mtmths of this pe- ^ riod Mr. Norton was incapacitateil for work and fell olV in w*iglit from liU» pounds to K>.‘> j)onnds. (iennim; Tanlac is sold in Brt'- vard at the Duckworth Pharnniev ; Hendersonville by Hunter’s i’har- 'tkat jpHifftklian/ ■(\ju co/W/'wOrtK U 0/(B(vvvk deeaumt pOOK SOLD THREE OVERLANDS Our New I^oad Law. The new road law for Transyl vania as given in the News last week was received, studieil and discussed with considerable inter est because it is a radical departure from the old onier of things. In adtlilion to any jiolitical sig nificance that may be attached to the new road law, it will be both commended and disapproved bv men of all ]>arties, and for several reasons in that it is a bill touching an important subject. The law repre.sents ripe judgment in a num ber of its ] (bases and probably oversights in others. While some will object to con ferring full road authority upon a])pointive officers and faking such out of the hands of the county commissioners, who were elected to take charge of such matters, others see in this a wise provision and a long stride toward ])rogressive road building. The county commis sioners have ])lenty to which they advantageously can turn their at- i tention in behalf of the county without being monthly stormed with distractive road matters. Far-seeing politicians juobably see imaginary issues appear on the political horizon but with a level headed republican on the board with two competent democrats and a republican attorney for the lx)ard it is about as free of jx)litics as it could possibly be. Wisely no }>rovision is made for the election or appointment of suc cessors to the present board after a period of four years. If they can get any money to spend they will enter upon a })rogram of j)rogress- ive road building and they will through necessity do many things which will place tliem in more or disfavor during the next three or four years for the reason that many citi/.ens will oppose them in their road building, therefore, mat ters not how efficient their service, they could not be elected soon, but passing years will add gradually to their popularity and at the end of four years they will be held in popular favor by the people who will be grateful that they have good roads to travel. Two farmers against one btisi- ness man on the board was another good stroke and e.specially that one of them comes from a section defects lo which attention has been called, we trust, will not result in | any mi.scarriage in the work to be ' done. The county is to be con- | gratulated uih)1i having such a | business-like and ]irogressive board to manage its road matters. The new county law does not; proviile for a bond issue but the’ News is living in hojies of an in-; creased revenue under a general - state road law. Probably our own j liinds will be siii)plemented by ten j or lifteen thousand dollars from the government. 1 he News welcomes the change, which will doubtless ])lace tlie an- j thor, Mr. C». W. W’ilson, mi dis favor for a while, but in years ft) come most of us will congratulate him ujujii his good judgment in the matter and j)rol>ably clamor for a monumeut to the pioneer road builder. \\ e have the legal nrxchinery for better roads. We need the money with which to build them and it behooves all classes of people who ilesire to see a better day and would welcome inijiroved condi tions in about all stations in life, to bend their energies toward ])lans lor raising revenue for entering upon a progressive road building era in Transvlvania. Lots for sale. See Mackey, Pisgah Forest. H Carnival. Tickets sold January 31st to February Sth, 1917, inclusive. Final limit February 20th. Tick ets may be extended to March 3rd. (See Ticket Agent.) $8.20 ATLANTA, GA.: South eastern Land Show and Builders Exchange. Tick ets on sale January 31st, February 3rd, 10th, 11th and j 14th. Final limit February 20th, 1917. ■S18.20 vioiMLF, ALA.: Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets ; on sale February 12th to 19th, 1917, inclusive. Final' limit March 2nd, 1917. VV. P. Tickets may be extended l-.')-4tp. to March 19th, 1917. (See i Ticket Agent.* j S23.00 Ni:\V ORLLANS, LA.:! Mordi Gras Celebration.! Tickets on sale Februaiyl 12th to 19th, 1917, inclusive.; Final limit March 2nd. Tickets may be extended to March 19th. (See Ticket: Agent.) ' J. H. WOOD, Div. Pass. Agent,! Asheville, N. C. i HONOR ROLL OF NEWS OURING PAST WEEK New Subscribers •I. W. Allison Brevard U. C. Harwell Brevard Miss Sue Cannon Brevard Renewals Edmond C. Breese New York A. H. Smith Quebec L. H. Allison Cedar Mt. ;\. S. McCall Balsam Grove Gideon Mdler Lake Toxawa.v K. P. Batchtdar Hrevard K-1 Mrs. M. S. McKelvey...Brevard K-1 I. F. Shipman C’herjyfield \V. D. Glazener Brevard Mrs. C). W. (Godfrey Brevard Kev. W. E. Poovey Brevard Major \V. E. Breese Brevard X. A. Miller Brevard •I. P. Mason Brevard Wh*n th* happy h«n* • I n r • her "K-a-hkuh kuh - - kuh • kuh!" it It •weet music to th« poultryman. He knows that is hen isnffuarnfor ’’Bgrs! More e^gs! Lots of eKffsl" Help the hen to sinr. If she i« to msnuftctur* •vars, she must have proper material "Manna Hen Feed" Happy Hen Fesd" and "Manna Laying Tood" are eisential. They promote health, strength, vigor and egg production. IDQAR MOROAN CO. HSMPMIa. TCNK Ask for Bulletin Kn. 4 *'pRivcirLB8 or Poultry RaishmT for Sale br Dealers in Brevard. RUB OUT PAIN with goocl oil liniment. That’s the sure^ way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the A ilments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own A ches, Pams, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. Professional Cards. kOBT. L. GASH W. E. EREESE. Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 1 r McMinn Building Notary Public. ERNEST H. NORWOOD Architect and Builder Remodelling and Repairing a Specialty CLAYTON &. CLAYTON Attomeys-at»-Law BREVARD. N. C. WELCH GJlLLOWJiY attorney Practice in all the Courts Brevard, N. C. CHAS. B. DEAVER Attorney* at‘Law Office Cooper Block Over Price & Whitmire Store. NEW PROHIBITION REMEDY C. C. Patton when in town Satur day told the News of hia idea of a prohibition measure. Mr. Patton says that disfranchisement for drnnkennesa would be the best of all remedies. New or renewal subscriptions (beginning January 1) will cost $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 months, 35 cents 3 months, 25 cents for 2 months. ASHEVILLE BELONGS TO Western North Carolina ARE YOU A STOCKHOLDER? Asheville serves you as your trade-center, and its money and enterprise are busy in the development of all the Mountain Land. Asheville is growing. Property values are increas ing. Wise investment in Asheville real estate is cer tain to be profitable. Become a stockholder in your City! Buy Asheville realty. It will be a heritage for your children. Henry T. Sharp Co. Ame icon Bank Building ASHEVILLE. N. C. ALLISON & ALLISON Attorneys- at- Law In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cf ocer Block Brevard. N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 I. 0.0. F. Meets second Monday night in each month. Visitors welcome. DUNN'S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. TRANSYLVANIA COUNCIL NO. 376 JR. 0. U. A. M. Meets in Fraternity Building ev ery Saturday night, 7.30 p. ni. Visitors welcome. -ta'tiOAVC/ 'vmxmL m 6a/n&^ EVEN IF AN ACCIDENT OR SICKNESS NEVER HAPPENS TO YOU, IT MAKES YOU FEEL SECURE TO HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK. MONEY IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WILL COME TO YOUR RESCUE WHEN NOBODY ELSE WILL OR CAN. WHEN YOU ARE OLD “MONEY” WILL KEEP YOU. WHO IS GETTING THE MONEY YOU ARE EARNING NOW? THINK OF IT. PUT SOME IN THE BANK. BANK WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Brevard BanKing( Co. The New Autographic Kodak Date and title your negatives permanently when you make them. The places you visit, the antographs of friends you photo graph, the a^fi‘ of the children at the time the pictures were made and the date, all these notations add to the value of your picture record. Come in and let us show you how simple it is to title your ne;^atives with this newest photo;raphic device and inspect our complete stock of Kodaks, Brownies and Photographic supplies. Developint; and printing at reasonable rates. FRANK D. CLEMENT TKe Jeweler of TratnsylvAnla Countsr. Bux in Brevard Our Grocery Store comes about as near meeting every want in the Grocery line at it ic possible for any store to provide, and Every Order, large or small, will receive our best attention. A trial order will convince yoa that we sell only Superior Goods At Moderate Prices MITCHELL The Grocer. FANCY ICED CAKES FOR EVERY SPECIAL OCCASION WEDDINCB.BIRTHILBrB PARTIES, ETC. Philipp's Bakery Phone 24

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