BKEVABD NEWS, BKEVABb, N. 0. Personal Mention Look through these columns; see if the nUmes of your guests are thore. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It does not cost any thing. Telephone, write or bring your news to News office. Mr. and Mrs H. A. Plummer and , baby spent TnuHduy in Asbevllk*. ! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. j a diiupliter, Elizuboth Cor- i»!«!ia. on MHroh 14. \ iji'or^e TurniT has opened u ])ut'lio sterio^rnphio office in the 1’itikt‘lsinirr hnildin^ next door to rlitj Xe svs Mf. HUfi Mr.s. s. M. Mttcfie nnd«^r- v» 111 rionf> hT 'barlotte thir* " • k Ti.cir *«'nditions are not Miss Frances Mclnl«>sh has been on the sick list this week. Mrs U. W. Norton bus been visit ing at Flotchor, R-1, tor the past few days. C. S. (Ksl'ornc returned last week froin Pi.nnsvlViinia, v.’bi‘re he spent j serious. the winter. i , n I xvlr.'* .1. li lliinilin returned l«;sr W. 11. 2ii‘Kinna, po?,tiua8iei | >; from a visU Io bor parents in Etctwuh, >''!is a Bi’ovaril visitui j ^\..i,,.rilie. iSfie wus uceouipuiii• 1 Wodne.-'Cl^y. j.xi if>tarn bv her brother, Tru.\ j Mrs. L). H Hiincoci; has returned j Da\is frt)iu a vi.>it to her sister, Mr?, j Indies of the Methodist Alfred .Iordan, at Greenville. clinrch will conduct a bazar and Tlie Ladies Auxiliary of the jja])- tist c'hurch will lui'ft widi Mis. U . T. Bosse on next Tm-sduy at 3;oO o’clock. Mi>s T/iiiiaii Jr^rnaliwcuni ot Albintu arrivcd !raturdav to be with Mrs. M. W. (lalloway during: tlu‘ nulii nery st asi>n. Mrs. A.M. Vcrdery av.d dnu^;ht*r, Mary, have returned frtmi a visit to Auf(u^ta, (ta., w her*' the lor- mer't, son is in sclu»ol. The Unio’.i Mis-'ion »^tudy class will iin'et fit tilt* Baittist ebarcb >ii next Mend.»y at o :oO v.lth Prof. H Trowbridge as leader. Tile Men's Bible class of the Baptist Sp.iuii.y school are i)rei>ar- in^ lor ;i n)* eliTiji at the hotne of T. L. L-'ruU-on eii Friuuy ni .lit os this ’.ve«)K. I 1 -vi , land Mn Ernest M“K:iul, \v]k h i - js:^; r.--: turnt'd i iu.'fi the Mexii-nn ‘ • | j , Vv'i'.l bi* thf i^uest i»i bis si.^ter, .’>ir.‘;. II. A. I’iP.iUJMer. lor a i'ew d:iys l)0- loro to iliu:h Point. Duvi'lson liiyer ]ieo])lo will or- %;ani/e .1 t''i: ir:ti:ui ICiuieavt'r snciefy (»n next Sundav at 11 o'ee,.eV;. \.l',en nil you)i,4 oi th ‘ Davidson UiviT eh'.;!-;.-!! av.; invit-‘d to hv pi\>v nt. Fn 'lids ef Mis-4 Ii-t ric V.’orlev, who as.>^!«tt'd IMrs. M. \W Galloway witfj her jnillinery wovk I-ir u iniin- ber of st'asoiw, v ill l?e int.‘rested to hai’ii tint ^dll' I'.as f:(/UC to Ser.oea, S. I'or tlii' season. CONFEDERATE VETERANS TO MEET ON APRIL 2 serv«‘ supper in the old New.s oflice on Satiirday, April 7, afternoon and nis^bt Tile millinery openings in Hre- vard \vert‘ well attenlnd on Wednes day, \vli( n many Lidit'S selected !u‘iidi)i« cos fror.i tlu; bp;intiful dis plays of sunwiier wear. Mr-’. \V. A. Bvir';int>:anie and chil dren who jiave be n livin;^ at Ros man, hav(> moved to BrciVard and are mukii’f' their home with Mrs. Barlii’jranie's dauifater, Mrs. E. T. ^ Haines. j Th(* !•'. (). T. clnb enjoyed the j bo.-pit;.';ity of ^iiss Mau»le Alli.son j at Deer (’.irk Ilotuo on last Thurs- Jav. '1 lie i-lu ) tnet'l.-^ nexi n t vhe liom * oi H. S. M )r.;an (jn j ill' ]ti'0'j;va;ii v. ill b'.i de-' eiMT I ^rui’.v of “I5irds: Ai'iil VI I VOVi”. Headqnarter.s Transylvania Camp No. 9r,:j, u c. V. March 20. Ji)17. Order No. 15. ''lonirades: You lire ordered to rendezvous on the ])orch of the chapter house of the U. D, C. in Brevard, Monday, April 2d. next, at 2:00 p. m. There are several items of in terest to the Canjp njquirinf' at tention some of which are th*‘ ]>ay- HK'Ht of dues ; to elect delejzates to riie national re union at Washiuf;- tou, D. 0., June (»-S; to some token of respect to our recently de]>arted comrades—J. M. Glazener and Maj. \Y. E. Breese ; to arran^je for memorial day services, etc. As to the matter «»f dutrs, they arei)astdue and must ho jiaid at oncit* or representation in the ap proaching re-union will he forfeited, (^omrades, therefore those seeing their probable non-attendance on the above meeting are onlered to forward their dui s to the adjutant, T. L. Gash, Pis^rah Forest, at once. It would be calamitous to be denied representation in the Washington re-union, which prospectively is the {irandest of all its predecessors. Herein forgret not. By order of Commandant, J. M. Hammx. Attest: Conid’g. T. L. G\sn, Adj. BETTEBMENrASS’N. ACTIVE; IS OROWiO ■'I' :b«' . •'lene-‘nt weaMi-'V i ii M.i; Fri'’ :.v,'bt the socially iiJ- i dined refused to have their en i thnsiasm d-iliipened and T>roceed«‘d t * I willi tl'.v'ir social n'erriineet. 'j he ' yor.im- i* set ir;: 1 liev.'d at the lr*ine ; of Mr. and \'rs. F. P. Sledjje and; i;ave thi ir 'laughter, Miss Mary! Sledize. a surpriM party, beir.i: sue- i vYj vYj Ofa iYj «X« i3gi OCt i3Ci i«» i.Yi ^ BLAHTTBE KEW8. ^ Hello, Central, prive me Brevard News, please, this is Rip Van Win kle at Blantyre, successor to Cajj^ar. Yes, Blantyre is in the mnd Looks more like a mortir factory than a town. Blantyre waa the soeno of a run away Saturday, when Jule Holden’s team became frightened at a sack of cotton seed meal. No serious damaKC was d(^ne. Miss Annie Lanco is visiting her si.ster. Miss Mary, who is nursing at W. E. Byrd’s. Piclvcdsimer & Hamilton have moved into their new store on Boil ston street. Pick seems to be very optimistic. He says he could put $;{,000 worth more goods in his new store if he had the money. J. E. Davidson, formerly of this place,who is now living at Fairview* spent Sunday at Blantyre shaking hands and jesting with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hans of Ontario, Canada, are the guests of Mr. and M'-s. C. F. Baldwin of Wood Lake farm. R. T. Smith, formely of the state farm, have moved to the Dud Orr cottage on Silo street. Henry Reid of 'Buncombe is sp(*ndiug a few days on his farm recently i)urchased from the state. He is preparing for farming oper ations. Clyde Iloltzclaw, who belongs to the Canton guards just from th«* Mexican border, is visiting his mother. He says the Mexican raiders ran from them like jack rabbits. The Tiunfdos at this writing is ! slowly r(‘treating ; no new case has :-.!crabership Growing; Planninjj j aevelopcd for .-evrral days. BREVARD INSTITUTE IS IN TRIAN6UUR DEBATE North Carolina^ The ^riangle to wbioh the Institute tielongsinclndes al.so the Tryon and the Golanabtis high schools. Each school prepares m. , , , ^ two de>>ating teams, one to present The debate between the Trvon - the affirmative and the other Ibe high school and Brevard Institute, ‘-xtegative side of the question. Tbe which oocnrs Friday evening of Institute negative team goes to this week, is one of a great number | Columbus and tbe Colnmbns neg«> of such debates which occur all over the state at that time They are the triangular debates to choose the sehools which shall contest at Uhapel Hill in April tor the State wide debate which is managed every spring bv the Extensicm tive to Tryon, while at Brevard the Institute'maintains theaffirma« tive. All these schools have been working on the subject for several months. The question is, “Re solved, That the Federal Govern ment should own and operate the Department of the Universits*^ of 1 railways.” A Model Typewriter! BUY IT NOW Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here! It is just out--and comes year.s bcforo experts expocted it, Kor intikors have striven ji lile-lime to attain this ideal machine. And Oliver has won again, as we scored when we gave the world its first visihh? writing. , There is truly no other tvj>ewriter on earth like this new Oliver “9.” 'I'hink of touch so light that the tread of a kitten will run the keys! Flower Gardens, Clean—up | Campaign, Bcautification Of' Town And First Aid to In jured. Rii* Van Winklk. (Ucported for the News.) The Betterment Association m«'t ces.nful in taUiriir lu^r by surprise, i Brevard'public school build- Abont l.> boys av.d girls gather,';!, yv, Tuesdav afternoon. T!:e Mr. iiTi'l Walter Lat'e.rnn t.I’ Chieag >, who liavi' 1 .- 'n sTicr.ilin!.' .soiiU' till!''-it :b-' vir; V * sp(‘Mt ei'.i't! !V in lirev.ir.l wi ( t.* \ ment ‘ I HI'.'] \vc I1 ■ if and Mr.-;. .!n'. >. Silvivrtein. \Vm. Li** ai '.\a- al;- a ;:r.t >t at the tiwK'. and liiivi’.’.i: taken refreshments anti ,>ver increasing membership show's rook ea7-ds alorg v»ith thinu cujov- fy ]),» om; of the ed the -veu;iig ^reatlv. 'ibe »ctive associations of the commu- ‘•Teach*raze” was the ' ^>f nitv. another p;'.rtv w ii’.eli a number of . Aft(*r the regular forni>ilities were ; vouu ' i.K'n or Bre . ar«T jzave the e»c- j (]i|,erised with vai'ions i*om!i;itt;es i ol th. rt nebc rai^i- ’ and a -;ivf their re]>orts, wbieli showed u ' few their nas. Ivuok wa:^ pi'iiiei’iul '.T'in:;‘ el the »*venin!/, ’iiis bein*' I'oilowed by refresh- iw.un' F, :r.3a?is are snjured B. J. W il-on. who was in town fro'M r'-s ,n on .'•lenilay, reported tliat Mrs .le * ^Ir.j. Van \V;iId;-:»]) mul 'A'ilsou’s son. Jinimie. we:- • .n tl.;* -lek dst. Mr. Wilson Wiis a visit n* iji tl>.e Clcn- cpoivs from Indinna Show That 140 Pcricas Lost Their Lives in Fire* Last Ye«r ;n That State. viTo s('et’on last wee!;. of .iaf'lvsou conntv In con:! ’ ■v'^n v.itli the loss of life by £ro ii! i;'(*'r:nr. thrre is also given a re-or:! ol’ ii’jnne.J. phowinR that 140 por'-oi.s ;-e iiijured by fire i-i ludi- a! ;i i.t-;!; year. Of these, 47 v/ere due to *'xpl;;s;on.?, 28 to ki.'roene ' be made (tb'an and ]>iciuresque. »':.!ilosi as, '.vore injured while put- ; ilrs. D. 1j. English was asiied to wide ir.tere.-,t i.’i community w.i- provenients T1j{; ].*rogr‘ss in the work of the .‘^ehiiol ])lriy grounds has been de layed on aecoont of the weather. Mrs. T. II. tSbipman, chairmau oi the committee on collection ano distribution of seeds and bulbs i'or flower gardens, was asked to call her committet! and make definite arraim’ ’iients for th(‘ ])rogress of thus work. It is hoped taut ('a,ch ci !/ n will take, for their s].r.ii-; slogan, “Brevard IJeautiful,” Jiul that all ])ublie and private grounds EAiSTER Bazaar aiid Saiijiar The ladies of the Methodist Church will conduct a Ba zaar and serve Supper in the old Sylvan Valley News officc, Saturday, April 7th. Orders for colored c;jgs will be filled also. Bazaar opens at 2 p. m. Supper served from 6 to 9 p. in. Next Door to Postoffice. CAUTION! The rew-day advances that come alone on this machine are all con trolled by Oliver. Even our own previous modtls—famous in their day—never had flic Optional Duplex Shift. It inits the whole control ot 81 letters and characters in the little finders of the right and left hands. And it lets you v/rite them all with only 28 keys, the least to operate of any standard tj'pewritcr made. Thus writers t.f all other machines can iir.medirrtely run the Oliver r “9” with more speed and jrrfator er.se. WARNING! This brilliant nev/ Oliver eomes at the old-time price. Ir. costs no more than lesst-r makes—now out-of- date v/hen compar-d with this dis covery. For v/hile tl;c Oliver’s rplendid new :.rt‘ ( stiy--we have equalized the added expense to us by simplifying construction. Resolve* right now to see this groat achievement before you spend a dollar for any typewriter. If you are i;?int? some other make you will war.t to see how much more this one does. If you are using an Oliver, it naturally follows that you want the finest model. 1 7 \ ID A Remember this brand-new Oliver ‘ O” is the 1 I 4 £. vJ xA, A • jrreate.st vaiue t'vcr given in a typewriter. It ins all our previous special inventions—visible writing.;-, automatic spacer, 6!j-ounce t;u:ch -p!',!S the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective Color Attachment and all these ,)tlier new-day features. Yet we have decided to sell it to everyone everywhere on our famous payment plan —17 ccnts a day! Niw every user ran easily ::lTord to have the world’s crack visible writer, with the famous PHINTYPli, that writes like print, included FREE if desired. TODAY-Write For Full Details of , writinj' machines. See why typists, employers, and inrlivMduals everywhere are ' tlockin}; to the Olivtr. .lust mail a postal at once. No obligation. It’s a pleasure for us to tell vou about it. THE OLIVER HPEWRiTER 00., Oliver Typewriter B!dg, Olilcago •'?. in 11 inrtancos womon's i^avea meeting of the clean-up com-, mil tee and make ]dans for the The rei./hbor]y elub ir.et with Wi'b'li t Jallo\v:iy ea Tu !-;(iay aiid enjoveil n i-eiisun ».)'l con\er- satioal ititere.inrse and n.-.dle- work. A number of invit:'d ;4ru-sts were i;.resent. lie-.Trets v.\ r.> r*x- ])ressed that tbe eond’.t:on of the plosiorts. throe to l;'j:htiiu'. and ore e.^n-ied on more system ientlv. of other com nospitai. i ventable.—Fire l’rote;ticn. imittecsMrs. Norv*o;>d gave an in- j tt-resting reading on “What Women Beautifying the ting o;;t d! ia;r.e in eoiiiatct with tire, r.ii V. • !ue to lirew'.i'ks, .«ix chil;!ven , . - p:n.vca -.v:.', aTi.l .our ,.„i|. “I”'!"-’ "P » droa i)layed with tiia ar.d woro in-' Mrs. H. N. t’arrier suggested jurod, six wore due to l;);I.>jin.5 and that wo form an associated charity (Iweihn?: licu! e tire.^, four to ^ai? ex- ^-,^,rj.nization f^nch w'ork could • - . liH'Jl IJC5 W»J l.resWer.f, .Mrs. S. M, M to r, .ilm Wilh .ho ..ossible : it necessary for her to be in an i Aftortlio , . , ! nhiET, all o? tht xe casun.lties were pre* i After the rt])o..ts J. W. McMiNN !i*8t Meat Wax With 01^ :iEiiQu$b ifLootr jlElUUSH V. P. ^EILT J. M. ALLISON for We Took Care of Mr. Jenkins. We Woukl Like to Do the San:e for You. Erovard. N. C.. March B, 1917. M «3r3. Gallovyav & Mirmis. i revard Insurance Aerency, BrevarJ. N. C. Gentlemen: V7o wish to ecknowledpre rscoipc of draft for loiirtBeii Hundi'cd Dcl^aru ($lrOO.CO) ura\ 'u on I.iverpool and Loncicii and Globe Irisurance Company, Ijimited, same b“:n,'r in full sottloment and di5Char :re for all clt^-ims tor loss ani. dama','e by iira which occiurred on or a’>ouc December 27. 1013. to property in sured under policy No. 10024875. In view of the fict that our property was totally de stroyed -practically all of our records vrere burned—and that it has taken quite some time to Rot duplicate bills, etc. to substantiate our claim, we think the company has been very prompt in adjustinar our loss. Yovirs truly, A. N, JENKINS. i Are Doing Tov.n.” j Mrs. SiU*erstein presented the ! (question of “First Aid to the in j ^ I jured,” and there was an informal ; discussion as to the prospects of a ■ cltiss being formed here. These ) clas.'cs are being formed all over ! onr country. The government is ■ asking all patriotic women to prc- i pare Ihemselves for emergency I vi’ork. It does not necessarily j mean to leave our homes in case of I war, hut to be prepared for emer I gency work at home as well. I Some of the doctors have offered t j their service to instruct ehi'sses in I bandaging, etc. Definite an j nouneement will bo made later in regard to these classes. The association was then dis missed to meet again the fourth Tuesday in Ajjril. Brevard Insurance Agency Calloway & Minnis Koom 9, McMiim Building How iMorwalk Got Its Name. The city of Norwalk, Conn., is said to have been so named because, when purchased from the Indians, the north ern boundary of the land ^vas to ex tend northward from the sea one day’s walk, according to the Indian marking of the dlBtancv. BEAUTIFUL FLOORS have that rich, subdued lustre—so highly prized and which can be produced only with a finisli of grade wax (better than the average wax). Old English Floor Wax is known as the quality floor wax, adapted for any hardwood floor or any new floor, and equally good as a finish for Furniture and Int^^rior Woodwork It obliterates the scratches, beautifully polishes any finished wood and retjuire; the least attcatiou afterward. Dirt and dust du not adhere. v-^. t-e Old English Floor Brushes or Polishers There is nothing more suitable for applying the Old English Floor Wax, or any other kind of floor wais, as the Old English Floor Brushes or Polishers. They are equipped with removable handle with "elbow” motion at point of attachment, which permits use of brush at various angles. 15 lb. Brushes $2.50 25 lb. Brushes. $3.00 Floor polishing cloths for these brushes, 25 cents. O-Cedar Mops The O-Cedar Mop is triangular in shape, and easily fits in all corners and other hard-to-get-at places. It cleans, dusts and polishes all at the same time and can be washed and cleaned. Just as good for cleaning walls and ceiling as it is for the floor. Price 75c and $1.25 O-Cedar Polish This is a varnish food and restorer for cleaning and polishing hardwood floors, furniture, pianos, automobiles and carriages- Restores varnish to its origi nal briliiancy. It does not j?um or veneer. Leaves no greasy residue to rub oft and soil clothing or to cloud the furniture and make it look smoky. 25c, 50c and $1.00 FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY