BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. MOTHERHOOD WOMAN’S JOY Suggestions to Childless Women. HiGH COST OF LIVING Among thfl virtuef of Lydift E. ^nkbam'i Vegetable Compound it th« Ability to correct •terihtv in th« of many women. This fact is Well established aa evidenced by the following letter and hundreds of othera bave published in these colums. Poplar Bluff, Mo.—“I want other Women to know what a blessing Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege table Compound naa been to me. We had always wanted a baby in our home but I was in poor health and not able to do my work. My mother and hus* band both ureed me to try Lydia E. Pink - ham’s Vegetable Compound. I did so. my health im proved and I am now the motht*r of a fine baby girl and do all my own houst; work.’' —Mrs. Allia B. Timmons, 216 Almond St., Poplar lilufF, Mo. In many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound makes women normal, b«*a!thy and strong Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn. Mass., for advice—it will be confidential and helpful. This i.s a serlou.s matter with house keepers as food prices are constant 1,\ poing up. To overcome this, cut oni the high priced meat dishes and serv* your family more Skinner's Macaroni and Spaghetti, the cheapest. nio!»t de licious and most nutritious of all foods. Write the Skinner Mfg. Co.. Omaha. Xebr., for beautiful cook book, telling how to prepare it in a hundred different ways. It's free to every woman.—Adv. Ul As the Old Year Died. I "I roiiMn't get unt of nuirryiiig lier," I expliiined. “Wiien siie pro- posril she said: ‘“Will y»u inarry me? H»ve you any ol»Jecti ii?’ You see. iio m.-ittei* wIm-Hh t T said «»r ’no ' siie li:tl me." ••Wh\ didnl \ou just silent. iIm'hV iii«iuir«Ml hiv rri«-iHl. ■ rii.Mi s what I :in«l 'ilu* said, c givei coii'icnitli.Mt »M(ied •*« t >ourg !ai1\ r.i cJ Btnkcr. oho «'.r •fi'l* Ihe >hip 1(> .1 aril Sm »»okt in divma> » icr ihc St»fd tV miie •?. htim up th» ti p tpankci Z* M't enough to frighten anybody to awake ol^ covered out of a aounil tleep «lth the firal •ymptoma at a cold clutchlnf al the throat and lungt, with that chilly creepy feeling all o\er. Oukk action U neceaaary at such timet to nip It In the bud and thua prevent bronchitis or aerlout lung trouble* 11 you »lll alwava keep a bultl* «f old rrllabk Boschee’s Qerman Syrup handy there Is no to worry. It gently soothes inflammation, eases the coughi insures a good night's sleep, with free expectoration in the morning. This old remedy has been successfully used all over the civ||> tied world for the last 51 years. 25c. ind 75c. sizes at all druggists and Sealers everywhere. Trv It and see. MOTHER’S JOY SALVE for Toids, Croup, rneuiiionia and -Asthma ; GOOSE CUK.XSK LINIMENT for Neunilgia. Hheiiinatisin and *i r.'iins. For sale by all l>ruggists. C.noSE (JHKASE ('O.Mi’ANY, MFR'S., Jrernsboro, N. —Adv. Clinched His Assertion. Anything iww in i!i. vii,,w v • l i 1M :il Tii:tiiu;;rr. ■ \ . v," .•m^w en'd :!• \iiiing agent. ‘•'I !i.' I.i;:j:rst snp- • \ ■' Ufw 'i>ng''. Ill 'ni'fs, iVf!‘ '■Ikiwii ill ;i]il i\ii y. .lusf to 'i i 'v ’ln' inmMf wt-'M- t:ikt n with t!:.' '•hiiW. We've |iei II etilleci ililT Jill 'Ii.:• t i;'reii;il fur Tlie !:i^f »i n \e!!l-'«." TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful—No More Itching Scalp. STOCK UCKrr-STOCKUKE IT ;q?buuwj,^; ; 1, ' HtO'CATtn l : 1 ; i; 'iwoaMiMoati ; I MUDSTOaTOWC* [i I « I .MIUIH I ^ For Horses, Cattio, Sheep ■ind Mot'S. Contains (,op- peras for Worms, .Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidne> s, Nux Vomica,a i'utiic, and Pure Dairy Salt. I sed by \ et- erinarians 12 years. Ni> Dosing- Drop Brick in fi-ed hox. .\sk yourdealer for Blackman's or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY C H Al''F A NX >OG A . 'I K N N i :Si> K F: COLORED PEOPLE Chn h:i\« iiic4‘, long, sTniij,'lii Imlr by Utiliig Cxalenfo Quinine Pomade. wliUh H ilair ;r(i\ver. nut a i\:!iky Buir reillOV«‘r. Y(.»U eail see Ilie ty USIIJ},’ sev«-ral »iine«;. Try a pai k.-ii;.'. I'ric*- !.’•"• at all lnm sli>r>-> ur hy mail «iu receipt of stiiini'S ,ir ioiti. .Xceiits vaiitcd evtrywhere. Write fur par- licuiars, MtMiitlne (’o.. At- liiiita. iii. •‘BOUGHonRATS''i;r;':u'SL". W N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 5 -1917. Within tell iiiiijiiies after an aiijill- of I'ainleriiie \ou anun find a s;ii;:ie trace if dantlrnff or tailing’ hair aiic yonr scalp will net itch, hut \shat please yon nii>"! \\ili he after a f* u \\ecUs' U^e. when V«>U see new ha;r. tine and downy al tir'-t—y*,-;—hut really new hair—JiH o^er the sca:p. A little I >:in(leriiie ininie'liately dou- lih- the he>my of >nur hair. .No i!lf- fei nee ho «« dull, faded, tirittle and scr!ij.'^'v. nioistiii a doth wifli I».inderin«i ami rare!u!l\ dra\\ it tlirou;:h your hair. tal.iiiK one ^mall stranil nt a tiiiu-. 'I'he »ff»*;’t is anui/ iiij:—your liair will he liL’ht. tlutTy and wavy, and have an api'iaranee of :.hui>danee; :m im-omj'arah!e hi'^lcr. softiie'^s and luxuriance. I'ler a 'jri e**nt hn;t!e of Know '- I'at.iierine from any >^tore, and pru\> that your hair i*- a« pretty and soft a any—th;-t it ha^; heeti ne^dected or iii.nirid )•.' cjirele^- tr:.tment that's nil you '-urely can h:'.\i heautiful hair ;ti’. ;otv rf it if you wi;! iu^i try a lit- 1(‘ I »:,tiderine. Adv. C-ouldn’t Help It. ' ! eell '-p"Kel| nf as a loL'i‘"il :,m;ii!a!e [or the ie:_'i^iaiure.” "Ne\er I liml !'■ ron'o';in;-'ly aid .1, 1 IiO(.ni. •'l'eo]ile 'vilj tall;. \ on .•.l.i’NV.’’—.ludKe, A Definition. I': . wha*. is a luxury;” "AnMliiiii.' \o'i '\Mit. niy v,,n. when !ia\ en'; L"ot the pri' e.” Pr I'lpr' r'» F.ivorite ri!-cniituin makf*; w omen t-trunK. sick w( rncn well, no alcch( I. in tanU-ts or laiiud.—Adv. ’D.e aver:i{re >;irl would rather he li !e\. tlian h** liapi'>. Set Contents 15Fluid Drach alcohol-3 PER CENT. ! AVc^etablePfcpafationte- , .L similalin^JthcFoodbJ'Rc^'*^' Stomachs and j In FANIS / CHILDREN For Infanta andjDhildren. Mothers Know That Genuine Castorla Mwi Bears i Thcrctij'Promoting Biv’ciUon , Cheerfulness and RcsK^nlains neither Opium,Morphuic no Minerjxl. I JitriptfdOldDcSJJOXUfP^ ^ j Jhunpkm SttJ 1 ALx Senna itocfftUSattt Mi If J^'pptrmint BKarbautCe hurm .t«/ ClunfuU Sugar A he! pful Remedy for Constipation and Diarrhoea, j and l-e\er!shncss ■ LossofSle^ ' fKullin^rcfr^'ntancy fac simile Si^tiatur^of IheCentaubComp^- i; NEW YQR£ In Use For Over Thirty Years ARE WITHDRAWIN6 FINAL CHAPTER IN THE OCCUPA* AlON OF MEXICO BEING WRITTEN. FIND HUMAN GIANT’S TOOTH Can You imagine an Ancient Man With Molar That Weighed Two Ounces? BAKER ISSUES STATEMENT rittsburg. Kan.—(’an yi»u imagine a prehistori* umn tooth would weigh four ounces, a to*th which would take n wire cable to inill? Such u tooth has been found in ii coul bed, more than 600 feet under the ground. The tooth was found about two niile.s northwest of PltlBburg, ia h coul KILLS HER INCURABLE PETS Border Militia Question and Sending of Fletcher to Mexico Capital Now Hold Interest.—Villa and Carranza Are Busy. | j Washington.—The final act in the i entrance into Mexi«o of 12.000 Amer- i ; it an Holdiern as a result of the Villa j i niasssacTe of 17 Americans at Colum- i j bus. N. M.. on Mareh 9. 1916. was writ- ‘ I ten with official announcement by the ' ■ War Department that General Persh- ; I ing had been ordered, and actually i liad started to bring his troops bak i* the I'nited States, Secretary Hak*r issvied the follow ing aiinouni emt'nt; "General I’ershinp has been ordered ii> i)ring his troops iit of Mexico. The inovenicnt is to he an imnaediato one. ' ami prol>hi>ly i alr^^ady under way. Later advices to th*' dipartment said that tile troops already hai liegun the evacuation of Ccilonia Ihiblan. il't miles from the iiorder. wliere they had inen concentrating during the past few woelis. '1 he last American ''Oldier is exjiettfd to rocross the bor- Ier in aixiut a No official information is at hand as to wiiether Villa or Carranza troops will ocnpy the t»rntory left vacant l»y the .^nifricans. injt tlie Itflief is strong here ihal the bandit, who is credited with, at least, s.ftaft well arm- ♦•d men who i^- now. at least, four times as strtuig as wiicn thp American troops went across the i)order. will rnaitf a dej-peraTe elTort to take tlie territory, jtai ticulai ly for its moral , cffect. The two other jihases of the -Mexican proidetii on whu h interest l entcrs now. are the disp(>sition of the more than militia still on tlie Ixirder. and the sending of .\mhassa- dor rieti her tc his post at Mcxico 'ity. ()ttiials ‘-ay ik) derision has iieen r ai h« d in e;tlier of these cjues- lions, hut that hoth ai» dfp^'iuicnt on the turn of e\ents in .Mexico. , SENATORS WORK OVERTIME TO CLEAN UP MUCH WORK. Less Than Thirty Days to Solve Con- jested LefliElation. Washin^-'ton. With less than .'10 wcu'king days i • ;n tlie life of the Sixty Foi’j th '(i:i^;i* ss, the Demo cratic Ste(*riiif.' (diuniittee (.>f the Sen ate (h'cided to holi; daily sessions of the Senate frciin 11 (I’clock in the morning until I" o'llock at nirht. be ginning 'rinnxiay, Feiuuary ] Oveitinie exeirioi!'- were det-rmined upon as tiie first nnive in an effort to solve tin* cong»-'-’e(i legislatitui 'Situa tion. tlie decision l)eing to drive away as haid and fast as jicssihh- on (s- s“ntial api»ropriati(jns and the revenue hill, and to tindertake the hig general Administration measures one by one as time permits. Whether any of the -Administration hills over which there is so mu( h dispute t ould he passed, none of tlie Demoiratic leaders would predict The ^’eneral understanding is that the railro'ul labor hills will he consid ered as .-^fxiii as the Iniiia approjuMa tion l)ill i*' OUT of the way. provided the InfeisiaTe Coinmerce Committee d(jes n(tt iiliimateiy de ide to await action on this matter is iie House. In view of tlie fa r tiia' ficfiresrntative Admason is jireparlng to rush a sep arate- i)ill on *iie '-uiiject through 'he Hotis*-, the S( :.a*( (•mni^ttee may decide to wait. !ii rha' case, the ( (ir- 7 iipt pi'octii e lull or the mineral land- lea.'ing measure may he given a try out. BIG BRITISH CRUISER MINED OR TORPEDOED. Mrs. Agnes Brasby Buys Dogs and Cats That Are Sick and Nurses Them. i'levelHnd.—The pustinie of Mrs. Agnes Barsby is buying animal pets— and rbloroformlng them. She is not cruel or hard-henrled. for it Is only sick animals wliicb are put out of their misery. Mrs. Riirsby is a r**guiar cistomi-V all 'leveland animal stores. Dur- I-ondoii 'I'lM' I'.iitish auxiliary cruis er Laurentic of 14.S!'l’ tons gro-s, has If'‘I! 'Uii:-. hy a 'Ui.marine (»s as a re- 'Ult of sirikinf; a lulne, aord;ng to an (ilfjcial s'a’enien’ issued iiy fhe Miiti;-!i -\diniialty. Twelve ctYiejM's and K‘!t luen wc;e PITTSBURGH SUFFERS LOSS OF MILLIONS IN BIG BLAZE. 1‘iiTshurgh, I'a. Fire whii h swe]it throiu’-h a se-tion i)f the retail husi- !iess district iieie d stioyed the Frank and Sedar 1 •ej,f;:r nien’ Stoie, the (Jrand Opera House, tiie Hilton Tlotli- ing roniitany a’ld a dozen or more ‘-inalh r buildings wiili a l(;ss estimated at frcmi ?2.t»(iO.(tO(i to Four tiremen were seriously hurt ainl a doz en or more >o hadlv injuied that tliey were reniovi (I to lu-spital. Frozen iiydrants handicapped the firemen. ENGLISH HAVE EXTENDED DANGER ZONE IN NORTH SEA. Washington. Warning of a .onsid- erahle extension of the North Sea j zone designated as ‘ dangtMous to i shipi)ing’ was received at the State i Department from the American Em- j hassy at London. At the State De partment it was said that what signifi cance the enlarging of the British mine field may have w’as not known, but in other quarters it was pointed out that the new extension formed a cordon of mines around the German coast. mine. Dentists claim that, because of certain formations. It could be nothing but a grinder from the head of a pre> historic mun. While it is light and ap pears to he bone, it Is In a perfect state of petrification It is practically impossible to de termine at whnt age this mnn lived, i but it must have b«*en many years ' before the hirth of Christ, because of I the depth at which the tooth was } found. However. It Is pos.slble that the molar could have been placed that deep in mother earth by an upheaval ing the Christmas shopping .season she ' bought two cats and two dogs. She ' found she couldn’t nuike them well, .so , he killed them. “I bought those pets because they j were sick and sufTering." explained j Mrs. Barsby. “[ knew they should be i ki1le«l If I couldn’t cure them." II. K. Ferry, muni'ipal humane agent, says there isn't a greater friend of dumb lirutex. in Cleveland than MrAs. I$arsby. 'I'he lMtcb«-tring at her liome is alwa\s out to an iinloitnnate «Iiig or cat. and ehildren i.; the ueigldior at some time. The cnal mine In which it WM found has been In operation manj years and Is one of the deepest in th* country. Many persons at first believed th« tooth was that of a prehistoric anl> mal rather than of a man. However, it was taken to several dentists, who said thut, because of certain forma tions in the human tooth, which ar» absent In teeth of animals, the molar must have been that of a prehistoric human being. hood take their ailing pets there to b# fiired. STUDIES FOR NAVAL RESERVE Vincent Astor and Other Rich New York Young Men Are Show ing Patriotism. New York. Vincent .V'^lor and other gihled young men here are pujiils of a New York naxi^atioii school which in:ike )i specially of lueparing candi dates fi>r .\nnapoll. Mr. .\stor is not uoiiii: to try for .Nnnapoli'i. He’s twenty live years old and nitirried. and '>o barred from the academy. I’.nt his Interest in jire- pan«dnesx Is so keen that tie is t:iklng this niejins fo lnTease his efficiency as an ollicer of the Volunteer I*atn»I '^«|iiadron. a fb»et of power honf suit able for sc«ut and other duly. Several other nienihers ,,f Hi,. irol squadron are enrolh-d ii, C;ipij,in rtlMiark's schi.ol, Ainon;: them is Her mann Oelriifis. ,soii and heir of the late llerniann (»*-lriehs. f*thei- pupils are «»rson I», .Mimn, son of th. f(.under of the .Scientific -\ liierii ;ni ; |*;nil I., Hammond and Sicnnjmi c.-hti. .-ill njeinliers of the sqimdron. Teeth Marks Save Boy- -New York. Because he was able to point out a ticket in the box with teeth marks on it. a bundle-laden boy ea- capefl arrest in the subway tl»e other day. The ticket chopper was about to hand him over to a polii-eman, d^ vpite iiis protect, when the lad tiian- iiged to pro\.‘ he had -pat his tlcUet ;:ito the receptacle. .Mtboiigh -Mr. .\stor Joined the |ta- trol Iasi siintnier. hi^ int*'iest seenied iiior‘ in airplane irainin;:. He en rolled last May in 'h* aeronautical cjirp*^ of tlie Second Naval lieserv’® battalion :ind iielj>ed ;•> raise .'tK.(KK) for a bydro-airiilaiie. Tin year hefora h«' had a hytlr" aii'plaic Iniilt and wa« tangiii to operate it !■> Ins [>ilot. C|if. ford Weh'iter. ,\ n elect ricji l|\ dri \ Ii !i lump sii"ar in indi\ idii;:. speefl .if 7..'>HI hill p" :.l ,ehine vrapa pajMT' at ■ ! >ur. .\n.\ man lueon'es ;in idenl hiisl.aiul le d;iy his >\ife he' oliu-s ;i widoW. W’rtKht'i Indian Vegr^tal'l.* I’ll’s lontain notlilnjr I'Ut vpuf tahlc tnftr-ll^nt|i. whlcli art jrntly as a fonli and purpatlv.- by etlmu- latlon and n»t by Irritation .\dv. .'^lieeciii«>ss ;iliia/.elin-lil i' one of the few things iiijii t;,, wiih'iu! s;iviic.: Only One "BROMO OUININE" To get (jenuln^. call for full naiu«> LAXATIVB HROMO oflNINM lAxik for aitfnaturn of H. W. GHl'VH Cures a Cold In Ou* Day 25c Really Annoying. "N\e||. ihat’‘-' etiiu;:h to t !\ the ]ia tieliee of .loll I" »\claitlied the \illage minister, us )!,■ threw aside the loeal Fiaper. ‘‘Why, what's the inaltei, dejir'r” ask*'d his wife. “I.a^i .'Sunday 1 prea lied from the text ‘F.e ye. tliei'efore, ^t e;i d I a st" an swered the good nian; ‘Init the printei makes it re;id, ‘lie ye there tm' lireillv- fast.’ " Explained. “1 was held lip ill thi^ iiy before I had been here a da.\ "I 'idn't \ >11 I :i I l;:i n> I o e|-y out Ml, \ es. I.Ill w h:it did t he nurse I'jirtor 1 l"iI HAVE SOFT. WHITE HANDS Clear Skin and Good Hair by Using Cutlcura—Trial Free. The Soap to ch iinse and purify, the Ointment to sootJie and heal, liesiiles , these friiKi’aut. suiier-creiuny eiaol- ] Hunts prevent little skin Irouhles he- I comin>; serimis by keeiiin^; the pores free from obstruction. Noiliin^ heitcr at any price for all toilet purjioses. I'ree sample each by mail with IJook. Afldres.s jiostcard. «'uticura, l>ept. L, I^oston. Sold e\cry where.—Adv. Wood Being Put to Many New Uses. .\minii. ill.' prt'diii i-~ made excju'^i\e- ly trolii Wmm.) ;i|e . • 11; 11*’i i;| I. wilhollt \\hii'h we cci'iM ha\e no formalde hyde; Cellulose. '.\!i:«-h, conxerteil into viscose, ftirnishes ,.s with arilticial sans;me skin- and artlticial -ilu friui uliicli neckties. si,„kin;rs, ).raids and tapestries ure m:,de. Nint'-leiiths (if all I'aper is niatle from wood. -\t tti' forest products laboratory at .Madi'on, \\ is., of the \iiieric;in I'orc'try a'-ocj. limi the mill \>aste of lollL.' leaf Jiilie has been inriied into a hinwn paper that has a variety of u^^es; eut into siriii«-. ii i^ spun into ihre.-i'i' and woveii into ha;:s, nuittin:: hurlap. suitc;i'e^ and furniture. That l:iliiirali.r,\ ha- als.. prodiieed a il\e frtim (he mill wa^te d’ ■ isaL'e oraIl'.:e tliM i- a v;|,vlinne t'or rlist ie. ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known artrps-s pives the follow- inK ret Ipe fur gray l.air: Tu iialf pint of water add 1 oz. Huy Hum. a small box of Barbo I'ompoiind. and oz. of glycerine. Any druggist i an put thip up or you ( an mix it at home at very little cost. P'ull directions for making and use come In each box of Barbo Compouml. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it 8oft and glossy. It will not (olor the soalp. Is not sticky or greasy, and dues net rub off. Adv. Natural Means. "How does a I'oet laureat*- luanaj^'e *o maintain his -taii'liii;:?” "Itf Course, liy hl^ poetic !eet," An Edible Curret:cy. -\ t ’ttliliam. a r'lral 'ii.-'ieii jt; en- tial \ ir;.'iiiia. ,Mr. I‘>el! is >|ie -tore- Uet per. hie da.\ a ''leaii :iej_''r> eniiie into his store with a sii.j;!,- ej:”. He w*'iif up to .Mr. I’ell arid display.-fi tiie new laii ej:^, “Mr. I’.ell. mniin ier -ay pleas*-, sir, L.'i\e her :l Ile.-dl.' t'o!' dis “^'oU e;in ;.'et two lieedjes f,,r }jQ et;^:," answer. 1 .Mr. r.e’l. "Nor, -ir, mummer cion' want two lie. dies; -he -ay please, sir. ^iv.- me de iiatu.’'‘ In chees,>.”—Youth’'; Cora- panioii, INSIST ON YAM NUTS— rpto d.ll. i:n'i fr- h;i\c ;ii« rn tlie new ffid.l wiiii ;m "iinterpotai.'.e f!a\or," made troiii 'siiutiiciii y;ims. iiy \ .\M N1 I'S orce. tlic\'ii win t-ure. Tht \\ il’iaaui C (1.. (;rrrn\ilIo. S, -\dv. The Toiler. •‘i'.i.-a 1 a I Her li;. \ e • o V, (.rk liardT" ‘‘Yep. I'^iit not as I'.ai'd as the aver- aire p. r-on who has t>> iaiy \>. iiat us fartner- i-ai-^e," .\vi!ttor .'itfaeh.d rti tl.. e.r]is station at San I'ieL'i eather rejiorts. .'si.irtial ’rinrt.N ,\ eai's .-ilto rill ;-e w . re oihv two ohtain I*rotest:inl elmri lie- in ' lnle. N'nw 'here :ire T*. Why Rheumatism Comes With Cold Weather! BY VAI^NTINE MOTT PIERCE, M, D. “GASCB” FOR UGISH BOWELS No sick headache, sour stomach, biliousness or constipation by morning. (ret a 10-cent hox now. Turn tlie ras.;.ls out—the headache, I'ilioiisness, indi;_e'^tion. the sick, sour stomach ami foul trusses—turn them out t«eni;:hr and ke-;» them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and womei! take a ('ascaiet now ami then and never know the misery cnus.d hy a la/.y liver. clo;;;:e(l how els or an upset stom ach. I>on’t put in another day of distress, ’ascarets .-leanse your stomach; remove till' s(inr fermeiitini: I'ottd; take tin* excess pih* from your liver ami carry out all the constipated waste mait*T and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel i:real. A ('ascaret to nij;ht straiirhiens you out i>y mornin;:. They work wliile you sh*ep. A l(»--eni box from any drufr store means a clear liead. sweet stomach and «'lean. healthy liver ami bowel action for numths. Chil dren lovt* (’ascarets because they jiever {iripe or sickeu. Adv. A close connection exists between these two — cold weather and rhen- mati&ni. Prof. -Mex. Haig, of London, has the most followers in the medical i profession in the belief that the pres ence in the eyetem of uric acid, or its halts in excess, is the real cause of rheu-, matism. Everyone has recognized the difference in the appearance of their water as soon as it gets cold ; there is often a copious sediment of brickdust. .Several causes may lead up to an accumulation of uric acid in the systtnn, which, in turn, causes rheumatism or gout, or creaky jointe, or swollen lingers, or painful joints. For one reason the skin does not throw off the uric acid, by profuse sweating, as in the hot weather, and the kidneys are unable to take care of the double burden. Another reason His Occupation. ■‘Wliat is that man dniii::'.'" asi.ed I tlie cust.illier. he -aw tlli- cluck’liak- r s :'--i-taiit paiii'iiii: 'he hour- on a ' cliM'k ra‘e. i “(di.” repli.-d the ti'i,-;. r. ■ i- -im I pi>■ taakitiL' ; ime." is that people do not drink as much water in cold weather as in summer, which helps to flush ttie kidneys, .\gain, they eat more meat in cold weather, and stime people are so susceptible that they soon develop rheumatism after eating meat. .\t all such times persons should drink copiously of hot water, say, a pmt morning and night, and take Anuric three or four times a day. This .\n- uric romes in tablet form and can be had at almost any drug store. It dis solves the uric acid in the system and carries it outward, f would advise everyone to take .\nuric occasionally, and continue lV>r thiee or four weeks, and in that way avoid rheuuiatism. gout and many of the paintnl disorders duo to uric acid. .\dv. TAKE TuH’s Pills The first «Jose often astonishes the Invalid, citing clastlcitv of mind, buoyancy oftxxly, GOOD DIGESTION, rccular howels and solid tiesb. Price, 25 ct«> The Inducement. Wiliis Wha: makv-s a ai\va\s :'.\e a iai!\ a diamoi-.d riii-V i:!lis- 'I’he ladv.- 'ran;:*- I’eel. CpdllT^nic Sold for yoars. For Malaria,Chills i »'aterpillar That' .Mr. l ii t rly, one and Fever. a Fine Gc-neral Prominent Citizen, r.iii: Who is of our leading: lights. Strcn|thenin( Tonic* OOc avmI oo •« « Their Practice. “l»en(ists ouj;lit to make ai»pealiir.: orators.” “Why so‘; ‘ “Look at the way tiny can tears by workiiiij on p»-oi»]e's re*dini^s.' WtNCHBSTm □inii(iiiiiii!iiitiiiiiiiHiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiniiiiginiii!iiiiiii I Hunting | I Riflms I = When you look over = = the sights of your rifle = E and see an animal = H like this silhouetted = = against the back- = E ground, you like to = feel certain that your = = equipment is equal = = to the occasion. The s = majority of success- i ful hunters use Win-' DiilliliiiiitlllililliilillllillDllilllliilllllliilliiiG = Chester Rifles, which shows how they are esteemed. = ^ They are made in various styles and calibers and ~ = ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF HUNTING 1 □iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuikj