UOKTH CAROLINA BREVARD N i: \V Nil Sylvan V.i ' i'‘ - . w . .1 . noaii M (-V. SUBSL: I.' I 1', : , i’kIi. t One year Six months - - - - Three montl . Two month.-* ... Payable by • i i n mn: . V. ('.nil's of t'.i r.'.t . ; r.tii iiii'Mii'riuls i>ut)l ' .1' . .1 inorcial rat('. cc ' : . > •■t-. : t>r one lOurtli >.',•! ■ , '> . v I Suhscrij)ti«in'. • .onl , piraticii nf tiiiu' i.l t,.! tjuost. Friday, May Jr>, l»M/. HERE’S TO OLD GLORY, GOD BLESS HER! o— If anyone attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot.—John A. Dix. O folds of white and scarlet! O blue field v/ith your silver stars! May fond eyes welcome you, willing feet follow yoj. strong hands defend you, warm hearts cherish you, and dying lips give you their blessing! Ours by in heritance, ours by allegiance, ours by affection—long may you float on the free winds of heaven, the emblem of liberty, the hope of the world!—Anon. Respond to the colors by cheerfully rejjisterin}; .Tune under the army bill provisions if between the ay:eK of 21 and .^1 years. Evasion carries a heavy penalty. W'ill rail it (lernuiiitown? ^. j.'■ i ■ >j • i. . ■ t, \'.‘ . s , ! . \ i;K'li c'li li \')!' >0 . I ' • ' II , • V ' I ‘ I . . I ■ :.e . ■ ! 1, \ ri. >1- \ \\ - i ' • I ^ . ihi - , . > ^ > i; . . ■ .■(. \ : 1 1 l;iLS 11 , CM ' : 1 i . i ( I' ; . ( \ I . 1 . ■ • j . ; , I ..ex-;. ' ')'1k' C.m.. ;i w ! vv i h ■ I ‘1 i(>. I ' I'M, .i.>l wi'.l'.in > :i I:.oil'.in i : i!' - of C .nil>n It V , ■ rllfW-^ iK ( o'l' .Mils \\ Muhi 111 i 1 ;i- ■/ I li, r: ■ I ' 'I’in.- \\ a\;i- - ' ’l;i' Mo.unt.ii’.iet 1 > I t 11;(.- o[ Mii :i Ml lli.il W’.i \ iK-'-. i j -.w'A I 1 :;l- I' .;:i;' it it io( 1 ■ I o iiiii- I ■ r> \11 i. it \ l ’ 1- t I il' tlif W hite v^iilpl'.ur Spriny^s lioi^l j is ;;sv«l it will i-( ■!! |\erlt.il into a ]>i.‘rir.aiu'nt arr.’.v ,;iul !:a\-\- lu»]>it.il. i'he ]i:'.|'er acids; ■’'riiis iMiii]) iiu aiis a tlo(>l of i;o'- riiiKKUt .iihi ('.(.‘rinan r.iom-v in ciioiil.ilit 11 .!t all > .f ;1 w..r and W'a\ne>\iru‘ wants it It would doiilt'.c c'Ur ]> ijiulatioii a! oncc and })Ul us on tlic* map in (.arnot. ’ ’ It the- cani]> is located on the ^MW'rnnient projKTty near Kiv- \ ard il will virtnallx' mean Ih.c huildini; ot ;i j^ond road to tlie t p >r Mt. Pi>-ali th’out;h the ri.si;ah j Xation.'d I'oiest, which would make the main route for all south ern t( 11 sis to this sccMiie ];oiiil throuj^h ll’ewird. This im])ro\e- inent would justify inconveniences and sacrifices on the part of our : 'people tor a period ilurint^ tlie war j iK cause Brevard’s ])(>j)ularity would j i^really increase l)v rea.son of this i scenic n iite direct from ]5revnrd ; '.o Asheville tliiou;j,]i tile jj^overii- inenl’s ]>ark ot several tliousand acres ot matchless heauty and j;ran- deur. ELK im. NAMES GREENSBORO IS SELECTED FOR MEETING PLACE FOR THE 1913 CONVENTION. VISITGi^S mi THE TOWN Don't forj^el Vinir iluty the llv he‘>ins to l)u/./. when LADIES' MAKING SUPPLIES FOR INJIIRED AT WAR D. D. Daughtridge of Rocky Mount, Re-Elected Vice-President. New Bern Lodge Wins Double Honors RiiiPipii. Aftpr iolprtlnp; Greens- bo; :) as (lu‘ ni( i-ti:rr r’aco for the 1918 i ('(iiivontioii aia! cx-Mayor T. | •T. ATiiri)liy «f rirof'!’ ;|!orf) i)resi(l(>nt of ! the Sf;tc A tho i:iks of Xortli f’a’d'ina acc>;iiod Mayor John- :-.('n's i:ni!;;;on t-j ‘‘taU*' the town” and w'thout a seTn!)lai'c(« of tiraidily i sforniod I'avi'tteville .street until llio l.i.->t not(‘ of “ \wld Lang Syne” hn"i.'ht an Olid to t!i'> jubilant festivities, so far a.? the j>iihlic \va,s roncerned. Mr. ’ I"), riau^tlitralge of Rocky Mount was ■ iT-ole» tf‘(i Hr.^t vice-president of the ptate aK..';f>(i:;tion. T. B. Heard of Sal isbury s.-^t (>nd vice-president and Mr. T. I'. Kf'lioe of New Bern .secretary and treasurer. 1 The program bepan with a business * session of l!ie association, concluded with a sniok.'V al the Elks’ hr,me. A iniffet lunclK'on w:is jriven at the home and the hiisines?! session for tli»* elec tion of officors wTis lu'Td in the senate chamber at the State capitol. The grand parade look jilace at and from .S:3ft urlil 11:00 the Klks’ Jubi lee extending in space from Martin to ]'Iorga'.i on i'ayetteville street and In proportions that excrlled any similar event of North Carolina Klkdom occu pies! the center of tho arena. T!ie con tortionists. spielera ai’d terpsichorean artists vied with each other in makng the celel)ration an event that would put longues to wagging a:’d leave fnisd memories of tiie s'>venth annual con vention of the antlered tribe of tli ' itati'. Church soiit'ties. the Associat ed (barities and tlie l?ed ('ross organ izp.tions sold everything that an abundant s;^nernsi*y could compel purse strings ti opon in order to sat isfy the w’.iiiT'is and f;i:u ies of the visitors. THE Me Nurseries Bristol, Tenn.-Va. Wholesale anti Retail Growers of General Nursery Stock Organized in 1003. Capital $50,000. Trade With a Reliable Nursery No Effort Spared to Satisfy our Customers AGENTS WANTED Salary or Commission. READ THIS: Richmond, V'a., Nov. 25, 1910. The (ilolu* Nurseries, Bristol, Tenn. (Itntlcmcn; I had the very br.st ^uc(t^.s in all my dclivirits at all |j;ints. The people were so well pleased that I di«l not ave a single objection. You know that 'his is remarkable no fault to find in r.ear 1(U) delivcrie.s. The trees were all in nice condition. Yours trulv, (Signed) W.'lTLLICN. “Seek and ye shall find" through the Diversified column. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Ha\ing (|u,iiiiin. ai.iiiinihtrau ix of the estate of F,en Fisher, dei cased, late of Ciraham county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having chiims against said estate to prtsent same to the undersigned for payment within twelve months fn.ni date, otherwise this notice wiil be plead in hai of th'‘ir n-covrrc. .M' p(Ts ?;s ii ( el)ted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This May 16th, l‘>17. doship: fisher, Adtninistratrix Estate of Ben Fisher, de- ceased. 5-18-(itp BOND SALE With i)uri>oso.s somewhe.t similar | Your ;j;irden is loo inijioilant to | to tliose of tlu> Xatiozjul Len-n.- n' iie:.ileet. I*lenl> I ii’le > el to ]>l;int, j Wonmn's Sorvicv—a titutement o 'i and a few v ic.Tut I'Jl-: lioMiul ’/"“wn- 1 which is ^ivcn in this i.ssnc of tho number of ladies have' The gowmraenl ha;? let d«;w!’JI'r'I'arin.j; ^^';'vor;|} > tile s^ap and luiiie.i the lishern:eu |lorn'.^I Or-'anization, lo j into tile tlvhii-.ir {.reserves near Urc- ' t^hipmi'iit of articK\s to t'ii. vard and ju^l no'v par.idis,^. ’.I is the auijler's Rievaid* 11 \ eli-ariii" house in New York fni ' France and her allies. Tb“t;e ladies Tueet every Tuv-Kltiy afiernoon at ' , . j tin- hoiSie of Elise Walker an-1 ’ ext'eiienced iinite ii , , *1 i- ,■ 1 ‘ ' ' hnsv thems dvi':? in the inakin" of I number 01 inii'rover.u nt" under .,1 •, i ^ . Tf i ^ I various artiob s neetied in hospitals : the adinini>tialion ju>l l)i(;u,i;ht lo umori;; soldiers and civilians in a close. Il had a d Ixmrd com- eountiio.-^ of Enroj>o ut wiir 1 posed of progressive men. Tlie with (lennanv. ' Iireseul b' avd is aNo ])i'oi:;res>ive j an inli'VVstin^ and valua-' and with enl.irt^ed ('•]'>])orlunilies i hie collection of these articK's havt* and ol)li;^alions lliere w ill be a | by contribntion i^realer task l» fore the town's au-; "’ork of tlie ladies hands thorities. 'i'he town has been en- them are biindatrc's for the larj;.-.!. Ma„y i,n,,r.,vi.-.ucnts u ill for be called for. l)e I'.'itient. non't liani])tr the b );;:!! but f-ncoura;^e and O'-operale and in due season we will all reaj) lue benelils. use in o])erations, pillows for sol diers, ehiklrt'n's elothinicand muny other thiiit^s of hand mannfaetnre. I The soc-.’t‘ty welcomes th‘ e»t (>i)eni- | tion »)t nil interi'sr (i persons, und , will be ^lad to receive eontribn-i IVhat the Press Association tions either in work or monev. Has Meant to W. Carolina. \ ! The IJlaek Mountain Tourist sen- sibly culls attention to th»‘ fac't that a *‘Sj)irit of the most cordial j co-operation” should be cultivated j in that f'reat summt>r resort s*c-1 tion and that tlu-re should be no j room for jealonsy. ! This whole.'ome advice should be {^ivt‘n to all of W(*stern (’arolina. The News well remiunbers when the newspapers of the mountains It is »'X]>ected tbiit thi> first ship- tnent of tlie articles will bo made in a short time. JUNIORS URCEO TO MEET Councilor Perry (ialloway issues |anur^i‘nt call to all members of the local lodge of Juniors to be present ut the mec'tinj' on next Saturday night. Jiusiness of groat importanct^ to the order will be up through jealousv and narrow vision ! consideration. reflected seriously upon neighbor- j ing towns and communities but is ])leased to know that since tho organization of the Wi'stern North Carolina W(*( Uly Press association u little more than a year ago not a disparaging word eitht^r from the editors or some selfish contributor has made its way into the columns of any of tln'se ])apers. The newspajifrs recognize the New Subscribers. T. S. \Velborn_. Rosman Renewals Mrs. Z. K. Justice Davidson fact that the interests of the nioun- ' l-mest L. Ewbank Hendersonville tain people aro grc*atly in common and that closer acquaintance, un derstanding and co-operation is highly beneficial. The association has been worth i^vbile and its eft'orts have been amply rewarded for this one ac complishment und change in feid ing and attitude even though tlip publishers had not enjoyed any other of its many benefits. J. A. Forsythe, jr Atlanta, (la. W. II. Smith Wolf Mountain Mrs. II. P. Moore Blantyre C. L. Morris Lake Toxaway Ltc F. Norton Lake Toxaway C. K. Clark Kinsman ■J. N. Whitmire Brevard, IM A. M. White Rosm; ' J. W. Smith Brevarc K. T. Henning Brevar Try a Diversified adv. States Waste Total $20,000,000. Ra’.f'igh. Kxpert'- of tho department of aprii ulturo at Washington have (»s- timated thait if ju.-i one diince of edi ble meat or fat is wasted by each of the 2'*.000.(>(iit families in the I'nited sifates earh day i't means a lotail of 12.',i'lO.tH'O pound.s p >!• day. i)r Hie .s«hpu.'"imr ^'ual of pounds iJi a yc-ar, tho ST.‘, ftoo ,-;';ePi’p or irotwt ftOO hoEfS. If an oiniie of iireu* is wasted i>y etich fam^y ea~h hiy it means the thrnwir.p away of S7r..unO ])onnds oJ flour e.i'h day. or l..'.t(i,noo barrels each year suffi' inr.t flour with whic'i to make :!r>r>.00f>/iA0 loaves of bread. Stflted ’M terms cf v- heat it is 7.0(i(t,000 bushels. Secretary Lucas, of tlie North Caro lina Fo.d I'onservation rommission has figured out North Carolina’s i)arl of such a waste. There are approxi mately (iooo.ono far’ilies in state. An ounce of meat or fat, and an ounce of bread v\.sted en' h day means in year’s time in this state a loss of 13,- (iso.oon pound.; of meat, the equivalent of Jirt.OOO bops, an.l tO.n.lO.OOO b-:ave^ of bread, or 210,00^ bushels of whea‘ "Xhese ti^ures simply show." stated Mr. Lucas, "what a very small waste amounts to in the asRregate. As a mat ter of fact an ounce a day of meat and bread does not beo:in to approximat- what we (’estroy of those two prrvduot.s, to say nothing of the waste in vege tables. milk, poultry products and other edibles. North Carolina’s part of the national waste of $70,000,000 in hou.'eholds s approximately $20,000.- 000. A very great nart of this Ava.-'te is unnecessary and preventable. O' course, there will be some waste un der the most careful and economical management but ev°n if we would cut our waste in half ve would save flO,- 000,000. These figures are based on normal prices. At the present level of prices they wou'd be just 100 per cent higher, making the total uraste In North Carolina $40,000,000. The (’onnty Hoard of Education desires bids on .'i'l,(■()(’—ili> \cars. six er cent boTitls on I’cnrose high scliool (li^trict. boiulv- to tn- sold in bids to be filed v>ith E. E Shuford, chairman of County H'titrd t)l l](lucution. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Iia\ iTig (niai'f, (. a a.a.iiiislratrix ot till’ t st.'itc (>l Miifs Ri ci'c, !( I'l'ascd, lati’of Transylvania cduntv. X. this is t> r.otily all t ; r ^ lia\ ing t laims against sai 1 I state to j'lii-cni >;mu' to the uc.di-r >ignc(l f« r p: VII crt within twelve months ir.-ii this (iati-, ctherwise tliis notiro will I'c i»!i:;(! i:, d' tiu jr recovery. All .11 1; ..:-,s in anv wav indel)tcd to saiti s.ate will plc:;se n;aki‘ inmiediate settle rs nt. 'I'i.is Aj iil ''tl', P)i7. ( l.Oivlili-. C. RKKCK, Aiimini.stn;!! !:. i:.^-aie . I' .Milts r’i n-,- I Lieut.-Col. Sharp Succeeds Gilmer. Raleigh.—Capt. Bernard Sharp. IT. S. A.. Tryon, X. C.. was a few (Jays ago commissioned by Governor Bick- ett to be lieutenant-colonel First In fantry, Nopth Carolina National Guard to succeed Lieutc’.iant-Cololenl Gil mer, who resigned to return to the regular service. Lleutenant-Coionel Sharp has been In Raleigh assi'^ting in the work of the adjutant general’s office since the military situation b(r- came acute and has rendered invalua ble service. For the present, at least, he will remain in ^aleigh. Invite Balfour to Visit Raleigh. Washington.—Mossrs. ,f. M. Bror ‘.i- ton. Jr.. and W. A. Withers, renres i*- ing the Chamber of Commerce of ital- eigh, invited Arthur James Balbour. BHtish Fo-^gn Se'^petary. to North CaroMna. Mr. Balfour said that if he makes a visit to the South he will ston at Raleigh. Secretary Daniels made the engae:''ment for Messrs. on a’nl WUhrim to "•ill on Mr. po-• •!« pf the Macvo'i”’’ ’ lo on Six- .rent II sireet. He was going w:‘.h them ' rzs detained by official biu'.inejas ftt ihe White House. Worn by the weii-dressed Simmons Chains for 40 years have been considered by jewel ers a standard cf taste anl good form for Vv^ell-dressed men and women. Come in and see the artistic patterns in our new fall stock. sinnons cHiiins are as durable as they are handsome. They are not washed or plated goods. The surface cf each chain is a heavy rolled cylinder of solid gold. Call •arly, while our stock is complete. FRANK D. CLEMENT The Jeweler of Transylvania County Buy in Brevard Notice to Farmers and Stockmen Service of Jack The service of the Kentucky Jack known in this county as the ^*Aiken'' Jack, miy be had at my stables at any time. People desiring service may rely upon the assurance that there will be no disappoint ment, even though they make ao previous engagement. For further particulars ap ply to T. S, WOOD, Brevard, N. C. luaiJKvti iiujDuM m (L iToiuit ymom C26-S YOU WON’T BE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YGtiR PAPERS AND VALUABLEf., IF THEY ARE IN ONE OF OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. YOU KNOW THEY ARE SAFF THERE; YOU CANNOT LOSE THEM; FIRE CANNOT BURN THEM; BURGLARS CANNOT STEAL THEM AND MAYBE MURDER YOU AT THE SAME TIME. WE WILL RENT YOU A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX TO KEEP YOUR VALUABLES IN FOR $2.00. BE A CAREFUL MAN. RENT ONE TODAY, BREVARD BANKING COMPANY Good Gardens Why cultivate a parden unless you protect it from cattfe and chickens, which de.stroy hours of valuable work.^ Our poultry wire is from one Ito six feet high and affords the protection your jjarden needs. Garden Hose We have the best grade of red hoseifrcm 13 to 15 cents per foot. Keep your garden watered and your lawn sprin kled. Nozzles for 50 cents and lawn sprays from 75 cents to $2.50. Let our new style of screen doors and our window screens protect your home from flies. W. E. BISHOP & CO. Brevard, N. C. THE FINEST TEA to be fourd in Brevard is ri^ht 'lere at 60 lo SOc ptr pound. Bet- er cannot be bouj'ht at any price, nd it really is the most tconomi- L-al to buy, as it is delicate of flavor ■nd of UNUSUAL STRENGTH •>o that one pound of thi.: w ilf as :nr as two pounds of the ordinary ind. Try it, and if not found to e as represented in every way, rir^ it back and we will return our money. Aj>ents for Chase £: ''anborn’s Teas and Coffees. MITCHELL The Grocer. WWUI.WWH-I BREVARD, • • NORTH CAROLINA Departments C ’lle^e Preparatory, Normal, Music, Business, Do mestic Art, Household Kcononiics. Agriculture. All departments are directtd by teachers with special training'and Itirge experience. They know their business. Influences of the Institute are alone worth the cost of tuition. Ford Cars Reduced New Price $388.50. New Price $373.50. May get higfher but guaranteed no lower within a vear. LET us SELL YOU ONE NOW. KING LIVERY COMPANY Agents for Dodge and Ford Autos. BKEVARD, N. C_ Touring Cars Reduced $80 Roadsters Reduced $45.