BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. DAMP, CHANGING WEATHER 'Moiiz Lymber Company Laying yill Foundation DringvS Its 'I'oll t)f Sickness l'> IJrevaril l*ct>plc. i Itilly, (lump. rluu.'-;in^ \v»‘Htht‘r IS IuuhI on tin* kulni'vs. KviMi inort* iriittitnu' mi»' (’olds. v;np ]>Mrum(Uiia ; Tht'v (•on/tvst tln‘ ki(hii‘\s; 'I’ht'y hnn>^ Inn k>irhi' Mini disor kithu'V For wt'jik kidnr'S u>t' a ri'iufil V Ki'f>ulc!U> t hi- Tn-.ins Expected by Novembrr; Siiniim'r C^ottagtrs Arrivinj'; VV'aril l?re0(lK)V0 COMMISSIONEBS FIX TAX nATES FOii COUNTY At tlu' .Imu' Tiici'tin}' of ('ouiity j (‘onnnistsioui'rs tax»*s werc^ tn-dcrcd , to h(‘Itrvicd Mini Hsfollows: Brokt'ii Kin; Other 1 t)xaway i ... , , I >tat»^ tax. ‘J.5-, iTMi.s ; jtrnsioii fax, New s. I j . pni,]i,. srho«»l I niid I'd ; cont ini'ciit fiuul. l‘J ; paup»>r fund, ; luid^n ! jA 1\'•] 1( ).\ A\V A Y,—Htiv. \V. ll.'fiiiul, Ti ; railroad bond, ir>; siu'cial ■ali'v n rotii N ii-i I. 1'I ( ).i klfUid ]>rt‘aclu'd jm ■ tux, 10; cliain^an*', 1 Ti ; ro;»d tax, mend Oi'iti s l\idiii-\ in,!.r srniion iit tln''I'oxawav ; t' sclioo'i, I ; sj;‘cial bridge, \V. li \i 1 IrliU!ii, iat;ni'i-. Iviillit'r- , i i i i ’ ! i,i * i i V ,, ^ cliun’li last ^undav, Ins: K*; ••inrryi'ncv ta x chHinvran^, road Il'rdtOll. \ ; ■ -Ni.ji;!' . r r' n EBCnmS TO rniEHD CAllED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Years Ago, Thmking She Might Die, Says Texas Lady, But Now She Is a Well, Strong Woman and Praises Cardui For Her Recovery. Indications Point to Unusually Suc cessful Meeting of State Associa tion at Wilson. Statosvillo. Kvery indication points to a la^^^l• aitiMiiiaine on tho filt**enth annual lonvfiitioii of th(^ N'orth (’ar(*- lina ,M« i ( liaiits' Asso. laiioM. to be lu'lil ill Wilson. .Iuu(' l!*-i;'i-i:i. accord ing; to It. L. I’o.-‘on and .). I'aid Leon ard. ol’ St.itc.-^villft i»rcsi(lcnt and soc- rc'tai'V M-i;p*'clivclv. oi tin* statt* as- so. ia'tion. Mc.-;.^rs. I’oiUon and l>(on- Royso City, Tox.—Mm. Mary Kil-' the better. That was six years ago anl aro now woi kiiiK out the dt'tail.s place, says; “After the i ^ am still here and am a well. of tliH convcntioi' inuKi'ain. which they .11^0 1 >uliiMid Irmn iMCnaclii' ai paitis ri.; Ill act’..-.', n Iii[» 1 ln'- your >ui lu'VO t!i' trould.' I'! ■ >iiu'lit .>n 'riisMc wns a lar^t ')V a (■' li: d oil :il\ Ivld- MK'V:-.. rill' kMlli'\ >rCI I'tMIl'. ! Ill llfd • ll ]K:s> c 1*1),iM '\;dii.'\ I’lii'' !li 1 pi'd I ■ 1 t > 1 M I 11C : i! - ; ud 1 V. 1 I 1 . ■ V. d 1 !1'‘ 111 . I'll.' ,‘)t I,', a : :i! I I i. "I i. i-'' r'. ': ■ ■ r Mil inn'll I 'i ■ .‘‘i I m'.'., 1 111 I. .1 i'^ Ad\.-rli^ 111! it I t.-xt ‘ uho is n'spoiisihlr tor and liriil^i's, 10 consi.ler a very fine mic. and which i„ I'irth of ray liUlo side com- Tlio noil tax was lixcd at oo to' ' the convention one monced to hurt me. I had to go back • ‘ - -• « * .1. 1 * «i... I ; ilw. 'lisMf WHS a lar^c innnluT of !>»“ dist n tmtfd as follows: -sl .Mi to, ' >iriil: nii‘!i I't our M'ldion out last ; sidiool, $. 1‘J to pt‘nr'i«m, and I’.s to 1'i.;m1;i \ I 1 I i‘;s?'ti'r. It i.^.sau! that i>.nij»iT 1 unds. all 111 rc;_M>! ra I ion a^**, aboul 71,' 'I'iic f(dlowiTii? special sidiool taxes !'1-0 >1 mic 11 lo \ 11 III;.: Imi it was ex-j were orderi'd to be lovicd and col- piaincil tli-it tley wi-rt- Ic.ii niti^ j lectrd, accordin;^ to tin* reinu'st of in :;m ) V. .11 ■ 11 I ’ iicli' .'^■•1 Ml ca llt'd t hey i tin* bi la rd of cd tu'a 11 on : \>'ii:ld noi liave to in- shown, (bit* lirrvard township IT) cents ])oll ladv w,i^iiiit al.'o. la x, 2 •> cents on ;s 1 0(1 value of ]»ro]i-1 I of th> l>RHl in Ihi‘ l.i-.tory of the oiKaii- to bed. We called the doctor. lie ' sfrons woman, and I owe my life to Tardui. I had only taken half the bottle when I be^an to feel better. ! )/,;i!iun. The tnei'iia.nis make iheir ueu. >vo v;ciin.u im; wu».lui. | The ni'!sory in my Fide got les.s... I ai.mial n:eetiiu-,s hiri^.'ly MliicatH.nal treated me...but I got no better. I rontiuned right on taking the Cardui While .ill till -e invited to speai to the coiivpntion haw* not been heard got worse and worse until the misery until I had taken three bottles and I frotn. a siit'i ii ieni number address>;;. uuhearabl!,*.. .1 was in bed fo." need any more *'or I was well lectures .Tiid bii.-ine>s talk^. to i rp i i -'lid never felt better in mv life... I tlM> occa-j iii iniere titrj; and instruc three months and suffered Buch rtgoi;y ' tive ; re already a -ured. Coverner T. ^ - - - ■ trouble from that W. I’.ickelt will deliver an adilress ale!ii^ lile iiiu*s nl ( tin 111 ‘I’c! al patrio- tliot I w.TS jnst drnwn up in a l.not... I told niv huriband if be would get Tell Us Your Tire Troubles Will. I'r I aU I " I ' !el 'III .1- \ il c. \\ c all ■.:; ‘ ]'i ,. 1,-: 11 • and • .111 u; I' ■' !i \ I'll til In'.! i;!.i ! ^ ,1 V >u: 1 -I. Want ]■) u i W. 'i.tV, ill •• I pi.i' t ■: W 1 I■ 1 , \ al, a- ■. ' : -U. . l.v i: , S, • i;r i ; . i \\ I'l ; ' 1 ' . i , ■ - • I't; ic|’ u, I ;; I I- A. «',dhiis i>at li'iTne again, er t v ; Pro va rd dist riet No. ll);; a.- ; aa op iiing reatiire of the con- vf'Hiiun. Siati liisuram me a bottle of Cardui I would tr i; . . Ill' ba- I'l I n at work at I’aii'Iitdd lioyd No. ‘J, :;o ; Hoyd Nn. ;i, ' ;'Jo ; ('atlievs ('ri'td; .\o. 1, , ^ | Ici trre ciiiitbMl l-'ire and .\ccident 1 be .Niiilt,. 1 ,ii ber Cl'11, pa ny i^■ No l!, '.lo, :!o ; Nd. ‘-’.'i : l)unns| I’revenlina." uliiih will be illusirated u on the iiiove now. 'I'liev ivick Ni>. 1, '.'0, .'Ki ; Ivist i-'orl; N a re ( ll ;i 1111^' nil the null site and '.'n. iiO ; (ilouce.ster lownslu]*, ‘.K i, l.t\iii:_' the foundation for the mill, .!0 ; llogbacdc township ‘j.'i : Ib';^- al>“ I'Uililnij: a dam. 'Pbev baV(* b.aek .\o I, ;:e, lo; Kittle Kiver \o. 11 le I li ‘a I'! i boiiM ■ aliiiest Cl mi plete. ■ 1, I'l(ra b ('rce K, i Wate i;, id. who I.-, .supi 1 iiteiiding !’i wii;!;.s lor \ir. .ieiinitii:,'-. has eii.'i’- ■■ 1.1 the »-learin;; oir tin- rigtit MINER S RECORD ■■ way. 'I'liev have i;i’t b-eglin the Do you r-iifi'er from headache, baek- Coiiiaiii- ■■■ ” ^ .'uhe, jiain:-; in side.;, or other discom .-:itner .l:i:-i's K. >i'ung will deliver a I commenced t.Tking it, liowover. that fori.s, eacli month? Or do you f/,l evening I called my fai.iiJy about weak. IKTvou^■. and fagged-out? If fo, m.e... for I knew I couM no*, last give Cardui, the wonian’s tonic, a many days unless I had a change for trial. J. 71 Iiv hin'eni :lide:, and a niodern mo tion picture pluy. Driving Ticks Out of State. FIi/.:iix*'th City. A serious el'fort i? in;c iiKidi' to driv,' the « alt!e tick du' ASHEVILLE STEAM VvJLCA.\iZING CO. 5 East Cod».j;c Sti i. t ASKLVJLLE, - - N. C. I of the .->ix couniies of N’nrth ('ard;na I in.u lairili of ,\lbeiii;irle sound I v\’ith a lii'h CO 1 iMi’ral il >!! o-a tin- ' "vf till' pei.j'!i‘ in ll; 'O countie-;, ~ay I I'.ii'w il h.-taiaiinu,. Since the middle ! adi • w I ll k > et . It IS s;ud 1 bey , .1. .1. M i n >r ■',iy 1 ha t fill t h i." t :i ik ' -Jie work, the • :i k will !)■ ;iccouiidi>h e\pe. t lo ha\e tlu* train;> goui- by ,ib.iut not beiriL^ able to break awav! wilhin the p;.'M-nr year. N 1 e> -. 1 . from usi‘h*ss ba bits is kibosb. lb ^ii .arid Mr>. .'>pi iieer Welhorin* js ,'T' vi'ars old atid has rec4'nt!v The work i> heiiiH iImiu' witiiuuf anv ! bhire of tniui])ets, hut it is j;oinK fur- in- I roiii ixiiviiuni .and will stopped sum dung and (die wing after ; iihstaiidin. Sim-e the niiddle i’-' ‘'"'tage bebiimingto 1*. Imviiig eul11 va11 d 11 ;e liahlt for i’i'| i,i' April eij:ht dipping: vats have bfeti 'years. ’If c'nt n ■] and will power ! const ructed in Mic iniiutie.-, oi Pa^'iino- ncw.iic of ior Catarri^. Cn{ C( nt iia .Mcrciirv V. W .:b:;!,k>. ' a:nl tjimily bave ' ,i,. t id' breaking a >'■..1. ;T', ;u lb -n,;!!; and are oc- bad habit." said .Mr. .Mire r w’lo ''111' i! liir .IfnniTiiis f tbat bis bidv would t'e't ' tank ai;d ’’eripiraian ; al(in“ and within a fi'W wi" ihe.ri will In- a naiiii’e:' in rnuiden ai hr Xrihiir.l. K::;':.:; is ;ind Hr .1 W ri'ji'Tlv di ebarire all its imii ■; t . ;it pr.i ^Mima'i I iV: ') 'i! ila'S '.tl.ern'.-lf,;];is’„ri:ed I wnet n ^ns 11-r t be ira ni mr a lid ilsbi r- i eeV i., m in 'ai, ien v-here a va “ r.u t' I I!. A . I « 11 'Man uimer t iie p'dsoiu m-' mil :ii'nee , I’loh.ilib !•■ ‘’,i ti.i . d. ..nd ,1 'i'' ;;r'd' ' ■■ -i OF INTER.EST TO YOU an- any of nnr choice asNnrtincni i! (';innf-d (iued:'. Th:v are all 1m- vcrv lii-st q'liilitv ;inii tf.ey ni.i' i- an arrav nf GOOD THINGS TO EAT tiiat ’.1 very l.T'.pti::;;. l.nachr-..’' nu'.'its, X'c.ui'la'ilcs aral bruits of .-i:! kinds, each a inn in ( 'i'ry them t!.c ju’i' ar.- Invv. MITCHELL file (irocer. of tob.ieeo. ■ 1 • •...> • ,r- lu bav'.M.; II,'' • a 1 t L- ;i.i- .,,l I . ,1 I BIG RAINBOW TROUT f. i ' Tok I' I'fSii: ii ^ 1 return... t . I;* ll V -V, ‘ i' "’ V, ' 1 k al t.T a \i-it f;'•*' -.V ■' , . i’ll'pie di 'I'nviiwiy are getting ■f- '^s t:i ]•: n cvv ll, !i tia-v I’li ■ p. I |p^‘ bo own Cl - t t ages and b‘ ■■ ai-' 1;!' i t b'- b' ke. or w liere it d t. I be. a re l’fi:i niiiiig to e.unt* ll r tl;e sliTiuiii f. ^lr.- (ieo. ,\riii- 'II ng ba^ ii: ell lievi' :'ur two Weeks I’iek Wlulniire nf l.’osman lecrTit ii!i . I’the!'^ ,aic i'.\| 1 ( t> d any ,!:i\'. ly e.auglit at tin- tiu’ks of the i ivi r f' •! I'.venwei'.^ til Ilender bi low i\osmaii a rainbuw tr'Mit l;am«. S' I. ibursd;iy. twbieh Weighed j)ot;nd-. Ac- i Mill' to int.'; I .'I p:.-iv- !',irnie!--. in ilii' 1 I •.,>! rai-! i'. of a diitpi’iL’ v.i:^ Th'-!''. '1 lic> havi' ill I'lj at Mr. W •! I''s farm in ('.aniii"n and ;ir rriiUM'd for 'le' i ^u,.e mi t ion of a dip pini: vat in iliat n'‘:i'orlioiid, l'a:'m e!s iatc:'' fi'il tliiai’ ar-' W (I. be''. ,\n.-'iMi 1' (','’i'io!i .a:.d .b ^■•l■ W;l- i'i I. tid^ Ti ol' t il'.'Tiv ille is in i mr coniing to tbose edr.c;ii- ted in ii-ln r . I'g :i nd !:;i--a job witli the nia n's lore, a Icavier i-ateb of tlu rainbow variefy lias tu>t tieeii k t , in tlie.-.e watcT - I’t;"’ • / Vi ' f/-: b IV’ a not bt r 1 raiti " \ 1- e We b.i ve is Vt rv I.] [5; ■U-J id£4 I ^ i fiS . ,4 . I* ' ')♦ • d. ■ t — tie' MiUlH Ki: ft r^: I I I 3l V. -. I It: I |} !*«.•» . ''ol.l.'- ' a - : . ■ * ’ a ' n ' • ! ', : . . ; t N'k a : i b . •■ '.Velit to I 'e’;r . .se i’ha--..ay i.a s 1 Jr. \V . ^! , '. > ,,i'. ; .’I'' jiin; 1 :'ea ti'ierit 1. r a br ' r';:i, ir b be r- ■‘■iv--d wliiie " * ■ riv 11 t l l- ^b d'^.;id riLrbt ‘ . •> - 1, b. .\i>iV‘.)((i i’.- ; w. r,' ;b. ul-d t- s^ e \\i 11. b. i,,!K i.- 1 .11 .-1 't wi i‘1. as \\-f in ed( d r .;1 >■ i a d \'ve ,. ..1 I . '■ i'V t;..1;;'lavi r NEWS HONOR BOLL Now Siib-scrihor.s. K. I). Nrca V 1 n. Hunter . I’isi K’ar.Mna ('i.dluw a\' Renewals Opens M.Tikct Nows Bu'^eau. }•;;;. a! I • h ('H >■. 'I'lc■ • V' .-nm- tit r,i:!i'ki'i law lin:',i,i. e.-^ ;thii.-!!eii Imt,' \Ilii\\n ^.j 111 i r ve t!i.‘ pi.t:,‘!o gr iv.e; of the state liy fii:': : '.he:a (I'Mi >1;' • f. le^r:.;-'.' , i:. !' i 'II of til- ji-i, ' i d (if ill'* ii’,o\ea., at of fiota Tim'; •.-'•■ard i'll- v.arioas: tr.ark ♦hrrtu. . a;i l!'.’ ciai;;: was r- opi-iied ■ n M, ' ; , liii' o;';i, ; of tiic 1 tu.,: • , .a- ^'Ii'ii: ii ;i" 1. ‘he Ki’;iii: f bi; ;.i: g a ■! , liov.- is-iiir.g 'lie repi.;* ia'’ V _j_ " . V. af' -rH' oa. 1’ i,; ' ti'Mioa of i'ais offic?>. ; M .li;. ..a of t!ie r.'dis;!! [), par;: ' • 1 -X-': • '•lit'U’e. to far”.: -h ri-,1.' to ' vf” y i>o-.;to I’roWi r iti j;i‘ . w 1; , V. a a' :t " I i .’■cv.irc .dl l'iiU'.--t .\,du ■ ilic I'.;; \v fi ;.,it’iiig a i’l I'.. I»r- —I- 11 'I ) ift ea r. ThaPiic you W'lbie '!'■ ' X \ \‘ \ X \ N . WEL80RH AT TQXAWAY K Pi I T \N !i -mar di,i I'l.e I ■ 1 t! .r.i • rn li i.s ?(!' ■ ved f la >v: • 'I’l \;r.v;i V ;t rtd 1 a ken .''■b'ii!it;i in \‘u'w inn, iiieli t.riiil ri' enl'v (•]>♦*■'at ed V t!.e ow II. r. .'. !•'. W rib.inks. Renew In toTt* cxpir;ition. l-iiil. V. 1). Pc.-k Brc\ar,^ Fell .Mr V (.ciiruic (i. Pci 1 c i '.re vie-ii ;>hli i.. 1 S.-m:-.- Ibvv.Td 1 h.- 1- ( ill. t . (11' di;cs \\ . I\. Kiin.'cy ' ; !b.-,.;;,! ; f" !: i;. M. Wl itrniic . W. b. Tadcv lb 1: :an P---r..:,- 1 >' a ^ ■ ni:e! I'tiiak .Me( all 1 •:il -: n; i ■ ■ c ; i\l \. \\. li. N ifholsnil 1 . :,i ' ot a*' J b. S;italc: .'v ( 'ar l-r.d Ji^ i: .\diiic Thoaa.s l‘i',;:i;i l-’urt -.t 1 b Saunlicr^ baki Te :a'.\-'.7 .!•■ Mctdr.rc Ib-'ia! •siinvi;'-^ ' Pv; .Mr;-, i:. K. Waia' Nrw ^•|a., »p., .Mr." M.itlie Wh’tr-iK-r M n.:i 1 ,■ Mrs. b. A. Ashwi :t!i T r;•Jkdcis i\at S. ! rt-- bi w i' 1’. 1 hmdiii Pnd‘. L. P.. Ikayni W ;tki' I' (irt s' • Ih- v;irO a S' t find ‘iuae .1. lb 1 -.ividsnn [•’i.rvirw ' ■a;ap inu* 1 amonJ the enthusiasts Two S-c:hl - Of' :- A • .-ii'.tages. W , • ' • . . .. I Th'^ •. ( ■ ■ ' ■ of ( '(a.^: **'- a to ,'.baj'>r ib-t!'*:''! Wonii j, : ai;' oa.- ■ -f t at.I Mimei.l ; a: 1 .a : ■ : ta ('ar ’'ita!. \ r-'p'v •Ore,. -.i 1,’, .-^aa;’.! fr ini .Maj a' K.a’i-'s.fn. tit^ s’.:t'l amon;; taai - ■ 'dr. p- . tiiai- Inive hne:i of a c;-. auHi-h-'f of earttoameat i’; No;-:a 1 ’arcbi.a .*wo ii which ; . ., •• a.ivn u.- Th • ••• and ] V , ' I' ■ i I • • ; 11 t h f “ t a I will p.- -.-i i-. ot.-i a--.'' Sr;v!'- Hits Wnke. ]■ :'’ '.T, a-.h t:,. .via 1 susrain ng ‘.if’;, ^evfti miles ;in ’mar \ ‘ . .]]' . Il l !ii;-h*' -I ' ( ia, :’v ; ' bv tw*- lo '.il vfea:lier ;)uri*«U- ,0 ; , t;-;;, d'' ■ e;it o' t-j’ Kali ’iaii ^\' i,!ini!>. upriiotiaa tre’*a ah.:- 1 ■'■ta. ;e,; . a the (aiuut y. a I''I.’* t' ] aa.'ta* poles and hreUK' ut V. iadi w ula~-^e in the ( ity A i.-w hri- k ra;, a it: process of 'on- -truction was li;;ri d to tlie ground here. i iS WHAT WE USE m ALL OUR OOOiCiMi PROgHSiilS. OP OP AND INSPEST SC3TOHg?9S. Philipp’s Bakery iPhone 24 b. A ‘ - man ever thor- ou?;h!'- enjoyed a ball game unless had an interest in the result. His enjoyment comcs with the triumph of his judgment or his tavorite^s L OUIE^ SPECIALS PAY success* F^' Griffon Clothes have a strong following: of enthusiasts because their styles are admiration win- Zy ners and bccausc the clothes service they "y CRIFF»i] And they win because they arc primed to win through reliable fabrics, superior tailoring, smart styling and pleasing patterns. WEIIvT’5 give substantiates the buyer's judgment. GENT5’ STORE NOKTH CAROLINA BRIEFS. Wlt,li th#' object of improving fhe quantity nf milk srp’pb'ed t.o residents of :ola>bu-o. .bthn .M. Maliiews, city sanitary iiusp,-ctor. will demonstrate to milk Tjroducers a simple, home-made farm sti'ani sierilizer for dairy uteu- pils. desifzntni by the dairy division of I'he I'. S. Department of Agriculture. bav.ri'tice b>. Ray. seaman, who was wiLh tiie armfl gaard on the Silver- Bhell tfiat ee' tro> ed a German sub- nn pr'DC’ ' C * 1 ^ *T*L J » • t I mariti- i- tuitive of iiu- nsvdie. X. c U^LKb you cver in a hrst class cannery? 1 he dextenty, the speed, A iii>erty 1 >ague :or Fayetteville and cleanliness of the whole process is amazing. Some of the Cumberland comity. havn\g as it.^ on-' ■ t i f ■ • preparation of the vegetables or fruits is done by busy hands, but most of it is accomplished by machinery. Wc carry only the output of the best canneries. That means you get only high class canned gooda. ject The pr>unotion of all movements per'::’;’ing to the war. was formt*d at a patriocA! n’.ass meeting held in the I county *0’.:rLhuuse at t'ayetteville lasu j week. Lieut -0>v. (). 'Max Oardner was the (Ntur.nei''-e:n'^nt speake^r last week at j the exf^rfd=^es of the Scotland Neck ; High Sc'r.Ofd ' The new autamobile tags for 1017- 1918 are *n«ln'5 reoivod by the secre tary of F'tate. The tags are white with narilvers and monogram N. C. in bright luiH* b'-ttors and may easily be cvPn att a di.-t.uice. COX 6c KILPATRICK Phone 41 Always Patronize News Advertizers.

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