BBBVARD NEWS, CSEVABD, IT. C. NOTICE Brevard N.C., April 14, 1917. Tb the Stockholders of the Transyl vania Railroad Coinimny: The annual stockholders’ meeting of the Transylvania Railroad Com pany will be held at the general offices of the Company in the Mc- Minn Building, Brevard, N. C., on Wednesday, the ~’nd day of May, 1917 at 10 o’clock, a. m., for the election of oflQcers and directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any otht^r business that may come before the meeting. 4-v’(U‘>tc A. K. Okr, Secretary. Patrons Praise Our Ice Cream Sodas Only highest grade cream and pure fruit flavors served. COLLECIANS MADE GOOD The Collegiaiis, the last of the four engagements of the Redpatli Lyceum bnreuu for Hrevard, mad«* good in every resiH*ct on Monday night. The company was composeil of four men, wlio clmrnu'd a large Hudienoe for mon^ than an lionr wUh vocal and instrumtaital music and readings. New or renewal subscriptions (bej^inning January 1) will cost $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 months, 35 cents 3 months, 25 cents for 2 months. ENTRY NO. 2610 T. S. McKinna enters and claims 15 acres of land more or less in Hoyd town ship. Transylvania county. North ('arolina, on the head waters of Baldwin’s Mill creek, and what is known as Jake’s C'ovo, ad joining the lands of J. Henry Heed and others. Hejiinning on a small hickory the cor ner of the lioswell tract, and runs \V. 32 poles with Heed’s line to a stake and point ers; thence S. with Heed’s line HO poles to a stake the corner of the Lyday tract; thence still with Heed’s line about S. 80 poles to the ('layton line on top of the mountain; thence K. to Hoyd’s line; thence with Hoyd’s line to a small rock near a larj^e rock; thence a northwesterly direc tion to the hej^inninji;. ^ Signed T. S. McKinna. Kntered March .^1, l‘>17. t'l. C. Kii.patrick, •l-f>-ltp Kntry Taker. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix • the estate of Miles Reece, deceased, late Transylvania county, N. C., this is t notify all persons having claims agaii siiid estate to present same to the uiii> ' signed for payment within twelve moiul fr«)m this date, otherwise this notice \\i be plead in bar of their recovery. persons in any way indebted to s. i estate will please make immediate setti- ment. This April 9th, 1917. (IEOK(;iK G. HEECK, Administratrix Estate of Miles Keen , deceased. 4-13-(n- Sale Of Land tor Taxes I will offer for sale, as the law directs, at the Court house door in the town i>i Brevard, N. C., at 12 o’clock, noon, on the first Monday in May, being the seventh day of May, 1917, all the following de scribed lands on which taxes arc now due and unpaid. J. H. IMCKELSIMEH, Tax Collector. Brevard Township. W.V, MM , J - ay, L C- . . ■ "Way, T G, hei:s . K'way, W C, l-eirs, 105 100 !eust 100 3 81 iiiisi'aw, C 400 .3 J.6(i • tor. & i*a\toii IS 10.32 o, rson, A (i 1.'2 4.'>7 - ‘ iloiini, .iolin . 1085 92 84 ■ lit s, (Inrv!!'.. 25 1: it Cvaiis 1480 79 y > .1.. ; ei.'laii heirs 75 3.80 1. i.‘ e, 10 1) .. ‘»3 8.16 ■ iitvjile Timber ('0 128 5.30 ei se. \V M 3V3 18,93 > ij... li, L Ii 400 17.90 «ai, Ul;o'l;i E, ar.d W C 1' isi,. r I’.t irs _ 6 .5.11 .Neal, i;iioda 10 . .. 50 3.H 0>ven, ,) (' 1 15 .SO i ettlt, M A . 5 5.87 i ettit, T VV _. 180 9.95 ieese, liideon -- 186 4 58 Smith, A P . 116 5.»5 Whitmire. G W .. 394 26.30 v\ ilhelm. J M 225 31.17 A hitmire & Shuford . 460 17.83 Fountain and equipment of most modern type. Everything sparkling and clean. Try a Box of Our Candy. A Large Assortment of the Best From Which to Choose. R. S. MORGAN, Druggist ROSMAN, N. C. Professional Cards. ROBT. L. GASH V. K. BREESE. Jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McM:nn Building DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney ancJ Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. Rm'iI lii'.v :iiid ub.'tract, ul title:? H specialty. ER.NEST H. NOKWOOD Architect and Builder Remodelling and Repair'nn a Specialty Clayton, Clayton &. Fisher Attorneys-at>-Law B{ii:VARl), N. C. WELCH GJiLLOWJiY Jittorney Practice in all the Courts Brevard, M. C. CHAS. B. DE,AVER| Jittorney-' at^ Law | Office Cooper Block I ALLISON & ALLISON Attorneys - at- La w In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cooper Block Brevard. N. C. GONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 1.0.0. F. Meets every Monday night. Visitors welcome. DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. TRANSYLVANIA COUNCIL NO. 376 JR. 0. U. A. M. Meets in Fraternity Building ev ery Saturday night, 7.30 p. m. Visitors welcome. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Transylvania County. In Superior C>»urt, Before the Clerk. J. P. Martin and wife, E. K. Martin. vs. Hen W. Raines, et al. Notice of service of Summons by Publica tion. The (lefenuant.*;, Hen \V. Haines, Annie Tucker, Sue Tucker, Herl>erl ()u i n,i''lorenec Owen and Thomas Haims will each take Transylvania C( unty. North Carolina, which said sumn'iuns is returnable before sail! Clerk of s;iid Suj)erior ('ourt at his olhce in the court house in the town of Hrevard. N. C. on the .Vlth day of April, l‘>17, at m o'clock a. m. The defendants and each of them will further lake notice that saivl special pro- ceedinj^ is broui^ht by the plaintiffs against s:iid defendants f«ir the |)iir()osc of having certain lands Ivin^ in liunn’s Rock township, Transylvania county, N. C. in which lands the plaintiffs and de fendants are tennants in common, parti tioned or sold for the purpose of dividin.u the proceeds of said sale anionj; the said tennants in common, so that the plain tiffs and difi-ndants may hdd their inter ests in said lands in sevcraity. The said defendants will further take notice that thev and each of thim arc re quired to appear al the olhce of th.e Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania county at his otiicc in t!ie court house in i Jrevard, N. C. on Mond.iv .\p! il .iiUh, al 10 o'clock a. m. and answer (T demur to the petition of the plai: tiffs tiled in said s;)i-i'ial i)roceedin^, otherwise, tlu- re lief pjaved f..r in said petition will be urantid. N. A. CKik Superior Court. Transylvania county, N. C. Tl'ii> .\pril 2nd, l‘)17. l-b-l LAND SALE BY COMMISSIONER I'nder and by virtue of the j)ower, di rection and authority j,'iven the under- dersi^iiied commissioner, appointed as such by the clerk ot the suj)crii)r court if 'rran.-ylvaiiia county in a special proceed ing pendiii;; in said court, eiititleii “Sarah J. WillKlm, adiiiiiiistrr.trix, vs. W. K. Wil helm et al.," I will sell to the hi>;hest bid der rm the t.rms hereinafter named, (m WeUne^ilay, .May Kith. 1*)17, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at the court house duor in the l(,wn ol llri-vard. N. C., al! the follouin;; lie- scribcd hmds lyin.; in Kastatoe township, Transylvania county, N. on tlie souUi- v.est siile ot French Broad river and on the west side of Kast Fork of French Hroad river, bounded as follows; First Tract Hejiinnin^j on a sourwood and (lopjwood. the S. i). Whitmire C(»rner, standing south of the j)resent residence of the sai(l Sarah J. \\ ilhelm, ;ind runs south >') de^iTces east 1 lli poles to a black }^um wist 51 piiles to a stake; then north 12 de- j^rees west poles io a stone; then north 41 def^reis we. l .^3 poles to a stake; then north M decrees west iS'j poles to a j stake; then north SO degrees west 30 poles to a stake on the b:ink of Kast Fork creek; i then down and with said creek to a stake at the mouth of a branch, a corner made between S. D. Whitmire and K. A. Cilaze- ner; then up and with said branch a south to the head of same; then up and with the top of the rid^e and with the Whitmire line a south course to the bej^in- nin};, containing; 175 acres more or less. Second Tract .Vdjoirinj; the first tract j above named and de.scribed. Hej.finninf; I on a hickory m the north side of Joshua I mountain, in the head of a h(dlow, and runs north ‘>0 poles to a black ^um; then east ‘>0 poles to poplar; then south poles to a stake; then west ‘JO poles to the be- ^innin{j, cuntaininj' 51) acres more or less. The sale will be made on the followinj; terms to purchaser: One-half of purchase price bid to be paid on day of sale, balance in one year, with interest on deferred payment at six per cent. Purchaser to have privilef^e of paying full amount at any time within one year. Commissioner w’ill retain title till all purchase money has been paid or until satisfactory security, approved by the court, has been given. This April 17th, 1917. W. H. ALLISON, 4-204tc Commissioner. K*). Tax .V X time Acros ('ost Aiken, R T. . .... 37 16.24 Aiken, 10 L 3 5.99 Allison, C H 1 1.70 Bracken, W' () 28 16.65 Board man Mrs A 10 . 6 47.66 Bovden. Mrs Mary, estate. 1 36.05 Baggett. Dr 1 lot 27.98 Conyers & Gower -...1 lot 5.21 Cruse. Lon (] 1 lot 4.41 Duckworth, F]lla F' 2 lots 27.98 Dalton. G L 1 lot 7.15 Deaver, JP .... 4 30..59 Deaver. J P, heirs . . 46 27..39 Floyd.J L 1 lot 5.21 Franklin Hotel 14 219. (>5 Galloway. F'lem 3'. 28.25 Grav. AM 1 lot 5.21 Garren. T L 1 lot 2.5() Hall. C. W .... 1-4 24.83 Howell, (' C 1 lot 5 53 Hume. Miss Jennie, ‘ ; int in Lodge 16. .56 King, Mrs PS 1 lot 13.07 King.'P S 54 55..56 King, W 0 K 1 lot .5. .52 Lanning, J W K 2’. 13.16 Miller, H M _. . 4 23.90 Marshall. ('i !' _ 3 15.91 Marc bant. .Mrs W W _ .... 2 6.46 .McGaha, lOlzie '4 6.47 Newton, Mrs S .‘\. _ ..-.1 lot 10,95 Oak Grove Cemetery. . l'> 4.1(t Orr. H A 1 lot 3.16 Parker, John 11 1 lot 5 03 Phifer, Walter N .1 lot 5.21 Shulord, F 10 1 lot .50. N7 Smith, \V H I , 1.53 Summey, O V 1 lot ' 10.42 Trotter, .Morris 10 1 lot 3. 17 Thomason, W V .. 5'. 20.60 Tinsley, A W .. 1 lot ' 8.SS Whitmire, .Mrs R .\ .1 lot 24 IS Whitmire, T W 1 lot 36.75 Whitmire Verdery, Whit mirt-'s interest 1 lot .^2.31 Whitmire liL Shuford . 14 13.16 Whitmire. G C I , 3.71 Williams. J H 6 lots 15.70 Wolf lie Kennedy 2 lots .s.70 HKr:v.\ui) (((ii.(»ui;i>). •Anthony, Henry .1 lot 1.70 lien jam in, W H 1 h.t S. 73 Gash, Harriet 1 lot 10 (>2 Hemphill. Charlie 2 (..31 Huff, Perry .. (>.(.5 Logan, Loge 1 lot 10.40 Logaii, Lillie . 1 2. Lynch, .\lf 1 ' 6. !7 .Mills, .{ones . .. 1 lot S.()0 ■Mills. .Marcus. I 7.51 Mills. lOd 1 lot 10.7:: Sliarp, C C 1 ;ot 'I'homas, 10 .M 1 1 i,y> W hite, Lewis 1 lot ' (.,70 \\ hiteside, Koy 1 lot (1.07 Boyd Township. Hlythe, Verda 5' • 4.05 HI vthe. Waller.. , 11 4..^» P.lvthe, \: V - - 9 ■ . 4.51 HI vthe, (' E I - - 4 2.55 HI vthe, (' 10 Co, listed to C L Hlythe 1 4 ]XM Hlythe, .loseph and W alter 5 3.1.^ Diincan, Mrs Winnie _ 70 10.(,1 (i:tlloway, Mrs lOd. 19 13.37 Galloway, W M 10 10.53 Hamilton, 10 H lot at Hlantvre 7.11 Hensley heirs. . .. 02 5.21 King, PS ... 7(» 1 !.S(. .Morgan, O J (1015 loK,) 51 Shuford, Mrs Lela -. 44 8.00 HOY!) (coi.okkd). Walker. Harrison .... 1 2.12 Smith, ('aniline heirs 2 2.78 llemj)hill, C W. . - 8 4..58 Gash, James . .. 1 .115 Hemphill,Spurgeon, h is in- terest in his father' s es- tate, C W Hemphill 8 6.48 Catheys Creek. Dunn, MS 132 24.48 Dunn, J 11 6 9.74 Fisher, \\ C. heirs, 2 lots in Rosman 18.()6 Galloway, L 10, 1 lot in Kosman 9.10 Galloway, T P, Sr 13 16.61 Gravlev, Luther 25 s..45 Kilpatrick, W P 40 .5.21 Morgan, R S, 1 lot in kosman 40.44 .Morgan, Summey & G ruver 2 18.69 Norris. J H .... 122 12.00 Gloucester. ■ ai l t n, !' H, heirs 1 H'Vure, James, (ireen, Cecil (iillespie heirs Cilazener heirs, min int. _ C.alloway, Jessie F, ,'4 int. McCall, AS •McCall, James M. McCall. G F Moore, Melford .. McCall, W \V Mason, TP ()w«*n, AH... Owen, J W. Owen, Clerisa Owen, John H Owen, J Coleman . Scott, J A. Whitmire. T 1) Zachary, J R Hogback. Aiken, M, heirs 125 Allison, Mootishan 1 lot Hackus, 10 M. F'isher, W J F isher, John, heirs (lallowav, T H . (Irimshaw, C . Hall, Mrs FO ,. Johns, Walter () ... Knight, W H McCall, H L •Miller, T A -McFarland mineral interest •\ich(dson, .Mrs M 1C . 40 Owen, S Ci, heirs 100 Prince, Neal 4.V4 Hi ese, Mrs L 10 1(>0 Rei.l, (; W . 7 \\ eilrii k, W .1 lot Whitmire, W .M. Sr VI Little River. Hrajigs, J W Hlvthe, (MO and H .M and 1) S Pace . . Hryson. Hugh, heirs . Corn, C L, heirs ('aj)ers, .bdin O . t'aglc, Wilkins Holley, Mrs I'ranci.s .(ont s, .Ma;';^ie _ ■lones. .lane . . .lones, J S . , Jones, John Lawton, JIL. Mi rrell, C t; Markham. .Mr? J 11 . •McCrary, S C, heirs Osborne, \\ K, and Wil- J 12 3 166', (.0 5 > 96 •''' J S 3S 22', S ' 75 son, C 10, Wilson interest 4S.S Perry. James H 31 ', Summey, U P , 43 Shut(inl, .\irs S .1 ‘>0 Si’.uh nl, 1) .M, heirs 32S Sentell, W I! 2S', Sluifi.rd, C \ . his interest in 1) .M Shuford heirs 32S Tresi-ott. W S 43 IilSi'it\ ri;ii s. Dnckwortli Shufor.l, 1 Hickwortli int value,'?420 Hosman Realty Co, 31 lots in Ros- man Tinsley, T W _ 5 ', Dunns Rock. B:\CK TWES Bre\ ard. Cooper, r .\, l')13 1 lot (.rant, .1 .M. l')13 27 H;ire, Dr J 11. l‘>13 . 1 lot Po(d, A C, l'»13 1 lot St(»ner, A 1), PM3 1 lot Sims, A 11, l'*13. 1 lot Whitmire Verdery, 1''13 and l‘>15 1 lot C.alloway, H M, l'»14 2 Shuford, I' 10, l‘>j 1 1‘'’15 3 lots Whitmire & Smathers, PU4 1015 . 1 lot M'.rgan, H S. I'M.^ 1 lot Whitmire «!il; Shuford, r>M- 1015 . .1 lot Whitmire, 'I' W, 1915 1 lot lOast Fnd Developini;; tH, 1014 .4 lots Oak drove Cemetery, 1015, 1 lot Hoyden, Mrs Mary, 1015 1 lot Catheys Creek. i Cunninghnm, H L, 1013 (>1 I Duckworth. J W, 1013-1014 15 or ,-,1 j Lyday, Dr 10 C, 1015 2 lots Paxton, C, 11, 1015 . 1 lot 6.61 Bagwell, J H (heirs) ^ .. 60 3.74 lOmmerson, Mrs Amanda 100 5.28 Holmes. Mrs M A 50 .3.16 Heath, 0 0 10 1.98 Hamet, AS 12'> 5.10 Hines, W J, estate .^07 10.80 Hall, t; W.... 860 49.14 Mull, W P 15 6.17 ' McGaha, V B 350 29.80 Rhodes, W R 10 2.17 1 Raines. W C, estate 63 3.50 I Rhodes, Mrs MM 32 2.66 1 Tinsley, F' P 14 6.40 Verner, Mary P 25 3.00 Whitmire, W P, & Wil liams, J H 100 4.58 Whitmire & Verdery 124 8.90 Wilson, David 395 17.07 Wilson, G Fidilla 58 3..34 Wilson, Aaron 35 2.78 Eastatoe. Aiken, EC . ... 25 5.30 Aiken, Emily, heirs 15 1.13 Aiken & Pearce ... 40 2.93 Bryant, M F. ... 4 8 60 Crow, Elbert 100 5.58 Conley, J F — 23*^ 4.56 Dodson, W R. beirs — 197 7.44 Dunns Rock. Heath, O O. 191 3 .. 10 Mctlaha, C. FOIlis, 1913 .. 34 Whitmire, W P, & V'erdcrv, 1913 124 Loftis, T N, 1914 . SI Wilson, David, 1914 395 DISCOVICKY. Saluda River Lumber Co, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1911, val $703 Eastatoe. 9.32 Collins, R A, 1914 9 10 63 I Allison, Hoottishan, 1915, 1 lot 5.37 Galloway, G C, heirs, 1915, 140 4.58 ^ McFarland, 1915, min int. Little River. 2.84 2.62 5.26 6.29 Allison, M 0, 1913 5 5.09 Osborne heirs. 1913 980 5.‘i,5 Shipman, Caleb and W E, 1913 68 14.00 Merrell, M M, 1915 40 6.46 McGaha, Walker, heirs. 1915 50 2.52 50 3.88 66 .5.21 38 12.60 1 lot 6.47 78 6.31 10.57 71.70 50 3.03 5 1.98 50 4.32 75 14.54 132 22.02 43', 8.45 346 21.27 28 3.19 28 3.19 63 8.56 25 20.47 374 21.70 100 7.37 100 9.31 27 9.16 50 3.81 13 .5.44 100 6.97 Sals of Land for Taxes I will offer for sale, as the law directs, at the court house door in the town of lirevard, N. C , at 12 o’clock, noon, on the first Monday in May, being the seventh day of May, 1917, all the following de scribed lands on which taxes are now due and unpaid. C. C. KILPATRICK. Town Tax Collector. 1913. A 10 Knloe Fl(>ra J Lee A M Goodman J M Grant A M (Jray. Mrs W M Howell F N Hall J W McCain J A Parker. Mrs S M Peters _ A C Pool A D Stone .. John Smith. Jr John Waters, 1913-14-15.. COLORED. Cam Mills Mary Taylor... Cory Mills .1 lot . 1 lot .1 lot .1 lot .1 lot .1 lot .1 lot . 1 lot .1 lot 1 lot . 1 lot .1 lot .1 lot .1 lot 1 lot .1 lot .1 lot ^ 679 . 30 . 950 . 90 . 140 . 47 . 400 . 10 .4 lots . 2 1-15 . 1 27 5.11 2.54 42.23 6.75 49.88 4.11 5.38 3.41 3S.62 5.11 2.54 20.79 11.16 3.4'2 6.45 4.02 5.53 9.21 13.95 2.02 2.54 12.95 2.96 11.36 6.()2 2.79 13.99 2().70 4.5s 4.31 7.52 2.27 2.27 3.47 S. 17 2.37 11.S5 1913-1914. Wolf & Kennedy 1 lot 1914. W N McCall 1 lot J W McClain 1 lot Frank C Owen 1 lot Ida Rogers 1 lot 10 FO Clement 1 lot P H Ciallowa}’^ 1 lot Mrs C C Howell 1 lot W M Justus (interest in Jus tus & Phagan’s lot) 1 lot 1915. A N & F 10 H Jenkins F' S Jones H S Morjjjan Mrs lOlla Duckworth A H) lOnloe . V Fontaine F N Hall Chas Jemison . F' 10 H Jenkins A H Simmons John Smith, Jr Mrs Daisy '.''ownsend John Wallis J R Zachary J 10 C'ayton Mamie 10 Trotter N 10 .McMinn. John Parker ... Pickelsimer & Ouckworth A H Riley Rohin.'on & Hilt L\ C Hen- nett lot) Mrs Dovie Townsend Mrs J C Wallis _ Hendson .1 Williams Woli & Kennedy . M H Bagwell .1 i-ishop. Sam Hrv.on . C I) Devane (1915-19K,). _. 1916. 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 h>t 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lof 1 lot 2.59 4.40 .3.44 4.40 4.40 3.05 4.40 4.40 3.73 7.K» 4.08 3.73 3.73 57.05 2.08 1..35 2.45 13.10 4.70 4.70 6.95 6.20 6 20 11.95 3.22 11.33 I 3.20 ! 3.95 22.08 ! 21.20 I 11.45 ; 8.45 j 4.70 I 4.70 ! 55.771 4.70 I 2.25 f).95 4.70 31.10 18.03 3.40 .30.20 ! 4.70 i 9.20 i 7.77 19.70 7.70 3..58 13.70 7.70 (..7s 15.73 10.70 4.70 17.15 NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIOH IN THE TOWN OF BREVARD, N. C. You will take notice that the regular municipal election for said town of Bre vard, N. C., at which a Mayor and five Aldermen are to be chosen to serve for ihe next two years, will be held at the usual voting place in the court house in said town of Brevard, N. €., on Tuesday, May the 8th, 1917, same being held under thf rules and regulations governing mu nicipal elections. You will further take notice that at said electim, in accordance with a reso lution passed by the Board of Aldermen, and an ordinance passed and adopted in pursuance of said resolution as hereinafter set out, both resolution and ordinance being passed and adopted by virtue of the provision of the Public Laws of 1917 gov erning municipal matters in general, there will be submitted to the qualified v»)ters of Said town of Brevard, N. C., for their adoption and ratification and ap proval the question of amending the char ter of the t«»wn of Brevard, enlarging the corporate limits of said town from one- half to three-fourths of a mile in every direction from the centre of the public square in .said tow'n. There will be sub mitted ballots as follows; For Amendment. Against Amendment. All persons who are qualified to vote, living within the present corporate limits of said town, will see that their names are properly registered on the poll books for said town of Hrevard, N. C., which will be opened for such purpose at the time and in the manner required by law. April 9th, 1917. CHAS. M COOKFO, JR., Mayor. C. C. KILPATRICK. Clerk of the Board. 7.52 J L Flovd ...1 lot 1.70 1 7.02 K S Fuller 1 lot 5.20 ■ 18.21 V Fontaine . 1 lot 7.45 i .i5,25 Fraiikiin Hotel . . 1 lot 180.20 ! 1S.(,5 •\ .M Gray . 1 lot 4.70 j 10.81 P H (iallowav 1 - . - 1 lot 13.00 i Frank J McCall... - ..1 lot 21.10 1 4.33 N 10 .Mc.Minn . . 1 lot 18.10 , .lidin H Parker .. .1 lot 3..50 Walter X Fifer ..1 lot 4.70 George PhilijjS .1 lot 12.20 5.09 Pickelsimer tJi Duckv.orth .1 lot o.2(» A H Riley . . 1 lot 4.40 C 11 Robinson .1 lot 20.15 Robinson & Hilt , 1 5 lots 31.70 A 10 Shafer . . . 1 lot 10.70 Mandie 10 Trotter ,...1 lot 3.20 7.84 Mrs Dovie Townsend .. 1 lot 7.70 1.41 ->lrs K H Walker 1 lot 60.20 1.43 .Mrs J C Wallis 1 lot 3.(>5 1.11 W(df «S: Kennedy 1 lot 7.70 3 70 Hudson J Williams ... 1 lot 13.70 1.43 Cj .M Glazener _ 1 lot 13.60 FNHall 1 lot 4.70 .54.89 Joe Hamlin ...1 lot 16.30 5.70 .Mrs M a Holmes .- .1 lot 19.70 .>()..50 Jane W Hume, ' i intt rest in Lodge. 14.25 5. SO ('barley Jemison *1 lot 4.70 22.97 F' K H Jenkins . 1 lot .3().20 Jenkins. 11 10, estate _ 15.20 .57.77 \ N tt I' 10 H Jenkins .. 1 lot 3.20 23.34 T F Jones 1 lot 4.05 Justice F'agan . ... 1 lot 13.70 4.43 ' King Bros ... 1 lot 13.85 8.40 J W McCain ...1 lot 4.70 .38.92 J 10 Clayton - . . 1 h.t 40.10 J R Zachary ...1 lot 31.10 3.03 ^ (OLORED — 1916. •v21 : .-\ntney Henry 1 lot 5.()5 23.70 1 .32.70 W B Benjamin Tcmy Bowman ....1 ...1 lot lot \ -JS 1 1 Tom Benjamin 1 lot 2. {5 ! 1 lOliza Cunningham 1 lot 29.40 2.10 John Ciaston — 1 lot 7 83 Lee Kilgore .... 1 lot Cam .Mills ....2 lots 5.35 7.78 F'red Mills . 1 lot 5.45 3.29 C C Sharp . ... 1 lot 10.86 Mary Taylor 1 lot Lewis White ’— 1 lot 8.30 Roy Whiteside ... 1 lot Sam Sharp ....1 lot 6.20 29.29 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF CHAR TER OF TOWN OF BREVARD, N.C. The Board of Aldermen of the town of Hrevard, X. C., at a regular meeting held on the second day of April, 1917, adopted a resolution as follows: “Ofiice of Mayor and Hoard of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard, N. C., April 2nd, 1917. “Re it resolved by the Board of Alder men of the town of Brevard, N. C., that it is and will be for the best interests of the town of Brevard, N. C., that the charter of said town of Brevard, N. C., be amended so as to enlarge the corporate limits of the said town from one-half mile to three- fourths »)f a mile in every direction from the centre of the public s([uare of said l(»wn. This change t(» be effective only after submissijn to and ratification by a maj(jrity ol the qualified voters of said town at an election to be held for such purpose. “'Ibis resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board of Aldermen at the time and p’ace above stated. “CILVS. M. COOKFO, JR., Mayor. "C. C. KILPATRICK, “Clerk of the Board of Aldermen. “This April 2nd, 1917.” In pursuance of the above resolution the Hoard ol Aldermen at an adjourned meeting on April 9th, 1917, said meeting being a continued or adjourned meeting from April 2nd, 1917. introduced, read, adopted and passed the following ordi nances: Ordinance of Town of Brevard, N. C. SIOCTION 1. That section 2 of chapter 113 of the l^rivatc* Laws of 1903, sa'ne being an act ;o amend and consolidate the charter of ne town of Hrevard, X. C., be and the same is hereby rcfiealed and the follow ing substituted therefor: “That the corporate limits of said tow’n f Hrevard, N. C'„ shall extend three- • >ui : ns of a mile in every direction from ne centre of jmbli.’ square, which point ^ the intersection of the centres of Main ’■'■i t .'prl Hroad street in said town of Hrevard, X. C, SKCTION 2. “ 1 nat in tiu- c,'i imh 01 more than two- thirds ol the ini'inhers of the Hoard of .Mderm-n of .--aid t v. n of Hrevard, X. C., it is lor the b;>l interests of the town of Hrevan', N. C , tliat said corporate limits be enlargtd as j idvideu lor in section one of this ordinar.ce. SKCTION 3. “That notice of this ordinance which ^i-.all he signed by the Mayor of said town 1! }>revar(i, N. C., .and shall be published once a w eek for four su^^'Cessive weeks in the Hrevard News.” The foregoing ordinance was adopted by the unanimous vote of the Hoard of Aldermen, on April 9th, 1917. CHAS. M. COOKIO, JR., Mayor. C. C. K1I.P.\.TR1('K. Clerk of Hoard. Grimshaw. C, 1914 _ 400 25.97 Meese, W M. 1914 .., 373 8.51 Neal, Rhoda E, 1913-1914. 50 4.69 Shuford, F E, 1914 50 2.97 Whitmire «!t Shuford, 1914 460 14.23 Gloucester. Owen, Jessie R, 1913 100 6.25 Parker, H S, 1913 118 ,'i 8.67 Shuford, G A & D M, 1913 213 16.24 Owen, J C, 1914 140 10.79 (Jalloway, M F, 1915 127 26.75 Hogback. Collins, A N, 1913 33,'i Galloway, J P, 1913 130 Neal. Rhoda E. 1913 300 5.57 9.07 23.02 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Samuel Merrill, deceased, late of Transylvania county. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit th,.m to the undersigned at the office of Ralph R. Fisher, attorney at law, Hrevard, N. C., or to the undersigned ad ministrator on or before the 14th day ol March, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of March, 1917, D. W. MERRILL, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Merrill, deceased. Ralph R. Fisher, Attorney. 3-23-6tc LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE Hy virtue of the power given the under- ■^igned trustee in a certain deed in trust . xecutod by A. L. Shewmaker, dated No vember 3i>th, 1915, to secure the payment • f certain promissory notes executed by -aid Shewmaker to said trustee for the ise of M. H. F'owler and H. C. McKenney; .nd whereas, said notes have matured by eason of default in payment of same, nd the j)ayees having directed the said rustee to give the reijuired notice of such oK.ult, and if such default was not made lod to advertise the land described in s i> deed in trust. And notice having been given, and de fault not having been made good, now, therefore, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town of Brevard, county of Transylvania, state of Nc'rth Carolina, as per terms of said deed in trust, on Thursday. May 10th, '.917, at 1 o’clock, p. m.. all the follow’ing lescribed tract of land: Lying in Mills iiver township, Henderson county, N. C., id near lOtowah station on Southern ailway, adjoining lands of J. L. Gash et 1., bounded as follows: Beginning on a large black gum in Gash’s line on the southeast side of a swamp, and runs south 75 degrees west 45 poles to a white oak in Chas. FOnglish’s line; then with English’s line south 4 de- i^rees east 58 poles to a spanish oak in ilash’s line; then with Gash’s line south !4 degrees cast 61 poles to the begin- iiing, containing seven and one-half acres more or less. Sale made to satisfy said notes, inter est, cost of sale and expenses. This April 10th, 1917. THOS. H. SHIPMAN, 1134tc Trustee. **Seek and ye shall find** through the Diversified columii.