BREVARD NEWJ5, Bit. HDTIGE OF LA,iU SALE BY Tf^USTEE' REECE CHILD DIES ROBT. L. GASH GASH & BREESE LAWYEP.S 11 to 17 McMina BulMing l'uV»!u‘. DANIEL LEON ENJL5SH Attorney end Count tier nt Law Brsvcrd, P:. C. itcal estate lu\v and of tilkM -rijecialty. 1.RNEST H. ^:CR.WCCD Architcct am" Euiict r .'Kt'rr.odcllius R-cpc.Irrg a SpccKilty CLAYTON &. CLAYTON Attorr.ey s-a rj-Law i;S’::V iii>. N. Whi TvMs. on th;* l.'lii (lay of Navcmber, V7.1-. ERELSE, Jr. |j. Wliit Iic.-ii( fisuii atid wiU‘, I'-nini i li'.'iiiJ' r.sMii, t- . riu‘ 17 Tiionthsold ot iiUd li» V. L Mo('rc tlu-ir; , ^ pr..nv.s(Tv iK.u: fui ihi- smr. of ■uni Mr. iiivi Mrs W altrr Ko(m%m»i Norfh fii Sv‘, lire the sa-.iu- txcv u fil and dt livcr^d , Hrcv:;rd djs d on last Satnrtlay ;a Iv) ll.:- i:r.(!rvsi,r,u-d a dfcd in tri’st , i i i .1 i II r,.-i it'siilr oi nu'UMos and (‘Old. (Ui ir..' tolld'.vn.*^ iK'.Ni Ireal estate. i 'l dvcil ’.;i liusi even date v.itli Tho fnuerHl sorvi(M*K \vor( cott ati(i ii'*,'.i*i*'reil in (.itd in ^ ^ *.4.1 1 « ; M,.. 9 ;U lOil ..i tho record , »'>" 'f I (if de':-ds in trust of Transylvani:'. county, on i^nilda\ af tiTMnor. by A. . I .\n»t wlif.the wIiole ot t|ie :\!id note is niit'l aftor whicii interii;t nt LstiM (’ii-- ;.n,i unp;-.i'l, iind Ionpast due, , • ,v , .d ilio holde’- 01 the .said note havin- was iiiado in Oak (:iijvo ccnu'1 imy. M .'. ’i ;he ' i tjuir.-d notiee .is provided in ill • s.lid d:-i i i;i trusi to 'nake i^iK'd l!ie rl ;;ni m:i !'. def::n!' not hi-.v’tij; i'ei-n “Scfk i’.nd ye shall fifltl” 1 a.aiiv !.;»od, ;'.n! ihe iiidii.T oi the said note t!ic Diversified cohimc.'. tui .'in^^ dei'iania d that tlic I ivt; t.- e I’dvi'rti e aiid 1 the lands ch' ~ i i'lK ■; ‘'ii RJiid de 1! ill ti usi to . u'.'.sly ! r.c !'.chn, :'i’>niiii Uratrix of .1. M. Wilhelm, ; :'dei>te!;'.e.s;'. .iiu- i 11 sai(i n(>te, now, t hi "'r- (!c.v^-. W. K, Wilhelm, et al.,” I v.'ili I \. id Si 11 lo the hij^hesl bidder Irr i ) ‘.hi- hi'htst hiddcr, on the tcrni- (.1, ii :il the c«n:rt In i;.'0 fleer in tht- to\.n :,i ;i;i(i;n 1 Ixdu.v, at tiie court house door til jiii'var*!, Niirlii ( .iroliiia. on .M--nda^v, in llv,' t v> n of Itreviird, C(>nntv of Traii- Ama-' in :i i ttouring ii the 'otnitry)—’I’ar.wA mo, tiir, btii v.otiU yoU' object to ray taking your daughter just as she is?” i’armer Creen—“Well, this is sudden; but take her, and bo happy. Keep yer eyes on him, Sal, till I scoot round for the parson.” _ Ho u! the Diversifieds also. th. !o. dav ■ ;■ .M..reh, 1917. the hd iTi lir. v-rih;-i r r i.itrtv •vin’'; in Dur.n’: ;ylvr..ii;i. C'.. on 'fu.'sday, Mareh 27tl l‘>17, at 11 o’oh)ck ni., ihis beint; thi. t(' A i',.!'-;'. !vania cuvnty, ad- dav nain. d in the order ft.r s.tle ni.idi- lu' | 'f. WELCH Mttorncy Practice in all the Cci:rts ^•:}rcrar III ■ C !! CHAS. B. Jyilarney^czi Lcii’’ Oftivc (U)opcr *1 j: ct-! khl ALLiSCr^ A:tc. ie‘y5 in Old CCLEMAK GALLOWAY A c l:orncy-f Law Vuiiiiv, et -I. ' th. il I ; I . le I : .'iv 'I I 1 .1 i U'.' i; ■ s.n 'ui r. o.'.'.s t^n 11 ' the lam';; i.i' William Whilini'.e ^ i 4 ;,L a sta\e ,;nd :i I ..ii'.^’ r. and inn;'. > il..' ■lunlii' ii>ail p !> ” f..' !.'iv;h hard-: cl i' ;;dei.-^i.a’s (. ’ine"; ■. t sid>‘ of l];isl I’ork rivir, hounded :i3 f jIKavs: ! I W I'-ld. : : ■ ' ^ d’ I I ' i.i .■iu‘.'!i«rth .^t> .1 St'. :■ then-.- iv; th • ! ' • ;iv! s to :i ;-.t;'.ki’ iH ni' . 'U.!‘ I'.i'i th (i-i de':;vfs \ve>’ ' a ; ;.d%e cn the east cr.nk (if i ' r.’vi r; thenee t!;i ar,(! r ' i 't'S !o ;i stake. M;'"- .1 !!.(■:; -i't'.'C v.'ilh .MaL;j:ie ■ lilt lie b ;■ i”;. .'..•t ■' ‘' ianint^ on t'..i) b!a-’! niirth I'a.’i; of the i)u!)li;‘ roiid '>4>' Thit'S 'iVLy i p:roTi;La:::'o i"or y ''U advek w'r..i it \.o ! rii ' M'iri;i 1.' ;; a;.d poinwTs; thenee niatli :'> . west .S.->;; to a IIk'T, r i.l;e el'iir. t, ail the idlhiwinf^ dcs/rih^d 1 i;ids fitii.ite in ICa^'ti'toe I )\vn-h;p, 'Pran- sylviriia eouatv. .\. Iyin";(»n the r.oulh- 1 j;i.j west ; ide cf l''reneli IJriK.d river and 0:1 ! ll;.' V.r. t sid>‘ of Kasl I’ork d’ i'lcn l»ru;u First I'raet ll.'-'innini; on a saurwoud a!M di' ■'vo^id, tile S. !). Whitmin' corni r, St.;:',dia,_:, on a vid;r • s ;jth of the .1. .M Wuhelt i r, .ildeni e, and rnns south (>9 •I 'l'Tci's 1 \2 roles to a Maek ^Uin and oak in tlie (lidespie line; tnen notlh 23'- 1 w.a ' " ^ de;/:ei s east 2n poles to a spar.ish o'l!.; ' If yO-H 10 buy propeny ;l;.';i ncvi’n 1' ilej;>i.'e;. wst 112 pole.' lo ;i l.I u'k o,;k: *.h: !i n;.i ! il 1">'. i!?;;rees wrst .^5 p'.’."-' to a ; '.r’.l:e; ti;: a riorth 12 d!-i’'ees v.i-', ^ 1:) a stone; tlvn ni>rt!i \ \ s ’ ’ .',i poles to a siak'.-; ihe:i ''ll ,\7 di'.'. ee:' V.'est 1‘^'j polrS t" a : t'.v. ii n'Tl'i ■■'D de;>rees wes* .’’>() p .h I lo a staKe (>:i llv.' i) nl; ol i.ast h'ork ereo:-; . then d au(i with the nu;i:id'T.'‘ of s.ii i Tf yjci ‘ry.'-'Kt a job 5 If you ^ivdrj lo hire sor.vzhody If you io s^lt something If ycc ^uni io bey s.' p If you •want io rent yoar house Ifyo 'j ‘^vant to scil yctu' house r ' •'5 if yott to sell ycu 'fcjr.i If there is znyihing you :.:1 ihe quickest and bc:A ivay io sup^iy ihut-Tvant (s (-y phc:r:j an aJ^veriisctnent in thb pCf.£r Save Your Greatest POSSESSION! Delay in the care of faulty or weakened eyes i.s too dangerous to ri.^^k. Poor or incompetent attention to eye trouble may produce more hnrm than good. Delays mean distress. Im proper mean more sufferini^. J. C. DENISOH, 9. Fiid. (Doctor of Optics) 52 Patton Avan'jc, /'-slisdllc-, N. G. New or renewal subscriptions 'hegiiininsx .Ianii;iry 1) will cost Sl.dO for one y‘jir, 60 cents 6 months, 35 cents 3 months, 25 cents for 2 months. City Marlcet 12c per pound cash paid for hens and fryers. Cash market prices paid for ej?gs. We have the following meats and produce for sale: Chickens Beef Pork Fish Lettuce Celery Sweet Potatoes Turnips ' We buy all kinds of hides. City Markets 5. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHOWE 47 1' oh'S to a ereei; 1 ) si n thence r.'r 'l (»1a eor slake at I’.i.- innith of a l.ian 'h, mad.- hetw. en S. 1). Wliite s’:i!.(> .,n ihi- ;mv1 I"'. ner; I'ien i;:) r.ral I ... ith Ci c; * r «r\ • I*. • urcv-irvr, 1%, (le":r(‘(‘.i V., ■■ a hr..n; I. «' .ulV'.'S • p' s to e i. t !)..nk I'f ti’.e i'ti'n 'ii r.^ii . l ri'.- i". luMiu-h a s i’.itii coarse to i!i.‘ lu ad of ; .i.i ‘i'. !id"'. :i ."iV.i! tii (he n'.earie’;'.. oi l-.rT.-!;; ihfi up :ind with th • top of iii.' t' v rivei’ ti> 1 V I . ■ >•. I\ M.. i‘ :i's rid^'e av ! with the Whitmire line .■■oir h ( I r. the , ; ■ ia.'. U; :si V ICw'ntnk C(irner. course to the hei'-innina'. contrie.injr 17.S, The recvtaits vjvA surprise i i* m ■J HO. 2Z1 i. 0- ;TEE LO^Ol:: F. > every ’ i'Mui-.'.y n.-./.ii. Visit;,rs wch-on'.;.'. 'le i'h. t^;: !'.w!:ank lir.e lo the .. i, ! i .'' rvi ;> 'i*rip 2.> feet in .!t'i iro;y. river In i ;.d. als i a certain l;ieci' i'TiinL' S. !’. McCi'.rrell line solil I ■ (•. 1^ !>' '■,•;!■ ; liu'i..'.' u-'li the jiuldic r: :t' t'l t: i'e>;i;'.)'.;iir. (••in’ainin'.: 1‘‘acres. ,■ ( r 1-- ... VI,,I n IV f V I..-’ , VI i A. F. 8l L M. TH/ir:cyLYA:;iA cdunqjl 10 M /. I'v the ■ill; :ii v! th aerc. , or le,«:i >11(1 'I'rac! .\.lj i dn'i '.I'.e fiist traei :.h iv( ties'rihed. !!■• .•ilinin.,' on a hiek;;rv ■>n the r.orlh side of .1 >.;'au i moiinlaii', in tiie head of ;i itolio.v. aii:l rr.r..^ n irth *N); to a i>ia tiieii ea>l pole.'. .0 a p.'plar; II.imi s ii O'llcs to :i st;d;i; th n \> ■■ ■ ■; i ; the i- ianii'ff, c>i.> '.aiaii^.' : :i : .-s, more or and please you rsiHsd A^'s Af2 Business Biiiidjrs ,1 t :1" (.n 2-l(.-ra' CH.\S. 15. l)i;.\VKR, Trusie; ■\\ KCTIGE bl’. m. 376 [1 LAHO SAir: BY COM- MISSIONEH U. A. M. l;l rratoriii;’- E-iiiknni ov cr> ^aUzrday ni^ht, 7..^0 p. n?. v": s i t (; t s \v e 1 (.' ( ■ ;n e. lly vi;lu)‘ ef ihe ]>'wcr, (v're -tion c.r.d atili'.i.i'iiy ;;.v:i'e urdersi^'ned comini.'- sitiner. apjK.'iUi' ! hy the eh'rk of the Si.i- rio! c, :;ri f '■’r."nsy!va.nia. eou’.ity, i;^ a s.K\ ia’i pr.iceeoini; pending if! -!»'d ’ourt lHC C: ■ntitled ‘ Sarah J. \\ il- 3-2-4li. I i 1’ ,il- w in.'._ day of sale, 0 h'- divided in t.vo eiju:'! instalimenis, jiayable in one am! two years, deferred t>.*vinents tvi draw six per cent inten st. I’urehasvr to liav.- op tion ta pay ;ill c.'ish at any time \\ ithin the tw:> years. 'I'itle to he retained by th’‘ co nniissionor unli! all t!ie purchase mti:’.e .- ii;-..; been p;ii.i, or until satisfactory sci'uriiy. ;;.ppi(ived hy the court, has bee:'; .uivcn. This February 2f)th, V>17. W. 11. .ALIJSON, i\ e iiav casn. Coinniissiotu r. Arriving Make Your Purchases Early ramer^s is the place for latest things in the realm of dry gOOCti. Oiir spring and summer dry goods are arriving. They embrace the iaiest things on the market in the dry goods line. Many are the styles and varied are the colors. The prices are satisfactory—not so high as would be expected in the face of such high advances in many other lines of merchandise. Spring will soon be with us and we would advise our custom ers to come in and make early purchases. No hope for lower prices, but they may advance, so don’t delay. V/e are goir»g to have shoes and varloa . olin^r 2lI‘1\z'.2' to arrI/3 from week lo to week. This is the place to find the goods in assorted varieties and at satisfactory prices. Come in and look them over even though you don’t care to buy, and acquaint yourself with the latest on the market. R A. PLUMMER BREVARD North Carolina MMMIIMWMlMMM I lir-;' if'. 11' ].>( V. .\N’TKi> Supply (.'o. I’OOMS I'or Id^dit housekeepinji iipiily to -Mr.;. Ida Hryant. 1 12 tfc | HOr.SFS .\.M> LOTS and vacant lots Tor! sale. See W. H. Faulkner. 12-29-lfc | i T)W?\^ LOTS, farms and timber lands f(»r ' sale. Frank .leakin'--, Brevard, N. C. tf 1 ALL OTIILRS Just as you do, read this ! c’oluiiin, an effective jio-lictweiii f»r !)uyers. sellers and traders. | FOR S.\LK Old. newspapers for kindlin^! lire.; and, cents per bniulle. A]);dy at News ol’ice. 4-12-tf WANTED illDLS. WOOL AND FI RS, j Hrin^ tliem to W. L. Aiken for highest j market prices in cash. 12-S-tfc ; I’ONFV and small two-seatel carriage and harness tor sale a.t a bap.:ain. ln(juirc | of J. S. Silverstt in, Lrevard,X. C. 3-2-3tc j CilF.\P in.KrTRIC Toaster Stoves-Wish I to close out thi:; line and will sell $.^..^0 1 toasters for .Sl,?."^. M. ^L Chap-1 man. 9-2tc I FOR TOMHSTONES see E. T. Raines. iSrevard, N. C. lie lepresents a otror.g hinh-elass lirni. Rate.s very reason able. 3-9-tfc CHKAi* KLKCTRIC IRONS-Second-hand, | i^ood as new, guaranteed for one year for new ones JL ^L Chap man. 3-9 2tc RE.\L KST.ATE is like all other business — it requires advertising to stimulate it. Even a Diversified' ad will work won ders. Tr\' one. W.ANTl'.I) —('i( od, clear, white hickory logs S” to 21” diameter sawed 6 ft., 9 ft. or 12 ft. long. Hicks Hardwood I Works, (Jreenville, S. C. 3-9-3tp FOR RENT -Nevv lv painted and kalsomin- ed si.'c-room house, close in, desirable 1 location, about .\pril 1; large rich j garden. Noah M. liollowell. ‘HEDI C'E THE HK'.H COST of feeding nil Ik eov.s and work animals by using Velvet Bean Meal. .Manufaeture(l by Roy K'. Mark Smith, Tennille, (»a. 3-9-5tp FOR SALE—Choice Planting Peas—Clay?, Unknowns, Irons, Brabhams, Running Whips, W'hips, W'hip Mixes, Velvet Beans. Deliver anywhere. H.M. Frank lin, Tenviille, (ia. 3-9-3tp MR. SAWMILL MAN - W'e pay cash for sound sq. edge yellow pine framing. Write us for prices and specifications of our requirements. Citizens Lumber Co. Asheville, N. C. 3 9-7tp ] FOR S.ALE—Seven acres of land one mile from court house, half mile from tan nery. Public road and railroad through the place. Ideal building site. Roscoe and Santie Nicholson. 3-2-tfc WANTED—A reliable, hustling party to sell cemetery work for us in this section. Old established Company. Good' pro position to right man. Write for par ticulars. Mecklenburg Marble & Granite Co.. Charlotte, N. C. 3-9~5tp WANTF^D—Young man, single, to assist in working truck garden, easy work. No cigarette smoker, liquor drinker or swearer, need apply. Address P. O. Box 84, or apply at the News office for in formation. FOR SALE -A small farm one mile from court house; just outside of town limit with dwelling house and out building; part in cultivation; part timbered; well watered, with young orchard. For further information apply to. Milon Nichol son. 3-9-2tp WANTED—Indian relics, arrow heads, pots, chisels, tomahawks, etc. Will pay best prices for the same. Write me what voii have. Would also like to I J. MACK ALLISON McMINN W. P. WIiILT Harrows and Plows Farmers can^t farm without plows and harrows. The better the implement the ch^^apcr in the long run. Buy good strong ones and come to us for first-class goods at reasonable priccs. We have disc and dra^ harrows^ boch of which every farmer should have. Money invested in them is well spent for they can be used to many advantages. We have a good line of turning plows from $5.50 to $' We have just what you want in the line of farm tools. 1 ow and be prepard for making a big crop. FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY riwiy BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Departments College Prej)aratory, Normal, Music, Business, Do- mcstic Art, Household Kt'onoinics, Ajiricul^^urc. Al! departments are directed by teachers with special training and large experience. They know their business. Influences of the inotitule are alone worth the cost of tuition. IT GIVES.THE BIEST RESULTS. LIGHT. ^ trade ^CALLY 'nieSMITHSONIAN' TRUSS HOLDS IN ANY POSITION. THE LB/ Acrobati Exercise No.Eft e>PEKA.MAn .. w a/s and if not satisfied bring it back rt’fund the money. MACFIE-BRODIE DRUG CO. corrwspond with parties who can te^! me where these relics can ‘be found. C. F. Schwing, Box S. C. 74. Grenville,' ( 3 9^2tc I Storm 'he Store That Appeciates Your Patronage*

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