BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Witb the Rnn''ttnremf'nt of th - i tCestruction rf three u: 'd .*M«1can merchant ships by . n- •fiUBS it is believed in many q.n :ers Hhn a stK,te of war virtually ts MCvit!«n ihe UnUerl States anJ Oor- Technically the United in a position of armed nou- iBEtStf. I Sacixftary Lane announces that r®-1 of the decision of the Su- j -ligRte tfourt on the Adamson law, the lussc eight-hour day will cci la'nly; 4cKXNBti operative. i Tlie United States has sent to G?a-1 Carranza, president of Mex co, a ifer.vji! notification that it cannot l ar- 'Jp'KjsttKr'* In his pi*oi)o;;od Pan-American fwriiOfrtt. to cut off munitions anil f od rsfiipvtieats to Europe, because, in tlio v*(fs'Arn« of the state department, Euch «. vaa'ie- would have no justification in jflKl.»*nta(ioiial lav*. Thf ITnited States’ noie to Mexico, srcierl Gtnicrnl Cnrrnnza's plr.n to cut .k*5‘ 5’J!'is>ait’nts to Europe of nuinUions «■ by countrie.-i cn the Anieri- fiB'. eoniir.enl, was friendly in tono, *«ul 3.voidv-d any pt;; ements that migiit 31*? rwfo'Hlatt'd to ^ive offense. cs Itelleved in official circles tint Qmerxi rananza has snftenetl •wafj the Unit('l S:a;es s'nce the witbirv.v.a! of the punitive expediticm .yf-xico. 5Fx»\? Latin-Anierican governments fesvr' ar.’ep'ed in jirinciple the Kcua- .u,^gr: ti(>n tliat a c'ngre'S of i(from Nortli. Snuth an 1 {'( n- •jntJ Arf?'"ric:’.n gDvernn.i'^its as.''^r:Me iy and “t:'.le nece.^sr:' y ir.p;'.;?- i'M: ft'cur'ng contir.('n;:’l ('xitos- r ; line:pally friv th - pui.rainee c>f *:Vv r:v!">- of nru;’\iiiiy I’nd for the sK^viKt; ion of tbe rig, v.-; of war.” Tiiitv'd S’.ate.s governmeTit has • ’ 1,1 fv)nn:'.ny its prril |i Tor the n':i?y rinr’\ - of rf I'oct Tiicnui’v of ;iie late \*u\ViC t.utl’rie, a’ld ha.s aocnn,\l il-io vaiihip to convty ilie body r~ ■''•r i>‘;'bas^;a:lor home. -o adjourrvr't p :iple c'n- fjT»:.rt'j ; n;rtoon l.r.n'lred noi.ii'T'tiors ♦ aad fa.iled ar the i>recetiiMg scs- I? • : ri!’y-nve Ti'.il’ion Cclnmhian r- ’■’■e “um i-i ^:r.oke." The r'V'.'..'-- r.iU'd ■.) i,li. :''.\d it i.' il O’.-- '.1, i’"! ■: r';:' ; (.Ti c'f r:;’;". .'t ,.j eh;;,-] sor- f\[[iowa{[c rflation.- vith G''”.nia 'j? ; l an^e fo i”: ny Cliir.ofo havo fii ';vi's frrt:i tho Tou- jin' ( p raiioii;-.. "’r,.- ^ p ■ .-exs;o!i cu' the senatr ' tv\;:in March 5 haa adjcurncd lsy, 0:AK\n War - r; ■ is cr ,-y-,vM.''rr> exp^e^sf i t’ a' th * dii ociion of t th»’ :ni!it;?ry n.l- .i -" -'’'.t ix .■(•• •:■ of th»^ covnn y ’.\il! SI-:.. ... to e:-riy on o.iierrt-onr; 5 ’'liieli if.V’,'!' sri'e thr’i hcfnre ra’ ^y I'l': 'iiiify thr-ir rfK',;-s '.-5;.-v>; speedy rennina* ion of the jr r *. Yoar Messenger Did you ever pause to think hov/ remarkably little it would cost you to place a message in the homes of the best people in Transylvania county as well as in many homes in 25 different states in the Union? Through the use of the Divcrsifed Column you can do this for as little as a dime. T his small sum might turn fortune your way* Look over this column of things wanted ][and those for sale and probably you v/ill U-d a bargain* If .' you don't find what you want insert an advertisement of your own. They work wonders for they are efficient busipxcss builders. Are Biisissss Biiiiders Oni* cent :i wonl for inscrtiiT: ono li.iU ci.Mt ;i wonl for uaiii sii!..' jtv-.U iii'^crtion, I -'i ir.itial or abbrcviatiiui countini: as i wcrd. * MILK for sale at Dr. V/. J. Wallis’. Itc rOR SALE—Berkshire pigs. S. F. A'iison 3-30 2tc CASH—Paid for eggs at City Market. Itc L()('.S Wi\NTED—We pay cash. Miller Supply Co. 3-2-tfc ROOMS Tor Li.i'it housekoej'ing apply tu r.Iis. Ida Hryant. 1-12-tfc FOR 4 acrc-s hottom land. Mi.s. n. R Hunc-Ak, lircvanl. 3-.^U-3tp rOTA'i'O SLIl’S Ready for delivery by the 15th cr 20th oi Mav. C. M. Sinianl. FURNISHED—or unfunnshcd 9 room house for rent reasonable. Mrs D. B. Hancock, Rrcvard. 3-30-3tp Church "Directory UKKVAIii:) PRl^rSBYTI^Al^"cHU^ John R. Ihiy, Pastor. KoKTular rhurcli stTvioos every Sun(l;iy. Haurs; I'irst tliir.l .Snmlays, iirr.o a. ni.; sconml a>i(i fourth .'•uri'iavs, .v.oo p. ni.; fitlh ''Un>la>s. Iiy aniio-.iiK-i itici.i. .■'r.ii.^.iv .K.-’i'ioI I'vcrv Snnil.iv, lo a. in. Mi'll’;, lirclass. SocK'ty of ('hristian Kn- dcavor evory Tuesday I'ViMiin.i;, 7:4s. Better Farming in the South HOW CROP YIELDS ARE LIMITED The Weakest Element of Plant Food Fixes the Crop Yield, Juet ae the Weakest Link Fixes the Strength cf the Chaln-^nly By Fertilization Can the Weakness Be Removed. DAVIDSON RIVER PRESBYTER!‘\N CHURCH John H. Hay, Pastor. tiojriilar fhiiroii M'lviccs .Svin1t»y.; Si'.'oni! ami f:)ii:ili i'linOays, m;«> in.; ;in>l tliinl; Suiuiays. j:oo p. m.; fiflJi Sumla\ s by annomii'fiiK'nt. .Sunday sclit.ol cvory ."'luulay, 10:00 m. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Jordan and Gaston streets. A. W. MoDanicl, Pastor. Phone No. 115. Plants must feed to grow. Four es- senUal food ele ments come from the air and six from the soil. Only three of those that come from the soil fall short of crop re- qulrmenta and have to be sup plied by man if the f?reatoat yields are to be obtain- J. C. PUIDMORE These are Ni- Agronomist tyo^en Phosph^ ric acid and pot ash. Every soil may be said to have a limiting factor of production. This may be a shortage of some i)lant food element. If so, this should be sup plied through fertilizaticn if the larg est possible yields are to be obtained. No matter how much of other plant food a scil may contain, if there is a short>*g9 cf r^trogen, for example, then nitrogen will fix the limito of produc tion. Likewise with phosphoric acid or other elements. Plantji differ from animals in taking food, in that plants will lake footr^ only when the elements composing them are in soluble form, that is, when they are dissolved in water. When one element is deHcient, the plant C€-ases growing. X 9; .;;4; ;i. la.. will Sfrcni’cd will: •1 :..c . -Ir’t ii; iK i’Si.'S .\M) LOTS and va'.::iut lot.T for .s.;U’. Svo \V. li. rai:!kncr. 12-2‘>-tl'c cias ;i-s to all. rrcH. l)in-; s".vicv' :il. r\ .*ry v. .■'i Mvv ...-.: •• II .• f >t %..• r: ;> r.i, '-.x .1. sm: ■ :it i!:tio :i. in. ami ;;;i p. .I'.ip anti s!iip. :)T.- 'C( liMV saU MVI.-1K>*.)M IIOUSE Jicar nv.vv t.mnin;! f'.r sale at barj;ain. Incjuire at • \| l\ i^ I I, ; I. I- ;>li r ti> ,■ •;! S,;:'.!.! Ai. • vviii-.';i’;. II’ li.i! or t. .Ill' f invr.’.’il . 1:1. I 11 -av' I’1 I ;u'Si!;i .• ^.' ■vnIr.^' lur.ntii. ■ :"'i ;c . ; I I ,!iist thf ijo li'.'lp.'il i;y worship !i> a'ti'n.' a'.i servi'.'cs shortest plant food ed here by a stave, liiiitt lli«i |f*«Hible production of a crop? If, for instance, (Imro Ih only **noti.i?h nitrogen in the hoII Ut pro(iu^ bushels of corn or 17& poundts of c hi ton per acre, vvhilo llM^rH im ttiiouKli plant food elements of kliidn i«i produce enormou;.ly mhui , ‘can greater yield.s be obiulm d tlitui i)i« nitrogen will permit? Tho problem of plant fi «‘.*iiiiK is, therefore, no simple on«5. Ii bun ‘'U- gaged long and most careful invi-rtij' gat ions of scientists, who hav«* dt^lvxl deep into the niysleries of how pl.uiis feed and what they feMl upon Urn basis of the most exact kiiowh d}.'' tlius obtained, modern fcrtilizTH Ijave b*« ii manufaciured. Soil dell'i‘-nel''!', or iimting factcrs,” modfrii fi.nliz«i!i are designed to remove, and to call into fullest actim the natural r«»- sources of the soil. Since there is a limiting factor In all soils, it is worth wliiie for each farmer to undertake to remove that limitation. Intelligent use of fertiliz ers v.ill acponiplish it, if food be this Ihniling factTr way can it be done tlian by the help of man. He to the* plant tiie fr>od it needs and cannot lind whf?n ihi^; is th« factor limiiing producton. Tho I'laiit, of course, be given the of .sui roundinKs. II must not only have plenty of plant food, biit the soil must be prcperlj’ draiped cf exce.'-^' wat«“r. it must be v.ell sujiplied with lime, and organic matter; its moisture muut be conserved, and weeds killed through proper cuitural methods. These things m:!.a can pro vide. Therefore, if man is not the “limiting factor” and he looks after the plant food reeiiirsm;nt., the great est postiibie yields v.ill occur. purchasers OF THE Hallet, Davis & Company PIANOS Ai*e My Best Advertisers )od elenient.H j In no other I PASTURE VELVET BEANS. £ I . 5 ■ vf .Airt News ollicc. 3 K) 3tc Stran'v -r.^ und vi !;o!S arc e.'pcLially woIodiiic. DKEVARD MH.THODIST ClIUKCH. W. Ef’.gar Poovcy, Pastor. .'^■.i:i'l;'.y —Snivi.iy sri’.nul at qu? a. ni. Preacl'.- I inj; ;il n;.- a. in. and -;.:o p. in. Juv-.niit- i ci •, . p. in. • M.lUi!:i\ -Y. I’. . .'n. 7:1•; p. n;.. first ;i'ul t';inl M I 'II' My n;’ l;t s. r-.-.c-.ih'\ I.AfP.T iii st Siimiay) of Stt'v.apis, ;:i; p. ni. W'.-ilnoMlay- I’r.iyi. r im.ctinir ;:is p in. 'Diiiis'l.iy—ll'ir^tanl 'i'hi:«l) WoTiiar.'s Vis;- rou S.\LF- n’lij n-.wsra;HTS for’Kir.illing | sion.i. v S.,.\ty. .mi p. m. Locul Aniiii.ary !’• i- ri.hiy- ('lio'r prai tivC P- m. tlio.i v. ifi vis and we will t! j tiicf I q:onJ.’'—Xi'.:n. ii ju. \V.\\'Tr:D—i:ir;L:S. W0(^L and Fl'IJS.. _ TJfK l UANKLiN PUESS—Frankiir., N. Sl.(U) the year; 6 months for 50 ccnts. Subscribe now. ALL OTIIFUS—Ju‘ I as you do. read this cviluiiiri, an (r'..ctivv‘ go-betWLcn for buverr, .svlI .Tji and tradvrs. iiiTS anii (>tln>r p..;;i''ises, Fi tvnlj pe! bundle. A;'ply at News oini.-". 4-i2-tf f: 'O’ .' n b V. i . n do- .1 nrd t' .*' C : ‘ - T - u ?' ‘.!{! [" , ■ r c, Ktr- ( ■ ; ' of p f :io"1 lh?t t.V f 0 •,a • 'c:hl re- ftrtJ': a: .‘-U( Mf'n !• th ( f pi.Mu rr :.'V0 ■jl'. “t • 1 O'! ■ t of rhe a.- :• ■■.- ■ r th ' CI U” ..... I”.;'!' p'^’I nro- V;-v . y '■ I'crt t’;. liW 'Z;;Lirr. f' 11 ; i - IV ; • T M >' . 1 '*> . '! ’ : ‘ t’ i: : • ’ [ n '■ ; i' c r: y '/!( \\ i;i\ r- : ' ^ ■»' ' i.» 't li » J to i-.tiVe loot nc. ;r>TTnio. Xc- 1 ."1 o ^hrr.l- n -•- 'i •..i( ■ , iia\ t* *• rn c a; 'turod by P.rin*' tlu:r. to W. L. Aiken for hii;hv .-;t marl.ct i)rii:cs in casii. 12-S-tic Oi TO:r.i?STnNnS sx- E. T. Uainos. rd, N. ('. Hi* rt presents a ! ii^h-ciass tiini. Kates very reason able. 3-9-tfe Special Announcement. Subj-jtts for next Surdav: "i'-i.'-hioiied or Fashionab’e.” Ever ill},; “The First Fon-i^n X-'. .sioTiary.” The naslor will preach at Ouk (jrove at 3:3o o!J “Jonah.” K;:AL r.STATi-: is iii-e all oth.r hii i!fes.^ - ! ST. i'fllLll’S KPISCOP.VL CHriiCIL i. r.vuiiie-; adve: ?isin.: t-limilate it. | Rev. Chalnurs D. ('hapnian. Minister in Evtn a i'.'vensitied (!crs. Try one. d ill work ^v■o.n- S.ALl'.S.M.W WANTI'I) to soUoii oruers 1 \.r !ubrie."tin v oil^, gr.-nses aini paints. ^ b.'.lary or'.i'.., ion. Address Linmin 0;! Co., t iev^!. .‘. 3 23-2lp S'-/> * . f'n. ■: I ca’ ■ ^ r'' ; r;-si -vi:’ Wi-','' I’vt' ; ^ r.! : r-- Gt',- r;;My io ,(• ; vrj- 'p.'-ftli; "a \1 Ili(' on’i’e.-. Ihe re- 1 ‘ arowe.l tlie th 'V l\,->y>e to .,r ;)r;ic’i. ii is V. oil ui'ic’e.. l.avo V ".'X T (’uiit a 'IS a*’ i j .r.ti; a ■. V':-' ^ ri’o ’i- A ‘ ■ ■ ::e Tarii* in th \ di.-nr,*'h, vO'.'v:;i-?ying ■ Tj •rW.,( .! i (t (■'TM, c.’t- t' !• ; '-.I J-ICSI ; i. •i > v.:",'. . 'y 'nr. t li*' e :r.; of.-v,- ■ y.JUj .'.. '■.-2,'= 1.1- !eh:;:;; .•■j'Tis ^ :':e t nna. t; c.: TS.oOO >v" '!>• :;! : in liu- nioiith of i rbru- »Tf ?5oi? e. in -.’.-I type rjrit;. ’1 torpedo boat v,-as V :v it a raiae in tl: ■ t c'fOU'*!. .All oilice;r, we:e uv- 4'1-j cf the Ci'c'.v v.a‘ irije-l rul It*, 'ir.f t igiir Other-- are missing. '' Bntish continue to advance in 'rvr* -o'jinie region in France, and it • ; 'Dtly predicted in allied e«n 'tr*'.- ".a.!, the bulldog tenacity of t),. is beginning to • ar'f htir they will never vfj at least driven t!i 7 ” yiA’i Y'ri cich soil. TTie fall of Bapaume into the handr? wf »?:>“ P'aglish is confidently ho'ej t*;r ty the allies, and the war depp.rt- of each of th? ententes eagerly ivftic every dispatch for such news. *,n air raid on the southern coun- 'ws oJ England is reported from Lon- 4rso. Details are lacking. Crr.nd Duke Nicholas haa been plac- n3 ra supreme command of tho Rus- ♦aera forces by the de facto govern- ■apcc't. ■fio capture by tho Russians of the 1^pri«n town of Kermanshah is re- in London. This Ls one result- mii from the forward nabvement of rSv.’-J ti“oopr. in the far east. JPsriher notable gains have been by the British forccs against G«ruians in the operations which as their object the capture of and a general eastward bend- tme teefe of the GermoDs in the Somme Axm regions. ;i;'V::!:RSON COl'NTV : "‘.'iie \’isiti»r.” Ser.l ;;ir's sul'r-erij.tion to il.-iU'cT.stin'iii'.. ."(> cen‘.s for :i ‘The \ ” 3-23-t t c K”\; -\\i) LGi;S WWNTi^I). Will ^i'.'e yoi; ’-'.le Uip of the market .-a'!'’ 1' -I’ii iv .(. \\ , il V, luri 5l‘J, ('..'ev.i-^horo, X. C. 3-i^).^i'> Charge. .Sniul.iys —Moininir sTvi.o .it ii:o: o\If)cU. Sr.tii’i.iy M'hui'I, II..' a- in. Ii.r. ^ I'.-.-'Mi ■ 1 ir.i; cxcry K:'ii:iv: \v.’.!;i's(’.avs a:;.) i-r^iay>; .!nriii'.,' Aclv.'.;;: \V(..i|ni‘'lays anil l-'. iiia'. s il'.n in.r ^••.•, r\ t!a IT* I I. >1 >■ \\ i'\'l.; ,t!s. ii; > 15;■ .. I'nly ’.'i.:i; riiU'ii. >'; rK> ;■ I iiii'r.r!!; .lis.i I'll l!i»'1 t.'.'.it’ rii.>U I ; Asli ' .i-iiii.-s.Ia y. 'i'.iursil.iy. l'.:.^tl■. .l.iy, Ascfiisitiii il;'y, \\ ■ I'Uil'.lay an'! r:ia ; , S::-i.lav, Special Announcement. Pa’iiTi Su.ulay, Aprii 1. To illustrate in another way, ot- ■erve the picture. Here is a ve:;scl made of staves. Each .'tare may reprresenf a f od ele ment (,r other faeior of crop i)rodp.c lion. SciJDe of the staves are shorter than others. Does not the shorte.^ stave Iheu determip.e hov. luach v.-ater •he vetisel can hold, and does not thu SaEVAHO iiSTillilE I^OIES Inquiry—“Wl at i.-. the most provlt- able u; e of tue Veivst Ilean?" ri.T;:i the vel'el b'an in the co;*n get :i douh'.o er',..p. They uo well ioge'her. I'l;. ; nn early variety i:ud I'ertiiiiie l' ,• ;,co'id ‘jcr .wi'n. The iiiost oconouiical use of velvet beans is to let cattle feed on them in the field a.Md thea to turn under the vrgctiil'le iiiatter remaining. If there are not .suffieient cat'ie cn the place, Ket them an ! feed thom. Why po to t'ae o? gathering beans, griuoijig and shipping tho meal off to son’e o.ic else lo feed and get the berefrts?—J. X. ilAilPEIi. LIZT3 HAZARD. Tlu* Woi'.'.an's of tho M. K. (thiiri 'i will liold its an- n-'-iil r at Xi'w Orli .’ins this year. A iinnii»er ofcA’iUnts I'rctji til!' are i/oi?iu* ](^eparecl to ho sent til U. I'vlontiWy’ t >.an>injitions aro ir. pro!xre.-s tlti.-i week. Kch-.'-u-.-oi'lir tii:' A(l.> .\ !M»-{t Xothin play, “I\I leli I *'» . 14-w t» *w i; 14i• /, MV(' r s' ] in;; us ittpi.Hy >.s ]>o>^sii)l(?. t'>n a.- "’jooun! of nna vuidnoir' i.liys, t'je ' ^ ii?.t'‘ I' '.s !> Min chaii-rc I to .-\n"r: 11 ! A ino.-.' ;:oiwill njr>.*.ir ! next wo.-r . The r.-.t'-lrria ii:'!! marshal r"r;-ives ronorfr, of vlraths by Hrc, and tl'.-ise renorts k1h)\v that (lurii'.g tho yea>‘ 50 adt'.Its a:;d O'- ch'ldrer.. a total of 71 per.-oi!;'. lost thoir lives. Gaso’ine (,'xplor-'o:is were ; ?'5pon.«ih:c for a to- 1:^1 of 15 (l.-'athr; iieros.^M. explosions for 17; . Ic.;.!::.!; in co.-t.i'. t with fire, 17; lod'^rip.g and dr/eil'Tig lior.r.o fires, S; chi’drc.''' I'iayip.;-: v.’ith nuitchos, 4; and the ”cst S( atterin:;.- It is note- v.->:'thy thr.t ihe li?t shows that three :. !'iits cop’.mitted sp-cido by fire and ■!.",t t'.’O s;)scific cnu-e of cr-e 'lontU ’•.as uii’vPowp.. This hi.-'t item iiidi- cal.-'s tliai. jn>.uh more care is e.^r- ->rd ir. d'.-ifoveriiig tho speoiiie cause [1 01 hre it loss or life , vvli-M it c•ll^^es css of property, j | —Firo i'roi'i iion. ! Reccnt Purchasers: joe Johnson. Burt Sitton. ?. J* Sitton. )• A. Bracken. Capt. T. C Galloway. Pink Kemp. Ask any of these about tlie instruments recc.ntly sold them. Make an in spection of that one at the Brevard Baptist Church, which has taken 139 com petitive awards, if ycu \vr.nt to hear a tone that Iing;ers with you. These pianos have met with such favor that I am thinking of opening manent quarters in Bre vard. I deal direct v/iih the factory and save you $50 to $ I CO pn each pur chase. Write cr see Hendersonville Brevard \V of a p -iiiiior; ' tne v.- ’ t’ ■ n 2? Wl/T; cci:t. vl Loiy t(ir.!r,juiu>n and strr;’(;ri rt 1’ ;;uijec;. “Tl.e Cross as the .Anro.i-r » ! C;(. 1 t.» ti:e ;'*-v of a Lo^l V/orhi.” -To tho::e out ; Aorii 2. S. r . i.-i i.ttier li-', i , ads of net inoix- i•■W.nilers cf \h in thi:; column v.’ithunt Cros Ts.?w «>r ronewai ‘;uI)-criptioriS i- I u (bi'r.inP'tii' Jar.iiarj' !• wili c.:s-:: n ;fur one year, 6) ,m'‘5iths, 3.) cents 3 months, 25 > for 2 mont.hs. ....f.~z.vvt'r-’-rsizvrsa;. k ^ f, ?■ '5 P % fi J; ^ ti ^ :) Tlii-: I’i'-H CO^T of feechn- ; li.i^ i-o'A.: I 'V'lil; a:i;n.:\Is l>v \ cIm''.. lU'an .''i:, 1. :'.l: n',i:'i!Ctur(.d !;y !■ \’ A’- .rU.;k. Snuiii. i ;n:.ilie, ila. 3 9 5-.,) Oi; >!.\!Jv-Sc\%‘n av Tes o*'laad one mile :Vl!;;’ \ i;rt h.i'iie. h-i’i mil' i'r>.>iri t;>n- ii'.ry. I’ubli:• rit.i-! •!!■!(! railroad li'.e place. l'ie;il .iite. I^o?,c;>e k't. ?>: r.i rvice at 5. it-; Cv.'-.t;;. i;v.” V.- serviie : .1 ” I ’ li e>..-.. irday, n jjei,‘ "riie C’css 'its i;ei'“V.‘ri!. TiiU: sd.iy, -jrii 5: Coii’n’T’.ni'at vS p. j 3 in. Suljj-'cx, “Tlie Cror;-;—I;.- !lv':r,orial.” j | V/ciK: i'ri'hu', >t!?en.*0. S.:- ? T I j vicc at n. Srhjeet, ‘ The Pea. onu.ker.s.’ nlM ^ 1- ^ R£!^ Mix ■Si.’ pfv- t and Santie Nioh.jison. 3-2-tfc li SAL!'.—Pure i>?‘ed Berksiiire pigs, both .se.'ies; Coekc’s Prolitic seed c rr>, selected in In-id and germinalion le.stcd. .1. P. \Vi:;iberiy, Marl Hl'iff Hal.\i.'>ro, N. C. 3-23-lOip IC S VLM —A Hrriiled number of Kegii- t.nd Duroc Je:s?v Pi.r-'. 2 rmr.ihs old. mu New Subjcribcrs. '.('() caci; (icHveit d. 1 ho Pr. rjii, r ?jri.k‘u Mi's S'j'-'le Scruggs Rrevard - — . "^^LcI^iJuo, Tenn. \ iile, i>. C., Uoute / Phone 1415. 3-16-3tp , , , . r, i. \ hilinire Liberty. S. C., R-3 WVMIl.L MAN-We pay cash for :o'd r»j. • r* •• y.'li > framing. ’ ri'i- u.s foi (r.icis i.:r ; . ,;n.ations of •I’" r^quin menls. C ii .*•• Loml cr Co. .. ... vwle, N. C. 3 .' i t.'"", L. Lancc IndianapolsI, Ind. \i !5 'richael East Flat Rock \V. 11. .’ *1''v.ire Anderson, S. C. Renewals 'rri> FOR ilATCHINf'i—Pn m well-mated i y Garren Brevard pc-n of besi leading strains of P.arred ; .’’vm.iuth Pori.-.?, Single Comb Black I'linorci'.s, $2 OO per 1.3. Also pedigreed iteitrian and ('uinea Pigs. Paul 11. Houston, Greinville, S. C. 3-16-4tp '.VNTF.D—A reliable, hustling party to ■ II temetcry work for us in this section. (Jid establii;hed Companv. Good pro •)o>ilion to rigiit man. Write for par ticulars. :.! .>cl..lenburg Marble & flranite .0.. Charhitte, N. C. 3-9-5tp VNTED—Young man, single, to assist o v.orkiiig liuck garden, easy work. I\i> igp.rette ?i'n;kcr, liquor drlaker or •carer, need a'pply. Address P. O. Pox 'v at the News ofnce for in formation. FO t SALE OR TRADE-42X acres of p.d lyiu;.'. i sides of Lrfce Tox- vay dirt roa-l two miles from the tcwn f Rcs'.rari; pnu-.ll 5'orc-licuse iind .vn om !ttr:Ge; r:ortiy in tiirsbcr; small part Icaied. Ll'iftly rdling, seme nearly ve); several streams and a nrm- .r of fine Gprir.":-. Apply'to Brevard vews for ij'formatif n. 3-23-4tc I R. F. Marr Brevard R. H. Zachary. Brevard R. A. Garren Brevard, R-1 W. C. Hamilton Brevard, R-2 Mr?. W. W. Shipman Etowah D. M. Sherrill Pisgah Forest, R-1 Kev. J. C. Owen Asheville BASEBALL CLUB TO BE OBGANiZED A meetin;; for the purpose of or ganizing a baseball dab has been called for 8 o’clock on next Tuesday night at the court house. Interested pt'rtous are urged to attend. Saiafdey, Msroli -31 Shadow;;;” atJ>o- part 10! Bi.son Western fea- t‘,;ro. “Stok*;; a society drama featuring? iit- l!e ’ilury Fuller. ‘‘The Ccme- on;” an extra "ood comedy with Jane Gail and Matt Moore. Tyesday, Apri! 3 “Major Brent’s Perfidy;” si^ith chapter Pearl of the Army. “Tl\p Villain Still Pursues Her;’* a Koniical Kartoon Komedy. Another comedy ?nd other pictures will complete the prografn. Thyrsday, April 5 “Baseball’s Peerless Lead er;” an unuj ually sfood base ball love story told in two reels of pictures. “Pathe News,” giving current events of the day. “Luke and the Bang-Tails;” a laugh able Lonesome Luke com edy. Gccd supply of Fresh Landreth’s lape for immediate planting. e have Landreth’s a complete line of Garden Seeds, both k and in packages. MACFIE-BRODIE DRUG GO. The Rexall Store

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