BaEVAED HEWS, BBKVARD, W. 0. Buy a Good Bicycle Four standard makes in stock—Pope, Elco, National and Ardmore—all proven wheels of sure quality. Priced $25 and up. Second* hand, $10 to $25. Always carry a full line of Bicycle Tires and sundries. Small repair work of all kinds on bicycles, Runs, locks, keys, and expert sharpening at reasonable prices. Articles sent by mail for repair receive espccial care. Frank J. Nevercel 47 West College St et Asheville, N. C. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION CALLEO FOR DISTRICT NO 3, BOYD TOWNSHIP NOTICK: All persons arc hereby notified thnl the Commission rs of Transylvania (bounty upon a petition of the County Hoard of Kducation. have ordered an election to be held in District No. 3, Boyd Township, Transylviuiia County on April 17, VH7, at the School House in said Dis trict. Said Klection is ordered lor ihc parj)ose of ascertaining; the will of the voters in said District, as to whether yr not the County Conimis"ioners .'■h;>!l issue and float Honds in the sum of for a period not exceeding 20 yean; and to draw interest at 'ix per cent, payable semi annually to raise money to build and equip a new School House in said District. A new registration of the voters r)f said District has been ordered and A. Lyday ap; ointe.l l’e::istrF.r, and A. C. Lyday and C. W. Talley jud^ies. Tiie registration b «ik for s:;id !ioTi>l Klection \\ ill «ij>en i.n S.i'-unlriy, ?vi-ir:r, I/. 1917, ;wid remain cj)en for the tinu* and in the manner as now provided by law. This the 7th day of March, 1917. C.. C. Kii.:*ATKirK, Secretary of Board of Commissioners of Tran.'^y'vania County. 3-16—Itc LAND SALE BY COMMISSIONER I'lider and by virtue of an order of the Sujuiior Court of Transylvania county, infide in a spt cial proceeding therein pend ing bjfore the clerk of said court entitled “ r. B. (ialloway, administrator of (i. C. Oslloway, vs. Josephine K.’jinscn et al.,” the undersigned commi.ssioner will, on Wednesday, .-'pril 18th, 1917, at 1 o’clock p. m. at the court h »use door in the town of Brevard, N. C^ s;'il to the highest bid der for cash, all that certain tract of land lying in Hogback township, Transjdvania county, on the waters of Flat Creek and we:-;t fork of French liroad river, bounded as f'.Il'jv.s; Beginning at a v-hite oak in what is known as the Dempsey line, now the CJ»aj)man line, and runs S. 75 degrees E. 74 poles to a spanish oak; then N, 51 de grees E. 180 poles to a black oak; then N. > degrees 11 40 poles to a hickory; then S. d(.‘(/r es W. 10 poles to a chestnut o:ik; then N. 38 degrees \V. 107 poles to a black oak; then N. 44 poles ti» a spanish oak; th.-n iJ. 49 degrees \V. 50 poles to a chest nut. then N. (>8 degrt-cs W. 74 poles to a hickory; then S. 73 d'.gre» s W. ■]() poles to aimall white oak near the road lep.ding fiom tne C. C. (Jalloway residence to the Williams place on west fork of French Broad river; then S. about 68 degrees W. 20 pules, more or less, to a spanish oak, Julian I*, ('lalloway’s corner, same being corner of Stale ('irant Xo. 498 .o Joshua Bryant; then v.iili the line of the said Ju lian I’. Gallo’.vav, S. 62 degrees E. 50 pedes to a spanish oak. a corner of the above nan-.ed Cranl: then still with the line of said (Irani 75 poles to a stake, d corrur of «f said Crant; then still with Juiii.n P. (lalloway line S. 40 dcLMves \V. 145 poles lo a slake in the line of Stale Crant No. 210 to Joshua Bryant; th"n with the line of the last named Gn.nt, S. 35 degrees E. 40 poles, more or less t i the corner »jf said Grant; then '■arric rour'e, 25 poles more or Ifas, to a stake in the Dempsey line, now the Chapman line; then wil.i said Chap man line, about S. 60 degrees E. 90 poles more or less to a black oak, the northeast corner of the Chapman tract; then with line of said tract, about S. 25 degrees W. to the beginning. Exception: From the above boundary of land there is excepted and not offered for sale, about 42 acres, lying near the southeast end of said tract, now belong- Transylvania County History From Earliest Settlement To Present Hate; Weekly Serials Graphic History of County Published for First Time; Covers Movements of People From Date of Earliest White Set tlements in Upper French Broad Section; Published Weekly in Serial Form. BY OBA L. JONBS IV Since coming to Transylvuuia county, about six years uro, the writer has been told by many peo ple that they were “born in Bnn- eombe, raised in Henderson and now live in Transylvania, and have never moved in my life.” This seeming paradox is quit« trno when the f^peaker was horn prior to 1838, for it was in that year that this .‘Section, as a ])art of Henderson ctiunty, was severed from Dun- I'ombe. But the territory now embraced i;i 'I’runsylvania county has been a ])«rt of more than three counties. Inoltiding that part that was at one time a part of Haywood, then Jtick- son and now Transylvania, this county has been connected, re- suotely in some cases, it is true, witli at least fifteen county govern- tnents since the time the state was first settled. This article will be devoted to the county’s pedigree, showiii;? these various connections. In 1()(>3 the northern part of rurolina, which then included what is now both North and South Curo- lir.a, was givi-n the name of Albe- ma.b- prefinct. This precinct, or 1‘v^untr, iiJc’.TiiUd all the territorj’ jiow♦■inbim’ed in the states of North t arolina and Tennessee, although very little of it was settled at that time. In lfiG.5 the Lords ProprietOJ's entered into an agreement with John Yeamans whereby the section now in Transylvania became a part of Clarendon precinct. This pre cinct was abandoned in 1GC7 but was S'.'ttled again in 1093. Prior to ITiS'J, when the state of Tennessee was ceded to the United States, the method of establishing nev,' counties was to locate a eastern boundary, giving all east of the line the name ol the old county, while uli west of the line went into the new county, the western boundary being the Mississi]ipi river. In this mann*^r the counties started on the ‘•oast, gradually working westward, the westernmost county always in cluding the mountain section. In 17::.’2 New Hanover was cut off from ADx^marle and Clarendon. Transyl- vaiii.'i next fell in as a part of Bladen precinct in 1734. The next division threw the western part of the state into An.^o*i county, this being the first time the word county was supplied, t!ie divisions being referred to as p»-ecincts before that time. Anson county was established in 1849. A part of Ausun wus taken to form Rowan in 17rj3, this county being named in honor of Matthew Rowan, the president of the council, who was at that time acting governor. While Arthur Dobbs was gover nor of the state, Mecklenburg coun ty was formed out of a part of Ai.son in 1702, nnd this section then became a part of Mecklen burg. Soon after the movement of settlers to the rich lands in tre west made it inconvenient for the people to attend county matters at Charlotte, a new county was form ed. This was called Try on county. of Robert Morris, who financed the Revolution, and who had large holdings of timber lands in this section. This name was changed to Asheville in November, 1797, in honor of Samuel Ashe, one time governor of the state. It was while the upper French Broad valley w’as a part of Bun combe that the state of Georgia set up a county government in this valley, as related last w^eek in the Brevard News, and it was on Bun combe soil that the Walton war was fought. In 1S3H Henderson county was cat off Buncombe. Henderson was tho first western county to have a defined boundary lino, all previous lines being a matter of supposition. Transylvania county was formed in 1S61, the act establishing the county being ratified by the general assembly on the 15th day of Feb ruary of that year. About two thirds of the county came from Henderson, w’^hile the other third A’as once a part of Jackson, and be fore that a part of Haywood. QUEBEC QUIRKS Mrs. Joe Stepo t.f Ho^:man was a visitor at the home of Mrs. L. E. Reece last Sunday. Carl and Leo Banfher left Quebec last Monday for Suco, Montana, where they each go to lakn up a homestead on the Montana ]))nnes. That the co operative si)irit still exists in this community was mani fested on Thnrsdav of last week when Gideon Miller bad a “grub bing” and 24 men were present both in the field and at the dinner table. The crowd did an excellent day’s work. After bupjjer the yonng folks spent a few hours to gether trying their hand« at quilt ing. A “grubbing” last Saturdav and a “quilting” Saturday evening w;as the record of last wef'k’s rlowiny at the farm and home of Frank Fisber A great deal of rice was in evi dence at Quebec station last San- day afternoon when a young lady of this community and a visiting yonng gentleman boarded the north hound train. It is reported, how- ever, that the rain of rice was a little premature and that the full shower is reserved for next Snn dav. Exwize. mm WEiLT’S EASTER GOODS Fashionable Center for Women of Transylvania WHY THAT LAME BACK? Since you want correct styles and a variety of first-class goods to select from for Easter and summer wear we invite you to come in and inspect our new line of up-to-date spring and summer sroods. We have a fine selection of ready-to-wear garments to suit the most fastidious in dress and if we can’t suit you in ready-made goods we doubt less can frpm our piece goods. At any rate, come in and look our stock over before making purchases elsewhere. Silk Poplin dresses, $5.50 to $5.65. Blouse or Middy Coats, $1.25. Sport Coats, $4.90 to $9.25. Kabo Corsets, $1.00 to f 2.00, with front and back lace. : SKIRTS Wash Skirts. Silk Skirt=!. $5.50 to $0.75. Pilk Poplin. $5.oO. $1.25 to WAISTS SillE Wais«a, 91.25 to $5.65. Georffiette Crejjo. $5.65. Was^h Waists. 65c to $1.25. These items represent only a few of our values. You favor us when you come in and inspect them. , : W. p. WEILT’S CASH STORE inornirti.': shxi p pains lameness—t Iioso i)endin4 or lift ing. make work a burden and rest itnpos.^hle. Don’t bo handicajjpod by a bad back—look to your kid- nevs. You will make no mi^?take by following this man’s example. W. Davis, farmer, Waynesville, N. (J , savs: “My back bothered me off and on for years. It was so sore and lame that I could hardly stoo[* and It wus impussible for me to lift. When I got up suddtnly, specks came before my eyes, blurr ing my sight. Nothing did me any good until I frit d Doan’s Kidney Pills They soon gave me relief and I know I can always depend on them.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sinijdy ask fora kidnoy remedy— iret Doan’s Kidney Pills—th(‘ same that Mr. Davis had. Foster- Milburu Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Try a Diversified adv. MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLIES Lartrest atock in Western Carolina Savrs. Pulleys. Beltintr. Wire iiope. Pipe. Fittin!>-3, Mocbi:ii.«t’s Tools. Foundry and Machine Work a specialty. Asiievilie Supply & Foundry Cg. Asheville, N. C. DOM’T BE MISLED Sample Shoes Equal the Globe and The Globe Equals Sample Shoes For six years wc have dealt in SAMPLE SHOES. Everywhere the name GLOBE is known it stands for big bargains in SAMPLE SHOES. Our business has a warm place in the hearts of the people because we have cut the annual shoe bill of Western North Carolina by A $100,000 ANNUAL SAVING! Every successful business has imitators, and ours is no exception to the rule. Com petitors may imitate the appearance of our store—they make extravagant claims about the goods they offer, but they cannot equal EITHER THE PRICES OR THE QUALITY OF GLOBE SAMPLE SHOES. Watch your step on BILTMORE AVENUE! Don't turn in the first place that looks like the Globe. Watch for our sign and BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES, ASK IF YOU ARE IN THE GLOBE—you may be sorry if you don't. EASTER SPECIALS—We have thousands of pairs of Spring Shoes bought for the Easter demand, and can savs you enough to pay your railroad fare to Asheville. 14 Biltmore Avenue Globe Sample Co. Asheville N. C. ing to W. G. McCall, as shown by deed of' in honor of Governor William record in office of Register of Deeds for Trvon, but ho became so unpopular Trnnsylvania county. “ ^ Teruis cash. T. B. Gailowav, Commi:-Fi'> This March 19th, 1917. 3-Z3-4tc A NEW SUIT COSTS FROM $10 to $50 Your old suit can be cleaned, pressed, repair ed and made to look almost as good as new for 50 cents; $1.00 a month for four suits. C!t) Pnssiog Cluli J.E. WATERS, Prop. mi that in 1779 the county was di alled, takinir the nam-' of Ruther- '■ 'd Hnd Lincoln. 1. years prior to i’.o divison of i'ryon county, Burke county was foinitd from a part of Rowan, and tiie western section of Tryon took the name of Ruthertord. It is quite probable that a part of the present county of Transylvania was in each of the counties of Burke and Rutherford. The dividing line was never established. Lands now in Transylvania were entered in both counties, and both seemingly were treated as authentic. In 1791, after the state had ceded the state of Tennessee to the national government, the county of Bnncombo was formed, taking part of both Burke and Rntherford connties. Buncombe then em hraoed nearly all the western part of tho stttte. Tho county seat was at first called M3rri8town, in honor Lovely Flowers From Spring Gardens Of Fashion For Women Easter’s happy chimes will ring farewell to the drab winter and welcome to glorious spring in less than two weeks. Here are the choicest gleanings from the stocks of the world’s style authorities. See them before someone else secures the hat or garment I you would like best. , Charming Spring Suits Poiret twills, Serges, Velours and American Woolen Poplins. In newest spring shades of Gold, Apple Green, Tan, Magenta, Copen and Navy. Wonderful styles, remarkable values. ^8*^^ To Spring Coats S6 to $25. Beautiful Spring Hats Trimmed and plain Shapes in Pattern and domestic styles. We have a gorgeous display of truly’ stunning Hats—and our prices jire positively the lowest in Asheville, while the styles are as becoming as can be found any where. Modish Spring Dresses Graceful and beautiful dresses and formal gowns in Georgette Crepes, Taffetas, Crepe de Chines and the new Shantung Silks— in the latest coat effects and other spring fashions. .50 To .50 BEST STYLES—LOWEST PRICES—OUR POUCY 3 Biltmore Avenue m LEVITT’S Mi AsHevllle N. C.

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