BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Name changed from Sylvan Valley Nows. January i. 1Q17. NOAH M. HOLLOWKI.L. Kilitor Published every Tluirsilay. Kntered at postortice at Brevartl. N.t'.,as soL'ond-class niatti'r. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year - - - - * 1 -OO Six months - - - - .60 Three months - - - .35 Two months . - - .25 Payable by check, stamps or money order. Cards of thanks, rosolutions ami memorials publislu'd only at half coiu- meroial rate. Subscrij’tions not continued after ex piration of time paitl for except on re- (liiest and promise of payment of 1 cent extra above siil'scription rate for t-ach week paper is sent until subscription is paid. Friday, February 2, 1917. We wonder wliat the Tryoii ladies have l>een up to when the News-Bee ojkmiIv accuses them of being “indefatigable female phil anthropists. Do you have a friend who form erly resided in this cDunty to whom you would like for us to send a co])y of the paper this week^^ If so, ]>lease let us have names and at once. What do you think alxnit those roads into Greenville, I’ickens ami Oconee counties. South Carolina, emanating from the capital of Transylvania? That's an impor tant jx)int to be considered in our road-building ]>rogram. tied “Genuine Forward Move ment,” under which it used the following introduction to the Neus editorial last week with refereiiv t to the new girls’ camp school thai will be opened in Brevard: “N >i satisfied with .securing a big tai. nery with a big payroll, Brevar^ as is usual with a live town, is go ing after other enterj^rises and gci ting them. The News tells of tli latest achievement when anothc educational institution was locate, in Brevard.” BUNCOMBE COUNTY STOCK DEALER IS OUT WITH FACTS We note a change in the mast head of the Wayuesville Courit; whereby R B. Wilson, owner an editor i'f that paper, is designale- is owner and W. Clark Medfoi- as editor and general managei \Ir. Wilson was formerly with tlu .Svlvan \'alley News. He blew loudly for Weave*" in the last cati'- paign and ajiplied for the secre taryship. which Charity and Chil tlren, ])ublished at Thomasville savs he received, but the Waynes ville Mountaineer says W. L. Har din of Waynesville has been .se lected by Weaver. The Courier says nothing but cer tainly should lay aside its modest> and give us a little insight into tlu former editor’s business. vV. C. Sales Tells How Wife Re gained Health on Just Two Bottles of Tanlac. New or renewal subscriptions (beginning January 1) will cost $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 months, 35 cents 3 months, cents for 2 months. ROBERT S. BR.OWN Civil Engineer 321 Legal Building Correspondeace solicited. Asheville, N. C. Transylvania’s relations with Buncombe. HeiiderstMi, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, ()conee, Pickens and (jrcenville counties in so far as roads are concerned should be more conlial insteail of so muddy. The feeling is good but traveling is bad. Canton is coming. (loing to clean up and hang out some clothes. The (')b»erver says the ice ]>lant and laundry has been reorganized and a pin fact« >ry .‘Se cured. Whc-n you clean up Main street we'll run across the moun tain and .'ee how the clothes look hanging on the line. Transylvania is booming. Big tannery going up, meaning eni- I^loyment for many; and now comes the glad tiilings from Toxaway of the one and one-lialf million dollar develoinneiit in lumber operations. Wliat more could we wish for in the way of material prosj^erity for this county. Yet other good things will follow in their wake. Changing News’ Mame. Marshall News-Record; The vSyl van Valley News is no more but up from its grave rises the Brevard News, one of the u]vto-date ]irogre.s'sive weeklies in this state. Canton Observer: The Sylvan Valley News at Brevard recenth changed its name to the Brevard News, liditor Hollowell is giving his county and town a .splenlid newspaper and in return the peo ple ought to give him their loyal support. American Press: The name of the Sylvan X'alley News of Bre vard has been changed to the lire- vard News; lulitor Hollowell be lieving that the new name would be more suitable for the paper. TOXAWAY’S RELIGIOUS GROWTH Frank Y. Wilbanks when in Bro- vurd from Toxaway Tuesday stated that the Toxaway Baptist church had decided to have preaching on tho second and fourth Sunday in stead of once a month as heretofon? and in order to be in closer toneh with bis pastoral work H»*v. W. H. Nicholson has moved from Saj) ])hire to Oakland, a jioint about three miles from Toxaway. This week the News visits l.ddO homes in Transylvania and abroad where it does not make its regular weekly visits. It will arouse the old home feeling and before- it leaves von sit dnwii and enclose JOHN S. BOGGS NOT IN FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION A correction—To Noah M. Hoi lowell, editor of the IJrevard News, and all others whom it may con cern. I note that my name has been nsed as a charter member of the Transylvania t’onnty Farm the price of Mibscri]»tion and learn j association. While I am an of past as well as current hislorv enthusiastic farm loan man, believ- from week tr> week, good investment. It will be The News is ])leased to know that the Brc-vard Club has taken uj) the (jiiestion of advertising tUis section by boC)klets and otherwise. We have plenty of good things worth extra fine })ublicity and the committees having the matter in hand should not any time in getting the booklets before^ pros pective summer visitors. This sec tion and its conditions are sujterb for many things, but only a small portion of the world knows it. The Jackson County Journal has resumed its campaign for a countv farm life school. It argues that the county is primarily an agricul tural one; that the deserted county seat buildings at Webster would be suitable for this purpose and that an extra levy of less than 1 per cent would cinck the institu tion. A good thing the Journal is gunning for and it would even re dound to the benefit of Transylva nia. May success crown the Journal’s efTorts. The Asheville Times continues to qualify as a Brevard booster as will be seen from an editorial entl- ing it to be a good thing, the law states i)lainly that men who wish to form an association must sign the articles of association, and said sig nature mnstbe acknowledged, before a notary public or other ollicial auth orized to administer oaths. Except for a few minutes on Monday, .Jan nary I was not at the meeting ot the association and took no active ])art in the alleged formation. 1 certainly did not sign any articles of agreement and if there are others whose names appear in the list whr did not sign and whose signatures were not attested, I would advisi them to investigate matters at once Jan. '27, 1017. John S. Boocjs. WHY THAT LAME BACK? That morning lameness—thos» sharp pains when bending or lift ing, make work a burden and res impossible. Don’t be handicap])et by a bad back—look to your kic nevs. You will make no mistaK' by tollowing this man's example. W. Davis, farmer, Waynesville, N. C., says: “My back boiUered ii. off and on for years. It was so soi and lame that I could hardly sto and it was impossible for me lift. When I got np suddenly, specks came before my eyes, blui ing my sight. Nothing did me ai good until I tried Doan’s Kidnt Pills They soon gave me relief ai I know I can always depend « them.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don simply ask fora kidney remed\- get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the swn. that Mr. Davis had. Fostc MilbnrnCo., Props., Bnffalo, N. \ It is really wonderful tj know iiat two bottles of Tanla(^ havt oiii* for Mrs. Sales and I am anx •us to let others know about tin- iicrits of this great reconstrueti v line by offering my statement fo» ite papi'r,” said \V. t*. Sales, ol iiishes Cre»*k, who is cme of thti be>f nown farmers and stock raii'ers in i.-;neombe C’ounty. “For four years my w’ife suffered rom stomach trouble and indiges ti«)n. Tbon«h she had to live on milk and e^gs this diet eansed her ;reat distress. She did not get a nil night’s rest and couldn’t bear to be alone. She fell off in weight nnd strength. I spent hundreds of dollars, but nothing helj)ed Mrs. Sah^s gain a particle. She kept get ting worse and worse and had teared the end w’as in sight when neighbors told us about Tanlac. “It may be hard to believe, but r wo bottles of Tanlac have worked ^uch a change in my wife that she is not only up and around, but •an do her rp;gular work again. She lias an ap])etito like a horse, so to •peak, and when you consider that he is (iO years old it is not hard to understand when I say the work of Tanlac in her has been wonderful.” Genuine Tanlac is sold in Bre vard at the Duckworth Pharmacy ; Hendersonville by Hunter’s Phar macy.—Advertisement. MR. WHITMIRE SELLS \V. p. Whitmire, w*ho about a year ago purchased Lotts Shoe store in Hendersonville, has sold to (t. M. (ila/-ener. lioth were foimerlyen- t'aged in busine.^ss in Brt-vard. Bethleheni’s Bid on Shells for the United States Navy To the American People: The SeiTetnry of the .Navy ha.s nwnrded contrnrt-s niiKnintinf; to over $3,000,000 to a British biddor for 11 and 16-inch projfM'tih’a for the Nnvy bocau.s«^ of very much lower prices oJIer^ by ihe English liiddorH. We know nothing of the basis iipon which the British bid.s were made, but the pub lic is entitled to know the facts upon which we ourselves bid for thin work. Two year»» apo we tonk rontract* to make 4,200 14-inch HhrlU at a price of $1,515,000. I'p to now not a Kingle shell haa been ac cepted by the (ioTernnient, al though we have expended, in wageH, materials, etc., on these ordcrH $.^>22,881, and we have not rcceivel a SINGLE DOLLAR on these contracts. in ndditinn, a liUtral int«rprrtatioa Ihr cMntrnrt miRht makn u« liable for pFDallioa araouutiug to $>78,016. In the light of our experience, and hav ing no other basis, we bid f«r 16-inch shells approximately the same rate per pound as that which the Navy Depart ment actually awarded a 14-inch shell contract one year ago. Bethlehem Steel Company CH\S. M. S(.HWAB. Chairaan EUOENEU UHACE, PreaidABt Special Excursion Fares From Brevard, N. C. $18.20 MOBILE, ALA.: Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on sale February 12th to 19th, 1917, inclusive. Final limit March 2nd, 1917. Tickets may be extended to March 19th, 1917. (See Ticket Agent.) $23.00 NEW ORLEANS, LA.: Mardi Gras Celebration. Tickets on sale February 12th to 19th, 1917, inclusive. 1 Final limit March 2nd. I Tickcts may be extended to March 19th. (See Ticket Agent.) J. H. WOOD, Div. Pass. Agent, Asheville, N. C. Professional Cords. ROBT. L. GASH W. E. EREESE. Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWnrERS 11 to 17 McMinn Building Notary Public. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH * Attorney and Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. Real estate law and abstract of titles a specialty. ERNEST H. 1NOR.WOOD Architect and Builder Remodellins and Repairing a Specialty CLAYTON &. CLAYTON Attorneys-at*-Law BREVARD, N. C. c 3 n WELCH GALLOWJiY attorney Practice in all the Courts Brevard, N. C. CHAS. B. DEAVER ^ttorney‘at^Law 5 Office Cooper Block Over Price & Whitmire Store. ALLISON & ALLISON Attorneys-at-Law In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COl^EMAN CALLOWAY Attorncy-at-Law Ccoper Block Brevard, N. C. If You Get It Hiere It’s Right We eaxry nothing in stock bnt tho best grade of Standard Drugs. “II3 sabstitntion” in filling Prescriptions. All Prescriptions compounded by a graduate pharmacist. Buy Your Drugs Here and ^ Safe. 1. i MORGAN, Druggist ROSMAN, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 1.0.0. F. Meets second Monday night in each month. Visitors welcome. DUNN'S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. TRANSYLVANIA COUNCIL NO. 376 JR. 0. U. A. M. Vfeets in Fraternity Building ev ery Saturday night, 7.30 p. m. Visitors welcome. W/fVW; SAFETY OTECnOiH TH^ RANKER IS INTERESTED IN HIS DEPOSITORS. HE IS THE ONLY MAN IN T 'WN WHO WILL GIVE YOU HIS ADVIoE FREE. iHc BANKER LIKES TO SEE YOU AND EVERYONE IN HIS COMMUNITY GETTING RICH. SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS AND SUCCESSFUL MEN CAN AND DO ASSIST EACH OTHER. BE A SUCCESSFUL MAN. PUT SOME MONEY IN THE BANK OFTEN AND BECOME ONE OF THE RICH MEN IN OUR TOWN. BANK WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS Brevard Bankirig' Co. The Brevard for $5.00 H The best watch value ever brought into Transylvania county, or North Carolina for that matter. We have recently had the Waltham Watch Company make us up some watches with the name “The Brevard” on the dial and plate. It is 7-jewel, has safety steel barrel, patent Bragruet hair-spring and patent detachable balance staff with solid nickel case and is a dandy. It’s worth more but we are selling them for $5.00. This is better than sending to the mail order house or going to Asheville. Come in and look it over. FRANK D. CLEMENT TKe Jeweler of Transylvania County. Buy in Brevard m BuildinSt a Grocery business like |ours takes time and experience and a thorough knowl edge of the value of all ‘kinds] of provisions. We make a study of our^business to learn how we can best serve our many patrons. The evidence of j our success is proven by the immense volume of our business and its steady'growth. Come in and see usjgrow. MITCHELL The Grocer. FRESHBAKED BREAD HERt ALL SIZES AND ALL KINDS. Philipp’s Bakery Phone 24

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