BESVAitD iNiS vvS, BEBVARD, H. C. BOY SCOUTS ENTER INTO PATRIOTIC WOEk Ti:z wzrs EVENTS An enthusiastic inooV’iif; »»f tl Boy Scouts was ht'ltl at tho Pn*^! terian niause on Friday evi*nii - Beside the scout master, R«w. R. Hay, and assistant, V»‘n dement, there wors i>resent 1 Important News of the State, Nation, and World Tofd in a Few Lines for Your Convenience. ROUND ABOUI^THE WORLD A Condensed Record of Happening* of Interest From All Points of the World. n-f' o bJ’l Tin.; I) of !h‘ i ( ( t-nsoTTlii!) s' ^ ' In I'l 'h lion'll';, it if. i')u is » "peotod fo rai! df '.'; I', a id soino (!(■ idc i o ip ('Xpr^cl(>d (o (lovcK.ii il M concoii, us of opinion il.iL . i- i of fooil Ci'ntrol will be .1 i .. law. An authority on the su))i!.avin;' t acp fays that th(> T^ioan • rf li ^ ; siihmari’K s are inc:'-a; •;> !'• ;.i, withou'. Kivini; dot.-ills, statp ; lhal .M. ri. Y. CLARKE OltO AT hOOKBROOK SUNDAY NIGHT SCOUTMASTER J. R. HAY Domestic | It is authoritaiivpiy stated in Wash- ' ington that it is almost a certainty that the deparlnient of aRriculture will be given money and authority to make a food survey of the country, and to curb speculation in food products. The governor of North Carolina, advocating the disbanding of all pro fessional baseball leagues in that state, says “the man who cad play professional baseball ought to be in a trench or in a furrow.” i Frederick T. Reidt, recently honor ably discharged from the army at San Anionio, Texas, has been sentenced , by a military court-martial to serve J two years in the federal penitentiary 1 for making remarks regarded as dis- loyal to the country and derogatory regist?red scouts, some boys intend-to the president of his country. He ing to n'fjistpr, the troop (•ommitte» ”''’7. „ ^ * T Fire destroyed the plant of the Over- oonsistinf; of F. D. ( leiuont, J. \\ Crate company and n»‘arby Smith and H. N. ('arrier, and houses owned by the concern several of the boys* parents. at lx)ckhart, Fla., near Orlando, on- The meeting bad si>ecial sii?nifi tailing a loss conservatively estimated ^ ^ at from $1.50,000 to $200,(i00. oance at this time as expressed in ,■ u ' ^ Trading in May wheal has been the slo§ran of the scouts, “tjver.v barred by the Chicago board of trade. Scout Feed a Soldier.” In order to The amount of what now on the carry out this plan they decided toinarket in Chicago is placed at a mini- adopt a svstetn of co-operativc“^’"” , . , , , .-\rthtir .Muh, receiving teller of the farminR and accepted the very National bank. generous offer of T. S. W ood of «ti vvp.s found guilty of embezzling $18,000 acre of land for raising corn. 11. and sent to Atlanta, Ga., to serve six N. (.'arrier likewise showed hisy^^'" federal iienitentiary. interest in the cause bv agreeing to James W. Poe, of Richmond, Va., , .. lift president of the CoJored Citizens’ Pa- advance the monev needed for buv-; . , ... „ triotic League, says that 300,000 ne- ing fertilizers. groes have left the South in eight At this meeting the Scouts de-months for Northern points, and the cided to prepare a paper for pre.e^^'Kration northward and westward sentation to the mavor, offering 1 It is stated on good authority that their services to the town in Hnv.evonty-thret. thousand Southern ne- way that they can be used. groes have found employment in the Thi« \vas the first iiKM'ting of the state of Pennsylvania alone in the scouts to be atti'nded by the parents. three months. If the new war bill becomes law, household, light, heat and telephone New or renewal subscriptions bills, admission tickets to amusements, (beg^innint; January 1) will cost fire and life insurance, railway tickets, $1.00 for one year, 60 cents 6 aaitomobiles, automobile tire.-^ and months, 35 cents 3 months, 25tubes, soft drinks, postage rates, golf cents for 2 months. clubs and baseball bat.^, club dues, la- bt>r union dues, and a host of other every day necesities or luxurii s will be ti'.xed. Charles E. Vawter, the Christian- bnrg, Va., college professor, was de clared not guilty of the murder of Stockton Heth, Jr., whom he shot to death in the Vawtor home early on the morning of March IH. Victor Carlstrom, aviator instructor, and Cary B. Kspes, a student flier, were instantly killed when the air plane in which they were fiying col lapsed at an altitude of 3,500 feet and fell like a plummet to the earth, near Newport News. Va. Enlisted men will get $2.5 per month during actual hos ilities. The pay of other grades l>elow comissioned officers will be increased, but not in proportion to that of the privates. If the terms of the new tax bill for war purposes become effective, the American people will pay $3.3 per cap ita. The people of the British Isles, it is pointed out, now pay $60 per cap ita. There will be no loophole for dodg ing war tax(‘s, it is stated in Washing ton, Jf the president and the ways and means committees of both houses of congress can prevent. Arrangements for the jilacing of all interned alien enemies in permanent detention camps, where they will be housed and given work at fair wages, have been completed by Secretary Wil son of the labor department. A yield of 366,116,0(!0 bushels of win ter wheat from the 1917 crop is fore cast by the department of agriculture. number of subniariuos put m( t r ;,c- j tion in ten days lias risen in a v l y ‘ satisfactory manner to all th(' a!i.\l powers. The situation in Rus^-ia is becom ing a serious quo.^tion to tl'.' ;il ie 1 powers. Tli(‘ presriit temper cf the Russian people l.-i n*’t under;U(.'td, be cause it is the oj)inion in allied capi tals that Ru; sia must “.sink or swim” with the destiny of the allies. The c(,iincil of soldiers’ and work men’s delegates at Peirograd, Russia, will, in a few hours or a f^w days at the most issue a manifesto to the world calling for a peace conference, and if is .stated that the document i^cath Followed Long Illness; In terment in Brevard Tuesday; Of Prominent Family. Mr.s. II. I*. t'l»irU» died at h( r ■ me. H«>« k»irook Farm, on Sun- :»iv iiij/bt. She was in her fiftv -I veiith year. For the last thre« v*-ars she had been in delicat iiealth and hud undergone several serious operations, which bad beei • t merely temporary benelit. H«m death, while a matter of regret and •_'riHf, was not a surprise to her many friends here. Mrs. Clarke, whose maidi'U nanu was Mary Jane Macfie, was born in Fairfield county, S. i'., near tb« old historic town of Winnsboro. Her father was Oapt. James P. flyin" the American flag, have carried .■^upiilie.' to sea for the I’-boat. How ever, officials will no; go into details. BREVARD Hardware Co. Seed Beans Valentine Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod Kentucky Wonder Burger’s Stringless Green Pod October and Cut Shorts Cow Peas Fertilizers Car Load Just Arrived GARDEN GUANO Two kindF of CORN FERTILIZERS 16 .. ACID Cash or on Time C. M. DOYLE BREVARO, N. C. will decry the u.seless expenditure of i Macfie, a prominent citizen of that lif*> and recite that nothing section and a Confederate who can be gained by a prolongation of I celebrated Hampton the present ( x • r i. .. . Legion. She came of that stnrUv Russian Socialists make no secret of i ., ^ . , . .i ^ , . . ,, - ' Scotch race which st*t*led and de- having held conferences with German ; SociaIi.‘^ts, and say that the blood tie veloped so mnch of both the Caro existing between men is stronger than linas and formed so important a any or national difference. part of their best citizenship. A Pekin, (’hina, dispatch .says th.nt , China will not enter the world wide 1 . . ^ ^ , war yet. The officials in power want to H. P. Claikc of Columbia, war, but the house of representatives S, C., and lived in that city for refuses to entertain any such move about four years, moving to this at this time. | county and taking up residence at Persistent rumors of German subma- Rockbrook. It was there that Mr. rines in tiie south Atlantic are giv died a few vears ago. en additional color by the disclosure , “ ® that government investigating agen- .Mrs. Clarke was a member of the cies are running down a story that Presbyterian church, and her re freighters of an .American company, ligions faith and charity were the most prominent features of her life. Her kindness of heart was great and won her the devotion of European War many friends; but it was not great- Rotterdam, Holland, renorts a naval than her strength of character attack on the German submarine base and her loyalty to what she be at Zeebrugge. on the Belgian coast. Heved to be true and right. and states that it was the most de- ,, „ 1 * . i 1 ... . , Tl Her son, Harrv, and step daugh structive vet made bv British war- • ter, Mrs. H. N. I'cirrier. are the .^n offuial statement issued by the ‘>nly surviving metnbers of the British admiralty anent the naval family. There are four living bro aerial bomba-dment of Zeebrugge j p says a ver^- heavy bombardment of -. r i- /• 1 1 ... o 1 .. . V . ~ lie ot t airiield coantv, S. C ., and S. the important area at Zeebnigge was . sTiccessfully oairied mit by a ]>ortion ^l^elie of Bri^vard. Her t)ne sis- of the Briti.«h forces under orders of ter, Mrs. A. M. Anderson of Col- the Dover vice admiral. nnibia, was with her for several An Amsterdam dispatch says that a as was also Socialist member of the German reich- , ... , , st;iK has nupslionpj llio Eovernment C“ns>n, Mrs. James Woodrow, an nt the incorporation of foreigners satiK* city. Among other into the German army. visitors from a distance attending General Kemiloff, commander of the fniieral ceremonies were the Pelrograd garri.'On, owing to what lie says is an impcissible position arising from efforts of various Iln.-sirin or ganizations, has resigned his offlre. On th(“ I‘"r!gthy front in Macedonia the entent** forces continue th»"ir of fensive with suc' between Dairan and the Cerna river. In addition to inflicting heavy losses on the Geniuins and 'he Bulgarians, th«‘ entente forces in the .Macedonians theater eajitured many pri.'-oners. Miy acquaintance with Uncle iVil- li-im's life, the stilient features were his quiet, simple, child like dispo sition ; the depth and harmony of tiis nature, and progressive ideals. It would be unfair to judge such tiien altogether by the few things VO ha])pen to know about them. vSo many of their deeds, and often the noblest of them, are unwritten and unpublished. Even the left hand knows not the storv of the right. The Bible standard of the good man is, “Be ye therefore ])erfeci, -•ven as your father which is in lieaven is perfect.” A soldier may lose the step for a m ment, but he is a soldier nevertheless ai;d may light as bravely as if his mechanical skill in keeping time was pi*rf*ct. 1 stood before the great clock in Asheville this morning an«l retju- lated the bunds of my little watch by standard time. The good man may find this want every day, but it is heaven’s i»lan and the world should be gencrons ent^ugh to grant him this privilege In the days when the gold fields of the west lured many men from their homes a young man from the east left his wife and children and wasted the strength of his manhood, in the vain search for gold. Aged and in poverty, in af ter years he returned home to find that his children had grown to be happy and useful men and women. With these gathered about him, he said, “M.y richest treasures were at home and I knew it not.’’ Brothor Osborne had this joy in the super lative degree, and took his de parture as one that lieth down to pleasant dreams. The services were concluded at Oak Grove cemetery, where the casket was boi*ne to the grave l>y Masons and the body laid to rifsi with the bnrial rites of the Mason ic or dor. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Havin;'' qualified as adniinistratrix oi (he estate «»f Ben Fisher, deceased, late ot Ciraham county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present same to the undersigned fos payment within twelve months from^ datr. otherwise this notice will be plead in baa of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediatf- settlement. This May 16th, 1917. DOSHIE FISHER, Administratrix Estate of Ben Fisher, dr- ceased. 5-18-6tp THE Globe Nurseries Bristol, Tenn.-Va. Wholesale and Retail. Growers of General Nurserf Stock Organized in 1003. Capital $59(00#. Trade With a Reliable Nurseri No Effort Spared to Satisfy our Customer* AGENTS WANTED Salary or Commission. READ THIS: Richmond, Va., Nor. 25, I9I4. The Globe Nurseries, Bristol, Tenn. Gentlemen; 1 had the very best sneers.* in all my deliveries at all points. Tla- people were so well pleastd that I did no* have a single objection. You know thxl this is remarkable—no fault to find in near ICO deliveries. The trees were aU in nice condition. Yours truly, (Signed) G. W. PIJLLKN. three brothers first named from Sonth Carolina and a son and dauuhter of Mrs. Anderson. The funeral services took place at Rockbrook Taesday morning. 1’hey were ctmducted by Rev. .)ohn R. Hay, assisted by Rev. C. 1). Chapman and Rev. E. H. Nor wood. Interment followed at the (;iillespie cemetery. The pall hear- Bitter attacks by the ti'oops of th^ ^rs were J. H. Raxtar, A. M. Ham- German crown prince and Crown UVER DIDN’T ACT DIGESTION WAS BAD Says 65 year Old Kentocky Lady, Who Tells How She Wat EeBevel After a Few Doses of Black-DraoghL Prince Ruppreeht are being made ^ against the positions vital to the de- fensps of Lens and I^ion held by the II. Norwood. ' Briti-h and French, but so far the allied forces have withstood all at tacks. Dispatches from allied sources say that the German crown prince is prod igal to the extreme in the use of man power in his effort to capture French ' and Briti.'h positions, the Germans even using dead bodies of their com panions for breastworks. ■ niett. T. D. England, J. S. Brom- field. Dr. W. J. Wallis and Rev. E. REMAINS OF W. K. OSDORNE LAID TO REST DY MASONS Meadorsville, Ky.—^Mrs. Cynthia Higginbotham, of this town, says: "At my ago, which is 65, the liver does not act so well as when young. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. I was constipated, my liver didn’t act. My digestion was bad, and it took so little to upset me. My ap petite was gor.e. I was very weak... ! decided I would give Black- Draught a thorougl. trial as I knew it was highly recommended for this trouble. I began taklns it I felt better after a few doses. My appetite improved and I became stronger. My bowels acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a few doses of Black-Draught." Seventy years of successful use hMB made Thcdford’s Black-Diai^bt s standard, household remedy. EresT member, of every family, at tfntes^ need t!ie help that Black-Draught cut give in cleansing the sj*stem and re lieving the troubles that come fr^ym constipation, indigestion, lazy liver, etc. You cannot keep well unlasB ymtt stomach, liver and bowels are in gooA working order. Keep them that •waj’- Try Elack-Draught. It acts promiifly’, gently and in a natural way. If ywt feel sluggish, take a dose Y’ou will feel fresh tomorrow. Ptii* 23c. a package—One cent a dos* All druggists. J. O The funeral services of W. K, Osborne, an account of death Thirteen Austrian submarine.*; have w'as j'iven in the News la**t week. been sunk by the Italians in the Adri atic in a less number of days. It is stated that the German secre tary of the navy admits that the for- niidableness of the submarine cam paign is being gradually destroyed. wvre held at the home on Thurs drtj’ afternoon in the presence of many friends and relatives. All the children of the deceased were ])resent. They were: Mrs. Dr. The Norwegian foreign office reports William Lyday of Penrose; Mrs. A. the .'inking by German submarines of x. Poole, Mrs. J. K. Mills, C. S. three Norwegian steamers. Osborne of Brevard; Mrs. M. Ij Washinsrton Congress has begun the sixth week of war with the calendars of both houses of congress still filled with leg islation which the adminij^tration feels is essential to the successful conduct of the conflict with Germany. The house will probably conclude discussion of the $l,800,'i00,000 war revenue bill shortly and send it to the senate. An amendment to the espionage bill prohibiting the use of cereals or grains in the manufacture of intoxi cants will probably pass both houses, and will not .'Criously delay the ulti mate passage of the entire measure. The food control bill will most like ly be the next war measure taken up by both houses of congress. Two months of campaigning for a million gardens have turned the at tention of more than thirty million people to the task of producing food. Announcement, by way of Baltimore. Md., is made that the negro republic of Liberia, West Africa, has cast its lot with the entente allies. This is staled to be of advantage to the en tente because it will remove German control of Liberian wireless telegraph and cable facilities. The federal shipping board has an nounced the purchase of seven Aus trian merchantmen from American owners. Tonnage is placed at 52,651 tons, and the price paid is stated as $C,775,006. The price, it is point ed out, i.s about half the prevailing price for ships. A Spanish dispatch .says that two of Ruleish ; Mrs. Z. K. Norwegian steamers have been sun>. . ^ by German uadersea boats olf the ^ H. K. northwest coast of that kingdom. Osborne of Spartanburg; Joe Os- The lower house of the German law- borne of Gaffney, S. C.; and Virgil 4naking body will not adjourn in May, Osborne of Stone Mountain, Ga. a.s has been the usual custom, but Rev. A. \V. McDaniel, late pastor, have made plans for a short summer , „ t n r »i sossion in July, .o that th^ governmont Hill, Will not be left in the hands of of-! former pastor of the deceased, con- ficialdom. ducted the services, the main talk I A substantial decrease in the num being made by Rev. Mr. Owen, the ber of sinklrigs by submarines ,he substance of whose words are found last week will be shown in the torth- . . , „ . coming weekly report ofi shipping following: losses. It is stated the report will | My friends, we have come to bury shov/ the smallest losses :n three one of Transylvania’s best know’U ‘ and most loved citizens. Amont? , A fight between a submarine and' , , Spanish and French trailers. In which , ‘hu multitude here to do liini honor I two French trawlers with small-calibc r are the old comrades of other days, guns, battled for some time with the j bending under the weight of many submarine, resulted in the trawlers be- 1 jie^vy winters, neighbors, friends, ing sunk, nays a San Sebastian, Spain, i ' j 1 . t • j 1 cablegran- j sons and daughters. I am reminded A Ri^r Russia, dispatch .says thr ‘ ' of another fallen soldier, a story Major General Kartzoff, command' • j that belongs to the early dawn of of the Siberian rifles division, 1 j human history “And Enoch walked been assi^sinated. He was very p p- ular with his men, who Vigorously dc?ny , mi - • ^ any connection with the assassination. This is God s epitaph It is stated by way of Denmark that | written on the memory of a noble Imperial German Chancellor Hethman- Hollweg will answer a peace interpel lation in the lower house of The Ger man congress soon. After five days of extraordinary hard fighting between the Canadian.- I and Ger.iians, the little village of Fres ! noy, lying southeast of Lens, and the i adjaccnt wood are in German hand.-. life. He did not write u volume to tell the story. One stroke of the pen was enough. Most of us will not want a longer story when the time is out. This is the story of a quiet man whose every day religion was most prominent. As I recall Brevard Hardware Co. Brevard, North Carolina. Rear View of No. 60 Buckeye Disc Cultivator. No. 60 “BUCKEYE DODGER PIVOT AXLE, DISC RIDING CULTIVATOR 9f PIVOT AXLES and PIV'OT DISCS Christened “The Dodger” in consideration of its wonderful dodging qualities in crooked corn rows, and in dodging all objectionable points in other Disc Cultivators. The “BUCKEYE DODGER” is the only Pivot Axle, Disc (luide Cultivator made. It successfully overcomes all of the many objectionable features common to other Disc Cultivators. The Disc moves with the wheels (in the same direction) responding in stantly to slight pressure on the treadles, easily, quickly and correctly per forming their duties. Cutting (not jamming and crowding) their way through the ground, either to the ri;;ht or left. Doing perfect work in throwing dirt to or from the row, and cultivating perfectly such portions of the crop as may be planted in crooked rows (instead of pushing and crowd ing their way with clumsy rigidity and awkward side pressure.) Work which heretofore has been accomplished by main strength and awkwardness, straining the muscles of both the operator and the team, and racking thft machine itself beyond the reasonable expectation of durability, can with the “BUCKEYE DODGER” Cultivator, be done easily and scientifically and witk far better results. Don’t order. C. DOYLE Brevard, N. C.

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