I BBEVAKO NEWk>, BREVAJilD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Name- cluinifL'il troia Sylvan Valley Nowsi, Jainiury i, 1917- NOAH M. HOLLOWKLL. K.litor Publisheil every'riiursil«y. Enteifil at postortlce at Krovanl. N.C'.,as sccoml cluss matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year - - - - $ 1 .OO Six months . - - - , vj Three months - ,35 Two months ... .25 Payable by check, stamps or money order. Cards of thanks, resolutions and memorials publisliPil only at half 00m- mercial rate, oostini: 10 i-i-nts per inch or one-fourth cent per \v.>nl. Subscriptions not continned after ex- pirati(>n of time paid for except on re quest. Friday, April 27,1917. HERPS TO OLD GLORY, GOD BLESS HER! If anyone attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the ■pot.—John A. DIx. O folds of white and scarlet! O blue field with your silver stars! May fond eyes welcome you, willing feet follow you, strong hands defend you, warm hearts cherish you, and dying lips give you their blessing! Ours by in heritance, ours by allegiance, ours by affection—long may you float on the free winds of heaven, the emblem of liberty, the hope of the world!—Anon. Make prcpa rat ions to attend the county Sinulay school rally on May !. It will ilo you good to mingle with the crgwd nud hear the ])ro- grain. Rev. Raymond Brownincj bej;an a meeting in Hendersonville Sun day. We imagine ourselves .seeing him take tlie hide ofT those Ilen- (Jersouv’lk^ fvllo'.vs. Since the town has been cleaned of its trash what think you ol a flyiess-town campaign.-’ Almost pt)ssihle to be without flies. If you arc a citizen of lirevard see to it that your name is on the registration l)ook for prospects of a Vf*ry interesting election are devel oping. Yt)ur ballot may count for a great deal. Calling for Volunteers. The Military Training Camjis as.'^ociation for North Carolina is appealing for men from this vState to attend the training school at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., from May S to Augu.'^t S. The purjiose of the .school is to make ofl'icers out of citizens. I’revious military training is not necessary. Infor mation can be had by applying to R. \\’. (»leun. ('.reensboro, X. C. Adjutant General Young of North Carolina is ap])ealing for recruits for the national guards and says North Carolinians are re sponding discouragingly slow. He and Ciovernor Bickett are urging that comminiities make themselves busy in this respect. The people will doubtless get the war spirit in them when actiud warfare begins and if they don’t, .selective conscription will probably be the order of the dav. Plenty of time yet for a garden even though you work it bj’ the moon. A little garden spot of your own is a very popular movement in the face of the h. c. 1. Strange, strange, indeed strange, tlie kind of stuff some people are made of and they j^arade around with it in jniblic places and choo.se to call it j)atriotism just because patriotism is unusually popular at this time. “Hendersonville welcomes with opeu arms the club women of Western Carolina,” says the Hust ler. And how green we are with envy that we were not placed on the recej)tion committee by the Hustler in.stead of given a banquet by the town as the Hustler threat ens to do for us. Increasing Farm Crops. Farmers are beinf? urged from about every reasonable source io plant increased acreage in food and feed crops. It is pointed ont to them that this is necessary in Ihe face of high prices and tbreatenin}' war. Food will be needed for the warring nations. It is estimated that the South depends on the North and Central West for these products to an ex tent of 8700,COu,000 a yt ar and that North Carolina Imports ^80,000.000 W’orth even when normal prices prevail. In soiue sections speaking tour? are being made to show the farm ers the necessity of increased crops. President Wilson says the fate of the war rests in a large measure with the farmers and that their work is really a patriotic service. The BreVard Banking companv says that merchants of this county have paid bills of lading through the bank since last Septembor to an amount exceeding s->(i0,000, and this all for food and foedstuflFs. This is enormous. Conditions are favorable and Transylvania should raise enough stuff to be self-sup porting this year. It is one of the best agricultural counties in West ern Carolina and every farmer owes it to himself and to his coun try during the great national crisis to make the most of the exceptional opportunity that confronts him. MORE TRANSYLVANIANS READY FOR THE WAR fjust weeJv tlu' News j)uMishc(l the names ol those who. to it.« knowle»»ge, had oftered tlieir ser vices to the governtnunt in varioa.s brunchj‘8. This list lias been increased by Dr. E.W. lUvth)*, Ralph R. Fisher, Rev. John R. Ha.v, Edda HalUinberg. Robert L. Ciasli, David Hunt Dr. T. J. Sumniey last week sue cessfnlly passed the inentiil and physical examinations in Asluwille for the medical eorjis. While he could render an Hccej)tal)le servie.e at this tinje Im will not give nj) his medi«*al i)raetice unless th; call for physicians should become more ur gent. The following names were given last week: T H. Shipman, .1. S. Silverstein. Ora L. J«mes. W. E. Breese, Thomas Teague. M.ynardie Cloud has enlisted in the navy at Brooklyn, N. Y. ENLARGEMENT FOR PIPE ORGAN CALOMEL mkrn d A iSri Lit Crashes Into Sour IJile, VI »klnj You Sick and You Lose a Day’s Work. The Methodist church of Brevard has added to its building an addi tion about 14x14 feet to accommo date a pipe organ. The instrument i as been purchas. ed and an early shipment is expect ed. It will be installed to the rear of the ])nlpit. The choir will occupy the space between the pulpit and the organ. GHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF CAROLINA HANDLE COMPANY Calomel salivatfs! h’s r.uTiury. ('alo- mel acts like dynamite (in a livt r. When calomel conies into contact with sour bile it crashcs into it, causinjf cranip- inff and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, con'ti- pated and all knocked out, just jni to your drugf^ist and a 5n cent bettle of Dod son’s Liver Tone, which is a harmless vepjetahle substitute for dangerous calo mel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn’t start your liver and straighten yon up better and quicker than nasty (.::]»niel and without making you sick, you just go back and pet your money. If you take calomel t(»day you’ll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besi.les, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson’s Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play. It’s harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like it.—Advertise ment. Read the Diversifieds also. Victor Fontaine, who became as sociated with Henry N. Carrier w'hen the handle factory was moved from Brevard to Moncks Corner, S. ('., and the business was con ducted under the nmne of the Caro lina Handle company, n)anufacturer of hickory and ash handles, has sold his interest to R. H. .Morrow of Brevard, who is at Moncks Cor ner looking after the business. Mr. Fontaine found that his time would not permit him to look att» r his shuttle block plant near Montjks Corner und the one in Brevard, which will soon be rebuilt. Mr. Fontaine expects the Molfz Lumber company and the Toxaway Lumber company to place at his disposal a large amount of dogwood for shuttle blocks, which he ships in an unfinished state to France and the New England stateg, LOOK! Crowns, Bridge ^ Work Full Set Of Teeth vO Fillings, 50c up Why Pay More? P‘rfect Satisfaction Guaranteed CONSULT ui FREE Dr. BenC.Smathers Dr. C. M. Beam Dentists Over Carmichncls* on the Sqn4^ 1 % Patton Ave. Entrance \slievillc, N. C. Phone 1561 ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous In Brevard. Should the News take as much pains to point out the .shortcom ings of sonie of its critics as they do those of the News an enlarged edition would be necessary. We are temptod sometimes to make the experiment and let the other fellow know how delightful it is to l)e a public target. Here’s trusting that the genial editor of the Hendersonville Hust ler, the smokestack and .soot advo cate, will join the vast throng of Hendersonvilleians who are iinrch- ing to Brevard to see a real smoke- .stack. It is finished and stands J2.') feet high. A great monu ment. Come on up and look, Brother Garlington. MR. DEAN BUYS SHOP J. T. Dean has purchased the harness repair shoj) of T. .M. Mitchell and will conduct the busi ness in connection with his shoe repair shop. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidne.y danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of evidence of their worth, J. C. Allen, Killian St , WHvnes ville, N. C. says: “My kidney trouble was brought on by a fall I Pains started in my back, under my shoulders, and extendel down into the small of my back. It was often impossible for me to get around un less I had help and I laid off from work for two weeks at a time. One box of Doan’s Kidne.y Pills has al ways been enough to remove the pains in my back and put me on my feet again in good shape.’’ Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask fora kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Allen had. Foster- MilburnCo., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. “Seek and ye shall find” through the Diversified column. KODAKERY «A Magazine (or Amatetu: ^oto^raphers MARCH EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER — 7ha KwtmM dV " NEW VOKIL Flood-Damaged Lands in This County To Be ^e-Assessed All Persons Having Lands “Damaged By July Flood Are Requested to Apply to Countv Com* missioners for He*Assessment, Everybody Likes Pictures. Let U9 present you with the great est of all aids to good picture making. To every present purchaser of a Kodak, Brownie, Premo or Graflex camera, will be given a year’s 3ub- scription to “KODAKERY” a clever helpful magazine devoted to amateur photography. Every issue beautifully illustrated and replete with practical suggestions. FRA K D. CLEMENT The Jeweler of Transylvania County Buy in Brevard We had an abiding faith in Pen rose i>eople, believing they w’ould do the proper thing when put to the real educational test. It is not like a progressive community of good people of which that section can boa.st to let a few citizens op posed to progress impede the march of educational grow’th. Congrat ulations to that section. In the matter of re assessment of lands substantially and permanently damaged by the flood of July, 1916 The Board of County Commissioners of Transylvania county, by resolution adopted by the board, having made application to the State Tax Commission for authority to re-assess so much of the lands of Transylvania county as were substantially and permanently damnged by the flood of Jul.y 16, 191(5, and the state tax commission having been authorized by section 17 of the Machinery Act of 1917 to grant such relief, it is therefore Ordered, that the Board of County Commissioners of Transylvania be and it is hereby authorized to appoint three free holders as special assessors to view and re-assess those particular tracts of land i u such county which were substantially and permanently damaged by the flood of July 16, 1916, and that the assessment made of each suf li tracts of land by such special assessors, together with the assessment of each such tracts made in the year 1915, be reported to the State Tax Com mission for approval of such re-assessment, in accordance with section 17 of the Machinery Act of l')17. A. J. MAXWELL, Clerk. By order of the commission. 4 27-2tc Note From Commissioners. All persons wishing relief under this order are hereby requested to make such desire known to the commissioners without delay. Notice to Farmers and Stockmen Service of Jack The servicc of the Kentucky Jack known in this county as the ^*Aiken" Jack, may be had at my stables at any time. People desiring service may rely upon the assurance that there will be no disappcint- mentt even though they make no previous engagement. For further pptticulars ap ply to S. WOOD, Brevard, N. C* nfiuiM/ 0^ ARE YOU GOING TO HIDE YOUR MONEY IN A HOLE IN THE GROUND OR IN YOUR HOUSE AND ALWAYS BE WORRIED FEARING THAT YOU MAY BE WATCHED BY A ROBBER? NO. IT IS THE ROBBER’S BUSINESS TO LEARN WHO KEEPSa MONEY HIDDEN; AND HE WILL KILL YOU, IF HE MUST; TO STEAL. BE A CAREFUL MAN. BANK WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY Fight Flies!& Water Your Garden We have the new design door screen; it does not take a carpenter to adjust. They fit on outside of door frame and attachments are easy and Mimple so any one can hang them. Two grades and sizes, $L50 to $2.00. We have fly screen wire, both galvanized and black, for making screen doors and windows. Garden Hose Keep your garden, flowers and lawn sprinkled with our best grade of rubber hose, 13 to 15 cents per foot. Any length up to 500 feet. We also have chicken wire for the garden. W. E. BISHOP (& CO. PAINTING, KALSOMINING AND PAPER HANGING I am again open for work of this kind and can offer expert workmanship at a reasonable cost. Let me figure with you. W. s. PRICR. JR. Representative of Kaysar & Allman, manufacturers of Wall Papers. carrying riNL TE Ai We Point With Pride to our Chase & Sanborn line of fine Teas a£>d Ccfitts which carry and on which we have iQiit up such a splendid trade. A Large Selection of honest goods at honest prices won us patronage of our best cus tomers. Are you one of them? MITCHELL The Grocer. Reduced Touring Cars Reduced $80. New Price $388.50. Roadsters Reduced $45. New Price $373.50. May get hif her but gua.ranteed no lower within a year. LET US SELL YOU ONE NOW. KING LIVERY COMPANY Agents for Dodge and Ford Autos. BRXVARD. N. C.

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