BREVABD NEWS, BREVASD, N. 0. GAMP 6LENN TO BE 1BIUZIII6 pomi CONCENTRATION POINT FOR THE ENTIRE NORTH CAROLINA GUARD. RECOMMENDED DY SLDGUM Wilmlnaton Delegation Tried to In* duce Military Authorities to Locate Site There. Raicigh.—Camp Glenn, Morehead, It decided upon as the concentration camp for the entire North Carolina National Guard, according to an- noancement made at guard headquar ters here. Recommendation to this effect has been forwarded to the Department by Colonel Slocum, of the United States Army, to wliom was delegated the duty of deciding this matter. There is still a posibility that in the event the coast artillery con- tigent of the guard is called out. it migliL bo mobilized at Fort ('aswell, but otherwise, the plan is to have all the otlier units of the puard at Camp Gleun as they are oniorod out. There is to be ininu'diate removal of the Serond Regiment from Golds boro to Camp Glenn, they having been »topped at Gohlsboro simply for mus ter-out purposes, whicli plans werf abandoned as the war situation deyeloped. A Wilmington delegation was here striving to induce the military au- thoritips to adopt a site and facilities offered there for the mobilization and training of Xorth Carolina guard units their tender being in competition wiih sites ofleied by Raleigh, Salisbury, Gree.ushoro. (’harlotte and Asheville. Ihe proposition from the latter plac« being (he tender of the ISiltmore es tate aiui all its fat iliti.'s by .Mrs. Van derbilt. The Wilmington prdjiosition was to take rare of the entire guard. In this connection the clYer includes 75 arres of land for camp site. 1.000 ad jacent for drill purposes, 1.000 yard rine r.-Nige. with ca!iip ground having railroad through it. immediate access to electric car service, water, sewer- axjc. navigable strf.ini, adjacent with 12 to .‘;o f(>c'*L of water, complete ma rine hospital facilities with IJO acres ♦>r srotjiid around it, electric lights, teJ 't;raph and teioi/none service at the can p. What 9 Cents Did Small ad turns pigs into cash; pays better than feeding with high-priced corn. The following 9-ccnt advertisement and the results tell the selling power of the News: FOR SALE—Berkshire pigs. Apply to R. H. Zachary. 3-23-1 tc Brevard, N. C„ March 28,1917, Brevad News: Your advertisement last week produced the desired effect without inserting it again. My pigs are all sold* Advertising in the Brevard News pays better than feeding pigs that you don't want to keep, transfers the feed bill to the other fellow* Respectfully, R. H. ZACHARY. CALVERT NEWS On Monday afternoon, Jack Jen kins, jr., of Calvert entertained a number of his little friends with an Easter party. The time was spent in bunting eggs, and to the one who found the most a prize was offered, which was awarded to Annie Zachary. Gatues were engaged in on the lawn, also pictures of the children were taken, each carrying an American flag. The children assembled into the dining room to the strains of the Victrola, playing, “Here Comes My Daddy Now.” The room was decorated with a color scheme of yellow. The center piece for the dining table consisted of a basket of colored Be Sure to Put Brains Behind Your Brooms Millien Dollar Plant Burns. Marion.—The inosl dc! ructive fire in it'.e history of (Hd Furt (lP'^iroyo(J Uio aiiiiion doilur pLint ot liic OM Kxtract ('()ni;)aiiy. Th'- j.laiit of the lUuirai l^ouiiier ('o:n|>.uiy, ad- joinirsfr. also bnrneil and is al- nif);^t a conii'lote loss. toi?( ilier with three r«. .'idem es ani u nuaiber of oth er Kiiiiill buildings. A number of ros'idences in dif!’;Tont s^etioTis of the tov.ii caiieht (>n tire tinios, biM were e.xiinKui.'^hed Itofori; great dam sv;;.-; done. A Ft*,idy frcjni the soutlnvest « au: c'i the lire lo s-pread rapidly, set ting fire to the woods in niai'y places a'ld llircaii'iiinf; the enlire town. Tne in‘;s i> c.4i'iia.e;l at liicrt' ihan a mil- dollars, covered liy insinance. Frederick Palmer nt Chapel Hill. Cfiapcl Hill.- Pn'tlerii k Palmer, ‘ l ien's frreatc's: war corn^sixsiid- ent." ticid an auiiiciico of over 7u') -' I. ai'.d tow I;. j).‘.,))le iiMcnsoly rol.v, for thr*.-i* hours when he ii&w his lecture on thc^ ere:!t war. and .,';d piciures taiiea uf ihi> ii;;hling itrtfU!:.] Vcniiin and ai tlin Soni:;ie. ‘Orinany. ’ sahl Mr. P.Tlr.ier. “is i^ow usiuR her last v.ea.pon, the sub- Stars and Scrices Tlont New. iliilt 1^:11. tlir li:si tiniij in the Ii!'tor> of tiie North (.’a:oliaa Ho:ue for f'onfedcrat^- \ ■ teia.i.s. lotatcji hero-, ii'.e Stais and Stripe.-; wat; rais ed ;ei)!a;i:i^ ;h(.' state ilaij, the veter ans saluting ihe einbleni with the Henrn* emhusiasm ll.-'y formerly .how- ea t!-> tiio Stars and lUirs. Hcreto- tlif-' iUHtiiution hcins under :*tutt! -.onlrol, only the .\orih ('arolina thm iia.s appeared on the lla^i pole of the iiome Fayetteville Men Drill. i'’av*'tt.^ville.—Thp first I'all to arms aiade on the men oi Fayottevillo sinee the present war situation ;i . : was a.’i'-werf^d by lOU youim .,ua. Te-ry A. Lyon and Dona!;. leiiTnii'eiit young lawyer.s, who aitbiid- ed the Plattsburg training lamp last yfcAr, had issued a general invitation la "young men and old yo\i;>g men” lo meet with them at the F. 1. L. L ;if niory for drill in the manual of arms. The response was gratifying and enthusiasm ran high among the WO men who answered the call. Monroe Has Big Fire. Monroe.—Fire discovered at 11 o’ctock in the morning practically de stroyed the five store buildings con- KjiLuting half a block of Main street. The damage done to the buildings will total at least $75,000 and the goods .%>0,c00. The stores were occupied by Isham Plyler, as a meat market; the Monroe Auction Company, Howie & CoeLn, f?tore ajid restaurant, and S. R. DoKter, merchant. The fire originated on ti; ^ . oof of the Doster store and burn^ 1 rapidly until all of ihexn were yrfc' t r'.liy deitroyod- Diversified Ads Are Business Builders Or.i' i-cnt a word for first insertion; one 'lalf cotit a w'liil for I'U'.-li suh'^i'ijiicnt insertion, oa,li in-.tial or abbreviation I'ountinn as a word. L()(’iS WANTED—We pay cash. Miller Supply t'o. 3-2-ttc ROOMS -For Light housckccpin" apply to Mrs. Ida Bryant. 1 12 tfc FOR RENT—4 acres bottom land. Mns. 'D. H. Hancock, Brevard. 3-30 3tp HENS ANI) E('!('iS—Highest cash prices paid for them at the City Market. 4-(>-tfc C(^RN' MF..\L-Home ground, for sale at, W. 1’. ilendcrson's mill. 4 0 tfc IlOrSKS ANI) L(",TS and vacant lots for sale. See W. H. Faulkner. 12-29-tfc TOWN’ LOTS, farms and timber lands for sale. Frank Jenkins, Brevanl, N. ('. tf FrKXISHKI)—or unftirnished 9 room house for rent reasonable. .Mr.s 1). B. Hancock, Brevard. 3 30 3tp THE FRANKLIN PRESS Franklin, N. ('.; $1.00 the year; (> months lor 50 cents. Subscribe now. •\LL OTilKRS .lust as you do, read this coluiiin, an effective go-between for buyer.s, sellers and traders. r('I\ S.\LE 01(1 newspapers for kindlini^ lires r.r.d other purposes, 5 cents per bundle. Apply at News office. 4-12-tf WANTED- IHDES, WOOL ANI) FI RS. Brinj^ them t(t W. L. Aiken for hiiiiest markv^^t prices in cash. 12-8-tlc FOR TOMBSTONES soe !•:. T. Raines, Brevard, N. ('. He represents a slronj; hi”h-class lirm. Rates verv reason able. ' 3-'>Uc TO.MATO I'I.AXTS i’lease onlf r to- o jil.r.iis early and avoid disap])oinimeiit. The demand is great and sui»ply may not lie so large. C. C. Yu.scui;. -!(i-2tc RE.XL EST.VTE is like all other business if re«}uirt‘s advertising to stimulate it. Even a Diversified ad w ill work won ders. Try one. HENDERSON COUNTY NFAVS: Read it in “The Visitor.” Send 50 cents for a year’s subscription to “The Visitor,” Hendersonville, N. C. 3-23-tfc CHICKENS AND EGGS WANTED. Will give you the top of the market and make (juick return. .1. W, Wiley, Box 512, Cireensboro, N. C. 3-16-5tp POSITIONS WANTED -To help those out of a posit i(m or who desire a better one, the News will print ads of not more than 25 words in this col«mn without cost. tfc j I 1!AVE a pair of large, in * , young mules ■•■a ly lor work, also *• tine-blooded . v-ag jack for sale o- c.p. All fcr sale; cash or time. J. M. Thrash, David son River, N. C. 4 6-2tp Fi'R SALE Pure bred Berkshire pigs, both sexes; also Cocke’s Prolific seed corn, selected in field and germinaiion tested. .1. P. Wimberly, Marl Bluff Farm, Battleboro, N. C. 3-23-lOtp MR. S.UVMILL M.‘\N-We pay cash for sound sq. edge yellow pine framing. Write us for prices and specifications of our requirements. Citizens Lumber Co. A.sheville, N. C. 3 9-7tp WANTED—Young man, single, to assist in working truck garden, easy work. No cigarette smoker, liquor drinker or swearer, need apply. Address P. (). Box 81, or apply at the News office for in formation. FOR SALE OR TRADE—42'4 acres of land lying on both sides of Lake Tox- away dirt road two miles from the town of Rosman; small store-house and 3-room cottag*'; mostly in timber; small part clean'd. Mostly rolling, some nearly level; several small streams and a num ber of fine sprir.)(s. Apply to Brevard News for informal;^m. 3-23-ltc 1,500 RED HARD BRICKS for sale. W. E. Poovc}'. Itc WANTED—To bid on your electrical work. L. C. Loftis 4 13 tfc FOR RENT Six-room cottage, kalsomined and painted since occupancy; on second block from square; .$16 per month; ready for occupation. Noah M. Hollowell. COM.MUNICATIONS requested from good looking, plain maids and widows having means, by a good looking educated bachelor. 45, medium description; owns farm. Address Box H., Route 2, F'our Oaks, N. C. Itp TO make your town worth while you must put brains behind your brooms. You must plan clearly with thoughts beyond present conditions. You must build your civic house with the future of j'onr children and your children’s children clearly before you. You must do hard things now’ 1 n order that more aboundin.:' prosperity and civilization may come after you. The essentials of town i>Jannhig are: Clean lines.s. Godliness. Industries. Care f»r the children. Ch‘anliness always conies first. Clean up! Get ready for clean up week. eggs. A dainty Inncheon was set ved, and the children expressed themselves as having spent a most enjoyable afternoon. Numerous Benefits Can Be Obtained By Cleaning Up “Clean up week” depends for Its sue- eesM upon the hearty co-operation of every citizeu, and if it be given un grudgingly the tow'n will be the better for it In health, in money and attrac tiveness. City officials can do much in seeing that the street cleaners do really clean, that garbage collectors do their task thoroughly and that public buildings, squares and parks shall be an example of neatness. liut what the official can do will l)e l>ut a drop in the bucket compared with what should be done. It is the comers that are out of right that need most attenti(in—the courts, cellars and back yards—and over these the municipality has no control. It depends, therefore, upon the householder to do the major part in the elimination of rubl)ish, the over hauling of the things that c-«)llect dust and filth, and the whole pro(*ess that goes to make up the real town beau tiful. Dirt of any sort means multiplication of di.sease, and disease means e onom- ic waste. Therefore “clean up week" will mean Irasiness prudence and eu- Health means wealth and progress. Statistics of Blindness. The 12 countries having the fewest blindness are as follows: Belgium (before the great war) had 43 blind persons to every 100,000 of the popula tion; Canada, 44; Netherlands, 46; Saxony, 47; New Zealand, 47; west ern Australia, 50; Hongkong, 51; Prussia, 52; Denmark, 52; Germany. 60; New South Wales, 60, and the United States, 62. Church Directory BREVARD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John R Hay, Pastor. Resnilar church services every Sunday. Hours; First and third Sundays, 11:00 a. m.; second and fourth Sundays, 3:00 p. in.; fitth Sundays, by announcement. ' Sunday school every Sunday, 10 a. m. Men’s Brotherhood Bible class. Youn? People's Society of Christian En deavor every Tuesday eveninsr, 7:45. DAVIDSON RIVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John R. Hay, Pastor. Regular church services ev«Ty Sunday. Hours: Second and fourth Sundays, 11:00 a. m.; first and third] Sundays, j:oo p. tn.; fifth Sundays by announcement. Sunday school every Sunday. 10:00 a. m. THE THREE D’S o Worth While Quotation. “There 1l something pathetically tragic about the woman who rebels against growing old.”—Selected. Dirt Disease Death STATEMENT OF OWNERSKIP, HAKACEKENT, ETC., required by til*'act >f oontrress fif 21. i ji-'. of the I’.ifvard Nt-ws. weekly at Brcvutd. N. for .April, igi;: State of North Carolina. County of Transyl vania. Before tne. a notary personally ap peared Noah .M . Ili'ilnwoil. wfio. harin^j been duly sworn acjordin^r to law. savs he is editor of the I'.ruvard News of whiL-li lie is publisher, eilitor. maniiirintr editor .'ind l)i!sines.s inanatjer. liis aUlre>s beinjr Hrcvard. N. C.; that tln'owner is Noali M IIdIIowlII of Bre vard; that the inorijraKee hnldinv: i per cent or more of total anioe.rt of inortga^ies is \V. 1*. Jones >f .\ndri-ws N. Siirned by Noah M. Hollowell. Hrevard. N.C. Sworn to and subscribeil before me this lotli lav of April. 11)17. I*. I>- Kni^lish. My com mission e.xpires December iS. igiii. BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Jordan and Gaston streets. A. W. McDaniel. Pastor. Phone No. 145, Bible school 9:4s a. m., well srraded with classes to suit all. Freachinff services at 11:00 a-m. and 7:45 p. m.every Sunday. Midweek service for worship and fellowship. 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. .Advisory Board meets on Tuesday evenine after the first Sunday of each month. All who desire to encouratre or to assist the worship of (iod or to be helped by worship are cordially invited to attend all services. Strangers and visitors are especially welcome. BREVARD METHODIST CHURCH. W. Edgar Poovey, Pastor. .Sunday—Sunday school at 9:4s a. ni. I'reach- ing’at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Juvenile so ciety 4:00 p. m. Mond.iy—Y. P. M. S. 7:30 p. m., first and third Monday nights. Tuesday—(After first Sunday) Hoard of Stewards, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday—Prayer meetinsr 7:30 p. m. Thursday—(First and 'J'hird) Woman's Mis sionary society, 3.x) p. nj. Local Auxiliary 4.00 p. m. Friday—Choir practice 7:30 p. m. "Come thou with us and we will lo thee good."—Num. 10 Special Annoancement. Subjects for next Sunday: Morning: Illustrated Story Sermon to Children. Ni^ht: From Enemy to Ambassador. Preaching by the pastor at Oak (irove at 3:30 Sunday afternoon, ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHI KCH. Rev. Chalmers D. Chapman, Minister in Charge. Sundays—MorninR- service at ii:)o oVIock. Sunday school, o'4> ii- ni. Week Days—Kvenson^ every I'riday; Wednesdays and i'ridays durinir .\dv:'.t; Wednesdays and Fncl.-ivs durinr I.i-nt; cverT day in Holy Week; alsi. on S:iin:s day-.. Holy communion the tir>t and t'..iid Sum'avs of every month; also on the (ire.itiT Holy i;;.\ I'hristrnas, Kpiphany. Ash Wedne^d.av. Hi'.ly Thursd;iy. Easter day. Ascension day. Whit Sunday and Trinity Sunday. Lead Pencil Materials. Siberia produces the best graphite for lead pencils thus far discovered. That is the source of supply for the German pencils. Australia, as well as Siberia, produces the material for an indelible pencil. America has a fair amount of lower grade graphite. t Go to the Farmers Supply com pany for your sporting goods. They have the Rcache's, Bing- ling and Ty Cobb bats from 10c to $l,25, Mits, glovest masks, tennis rack ets, 1917 tennis balls, tennis nets and all other accessories. Croquet sets at $1.75. Come in and inspect our sporting goods. V Farmers Supply Company A Cordial Welcome Awaits You at Asheville’s New Big Store THE LEADER S, 1. BLOMB£RO, Proprietor 10-12 Patton Aventic,.Asheville, N. C. — ■■ I. ■ ■■ I .-I.I p , , In presenting Asheville’s New Big Store, we are. offering a finished assortment of merchandise. A $50,000.00 stock, absolutely new and fresh from the Fashion Centers of the East within the last four weeks. The Leader Leads in Quality, Style and Moderate Prices A crisp new Stock of Clothes for all the Family— from Babyhood to Old Age—a full line of every dress requirement. Everything as fresh as Springtime, and as lovely and stylish as can be. In addition to ready- to-wear garments for all ages, we have an exception ally well selected stock of Dress and Yard Goods, Shoes, Neckwear, Handbags, Gloves, Umbrellas, Parasols, Handkerchiefs and Dress Specialties of all kinds. This New Big Store of Asheville is built from the ground up on the Square Deal principle. A fair price and ONE PRICE to all who enter the doors. It will be a pleasure to meet the people of Western North Carolina, and a privilege to treat them so well that the acquaintance will ripen into real friendship. The Leader is handily located, fresh and newly decoratedt well lighted and equipped with every modern conve nience. A Trip to Asheville is Not Complete Without a Visit to the .Leader I •