BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. 0. BOAO DISCySSEO Pickens County Officials Cover Proposed Route of RoiulFroiu 1 South Ci’rolipii to Rosmvin; is I). ■ );M‘. s>ii!ir Tuecly. iu-iiu: ‘ir ln' f Srni'i.iV. -fluxtl hcis M‘clrct. ,1 A. M !!:» Air. PhxIoii has IT'S 1 hi-i li or r vrisrs mid in t)u'! lust t)irt i^ V»':ir!* ItilS !:('» 11 Jllxi'Jlt OI'lv' i wii S!1ti(!:»' 'i. ‘XCi*;»t ‘he Si ndjiv uf jtlK' Ho(.(l will'll r.i) ono could jrit .’rof. 1‘Til rv rt S.*]icii \v;is n vis Houses (Joinj? up; Religious ] to Uosiutm aud Sun Reviviil; Lots of Measles; Oth-; il »y. er News Items. j Mi-;-. (’i*'ssi«“ Wlntmin'oT I 1 lioiiH-lolks !it llM«iTnaii Sat nn!::y an 1 Si;i'.ii,;v. M»‘u>-l's IS iij nosnian bv tiu' \N liolcsiiUv Dr. Urnv,'r ro]>orts RDSiniiii, F('l». ft'i'Hiir busitn'ss 1 - m l^)Sln;lIl is still till' saiiu* old I'lu* n>ids arc so inuddv tin* ]um>- f,tM‘an havdlv*t to town. K V ^tl.-iziMU'V. th»‘n“wly ai'jio’Titc.l rn-iu j/>ninnssisni'r, says In* will have Vf\tMn lixrd as stum «s Itut^^cr man p’ts pU'ntv of wooil tor ll.c xintt'r. J. It. «'r!*i^, n^id s-.ipcrvi I'sr, and .i. M. l/i wi'cnci*, road corn i-iissioni'v ot US, S woi'' :ui town last wcok. quests of the J'HxtoJi llousf. 'riu*y canu' acros.s j'd*‘ mountain by \.ay of Hoi-kv ■]W*ttoin anti \v‘nt back !>v Sassaira'^ road, tlu'.v wiTt' looking arouft' ■fiM' a firad'‘d road from IMrkms to Xosman 'IMu'\ rlaim ilu'V fan rft I i ;I'.t cMSfS in one*. \Vc ft'ar it wid brrak lln* sclu'ol iip. Wo ar“ sorrv to li‘;n ii d itir si'v«‘7(‘ ill Ti- sot Mrs Klr.'.ab.'t li Whitmir**. Hi,I K IIVKS. PERSONAL MENTION Frit'nds of Mi>s Kosa Siiiptnan, 'vlio left on last 'i'linrsday lor tlio liiltmoro hospital to nndor^o an opi'vation, v'ill 1> ii. :iS(>d to know that sln' IS doin;: wi'll. Airs. .1. t>!i a S Silv* rst('in loft visif fi mother last Mrs. % 7 jxT ct'nt ^radi* on tlnMr sidi' of ' Mary ('. Mount, at Strou(l-.hurir, I’a ^hr inoiintaiii hv amondin*; \vhat ;M>' Silvcrstcin h-it o” Tuesday of rs now known as the (ially roa.I this week lor New York, where he If they can of course \ »• ean ^et a | will join Mrs Sil\erst» in. 'Thev or f> jier cent fzrade on this side of , will n-ii.ain there on a visit of tliree "•Aw inountain. \\'i‘ must have \vi*eks hcforti returning home. TOad in order kci']) up. i»r rather I vf»'p ahead, of lir»>vard. 'j'lu ii ' •A hilt' Urcvnrd I’an houst of her line joad to (ireenville wo cuii boast of ;ne to l’;(‘ki iis. Wealreadv havt' a tannt'i v. saw rull and t'xtiact ])lant, anti we invt* a cotton mill nt*ar Kv)sman. >11 we lack is some one to take iold of It and ])ut it to rnnniiiLr. The (ilouccster Lumber comitanv > liuildintr several new houses. .1, f. SilviMstein IS buildint; an ojiera iousi^ on Main street just Iht' (iloucostor I..unibiT company's it ore. Th»>r»' was som(> line sinuMtij.: at ILh' liaptist church Snndav. con- iQ“tt'd by Prof. T. M. I^ock of Traveli*r's R'-st, S. ('. Mev. M«ir irnn. pastor of PisL'ah Forest H ii> i'st cluireli. Ml'. Hi-tinar.l aiid M' s T. M. fii-'c'c wort' amont'the vi'-itors who afcompHnied Prof. Lock A iiir^o crowd t*nj >yi*d the splendid !»t‘rmons ]»reached by Ui'V. 'P. Kim;, tin' Ha]>tist jiastor, Sunday AWFUL “HELLISH" SIGHT AT THE AUDITORiyS/l Paul ('ooper, n‘i>n*S(‘ntiitive of tlie (’o-oj) Film comjmny of Atlan ta, while on a visit to his motlier a!nl wife in Brevard, bookt'd for the Auditorium a stron'^ teatnr.* lilm for next .\ionday, as will be luditw j seen by reference to a7i advertise ment in the News. It tells the in- ttTcstin>' storv. NOTICE OF SALE OF THE J. M. LYOA LANDS, IN TRANSYLVANIA COilNTY, KNOiVH AS SEE-OfF PROPERTY. By virtU’.* ot a dfcm- of tlu* Supcrii)r court (»f Henderson county in the of \V. \V. Lyda, administr.ntor of the estate of J. .M. Lvda. deceased, vs. Marv K. Hav- cduntv of Trai’.syivania and state of Noilii C:ir»)lina and described as follov.'s: 'I'hat land in Dunn’s Ivork tov/nship, 'I'rar.sylv;: nia county. North Carolina, !\inn on tlie v.aters of Dunn’s creek i.iul 'o;;se(’.’s creek, adjoinin;; bsiuls of H. (U'.i’iaer, lli.nyan Housed, Riley lloL'sed, Mis. H. p. Clark, Verderv, J. I\l. lioldeii, ilurie, L:ui(i, liaiver, Dillie Wil.on, Pave W ilson, Ihiiii'. t anti clluTS, »!e:-.; i ibed in di ed from Clevi lai’d an;! W ;i. :inis to Manly Lycia 'i .iar.uaiv iLltli, j and >!:' recta il in honk .'S, na.i;/ .■>(>'> ii I lie i records of di'.'1 fo.- 'rrmisyb ania cniinty, | N. C., and muie j articularl) desciiia d as . follows: i oej.'innin^^ on a larjj;e chc.lnul oak the soi!th side of the road leading lro:n ' liie r.i I, v:ir':-.lones Ciap road to the tuji ot i “SteOff’ Dountaiii, said tree heinj.( a i (irner of C. U. (lUiiii.ei’s land, and i iins south S.S dei^rei s .“SO minutes east uvelve Inintired and three (1L'03) feet to a ;-lone ard l)l;iek j^uir.; tlien soiitli Kl dej,n trt) imniUes easl sixtei n Imiidied ai.«. l.Uy-, two (1(»5'J) feet to a maj) e; then ^oulii 11 (Ifi.'.rees 25 r.iinutes tliree iiiiinired and :'.i\tv-four t.i(>l) feel to a ; toiu'; I'nm north deari es ii’ii.utcs w« si liaie hundri'd ;uid eij;hty-iMur (.vSi) leet to a i.jiruce I'ine; then soulii 2 de;;M e-. b) : iin- ules west two lit:'.nilI'd and tlnie fiet to a stone at a road; then nmih .s7 dej^n-es .iO minutes west tillv-six Uv I' to a stake in said road; tlu-n \vi;h saitl road about l.'> de^r» es west cif^lit hundreil •aiid .seventy-five feet more or less to a ston»“ in said road; tiu n leavinjf i-aid road south 10 decrees west two hundred and twenly-ei^ht feet to a sj)ani:ii oak; then south 30 decrees west with Due' Wilson’s line twelve hundred titty-three ( 11!5.'.) feet lo a stone; then south M) de crees last six hundred sixty-six ((>(>(») feel to a stone; I hen still with D;ive Wilson’s line s(»uth h7 de;j:rees .Vi minutes east live hundred twenty-nine feet to a >;tone; then still with said Dave \Vilsf)n’s line south 2 (iej^rees 2'> minutes west ten hun dred sever.ty-six leet (ll)7(») to a stone; then S..U1.1 !2 decrees minutes easl Ihiee Inindreil forty-ei}^ht {MS) feet to a stone; then south ()S 'decrees west ten hundred forty-three (1053) feet lo a black oak, corner of the Dillie Wilson land; then south l.S dej^ree.? we>l wilh the Dillie Wil son line seven hundred forty (710) feel lo a cl’.estnut. a corner of the baker tract; then wilh the line of the Hakcr tract north 5(> decrees west nine hundred forty- two (')12) feet tM a maple, a corner of the school proj)crty; then north .^5 decrees east wilh school property line one hun dred and sixty-!ive (lo5) feet to a black j;um; then north .^0 decrees west with school projierly line lour hundred ninety- five ( i**.') fl i t lo a liickorv, corner of a stone; thence south 44 degrees 15 min utes east four hundred and sixty-nine (4W) feet to u whit(T oak in the Hume line; ihen with the Hume line south 12 decrees 35 lainutes, west six hundred sixly-«,i{:ht (66tS) feet to a stone; then s(»uth 10 decrees west fourteen hundred two (1 102) feet to a stake, the extreme southeasi corner of the boundary hereby conveyed; Ih-. n north 70 dej;rces west ten hundred and six (lOO(i) feet to a hickory; iheii TMirth 7‘> decrees w st six hundred firmation or accrued interest This the 4th day of Jantlary, 1917. W W. LY1> Administrator and Cummis^ioncr l-12-4tc-s&s any time thereafter 'with | N. 44 degrees W. 33 pole.' to a stake: tlien St. I N. 37 degrc'.fs W. 18 >3 poles to a stiike; then N. 80 degrees W. 30 poles to a stiike on liie bank of Eiist Fork creek; then down and vvitli the meanders of said cr.i k to a stake at the mouth of a branch, a corner made betv/een S. D Whitmire and h. A. (ilazcner; then wilh said branch, a south course to the head of said branch, the pl.-ice being in the line between K. A. (fl;i- z-ner and S. D. Whitmire land;’ then with the top of the ridge and with the W hit- south course to acres, mi^re NGTIGE-LANDSALEBVGOiy!- MISSIONER I Hy virtue of the power, direction and public I authority given the undersigned commis- mire line, up said ridge, a so i iO de-, sioner appointed bv the (M*rk «>f the hii- beginning, containing above descriljed. Beginning on a iin kory • - , , , • 1 11, ‘Sarah J. Wilhelm, administratrix *f .J., on the north side of Joshua Nb^rO.iin. in e;;ncs minutes west mm undrul Wilhelm, deceased, vs. W. F. Wilhelm the head ol a hollow, and runs N X) p.,Us li,-s;.v ( leet to a sloi.e, then nt)rth | j highest bidder, on to a black j;um; then E. 90 pole^ to a po),- foily-three ((>l.i) leet, cn-ssiiig the roa(i to a spanish oak; then norlli 10 (te-, ^ioner appointed by the gri'i'S cast sevi n hundred and twenty (720) i perior Court of Transj'lvania c*>unty, in a b-ss'. ^ tci't to a stone; tlu-n north 5'> degrees 40 special proceeding pending in said court. Second tract: A.djoining the flr«‘ tract minults v. -st eight hundred sixtv-six (So(; feet to a sj)anish «>ak; then south 12 | (le;; llll v-s;.v n i l i\ n .->iwiiv , nil. II Iiifi III I J 1> _ _ 05 «legres 30 mbiutes w-^st eight hundred , l‘,,,:\Vrn\s"n4rt"onedl)ebmro^^ , then s:'90 poles lb a stake; t!un W ftet to a stone, dieii j.Y-h. 5th, 1917, at 12 o’clock M. all the fob 90 poles to the beginning, containing rO lowing described lands, situate in Kastatoe acres, more or less. township, Transylvania county, N. C., The sale will be made subject to ti rms lying «>n the west side of French Broad as follows: river, and on the west side of Fast Fork ■ thousand dollars on day of sale, creek, boundi?d as f-jllows: balance divided into two equal install- First tract: Beginning on a sourwood nients, payable in one and two years, with and dogw«)od, the S. D. Whitmire corner, interest at six per cent per annum «)n de stiinding on a ridge south of the J. M. ferred payments, title to be retained by I weiity-li’. e north 10 degrees 30 minutes east seven hundred tvveaty-one (721) feet lo a stake; tl'.en north iSO degrees w»\st two hundred forly-Nix i21(») feet to a black gum; then north 2f degrees west lour hundred ninety live 1 tel to a ston-; thi-n north 50 de.'rees v.est one hundred forty-eight (lliS) I''(I to a black oak; then north 58 (lc”i;es west (»ne hiiiidred eigl’.ly-ori( t ISi) feet to a spanish oak; then norlh 10 Wilhelm dwelling,’and runs S. 69 degrees commissioner until all purchase money is ' ' . ' , . - . I.’* 1 . 1 _ A. „ _ VI 1. .... I I. ' *1 _ J I... nnri lit triict degrees east three hundred forty-eight (■>lSj feet to a black oak; then n(.rth 74 (kgrves west two hundn d thirty-one (231) feet *.0 a sj):;nish oak; then south 57 de grees west iiinety:(me (‘H) feeltfia spruce pine; then north 51 degrees west two hundred eighty (2.-'0) feet to a hickory; then north 15 degrees west two hundred thirty-one (231) feet lo a white oak and spanish oak; then north 10 degrees east one hundred forty-eight (14.S| feet lo a spruce on the bank of Dunn’s creek; then down and with said creek about nt)rlh 30 degrees west eight hundred seventy feet more or less lo a chestnut in the Clark line; then north .VJ degrees 30 minutes east wilh the (Mark line seven hundred ai'.d twenty feet to a chestnut; then north 4S degrees .35 minutes east eleven hundred sixty 111(>01 feet lo a white oak; then north ()3 degrees 40 minutes cast two hundred sixty-five 12f)5j feet to a stone, then north 10 degrees 35 minutes east seven h indred thirty-seven [737) feet to ;i box eider; then north .^2 degrees .V) min utescast three hundred fifty-four [.^54] feel to a dogwood; then north 11 degrees west one hundred sixty-tw'* IU*2] feel to a stone; ♦hen north 02 degrees 25 minutes [Cast six hundred and eighty-seven l»H7j ! feet to a black (»ak; then north 81 degrees j 55 minutes easl two hundred eighty-seven I feet to a stone; then north .VI degrees 1 25 minutes east nine hundred and four ! l‘>041 feet to a stone; then north 34 de- schonl pr.MK-rlv; then soulh 45 degrees ! huiulred thirty-five feet to west si;.; hu:i h' .1 aiui ten M0, fed to a ' 7^.d‘;f^''ees 20 n.inutes stone aitl.e m.d; ■llien wilh the a :|3n.] leet south course oi:e huad.^ed feet (l()i!) to a ■ Slake; then Mi.I with s::id road a south thirty-.-.ght cour.e six hundred ((.U'O to a spanish | mnlh degrees oak, a corner 01 the school properU; then ? hundred .seven y still with the road a soulhwUt'course three hundred (300) feet to a si.anish oak :''yKrces ^r> minutes four hun« red six on the bank of said road; then soulh (>> I bt)l leet to a dogwood then north . de ist live hundred ninetv-one l.V)l | C. 142 poles to a black gum ami */ak in paid or secured by notes and deed ol trust the Ciillcspie line; then N. 23'j degrees F. on the premises herein sold. 2(> poles to a spanish oak; then N. 2 de- grec s \V'. 112 poles lo a black oak; then N. 15degrees W. 51 poles to a stake; then N. 12 degress W. 33 poles to a; then This Dec. 26, 1916. l-5-5tc H. Am.ison, Commissioner. *.7id Sunday night. There has rcct'iitly h(M‘n a good j dock and others, the undersigned admin- degrees 40 minutes east sixty-three feet to hundred ninety-one | Bu'cting lu'ld at tlu' Mt*tliodist istrafor and commissioner will sell to a spanish oak and post oak; then south 20 j ^ * beginning, containing eight :;bur ?h, s»*veral new convtTts being ii*‘*ke assets to pay tlebls, at public outcry degrees .Vi minutes east wilh the line of - "i^'i'bed acres, more or less, php result. H v. ,b>hn (irecn of house door (>f Iransylvania the Baker property five hundred and] The terms of said sale are one-half cash, H«'nili>T-^on eonntv P.isitiir •d'*”'kiy. the .'>th day of l ebru- lorly-tlnee (5)3) feel to a stone; then still 1 the balance in ecpial payments evidenced I ,,^0 o’clock p.m.. all the fob with the Baker line.south21 degrees 35 | l.v note on .six and twelve months time *‘•^1 J 1 - s.; I 1 4.- described lands belonging to the minutes east eight hundred and eighty-; with interest at 6 with option in pur- I lie . unday . cliool at the liajui.U | estate 01 said deceased, situate in said seven (SS7) feet crossing Dunn’s creek to 1 ehase to pay all cash at the time of con- CASH BASIS ANNOUNCEMENT From Aiken & Scruggs Having made a change in our business wc take this method of thanking our many customers for their patron age since we opened business a year ago* T*he business will be run right on with but few changes* On and after this date all FEEDS will be sold strictly for cash on delivery. Owing to extremely high prices of Feed- stuffs we have decided it best for our customers as ^well as our interest to put it down as low as possible and sell strictly for cash. It saves disputed accounts, bookkeep ing and accumulation of bad accounts. Quick settle ments make life-long friends. Let's bejriends. Yours for a prosperous 1917, AIKEN & SCRUGGS Successor to Aiken & Brooks W. P. WEILT J. W. McMINN J. M. ALLISON Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Farm Tools, Wire Fencing and other things needed by the farmers. Rapidly approaching spring days turn the farmers’ minds to the subject of farming, pre paring for crops, and all kinds of work about the farm and brings to their minds the things they will need in the way of wagons, tools, har ness, etc., they must have before they can do much in the farming line. ^ ‘',1! f' f.l/ ^ t'\'j ^ IV NOW IS THE TIIVIE TO BUY There's no better time for buying things that will be needed to make a crop than now^ Hardware is steadily going up in price and the sooner you buy the cheaper. We have bought heavily so as to take care of the wants of our customers and it will be time well spent for you to come in and examine our goods and prices. We are always glad to show you, for though you don't buy at that time, we know you will buy later for our prices are attractive. We treat you right. Of course we haven*^ listed here all our hardware but in order to suggest to you some of the most impor tant things in the way of^ farm tools we mention some of the things you will need in order to begin your crop. Look over this list and then come and see us. SAWS We have a complete line of Atkins', Simon's and Blue Grass Saws. Blue Grass 6-ft. Saw $2.50 Atkins' 6-ft. Saw 4.50 Simon's 6-ft. Saw 4.75 WAGONS One-horse Hickory and one and two-horse Nisson Wagons. Prices $32.00 to $60.00. Harness Our harness department in cludes harness, collars, check lines, halters, collar and saddle pads, bridles, trace chains, etc. Plows and Harrows Riding plows, walking plows, hillside turners, level land turn ers, riding harrows, drag har rows, etc. Wire Poultry wire from one to six feet, selling at old price as we bought it last year; barbed wire and wire fencing of various heights and qualities. Cutting Tools We have various makes of axes, mattocks, picks, and a full line of Prouty’s goods, such as pevies, cant hooks, timber car riers, logging dogs, etc. Small Farm Tools We have an abundance of small farm tools, such as hoes, forks, hole diggers, shovels, spades, rakes, wood and steel wheelbar- barrows, and dozens of other small but necessary tools. Main Street WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE MAKE YOUR WAY TO FAR.MERS’ SUPPLY COMPANY Brevard, N. C.

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