MlRROlv i)W TRANS^'ICOIIN’^PV I^IFK VOLUME-XXII (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) BKKVARI), NOUTlt CAROLINA, FRIDAY, .HIM': 15. 1917. NUMBER-:M CASCADE POWER COMPANY TO MAKE $20,000 DEVELOPMENT Undertakes Doubling Capacity ot Power Plant on Little River To 1,000 Horse Power Oy Erection ot 50-Foot Dam Which Will Impound Water tor Two Miles, Necessitating Removal ot Houses and Construction ot Two Miles ot Road; Developments to Begin Immediately. Tho ('tisoinlt' I’.iwi'r ■which ‘l.-v'tiual for Br‘var(l nnl I’lSiriih I '.'rt'st, mii nonnoos its (irli'rinin:i1u»n to titmMe tho cupai’ity ni' tln‘ plar.t by the I't a ilam aliil iniikinir other tliat will call t or n^\ iii \ t‘>tmri'it ot ajt proxiiiintfly sjo.oo:i COL EVEBETT TO BRING COLORADO STOCK HERE Col I'.vorott lias traiistrrriHl tlu* o\vTifT>hi]> of his farm near I'otirost*. It is Tuidcrstooil. to his soTt llaiuhill Tho Tasraiio I’oAtr iH>ini)an\ hus Kvorott. \vlu> has taki-n charfio and ht‘on riii^a^t'il in ]uolnniiiary work incidt'Tit to tho ili'Vfh'])intMit lor Kovoral TiioTiths Imt owuil; totlio irs'.jirovomonts on a lrtrt?o sealo. 'I'lio raisijii; ot tijio stock is saiij nntnro of tlu so th'tailt'(l niattiTS to 1k' oiio of tl.o iniprMvcmonts (‘on- no puMicity lias b- t ii ^ivon to it?" purjuiHt'S to lit V(‘loj> tho ]>laiit to a tfii>] by Mr. lO •. orot t, It is ox]>ctotl thiit about a dt>/,t ii hlt.odod -Hi)aoity twift' whut it has i-vt r mart's ami st tllituis will ht> hrt»t;^'ht btMMi. 'riio luaiiaufiMi'Tit has worki'tl trom \(ion‘l ]]vfrott's (’tdorathi quiotly on rmlits nf wav until now tarni. tin* ])owt r t‘t»mpany lias st'onit tl iill lit V. 1. thoso noct'ssary li^r t!it' mont. Tho t't)nt'rt‘io dam will bf i-to It't t bly larci'r. 'riio h.arn. which w.ts burned SfVcral years hi:o. will be ro])laci‘d. It IS nniierstot'd. by anoth‘r ])roha- II’ tlie It port is et)rrtct W. P. HENDERSO?! TO INSTALL FLOUR MILL loH!^ and st)mewht're bt*t\Nt‘i‘ii •••* tliat tins harn will bt“ liKi hy Hud r.ti ft“i*t hiu'h anti will back the loot, it will bt> ont* of ihe lar^'cst WHter ft>r at least t wt> milt•> 1 !ii> hai ns in this >cctii >11 at’.;l ca]la hh* ot will mean th-’ 1^.. tiin^' "f the ]»ub hon.-'ini: manv annniKs and much 111* rtiJid. Ftir the ]>ast tew iiii'iiths tariii j)rtKlu‘c. the i)OWt‘r Company hu" been I'liiltl inf' a new (.me tr 'iu a jMint lu'ar till* Laurel (>■■■ k elnirch t the power plant, a li-tanci* of twe and ouo-quarter milt ali ot wlii' h lias been completeil execjit abfUt a juartt‘r of a nrde ''I'lie read. i’.a> been acccptetl tiv tin' ctuinty rtuid *oinmission. 'Die im]'>iuni vill HltiO necessitate the removal ot ■ ne or more htiust s near the The roinpiiny ])rtpo>es to ])r"et i «l with tht* work and rii>h tlie >aiue to completit)!! a> early a> labi.r ci'ii- (iitions will permit. 'I’ho ])reser.t plant i- ii'd t;t sull; cii'nt CHl)a(‘ity to take care il the «lemantls >f tlie commuiiHy, lor which reaS'»u the de vebij'iiniit > will ht“ made a-^ early Ji> j'lacti- ctihh*. 'rin- ]tl:tnt I." about nine years old. 'I'lie ilam i> censtrui'tt'tl of wooti ami 1" Ml bati rej'a:r and imj)ounds hut very little watt'i'. From tlu' tlam a raee ei^rht lei-t wide ct)iuiuct> tlie water Jor ft*et to a jioin’ \\ here there is a Fuddell tlescent 'if • ' t ft !•> tht* plant. A lU‘\v ia‘*e \vill I'c >"11 Mructedand th* eompaiiv n .> un Th.‘ Bt.v Seouts he^r;,n un Tues- ,ler ct)ntemi)lali..n a cypress wtM.d- j,.,tnt,ti.- enternrise nf can- «tAV.‘ ilume heavily banded with vassiiiL: th.i tt,wn ft..r subscriptions Bteel and restin- t.n concrete 4oun to the lihertv loan. Kvery evonintr dtttion rather than tht‘open race as ,vj„,rts arc -iven t.» ihe .‘.cout at present, thus «riortiin; hi>rhest taster, Hev. John i:. Hay. of what lMJS>ihlo pressure tor the amount has been dt)ne durin^Mhe day. The of water invt)lvel. lesult of Ihe llrst twuday>' canvas The present jilant was built with shows the ener^'v thiit the the view to t'Tihir^emcnt." and \m11 ],oys ure thruwint^ into their volun accommodatt) tiie iievelo]»ment.s j t,.fr service. Hy Wt'dne.sday n:'.;ht contemplated, which will «].proxi- M'cnred sal)M nj,tious to mate l.t'On horse ]>ower and will he t]i,. amtmnt of >^1,lino. Buflicient to can* f..r j)rest iit needs W. IV Hf'ntlerson wil! enlari^c the capacity tif his izrist mill by the :ntrtitluct it '11 of n:achinery for ‘^nnd- in;: wheat and rye into tlour. 'I’lie wheat anti rye mill will >>f tM[uij»])etl with bolters ftir st iiaratin*^ the line 1’our from tin- bran and the tither l)rodnets. so that all ^^radt's of tin* irround ^rain :nay t>e turned out. \\ h’.le the TifW out tit will l)c lim- iteii in eapacUy. it will ht‘ complete lor millin',' i)urposes. and snlli- cit iitly lar^e tti take care t)f a fzreat part of this year's rrt)]). Mr Hen- lierM'ii exjiect.-' to havt* the new millini: ajijKiT-atus installed in time tti haiulle tin* ^rain ct)inin^ fi'om the iifxt lit*rv(*>t. BOY SCOUTS GET $1,900 LIBERH LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS ^and of any indu>trial devel- ^opmonts or town growth likely to occnr within a number t>f years. The (’ascadt* l^jwer (*ompany MR. BARKER ACCEPTS CALL Rev. W. K. Ilarker, who has been npi)ly jiastur at Mtirj'anfon for t!ie conerates the elect!'icity used by, , ,, , . 1 I- months, has accented a Brevard, Pisu'tth t-ort*st and adja- „ , 1 .a to * * ' armel lia]*tist churcli BREVARD SCHOOL SOARG SELECTS TEACHING CORPS BBEVARO TERRITORY MORE THAN 00U8LED Chances to Save Offered Through This Paper By carefully reading the adver tisements in this paper you can often save money on your purchases. The things you need may be ofiered just a little bit cheaper today than they will be at any other time. The new rug for the parlor, the new din- ing room table, the new suit, the sack of flour, the pair of shces or the new hat may be advertised today at a saving worth while. Don’t lay this paper down until you have read every advertisement in its columns. Economi cal people do their buying through advertising — and they are putting money in the bank by so doing. (^’onnty Snperintfmdent T. Henderson and the scliotd hoard of the Brevard d’st^*iet m *t with Prof. .1. C. .lone.s on Sa'turday and made definit(> arran^rements fo’- In- tnrn for liis third V('ar as ]»rineijial of thy local school, and discnss' tl other n^utter.s jtertaitnnj^ to the w«'lfar(! of the scliotd worK. Plans are on foot%ft)r :nl(iitii>nal school (juartt'rs and an nicreasetl tea^'hin^ cor]»s. Tht're will he st»me chantje.s in th‘ faculty and while certain of the ])ersonnel has been decided npon in case ot accc])tanc(^ on the part of desired, the list has not heen com]>let»^d and it is not kf.own what teachers of desired hy th(f hoard will ac cept work, hence no i>nhlic an- nouncenn*nt. The work ot Prof. .h)nes in Bre vard K‘»-ve t'eneral satisfaction and th(* announ('(*inent of his r('tnrn will he re(u;ived with t;r*at i?it(^rest. CAMP SAPPHIRE PREPARES FOR GOOD SCHOOL YEAR Survey of Knjjineer IfarilinShows Fhat New Limits as Result of Recent Klection llmhrace Growth of 12.S Per Cent. || Unique Memorial Compfeteq It. A. Fet/er arrived this week frtim till* State ('ollem* tif Afiricul- ttire and Hnj^ineerim.', at W t st Ralei^'h, where hn has he>n con nected with the chemical dejiart- ment of the institution, to a^•slst his hroth(‘r in makinji j)rt*]>arations for the (jjiening of Camj) Sapphiie on .lnnt‘ I's. Mr. Fet/er says ])ros])ccts :ire hrijrht for a j^ood attendanct' at tlu* camn school this sntnmer, anl that ])reparatit>ns are (leinLT made fur the accommodation tif tin* beys, in- ' cludim: n-jiairs on tlu* athletic fjrounils, the (*rt*ction of nt'ce.-^sary builtliiifis, etc.. in tirdi r to kee]> tin* cam]) ])riperty inlii.-t clasi sha] c for >cl o )l ]>ur])ose>. SUPERINTENDENT'S EXAMINATION Tho limits of ( nlartr(il Brcvarti havt* been measured ami markt*rl hy A. L. Hardin, who went thinuL'h the work of .''Urvt'vin*' the I'ew litu's soon afti r till* town election. The town has heen cxteiuhMl in a circle, with a radius of tlin*e-(|u:irters tif a mile frt>m tht* mitbllt* t»f th* Ma;n imtl Hrt»ad street crosviur as a. et-r). ter, and in every direction t xeejit that t>f North llrt*vard. Takini:^ the britl^t* over Kind's creek hetwet n 'I'. S \Vt);Ml s an i tlie Xi*ely ])lace as a convenit*nt starting ixiint. the nt*w line runs thrtiuirh the lantls tif 'F. S. \\Utvi a short distance east ot hi.-> rt*sitlcnce. (*rosses the Kirn I’.eiid in’id^'e njat* just lH*yond a vacant hou.".- mi Br. l Allison's filace, (*rosses the Wilson s bridu'e roatl a sliort distance h»*yond (’. Kilpatrick's house, passes throiii'h T. ('. (Jalloway's land crt>sses rf)ads beyond .John (iarren’s and just thi> sidt* of the T/iarr f*ijt- ta«::i*, cro.^.-'cs j;riad street ju>t north ()f the (iillespit* ct;iu(*tt‘rv, lia.sses through tin* Brevton Park l»rop*rty, crosses the railrtiad he- yond W. H. Duckworth’s new house, leav*s Ivin.^'s mill on the outside, takes in tluj ttn> of .Mount. Sur]>ris(>, and meets North Br(‘var«i aiiain at railroad Y. The teriitt.ry of the ttiwn has heen iricreasetl TJ.') ]>er cent. In other words the new lown is now ■_*', times a> lar^i' as tht* old towr. 'I’he survey ^'ives no indicati(yn as tt) lu)w much it has been incrtasr l. in T)o])nla:ion or in the amount ' taxable proptTty. 200 ARTICLES OF $5G VALUE COLLECTED FOR WAR RELIEF Su]u*rintendt;'nt Ht nderson will hohl an exaTiiination of u]>ply- int^ for cf/unty su])erinfentlent's ,‘^ertitlcates in his ollici! r.ext M‘'n-j ' day and Ttiesilay, ,lune I'' anti 1'.', I Tne Brt'vartl Ailioii war relie* has b(H‘ii notilit'd >>y the shipping houst.* in Nt*w York, which sends all cor.trihutions straight to France,liu!; t,. instv.icltan^ fru.n th« i arovnra on Mary Baker Eddy Memcrial, Mt. Aubum Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass. ccnt eornmunitu*s ami >ell tho distributors, the Brevard Li^ht & Power ccjmpany not far from Ash(*vilh‘. He will h)(*att* there and preach eacli Sun (lay rnornin'r. The ct)mniunity is TRANSYLVANIANS TO RE-UNION : sZ'.’I work and a ttm-room brick hnildin*: in i ftn’ the )»uhlic sid)t)tjl. Tho bPRUtffnl ir emorial to Mary Baker Eddy, the Dlscovrrer ajid Found er of (!hristtan Science, has been turned over to The Christian Sclencr* Board of Directors by tUbert S. Bar- low of New York City who held the contxact for its conntruction. The memoruii. which is at Mt. Au burn cemetery, CauibritlKe, Mass., has reqcired ovpr a year and a half to comiJrte. The fund for its construc tion. amounting to over $150,000, was first announced by the dlre*tor8 in June, 1911, and was Bome time ago fully subscribed. These t ontribution ? have heen made as expreasion.s of ■eatlixient by CbriBtian Scientists throughout the world. The site on Trhich the memorial Is lorated is not only one of grest nat ural beauty, but on account of ito grade haa renderftJ postsible a more picturesque and interestins treatment architecturally thjoi would be lossi- Ue on a perfect len^l lot. The plot, which is approximately 80 feet square, slopes pradually from the level of to a lower platform at the lak«’i edsa> The scheme has no prototype and is mereJy a screen of columns open !• the sky, Inclosinj: a Cower-grown dr* cle. Th»- material uset’ for the memorial la Bethel white granite, the inscrip tion in the frieze and upon the top at the pylons being o' white bronze set deep into the stone work. The detail, which ^n account of the sise of the reprofi.irtlon is only indicated, is en tirely floral in form ard free In treat ment, the wild rose and the morninB- glory b*?ing used as the main motives. It is interesting architecturally to note thht while It is extreiaely free la treatment and not at ill conventional, it is generally very cl;i.«;sic in feeling. The extrt.=‘mo width of the in«'niorlal is about fifty feei, and the colannade Is eightee.i feet in diameter. The col umns thenrBelves a.e fifteen feet iB height and are s'milar Ic general character to those !n the Clepsydra of .^ndronlfsas of Oyrrhus. Th« lars* pylons were exhibited at the Ameri can Institnte of Architecture te New state boartl of ex«.niiiurs. The ipiesti uis will he furni«-hed hy the ht)artl of examiners ami the written answers will he sent to them fir exaiMiiiatitm. ln*fore ci*rtilicates are is.'sueil 1)3' them Fxauiinatitms for (*ounty t*ach- ers' certilii'ates will, he held .Inly li* and lo. MR. SILVe^STEIN OFFERS AID TO LIBERTY BOND BOYERS Anxious that Transylvania coun ty do its part in tlu* j^nrchase of liberty war htnids, S. Silv(>r- ; stein jiutk»ri/, *s the .Vt*ws tt) an- I nt)iii)ce th.'it 'if any t)r.e tle-ires to j ])urc‘has‘ bt)nds br;t vleclincs for ' fi*ar »>f bein:; able tt) arrange th»‘ in.stitlinuent j>aym»'its that he I will be ^'Ixil tt) aid thi*m to this enil. • 'The subseription.s cli«^' on Fritlay •of this w«vek. lu'Tit'o immediatt* pur chase is nt'cessary. TEAC9ERS ATTEND SCHOOL the roadway to the lake with a drftplYork a short tim? ago and experts MR. HEADEN LOSES FINGER The Hendersonvill*! Times flpeakini; )f the deleizates anti t)ther visitors from that county to the Confederatv* r*nnit)n. mentions that tlioy wert5 itjined on the way ' .lim Ilt*aden of l^is;^'ah Forest lost to Wasliiii^'toii hy .John 1'hrash, j his ri^'ht index finti;er last Snnday B. J- Wilson, und H, C. Fisher, wh(*n it came in contact with lie , veterans from Transylvania, andjlmachinery of his niotorej’cle in' by Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gla/ener motion. i and daughters. Mrs. Elza Shipman - — ! and Mrs. A. O. Kitchen, of Rosinan. Renew bcio/c expiration. of about ten feet. 'Fhe memorial c^n «!sts of a circular open colonnade of ^ columns, resting upon a stylo- ^ tliree steps, surrounded on tha n circular platform slightly natural srade. from which ioubUflii^t ot steps leads pronounced thcim the finest pieces oC carved granite *Ter executed. The architect Is Egerton Swartwout of New York City who designed tbs new Gso'.ge Waalilngrton rneniCrlal. the new Missouri sfat;' cap’tol and the 36W Federal buildiJi' In Denver. V'- i.. f’ m JUlt CHLEBRr ' . ■ ('S I -ivij' ■ r 1 • e r jrtli ul >'ive t ' ill ni iV'r.l^GSS BREAKS ARM .John Mt)ss snflfered a fracture of his rifiht arm last week when he ^.dl iioin a scafyold while engaged I a carpentry. nre I . »* tl V k’s ■ I. Tin* movement of teaclu*rs to at tend siiinnior schools oejran this week. Amoii^ teachers resident in this (*ounty or identiiieii with the county schools, the followin!' are attendinu the sninmer normal ut Callowht^e. Misses Koxie Het'ce. (Messit* Whit mire, (Tra(^ (Tille«i>it‘, Vi(*toria (lil- lespie. Marie Thoma>-.ind Tj. 1{, Mc- *fll,^A. I’. Kell. H. W. Rtdd. .T, W. Bennett and Miss Della Gillespie will attend the summer school of the .State C’ollege of Agri- cnlture and Engineering at Raleigh. May I’o has bet'U r(*ceivt‘d. Tlu* box ctintained more thui; . ■Ji't) artu.'les of various si/t's and u.'Os. There were many article.- of wearint; a]>parel. snc*h as hivby clttthf's, dresses ft)r ^irls, roiitper;- for hoys, skirts, waists, etc. ; ar ti(*les for the hi“tl likt* pillow.s, pil low t*ases anti slu'ets; and things ])v*rta>iiinLT tt) hosp’.tal work, such as eve l)and:i^et*s. It'ii^ baiulai'es s]>onL,'t*s, t*tc. >ome wt*rt* seconti hand artic-les contrihutt d, but many wt're matii* hj’ the liidit's in- terestea in this work. The box was va’uod at •-'.■>1’'-. Tho ft)llowin^ Oxtract is from a lt*tfer from tlu* New York clearing house secr(*tary : “Xew tir stN'ond ha:'d clothin*; is T'los^ a-•eM^!^l»h'. In all tht' r -eTir i**iters I'ro!?) our di.-'tribntors tlu*y ht*^' f.>r clt)t]iinir and fotxl. 'I'hey say iliut the jieoplt* are pouring in frtiui till' reclaimed ti'wns literallvj in rags.” T lie reht*f workers meet *verv Tuesthiy at :’) ;;j > o'i*l()ck wifli Mrs. W. \V. Za(*hary and Miss KIsie, Walker and weli*ome iit»'.v worker?. »nd ct)ntributions. The most ac tive and enthusiastic of the ladies have been imjiressed with a feelinir of intlividual »*esi)onsil)ility for every ]nt>ventable death that oc curs in France and for the welfare of our ow n ht)ys in tht* future. METHGDISTS INSTALLING ORGAN or^an fur t ''nrhe ])itK* Something to sell means some things to advertise. Tlie nt*w ))ii>‘ Methodist ehur.-li of being instalU'tl, in tho hands of Mr. South of thi^ Moller i)rgan company of Hagers town, Mti. Mr. South expects t» have the work comjjleted and the organ ready for nse before the first of July.