BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. G. Your Messenger Did you ever pause to think how remarkably little it would cost you to place a message in the homes of the best people in Transylvania county as well as in many homes in 25 different states in the Union? Through the use of the Diversifed G)lumn you can do this for as little as a dime* This small sum might turn fortune your way* Look over this column of things wanted and those for sale and probably you will litid a bargain* If you don't find what you want insert an advertisement of your own. They work wonders for they are efficient business builders* THE WmeS EVENTS « / taipsrtart News of thi State, Natim, ud World Told inaFowlJoss for Your CooviBlenee. ROUND ABOUI^THE WORLD A Condensed Record of Happenlnflt of Interest From All Points of tho World. Diversifieii Ads Are Business BDilders ccnt a won! l^r I'lT'st insertion; ono half ccnt a wonl fc^r o:u'h siibsctiuonl inst'ition. initial abl>rt*viatii»n countinjr as a word. LOGS WANTED—We pay cash. Miller Supply Cl). 3-2-tfc KOR SALK - Berkshire pigs. Apply to K. U. Zachary. 3-23-3tc K(K)MS For Li^ht housekeepinfi apply lo Mrs. Ma Bryant. I ll’ tfo POTATO SLIPS Keady for delivery by th- i5lh or 20th of May. C. M. Siniard. 3 23-2tc HOl-SKS AND LOTS and vacant lots for saiv. See W. H. Faulkner. 12-29-tfc TOWN LOTS, farms and timber lands for sa!:.\ Frank Jenkins, Brevard, N. C. tf KIVE-KOOM HOrSE near new tanning plant for sale at bargain. Inquire al News office. 3-16-3tc TliK FKANKT.IN PKKS;' I'ranklin, N. I the ye ir; h monli'.s lor 50 centf. Subsetibc row. ALL OTilivKo—In.-t you di>, read iV.I. column, an eJleillve j'o-belwein for liuyers, sellers and tradeis. FOH S.\LE--01d newspapers for kindling fires and other purposes, 5 cents per bundle. Apply at News ofTice. 4-12 tf WAN'riCD-HIDLS, WOOL AND FFUS. Urin«; them to W. L. .\iken for hijihesl market prices in cash. 12-8-tfc FOtC TOMBSTONES see E. T. Raines, Uri'vard, N. C. He lepresents a strong hii'h-class firm. Kates very reason- a>i)e. 3-9-tfc 1-OU SALK— bred Chester White b(»ar, weight about 4U0 Ibn. W. A. King, Upland Farm, Hendersonville, N. C. 3-23-Jtp Jvf-;AL EST.\TE is like all other business - it le.juires advertising ti- stimuiate it. Kten a Diver^iiied ad will work v/on- ders. Try on«-. WANTED - fiirl or wo:r,:.n for general work and eooki'.ig: sni:i!l { rivale family. Slate wages and :eference£i, Mr.^. Bald- »vir.', Blantyre, N. C. 3 16 2te FOR SALE -Virginia Farm; 520 acres; i auapitu lo V. neat, corn, oats, hay, to- baceo. Can be divided into three farms; well watered. Address G. C. Stone, Hurt, Va. Up FOR SALE—Seven acres of land one mile from court house, half mile from tan nery. Public road and railroad through the place. .Ideal building site. Roscoe and Santie Nicholson. 3-2-tfc Fi>R SALE—Pure bred Berkshire pigs, both sexes; also Cocke’s Prolific seed corn, selected in field and germinal ion tested. J. P. Wimberly, Marl Bluff Farm, Baltleboro, N. C. 3-2?-10tp WANTED To know owner of set of harness left in Noah M. Hollowell’s cot tage opposite Henning Inn. Owner may h^ve same by establishing owner ship and paying for this advertisement. SALESMAN WANTED 1 ior li;bricating oils, gr: Saiarv or comnii^sioi'!. Oi! Co.. Cl^v-el-ind, O. o sdlicit orders and i).iints. AilJrcss Lincoln 3-23-2ip lfFN'{>F.}^SON COrNTV NEWS; Read it ia “ I'he Vi;itor.” S( ncl cents fora i.-v.r’v: sutiscrii.'ijnr. to “The Visitor,” {icadersonville. N. C. 3-23-tfc V'.\NTED —(ioi.d, cl;'ar, white hickory 8" to 21” d;::nn-t(.r sa.\ed 6 ft., 9 or 12 ft. loi'.g. ilicks Hard\v(>od ft. Works. Cirvenv'i’c, S. C. 3-9-3tp (’ilVKKNS AND E(;CS WANTED. Will f.i'i- y«;u the t(.p of the market and make juick rtU'rn. J. W. Wiley, B»x iireeiisbor.t, N. C. 3-16-5tp I'OSITjOXS WANTED To help those out iiti;)u .r v/liO di.-ir the N -u.-; v.'i): Ll)an 25 v.ordii cost. j»nni ; ■!.>; in thi.s c; a better one 01 not more iumn without tfc TilE Hliiil C('Sr of feedii.g r.ui',;: cows and work ariiiiiais by using Vcivei Be;>n Mv- ;1. M rroi'i'clured by R"> Miuk Sn'.ith, j'v iiniilc, (-a. 3 9 5tp S.'.LE—A iiir.i e.! of Regis ter u Duriic V l*!/.\ 2 mmithj old. .',K' i ach (i li vered. The I’rcmier Breed of t!u' Seuiii. .h:nius H. (Inrrison, (keen- vuu . S. C., Kouie 7 i’hone 1115. 3-l0-3tp K.tic, S.'.LE—Ch' ice Planting Peas—Clays, 4;;'.knowns, Ironp, Brabh:ims, Running V^. hus, Puneh\t hips. Whip Mixes, Velvet a p: riod not exceeding 20 \i i«..iris. Deliver anywhere. H. M. Fra.ik- draw interest at ^ix per cent, j: Auditorium Sstiirday, March 24 “Society’s Hypocrites” A three part dramatic offerinj^ of interest to everyone. “Phony Teeth and False Friends” L-KO Komedy. It is a riot of fun in a dentist’s office. Admission 10c Tuesday, ^larcti 27 “Somewhere in Grenada” Fifth episode Pearl of the Army. Don’t mifs it. “F.very ihing Comes to him Who Waits” An interesting cartoon comedy by G. W. Hcrriman. “Krazy Kat’s New Bathing Suit.” One of those funny Kartoon Komedies. Admission 10c TIiUFSday, M3rc!i 29 Pathe News, a two part drama and an interesting comedy will be the program. Always a good show. Admission lOc SCHOOL BONO ELECTION GHILED FOR OISTRiCT NO 3, cove TOWSSKiP NOTICE: All persons are hereby noti^.ed that the Commissioners of Transylvania County upon a petition of the County Board of Education, have ordered an election to be held in District No. 3, Boyd Township, Transylvania County on .A.pril 17, 1917, at the School House in said Dis trict. Said Ejection is ordered for the purpose of ascertaining the will of the voters in said District, as lo whether or rot the County Commissioners shall issue and float Bonds in the sum of $1,600.00 for ears and to Domestic The railroad strike which has hung ’ like a pall of gloom over the country for n\any months has been averted. I This carried joy to the remotest cor- ! ner of the country. 1 The conference committee of rail- ' road managers sitting iu Now York City authorized President Wiloon’s me diators to make whatever arrange ments were necessary with the rail road brotherhoods to call o£ the (hreatenod strike. The decision in the railroad strike siiuation means that the brotherhoods have v.'on an Important victory, but it does not bring them all their oi*iginal demands. By the agreement they will bo awarded pro rata time for overtime cn the basis of an eight-hour day which they have been assui’ed. Their original domands called for time and a half for cvertime on the same basic day. The adjutant general’s office of the •Uaie of Noilh Carolina announces re ceipt of i'.n order suspending tho in- .stmctions for ihe muster out of the Second and Third North Carolina reg iments of the National Guard and brig ade headquarters, and directing that they be held ur.der arms after arrival bore from the border. Maj. Ca-^^siu.^ E. Gillett, U. S. A relirod, who took a prominent part in the Greene-Gaynor scandal in Sa vannah twenty years ago, died at his home in Philadelphia. He retired from the navy in 1905 to become head of the Phila(!e];)liia fiUration bureau. Cla.‘^;-ic Boston was thrown in frenzy of joxf itOiiT^at when a bomb ex- rlodo'i i;i tlio Su!Toik coun'.y ecu ht:ii.;e, ;;ll;i:ig tvo men and injuring an thrr. rf the ilead >vr.s Lo^uis A. Z. Ui iv't r, a janitor employed in the building. The ether, unidentified, wa.s bflieved by the police- to have been the bearer of the explosive. The object oi! the Boston bomb car iler v.'ill probably never be ascertained, btit tho fact iliat Judge Ijorir.g*s sion of court was only 25 feet from the anter?07n in Avhich the explosion re curred indicates to rhe authorilif-s that this might possibly have been iho objective, and might have been sueces.^ful liad not the bomb exploded prematurely. When the bon;b exploded in thr- Bo5-t(»n court houso girl stenographers fainted, a jury that was locked up for deliberation in a room overhead chini- cred for release and a court officer collapsed. liul for the seriousnrs.-^ of tli«' dilemma, it was alnio.-^t laugha ble. Ord'^r wa.-; (juickly restored, and strong guards were placed over both the court hous^ r.nd the nearby slate h('use. The revenue act prescribing a special annual tax upon bankers of one d(;llar for every one thousand dolkirs of capital used or employed by thon, dik'lared uJic n.-tituHona! by '.'i‘;’er:i! Judge Hoi'gli in Nev.- ork, has been u’.iheUl by the United States circuit court I'f appeals. The new tai ifi' conirrassion named by Pr-siikni Vv’ilson is composed as fol- low.s: Prof. i'j-.iiik V/. Taus. ig of H:-r- vard univertiit./; fonner liep;\.;entativ(' David J. i.*wi.s of Cumberlasid, 3.11.; fornior Rfpresentative Williarj Kont of i-le!'.t field, t'ai.; Daniel V. {{oper, rf rdcC'oil, S. C.; K. i*. ('osti!;an of Den ver, and W. S. CulLertjoa of Emporia, Knn.-. Acting on nuv.ovy. of a plot to dyna- ni'io t);e h'Hicn-i'rJlcn reservoir a! IJoonton. N. J., hard by which are lo cated many large ariiinunition ])!ants, the gov(':;ior was calK-d u^cn to pro- vitie a iniiita’'v r^uar i foi the works. Ivleantiiae, tliiny jiolicenu n, all of whor.i have served in the rr.rrular army, ruippiied with ritles and ammunition, are guarding the reservoir. Church ^Directory BREVARirPEESBYTER^ John R. Hay, Pastor. Refifular church services every Sunday. Hours; First and third Sundays. ii:oo a. m.; sccond and fourth Sundays, 3:00 p. m.; fifth Sundays, by announcement. {Sunday school every Sunday. lo a. m. Men’s Brotherliood Hiblo class. Yoiinir I-’eonle's Soeic^tv of Christian En deavor every Tuesday eveninff, 7:4S- DAVIDSON RIVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John R. Hay, Pastor. Rcsfular church services every Sunday. Ilour.s: Sccond and fourth Sundays, 11:00 a. m.; first and third. Sundays. 3:00 p. in.; fifth Sundays by announcement. Sunday school every Sunday, 10:00 a. m. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Jordan and Gaston streets. A. W. McDaniel, Pastor. Phone No. 145. Uible sctiool q:4.'; a. m., well graded with classes to suit all. Preachintr sei-vices at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. Midweek servioe for worship and fellowship. 7:30 p. ni. Wednesday. (.'horus practice 7:45 p. jn. Friday. Advi'Jory Hoard meets on Tuesday evening after the'first Sunday of each month. All who desire to encourasfo or to assist the wothliip 01 *iod or to be hol|>fd by worsliip are cc.rdially invited to attend aH services. Strar.tfer.s and visitors are especially welcome. BREVARD METHODIST CHURCH. W. Edgar Poovey, Pastor. Sunday—Sunday school at 9:4s a. «n. Preach ing at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Juvenile so ciety 4:00 p. ni.' Monlay—Y. P. M. S. 7:15 p. m., first and third Monday niphts. Tuesday—(After first Sunday) Board of Stewarls. 7:15 p. m. Wednesday—i'raycr meeting 7:1s P- ni. TIiursd:i\—(First and Third) Wonjan’s Mis- sioiKi.ry society, 3.00 p. m- l..ocal Auxiliary 4.00 p. 111. Friday—Clioir practice 7:15 p. m. “Come thou with us and we will do thee good.”—Num. 10-JQ. Spccial Announcement. Subjects for Sunday: Morning: Transition. Night: The Man VV'ithout Honor. ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Chalmers D. Chapman, Minister in Charge. Sundays—>!orninfr service at 11:00 o'clock. Suiiilay school. 9:45 a- m. Week Days—Evensong every Friday: Wednesdays and l''ridays luring .\(.lvent: Wednesd;iys and Fridays during Lent; every day in Ilo'.y Week; also on Saints days. Holy conimuiiiin the tirst and thiril Suntlays of evL-ry nionfli; also on the -ireater Holy days. Christinas. I;piphany. A.sli Wivincsday. Holy Tliurs'!:iy. Kaster day. Ascension day. Wl;it Sunday and Trinity Sunday. Special Announcement. Passion Sunday, ?.;arch 2^. i^I'jrning prayer with sermon at 11. Subject. “The Cross as the Answer of God to the Cry of a Lost World” Friday, March 23, office of the beatitudes with address at 5. Subject, “The Merciful”. Wednesday, March service with address at 5. Subject, “The Pure in Heart.” The aim of Lent is the development of Christian character. Christian character means love and reverance toward God. The church is nov.' engaged in “A Pil grimage of Prayer,” making intersessions as it goes. The same petitions arising in place after piace until in the course of the Christian year intercesssions shall have been made from every portion of the church. This week the pilgrimage is being held in the Diocese of North Carolina and the district of Asheville. The intercessions are seven in number. 1 The unity of Christ’s church. 2 The binding together of the hearts of his people in the bonds of love. 3 The spread of His kingdom through all the world. 1 That peace may prevail among the nations, among the divided members of Christ’s ])udy. 5 That organizations formed for good may wcrk in loving harmony together ior the ore great aim of making Christ’:; name and love better known. () Tii.a our enterprises of srtudy and gifts ai'.d prayer may all be blest through the t'utpouring 01 the spirit upon our souls. 7 That our fellow' Christians, unreached r.s yet, nniy be more to pray, and learn and give. it is tu this end we are calling lo “our pilgvin'iagc of prayer.” Tell Us Your Tire Troubles Write or call on us for free ad vice. We are tire specialists and can furnish you the best make for your car. Want priccs? We have the largest steam vul canizing plant in Western Carolina. Better vulcanizing is done by steam than by any other metltod. Send us your repair work. Return post charges paid on repair work. ASHEVILLE STEAM VULCANIZING CO. 5 East College Stree ASHEVILLE, - - N. C. known as the Dempsey Une, now the Chapman line, and run* S. 75 degrees E. 74 poles to a spanish oak; then N, 51 de grees E. 180 poles to a black oak; then N. 6 degrees E, 40 poles to a hickory; then S. 80 degrees W. 40 pole* to a chestnut oak; then N. 38 degrees W. 107 poles to a black oak; then N. 44 poles to a Spanish oak; then N. 49 degrees W. 50 poles to a chest nut; then N. & degrees W. 74 poles to a hickory; then S. 73 degrees W. 40 poles to a small white oak near the road leading from the G. C. Galloway residence to the Williams place on west fork of French Broad river; then S, about 68 degrees W. 20 p«»les, more or less, to a spanish oak, Julian P. Galloway’s comer, same being corner of State Grant No. 498 to Joshua. Bryant; then with the line of the said Ju* lian P. Galloway, S. 62 degrees E. 50 poles^ to a spanish oak, a corner of the above named Grant; then still with the line of said Grant 75 poles to a stake, a corner of of said Grant; then still with Julian P. Galloway line S. 40 dewees W. 145 poles to a stake in the line of State Grant No. 210 to Joshua Bryant; then with the line of the last named Grant, S. 35 degrees E. 40 poles, more or less t»the corner of said Grant; then same course, 25 poles more or Seek and ye shall find through the Diversified column. *^ss, to a stake in the Dempsey line, now the Chapman line; then with said Chap- LAND SALE BY COMMISSIOKER more or less to a black oak, the northeast Under and by virtue of an order of the corner of the Chapman tract; then with Superior Court of Transylvania county, made in a special proceeding therein pend- beginning. ing before the clerk of said court entitled Exception: From the above boundary “T. B. (Jalloway, administrator of G. C. of land there is excepted and not offered (Jalloway, vs. Josephine Robinson et al.,” for sale, about 42 acres, lying near the the undersigned commissicmer will, on southeast end of said tract, now belong- Wednesday, April 18th, 1917, at 1 o’clock ing to W. G. McCall, as shown by deed of p. m. at the court house door in the town record in office of Register of Deeds for of Brevard, N. C., sell to the highest bid- Transylvania county, der for cash, all that certain tract of land Terms cash. lying in Hogback township, Transylvania »j g Galloway Commissioner. This March 19th, 1917. Beginning at a white oak in what is 3-23-4tc county, on the waters of Flat Creek and west fork of French Broad river, bounded as follows: J. W. McMINN 17. P. WEILT J. M. ALLISON SAVE SEED—SAVE LABOR BY USING The Wonderful Cole Planters enii Ousog DistriiiulGrs jMiSS wiiic -JnLliiGAIillE DIES dT HOME AT ROSMAN lin, Tc-nniile, Ga. 3tp payable strmi-1 Mr-pi Washinjrton The sinking of tho Anerioan stoam- ?h=ps Viiy of I’iino'.i and Vigiianeia is anncuncpd. Fourteen n'lCa from the Valencia are rniosin.s; as are .some of the men from the City of MK. SAWMILL M.\N We pay cash for sou!id sq. edge yellow pine framing. Write us for prices and specifications f our reiuirements. Citizens Lumber Asheville, N. C. ^ . KiK'S FOR HATCHI:;G—Fn.m wf• * i . i. d ji^n of besv leading strains i annually to raise money to build and ! equip a new School House in said District, j A new registration of the voters of said | Di.;rii r has bef-n ordered A. V. Lyday | 5Ui, iiiUied, and A. v- I>yday and j '■ 'V. ’I'alley judges. 1 registration bi»k ' - sr id Ron'^ . .Ifi ti«n will open on Satuniay, Marcn 17. j Wil, and remain open for the time and in Plymouth Rocks, Single Comb tsiack i the manner as now provided by law. (!in(rcas, $2.00 per 13. Also pedigreed Ilelgian Hares and Guinea Pigs. Paul IL Houston, Greenville, S. C. 3-16-4tp WANTED—A reliable, hustling party to sc-H cemetery work for us in this section. Old established Companv. Good pro position to right man. Write for par ticulars. Mecklenburg Marble & Granite Co.. Charlotte, N. C. 3-9-5tp WANTED—Young man, sin;^le, to assist in working truck garden, easy work. No cigarette smoker, liquor drinker or swearer, need apply. Address P. O. Box 84. 'I*- ^nply at the News office for in formation. FOR SALE OR TRADE-42acres of Uad lying on both sides of Lake Tox- away dirt road two miles from the town of Rosman; small store-house and 3-room cottage; mostly in timber; small part cleared. Mostly rolling, some nearly level; several small streams and a num- Wr of fine springs.. Apply to Brevard ffows for information. 3-23-4tc This the 7th day of March, 1917. G. C. Kilpatrick, Secretary of Board of Commissioners of Transylvania County. 3-16-4tc “Seek and ye shall find” through the Diversified column. Renewals Mrs. Radford Nicholson Brevard Miss Fannie K. Boggs. Brevard, R-2 I A. O. Kitchen • Rosman M. N. Moore Lake Toxaway W. E. Patt.’.rson Lfdie Toxaway \fra. John F. Townsend..Charleston, S. C. iVrs. LT. Newton Dallas . Tiie crew of the Illinois wu.^ U'Tie I safely. A (li.spatch from Juarez, Mexico, V'’la hcl'Ja Pan-al, Jiminez, find ri! of t’.ie country in southwesiern Chi- ^r^'^Merate efforts are being .p j to repel the advance of ii;r :ia forces. China’s action in breaking diplcmat- Ic relations with Germany is expected to have far-reaching effect on far east ern history, as it formally aligns Chi na with Japan and other triple entente powers. China has severed diplomatic rela tions with Germany, and the German ambassador has been handed his pass- The immediate effect of China’s sev erance of relations probably will be a greatly increa.-^ed output of munitions for Has.'!!a, in which line China is the king of the world. China has already sent one hundred thousand coolies to France and Russia and can increase the number almost without limit. Complete and definite instruction!? to the “armed guards” to be placed aboard American merchant craft to go through the German submarine zones hiive been completed by the navy department and approved by Secretary Lansing. (Memorial.) Mi. s Kittio Burlin*:^aino was i»orn at Sai)i)hiro, N. C., Miiy 1’^, IbO."), inti difd at Rosiinuii, .March 15, I'Jl r. Kittle wa.s it pleasant, .rirl and liiuc-h lovod by all her 'rit-ni'iji a lid arqnaintai;ces. Slio wa.s roared at Sapphire. Her iitlier, \V. A. Bttrlingaine, boiuj; a ‘ncc-hai:ir mid busin-.'ss man at that ')];;ce since about 1892, until his leath in r.)l-l. Her mother having noved to Rosman in ll)l(», the iimiiy were makinj' their home tie re. Tue iH'iiiners of the family who iva left to mourn her loss are the nother, Mrs. VV, A. Burlingame, hree listers, Misa Jennie Enrlin- HUie, Mrs. E. T. Raines of Brevard ir.d Mrs. Daisy Lanningof Hender -unv'.lle, two brothers Albert and Allred Biirlingame. Kitiie, havirgbeen a member of rhe Union Baptist church for it‘arly five years, was loyal to her church and enj/yrd at tending the church services She vas a devoted Christian girl and ve do not doubt that Uod has ealled her home to Heaven. May it be a sweet consolatign to 'be bereaved family to think that thoi’- loss is her eternal gain. Interment was made atMt. Mor- .)> i I. i> , March 1C, r.slT, Rev. . J M'*r.!v of Rosman conducting the fnneral servioes. THE COLE DOUBLE-HOPPER, $16.50 The Cole Universal is the most practical and eco nomical planter on the market. The Cole Plain-View is the greatest planter for Com, Beans, Peas and Cane Seed. The Cole Double-Hoppcr Plain-View plants two different crops in the same row at the same time* Cole Distributors save fertilizer by putting it out uniformly in the right way. Come and look at these splendid machines and get full information, or write for full descriptive literature. You will surely lose money and waste lime andkbor if you tail to use a Cole this season. FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. IT THE BSST RESiUILTS. LiufiT, LL trade TiieSMSTH^NIAM CORRECT TRUSS HOLDS IN ANY POSITION. AcrobatiS V2RCISP. Ma.^6. Capyrijhtt90e ■ TC>?EHA.tUn. -Sv; ■ r vVear one 30 days and if not satisfied bring it back and we will refund the money. MACFIE-BRODIE DRUG CO. SAo Storm The Store That Appcciatis Your Patronage.