4 MIRROR OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY LIFE revard New: (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) VOLUME-XXII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEnUlIAUY 2. 1917. NUMBER-f : : oi:a 1^. joxKs Graphic History of Transylvanici County North Carolma How many of the sons and daughters of Tran sylvania are familiar with the early history of their county? What do you know about the cays when the Indians roamed over thes-'. hills and terrorized the whites and the establishment of the dividing: line by the government in order to avoid racial difficulties? Whai do you know about the pioneer whites who found this section had the appearance of a prairie instead of mountains covered with virgin forests? What do you know about South Carolina's refusal to accept the French Broad valley as a gift? What do you know about the war between Georgia and North Carolina on Transylvania soil over the boundary lines of these two States? What do you'really know about your family tree? What do you know about the early social and economic habits of Transylvania people? What do you know about the early politics of the county and the reasons why its citizens take their politics ^^straight?^' What do you know of the early industrial life of the county and its agricultural pursuits, its early development as a haven of rest for tourists? Do you know anything about the founding of Brevard, the first court held in the county, the noted Cognomen and Hoodlum clubs, etc.? Get It All For $L00 The Brevard Nev/s has made arrangements whereby its readers can get all this information (in addition to the most important current news of Transylvania county and a general resume of the news of the world for the next twelve months) for only one dollar. Mr. Ora L. Jones, who for five years edited the Sylvan Valley News, is preparing this history for the News. During his residence in this county he has been collecting this interesting data and much of it, which is a matt^.r of tradition, will be published for the first time. Traditional history will be sup plemented by that from the most authoritative rec ords and this information will be run in serial form in the News, beginning with the issue of March 2. Personal Invitation There are many Transylvanians at home and abroad who should read the News regularly but who are foregoing this weekly pleasure and to these we are sending 1,000 sample copies of the News this week in the hope of securing them as regular readers. In order to give those in distant states time in which to make remittance so as to not miss a single issue of this interesting series of historical articles, the first number will not be published until March 2. Look over this copy of the News and see if it is not worth a dollar for twelve months. It will pay you fifty- two visits for this price and will give you more home news than you can get from all other publications combined. Subscription Price One year $J.OO; 6 months 60 cents; 3 months 35 cents; 2 months 25 cents. If you have friends or relatives v/ho were once residents of this county and will furnish the News with their names and addresses at once, such favor will be appreciated and a sample copy of the News will be sent each of them. All subscriptions payable in advance. Enclose a dollar bill, one and two-cent stamps or money order to the BREVARD NEWS, Brevard, N. C., and let the News be a regular visitor. Toxaway MOLTZ LiiMBEI! CO. TO FROOEEO WITH WORK CONTRACT LET FOR 16 MILES OF TRACK I E. G. Moltz at Toxaway This Week Announces Clear Way P'or Developments. K. (^. Moltz. son of .Tcroiiio Molt/ of \Villi.iins])ort, Pa., who jmr (•hast’d S(n’THl thonsiind acres fori-sts from tho Toxaway interests, was at To.\> w’av 1 liis v.iu‘1- Htul announced that. tli(? no^rotijvtion* had been cleartHi of all ohstrnl•^ion^ and tha* ground wouM Ix* broket immediately for a devclopTneii estimated at. nearly two millioi dollars. Tho Kows has fjivon informatio’ from time to time for the ]>ast yi'a? about the pro])osed deivel‘>})ments surveys, ])urchascs of timber tra(“ts etc., but actual devel('i)n)t*nts havi been held uj) on accoiint of ri^ht o ways. All these matters have be«*i adjusted anti Mr. ^loltz annonnci- that tlirt will bo broken n‘»t late tlian Feb. ir» for the (i(‘veloj>m(Ht- L’(*ntract has been let ft»r tin* la; - ’ntr of the sixte‘n mih* track froi. 'I’uxav.ay to a ])oint near Dobsoi intiuntain about t>ne and one hal mil( s from Sa])])birc and two milt: frt)in Fairfielti Inn. It will be a •standard trai'i* roail ntit ttj excuvil a >ur ])t*r cent jrrade at any ]»oint and will be built of a permanent natiirif st» as to ]:ermit of develo]) liients in tht‘ way of j)asst‘n:4cr si>r vii'e and rjiilrt)ail ci)nnectit»ns w’ith Sylva diiwn thf 'rnt-ka-^ei^iet^ river or with th(> railroad from (7ei)r^ia into Franklin in cast* conilition.-- shonld shape themselves to this end. Rollinp stork for the rttud is o:c pected ti> leave Krwin, ()., this wfek. Three *‘n^int*s, it is un lcr stood, will In* used on the tracks when compl: t(‘d. Th(* bi^ iiand mill will be situated near the head of the Toxaway lake bi'd instead of on the Stjuthern near Tt)xaway station, as formerly intendi'd. Mr. Mt)lt/unnonnced that .‘>0(1 men would be wanted for ])eelin^ tan bark in the s])rin^ and that men wt»uld be wunti'd to do «?rad- in^ for the road and erect the shw’ mill. Th(‘ Molt/ Lumlu‘r company will do its own lo^lrin‘' but wiil contract for bark and wood. It will do the loi^f^in*; by overhead skid ders, somethin': new in lumbering in 'I’ransylvania. Wln'n the oj)erations art' in full blast it is ex]>ected that from ITjO to ?(>* m»‘n will be em])loyed at the mill and in the wt)ods rofjularly and it is estiirated that it will take rj or more years to cut over the boundaries owninl by .Mr. Moltz. What till* future has in store for Transylvania through the instrn- mentality of this develojHnent no man knows for ii certainty, but those acquainted with the ])lans and purposes of the ca])italists be hind the movement and have stud ied the situation prf'diot that un dertakings of vast ])roportions and of threat imi)ortanee to this section will be the outcome. mm ! THREE AUDITORS ON THE CITY’S BOOKS The long talked-of audit of the town books is taking ])lace. Three men are on the job. Ralph P. Marsh of Savannah, Ga., has the wtirk in charge. He is being assist ed by Thermas E. Verdery and a Mr. Johnson of Savannah. The audit will cover the business transactions of the tow’n fox* the ])iist four years so as to include its heavy t*xpenditun*s in the w’ay of pavinir, etc. It will* require from r> to ](' days to coin])lete the audit and upon completion the auditors will make recommendations as to change in the nu*thods and .system of book keeping for the town. • YOUNG BAPTISTS ORGANIZE The young people of the Brevard Baptist church organized the Young Peoples Baptist Union Mon day night. The officers are: President, Prof. .1. C. .Tones. Vice president, Miss Gladys Gal loway. Treasurer, Miss Bezie Bracken. Secretary, Miss Loaise Erwin. elopments Jire Certain madieabu A* \ CrtiJc ^.nnra.'Ijpr I-(JiJdmine Athene I ^ Lexiiigtou KdKcfleld g/F . W a:hiugtou (ircve / j Pj/ K,i "Sftllj St.MatthewsI >1 Maron. Kobeita iai^lle Corlc Sumtec |Oran*;eburgV^^?^ I Row»*«ville / ^ . A.Ie:.la!Ll Fairfax Ui[ UjU rria«»i Grecnpoud' rStillmorft^ r ^ TH£ MATTHtwV«*0R'^M«f9 ^rO£E l-x fanuali Map of XRA^SVL,VA^1A RAIL,ROAD and Connections. Transylvania Would Greatly Benefit By Cross County Highways; Proposed Roads Transylvania county has a good, newly created Board of Road Commissioners. This board wife not he able to do much constructive work without additional funds. But road advocates feel opti mistic over the outlook and while they are considering the question of road funds they should ai&i» consider the question of roads—the ones to be improved. This will within all reason call for main highways first. Real good work is being done on the Jones Gap Road to open it from Brevard to Greenville... Convicts are working on both ends of this highway. The Pickens Sentinel tells of consideration the Pickens authorities are giving to the question building a road to North Carolina and its suggestion that Transylvanians should prepare to meet the«; at the State line should be favorably received. Two old roads lead from Pickens countj' into Tisap- sylvania, one by Sassafras Gap, Indian Camp mountain and East Fork or Connestee, and another hy way of Rosman. Another important highway would be that across the county by way of Toxaway through Cash ier’s valley. With this Oconee, Jackson and Macon counties could link up to splendid advantage. The map herewith, although not giving a sketch of the proposed roads, shows Transylvania asii the surrounding territory in a way to furnish proof that roads emanating from Brevard into the sia~ rounding counties would be of great advantage. Highways into the neighboring counties of Henderson and Buncombe and Haywood, the latter way of Mt. Pisgah, are also receiving consideration. Pickens To Build Road (IMckens Sentinel.) We understand that the su])er- visor and oonimissioners of Pickens ct'unty are investigating routes with tin* puri-ose in vie .v of build- ini? a gocd road across the mt)un tains to th«^ North ('art)lir.:i, line. We do nut knt)w just whi*n work will begin on the road or jnst what route it will take after it hits the mountains, but it is practically cer tain that it will by built at no dis tant date. This v.ill be exceedingly good news tt) the peojile of the connty, nniny of whom have seen the need of such a rivid ft)r some time, and we bespeak for the su])ervi.e!r and commissioner^ the co-op»*ration of the i)eople in this work. Di)n’t get too impatient and be too reauv to criticise, but be ready to help if you ar(; called upon and this road will certainly be built. The pt'ople of Transylvania cotin- ty, N. C., who have been greatly interested in a good automobile road across the mountains below them, should have their road t f• ficials to get in touch with our road olliciats and build a good road from Brevard to Pickens. The Fickens county officials are now working on plans for the building of a good ro:id to the North (’art>lin-^ lij ’'!iii«I coin;ilt‘ted by th(' aurhoiitii-s ^ the North ('arolinians wt>nld pr(»b- Tninsrlvania countv. North ably like to i*xteni.l it intt> their lina, has been rt ceivetl by the r state. Such a rcuul wonM not t»nly tlents i)f Brevard with rejoic b(* a great conveiiien:*e to t)ur own acc-t'Vfling to reports emanatiT^ ]»eo}»i(*, but would canst' a great from that ctMiimunity. The Biv- amount of tourist travel to come: vuidites have been working i.jc tliru Pit keii.'^, and if summer touri.-^ts ; some timi* to secure the connectMSt ever get acquainted with Pickens | of tlie Transylvania connty they will insist u]>on spending a ! and the Jtmes Ga]> road and it r?**- part of their summers liere. l>e-1 ])ortt d that thi5 North Caroliniaas sides, it would put us in closer touch ! exi)ei,'t to make Greenville tlus'r with Wo.stern North Carolina, j chi*, f market citv after the rcxMC. which would be weil for all. Wo j facilities have been improved, art! glad, indeed, that our sujiervisor j Many important developmo'Jit^ and commissioners have decided to j rii)W takintr place or are betEt? build this road. contemplated in Brevard, accordiffis \ to re])orts, chief of which is establishment of a tannery wl\>«t will give employment to a lurop The Grenville News announces 1 which shoaii .tu 4. 13 IT- • he the means of gi-eatly increasittf th«t Roud Ensinour P. F. P;ittoii Lij^ ,,opultttK.n of the town. 1(5 has announced the cessation of road | rumered that there will also be asw building operations in Greenville i othm* manufacturing enterprise county until better weather begins, j locate there in a short time, except for the convict force, w hicH beyig a shoe factory. On Jones Gap Road h:is been placed on the Jones Gap road. The following is from the Grcen- ville-News: Another section will shortly opened through Brevard to Gpfe*- ville. when the government ctTWr- pletes a road from Pisgah Mooateivi The information that work will to Brevard. This road has bcssi bo commenced on the Jones Gaj) road, vehere a top soil road will be constructed to connect with a road of similar constraction that is being l)uili as far as Pisgah from Caad^ and it is reported that the link 5>e- tween Pisgah and Brevard will be within the near fatnre. 1