BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. SOME IMPORM Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestiou, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its ■peed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest and most cer* tain indigestion remedy in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Please for your sake, get a large flfty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin from any store and put your stomach right. Don't keep on being miserable —life is too short—you are not here long. 80 make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; en joy it, without dread of rebelliou in the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your home anyway Should one of the fam ily eat something which doesn't agree with them, or in case of an attack of indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during the night, it is handy to give the quickest relief known. Adv. No Objection. \V ii» n (i'lv,«! ! l!f;i«l \\:i» m .»ftitv i!l N.-W 11 •( ni[»N:i; !•••. l’i!UT*!t «>r thi‘ ::()v nii'l iin> 1. I'ltr t!i** of- tli'«. *‘vcn hi' \\;c :i\''!ilt- i!iu' l>iiri:i! '.vii': iuilitjir> Imu.iix. Oiu* !> U|>"n (Juv- lli'iw!. ‘•.li. \ III! I hit\k i:iv .>!.)(•,-ii.Ill' if 1 i Uii '.•l.'iif: "I ;.i\ ci ii.c, \ii|; Wiiiili; i; t'» ijt*' pla- Til'- ;iii>\\ •*: ■l >a t I liiMl, I it’ : 'I' • I ’. ■ p; I ;. . \u. I ’.:l\ • :i!l> m!i1,-c- . I'M .1 i>fi- i' u iKiii.:." - SWAMP-fiOOT FOR KIDNEY DISEASES Th»*re ij only one melioine that really •'iiuii out pre-eminent as a renu'dy for dneases ot the kiine>i, l:vtT and bladder. Dr Kiliner’-t Swirnp Uo.>t «trtn>U the tor *h^‘ rt‘H' that it hn proTen t'-) Ilf' just thi‘ Tvrn.'iy net'deil in tli.'usanda upon 'ho'.i'.in i-i i fven the tii'tst distre8§- ca.-^es. S.v i:in> a phy-iii'ian'!! pre emption for ■'pecul di-it^aies, iioke- frieadi quicklv l)eciu-t' -a* mild and nniiu-diate ef fect H poi'n renii.'e i :ri most oa't*-* It ii % gentle. ve^'etjble comixjund. ®t.”irt treatment at once Sold at all drug •tores in ho^'Ie-* of two si/es- tifty centi tnd one d 'llar. ITowever ;f you wi«h fir^t to te^t thii prepin'-.on send ten centi to Ur. Ki!’: r i Co., Htn^haniton, N. Y., for a i'np!e b \’.’hi-n writing be «ure and tn' n' ..n this pip^^r - ,\dv. R?a'‘ Gua-d Removed ; • -r ;i'-,i ;n lii'i- ■ • y u hf, u: ht-r ':iii'ii:ij at '■■i; 'I:-' I ! :•••■■! '*i;r • w;i' Ikw- ;!i tii'T ■ \\ ! ; I • ' I \ : I !i!i.:i-i .>1' \ .>q tii-r liiiitli'-r' --X' ; •■'VV !;\ 'imft viiu "Mliiv !' ii'i ;t:i ' :: v ' :■■■' • III- I' ' ••i.i"' • ' !• .'I. • I r in • I-;’ 1 . "’J ' !lt- T i- J r! '.'li-i l.i- ;i!a;!\' ’ii-.-'- M* Till* • ••eee-eee • • • • ANY CORN LIFTS OUT. ! DOESN'T HURT A BIT! 1 • No foolishness! Lift your corns I and calliises off with fingers— ? ] It’s like magic! i • k •• • •- • •• • • •• • ••• •• S(ir»‘ 1‘orii':, !i;tril I'uriis, >o!'t corns or juiy kind nf :i > -aii hanii!'*s>ly be !;;'tci ri^ht w:.; uith ihi* lia^jcr'i if you iipply uiMiri ■•.’•a a i-'u i.lrni)>i of r'l'i i’Z.iii.v ' I I'iai'ianaii :iu!hi>rity. For littlt* Oii't on.* i-uu ijfl a small tiottle of !ri‘i‘/.i):;i> at aa\ store, •\liich will pi»iti\f!y rid .uif’s tVct of i-v.Tv ('nra >r .•.ilii.s uirhn'it paia. Thi.«! siinpi** -iriu’ ilri.-s the iuuin>*iit 1’ is iippli**'! aii'l (lofs ant even Irrl- rnte the surrou!nUa 'lisa whiU* a[)- piyia*? It or afN-rwarils. This :iiiao’ai''f:;ii-ai will Interest triaiiv of our riMid'Ts. If >i>ur lru^’.;ist ii;' -.ii't any fr-*t‘7.out* tell him to sun'ly H .small hotTl»» for yi 'i from his V. !ii)l»'S}iU> L"'ij la'U'i*. m Iv. Business Confusion. luMf, .I 'l'''., 'li la': > »ii ti'll me \iil! ciHll'i :;ia:v\ .Xli" I irV :i;,\ liiiH* >'111 wiiati'il ''i'-' “\V*>11, y.‘>, in a v. 1 .t‘ 'h-- re fu-al of 111-" MOTHER. ATTENTIONl Gold Ring for Baby Free. ‘'Pape’s Diapepsin’' fixes sick,| sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. GI^NERAL ASSEMBLY HAS SEVER AL MEASURES TO IMPROVE STATE ROADS. WITH THE STATE LAWMAKERS Get a 2.>c BouU- oi P.ulty I'ase from any drug .store, mail .oiipon as di rected and ;io!il rin^ (i;uar!uiteed), proper size, mailed you. Itaby Kuse cures Bowel romplaints and Teething Troubles of IJabies.—Adv. mov»'mt*nt is uinier uay to turn the vacant lots of New tMleaas Into vpffetable uanl**ns. For ipeedy ar,.l .-fT -cMv-' oi-m >n Dr Pei>ry‘s **De*d Shot" his rio on^ Jos-* only ■win clean out Worit’.i or Tij>eworm In a faw hours. Adv. If we didn • '.;ive to wurk there ivould be no fiiii in loa:i’i4- Resume of the Doings of the General j Assembly During the Past Week | Told in a Brief and Interesting Way. ^ For Our M my Readers. I Raleigh. j There wore most important blllB af ' feetlng road huilding in the state in j both houses of the Legislature. Sena- [ tor Cameron, who Is a member of the State Highway ('ommi.saion. introduc ed a bill to provide that the State ' Highway Commission handle the auto mobile license tax fund so that the i t'omniission shall expend 70 per cent of the fund In the counties in which ' the lii *>nsps arp token out for good | mainlHnance and fliat the remaining ! ;{() per ccnt be us^d in th« expense of j eollpi'tion with the lesidue. which will l)t> considerable, to be expended in the weaker counties. The special pur- ; poses of the bill is to enable the state to net the federal fund for road build ing which in procf'ss of multiplication will in n few y(>ars f*>ow to as much as $2.0(Mt,000. In the House Rt^pi e.-iontative Dough ton introduced a bill to make the ap projtriation for the wi>rk of the Kipb- way Commission 'I'hc joint commiftf'o on health, hav ing \oted for an unfavorable report on the Slat*’ Hoard of Health bill for open fonnu':>“ on th.> labels of pro priftary medicine,-i. for which th'^rc was a most strenuous hearing sonic (lays ago. and then deciilcd to return it in the Houso "withotil prcjudico," U' presentativp I’at.e s(’rved notice o!i I he House That Iv would claim the i’i>:ht to submit a minority rc])ort in >upport of the measure, prrternnj; to bring up ihe fittht on the lloor in the arf’.nment ami vote on passage, Uepresentative l‘eny Stubbs, who has offered a ••coastitu!iona! conven tion" bill iti at b'ast rhrec session-. pn^:, turned In sudi a measure for this I.egislaIure. M wonlil iiave del.' gates to a constitutional convention plecled at the next s:ate election ami lie \V()ulil bar fill discussion of pro- hiliition from the loavention if I'alln! Kepre^entative !lo]'>ert>. of Huiicnrnhf'. prn. ured the setting of his bill If) nivt; munlciiialities woman sulYrat;.' when so voipd by the majority of t!ic uuali lied Voters as n sp •. ial order for I'eb ruar\ ti The h.ll will lileiy iia\i shai'it oi>i)osition and its a'ioj)tion i- h> no means certai;; Moth hotisps liavt aow duplicate hills through Senator Scah-s ;ind II. p I'cvsen I a t i ve l)a!t'>a fo!' creatiaj; a hoard of threi- i xamii^Ts to examine applicants for law licenses, the (‘.\ aminers to jtass on tl’.e ion jiajiers and the .Supreme Court to is- 'Ur' the licenses as at prcs.'n'. I’resi dent Brooks, of t!u> bar associatitMi. -aid that h.e feels sure the hill will pass. .\o committe':' hearing i-^ yf ~et The Senate vote.! down the I’etider I'ounty free ran^e hill when it cam*' up on a minority favorable report signeil only by Senator Hurnett. of I’etider He made a stand for the measure on the tloor. speakinu stren uously in its favor but ‘•the lards were '^tacked” against liitu in the con- \iction of Senators that tlie fret* ran.'^e is a menace to the wh«)le cottle anil ho^ raising industry and that I’endiT is not an pxceptinn to tl*is rule, Judicinry committee Xo. i t;ave a heariiiK to a bill ilesigned to Kive anv citi/.eti in the state a right to appeal from a ruling of the Corporatioii Commission and votpd more than two to one against the measure. It was denominated an effort to write into l,'.w tiie dissenting opitiion of Chief Jusii( c Clark of the Supreme Court in the noted .\n.sf)U case growing out of the contest over the passenger sta- ti(ni of the Winston-Salem South- bound, the commission ruling for thp location the railroad company insi^;t- ed was necp--ary ami the Supreme Court holding that the ruling of tin- commission was final, the party desir- iitg lo api'pal having no more interest in the case than any other iti7.ea. Hills by Harding in the seiuit>» and I’eaison in the house woubl increase the annual appropriation for the StatP (;eoU>Ki al Survey froty to $L'0,nn(i. Sc: atcr .Iusti e put in a bill to authorize special contracts for the I»aymHnt of S per cent interest but leaving fi per c(*nt the legal rate. Senator Oates offered a bill to nppro I)riate Ji^u.eOO for a wr)man's build ing at the .4. X: M. Colle.^e for wotneii atul girls taking special courses atid i taking advantage of extension work The .ioint committee on pensions j has decided to adopt the pension bill ! :)f Senator Cranmer as the basis for : he pension legislation that the joint committee will recommend. This bill provides for increased pension on the basis of advancing the fourth class from $.12 to $45 with the other i lasses Increased in proportion. There was a long and spiritpd ‘dis- (ussion of an amendment to the state aw against killing calves, certain ounties wanting to he exempted and (thers wanting amendments tha» •ould all«w the killing of bull calree ,ir veal. Senator Oates introduced a bill de- fflgned to solve the Unottj* problem of mo(?ting the demand of so many counties to elect their boards of edu cation. It we^ild W«ve the majority party in the state nominate in all the counties in 1918 and (he minority party in each rounty in 1!*20 and the minority party in the state again for each county in the next biennial elec tion. These nen^Hiees would all be nfpointed by the Governor under the bill. In this way the people would nominate and the Governor appoint ^ and the minoritry party would have ! representation in their counties, but I the dominant factor on all boards j would be Democratic as long as the ! rtate is Democratic. Senator Oates Is chairman of the committee on edu cation and it is the bill that thp Ad ' ministration wMll hold out for, if the bill for a state commission to ap point should fafl. In the Senate, Senator Warren put In the hopper a revised bill for a spe- , rial commission to investigate and recommend as to revision of the state taxing system. It would have the Governor, the -hairman of the State Tax Commission and two laymen constitute this commission to report to the next Legislature. The senate passed the hill by Sen ator Jones, of Buncombe, to raise the age of consent from 14 to 1*> years after much discussion and re jection of a number of amendments. The house spent much time diacus.s Ing a bill by Clarke, of Pitt, to an^end Ihe law as to appeals, being a change proposed by the special commission an judicial reform, the vote being 71 lo 2.1 against the measure. Senate bills passed final reading as follows Autho.izp specfal appropriations for Confederate vetprans In Durham county. Amend the’ uptuy law of lOl.'i relat ing to insurance i'ompany exemptions. Regulate the fees of the proaecuVing Bftorneys in recorder’s cotirt in Robe son county. .■V bill providing for service of sum mons In cprtnin casps was tableil after numbpr of countie- asked to be p\ enipfed. Investigate State Farm. The joint (ommittee on penal insn tutions. Senator Turner presidium; heard a remarkable serie.i of charg-^-i and (omments on tlip conditioas aJ the state farm, and arrangp'.n-^nt of the management of the convicts there, by Roy Travwick, of Caion county, presented ihroi;t:i Representativ--* Heasley of I'nioij, It was a inaAu script of ;iri pages ami was to the t;en ei'a! eftPcT that tho convict quarters nre unlit for luiman habitation; 'ha' the white prisoners are made to use a water pail in (onimon with !iegik*es, eat in the same rofmi. and that the su pervisors and piuii'ds are c t u.M .tnd that the whole atnu)sithiM-*> if tii > ph'K e hardens the convicts and mren sifie> th'ir hatred >f .-iociety, makin.? tV'tn wi»;se tlian w!’,en they wei-^ s.*n' to the faini Traywiik .* ydiiiis whft^ man wh(' he; ;;ni' u\n!v. (j With t)^hor-' ::i some in-'ira;,c-' lii.'ii tinan.-iiK in Caion cpuiit\, and tee, jvcd p.‘ait -., tiary senii-nce I'l iKPiy; aai >'.4 the ( harues involved in tlic 1 .invie;m" and >iiitei-i(- He pirdiii'l ')v (Jovcnior ( r.iit;, iu*t h' fore Chtis' ami has net. ac uniing to Mr. ley, who bel:e-,o.~ ;n him sfrnai4ly secured eniplovntent. hut -e.*rn' H-‘ making a trc:iig eiioit to m,, • ,1 r-> newed !iold on hn Ciiairman Turner. Senator .loa. s Senator Hreni/.er. SiMiator Holderiie,.; and others con'iUienied on the r-‘[)re senatati('!i of tiie c(uiditioiis a;id all agreed rha» invcsti.gation sh:)iild be made. Senator Hrenizer rO'jk Mi* view that thpre is need in this sta'e for adopting pri^ini reforms tiiat hav.- been successful in many other states, iniluding paroles, probarioti inder.': minate sent* m e*, and payment of par' of the earnings of |>risoners to >'oa- victs' families He moved that a sp'> cial coniniittpe be sppoitited to inv's tipate and rep)i t 'I’his was set ond* 1 by Ciray. of Kftr-ytli. and the follow ing committpe \v;is appointed: Sr^na- tors Hrenizer and Holderness Repr-'- sentatives drier, Heasley and Ren- f*'om ('f .M' cklenbui g Thp Sei’.nte conitnittee 011 appr )- priiitions, Sfuator Htdderness ch.ut man gave a len;;thy hearing on the Scales hill :o reorganize th* .Stut-* Hoanl of Charities into a State Hoard of Publii \V‘ Ifare ami voted a fuvo; able rPt>'>rt unain»ously leavin.s^ 'he n.atter c! Cae apf-ropriation open for adjustmenr later in the essii)u. th.j plan beinu to ai'proTiriate 520.OOi). Ths^ bill would add two members to rho present board and provide a spec ialist to direc t rhe enlarged work Th-‘ spr>. «ial work will be tUe improvement of livin? coadifion> in tho.^e fieMs not al teady covered by boards of edii: ation and health and others in conjunct'1 oi; with stibsi iary i ounfy ornani- zations. and have aspe ial oversight of the various state instiMitions. sp^ii I ing $2.b(M).000 annually. The bill wad advoi'ated and explained by Setiaro: Scales, rre^ident (Jrahani. of the Stat-^ University, and M’-. McAllister, of Greensboro, Senator Oates in the senate and Representative McLen^Jon in the !i'>i>se oft'ered bills appropriating fi>r a special campaign for elimination «»f illiteracy in this .state. The senate tabled a resolution to invite Miss Kate Ha.'-nard. of Okla homa. to address a jfiint spssion. The house passed a duplicate of the bill Senator Linn introduced ihe ssnat** resolution, saying that he did so by '•pquest and would oppose it Repre -^enative Beasley offered the bill he house and it passed without d» ^ate of any s^orL IS CHILD m, FEVERiSa SICK Look. Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs.” Children love this "fruit laxative,” and nothing else cleanses tlie tender stomach, liver and bowels .so nicely. A child sitn|>ly will not stop playing to empty the bowels, and the result is they become tightly clogged with wu.ste, liver gets sluggish, stotnnch sours, then your little one becomes cro!«s, half-slck. feverish, don’t eat. Bleep or act naturally, brentb is bad. systenj full of cold, has son* throat, stomach-ache or diarrhea. I^isten. Mother! See If tongue is coated, then’ give u teaspoonful of “California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the constipated waste, .sour hlle and undigested fi»od passes out of the sys tem. and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers givp “*aIlfornia Syrup of Figs” because It is perfectly harmless; children love it. and It nev er falls to act on the stotnaeh. liver ?nd bowels. Ask at the store f»r a .lo-c**nt bottle Cl California Syruj* of Figs." whl«*h Liis fuM .llrectlons for babies, children «f all ages and for grown-tips plaloly ^onted on the bottle. Adv. BILLS TAKE SHAPE I DEFENSE BUDGET TOTALING I $800,000,000 IS NOW GETTING ' ATTENTION. BIG FORTIFICATION BUDGET The Beautiful. “Sl»ow in the city IS i»e>tiferoiis. in th-- sut>urbs a pot'tn." opine-, the Italti- niore American. To whie!> the Syrv- «'u>e rost-.standaril rejoin^: “Snow V' 11 delii:ht in city and country when It (loeNii’t de;^eu>rat.* inr.> '.I'lvh," Infections or intlaramations of the Eyea, whether from external or internal causes, are promptly healed by the use of Roman Kye Balsam at night upon retiring. Adv. Too Suggestive. I’iT't Tramp I 'ai>i;i 1 ■ ii| '^u utT d**>e t'a>t fr*'!::!!’' tor a n-le in a lir-it- (ia^H coach. Seciuiii Traaip "U'l h.i> Its silver !inia:r. I'l 'i ‘ .m-'en^ -r eujich ili-re i, :in ;i\ la 1 '.■i \ ri-:niad you Ilf a 0 >.l jii).' Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Stan lar i Grove's T.isff^res.*? chill 'I'onic is c ^uaK v;u lable as a G'ju- eral Tonic because; it coutaios the well ktio'vn tonic properties ot yUlNINE and IKtJN. It acts on the I.iver, Drives out Maltiria, Eanchss the Blood .and Builds up the Whole System 50 cents Foolish Striving After Happiness. \\ •• .1: iMp a'‘"> >11 eaLCerl.' ^liM' ia '!. ■ Tir.r':;i' a-' >\u-n lo'e that jii\.iii~ ••\i''--a' “, aa i 'li"'*- ij'ii.'' '!■:.■ ot' wliii'ii r.r pr. 1 • a'lCh' ti.-.", .-mI' t'rot'i »■;.!; 1 A ■ iU':._. " r ,\r’ l:':r 1 i ‘Ips. Sbutt;ng Hiti Q'f. N • ' ;i.i;. ! '.s 'x ■ . '.ir-olil b'C. '’i.i' ' 'M 1 ''.,1'ir'. N:,-.,,- Y..., ..I : .. • M >•. ' I ’ ■ r , I ' 1 illi y.)M •’ N ! • : i . ii!:it'!r 5tiH on the Job. I!, '.1,\ •■'..'•r h I' 'le.'ii tl'. Ku' ’. >r ; I'• *1 \ ■' ■■ 1 r-; 1*;. • Aa 1 -h-> • d'-ad V ! I \ \ I -!i ■ ' T'. ::n 'li alive. Y’l': I'd lu* Ic;-' iM-r lii- Ivi-:: •. T ransiat'cn. m!'., -ii'i ,;.r t'-'ii'i.v aii'.-in " !i'-n he '.li i 'V i' a per.'^M'itia! ia;: r.''i :'i 1:;, ■:i-.M_M ■ ia^ 'li-' itiniTary !';• )!il ’l!‘ '':l"i'' ,\tli--:i> .iT .\ MI er i. ■ lie M -ia' ’i‘ I 'r.iaiii h'-iria:; li'.' ■■ ay : r >'a !’.'i''na Its Lead. •'I ■!'. I' " ii'n f !'.'i>'trier has a 'i -' I I •■! l"'n \ : •. 'Miary hap- Jie!i,a.' ' •'1 , I '" 'hi- imt' ti»') ;'rt''li ;"i' !.er lei'e for tie . '• ■ Naval Bill is Ready With a Total of ; $351,000.000.—Army Bill Will Be I Reportad Next Week.—Third Ele- i ment on Program. Washington. The Adminii^tration's ■ $800,000,000 defense budget began to 1 take final shape in Oongreas when the 1 House passed the fortification.H hill ■ carrying a total of more than $ol.0oo. 000 for defensaa, and th® House , 1 Xaval ('ommittee completed its IDIH ' I naval appropriation bill with a total j I of more than $:5.51.000,000. ! I The .-\rmy appropriation bill, the , ^ third element of the program, still is , in the House .Military (’ommltte«. | , whi-h is expected to complete it next i I week. Kstimates tor the Army reach a total of more than 1360,000,000. ex- . elusive of numerous deficiency meas ures resulting from the border mob ilization and the rising cost of war • niaterials. ' The only other military legislation pending is the universal nulitary tarining bill before a Senate sub-cotn mittee which will conclude its hear ing this week, when Major (JeneraN Sc(Ut and \Vf)od are to he recalled tor ross-examinat ion 'I'll ■ navy bill carries a total o;‘ •?;;.'i 1.1 ■’..2tr> as againnt ;’i.'Hm>,i»i» • last >t'nr It provides for the con structiot; of three 4i’.000 ton battle sliips at a total ost f)f $l’S.17s .-| _' eai li; one haitle-cruisc ■ at a cost . • : tlire.i .'cout cruiser-; .i' 14.’> each; 1.'. clestroyers at 74','ilJ earli; on-' iest royt*i- t*»nd-*r a' (i'>u; (,!!(> sulonarine ten>ler j- .'‘■LI. 1 4'iti and ejt^hteen hi ryp-* siibniarines at .?1.4::4,each Tii-* !>ro;?ram is tliai reromniemb'd l>y t'.i - f) '[>ariment and re})re.-;(Mirs one Iiait i-f th‘ r-'aia’”;!'.;; jxirtion of the Mireij. ar ;.iot;raai .ipproved last >-‘ai PREESIDENT V/ILSON VETOES THE IMMIGRATION BILL Literacy Test Provision is Reason Assigned. W'.i'!i::mt in !’i '-sident Wilsu:; to"i t!).- inunii;ration hill pa'^' 1 rv (■••ntly iiy Contiress. because I'-i 1:'- erai y ’•'-» ;)ri'visioa. It wa' the ond time that, r’re.;;- d 'tit Wilsoa had \etooil aa ;ia!a;;: 1 ■;on hill tiei-.i;;.;.' of til- Ilt'Tai> ar.d t')r 'I',*- san>- reason simile! iiiea'U'' - vv"r>- t;iviMi vetoi--; i)v I'r'*';- 'I'.if' ind rii'Vidand. 'i'!’.-* I’r'" i I-'!!’ ' veto tne-' i.! > • , Mil' li lii.'e. in uiiirli thi' bill Dri^'irM'- • !. to;’, iw^: I \ ■ ry nna li r“mft to re-urr: 'I'..' l.iT. w;Miouf my >imiature. ‘ In ’U'i-;T 'if the provision^ if ■ liill I shi.uld he very glad to co:; "; inn I r.pinot rid tnyself of tiu* ■ vi.tjon i!iat 'he literary te.^t 1 >!'.'•: ii;'- ' A ladii al i lia!m>' in the p^la >' of the X.ition which is not justiri-i in iyincii)le It i' not a test of lia: acter. )f quality, or of personal .r ;;e'.-;. ))u' wotild operate in most r.i-i-'' merely as a ;eiialty ftvr lack of '):> I)ortunity in Mie couiitry from whii h aliens e(''rcii;p: i Imission came Tii^ 1 |)pormnities -iiUt^ht by the immi- i;rant in cominc to the I'tiited S^a'e, a'nl our experieni es in the pas' has not been tiiat the illiterate imtnittran' i' as 'U( h ar. undesirable imtnigruii'.. 'I'e.'ts Ilf rjualit\- and of purpose an. not be ()!)jiMie(i to on princi;)!:" inn f“'ts nf opportunity surely may h-* •' Not an Occasion for Praise. l:i d'lin^ •■\!'iai 'v e .ir.^h' de>>erve no •irai'.e, bec.iu • i* is our d!!t\. St. Ae..;'l'! me. .)it '■ in’'^ rii'.vay' .i'i*lge tin* (’.inner !>;. :h'* price. Before starting the youngsters to school give them a piping hot cup of instant Postum School teachers, doctors and food experts agree on two points —that the child needs a hot drink, and that the drink shouldn^t be coffee. Postum fills the need admir ably and its very extensive use among thoughtful parents, coupled with the child’s fond ness for this flavory, nourish ing food-drink, show how completely it meets the re quirement. “There’s a Reason” .Vo change in price, quality^ or size of package. WHAT IS UX-FOS LAX-FOS is an inproved Cascara k DI8ESTIVE UUMTIVE-PlMSlit tl tiki In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by addition of certain harmless chemicals which increase the efficiency of the Cas cara, making it better than ordinary Cas cara. LAX-FOS aids digestion: pleasant to take; does not gripe or disturb stomach Adapted to children and, adnlts. Just try a bottle for constipation or indigestion. 50c Japaneae Trade in Manchuria. Mr. Voshida, who was sdc«-tcd It., the Japanese government to inve«.ii- gHte commercial condlthnis in Man churiii, bus niiide h report givin;; de tails of the trade. About ont* month is required to trans[>ort goods from Osaka to Harbin, even by |»a.sscnj{fr trala. The (irlncipal Japanese pnxl- uct.s that are sent from Harbin to Ku- ropean Russia jir*‘ hosiery, underwear, shoe soles, cotton textiles, medicines. and insulated **lectric wire. Since the middle of August lui imjmrt tax has t>een ass**ss«*d UfMUi hosiery and underwear by the Russiati .Mnn- chiirlan customs. The trade ot North Manchuria Is on the road ti» pro>[, r- ity. on account of the lncreiis.>d puj). ulation and the devebiprnent of a;:ri culture. Ilnrbln is regarded as the ,-n ter of busin**ss. Gala Affair. “How was «lertrtib* Swasbbv'' w.'i dlngV” ‘‘A great succe>.>i, apparet)tt\. 'ri'.« SwMshby's exhausted their creilit ^i :- ting ready for it and the soiiet; cii itors exhausted their slocU of ad:- fives (les«'ribing it." Stone Wall? •■Why do they «-all it Wall •iri"-'; “ liumi) 'ip Jiicatnst it and .von’ll ti id out." Is Work Too Hard? Many kinds of work wear out the Uidney.s, and kidney trouble makes ii!5y kind of work hard. It brin;:s morning lameness, backache, head ache, nervousnes.s. rheumatism and urinary troubles. If y«nir work is confining, strains the back. »r ex- you to extretne heat or cold or lainp, it’.s well to keep the kid neys active. Doan’s Kitlney I’ills are reliable and safe. Thousands recommend them. A North Carolina Case N A. Kpeni-e, Hr , S. Wilniiris^ton St.. Ha- N. says; ••! sutYi-red for year.s from kulney trouble. I had baekaclies and pains thriHiKii inv liiins and 'hf kidney secretions wt*r** unnatural and t1!l- e.l with sediment. ,\f- Ter nsiliii? D'ian’.> Kidney rills. I*»d .‘^•■vcral travel stones and im proved at oncf The ;i''h*'s and pain.s soon i-'ft .and the a-tirn of :i;y kiilneys was retiu-.’ luted. >r«Oi % K Gat Do*n*a ml Any Store. 60c • Bos DOAN’S FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Tfte Lar^Boftle Foi» 25'* When you !)uy Va^jer’s Lini ment vou get splendid valre! The lar^e 25 cent bot*!e C'.'.'.ains tour tirties more the ' il bottle of lini ment sold at ttia*. prue. Try it for rh»*umatism. neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dp.’.lcrs — price 25 cents. YAGER'S INlMENt OILBEKT BROS, ft CO. Ualtlmor«, Old. BIG FIRE AT BOSTON WITH $350,000 LOSS. Most:')n. Knttiues fr(uu residen’ial disirit't' were called in to as.-;:st ' downtown firemen in their hardest tiiirhr in many luonths, the tir* '1-*- sti\)\in;; a live story hr; k imiMiv.g a' CiiauMcey stieer and l-xeter }*1« e The hiss was estinuited at which about two-thirds ’ell on the o - eupant.->. Thomas Kelle\ Co.. 'alank et manufacturers. REPORT CONFIRMED THAT VILA OCCUPIES EL VALLE .Imirez, .Mexiro. {’ouliruuitio!'. >f the oifunation of Kl Valle by Vil!;! was leceived hei',' irom t'asa> (Iran des. It was saiil til Villa troops mov- t'd u]) from Xamitiuipj . where tl'.^v had been awaitinj; the departure 1:' tiie .\merican i)unitive 'xpediTio:i b *- fore oicupying the tov n. \'illa f >1 lowers also were rept rted to h.ave hi'eii si>en in t!ie vici'ity of Sau’a Sol’a. 0:1 th.e Mexico Northw* ilailroa PLAN TO DISTRIBUTE SOLDIERS ALONG BORDER. Sau .\utonio. T'was. Plans for dis- tribu'itm the .\nieri»an expeditioe.ary force after its withdrawal from Mex- ii-o so that the border country made turbulent by bandi* forays will be pro tected adequately against a repetition if the rolumbus. X. M.. raid, were ai\- (iuni-ed by the Southern Departmen* )f the ’’nited Stftes Army. Majoi ieneral Pershing, in cf^mmand of the orce of 12.000. ' 'ill ii^ablish head uarters at El I iso. Oldl^aidDeatli ^rt Oliver Tear liver ia the Saaitary Depart- aieat of jeor boajr. Whea it gees wreal year whole ayateai beceaea peiaeaed aad year vitality ia weakeaed. The heat reaedy ia Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Synip A purely veseUbla compound. lax«tive and tonic in effect. It cleans oat your l>ody, and pats energy into yoar mind and innsclea. We reoominend thia remedy be* cauM we know from many years’ experi* ence that it is effective. Keep a bottle in yoar home. 60e and fl at your dealer’s. TEACHER MEDICINE CO.. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefleld, Suc cession and Flat Dutch, by express. ftOO, U .00, l.OOU, il.SO, 5,000, at Sl.25. Satisfaction ^a^ aateed. Postpaid 25c per 100. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE; S. C U. R. FISHELS WITe ROCKS Setting of 15 eggs, $2, delivered. Excellent layers and pure white. D. WYLY, Boi 338, Beanforlt S. C

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