/ ^ • * BKEVASD NEWS, BBEVARD, N. $r' Personal Mention Look through these columns; sec if the names of vour guests are there. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It does n«»t cost any thin);. Telephone, write or bring your news to News oflice. tTuiljn' (!. A. Slniford of Ashoville Was ill l?ri‘Viird this wi'fk. Miss I’liulino Haim s of Toxiiwny was till* ^u**st last wei'k of ht-r brother, K T Haitios. Mrs. Warrior Kin*; of Ashovillo has biMMi visiting lu*r iiiothor-in law, Mrs. J. C. Kinjr, for tho last few days. Friends of Z. \V. Nichols will ho pleased Irarn that he 1ms uhan- iloned his wheel chair and is walk ing the strei‘ts again. David Hunt, who has been at tendin'; the A. and M. (’ollctie at West Riileiirh, is home on a visit of u few days. Frank D. ('lenient and family have moved from their home on Maple street to the second floor of the huildin^ occupied by Mr. ('lenient*s jewelry stitrtv S. Miix\v»'ll. the i>iano man of Hendi*rson and Transylvania coun ties was in town tliis w»»»‘k. Ht‘ is thinkim; of opening «inartt‘rs in Brevard for his instruments. .It sse Smith, w’ho has hM>n quite ill with measles, is improving;. Miss Katherine Erwin has been eont'm( d to lu*r her home for th«i I past week v^ith grippe. K. II. Ijookahy of Hendersonville is rt'lieving A. N. Minton as local dis- jiatcher for the Southern. Mr. Hin ton is on a vaci^ion of lifteen.days. I Misses Kth‘l Kilpatrick, Mabel j Miller and Nellie Aikj>n n‘turni‘d I last week friim a visit to tlu> «laui;h- [ ters t>f Mr. and Mrs. JelY Shipman I in Hendersonville. Miss Sarah Patton return«‘d last w*ek to ht*r home in .Muskogee, Ok. after visiting her brother, t'iiarU*s, and sister. Miss Virginia I’atton, during the month of January. ' W 1*. Mackey of IMsgali Forest, j who IS olTering his real estate for sale. IS understood to be prejiaring to take his family to Wyoming and enter a home.'«tead. Miss Siu‘Allen of Mills River is expected to arrive on Friday as th»* week-‘nd guest of Miss Sue ('annon. Miss (Jannon and her associaie teai’ht^rs i*xpect to give a ]iarty Fri day nigbt i-omplimentary to Miss Allen. Miss Mae l*ick(‘lsimer, who is at- t»*nding M»*redith eollt»geat Haleigh. will ent«'rtain the fresliman class Rev. ,1. R. Liner was in town of Wake Forest oollei;.? and a num Mondav en route home to Boylston from (iladv liranch church, where he held liis reirular a]i]>ointments on Saturday and Sunday. Misslva Belle S»‘ay, whoexpected to n'turn to her h(une in ('olumbia her of tlu'ir friends at a reception on th* eveiiing of February 21 The Wake Forest freshman cla>s honi^red Miss 1’ii‘kelsimt^r by eh'ct ing her sponsor of the class. W”. L. t'armichael, former su]>er- iasrw'eek, has (iecitled to remain in inf edent of tho county public, .schools IJrevard for some time and mean- " ho was also engag.'d here in the w’hile will be the guest of .Miss Flora >>“'r‘‘iii'tile business .s(*veral years Duckworth fora few davs. »‘rrived last Friday from I till* western states, where he has Tuesday evening was “op»'n been for some time, and joined liis nii'ht" al the Brevard club and family at Davidson River. Mr. Carmichael was suffering with the i;ripj»e. the members took their wiv»-s and other ladv friends. Th»‘r»* was a good attendance and S(‘vcral (HUijdes ]mrticii)ated in the terpsiehorean art. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bishop havej returned to Brevard from W»*st ! Asl.evillt*, where th(‘v have been 1 for a fi*w months, during which tini(» Mr. Bishop has bei-n working w’ith the Hans' Rt*es tannery. He has be“n en^ai:ed to work im tlu* J)lant of the Transylvania Tanning company. Friends of Miss Fannie Hunt, daujrhter of Dr. and Mrs. W. Hunt, will be inttM-ested ti> learn of Iu>r marriage in Ashevilli* last week to a Mr. Fonda. Mr. and Mrs. Fonda left for New York on a visit im mediately afti'r their marriage. Tlu‘ bride, wlio has b»'en making ht‘r home in Asheville for the past two \ (*ars, WHS on a visit to her n*latives in Brevard a few days be fore her marriage. Mrs. Mary Mills tfX])ects to entei- tain a number of friends on Tluirs day night of this week. Thomas D*dsworth leaves this week on a business trip to his for mer home at ('incinnuti. ' J. E. (’ox visited his mother, who is(|uiteiil at h»‘r home nisir M ir- riella, S. on last Sunduy. (’. H. k:imsi*y of Asht‘ville has accej)}«>(l H ftosilion in the ofliec o Col ('. Hod*r»*s, superint'-ndent of the 'I'ransyIvania (liviHum the Sonlhern railway .1 l]d Loflis, who has been with f he I rei^ht dej>art inent of th * Soui h- • crn railway at the Brevard i!o,)o for a lonir whil*', has been tran'sUir- red to the olliee of Supt. (’ ' . Hodges and Clarence F Poole h.i> as.■^umed the worK formerly doii' by Mr. J.,oftis. Friends »f Frank Kim.', who is atteiidini; the Bailey Military Insti tute at (Jrt'cnwood, will lie in t;r ested to learn that he has been honort'd with the j)residen(\y of the literary soi*iety of which ho is a member. IV T Ei;erton left on Wediiei-day for the .lohns Hopkins hospital at Biiltimor*^ to receive treatment for his hand Mr. E^evton sustained serious injuries about a year ago j and although hass])ent eonsiderablo j time at a Wa>hini;ton hosjiital he has received hut little relict and has practically no usi* of his right hand. Silney Lanier will be the 8ubj»‘ct for t he meeting t)f the l)anglit»*rs of the ('onfedera(;y at their me*t- ing next Saturday at iliO instead of Zeb Vance, as jireviously an- nounci'd. The (tllict^rs will lu! the hostesses. Membi*rs have been re questt'd to take TtO cents with them as l'.M7 dues. The Every Other Thursday ‘lnb met with Miss Flora Duckworth on Jan Several members and guests were j)n*sent. Tlu? socit^ty accepted the re]!ort of the committee on rules governing the contest among th»‘ seveiitli grade i)Upils for the prize *»lTered by tin* club for tlu* best essiiv on the writer’s actual experience in attracting ami hous inu: birds. Mrs. W. H. Harris was elected to im'inbership and Miss Katherint* Erwin was made corre- si)onding .secretary. The ])rogram was on “Th** Life of Audubon and the History i)f Audubon Societies." ('ontributing to the jdeasures (tf the afternoon were refr*‘shments and a solo by Mrs. W. A. Beavans, with j)iano accompanimt*nt by ^Iiss Maud Allison. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That’s the sure^ way to stop them. I The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINWENT Good for the A ilments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own A ches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $r. At oil Dealers. WANTED! Ten, Fifteen or Twenty Acres land, wooded or partly wooded. Prefer moder ately rolling or table land with some natural beauty. Must be within two miles of Court House and reasonably priced. To be used as a cemetery. GALLOWAY MINNIS Real Instate Room 9, McMinn Building I Piano for sale cheap. Inquire W. P. Mackev, Pisgah Forest. l-26-2tp. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Transylvania Countv In thi* Superior Court .^pril Term, 1917. i William Chappell vs. j E. H. Jennings. I The defendant ai>ove named, 1C. H. Jt i nin^s. v.ill take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced against him in the Superior court of Tran sylvania county for the recovery of three thousand dollars damajjes due the plaintiff by the said defendant occasioned by the wrangful and negligent breaking of defendant’s lake dam at Toxaway, North Carolina; that a warrant of attach ment has been issued in the said cause and served by the sheriff of Transylvania county by levying ujjon the property of the said defendant, as appears by his re turn thereon made; and the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the term of the Supe rior court of said county which conv|*nes in the town of Brevard, North Carolina, on the sixth Monday after the first Mon day in .March, 1917, it being the l(>th day of .\pril, 1917, at the court house in aid county, and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff in the action afore said, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his said coiiiplaint. This the 25th day of November, 1916. N. A. MILLER, Clerk Superior Court. Deaver, Clayton and Gallow'ay, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. 2-2-4 tc A Kl'W first class pigs for sale. C. (\ Yongue. l-2f> 2tc ROOMS For Light housekeeping apply to Mrs. Ida Hryant. 1 12 tfc HOUSES AND L(^TS and vacant l«»ts for sale. See W. H. Faulkner. 12-29-tfc TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tf FOR S.^LE (lenuine Ribbon Cane Mo lasses in barrels, off Florida farm. C. C. Yongue. l-26-2tc WANTED-HIDES, WOOL AND FI RS. Bring them to W. L. Aiken for highest market prices in cash. 12-S-tfc W.\NTED- VVe will pay you cash for all your old feed sacks. Bring them to .Aiken & Scruggs, Brevard, N. C. 10-l.Vtfc COHN (.ROl’ND ANY TIME The Miller Supply company is running its grist mill at all hours of the day of late and vou can gi l your corn ground by wait ing a few minutes. 12-1-tfc W.\NTE1) Tfi contract between 1,3()0 to 2,(KHl cords chestnut wood to be cut and delivered to the railroad. Distance four miles, with good houses and barns. A good opportunity for good men with i teams for the winter. Thos. H. Ship-j mon. 12-29-tfc P'OR S.ALE - Handsome farm, four acres bottom land, six and seven tenth acres mountain land, and good house and stctre room on bank of road beside waters of Crab creek; near church and school; no di bls and taxes paid. Cash sale desired. •Apply to J M. Drake, Etowah, N. C., Route 1. 1 19 3tp NOTICE- LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE Wher«..ij., J. H. (lalloway and wife, Alice (’■all'rway, executil to the undersigned nortgagee. a promi.ssory note in the sum if $ and a mortgage to secure same n the hereinafter described lands of even .ite with said nctte, said mortgage and ..»te bearing date June 2S, 191.^, register ed in Mortgage Hook No. 7 at page 213 of mortgage reconls of Transylvania county, and whereas, said note has not been fully paid, but is long past due, and there being a balance of $12.00 and accrued interest on same, therefore in order to satisfy said note and indebtedness, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard. N. C., on Monday Feb. 1917. at 12 o’clock, M. all the folhiwing de.scribed tract of land; Lying in Eastatoe township, Transylva nia county, N. C , Iu)unded as follows: Ad joining J. D. (lalloway and others: Beginning on a locust, corner of the original tract, and runs South ItH* poles toJ. B. (Jalloway's stake corner, near a large chestnut; then South 35 degrees East with said line 110 poles to a stake in the old Benjamin Wilson line; then with said Wilson line to Johny Whitmire’s stake corner; then with Johny W'hitmire line to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less. Sale made to satisfy balance due on said mortgage, cost and expenses. H.C. Fisher, Mortgagee, By Welch Galloway, This Dec. 22, 1916. Attorney. l-5-5tc fllM f¥ mi PENROSE EI^EmiNMENT The Ponroae school will an ontertainmont aiul box supper on Friday ni^ht of this week. An in. terestin^ proj'ram has been ])re. l)ared. PREACHING AT ENON CHURUH > Preachinf? at Enon Baptist churoh next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :oO at nif'ht by tlio pastor, Rev. W. E. Barker. DiVersilieil Ads Are Business Builders One rent a word tor first insertion: one half j eent ;i woni lor o;u li snhsiMini'tit insertion, i e.irli initial or a!)hrfviation countinj; as a ‘ word. I I*R' SH MILK FOR S.VLE. See Frank Jenkins. 12-29 tfc New Up-To-Date Line of STATIONERY At Duckworth Drug Co. We have just opened up the best line we ever had, and as stationery is advancing every day it will pay you to supply your wants at once. Come, sec our line and be convinced. Duckworth Drug Co* CAR LOAD OF PIANOS Just received, car load of the Hallett & Davis makes of pianos for distribution in Hen derson and Transylvania counties. I represent the factory direct and will guar antee to save you from $50 to $100 if you buy from me. Live stock or other trade in ex change if desired. Two car loads of pianos recently sold. The Conway used at the Bap tist revival in Brevard was one of ours and was highly endorsed by both Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wolslagel, who conducted the music. Glad to send you catalog. s. MAXWELL Brevard and Hendersonville MM PLUMMER’S ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE BEGAN LAST SATURDAY; ENDS FEBRUARY JO Bccause of the great bargains we are offering the sales have been lar^e but our shelves are still loaded with some of the best bargains to be had anywhere. Read the prices given below on some of our clearance sale bargains and come in and make wise purchases by buying while prices are lower than they will be again in a long time. Good quality Men's Grey Work Sox. Dress Ginghams, worth lOc yard. Sale price, pair 5c Sale price 7 I-2c Ladies^ White Handkerchiefs. Sale Silks, worth $J yard. Sale price... .79c price,^eac^^ .^. . c Qutings, worth 12 I-2c yard. Sale 9c Sale Men's 15c grade fancy Sox. price, pair Men's Work Shirts, worth 60cv price 44c Men's Overalls, worth $1.25 pair. Sale price 98c Men's Gloves, worth $J.25 pair. Sale price 98c Men's $2.50 Sweaters. Sale price.. $ 1.79 Apron Ginghams, worth lOc yard. Sale price 7 l-2c price 9c Blankets, worth $2 pair. Sale price $ J .69 Blankets^ worth $1.50 pair. Sale price 98c 1 lot Ladies' good quality Dress Shoes. These are factory ^checks,' worth from $2 to $2.50. Clear ance sale price $1.48 I lot Ladies' fine $2.50 Shoes in gun metal, lace and button. Clear ance sale price $1.98 I lot of Ladies' $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes. Clearance sale price $2.98 I lot Ladies' high top boots—^lack, gun metal and grey—^sold for $5. Clearance sale price $3.98 I lot Men's heavy Work Shoes. These are $3 values. Clearance sale price $2.48 I lot Men's heavy Work Shoes, $3.50 values. Sale price $3.19 I lot Children's Shoes, worth $2. Sale price $1.48 1 lot Children's Shoes, worth $2.50. Sale price $1.98 Main Street H. A. PLUMMER mm mm mm Ladies' Coats at half price. Ladies' Suits at half price. Children's Coats one>third off. Misses Coats one-third off. 20 per cent discount on all boys' suits. 20 per cent discount on all men's suits. Men's Pants worth $1.50, sale price $1.29 Men's Pants worth $2.50, sale price $1.98 Men's Pants worth $3.00, sale price $2.48 Men's Pants worth $4.00, sale price $2.98 Misses $2.50 Sweaters, sale price.. .$1.79 Misses $2.00 Sweaters, sale price... .$1.48 Children's $1.25 Sweaters, sale price. .97c Brevard, N. C. I ?