NEWS, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA THE WEBu EVENTS tiprtait Niws of tbs State, Nation, Mi Worii Told in a Few Lines for Your Convenience. nOUND ABOin^THE WORLD A Condenttd Record of Happeninga •f Interest From All Points of the World. . Domestic A nation-wide advertising campaign of extraordinary proportions has been decided upon by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo as the most effective XPCans of disposing quickly of the five billion dollar bond issue soon to be X/iTered to the imblic. After a quarrel over the war with his mother-in-law, a native of Ger- auany, and his wife, Rev. Robert F lerry, pastor of a Yonkers, N. Y., Crngregational church, shot and killed b(>th women, wounded his sister-in-law and then committed suicide. Prominent party leaders (Progre.s- 8ive and Republican) held a meeting in New York and issued a statement l»ledging support 'to President Wil son In the administration's war plaiis, ;\nd went a step further and urged th« adoption of measures which they said ihey believed to be immediately nec essary. The deadlock in the balloting for bi&hop of the Episcopal diocese of At lanta (Ga.), to succeed the late Cle- land Kinloch Nelson, was broken on the seventeenth ballot, when the Rev. Robert Sanders Coupland of New Or leans was elected. Prominent instructors in economics in the United States, in a nien.orial forwarded from Minneapolis, Minn , to each member of congress and the pres ident and his cabinet, urge the adop tion of the policy of taxation rather than that of bond issues as the urin- cipal means of meeting the expendi tures of this country in the war. Secret codes containing a cipher order to dismantle machinery on in terned German liners upon the sever ance of diplomatic relations by the United States were discovered on the German steamships Prinz Oskar and Rhatetia, according to W. H. Berry, collector of the port of I’hiladelphia. It is announced that when interned liners are made seaworthy they be placed in trans-Atlantic merchant serv ice. I Figures compiled by the Anti-Saloon league show that 142 saloons were Toted out of business in elections in ▼arious cities and towns of Illinois. The drys won in fourteen wet cities and towns, but lost three dry towns. Michigan’s $5,000,000 war loan bill has been signed by Governor Sleeper. The brtl also creates a state war pre paredness board. The war was brought to the shores of the United States when the destroy er Smith reported by radio that an enemy submarine had tried unsuccess fully to torpedo her luO miles south of New York. Recruiting figures for the regular army made public by the war depart ment show that more than enough men to form a regiment are being ob tained daily. For the five-day period, April 11 to 15, a total of 7,171 men were recruited, a daily average of 1,434. ■ T5etailing of army officers to educa- ^tional institutions for military in struction work is ordered discontin ued by the war department, with the suggestions that students of military ' age can best serve their country by joining the army or navy. The white house is about to join the increased food production move ment by planting a garden of its own in which President Wilson may wield a hoe when he finds a spare moment. The' assistance of the department of agriculture will be asked in select ing seed for the land. The Minnesota legislature pa.'^sed a bill, which has been signed by the go\- ernor, providing a commission of pub lic safety for the duration of war. The bill carries an appropriation of one million dollars to be used for war purposes. A message to the state departr.ieni announces that membera of the Amer ican colony are preparing to leave Constantinople. Washington extended a simple but heartfelt welcome to the British min ister for foreign affairs, Arthur J. Bal four, and the other members of the British commission which has come to the capital of the United States “to make co-operation easy and ef fective between those who are striving to bring about a lasting peace by the only means that can secure it—a suc cessful war.” A Constantinople dispatch by way of Berlin states that, owing to the severance of diplomatic relations be tween Turkey and the United States, which heretofore has protected enemy nations, Holland, Spain and Sweden will look sfter diplomatic interests of the many countries at war with the central powers. The agricultural department aska congress to require of transportation companies preference for the move ment of farm machineix seeds, fertil izers and materia];; that enter into the ip'ocessea of food production. Approximately three thousand Ger man residents of the United States are under close surveillance, depart ment of justice officials announce, be cause of their activities in behalf of the German government before the United States entry Into the war or because of their pro-German sympa thies. The senate ha.s recorded itself in fa vor of a press censorship during the war. First call to the country for war finances will be m&de. Secretary Mc Adoo announces, as soon as the seven billion dollar bill becomes law. The war finance bill, providing for Issuance of $7,000,000,000 in securities —the largest single war budget in any nation’s history—was passed uani- mously by the senate. George Bakmeteff, Russian ambas sador to the United States since 1911, cabled the provisional government at Petrograd that he has decided to re linquish his office and asks that some one be named to take charge of the embassy. Church directory BREVARD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John R. Hay, Pastor. Resrular churcli iserviccs every Sunday. Hours; First an«l tbirtj Siintlays, ii:oo a. in.; second and fourth .''undays, 3:00 p. m.; liftli Sundays, by announceiiu-nt. Sunday school every Sunday. 10 a. tn. Men’s Brotherhood liible class. YounR- Hoople’s Soncty of Christian Kn- deavor every Tuesday evepine. 7:45. DAVIDSON RIVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH John R. Hay, Pastor. Kesrular church services every Sunday. Hours; Secoml and fourth Sundays, ii;oo a. m.; first and thirdf Sundays, ,^;oo p. m.; fifth Sundays by announcement. Sunday school every Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Special Announcement. SUNDAY’S PROGRAM. Services will be held on next Sunday, fifth Sunday, at the Brevard church at il o’clock and at Davidson River church at 3 o’clock. Washinsrton The government’s program for food control during the war was put be- j fore congress by Secretary Houston in a communication to the senate ask ing power for the dei)artment of agri culture to take direct supervision of food production and distribution in the United States and requesting a $25.- 000.000 appropriation for putting the plan into operation. Pre.sident Wilson probably will name within a few days a group of distin guished Americans to confer with members of the Russian duma anent the war with Germany. I That, in the inability of the nation to supply men at once for the fight ing line, money should be America’s immediate contribution to her alller,, was the dominant thought expressed during the debate on the war finance bill in the senate. Market grades and classes for farm produce, according to the agricultural department, is one of the chief needs of the country tp insure proper condi tions in producing and marketing of farm products. Any one who has knowledge of a treasonable act and fails to make known the facts may be sent to priroa for seven years. The United Stales at war is in a very different position from a neutral. The iron hand will be applie^J to any form of trearion.ibk* utterance, deed or 3uppressiou of In formation. European War The British hospital ships Donegal and Lanfranc, with many wounded aboard, among which were many Ger mans. were torpedoed without warn ing. April 17. On the Donegal twenty- nine wounded men and twelve of the crew are missing. Of those aboard the Lanfranc nineteen British and fifteen Germans are believed to have perished. It is reported that another big bat tle is brewing on the western front. Both sides are preparing for the bat tle, and it may have an important bearing on future war movements. The French are apparently prepar ing for a big infantry drive, as that branch of the allied army has been incess^antly pouring shrapnel into the German positions along the Somme and the In the Champagne district the Ger mans are still holding on, but it i.*? reported by way of Paris that every Teutonic sortie is rei)ulsed with heavy losses. Steady progress is being made by the troops of General Nivelle in driv ing back the Germans in the region of Soissons and Rheims, Since the beginning of the French offensive in the west, more than nine teen thousand prisoners have been taken from the Germans. General Maude, comrnanding the British forces in Mesopotamia, has forced a passage of the Shatt-el-Ad- hem, attacked the Turkish main posi tions, and completely routed the Turk ish forces. The British operating in Egypt have advanced to formidable positions north of the Wadi Ghuzze. The great offensive of the French army against the Germans from the bend in the line in France from Sois sons eastward into the Champagne continues unabated. In three days’ fighting more than seventeen thousand unwounded prisoners have fallen into the hands of the French, together with seventy-five cannon. The British war office reports that the forces of Field Marshal Haig have gained additional ground along the River Scarpe, to the east of Fampoux, and also captured the village of Vil- liers-Gaislain. north of St. Quentin. Popular feeling against Germany in Brazil is reported. German newspapers have suspended publication, and the German flags have been taken down. Several big German business establish ments are reported destroyed by fire. Russia has forw'arded assurances to the United that under no conditions now conceivable will the provisional government of Russia yield to the overtures from German and Austrian Socialistic representatives to negotiate a separate peace. The entente diplo mats frankly confess a great sense of relief. General von Bissing. governor gen eral of Belgium since German occupa tion. and who became notorious be cause of his consent to the execution of Miss Eklith Cavell, an English nurse, is dead. A Madrid. Spain, dispatch says that th Spanish steamship Tom was torpe doed and sunk, without warning, en tailing the loss of eighteen lives. The emperor and empress of Aus tria prayed for peace in St. Stephen's church, while the people sobbed. Prince Ziaed-Din, heir apparent to the Turkish throne, arriving at the German main headquarters, presented Emperor W'illiam a sword from the sultan “as a sign of the royal com radeship in arms of the allied armies and in ^jcognition of the deeds of the German army.” The prince pro ceeded to the western front. MtunHwAat of Braila cm thA DaiUlkA BREVARD BAPTIST CHURCH. C»»rner Jordan and (>aston streets. A. W. McDaniel. Pastor. Phone No. 145. Hible school 0:45 a. m.. well graded with classes to suit all. I’reaohini: services at 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. tn. every Sunday. Midweek service for worship and fellowship. 7:45 p. ni. Wednesday. Atlvisorv itoanl meets on Tuesday evenintf after the first Sunday of each month. IV .u cncouraKe or to assist the 'Orship of (iod or to be helped by worship «re cordially invited to attend all services. -itranKers and visitors are especially welcome. S|»ecial Announcement. Subjects for Sunday: Murning: Life’s Fullest Joy. Evening; The Captain’s First Command. BREVARD METHODIST CHURCH. W. Edgar Poovey, Pastor. Sunday—Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Preach- ngatinooa. m. and 7:45 p. m. Juvenile so ciety 4:00 p. m. .Monday—V. P. M. S. 7:45 p. m.. first and third Monday nights. Tuesday—(After first Sunday) Board of •itewanls. 7;4i p. ni. Weilncsday —I'rayer meetine 7:45 p. ni. Thursday—(First and Third) Woman’s Mis sionary society, j.oo p. ni. Local Auxiliary t fKi p. HI. Frid.'iy—Choir practice 7:4? p. m. ■’’otJie thou with us and we will do thee good.Num. 10 JO. Special Anncuncement. Subjects for Sunday: Morning: An Eternal Question, Evening: A Wise Shipbuilder. ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. Chalmers D. Chapman, Minister in Charge. Sund.Tvs—Morninj' servicc at 11:00 o'clook. Sunday sctu>ol. 0:45 a- ni. Week I >ays—Kvensonjr every Friday; \Vednesd:iys and Fridays tlurinn .\tlvcnt; Vednosdays and Fridays durinn Lent; every ay in Holy Week; also on Saints days. Holy communion the first and third Sundays )f every month; also on the (ireater Holy davs, 'hristmas. hpiphany. Ash Wednesday. Holy I'hursday. Easter day. Ascension day. Whit 'unday and Trinity Sunday. Special Announcement. Red Cross Sunday, April 29. 1917. M Tning prayer and sermon at 11. Sub- je t, “The Search For Life.” Special offcrinp for the American Red Cross.” Let come what may; In your prayers at night. In your thoughts by day. In your hearts. In your work. America first. Tuesday. May 1st, St. Philips and St. James. Service at 5 o’clock. Friday, April 27. evensong with address at 5. Subject, “Union VVjth Christ.” CRIMINAL DOCKET CLEARED umm Snperior conrt cleared the crimi nal dookct on Sutnwlay. In the procpedinKs following pnb- lication of the News last, week, cases were disposed of as follows: W. L. Aiken, failnre to pay tax. jndKtnent snspended on payment of tax and costs. Howard Hedrick, hnntiner on reservHtion, jndKnient suspended on payment of costs. Lnther MeGaha, seduction, mis trial. This was one of the hardest fonpht rases of the pres(‘nt term. It is enrrent report that only one jurior favored conviction. .Mrs. Hess Patterson, nssnnlt. pleads pnilty, jndginent snspended on payment of costs. J. Dnckworth and Nettie Cliap man, disorderlv conduct, not f?nilty in case of Dnckworth ard no\ pros in case of other defendant. H. P. Nicholson, assault, not guilty .Take McCall, retailinf?, sentenced to 9() days imprisonment in one case ; a mistrial in another. Robert Siniard, failnre to pay tax, jnderment suspended on payment of tax and costs. L. H. Morgan, cruelty to animal, not guilty. Jnlia Allison and Sam Parker, larceny, not gnilty. They were tried on the charge of stealing from the store of W. L. Talley at Pen rose. Furman Anderson, assault, fined $10 and costs. F. P. Ov’en, trespassing, not guilty. Eggs, Poultry Butter and Hides All kinds country pro duce. We pay cash for all you ship. Prices on request. Western Produce Co Asheville, N. G. MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLl^ Largrest stock in Western Carolina Saws. Pulleys. BeltinK. Wire Rope. Pipe. Fitting's, Machinist’s Tools. Foundry and'Machine Woric a specialty. Asheville Supply & Foundry Co. Asheville, N. C. PROTECT AGAINST THE R0AMIN6 OF CAHLE I Editor, News: * Agreeable to the propaganda now ! bointr s])reHd broadcast in the land, j I have rerentlv had all the vacant space around my honse plowed and planted for a garden, thus doing mv ' “bit” toward bringing down the I the high price of living. Two years aeo. and also one year ago, my neighbors’ cows destroyed my garden almost entirely, and already this year some damage has been done by tramping over my garden. If these cows are allowed ’ to rnn loose, I w^ill snffer great loss I again this year, as well as others of my neighbors who have gardens, j Is there not a town ordinance; against cattle running at large? If ! so, why is it not enforced? W. S. Price, jk. Editor’s note: This is a very sensible protest in due season. There I is no occasion for such utter care lessness on the part of cow owners Auditorium Saturday, April 28 “The Cry of Conscience,” a mys tery of the mountains. Presented by an all-star caste. “Mixed Kids,” a screaming com edy with Billie Rhodes in the lead ing role. Tuesday, March 1 “The Silent Army.” America in vaded! Major Brent is captured robbing Col. Dare’s safe! Pearl passes through many . new and strenuous adventures. “Krazy Kat and the Wireless Tarpeter.” A comical Krazy Kat cartoon. Other pictures will com plete the program. Thursday, March 3 “The Mantle of Deceit.” A two- part drama of society intrigue featuring Claire Mersereau. “Universal Animated VV'eekly,” giving current events of the day. “The Lucky Gold Piece,” with Ben Wilson and Edna Hunter. An unusual story of h«»w a miracle was wrought through the identification in later years of a child’s birthday gift. A }^ew Model Typewriter! 125-FOOT SMOKESTACK FINISHED FOR TANNERY I The Alphors Cnstodis Chiinnoy Construction company of New York has coni])leted the 1 ::^r)-fiK)t, cone-shaped, brick smokestack for the Transylvania Tanning coni])any in Brevard. The outside circumference of the lower portion of the stack measures about 35 feet, tapering so as to giv»* a core six feet in diameter at the top. The chimney rests on a con crete foundation several feet in the earth. Greeting the eye of the traveler and near the top of the chimney are the letters one over another, several feet in height worked in the chimney by colored brick : “T. T. Co.,” meaning the Transylvania Tanning Company. The inside of the chimney has been equipped with a metal-frame stairway. The two builders worked from the inside of the chimney and therefore no outside sca£fold- ing was necessary. A windlass ap paratus drawn by a horse was used for lifting the brick to the mason’s. A large force of carpenters i.«‘ vvo.'king on the tannery buildings. BUY IT NOW Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here! It is just out—and comes years before experts cxpected it. For makers have striven a life-time to attain this ideal machine. And Oliver has won again, as we scored when we gave the world its first visible w’^riting. There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver “9.” Think of touch so light that the tread of a kitten will run the keys! RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the sure^ way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANC LmiMEilT Good for the Ailments of Hmes, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches^ Pains, Rheumatum, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. CAUTION! The new-day advances that come alone on this machine are all con trolled by Oliver. Even our own previous models—famous in their day—never had the Optional Duplex Shift. It puts the whole control ot 84 letters and oharacters in the little fing}rs of the right and left hands. And it lets you write them all with only 28 keys, the least to operate of any standard typewriter made. Thus writers of all other machines can immediately run the Oliver Number “9” with more speed and greater ease. WARNING! This brilliant new Oliver eomes at the old-time price. It costs no more than lesser makes—now out-of- date when compared with this dis covery. For while the Oliver’s splendid new features are costly—we have equalized the added expense to us by simplifying construction. Resolve right now to see this great achievement before you spend a dollar for any typewriter. If you arc using some other make you will want to see how much more this one does. If you are using an Oliver, it naturally follows that you want the finest model. t *7 CENTS A DA.Y^ Remember this brand-new Oliver “9” is the ^ A • greatest value ever given in a typewriter. It lias all our previous special inventions—visible writing, automatic spacer, 6>3-ounce touch—plus the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective Color Attachment and all these other new-day features. Yet we have decided to sell it to everyone everywhere on our famous payment plan—17 cents a day! Now every user can easily afford to have the world’s crack visible writer, with the famous PRINTYPE, that writes like print, included FREE if desired. TODAY—Write For Full Details vriting machines. See why typists, employers, and individuals everywhere are in^ to the Oliver. Just mail a postal at once. No obligation. It^ a pleasure '1 vou about it. THE OUVER TYPEWRITER CO., Ottver Typewriter Bldg.. Chicago BREVARD larliiri Co. Please do not plant any of that com without some kind of fertilizer. This is the year of all years when this county should pro duce all the corn it will use. We can not afford to send our chestnut wood money out of the county for corn. It is your duty to your COUNTRY, your neighbor and your family to plant and cultivate a big crop. By using gu anos you can in crease that crop at no expense as to work, etc. We have a big supply of all kinds of Acids, Com Guanos and G2u*den . Fertilizers. We will put your order in the depot the day the order is received. You can get it on time if you cannot pay for it now. We will take a note the bank will take or a mortgage. Will fix it any way you want us to. The wheat crop estimated to be 50,- 000,000 bushels short; that means high prices for flour. Hence corn will bring at least a dol lar when you take it from the field. **Doyle’s Fertilizers Make MONEY; they don’t cost a cent.” Remember you save money when you C. Doyle. DONT ORDER C. DOYLE BREVARD, N. C.

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