NliWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE Brevard N.C., A])ril 14, liUT. To the Sto(!khoUlers of the Transyl vania Railroad (^)mimny : The aiinual stockholders’ ineotinf; of the Transylvania Railroad Com pany will 1)0 hold at the j;enoral offices of tho ('oin]);iny in tho Mo- Minn BuiUiinfr, Brevard, N. C., on VVednesday, the ~nd day of Ma'', 1917 at 10 o’clock, a. m., for the ©lection of olTieors and directors to serve durin*; the cnsninj' year, and for the transaction of anj’ other business that may conio before the *neeting. 4~20-2tc A. K. Oku, Secretary. MRS. KELLEY OF PISGAH FOREsr KILLED IN WRECK Mrs. R. (>. K«-lley, who until a few (lays iijjTo was a resident of I'isgah Fou'st. whence she moved to Dillshoro, \va> killed ISp.ndav ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qii:dified as administratrix of thf estate *>1 Miles Reero, deceased, late of Transylvania county, N. C., this is to lu-tify all persons having; claims against said is:ate t«i jjiesent samo to the undi-r- si|>ni' i fur payment within twelve months Iroin .his datt , otherwise this notice will be plead in har of their recovery. All ,I ternoon when the car she occupied f"'' "7 indebted to .said * estate will please make immediate settle- It !i]»t d tivi r an tnhanknient. Air. Kt'llev sustained injuries about the h»ad and shoulders and >>is little son had ii lef» broken. 1'he nuK'hijie hit a ston»^ in the 'ti :ul of the roiid and Mr. Kelley lost control of th(‘ car, which leaj»- ed ilown a ir> foot I’nihankinent. ENTRY NO. 2610 meiit. This April 9tii, 1917. (;k()K(;ik o.kkkcf:. Administratrix Estate of Miles Kfcce, (k'ccased. 4-13-6tc Sale of Land for Taxes I will (>ffer for s ile, as the law directs, at the court house door in the town of ! Urevard, N. C., at 12 o’clock, noon, on the first Monday in May, beintj the seventh j day of May, 1917, all the followinj' de scribed lands on which taxes are now due Galloway, MM 133^4^ (>alloway, J H 105 Galloway, L C 39 (Jalloway, T G, heirs 100 Galloway, W C, heirs, % interest 100 Grimshaw, C 400 Gaston & I’axton 15 Henderson, A (i l,'^ Heilman, John 1085 Hines, (iarvin 25 Holmes & Evans 1480 Kuykendall heirs 75 Lance, E I) 93 Montvale Timber Co 128 Meese. W M 373 400 and VV C T. S. McKinna enters and claims 15 unpaid, acres of lantl more or less in Hovd town- shi|i. Transylvania ciiuiity, North t'aroiina, ' on tne heail waters of Baldwin’s Mill creek, and what is known as .lake’s C'ove, ad- joininjx the lands of J. Henry Keed and others. lu'^innin;; on a small hickory the cor ner o1 tiu- Boswell tract, and runs W. .^2 J. H. nCKELSIMER. 'I'ax Collector. Brevard Township. stake the corner of the pol Lv«lav trad; If You Get it Here it’s Right We carry nothing in stock but the best grade of Standard Drugs. ‘'Ko ^ substitution” in filling Prescriptions. All Prescriptions compounded by a graduate pharmacist. ! Buy Voiir Drugs Here and Be Safe. ! R. S. MORGAN, Druggist. ROSMAN, N. C. Professional Cards. I R03T. L. G.\SH K. ERllI'Sr:. 'r. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS I 11 to 1 r McMinn Building Not;; I’' DANIEL L^:ON ENGLISH Attorney and Co .;is?Ior at Law Brevard, N. C. H-;’ iin:! 'straet of title.- a . ERNEST H. NORWOOD Architect cvil Builder Remodellins and Rc-iutr ng a Specialty Claytcn, C!aytoi\ &. Fisher Attorneys-aL-Law 1;K[:VA1M>, X. C. WELCH GJil.LOWJlY attorney Practica in all the Courts Brevard, N. C. CHAS. B. DEAVER Jittorney-' at-Lau) Office Coopjr Block ALLISON &. ALLISON Attorneys-at-Lav/ In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Attorney-at-Law Cooper Block ^ Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 1.0. G. F. Meets every Monday night. Visitors welcome. DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F.&A. M. iheiue still with Reed’s line about S. >0 iarj^e rock; tiunce a northwesterly direc- tii'i! to the heuinnin;^. Signed T. S. M( Kl.NN.V. I'ntered March 31, l‘>17. Cl. C. Ku.I’ATKH'k. I > Up Kntry Taker. NOTICE OF SUMMONS Norili ('arolina, Transylvania County. In Su;)erior Court, P.efore the Clerk. .1. 1’. Martin and wi!'e, 1C. K. Martin, vs. l’>en \V. Kanu'S, et al. Notice of service of Summons by I'uMica- tioii. Thi' (li'U ndants. I’en \V. Haines, .\niiie Raines. Ncny Raines, William Raines. Co la Kair.' s. .loe Kelly. .Mi' KoHy. Tliad Tui kt r. Siu- 'ruck»T, llerl)cri Owen.l' Iorenec Ow. nand Thomas Ra.nes will eai htak*' iinii e tr.i'.v a summons in t!ie ahovi eiUitl- eil special proceecin;f \v';is issued ajiaii’.st s.iii! deieiidants i.n the day ol' Manh 1"17 liy tile Clerk of the Superior Court of 'I'r:'iisy 1\ania county, Ndrth Carolina, w hii'h saitl summons is returnahle before s.'iid Clerk of said Superior Court al his (iliiee in the urt house in the town of r.revard. N. on the .^iHli day t)f April, l'U7, at lit i)'eloek a. m. Ti'e detevilanis and each of them will flu il'.rr take 111.tiee ihat said s]iecial 'pro ceeding- is brou;.:hl liv llie plaintiffs against .-aid (iefen(iants fi.r ll.e jiurpose of havir.;: certain lands Ivin;:; in lUinn’s I'ock ti'w nship, Transylvania county. X. C. inv. l;i ’ lands t!;e plaintiffs ami de fendants are teiinants in common. ]);>rti- tioneii or sold for the purp>>e of divi(iin^ tile proceeds of said sale amon)’' the said tenn.ints in crmmim, so tl’.al the plain tiffs and di'fendants may hoUl their inter- ists in s.lit! kinds in severalty. 'I'he s:'id defendants will fin tl'.er take noti^-e that t!uv and e.u'h o'' thiin are re- • Hiiied t" appear at thi- nliiee i t the Clerk ol the Superior Court of 'I'ransylvania at liis oi/i'c in the l o'.irt hoi;r-t- in !’n \ard. C. on .Mondav i, at 10 o'l loris a. m. I'.nd aii'V/er t r den'iir to the pv titi in of the plain’ilYs tikd in 1 SjX eial pro' ; praved f ^r .int'.'il. .•I‘(lin: in : r. otherwise, the re aid I'etitiiiM will be •ui'enor c( un!y, N. ( 'I'his April L’nd. I'M7. A. .Mim.i.k. Court. Trans vivania ■!-()-1 • N 0. 'l’;ix V X nine Acres (osl .Aiken, R T 37 16.24 Aiken. iC L 3 5.'I9 Allison, C H . ,.. 1 1.70 Hracken. WO.. 28 16. (.5 Hoardman .Mrs A 1C . 6 47.()6 Hovden. Mrs .Marv, estate I .36.05 Hag^ett, Dr 1 lot 27.98 Ct)nyers \ Gower .. 1 lot 5.21 Cruse, Lon G . . . I lot 4.44 Duckworth, IClla F.. 2 lots 27.98 Dalton, C. L 1 lot 7.15 Deaver, J P 4 .30..59 Deaver, J P, heirs 46 27..39 I'b.yd, .1 L . 1 h.t 5.21 Franklin 14 219. (.5 Galb.wav, Flem 3'. 28.25 Crav, A .M 1 lot 5.21 Garren, TL.. 1 lot 2.5(» Hall. G W. 1 '4 24.83 Howell. (' (' 1 lot 5 53 Hiiir.e, .Miss Jennie, ' i int in Lo(i>;e _ . 1(...S() King. .Mrs PS. A lot 13.07 King, PS - 54 55.5() King. WOK . .. 1 lot 5..52 Lanning. J W K 2 ’' 13.1(. Miller, 11 M 1 4 ' 23.90 Marsh::ll, G V . 3 15.91 .V.atvl-.anl, 'Irs W W 2 (>. 4() Mcdaha, IClzie 1 ♦ (.47 Xev. ton, .Mrs S .\ .1 lot 10.95 Oak (irovo C'emeterv 1 4.10 Orr. II A . ' 1 lot .^. K. Pa.r-.i r. I(din 11 1 lot 5 tl3 l I, W.ilter X 1 lot 5.21 Shiif.uv. IC. 1 b.t 5(>. i'l Smith, W !•; 1 , 1 53 Sum:r.ey. () V 1 lot 19.12 Trotter. ’dorri> IC .. .1 lot 3.17 'I'homason. W Y 5 ‘.. 20.(.(1 Tinsley, .A W 1 lot 8.SS Whitmire, .Mrs R .A . . 1 lot 21 IS Wl'.itmire, T W .. 1 lot 3().75 Whit!nire'.'erderv. Whit mire’s interest 1 lot .32.31 Whitmire iV- Shuford . 11 13.1(. Whitmire. C. ('.. I , 3.71 Williams. .1 11 6 lots 15.70 \\ (lif vV; Ki nnedy 2 lots 8.70 l?Ki;V.\KI) (COI.OKII)). •Antliony, lb nrv .1 b.t 1.7(t Henjamin, W I> 1 lot N.73 ('a^li, Harriet 1 lot 10 (.2 1 !e:;iphill, Charlie 2 . ,> I iluff, I'l-rry . .. _ . ' 1 , ().»)5 L' Lsin, Lo'.'i- 1 b.t Kt. l'» Lo;;aii, Lillie Lvnch, .Al! . . 1 }. 17 .Mills, .h.iu's 1 lot S.o9 .Miils. .Mari'us 1 7.5 I Mills, ICd 1 lot 10,72 Siia.rp. C C 1 lot 1.03 Thomas, 1C M J 1 \\’hiU‘, Li-vis 1 h.t (..70 Whitrside, R.y .. 1 b.t (..07 Boyd Township. F>lvthe, N'erda ■ 1.05 Pdythe, Walter _ 11 l..^o Hlvthe, IC \’ . - 9 . 1.51 Hlvthe, CIC . 1 — .. 4 2.55 I’dythe, C IC C(>, listid to C F Hlvthe.. ■ 1 1.3.37 rdytbe. .losiph and Walter 5 3.13 Duncan, Mrs Winnie 70 l(t.(.l C.alloway. .Mrs ICd . 19 13.37 C.ailo’.'. av, W .M . .. 10 10.53 Hamilton, IC H lot at lilantvre 7.11 Hensley b.eirs .. .. '(,2 .S.21 i\in..^. I' S 7(. 1 l.S(. .Morgan, O J (1915 l'»l(.) 51 .3S.(>() Shutord, .Mrs Lela .. 11 S. 00 6 50 1 5 1«() 186 116 Morgan, L H _ Neal, Rhoda K Fisher heirs . Neal, Hhoda K Owen, .1 C Pettit, M A . IVttit, T W, (iideon Smith, A I’ Whitmire, (', W . 394 Wilhelm, .IM 225 Whitmire & Shuford 460 Gloucester. Hracken, F H, heirs 50 l)e\ are, James. 66 Cireen, Cecil 38 C.alloway, W T 1 lot (Jalloway, T H.. 78 (Ireen River Land Co 1057 (lillespie heirs 50 (Ilazcner heirs, min int 5 Cialloway, Jessie F, '4 int, 50 McCall, AS 75 Mct'all, James M 132 McCall. (;F 43' .Moore. Mel ford 346 McCall, W W 28 .Mason, T 1* 28 Owi-n, .‘\ H 03 Owen, J W 25 Owen, Clerisa 374 Owen, John H _ 100 Ow-n, J Coleman . . 100 I'arker, MS 27 Sc(.tt, J A. 50 Whitmire. T I) 13 Zachary, J R 100 Hogback. .\iken, W M, heirs .Allison, llootishan . Backus, I-: M . . . Fisher, W J Fisher, John, heirs.. (lallowav, 'I' H Cialloway, Ci C, heirs Calloway, Chester . (i rims haw, C Mail, Mrs K O ... Johns, W.'iltt r O ivnij^ht, \y U ... Met all, 11 L .Miller, 'r A McFarland miner; Nicl’.olson, .Mrs .\1 10 . )\ven, S Ci, heirs J'rince, ,\eal Reese. .Mrs L 1C . Reid, C. W Wi'driek. C W Whitmire, W M, Sr.. Hrajr^s. .1 W lilvthe, C ]■: and R M DSCace P.ryson, llu^jh, heirs . Corn. C L, heirs Capers. John (i Cajjle, Wilkins Holley, Mrs I’rancis. Jones, .Mamcie Jones, Jane .iones. .1 S .tones, .iolin . , . l.a.v. ton, J li Meiicii. c ; .\!a!l.i)a:n. .Mrs J li •Met rary, S C, heiis Osborne, W K, anil son, C 1C. Wilsoii inti I'eny, James il Summey. W 1* Shufoni. ''i!-: S .1 Shuford. 1) .M, i:i.irs Sen tell, W 11 Shuf'nl, C ♦1, HOVI) (COI.OKi;!*). Walker, Harrison 1 Smith, ('aroline heirs . 2 i'emphill, C W S f '.:isli, J,:mes _ . . , _ 1 liimphill, Spurgeon, his in terest in his father’s es tate, C W Hemphill S Catheys Creek. .. 132 6 I'isher, W C. heirs, 2 lots in Rosman 1S.(>6 > |.;ast Knd' Devel TRANSYLVANIA COUNCIL NO. 376 JR. 0. U. A. M. Meets in Fraternity Building ev ery Saturday night, 7.30 p. m. Visitors welcome. LAND SALE BY CCMMiSSIONER I'lider and by virttie of t!io i)ower, di rection ;'.nd authoritv ;;iveii ll.e under- d> r.' i;;ne(i comniissioiier, apjtoinled as such liv the clerk of the superior court of Tran.-ylvania county in a sp. eial proceed- in.i: pendin;: in saiil coutt, eniitled “Sarah .1. ;li.. ;i'a. a.liiiini.'tratri.;, vs W. F. Wi!- lulm et a!.,” I will seli to the highest bid- lier on the ti rms hereinafter named, on \\ ei! m sday, .May l(>ti!, 1*J17, at 11 o'clock a. n., at the court house door in thr town of r.revard, W C., all the fo!!o^viI'.^ de- ^^'■ri:)ed lands lyin^ iii ICastatoe lov. nshiji, I'r.' county, N. C.. on the south- ■v'.e>i ; iile of 1-rench ilroad river and (Ui tlu' West side ol i.ast Fori; of I'reucii Hro.ui river, houniKd as follow;.; First Tract l'>e;innin}^ on a sour\vo(;d j and (!■ !j^v,'00(1, tile S. I). 'W'hilr.iire corner, I staniiinj^ soutii of the present residence of , Dunn, M S I tile sail! Sarah J. Wilhelm, ami runs south Dunn, J II • >') dee.ret s east 1 12 pdes to a black jrum I and oak in the (iillespie line; then north (lalloway, L K, 1 lot in Rosman i23‘.' ea.'t 2(» poKs to a spanish Calloway,'J'1’, Sr 13 (.al;; then north 2 (*e;rrees west 112 poles Cravley,’Luther 25 ' to a b'.ack oak; then north 15dej^rees ' Kilpatrick. W 1’ 40 West .TI p.iii'.> to a stake; then north 12 de- j Morj^an, R S, 1 lot in Rosman ^rees west 3.S poKs lo a stone; then north | Mortran, Summey (Iruver 2 ' 1 de.rees v.'est 3.^ j)(des to a stake; then j Norris, J 11 122 norih M def^rev-s v.est poles to a | Rosman Realty C«), 31 lots in Ros- staki; then north .■'il decrees west 30 jioles ' man to a stake on the bank of Fast Fork creek; i Tinsley, T W 5 >, then doun and v. ith said creek t(» a stake ‘ at tl'.e mouth of a branch, a corner made i Dunns Rock. between S. 1). Whitmire rind 1C. A. (Haze-j nei; tlu n u|> and with said branch a south l>a}rwell, J 11 (heirs) eour.-e to the head of same; then up and ; Finmerson, Mrs Amanda will! the top of the ridj^e and with the Holmes, .Mrs M A \‘>'iriimire line a south course to the be^in- Jleath, OO ninjr, cont iinini; 175 acres more or less. I Hamet, .\ S Hines, W J,estate Hall, (; Vv Mull, W 1’ Mcliaha, V P. Rhodes. W R . 14 I .1 I Hiiines, W C, estate .. east »!. p.des to poplai; hens.mth • p,les tti a stake; then west 90 pide.; to the be-!p p "" ■^inniiijf, containinf .50 acres more or less. | Verner Marv P The sale will be made on the following;' W'hitmire, W P, & W^il- terms to purchaser: | liams, J H One-half of purchase price bid to be i paid on day of sale, balance in one year, I !' u-i n with interest on deferred payment at si.x ^ --- rchaser to have nriviletre „f, 'Vilson, Aaron Trescott, W S Dnel.wortl; i' Du^ kworth int BACK lAXLS Brevartl. Cooper, r A, I'M3 _ I lot (Irant, J M, r>13 27 Hare. Dr J H, l')l.-. 1 b.t Pool, A l'M3 ... 1 lot Stoner, 1), 1*»13 I hit Sims, .\ H, l')13. 1 lot \\ h.itniire cM: Verdery, 1913 and l'>15 1 lot Callowav, R .‘‘I, IVM 2 Shuford,' F F, l'»l 1 1>I5 .3 lots Whitmire .ic Sn’.athers, ! I'M I P>15 1 lot i Morgan, R S, l')l^ 1 lot I Whitmire Sluiford, l‘)l l- l')15 .. 1 lot ‘A7I Whitmire, T W, l‘H5 .1 lot 2.12 2.7S 1.58 3.15 (..IS Second Tract Adjoining the first tract above named and iiescribed. }>ej;innin}f o:i a hiek'jry on the north .side of Joshua mountain, in the head of a hollow, and runs m.Mli '»M pedes to a bhuk }j;um; then witn interest per cent. Purchaser to have privilege of | payin;f full amount at any time within tine year. Commissioner will retain title till all purchase money has been paid or until satisfactory security, approved by the court, has been ^iven. This.Vpril 17th, 1917. W^ H. ALLISON, 4-20-4tc Commissioner. 60 100 50 10 12' 307 860 15 3.50 10 63 32 14 25 100 124 395 58 35 1().61 ().15 5.21 40.44 1S.()9 12.00 S.5-61 6.61 3.74 5.28 .3.16 1.‘J8 .5.10 10.80 49.14 (>.17 29.80 2.17 .3..50 2.(>6 (».10 3.00 4.58 8.90 17.07 3.34 2.78 o'dnfr Co, Eastatoe. Aiken, EC 25 .5..30 Aiken, Emily, heirs 15 1.13 Aiken & Pearce.. 40 2.93 Hryant, M F 4 8 60 Crow, Elbert 100 5.58 Conley, J F 23 4.56 Dodson, \V R. beirs 197 7.44 l‘)ll . 4 h.ts Oak drove ('emetery, VM5, 1 lot IJoyden, Mrs Mary, 1915 1 lot Catheys Creek. Cunninghnm, H L, 1913 61 Duckworth, J \V, 191.V1911 15 Lydav, Dr 1C C, 1915 2 lots Paxton, C. H, 1915 . 1 lot Dunns Rock. Heath, O O, 191 3 10 Mc(;aha, C. Kllis, 1913 34 W'hitmire, W P, & V'erderv, 1913 124 Loftis, T N, 1914 81 Wilson, David, 1914 395 DISCOVKKV. Saluda River Lumber Co, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, val $703 Eastatoe. Crimshaw', C, 1914 400 Meese, W M. 1914 . .. .373 Neal, Rhoda E, 1913-1914. 50 Shuford, F E, 1914 ,50 Whitmire & Shuford, 1914 460 Gloucester. Owen, Jessie R, 1913 100 Parker, H S, 1913 118'. Shuford, (; A & I) M, 1913 213 Owen, J C, 1914 140 (ialloway, M F, 1915 127 Hogback. Collins, A N, 1913 33,'. Galloway, J P, 1913 130 Neal, Rhoda E. 1913 300 5.37 4.58 3.81 34.66 10.32 4.07 92.84 2.11 79.39 3.86 8.16 5..% 18.93 17.90 Collins, R A, 1914 9 2 84 Ailison, Hoottishan, 1915, 1 lot 2.62 Galloway, G C, heirs, 1915, 140 5.26 McFarland, 1915, min int. 6.29 Little River. Allison, M 0, 1913 5 5 09 Osborne heirs. 1913 980 5.C5 Shipman, Caleb and W E, 1913 ... 68 14.00 Merrell, M M, 1915. . . 40 6.46 McGaha, Walker, heirs. 1915 50 2 52 Sale Of Land for Taxes 5.11 I will offer for sale, as the law directs, 3.41 j at the court door in the town of 15 .30 j Hrevard, N. C , at 12 o’clock, noon, on the , first Monday in May, heinj^ the seventh 9.9.5 I (lay of May, 1917, all the follovvinj^ de- 4.58 ! scribed lands on which taxes are now due 5.65 j and unpaid. C. C. KILP.VTRICK, Town Tax Collector. 17.83 I 1913. A K ICnloe 1 lot ,3.88 Flora J Lee .5.21 I A M (loodman 12.60 i J M (irant . (,.47 ; A .M Cray. 6.31 j Mrs W M Howell 71.70 : F N Hall 3.0.3 r .) W’ McCain 1.98 i J A Parker 4.32 I Mrs S M Peters 14.51 ACPo(d 22.02 ' A I) Stone 8.45 I John Smith. Jr 21.27 I John Waters, 1913-14-15 ,3.19 .3.19 I ^•56 I Cam Mills *7 I Mary Taylor 21.70 Cory Mills 7.37 9.31 9.16 .3.81 5.44 6.97 ...1 lot ...1 lot ... 1 h.t ...1 lot ...1 lot ...1 lot ...1 lot . 1 lot 1 lot ...1 lot 1 lot 1 lot . 1 lot COI.OKKI). NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTIOM IN TNE TOWN OF BREVARD, N. 0. You will take notice that the regular municipal election for said town of Bre vard, N. C., at which a Mayor and five Aldermen are to be chosen to serve for the next two years, will be held at the usual voting place in the court house in said town of Brevard, N. C., on Tuesday, May the 8th, 1917, same being held under th'i rules and regulations governing mu nicipal elections. \ou will further take notice that at said election, in accordance with a reso lution passed by the lioard of Aldermen. .Tiid an ordinance passed and adopted in pursuance of said resolution as hereinafter set out, both resolution and ordinance being passed and adopted by virtue of the provision of the Public Laws of 1917 gov erning municipal matters in general, there will be submitted to the qualihed voters of said town of Hrevard, N. C., for their adoption and ratification and ap proval the question of amending the char ter ol the town of Hrevard, enlarging the c orjM.rate limits of said town from one- > ^ ^ every 2.. ) direction from the centre of the public sijuare in said tov.n. 'I'here will be sub mitted ballots as follows; F(.r Amendment. A;;ainst Amendment. All jiersons who are qualilied to vote, living within tlie present corporate limits .)f .said town, will see that their names are projierly rt^istered .n the poll books for .said town of Hrevard, X. C., whi:h will be oj.'ened for such purpose at the 3.73 i time and in the manner rcMjuired by law. .57.05 April 9!h, 1917. CHAS. M COOKK, JR., Mayor. C. C. KILPATRICK, Clerk of the Hoard. 4.40 3.44 4.40 4.40 .3.05 4.40 4.40 .3.73 7.1U 4.08 3.73 1 lot .1 lot 1 lot 1913-1914. W'olf & Kennedy 1 lot 1914. 125 .5.11 1 lot 2.51 (.79 42.23 .30 (t.75 9.=^0 49.88 90 4.11 1 10 5.38 47 .3.11 . 400 .38.()2 10 5.11 4 lots 2.51 2 1-15 20.79 1 11.16 27 3.12 interest (.15 40 1.02 IIM 5.53 13 ^ 9.21 1(.(» 13.95 7 2.02 1 lot 2.5 1 94 12.95 Liver. 5' J 2.9(. and 8(, 11..3(, 12 «..(.2 13 2.70 3 13.99 1(.(. 2..70 (.0 4..=^S 53 1.31 9() 7.52 .. S'. 2.27 . s 2.27 3S 3.17 22 ■ • S. 17 S ' ; 2.37 75 (..()(. Wil- rest ISS 1 I S5 31 ' . 7.52 13 7.(»2 n IS.2 I ,^L'S .*.5.25 2S •.. Is.(.5 •lest 32S 10 SI 13 1.33 ord. akie $ 51’(( 5.U9 W N McCall J W McClain Frank C Owen Ida Rogers . 1C IC Clement P H (lallowav- Mrs C C Hovvell W M Justus (interest in Jus tus &. Phagan’s lot) 1 lot .1 lot .1 lot 1 lot 1 lot .1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1915. .A N & F 1C H Jenkins .. F S .Iones R S Morgan . •Mrs FI la Duckworth ,\ F Fnloe V Fontaine FXllall ... ( has Jemison 1"' IC H Jenkins . .\ H Simmons Jolin Smith. Jr John Wallis J R Zachary . .1 IC Cla\ ton .Mamie 1C Trotter .. N F MeMinn ■lohn Parker I’iekelsimer t.'i Duckwortb. A 15 Riley . . Robinson t'c Hilt f.\ C Hen- -.1 lot . 1 lot ..1 lot 1 lot ..1 lot . 1 lot ..1 lot ..1 h.t ..1 lot . .1 lot 1 lot .1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 h.t 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 13.10 4.70 4.70 6.95 6.20 (» 20 11.95 3.22 11..33 3.20 3.95 2.08 j J j? I NOTICE CF AMENDMENT OF CHAR TER OF TOWN OF BREVARD, N. C. The Hoard of Aldermen of the town of Hrevard, X. C., at a regular meeting held (.n the second day (.f April, 1917, adopted a resolution as follows: “Ofhce of .\hiyor and Hoard of Aldermen of the 'l own of Hrevard, X. C., April 2nd, 1917. ‘ He it res(dved by the Hoard of Alder men of the town of Hrevard, X. C., that it is and will be for the best interests of the town of Hrevard, N. C., that the charter of said ti.wn of Hrevard, N. C., he amended so as to enlarge the corporate limits of the said town from «.ne-half mile to three- iourtlis of a mile in every direction from the centre of the public scjuare of said 'J his change to be effective only 22.('8 ratilication by a 21.20 *r*^!dir;ed vottrs of said 11 45 I election to be l:eld for such S l.S Purp(.se. 4.70 ! “I his resolutic.n was unanimously 4.70 I adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen at the 5.5.77 ! fiiiic and p'aee ;ibove stated. 4.70 i “CHAS. M. COOKIC, JR.. Mayor. 2.25 I t'- KILPATRICK, 6.95 I hrk of the Hoard of Aldermen. 4.70 j “This April 2nd, 1917.” I^s pursur.nce of the above resolution V li) H'lard of Aldermen at an ad journed ''It *'0 April 9tn, 1917, said meeting \ “It ‘I‘^■oiitiniied or adjourned meeting 9 April 2nd, 1917. introduced, read, ach.pted and passed the following ordi- ; nances: nett lot) Mrs Dovie Townsend Mrs J C Wallis . lleiidson .1 \N illiams \\(dl & KennedV M H I’.agwell .1 Hishop. . . . Sam Hryson F Ci Campbell 1916. . 1 lot 1 lot .. 1 lot ...1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 h.t .1 b.t 1 lot 19.70 7.70 ."S 13 70 7.70 J L Floyd 1 hit R S Fuller. 1 lot V l-'ontaine ...... 1 lot Franklin H(.tel .. 1 lot •\ .M Cray ... 1 lot I' H (ialloway 1 lo: Frank J .McCall 1 lot IC .Mc.Minn ... I lot .lohn 11 Parker ... 1 lot Walter N Fifer ..1 lot (leorge Philips . 1 lot Pickelsimer iV: Duckv/orth . 1 lot A H Riley 1 lot t' H R(d)inson 1 b.t Robinson I.V: Hilt . 15 lots .\ 1C Shafer _ 1 lot .Mandie 1C Trotter 1 lot ■Mrs Dovie 'I'own.send 1 lot Mrs K H Walker 1 lot .Mrs ,I (' Wallis 1 lot olf (S: Kennedy 1 lot Hudson J Williams 1 lot C M Cla;;ener 1 lot FXllall . 1 h.t 51.S9 Joe Hamlin .. ... . 1 lot 5.70 .Mrs .M .\ Holmes 1 lot .^(>.50 .lane W Hume, ' ; interest in Lods^e 5.SO Charley Jemison .1 lot F 1C H Jenkins 1 lot Jenkins. II A F, estate .. \ X F K H Jenkins 1 lot T F Jones Justice & Fagan Kiiuc Hros . Ordinance of Town of Brevard, N. C. SICCTIOX 1. ^ T h.'it Section 2 ol i hr.iiter 11.3 of the I’ri vale La'.s s of 1903, san;e being an act I;'' to amend and consolidate the charter of the town ol Hrevard. X. C.. be and the - same is h -reby repealed and the follow- ing substituted therefor; j “ I hat the corporate limits of said town of Hrevard, X. ('., shall extend three- 1.70 tourths of a mile in every direction from .^.20 the centre of public s quare, which point 7.1.5 is the intersection of the centres of Main 1S9 street and I’ street in said town of Hrevard, X. C. 7.SI 4. 11 I 13 4.11 3.7o 1. 13 22.97 .11 23..34 4 70! 21.10 18.10 3..-0 1.70 12.20 9.20 4.10 20.15 31.70 10.70 3.20 SICCTIOX 2. “ 1 hat in the opiiii.Jii (d more than two- thirds ol the members of the Hoard of •Mdermen of ^aid tov. n oi' ilrevard, N. C., it is for the best interests of the tow'n of Iiri \ ard, X. ('., that said corporate limits be enl:M”ed .'is provided lor in section one of this ordinaiKe. SFCTIOX .3. ‘That notice of this ordinance w’hich y yo sh;ill be signed by the .Mayor of said town (.0.20 iJrevard, X. C.. and shall be published 3.(>5 ^ ''cek for four successive weeks in' 7 70 ; tile Hrevard Xews.” 13.70 I The foregoing ordinance was adopted 13.(.0 by the unanimous vote of the Hoard of 1.70 .Aldermen, on .April 9th, 1917. l(>..3i> CHAS.* M. COOKIC. JR., Mavor. 19.70 ('. C. KILPATRICK, Clerk of Hoard. 1.13 8. 10 .38.92 3.03 j 3.21 ' 23.70 32.70 2.10 J W McCain J 1C ('layton, J R Zacharv 1 lot . ...1 lot - ... 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 14.25 4.70 .3().20 15.20 3.20 I i-xccutod bv LAND SALE BY TRUSTEE 31.10 t'OI.ORKD —1916. Antney Henry W' H Hen jam in Tony Howman Tom Henjamin ' John ('lastiin 7 83 , Lee Kilgore ('am Mills 7.781 Fred Mills 3.29] CC Sharp ... .. 10.86 I Mary Taylor Lewis White Roy Whiteside ' Sam Sharp 29.29 1 lot 5.65 1 lot 5.9: 1 lot 4.45 1 lot 2.45 1 lot 29.40 1 lot 6.95 1 lot 6.95 2 lots 5.35 1 lot 5.45 1 lot 5.80 1 lot 3.95 1 lot 8.30 1 lot (».45 1 lot 6.20 25.97 8.51 4.(>9 2.97 14.23 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Samuel Merrill, deceased, late of Transylvania county, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit th^m to the undersigned at the oHice of Ralph K. Fisher, attorney at law, ^ 25 i Brevard, N. C., or to the undersigned ad- 8 67 ministrator on’or before the 14th day of 16 24 I 1918, or this notice will be pleaded Iq’79 I in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of March, 1917. D. W. MERRILL, Administrator of the estate of Samuel Merrill, deceased. Ralph R. Fisher, Attorney. 3-23-6tc 26.75 5.57 9.07 23.02 Hy virtue of the power ^iven the under signed trustee in a certain deed in trust _ . e:ecutod by A. L. Shewmaker. dated No- 1 vember .^Oth, 1915, to secure the payment 13./Oi,,f t^.rtain promissory notes executed by 1.3.S.-> j j^,,id Shewmaker to said trustee for the i») 1(11 ^ ^ - McKenney; 49.10 wl’.ereas. said notes have matured by reason of default in payment of same, and the payees having directed the said trustee to give the required notice of such default, and if such default was net made good to advertise the land described in s^iid deed in trust. And notice having been given, and de- for cash at the court house door in the t*»wn of Hrevard, county of Transvlvania, state of North Carolina, as per terms of said deed in trust, on Thursday, May 10th, 1917, at 1 o’clock, p. m., all the following railway, adjoining lands i f J. L. Gash et al., bounded as follows: Beginning on a large black gum*in Gash’s line on the southeast side of a swamp, and runs south 75 degrees west 45 poles to a white oak in Chas. English’s line; then w ith English’s line south 4 de grees east 58 poles to a spanish oak in (.lash’s line; then with Gash’s line south 44 degrees east 61 ‘4 poles to the begin ning, containing seven and one-half acres more or less. Sale made to satisfy said notes, inter est, cost of sale and expenses. This April 10th, 1917. • THOS. H. SHIPMAN, 4-134tc Trustee. “Seek and ye shall find** through the Diversified column.