S, BREVARD, N. C. nCIL SOOEIT IDJOURIIS Dr. (. W. Faison, of Charlotte, is Elect* ed President.—Next Meeting to Be at PInehurst. A'^hnville.—A notable session of the Nrr Carolina Medical Society clos- c l ; the Battery Park Hotel here. T > ■ ->st hours of the sixty-fourth an- n .; .athering were devoted to papers r.i I viiscussions of children's diseases. r session the house of delegates : tfd on the election of new offi- (. s follows; ^ident. Dr. I. W. Faison of Char- i. . first vice president. Dr. Wm. D. i' , Xider, of Chapel Hill; second » . :‘,-esident. Dr. Joseph B. Green, of A >;llo; third vice president. Dr. !' . iioyiil. of Moreheail (’Ity. The cl. ■ • ary. Dr. Beiijaiuin K. Hays of V' (1 and the treasurer. Dr. W. M. . i>t‘ OrePiisboro. hold over until ■•xt niP“tins. whit’ll will l>e at i . i'.rst next April. . .i)eri'ulcsls in Children.” was r, -, itod by Dr. Jesse Robert Gerstle > .’.it-ago. Doctor Faison opened the .sii)n. In the course of his tallv, ;v ;• Faison made a pli>a for im- I ; living and housing conditions, h- ' l arh^s L. Minor. Dr. Thompson [' ■ and Dr. L^is W. Kl’is, of this I' i:)oli part in the disi-ussion. i) !or Flias read the "Hcmo^haRic i)i. ( ; I's of the Xew i?orn." Dr. Lewis \V ; ‘ Hill, ot Bosto’i. Mass., coiulud- . .! • program with an aftle paper ' ■ > he Diarrhoeal IMfoase of In- ; Tiu'ir Diiro**.".!!ialion and T . ’aent.” V ■ ’imher of physicians participat- e.i :h(* discussions. nu'cting in this ciiy is roRanlrd ?•; tIt '.OKatos as one of the most ’iiiK and piT/fUable in fiie his- ' • . ;■ tlu' organization. Aside from ■ . . ,;al pro;rr,un of ]>apers. this ir.g will 1)6 remembered on ac- I , .>r the patrioii note sound‘d at ' sessions. I'uIrriTiating in the liT'otii'.g ol' llie as; ociation and •'.’d of lioaith wlir-.i a rt s'ilution :r s'rviios to th-' was .1 by a ri-i 'M \oie. l^iri ;; t!;i' l.iys of tlM' Ionvc'.'iif i a ;'0!’- ’lie iiUTiihcy (II the lioi !ors hav(> . the ( .\aniiuai;o;i for me:nl>e»-- 'M the varioi: nu'diial corps of f . ;iiv and Xavy. V . r ll-f : f‘ ill Cents Sold Colli Here’s all it took to sell Coi only an eight-cent advertisemenl in COLLIE PUPS worth having. See J. A. Forsythe. News ads will doubtless do as much t you. Even though you don’t have pu itjd to sell, they will sell or buy other things for you. Diversified AdslWH-L ENROLL Wr Are Business Builder^ , jOF club hers Dno rent a wont for tirst iti-;orti>n: onc-lialf i-nt ;i word for I'at'h siibsoqin'nt insertion. e,i -li inaial or abhrcviatit)n counting as a wonl. LO'IS WAXTKO—Wc pay cash. Miller Supply Co. 3-2-tfc ROOMS For Li^ht housekeeping apply to -Mrs. Ida Hrvant. 1 12 tfc TAX LISTS CHANGED TP CONFORM Tr vU.U‘,ni^N$ The comity *(miiis.si.if rf n » iiiir f«)und that by terror i~ V'^ajulerbilt s ]>rupert'. \ townsinp wuH iiicriMSi • i> . .. the .sain-' • «ii'rc(l corri'ctcd, ])hici.i*r the ti \,i i|«* vjilti iitioii at $4().r»ll.h2. Tiicri* Artsan error of in (.ilouc»->'t r towrihhip aiul tliis was ordered (•»)rri (‘t(Mi. Thoro was IIn error u: ini-i iviMMl Ms.«i*.‘isiiH*nt on tlur h« (i.s ol tlic IJreviiid Land and Tim her c(Mn])any in No^bai'k, raisin:' Mic taxniih^ vulnatnm fn»rn to $;;{,7o() ami this WHS orch^red oorrrt^tcd. Thu Wolf Mountain Lnnil»‘r oom- j^any whs tax.d tor IdO acrrs in Hot»l)Hek, wlii-h lies in (irlouc. sti r, and this was ordered corrccjted. Geo. II. Htnathers was taxed with real property in Gloucester, and it appearing to the board that he had no ])ioperty therein, the records were ordered eorrceted. G. A. and D M. t'liuford were released from taxes assessed apninst them, sinee tlie same were paid by the Brevard Land and Timber c(^m- pany. Tlie oommission*rs while in regu lar st'ssign tliis month also ordered that tlie connty’s bull at T. H. Reid's phiet* hi* moved to Bob Glaze- ner’s in Easftatoe townsliip. BOYS AND GIRLS OF STATE TO HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO AID IN FOOD CONSERVATION. SAL i’ ive fresh milk cows. Your n 'i.c. I'. Hi'tulerson. 4-27 tfc 20,000 MEMBERS WANTED I 'duce and Gave. Says Graham. ‘Oar ((''.Miiry i'-' a1 war—- (f I’.o:; •.v;>v;: hal'le food ■ (1. t vi iy i'r’,i!i(! of loss or waste ( ii is a he!'!." M'in’-;>. in’. atl lottois. now on I '.' sta * ;:cry of Iho Slate i iiciit ol' A'.il'live. ■ vt'i'y IviiiT K'l-!'!- ‘-ut l'r.>m the of .Major \V. A. tirahaui. ('om- .lor oi' 'hi‘.r\ is an insert .. lwo-wo; d ht a..i!’.;:;—“Produce— Ptatenif^!;t rraN; coui’.liy is at war. It is a war ' as truly on r. (oiVi t>s. 1' '.il and :ion as oi; uicTi. iai;’.’.o;! and ..i'.ion. is !io pf d;ii’.i’or of; odi’( rioii o'.' ;i; y iion-porishahlf ' .'■■.‘l!:.-;- ;’•( ,v. o: !'i O'iiire 1 ' . of lu.ii-rc: i. liable i ,-;;d store :-alcIy. j '.1 i.r.i'lrii',;'.;: i»rfvo:ition { . d :: • ! v,-tc lipr 'aso;' Oi o*', i'^s. I't , CM' ;)!'■ ”\vise. | ; St ■ ! ■ -..11 iM ■•it of -\ui i( ul- i .>)!U’:1 i?.: (livi^ivUlS. i? •very ;'i;; ; ■> i,.- ; lo help j ■p!>‘ to nv • ''li ri>is. We ad- | and i ■I :-' that all our ■ ■;ih d’l ■■ : : .p to ev Oi;omy)' ■ I o y tr,; .* (u' su’a! ' *' • l’’ •> prevent j • ; wast? fi' r.; v .UKi'ci'. j iK'un.l fr: :■ '!iai'f food j "i. I-Ve'r> : tI ‘ r ; or V.’c!Sle ; I. ;s a r ; ’ ! li -nar ■ A'iricii’rure.” ' !!E.\S .\NI) K('.('.S Hi^'host cash prices paid for t’lcm at the City Market. l-(»-tfc COl^X Miv.VL- Homp ground, for sale at, W. I’. Henderson's mill. 4 (» tfc 'OU Ki-NT Six-ro.)ni liouse with lari^c rrrdoii. See i'rank Jcnkin.s. 4 27-t:c .\N!> 1,0 TS an.l v.icant l-»is for si!e. See W . l''aiilk!u r. 12 29-tfc .S' LOTS, farms ;ind timber laiids for sale, l-'rank Jenkins, lirevard, N. C. tt iili: FKAXl^LIN PRESS Franklin, N. ('.; t the year; (> months for.">() cents. Siihscrihc now. ,\LI. OTinCKS .lust as y»>u do. read this *iluiiin, an iffeotive }ro-hetwecn for i)uyers, .sellers and traders. )K S.\LK Two teams, heavy horses, x ven vears old; cash or on time, weiu 'r::m !,!('!) to 1,250 pounds. J. Iv. Ham 11 a. 4-29-21; ,\KK WAN’Ti-:!) Chestnut Oak anu -k. Hiir'aest v'ash market price i'l an-\ 1 v.inia Tanning Com])anv. lin vard, N. C. 4-27-tfc y i_yaL Sri’I’LlES —New r-upplv i. ^■ta!ll.■d hy Brevard !!1 jvtrical I'o. in Mi-liael .Music House l»ids on electrical work solicited. 1-20 tfc i'OiC KKX'l' Six-roora cottaj^c, kalsomined and ;';.::r.eu sino;. occujiancv; on sccomi iiloc';. fr(m r.ijuare; per month; r^-ady for occnoation. N(-ah M. Hollowell. \ I' 1 ne\v.s.\!;ii-rs lor kin-l ir-‘> .and oIIut 'tnrtjos'.-s, 5 cents , 'U!!'iiv. A, :;!y at Xcws otiicc. 4-12 \N'ri;!! wool, .vnd pn. ■’.riii"^ t!.lo \V. L. .\ikjn for hi-’ii. 12-:- >Iv 'ro.\ll!ST )X!'S si-c K. T. X. r. lie i 'presents a sir- I More Than Five Hundred Have Al- j ready Begun Activities—Others Are Urged to Enlist. I Raleish. - A tremendous effort will be mad(> by tlie AsricuUural Club a?;en- ! cies to enroll a .'rre:;; ui.:ny more'nivni- I hers in the va!it'i;j t;!nbs in the slate i during the next two nic '.la.;, the pose bein; innlaiii.u of the pro- S: iblc. r.rm. Pvaiis verv rea- 3-V-tfi- o Destroys El’' Poll?r f.liil. | . r. n orij^In | .. l)avai.-(. ; n \. (!''-t!‘(;ycd i ' roll, r . d by HaMer • ' :i Kiil'C Vi:- ; ■ oi '." in, . . f‘-: 1- a!': ) u .'\’.vrnin, ■ >\fd a;-! i.. iaiiilior c.v.ied, . onard a:, i a ruvv biilMin;; i I.:;' -n s o. • ;.y J. C. Davi.-. | ■ ()! i!i(' ‘-...-s i-a.; im: f) 'on ! ■ . -.1, li.i.a V, it is be- : ar i';. 1 .Vi''.enii, \vi:a i ue ] .. uf i. -uraiue unknown at this r-^C.RTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. '* R. L. HuiTi IPS. general man- ■ ojie of tlit> larrest insuranc-e . .’.ty con ! a r!es in tlie sli*te, .. jcd every school pupil of I'.Ifcant ii HieT- ten years of a;;e, ..’i'l volunteer to tend a garden ii -eed of any kind and variety ‘ t'le garden. .-.r Oaks in J h iFton county is ■ 0 have electric li;.;hJs. . \.-f? county farmers have passed fions to inti ease food crop . : .• Great State Fair 1.-5 ,H:oing to ■ drive this year for poultry pre- .01-;'.” said f'olonel Jo.seph E. sfH retary oT the fair. ■ "ih Wilkesboro is making plans r.tensive street 1 I'l P rnvement. . Anna H. Shaw will speak in r Ul April 25. . 7 checks are bcln,*; delivered this '• 10 members at Spcncer of the brothf rhood.s—Engineers, Con- rs. Firemen r-nd Ijrakemen—for :• time during the month of Janu- !i ihe face of the eheeks it is 1 that this if for time made under !a;nson eight hour law. ' \i. I'>'TATi^ is like all oilier l>n>inc"- i: r.-vj.iins aiixtTti'inix to .slimiilat.-it. Lv 11 a ilivi-rsiiicd ad •..ill .vork wo'i (. -rs. 'i ry o!iv. ii:;x!!;:!-;sox ('orx'^v x;-:\vs: i^caii i. in i'he N'isili.r.' Se!id ,'tt cents fsjr a VI :ir's to ’'Tlie \'isit(.:," i!'-:;{Ierst.nviIie, Ts. C. .^-23-lf» i’dSiVlOXS \V.\XTi-'i) To iu-lp tb(!se out I I a I- 'r v. b.o dcsiro a 1-elU-r on-v‘, t!a- Xc\' wil! ])rint aus ';f not nn're tiian. 25 words in this column 'v.ilhout (.•,;st. tfc 1' :v S.\Li-' I’uiv 1)rc(i licrksliirc })i; seXi s; also ('oi ke’s 1‘rolilie sei ■, rorn, selected in fi-.-lti and e:i-rniinaii ' tested. .1. 1*. Wimberly, Marl 1'.'. ' ;-'arm, }{.it(.k'boro, X. I'. 3-2o-'i(!, , LC’F'i' STOLI'X l'bn;;;l'.-!nired black and laii oo;.'; i/rn.d, Airuale tcrriir. Hail on Collar marked “Tick” Barclay, Pr -vard, X. Reward. Advise Oscar ia.\ter, Clitslaut Hill Farm, Brevard, X. C. 4-20-2tc WAXTFI) Younff man, sinfile, to assist in V. I: in;.^ trta K i;anU-n, easy ’.vi'ik >’- i i!'.-iretf‘ smoker, liquor drinker .r i : u;)Iy. Address I’. (* •• •> I . i\ ai the News oflice tor in- ;'orrn. • ii n. j duct ion of food and f« -m! crops. An j enrollment of two hundred ijoy.s and I girls in each county in the state would I mean an army of 20,"'•b industrially j inclined, productvie young men and : young women. Already 5,071 club j members have begun their ac'tivities. I I The following is a list of tlie lead-| I ing countics. bas: d ou the total enroll- ; ! ment for all clubs: I ! (luilf'nrd. 2-!!>; I’uncombe, 242; j Wilkes 220; Iredell. 2»»1; Wake, 1S8; Maciison, ISO; Stanley. 170; Cleveland, 107; Johnston. ]:il; Ruth('rf(,rd. LJO. j “With tlie entraiiie o! this country into the Knrop«'an tlieater of war,” states .Mr. .(I- Unbiiiow. of the agri cultural club work, "w;!! com.- not only tilt' call for a display of military spirt and patriotism, but llii' a .-ur- ance, on the part of tiie ciiiz:'nship of the Cnitc-d Suites, of le.axiiiriim in dustrial and prodtj' tive devi'lopni.'nt. As a tanir;'.,le i;ait of such pn-p.ired- ness mea.'Ures. tht' niemlters of tho various !5oys’ rind C;.!.',’ .\,i.’:rictiliural and Live-stock CIul)'. in a nation-wide movcniiMit. wil! do a great d?'al fov.- ;:-d contrihuting fc'd and food-.-^ttiffs for, the ina!ntenanc(- of i)oth the tiiilitary and civilian i;opulation. : “In Xorth ('arolii’.a th's year an army of Tl b(>:>- an.d have al ready begu’! wnrk oti th dr i)r>).!u.'tiv.; I I)r(>j('-.-ts. Tlii • eff;rt v. ili r. .-. Ivi- it self into 2.i;:'4 acres of ( orn. SJ of cotti-n. 1.2i.‘> I'i-s. i'roiii 'vlil. h n y ‘ lC( ..7i ny; 7J a/re ■ ■, and 1 27S . ;is ;:s to-,, w.'.’lth can Guaranteed worm med- i:inc and stock tonic* Also for hogf cholera and worms in h No dosing:, no drench ing* Stock 'ck it and like it fine, but no danger of over-dosing. Put Dr. Blackman's medic.itcd salt brick in iced box and stock doses itself accord- ■ ^ its needs. Price, 25 cents g tor ^ . io. biic.^. J F A R M E R S SUPPLY CO. W. B. Michael Factory Representative for Western North Carolina for Twenty-Five Years for the WEAVER PIANO CO. YORK, PA. Sample Pianos Next Door to Duci(worth Drog Co. Brevard, N. C. Buy a Good Bicycle Four standard makes in stock—Pope, Elco, National and Ardmore—all proven wheels of sure quality. Priced $25 and up. Second hand, $10 to $25. Always carry a full line of Bicycle Tires and sundries. Small repair work of all kinds on bicycles, guns, locks, keys, and expert sharpening at reasonable prices. Articles sent by mail for repair receive especial care. Frank J. Nevercel 47 West CoUege St-cet Asheville, N. C. IM Put plenty of FERTILIZER. under your crops this year, and get it from us. Every sack guaranteed as labeled. Prices right. Cash or on time. Brevard Lumber Co. Phone 120 Close to Depot .1 ii Tiie i: May be Something You Need in This List Look It Over be cxp-'c^tMi a \ t ry I tvKi of n. aimt.s, ■!''! o’ initrhr-.; of !;’i-h i)utul.; poultry Hocks. Wli.U i; ward ;-.(i(iins; to l.'-■lai' he il!;i mI l)y stu.i?'."’; t;i-* l.or?'| roi’ii ci'op la;.t year iiu re:'ihe us-' s; ('1' I’;;* s b>' Ilio pis^ work pro.hK I :i ; worih of p-rk , fiiK’.d tl}.' pni!’!'y clait 'va.s r('s’>o:'.';ihle I for raisin;;- oj.UUO birds for pro- i du( tion. i Se!ow are scattering.items from the Big Hardware Stock, to show you the variety of things we carry: ICE CREAM FREEZERS GARBAGE CANS ALUMirSfUM WARE CHURNS CREAM SEPARATORS ARDEN HOSE 1 LIST TAKERS NAMEB BY COMMISSIONERS Tho conTity fominissionors have Marnrcl the t'xllowin.i' list talu'rs. Thu tint*? for t)o.iL;inning servic's h>is not boon fixod : iJrovnrd, Koscoe Nicholson. Bo\tl, L. F. Lyd.iy. ( 'ntheys (Jiv(*U,.T. P. Wilsf.n. Dnnns Rock, W. M. Maxwell. Eustiitoo, W. H. Summey. (Jioucf'stcr, Hiir.son McCull. llo.ufbiirk. J. Alfred 0\v('n. Litth; Uivor. Morrell. .Mr. Wilson v:ss u])])oinl'.‘d to skc- ct'ed S. P. Collin.s, resigned, for Cathevs Crock. “Wais are not only war-' d with jnin.s i and s!ic!!.>: tlioy aro louuj. aloa?; oco ! I'oniic lint'.--, with food. clothinK and j :-helt.'r a.s ihrtH? grt-a; fnipririv-;’.! fun- d'lnientaLs. In Europe the call fcr in- dir.trial patriotism was s,Mi!i:b;-d :’l- most as "oon as the calls to :*rms was I made. Women and cliiblr* n are now tilling the t^oils of England. France and Germany, so t ’at the men who fight may be fed. This conn try is embark ing on an era of suffering and priva tion. Ln ye ir saw an incredible shortage of almost evei*y commcdity u.sd for food- Ri •' was the only ex- cpiion. w; h p.:! ■ n-ri'ased army and navy to su;)no:*t and feed, with thou sands of men drawn away from tlieir normally productive occupations, with the destruction of millions of dollars’ worth of food by those in Europe, who normally woj’.d be producing, under such circumstances, every man, wo man and child who grows an edible commodity is a patriot, in every sense of the w’c;d.” WASHING MACHINES AGATE WARE KF.ROSENE RANGES POULTRY WIRE /.UTOMOBILE TIRES POULTRY SUPPLIES , UTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES , FLY-TIME SUNDRIES “ANYTHING IN HARDWARE" OTTIS GREEN HARDWARE CO. Durhann Employs V/eigher. Durham.—The board of aldermen has empowereil tpr> city of Durham to employe a whole-time sealer of weights and measures and 5.000 cop ies of tho ordinance arc being printed for distribution. The offiro is practi cally a new one in Xorth ('arolina, and the cnpointee will be clothed with ths authority of a policcman to minimize tho fr.mds possibly practiced on the housev.ife. His terra of office em braces one year, and it is mandatory that !:o visit all firms, person.s and cor- Doraticns usiiiK balances, wei rht?. ^tc. 11 West PacR Square WHolesale and Retail PHorie 1S53 AsHeville, N. C. on £i Throo Months Trial Sub- ccrlption lo Tin-: .v.sHKViixr: times North Ca.rolina’s livest nowspa- P'T is olTt-red to the rcador.s of I'li.’i ]!:iMcr for Daily and Sunday. I’n’l As. o( Intod Pj css Hcnort. I*:';; 0(1 i’l o-Hs S'ji:c]:iy Horvioo. a'u I'caturcs, l!li;:;tr-\led. t’turlcii anti iUiiiiful of Enclo.’cd find $1.1)0 for a thrro months Trial Subi:c;'i[;:ion to i:'.:• Ashovillo Times — and Sunday. X'j.iTie 1*. O Street R. V. r>

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