BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. Personal Mention Look through these columns; see if the names of your guests are there. If not, you have neglected your duty toward them. It docs not cost any thing. TclVphonc, write or bring your news to News office. I Welch Galloway was in Asheville Saturday and Sunday. Judge Geo. A. Shnford of Ashe ville has been in Urevard this week. Miss Edna Stroup sjMJnt the Week-end visiting her sister in Bilt- niore. Ralph R. Fisher was in Tryon on Friday and Saturday on professional business. Mrs. A. N. Hinton and two chil dren returned i>n Sunday from a visit to Mr. Hinton’s parents at Jasper, Fla. Mrs. C. \V. Hunt returned on Sunday from St. *Vtersbnr^, Fla., where she has been eonductinf? her tourist hotel. W. S. Price, jr.. and lainily liiivo moved intv) the liouse on Ciildwi 11 street recently vacated by N. A. Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Kilpatrick and family visited Mrs Kilpatrick’s people in Enslcy Sunday, making the trip in their car. David Unnt has returned from the Georgia T»-ch. at Atlanta with the view to joining: the national guard for war servicc. N. A. Miller and family have moved to their n‘\v hi>ni(M)n Frencli Mrond avenue, ^li-. Miller has had erected an attractive little cut*a*'e. S. L. Dnckwortli of Kernesville visitid bis par('nts. Mr. and Mrs. Jo** Dnckwortli, at Island Ford, and liis brotlicrs and sistiTs in Brevanl last \vi>ek. J. W. Davis has been confined to his bed tor two weeks with a car buncle. Charles PickcOsimer returned from Richmond, Va., on Wqdnes day, making the trip in his Ford. W. C. Cooke and family of Spar- tanbur*^ have been visiting Mr. Cooke’s family, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cooke. Miss Roberta Calhoun has return ed to her home in Sylva after an extended visit tt> her sister Mrs. O. V. Summey. Dr. E. S. Ensrlish and Dr. T. J. Summoy attended the (>4th annual session of the State Medical society in Asheville last week. W. P. Henderson and son, Alvin, ; were in Asheville Sunday, when | the latter und»TW(*nt an examinat-1 ion for trouble of the throat. i I Mrs. S. M. Macfie returned on i Sunday from rliarlotte, where she has iieen for the last few weeks recnpcratin}? from an operation. The Baraca class of the Baptist church failed to entertain the Phi- j latbras on last 'I'hursday night as was intended, but will do so at the school house on Thursday night of this week. Mrs. il. Y. McKinney of Raleigh is visiting her sistt'r, Mrs. M. P. Brodie. l>r. and Mrs. McKinn('y ; were residents of Brevard until | about a year ago, i Miss Ivt'ubenia Nicholson rt'turn- ' ed on Tuesday from a week-end visit to lu*r brother, Calloway Nicholson, in Asheville, vuhere she , had lier eyes examined. Friends of Mrs. H. P. Clark, who lias bt*i‘n ill at lifr home at rlu' Rock brook Farm for some liint*. will n-irret to learn that her con dition is considered (juite critieal. Stroup, Irene Montgomery, Flora Duckworth, Mary Sledge, Louise Erwin, Verna and Mildred Goode ; Dr. \V. W. Smith, Roy Marr, Lamar Lewis, Rev. John R Hay, A. H. Kizer, Dr. T. J. Summey, Clyde Ashworth, Overton Erwin, N. M. Hollo well. L. S. ('1 v.:h of Wa’-T’cn, Pa., has be»*n in }!''i*var(l for tht* l;tsf fi*vv At tlic meeting of the i>. Y. I’. T. .f lirev.ird .Morttiay niirht Prof. .i. days Iriokm;' jifter tlu> luill aiul ' (.loiu s olVered his resigna'iun by his farm; reason ol his inteiuie*l departun* and Miss Ruth Hrooks, who has been seiving as one of the two grou]) leaders, was elected to suc- cei‘d I’rof. Jones. farming operations on near Bri'vard. ]Mrs. \V. \V. Zichary and fiiinilv an* residni'' in triint of the Metho dist ehureh buiMinir. havini' sold her former r *sidenee to the Bievton Park eom;>any. M. M. (‘bai)Ti):ni anil faTuily mo- ton*d to A>heville Monday on a visit to Mrs. ('liajiMian's sist(>r.who was Miss. Famiii- Hunt befon* her recent marriaLU'. Miss Ina Tallev. wlio tanirht in the ])ractiee tiepartnient of ( r.llo- whee Normal duriiig the j)ast sdiool year, closed her \vt)rk last we* k and returned to her home at Pen rose on Sunday. Vr. S. Price, sr.. and family have' returned to lirevani a;t r siir?:(lin'/ | a f»*\v nu)!iths oij |.-inrel T.i- ;;. ; where Mr. Pric'* ec'jv.lrete.: tin' eommissary tor tl;;' tirnb' r e])cra- 1 tions (. f \V. !^. Ash'.'.^ i tli. ! ^Ir. and \ 15. Houston. Mr.' and Mrs. I’ani Mo;istt)n and Miss *"]l!a (too(1 iioiisimi )ii, v.> returned trom iirevard, win r- they motored i forth** week-end v.itli Mr. and Mrs. I John Mel\iin:i.—(ireenville Xews. | I F. M. Jordan, deputy insurineei commissit)ner of North (’arolina,i while on an in>)t.-e;ion tour in lire-1 v.ird last week Vi'ii-d his lather,! Hev. F. M. Jordan, at (aivi-rt. R(^v. Mr. Jordan, i.*. iuite feeblt* | and has in-en ci'niined to liis bed' for several wt rks. ! I A pai’ty coniTH'sed of Mrs. Max-! well. Miss Anni(‘ Livi*r(*tt, Miss; iCthei i\lan(]ers. Will Reese, (irovcr Shii)nia!i. Orto Brookshire, and L('e Allen atti-nded a danee last Tuesday night at t)iL> .\etht hvold hotel in Brevard, szivt'n in lionor ot .Mr. and Mrs. Danic‘1 M» rr»*ll, who v>'j*re recently rnarrieil.—Llendersonville Hustler. J. A. ?dilh r, jr.. and J. Mack Allison, Transylvania trustees (.f the Sou^he^ stern Mountain(’ountit*s association created by tlie legisla- | ture for the devi'lopment of this section, left for I’.ryson City Thurs day to attend the first session. C. M. Doyle is also a trustee for this county. ‘ Straw Ride to Glen Canon. ('ha])cronod by Mr. and ?\lrs. (i. ('. Kilnatriek, Die follo'.vinir vounir ])t‘oj!’ie enjoytMl a strawiide to (ih*n (’anon falls wlu-re su])]>er was st'rv- ed on Moni’.i.v night ; .'.lisses Frankii* and Kiliel Kil])at- rick. Avail Ashworth. Jack Clayton, Pearl and Lillian Small- wi^od : R;il|tb ri.-;hi‘r. »V. H. Mlison, (ieorge 'I’urni'r, Walter Duckv.orth iuul (ilii Paxton. Miss Erwin Entertains. A iittinur el(*."e ti) the social yatlier- inirs of sonit* of the selibol teacht'rs and th( ir friends in Brevard was en joyed on Tuesday night when Miss Kathi*rin(* Krwin gave a number of frii-nds a rook ])arty. The closing of the ])ublic school tliis week v.'ill m*‘au tlie de])arture of the teachers who have contri- hut(^l a]i])rt*eiahly to thii social life of Brevard durin'jT tht^ ]>ast year. T’h»*re were four tables of rook jjayers and after tin; giiine bad iirotH'cdcd for some time •i’‘“fre'’ii- !nents in the form of a chicken .'^alad cour.^e, followed by ice cream and cake, were serveil. Miss Erwin’s ]>arty was com])osed of Misses Maud Ellen Pike, Sue Cannon, Frances McIntosh, Edna Hay-Riding: Party. As one of the closing events of the social activities of the school teachers and a few of their friends in Brevard, the young men who have been participating in the en joyments of the j)ast school year gave the ladins a hay ride to Glen Canon falls on last Thursday night. A four-horse w’agon and Dr. T. J. Summey’s automobile filled with joy riders, ohaperonel by Mrs. J. R. Hamlin, left Brevard at 8 o’clock and ])roeeeded to the falls, where a lire beneath the waterfalls formed the center of attraction. Preimrations were made to satisfy the hunger of the hay-rid»*rs and before the party left the falls, food had been cooked, coft'ee boiled and the feast had been enjoyed, closing with a course of ice cream and cake The jiarfy was composed of Mrs. Hamlin, Misses Sue (,'annon, V’^erna and JMiidrcd Goode, Frances McIn tosh, Irene M*)Utgonery, Edna Stroup, Maude Elien Pike, Kath- (frine Erwin and Flora Duckworth ; Dr. Summey, Dr. W. \V. Smith, Overton Erwin, Verne (Moment, Lamar Lewis, Rev. John R. Hay, A. II. Kizer and N. M. Hollowell. Attended Club Meeting. A number of tlm club women of Brevard attended the Rcciinocity day of the lirst district of the North C\)rolina Federation of Women’s clubs at Hendersonville Saturvlay. There were over club members in attendance from Western (’arolina. They w’ere heartily received and royally en- tert'uned by the Heiuiersonville club members. iHrs C . II, Trowbridge as ]>resi dent of the Matliatasian club made the iinr»nal report for th»* clui), sho'.vi'iir iTs work and renoriing on its ]>it -*Mi! couise o: study in hird life. Mrs. F E. 15. .)(uikins for Mrs. 'I'. II. Shipman. ])ri*sid»*nt of the Wednesday Bt)ok club, re- j)ortt‘d for this orgiiiii/.ation and tlu^ .scojm of its activities during the ])!;st year. TIk* Mathatasians present included .Mesdames II. Trowbridge. B. l)eav(*r W. A. i!eav»'iis and Miss Fh'ra Duck- Vvorth. Mesdam('s T. H. Shijmiaii, F. K. B. Jt*nkins and I) (i. Ward ri'presentcd the Wednesday Book club. U. D. C. Meeting. Tilt* l)anght(*rs of the ('onfed(?r- acy held their A]>ril meeting at the ehaj)ter houst* on last Saturday at I o'clock. The rejiort frcin the lyci'um course, in the f)nn of a clu'ck for was most gratify ing. 'I'he ladi» s decided to olVev tlu*ir services and the n*'-' of tlie cha])ter house lor any lirst aid or ])atnotic wt>rk that tnight be nndi'rtaken in the town. A membep was «])- l)ointed to write Pre.sid(‘iit Wilson that th(* Tran.sylvania chai)ti‘r was ••with him” in the stand hi': had taken. The r. I). (’. color.«, red and white, were v**»-y c‘li-verly onrried out in the ict* cream and cake served, by tht^ hostesses, Misses Virginia and Maude Allison, Tlios(' holding s(>ason tickets to the lyt (“um coursc will do well to keep Slime as tlu' Red])ath com]mny has •(iromist'd aiiothi'r (‘ntertain- ment in placi* of the unsuccessful number in February. CHIEF LEM BROOKS WAS MARRIED, mm 28,1916 BETTERMENT ASS'N PUNS FI6HT ON THE HOUSE FLY (Reported for the News.) The Brevard Betterment asaocia tion held ita regular monthly meet ing at the Brevard graded school house on Tuesday. Tht) work in charge of the several committees has progre.ssed satisfactorily. The report of the “Clean-up committee” was made by Mrs. D. L. English, as chairman, and the members of the B)tterment gave a GSaNU Jilnrs REPORT F R GOiIRi To his honor Henry T. Lane, Jndg pre-Jd . : v\’e tt Gr»md.Inrv respoctfull snbmit the toPowing report. That cMiin-gan>r has i)een visit* ( J»v a en Miniftee and reportt^d ii very good condition. Exempt as to sleeping (colored and wtiitc ]»rison ers in tho stuuH eatre. We resp«*et > Concord Woman joins Navy. Concord.—While few recruits hare been elisted for the Army and NaTT from this city, Concord has the dis tinction of being one of the first Southern cities to send a woman re cruit to the war. The recruit frcKa this city is Miss Cooper Miller, who writes that she enlisted at Philadel phia. She has been commissioned 19 work in the Navy yards there, and holds the commission of “Chief To»> man." Miss Miller is a stenographer of much experience, and her work will consist of stenographic work. bediling. Poor-house was also visited by a committee and reported in gool conditim, found five inmates and seem to be w’ell satisfied. (’h*rk’s oflfiice has be(*n visited bv rising vote of thanks to Mr. Cooke,! fully recomen,i that the v be separ it- the mayor : Mr. Brooks, the police man ; Mr. Hollow’ell, editor of the Brevard News, and Mr. Price, who painted tiie street signs, and ail t)tiiers who have given so much assistance in cleaning up the town. The Flower committee, who are endeavoring to help make Brevard beautiful, told of the distribution of seeds and bulbs, Mrs. David Ward making tlie report of that and other ei’forts on the part of the committee. Another rising vote of thanks was given to Col. Hodg»*s, who has promised to beau tify the vacant lots n*ar the depot. Tile ass(x;iation passed a motion to meet soon and plant flowers on the school grounds. ^ The United Daughters of the (.’onfeiieracy kindly olTered the use of its building for making hospital supplies and learning “first aid” W(»rk, as the members wish to co-operate with the Betterment in its intended work along this line. Their oiTer is much appreciated. A campaign to light the fly nnisanc‘, will be begun in co-opera tion with the Brevard News. A suggestion was made that the Betterment and all other organiza tions in the town—religious, civic and social—should combine re- stiurces to build and (Mjuiparest room for farjners’ wives. Tliis qu**stion was left open for future (iiscussion. NOTICE OF ELECTION IN TOWN (.F NORTH BREVARH You will take notice that the ed. We also iind no mess hall ami we recoinend that a mess ball t>e provided for, a]mrt from the slec])- ing quarters. We also recon'end that th«y bo furnished a change of »'t*t?nl ‘r municipal election for the said town of Xortli Brevard in which a mayor and tliree aldermen ar.5 to he clio.sen to serve for the next, two years, will be held at C. C. Y«)n*;ui;\s residence in said town of North Brevard on Tue.sday, .May, ... , , . , ^ r.)17. tliJ! sauiH being held under ,i ra.mmitteo and rBportoil in Kood ,he rules and roj;,.lutions goviTninK municipal elections. After hearing all mt'cting adjourni'd. imports the KURT AT PISCAH FOREST ccmdition County jail has been visited by a comndtteeand found that the ])iis- oners have no chairs to sit on, bed cover is very scarce forcohl weath er (itherwise in very good condi tion. We have examined and passed all bills presented to us by the Solici tor. W’’c coTiimend his Honor Henry T. Lan ! Judge presiding, for his able cbtirg’e and instructions to the (Jrand Jury. Also Soliciror Mi(!h- ael Sclnmck for his courteous and ircntlf*manly consideration and his diligence! in performing his duties Respectfully submitted. J. E Cox Foreman J. E. Cox, foreman ;Flem (lalloway, A. N. Collins, K. L. Wright, Chas. Aiken, J. A. Allison, Hud Nich(d son, J. L. Gravl(*y, R. M. Powell, j W. P. Mc(iaha, Henry Hinkle, .T. j II. Harkins, .Tulius M. McCall, W. ' J. Kay, (i. I). Shulord, Wales Lank- ford, A. E England, A. L. Huggins All piM-sons who are qualified to vot(“, living within the jjresent cor- ])orist«* lirjiits oc said town, w^ill see that their names are properly reg istered «>n th«^ ])(dl books for said town of North Brevanl, N. C., which will be opened for such pur pose at the time and in the manner required by law. April .■>, P.»17. Fkki) Johxson, Mayor. , C. C. Yon'olk, (!lerk of Board. (From Hendersonville Visitor.) i Several weeks ago T. ii. Conner ' Tm* SPRING , .11 i- ' , 1 Becoiuo m(iei)endent by taking tJl* re(vivcdanin.iury on the lorehead airriculture In Minnesota. Xorth Da kota, Montana, Idaho, Washington or Oroj^on. Millions of acres of land in those states along the Xorthorn Pa- citic R. . awaiting settlement. I'nus'jal opportunities. Healthful climate, abundant crops, good markets, ex cellent transportation facilities, school'i, chureiies, etc. A young coun try for ambitious pc’ople. Send for free descriptive literature and infor mation regarding ti e particular sec tion tiiat intc're.-Jts you. We vvill bo glad to assist you in locating your new liome in a community where you can feel at I'.ome and can enjoy pros perity. Write to J. (’. Eaton, Ceneral Agent, Northern Pacific Ily., 40 Euot 4th St., ('incinnati, O. EYEGLASS SATISFACTION Means Relief, Comfort and Style. Becoming Glasses Cost no More. Dr. J.G, DENISON (Opii.D.) Optometrist and Optician. 52 Patton A.'3iiU9. AS;;£V>liil, M. C. (In Henderson Jcwclry Store.) from a ])iece t)t steel living from an anvil while at work at Pisgah For est. He was operated on last w»>ek by ]>r. Kirk, who found a ])iec(> (d‘ steel about the si/e of a mashed dltn»* just behind tl'ic eye. Mr. (.’on- nT is imin-oving rapidly since the operation. BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES The ]»upils of tlu; Music de))art- mcnt L'ave their annual spring re- citel bist Satunliiv jit S ]> ni. Tlu; prc;:ratn was varied and interest iirg, the performers ranging from hi*ginncrs to the senior.s of the ile- partJiicnt. Rev. K H. Norwood conducted the services of tin* Y. \V'. Hlid Y. M. I'. A. at Ti;t- Institutt? last Sun day evening. Miss Mamlaleiu* Parliam, who was called ho;in‘ last v.cek by the illness of lier njottier at Ncwberu, returned *Monday muht. Miss Olga (’oliins is temporarily absent from the Institute on ac count of trouble v,ith her (\ves. Jeter Matti.ews bus a ])osition with the Sontlier?! liailway rom- l*fi is bet winter. For General Trade THE BREVARD MILL STORE iit the Depot is open to the general public trade at prices that will compare fa vorably with those of other groccry stores. Goods at cost to cotton mill employ es. Feeds and a general grocery business. R. D. NEELY, Manager BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Departments C'-llc-e Prrp.iratory. Xormal, Music, mestie .\rt, Hous;, hol(i l^-.momir-s-, .\,':rieiii';irc. AH departmen's are (iirei ted by le;ieiu r.s witi: .sj)ev. i;:I ir large expi-ri. Thi-y know Ihi;,’" l)u>in.;s. iRlliienccs ol the Institute are alone W( rth the cost of to - fit:?’-: • li J. W. McMINN Right Now is tiie tima for you to investigate and BUY SOME BREVARD RE.\L ESTATE, either in town or near by. The prices are lower NOW than they will ever be again. We have made a number of sales lately, and are having numerous' inquiries for all sorts of property and expect quite a lot of activity along this line in the very near future. If you want to make a safe investment that is bound to grow in value come in and see us. If you have anything to sell list it with us at once. We are doing business for others, why not you.^ Brevard Insurance Agency CALLOWAY & MINNIS Room 9» McMinn Building Columbus, X. April H*, l',»17. Mr. L. Brooks, Brevard, N. (’. Dear Sir : Will take pleasure in granting your rc(|ucst in regard to i the date of marriasxe license for ycmrself aud Nina Eveline Nelson. I Date of license, March 19U*); marriage, March li)l(). j Yours truly, j A. L. PlTM.VX, i Register of Deeds. W. P. WEILT J. M. ALLISON GLADE CREEK NEWS Perry Merrell of Little River is visiting Mrs. R. L. Capps. Mrs. Wade Galloway has re turned to Cullowliee after a few w»*cks’ visit ill this section. Robert Mackey and family vis ited Mrs. Eli/idbeth Scruggs of Boilston Sunday. Little Mary, daughter of James Cox, is sick. Mrs. Jerry McCall of Davidson River spent Saturday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Collins. Vanes Smathers and family spent the day at John Lyday’s quite re cently. Glade Creek people have been at tending the revival at the union church. Try a Diversified adv. Make Kitchen Worries Lighter These stoves are used in more than 2,500,000 homes, an unimpeachable endorsement of their usefulness and popularity. Here Are Some Favorable Features: Lights instantly—ready for full work in a minute. Heat regulates instantly and positively, either full flame or simmering heat. Clean coml)ustion. Durable—lasts for years. Convenient height with spacious tops. Equipped with or without cabinets to prevent draft currents, splashing of grease Stove with two burners $ 9.50 Stove with three burners ^13.00 against walls and provide convenient warming shelf. Ovens made to conform to size of stove. Ovens have glass doors and will not steam nor break; baking always in sight; asbestos lining. Stoves can be moved easily and used anywhere and occupy little space. No chimneys or flues needed; cook anywhere. Stove with four burners $16.50 Ovens with two burners $ 3.50 : : Come in and let us explain some of their many good merits. FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY BR£VARD. N. C.