« ET-S-’AETt HEWS, BEEVARD, N. C. Personal Mention LieRARMNS TO MEET SOON i CHIMNEY AND FLUES. Look through these columns; see if the names of your guests are there. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It does not cost any thing. Telephone, write or bring your news to News office. Born, to Mr. anl Mrs. Ed. Me (’oyof Pisgah Forest, a daughter. Miss Annlo Henry, who spent the winter in (ireonvillo. is in Itrevard. John Ki”g of Greenville visited his father, P. S. King, on Sunday. “Ladies nlKht” was observed at the Brevard clnb last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Whitmire of Asheville were visiting in Brevard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Houston of (Jreenville were guests of relatives in Brevard Sunday. W. P. Whitniirt' of Henderson ville was in the oitv on business Friday and Saturday. Miss Juno lsrat‘1 of Hcnderson- vill(? WHS the lust \ve’k of her ci'usin, Mrs. ,lesse A. Smith. Several ]>hvsicians from Transyl vania are attendni;; tlio annual state meeting of ]thysicians in A she vi lit'. I'liarles .lolliiv. who has been tak ing a course in thi> Moody Bible Institute, is iu As!u*ville, where Mrs. .lollay has bo«n for the past few Vst i*ks. The Baraoa elas.^! of the Brevard Bit])tist Sumlay school will enti'r- tait' the Philath(*iis (in Tl)nrsd:iy ni?^lit of this v.'iH'k :it the grath’d school buildin.i-'. Victor Foiitair.e returned on Wi-dnesday niglit from M»)nks ('orner, S. (\ He will rebuild his shuttle block factory in Brevard at an early date. Mi^>- Aunu* (i'.sb has returned from a visit to her brother, W. l>. (•lash, of Nt'w York, and from a Meeting of an or;:ani/.Htion of c'(.)l- iege women in Wushiiigton. W. M Cloud, jr.. left last week to enlist in tlie navy. He passed the ]»hysical examination at Ashe ville and the ti!i:il test at Raleigh. From there he went tu Brooklyii. Mis-« (’ora Wi’lsiri. f.,nnerresi- tleiit ol Hrevar l :;”.d Tt^achei- iji tlu‘ eonnty. bur 7!u*r»‘ rri-ently leneli.M’ at Bryson I’if v. is :i i ti:e ll^ltniore ]!Os]iital, iu ; i‘ s'pt v.Tulerweni a >eri.us ()ie;-itii)!). Mrs. ,1 r. Kuil' and fuTiiilv, w;^ >.-e h'irne wns iit.''tMve(l by !u''‘ last ^\■t•ek. are t'ne ••cimp” on lh(* ^rour.tis of t);e h't!i)e site as they luui imrposed to do durini; the suiinner. }.lr. ar.d Mrr.. !•'. 1'. Sietlu'o ha.s leasel llu' Ili'Uiiin;' ln:i ar.d will! I run a boarding liuasv' iliin hnmmt ri under tlie name of tii >‘-Xi '.v iniii: Ini;,’’’ which > -;nilerf' pin-x ex- tensivi* alterati'tns f;:,,l re!*:tirs. Mrs. L''Mv)y Bi'O'vri of Flerenct'. S. is visiting h-T niotber. Mrs. ,T. C. King, this Ixing her first visit to lirevard siiu^' lier iiiarriage last year. She (“xpects to v.-iurTi t> Floreiu'c within ;; few days an:l will b(‘ accom])Hi’.i;-d iiy her sister. Miss .lessiu l\iji>:. Friends of Mrs. R. C. Simmons, who has been confined to her bed for about three weeks, will be pleased to learn that her condition is improving. Her health h«8 no> lieen good since she sustained a broken rib in a fall a few months ago. C. M. Cooke, the fmrniture mer chant, is giving some time and at tention to farming. He iscultiva* ing several acres of his nmvly acquired farm near Wiison’- bridge and is also cultivating a number of acres on the farm of C. E Orr. In keeping w’ith the efforts of the Brevard Betterment assocui- tion to make Brevard more beau tiful and attractive, this organiza tion offers free bulbs, ])lants and seeds to all who will ii.so them in beautifying Brevard. Free distri bution will be made to all appli cants at the store of Mrs. Mary t^. Bird on Friday of this week. The ladies hope to have many beauty spots in town this summer. E. O. T. Club Changes Name. The meeting of the E. O. T. club , on last Thursday was a very inter- j esting one. Mrs. D. G. Ward, as Mrs. II. S. Morgan's substitute, was hostess. Among the important items of hu.'iness transactt d was, the adoption of the now club | nani*' —Mathatasian—taken from ' the (irei‘k f*>r “learners.” Ti.e club has been debating for s«;j!.e time tlie advisability of clian^'ing its nai'uv A ntinio signifying nior(' of the ]>urposes of tin* clnb w;is desired sinc(‘tin* old oiie indicc.)• 1 onlv the da\.s on which tbe club held its meetings and not true in tb.is res])ect in i*very iiistance siiu only two ni(>etini;s were held each inonth. Th(* old name, “Every Other 'J'hursday Book Club," was too lo!i;'and cumber^ome and tiieie is more exj)ression and ineanin*.: m th(‘ new and shorter name. 'Pbe mo'it unusal features of t iu‘]>rt>L:r.i!ii I on “Bird Music" were two origiiDil ])oems on the niockini; bird bv 'Mrs. E. H. Norwood and sev»‘ral vicirula rect)iils of “bird calls." After re fri'shinents the club adjourn' 1 tc mei't on Aj.ril witli Mrs. II. A PluMiiner. the subjeft bein^ ••iiird Le-.nd.." > ril dt'l'_'aT( s ii I e exjr'ctllU’ t) tl:,' distriel nii'etini.: of til 'A'.ci.’.n's F-’i!( i;!ti»»n in lii-nd't .iivi’ic on April 'il. GASOLINE. T’r.lor.eroinul .‘Storage oi' gapnlino not OT'!y the hp.zard‘5. hut i! is a .• of ocoiir.niy, Tlie hi:''i M).-t of ip is of vita! iiitor- est to autoniol)ilr> owners; i-torntce tan’KA iil.iced i:r(Ic'rcrroiind ujt (I’lly saf. ;; Kill! !’ie luizarfl.-j, but i)i-cv(‘;rt ’.vastr , t:i ev;>i)er ition. G:i;-o];ne si;.'iuld not bo kep: in the hoi!’(‘ in ;;;.y re>-pptaclp e.'aopt an an- prov. il s::rety I'an. From tin" cari l-v .^ u: p of ra -o’i’to in oi>en ca!is. has ro.sr.U.d the d-aih of ,'w; adn’ts and one ciiihl r!i” yr.ir. Ki-r.-s'ne likewi.-e c:iu ■ d tl!>^ d.ath of Pievfn adulfs a;iij .six rhildrcn. .'.I'jiroved s;'.ff>ty cjn's in 'ro ho'iP.i* \vh ‘;"e thr> use of infhuimi:'.’)]') lioriM.-- i'’> nr,- . ary. v.-ill ei’inii!::te I’.ie (b^'orahlc' loss of life in this n;;:iiasT. ()r.r> linn.'lrod and ninety-nino (T.Ut) or- ’ s r 'ouiriiis consuu]er.s to pr.x ure .'•r,;'*;y ( ans woro is.sued.—Fire Mar shal W. E. Langlov. Eleventh Annual Convention of Society Will Be Held This Year at Salisbury. Charlotte. — The North Carolina Library As.sociation will hold its elev enth annual meeting in Salisbury April 24-L*5, the sessions to be in the Community building. The officers of the association are: Miss Mady B. Palmer, of Charlotte, president; Mrs. I). A. Garrison, of Gastonia, viec-president; Mrs. L. P. Coltrane, of Concord, second vice-pres ident; Miss Carrie* L. Broughton, of Raleis^h, secretary; Mrs. A. F. Griggs, of Durham, treasurer. The program is one of special inter est. At the lirst session, Tuesday morn ing, Miss Minnie W. Leathcrnian, sec retary of the North ('arolina Library Commission, will talk on “Progress of the Library Campaign.” The afternoon session will be intro duced by a musical number. “Spring time," nonizetti-Ilerbert, by the Music Study Club. The address of welcome will be made by Mayor W. H. Woodson, of Salisbury, and the response by Miss Mary B. Palmer, of rharlotte. Dr. Geo. F. Howernian, librarian of tan Public Library. Washington, D. C., will talk on “The Library of the Twen tieth Century in Small and Medium- Sized Towns.” “Story Hour” will he conducted by Mrs. T. S. Lucas, of Society Hill. S. C. Wednesday forenoon will be devot ed to discussion of problems of college and public libraries. Wednesday afternoon there will be a “Hook Survey." those makiuR talks being Miss Palmer, of Charlotte; Miss Cornelia Shaw, of Davidson; Miss An nie F. Petty, Miss Janet ('. Uerke’ey, of the Greensboro Public Library: Miss W. L. Erwin, of Salem Academy and (’ollef?e. The club women of Salisbury will tender the vit;itors a hint heoii and the ' chamber of commerce an auto ride. i The Cause Statistics, page 34, shows that defective chimneys r.nd flues are causing many fires, one thou- sand and six (1,006) In 1915 alnna. Builders are .showing increased i»'teis est with regard to the safe construe, tien and installation of heating sys. terns, chimneys and flues, as a saf* Arrangement In the beginning Tirs^ eludes all possibility of fires orlglnf>,V Ing from these sources. E*/ery proi^ «rty ov^ner should arrange for a car» ful inspection of chimneys and flues «nch veti* and Immediate correction of any dr-fects found.—Plre Marshal Wl E. T .'•n.Tley. Spend Your Money with your home merchants. They help pay the taxes, keep up the schools, build roads, and make this a com munity worth while. You will find the r.dvertising of the best ones in this paper. wei'k. They \vi e i , . * who is Sick hui I-. I in iii- > V1 n;' Many ^])b;ws htm riiin. n-/ . *• great deal of farm i- on around (;cdar MouuMin Mr. arid Mrs. H. Garten vi it Tb» ir tluughter, Mrs. Ed B-1 near BrevHrl ».n .Snrda' A v(^rv vieiou*^ dotr, b-du ved !■ bave been mal. passed fliroti.'h tbe hfirnyurd of (Ti'orre Bisfi. p and bit h calt, )kiss( (1 nii iiito tl!.- Blue Hidge setrtion an i bir n milk • •ivv and a do^. Tlui one helievid mad was killed by .j Ml -, to whom the bitten r.ged The cow belonged i l!|> .l iti -S. (1 ,I >ri- s, who has been ! .r Hf Forest for the VO III >iiths, has returned ' Snvdt i* and two of his 1. li^ Iriitii Piedmont* S. C.. !• >«. 'It) tt> the Marshall cottage i"»i-i:!v I'hey enjoyed a few ii 'ill tri’;i lishing. Pat. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ( EDAR MT. BKEEZES. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. (^alloway Mimms of Greenville chaperoned a party of eleven hovs and girls to Cedar Mountain last Saturday after vis iting Connestee falls. They re turned home Sunday. Many touring cars passing through our Sunday. Dr. L«dand .T. Anderson, John Taylor and Rvidolph Anderson cf (ireenville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (Teorge \V. Bishop last were s»en community Six-Rooli] Hoifse For Rent The six-room house opposite Henning Inn and the residence of Ora L. Jones and ’Squire E. T.^ Henning has been painted and kalso- mined throughout the interior and the out side has also been painted, making it fresh and good as new throughout. All rooms are well lighted in addition to large hall, bath room and servant’s closct. Large basement; rich garden plot on 75x155 feet; several shade trees and good lawn; on second block from Square. Front door will be unlocked for next few days. If interested go in and look it over. Fly-by-night tenants and those not appre ciative of good, clean and care-taken quarters not wanted under any circumstances. Rental price, $16 per month. If interested look the cottage over and then see NO.\H M. HOLLOVVELL. Governor is in Washington. W;’;dii!:;"toi. — I'ornier (.lovermr Lock.-' (’rai" w.'s a visit:;r in W;tshiim- ton. H.' thinks that he peoi)le of North Carolina are with the administration in its war with (Jerinany. “We are for peace all of ns." said Mr. ('ralK. “It is net a (inestion of peace or war. We could not stand for cverytiiiuf;. and the situation was .i-M'owin;; wt)rst> all the time. I think the Pr''.'■■idfMit was ))i!iient, hiave and cool-headed. Ih' did not rush us into war. He kej)t us out of it as hjnj; as he conld. He is no; condemned by any fair or just man. j "1 think Congress will do ri.u’.it in jrivin;.; him tlie funds he asked for. We should exienil credits to the naiions that an li.uhtin,'; Clermany.” V/ake Forest Wins Debate. Rrd('i'-:h. Wake Forest CoUc'-e won over i^aiidul!)h-Ma on in a mo-t rrf'di:- a!dt- .i( itatf on the query, “lii'solve !. the ('(),,stit'ition of the l’nit( d slioulil he so untended as to r-rohihit tl'.e m;innf;u ’ ii; e a::d sale of into>:icat- inj; li.jui,- L. I5or.ll and W. K. Hails'^ were th** speii'.rcrs oii the aitirnuitive by llaii- d(d!>!i .M.icon and .\. ('. llelii i-nd IIn- hert ]•;. Oliver for Wake I’oresl on .he iK'sraiivf side of tii ' ern' ;ion. A-- so( iaie Jusn 0 W. A. l;ok'‘. of the Su;)r,me Court. ])r>sided. and the ,iu(if.,es \vT(' Attorney Gener;i! .1, S. .Ma!U!ii:ic. Jndi^'e J. C. Bip^s and lien- ;’v ,\. i'n'-:e. 'i'!ie cad''':!.'' ol' .Music was th"o'i^'nl and Justice !I(,-;;e coui- nu‘r,(! .1 most highly the ili-haiinf; by both -itb s. J. W. McMINN W. P. WEILT T. M. ALLISON AUTOMOBILE OWNERS If you own an automobile we want to attract your atten tion to our large stock of auto mobile accrssories, for we have just about anything for sale in the auto line except automo biles. We have exclusive rights in this territory for the sale of the United States tires and the Firestone t?res, which are guaranteed for 3,500 miles of service. Rights Now Escaped Train Robber Caught. C’l'.ailotte. il. Crady Webb, train robber \v!io was heint^ transp»»r; 'd to Atlanta Federal prison from West V;rf,M;iia and escapt'd from the olTicers on a train wldle in the yards here •.vas cai'turcd at I’adin, near S.ilisbury. an'd wa;- immediately carried to At lanta to i'C!;iri his sentence. Sampson Farmers Busy. Clinton. In Samp.son county the larniers operati'.'ns are Rcdng forward with. i'('.iiarAaide rapidity. It is evi dent liiat iliL* farmers art' as a whole considering the food situation. a!'d while tlie cotton and tobacco acrea,s;e may not be materially decreased the food crop will doubtless be increased. Farmers in this county are putting forth unprecedented etiorts. Automobile Accessories This list of accessories will serve to show you that we have prepared to take care of your automobile needs: Inner tubes, both United Slates and Firestone; Cha-Tspion Spark Plugs, Pur/ips, Jacl^s, Rid-O-Skid Chains, Vukanizers, Rubber Cement, Patching Cement, Auto Soap, Auto Paint which makes car look like new, Tool Boxes, all kinds of tools, cementless patch that will do the work by applying a little gasoline; blow-out shoes for inside and cut; headlight bulbs for all kinds of cars, headlights, tail lights., etc. Anvthing but the Automobile in stock here. A & 1ERS SUPPLY COMPANY BREVARD, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. is the* time for you to investigate and BUY SOME 15K1LVARI) Ri^.VL ESTATE, either in town or near by. Th(* pric;?s are lower NOW than they will ever be a"sin. We have made a number of sales lately', and are having nti'iierous in^julrios for all sorts of property and expect (laitc a lot of activity along this line in the very near future. If you v/ant to make a safe investment that is bound to grow in value come in and see us. If you have anything to sell list it with us at once. We are doing business for others, why not you? Brevard Insurance Agency GALLOWAY 8l MINNIS Room McMinn Building Governor Bickett appointed Dr. J. Howell Way. member of the State Board of Health, for a term of six years to succeed himself. Likewise he ai);'>(>iuted Dr. K. C. Register, of (’harlotte. to membtrship on the board for a similar length o£ time to succeed Dr. W. O. Spencer, who.^e term ex pires .\i)ril Rocky Mou!it negro women have volunte -red to do Red Cross work. A hishway commission has been or ganized in Warren county. Albert Belche, a youn^ w’hite man, claiming Spartanburg, S. ('., as his home, was arrested in High Point (d’.arged with severely berating the President and the Hag. Mr. A. S. Brown, of Cliarlotte, traf fic manager of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers’ Association, was chosen manager of the traffic bu reau of the Raleigh Chamber of Com merce. He will begin his duties ?Iay 1. Col. Lanilton A. Brown, 30, of Wilk ie-’-' 'v>. In. C„ who commanded a'North a la regiment during the Civil Wdi, died in Richmond last week. £3 Throe* Monllis 'rlption to Trial Sub- TiiK North Caiolina’s livei't nowspa- T) r i.^ of't’-v-'l t» the readers of IiaiiCT f'.r Dail;- ami Sunday. Full : iat( .1 Pi ess 7v‘pcM t. I'liiti'd i’.-'.:s iCay Sorx ice. '.{.iiIt’.'-'. lHi'"r'.tcO. f L; ; und lirimf .1 of r ■ i-c ry’.Ki-*.