»i;:WS, BRL7ARD, NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Plan Your Shoppint!: Trip, or for Mail Inquiries. The Tirms Listed Will Serve ^’ou Well. Advertising. booklets ik‘si)^iu‘(l and wiittiii. American Hank buiKiin>;. WEEKLY NKWSl’ArKKS. \V«-slt rii N*'ith Carolina territory. Uatis.’ (lill. Autoim>biles. BU; LINE ISK1> AKS. fash or irciit t)K Auto I’o. CHEVROLET ilistrilnitors. l,i\t'iy ami auto sorvii'c. I'hanilH'rs i. \\rav» i ( «'. CASH talks. TsiJ *ars. Kvrrv niakc. OviTlaiul .\>.hi villf SaU-- I »'• Cafes. BOAUn of Uoalth savs; “( Iram st m town.” ^ HOMEMADE ramiics. nstauranl. su.la Club TaU- aiui I'aiulv Kilv n« i'. Department Stores. H. REl)WO(M) & t'O , dothcs. hats uiulit wear, ctr., for ovfivhixU. I'l v i’''"'*'-- Butterick patterns. Moiuiments and Tombstones. MONlMEN'l'S, Tiiinbstones, Cut Stone, 'I'ili-. ('. S. (Ii!(lfi:er, .SI Hroailway. Musical Instruments. i'.\LK Music House. 7(> l*atton avenue. I’lmne 20o. Men’s and lioys’ Fiirnishinus. VOl know us. 18 llroadway. .1. W. Neely t'o. Office Supplies. SI 1’1’L\ i'O, typewriters, :u!(l uiK inaihmes. sales. *M 1‘atton avenu ()ptt)motrist and Optician. ( (M\l\l ( r (.l..\SSl',S. 5J i’atton aveiuu (IK iidci'-nn's .lewclry stun-.) |)r. Dniisnp Photofjraphcrs. U MEET your friends - ,1' ' j'-'J''” | Pianos I'uned, avenue. IMiani.'Unt PriHl ^ | Drun Stores. %%%%«' IIIC(;.\SI».\ S ITDIOS, (>(»'., 1‘atton a'e iiue (>ii|tpsite post otlioe. Artistic por- i I aitui r. I jri.i.lON SI I jtlOS, I’aek Stjuare. Ili^h- I i>i’i traiture and eoniniereial pho- j t(iL;i;i|)liv. I’llttull I l\I 1IU1.1 •. I'.Npert work. ,\11 ^^iiaran- I If.d. l‘!!ks huldni^ I'uniitvirf WHvfN you see a rvitii'.t\ Crr™ | 1‘riiUinK. c.eiu'ral Mi'clr.mn's. ndN l lNC. I,,al WHITE or see Mi Karv \ S> n l. i v-'i”' Truck Utulv. \\ illianis Huffman. ■.ntiilrr. A.l thi-.k .-I Ila knt v iC: Moale Cc 1_ }.;,vno in tho jrroat Kussiau tortre.-^.s ol Kn>iista(il. w hoso paniso . rt'volted t.ut lator yielded t«> llu* iirdvisioiial |fo\orniiiciit. '1 Eleanor Parki-r of r.arnard c.lleL'O and (’harl«>s !•'. I’hillijts and Kven Cattoii of (.'olundda nuiversi)y. V ho were arrested in .New York l«>r eonspiriiifi a^;aiiist tlie draft ; Mullijis pl.-aih'd guilty and asUed pcnidssiou to reu'ister. "A- T.ri;;. (ieii. U. E. L. Miehio. aid to (lenoral S (»tt in the UK»t iidssiuu now in Ku-^sia ; the low-exilai ed uni form he lias on is now disappro\ed hy the war department. 4— One of the hatterinp rains usrd l.y th- Ct riaaim to destroy without explosives the etlta;,'« s in the I'reneh territory from whleh th-y are heiiif; dri\en hy th*- allies. Keal Instate. (Jroi'orii's. . 1 Ivt i\\ I>.\N1) \ ('(). Farms. “It >%%%%%« Cl'T R.\TKS. (.ri'ii Ti' S anviintin' r:in He I).)iic ' or mtre. I'we. i! » .'liin-, i\l- \1. hS 1 ,\TK. Insurance, IS South I'ack Uardwaro. S.pMie, IMi.me l.vp,. Loru k t'o. urn m-'RS’ h-irdVa'r-.- a m'. ' laitv ‘ *KI-',K. St e .lames W. Northup Mv IhitTie Ihii'ivvar. f". l>' M*-n. ! 1 ( hurch street. ASIil \ II.i.I', Kcaiiy Investnieiits. Ameri- ^ 1' ink Ituililin;^. ilcnrv T. Shar|# I'o. THE Ho\jse of C.itts i’iil’. ^ a\. mie i, stt-.i in Asheville Ke;d Estate NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK More Than Ten Million Young Americans Register for National Army. PERSHING REACHES ENGUNa THE Ho\isi CiLASSKS titled. I'xpert w: Roofinj;. ciiain-'.', 15 Church. " ' ... ... Seeds. Kodak 1 imshinfi. Sl'KlCKKR SKKl) CnMPANY. whoh-saie hM'hUl .I- .nfl mail nK-uh.nls. I',a.ltrv >u,,. ordt't'S solicited. i.i-xsr. n •' pi,,.s. ‘ , Kodak Sportmj; Citxxls. i KM>.\K developing, pnntinc nia.i -i t- npv si'CAI.. nil =p..rtine ^uods. Amateur supplier. R. I I;' -' • " ' !’a. k S;uare. Laiitulry.. bailors and Hatters. ’ THENi.hols wav for l,.:nnuliv Sati-t.i. TAll.t >KKI> SIJTS .1S to .SiS. Opposite tion. Asheville S- a-^ I..uin.ii\ Voun^. Loan Off'ce. Tire Repiiirs.. FINKFLSTF1\’S I.':‘.n O'^.^ e. .Ii w. li \. Si;.\l > us vout tVes and tubes, tninksjeather p.odV. 1'.- I'-.itni. re a > e- .\sheviile Steam VulcamzinK ('o. THE NEW OLIVER NINE A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION i New Machines for Half the Former Price Was $100 Now $49 At the very of it^ ^nere.--. Th- (V.;v. r T’.-newriTHr Company h^h?i tviiHwriTiiitii*rv. ur it '.n it nitrrtxliu’eci \isitjit* Aiitlii^ and foTceci all othnr.-^ tj follow Now tii.-' powcrfiil t'nnipuny w itio i;i intlu- enct* (’alls h httlr lu old exi)Hns;vf a e.ys o! -eiliiir *. vi>t?wnt«r^. It .. ee^ ot a WBfiteful burcen. A company stFoni: enout^h. lar^T t :imii:h luo:'}; ^our own salesn’aTi. .■^ni '.^e ^ain ,-uid brave en..uch to d-. a l.i-, starting. ..n.s- - I n o-jrselves. loo. lUsn t thin>r like this deserves a hf.irini:. philar,t:.rop\. .lu^t t-i.-e new. et]icient The full facts are set i'lith in our w.iv -t ilo;n^ liu^-iwess to met't jiresent- iiinazinir exposure, entitled •• Thi- Hi^h d.iv eeonumic ch.tn^-es. ttf Tyju'writtTs I'hr KfascTi and thr Ni»to this fart caTt fi:.:\. W c tiu* Rfmedv."' One eoi.v will be niai.ed to n’. r.l;. (Uiver ^.Nin-- die latest niodei you if vou send us the coupon i)e]"W lir;ind !.’iW, lor ti»e i-xact i*’.e whuh wa untd M.ireli I-t. HOW WE DO IT Henceforth The t liiver Tvpeu ritt r I'oin- panv will mainUiin no ixpen'-ue sales fon'e of Ifi.inKt sale.'mi n itmi Henceforth it will pay no hi^h ri i.is in "'O citii s. Tiierc will be r.o i IK sir: Ks. ^’ou. Mr. I ser, will di’al direi I n«'\s u;th the actual nian.ufacliirer. No middlemm — no useless toils. We tnil the waste ai.d ^ive vou the savnij.'s. 'l ou jiet tiie $.^1 b\ SAVE $51 This Oliver .Nine is a twntv-vr;ir development. It is the lint '-l. idstlifst. most successful ty;ewr!trr wr vt-r built. It is yours- for li* c nts per tlav in monthly payments ot I'^ - t*ryont.* iin i>wn «i t\j>*\\ritcr iions. Will any sant* person » vcr a).-ain jtay $1(M» for a standard tvpi wnit r wiien the Standard Visible Olive r Nine sells for $r'.’ ^^■dtoilay for your i>pv of our hook anWurther'detaiis. Vou‘11 i.e>urprisid The Latest Model Do r> it co!ifuse ihii- oiler 'l lie Ol’.\i 'I'v |K w.'iti-r t "nipary itself (f' a bran, nrw.. )?.’cst model '■ v. th otlert -»f secon iiani ».' rebuilt macbnu-s. 'I'hi.- is the lir^t tir*e in hi«ry that ; nru. t'*and.arci $lt>f‘ lypewriti'r has beei oiTciciJ .'orSl‘'. Wc'hi rmt ofto' a sub^:; tuti r.'-.'lei. ( heaite". different or rtd)uilt. He;ul all the ^ecre: facts in our docu ment,«.'titleil "'I'lu Hi^h I'ost of Tvpe- writerf The Reason and I'h( Remedy.' 'I'he ci'i'.i)on below r.:i'!ed todav ,vill briii^ \on ";>r rop'. FREE TRIAL .No ;n-‘iney down no C. O. I>. .-\fter you reii;. our book \ ou may asi for an Oii\tr h.,’'ti\e (lavs’ free tiiiil. U- vour (Kvn sale.man. Save ytiursell .f?i. ^'ou decide iu tile privacv ot your ow;! otlice or home, ::s you sec the Oliver. Then il you want :o own an (Jliver you may pa\ at ihi.- rale of p) cents pt-r day. Mail th’ coupon now for "The Hi^d Cost of pewnter^ The Rea.so’j aiu The K( r.'.edy " 11 rij)S oil the mask. (."u*. the (fiupon *iul now. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPAHY 1223 Oliver Typewriter BIdg.. Chicago, lii. Over 600«000 Sold THE OLIVER TfPEWRITER COMPAHy. 0-7 Qitver Typewriter BIdg.. Chicago, III. Do not send a machine until I order it. .N!:iil me your hook, “The Hiv:h I'ost of 'l yj) -writers The Reason and 'I'he Remedy,” vour de luxe catalogs and further information. Name - . Street .\ddress City Str.le British Start Tremendous Offensive In Belgium, First Blowing Up Messines Ridge — Japan Warns Russia Against Withdrawing From the War—Food Scarcity Wor ries Germany. By EDWAR^> W. PICKARD. More than men h*'t\v^'en till" ;.-_'os of r vvcn;y-oin' and ihirty J'oarv i i'.v|i,itid«il to I lie > :ill of the n:i- tb'in on 'ruf.si.lay, .luiie .'i. rej;istnitio!i day for Hu* I'alioiml nrin\. 'J'hus tlu' lirsi .-stfji ii; ihi> 1 \f uiion «>f tlie s^*- scr\.''‘e law was en’ui'b'Tod u»t!i c:.'‘atifyiii;j vuee.-ss and tin* i*rodiet>• )H'. e f iho «ii-.-'.nnns and of i!i«- traitor.^ in Arneriea vsho ''id,* wiih iIm'ui tha' th*‘ rej:isti-at:^iii would ho u failure were provod f;ilso. That ihtTi* W ould be i^'pposi'Ion to the ro;:i.'.traiion was a fortv'onc eon- elusior. Inn u uji.~ sj»/>radie and on tJio \v’i ole was of no lm.fiorr!i"H f. Sueh hostf^'- deinonsinitioiif. ns r*'ierf wer** y;eiiernlly took pl.-ieo iti sti-on>,'liolds of the ?. \V. \V. and ihf So'i.ilist> and worr itroinptl> sqn. )»-l--d. I& •turns from sttiin* stu”*’'- wer*‘ Im*- low the estpnato'^ «>f rhe et“usu bu- re:5'1, hut in otljer those ina(**s wero «'\e»“»‘l«*r:. ,\ larce pr»- I'o.-tlon 'f those rei,i.=:-;^Tinu elainn'l oxoMijifion, ustially of defietid- ot.i relativt'v, ami l!i war department «iTTicl»ils, as a result, rt;1iinatod that (he rnles irovemin;; ei:o- .ptlon woiibl be it'^rhten.'d. Th* eonsidorable tjinntxT of (Maims for exempfion reafi'-' does n,.t mean { tliat so many yoiinc .Vmcrb’ans *lesirr j T»> avoid servlet'. Siiep n eorielusion { '.votild lie most uniust. for overywtiere ! Tlien- were evidene^*- of unl»ounded pji- j trlotis'iu .and loyattj, jind tio- inile;t- tlorus of exemption -lalins arose nialiity from the noeessarT answers to «njos- tions that wore !n**rvly '^fatistleal. A soin :ts th*' Uiaelilro'ry of ro^ls- tratlon is r«‘:id.iustt.»i. 1,.".•),(Vh) naioff will be draftt'd, the exemption boards ^^lII do thfir worU and tiL’ri.duii men will be -alb-d for in nn-dl:Mo s*rvlce. Pershing Arrivts in England. The "afe arrival of ;.:iera! P‘t^ shiiij: and his stafT at an I'.nirlish port ^vus announeod lUi >'riday. Th‘ naval eollier .iuplier, hob^n wlfb jrrnln and other svipjiiies for the 1‘or- .shlnj: army and est»rted by AmeriaB v.jtrships, an’i\ed tn a Freneh port: a s(iuailron of »ur '.varshijis; arrived at I{io do .Janeiro, r.ra.Tll, jirosumnbly to rellevt' flic T^rlti^h navv of the pa tnd of the South Ai’iantle; ;md JMore hos.jiital U!iits laiab-i) In I'ntdaioi and pTn-eedi'd to I•'ratle^_ So nnieh t1i»‘ poverninent allowed 1-» be known »f tho movfiiKiits of miT armed for*f*«. Military » xpedieney dcTnanded the s«jt+- prf-ssion of nineh m*»re interesTini: nnv«^. l*roi)!ir:itions have lusri made for th>‘ reception of Anteriejt-n troops l»i Kratifo. A number of ha.'os have !ioe:! organized, e.ainiis for irifiiiitry and ar- tilb-ry !ia\e been laid otti, jind aviation parks estaltlished. I'rom Frane«* eann- the s^»>\vs of the exidoit of tile Anioriejih sleani'-hip Silversludl whleh r-neotiiiter*^! a:i ne- my submarine in the Med'il»'rr:’:;oan. The two vo.'^sils foujrht for an hour jiml a half, exehaii'^’iim nmnv shots, ami then on- ^'hi‘11 tind hy tho naval sunnnrs on ti e ,Sllv»*rshell fouml its mark and ttie U-hoat was .sent to the bottom. British Offensive in Flanders. .\fter n sm:;shln,u: boinbardmoTit last- ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualilied as administratrix of the estate of Ben Fisher, deceased, late of Oraham county. N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims aga.n.st said estate to present same to the undersigned for payment within twelve months from date, otherwise this notice will he plead in of iheir recovery. All jicrsons inde^ to said estate will please make in-.nu.i: settlement. This May 16th. l‘M7, :r Fh^Hr:’. Administratrix I . . .••in i ' ceascd. c* i. bai i r'if. e driV'--. the Hritisli he;:an their \{w‘‘ir(! off nsivo In Fhinde.'-s early riinrMi:.y morniiiR with an explosion 'nt was hoard hy Proiulor Lloyd >’.cor_M‘ nt Walton H»*ath, 140 miles away. Nino inllos of Gorman pt»sltion.s 'iU z.ii tho Yitros-Ariuentieres front Were Mown into the air by ehnrnes of hl;:h exjilosives. fotallni: a ndlliot» pounds. Instantly the Kn;;llshnifii, Trivhincn. .\ustralians and .New Zea- lanih-rs that in.ako np tho British army in Hel::ium si»ran;; focward in sueeos- sive wavi's, and one of the lioreest I hattloK of th‘ war w:is on. ' The nttaek was *lireeted at the Mos- sines rid>;»*, betw»*«'n Messines anl W\tsfhat't*'. w !u‘r«‘ «>ver since »etober ] of 1;m I ti.e ;ertnans had maintained [ theins-.'U es In a .sharp salient that al* { way;.; t.'.roatei^ed Ypres, only throe | miles to the north. The luorniny rush I /esultod in the rniitnre of .Messlnos ' and \\\tshaeie and the enemy's de- feus,- systems on the nine-mile front. | and litter in tho day another forward ■ tnovoment took the liritlsh Into and ■ throuL'h the villas*' of nosttaverne. j Tlio entire sjillent w.as stralchtetied out | and all the counte.-atiaeks wore re- ! puNod. ,\tiy onsl !»-rablc further al- vaiH'f ill this se’ti'i' will threaten the (oTiiinn luild on T-llle, \\hi b is about ^ live Tidlfs from the ne; rest Uritisli jio- siiion. l.ar^e nuinbors of prisoners ■ilready have been taken. The (lermans mu''t have known that the attai'k of M*'ssiiies ridtre was in- , fi'iided. for the jireparatory boiabanl- nwnt was territie, and y^'t r>']>orts from . prisoners indieatod that they aetnally w r- taken by vnrpriso. In propamfion for th- ojieniTions In F'l:i:idirs tho I'liti.-h tloct eu-o])erateil with the land forr-.s, subjecting: Is- | tend to s'\»re honibnrdinvnf. Tho HritSsh air forc s aUo w*-r- In action, n'jieaioilly raiding: the Oomian bases , ;;t /.I*. l.rucX'*. >siond and l^ni^os. In rot:iliatio‘,1 a sipnulron of ;erman alr- I'!ano;- jMtaokcd the P.rllNti nav.'il ba^e in iho .Mcdwiiy, closi- to l.oii(|on. on 'ri>esdr.y. Ic.if was drivon off wltli the brss of el;_'hf inartiines. >5cveral times durin;: th** wock the ^'o-rmaris made vi' ious: attaoks In tb.e isr:e and Cliain]'!i.:ne sectors anil /'■yen jrairird Jx^ss.■svi..n .>f some Frein h ’^positions; hui the i:allant pdlus al- ■;nost iinniedi;UeIv reco\ered the lost JToiind, li.lli~r?nK s. \ere l.isses on The •■'aeni\. The .Vii'trlans hiime«l to hay»‘ e?- '5^‘rrual!y rheeked the Italian advai»«-o Toward Tnest**, and announ'«*tl that liie Italian losses in the otTensive v»ere tnr.n, Tuesday tlie Italians ■^vere fore.-d b.aek s«>uth of Jaiuiare>. Pispnti'Ties from Konie n‘Veab'1 the fact thai Italy had ]vroelainiel “he In- !ependet»'o of .-Vlftanhi, >nee i.’.ore the Mritish jMlnilmlty Is sued a Very s:itlsfjjetor>' roj^irt on the wor'iv of the s.ibinarin»*s. showing: but 'Rrilish ve'^sel.s in thf' week, 1rvo of whieh w»r»' tis>.iim ves- : sels. Tiu^ .Anierienn destr^iyvrs ec.in' I pleted tiieir first tnr.ijtli in the wnf j and h:t'. jiroved themseUcs ta«ist Tain- able to the Rritis'h naA?.\ t>re'*s. i Russia Is Warned. ^ '*oTidi^Ions In ftussi.a renauJV j rhoujrJi they may t>»* i^trai;;ttene(l vKut soinewKftt by the work of the ’Romt j eornrmvsion and the Anieriraii rat.*^vvT;y en.irintM'"-'. Tlie r«'\idJ of tl"!* iznr'^i*tu of KroU'tadt. whbli ♦leelarifl the is- l:inl for - inije,.eijileiit , itie '.^»v- | ernnu'iit, c;ni’^ed ei>usiderab'le etirterrn i in reTr.ifrad, but as the acTi^n «if '!!ie earrlsoii was denounrel hy ■'he Is-'tro- crail tor.TH-il of workmen's and Col liers' diief^ates It -t>jIapse(i. ar»i ’lie 'garrison liowe«l to the autJioritj of The provisional ;:o\ernnienl. F’cdlowicx I'resirlent Wilsoa's eT.’iTti- > Frnnn** replloil tn Utissii’s frta’t^-- of kipr j)eace plnn bv Kertlag ^ro"’th in :» s^ neral a.y tlx* ^b^Tiands of flK- l-'re'ieV. I'hese. ev.du nliit il jn! ji of the handter of de]it;Ti»'s. eht'bo the K.i* raiion of the lerritf»Tit’'« i in\.'i Jed It.v ji'nnany, the reiijru l-o i Kratve of .*vis;ice-lA»rr:»hi»‘ aiiii Jtisl i repar-ition fv dauia,^(\ Ja'i'cin .also ook ot?i«'?nl ‘t'inilznTic» I.as-t i«*«>k of -the Tlusslan eris^s, In- fo’.-'iUK,; the pweni’.nent at iVlr^s^rad TViai if Sinssin wMlidraws from th^ W7ir | JaTtan. in eonsnlTation with at.d the Frill oil t'jfati's, will eon.Mdcr . whnt mesisures adopt. The j visional •'oveniinrai ^vas wartied that : If Rtissin ;;eeeiir*- a softarate iieaH- It ' will hiH'oUK* .'!J! !!: *.'■ .Ai’s’r-ia |t|, Vr ihe J do'iilnntbin of «, r tn.v, uill lose I'a- I. Ml!. I/ntu:an' i :uid Finl'uid and will be stripped i f maav of jier onrIyin>: Flirt i Eggs, Poultry Butter and Hides All kinds country pro duce. We pay cash for all you ship. Prices on request. Western Produce Co Asheville, N. C. Patrons Praise Our Ice Cream Sodas Ilnssia, If the new situation s(>eined to threaten .Iai)iin tlie latter would t.ake measures for self-proleeti*n. 'I hU means sh* would de lnre war on lius- sia and take away .Vanchuriu and pos sibly, outer Mon;;olia. The best informed opinion is that the entente allies have iittb* to hope from Jtussla in the way of further ac tive parti( ipation in the w ar. If she can he persuaded to re.jeet a separate pea-e anl to hdi the (;i*rmaii back from furtlier invasion, th.at is about tin* limit of reasouable expeelation. 'file jirovisional >,’overnment seems ut terly la kinK in eoh«'iou and its p(iwer is neKii;rible. The strik«‘ of munition workets in I’etrofrrad wtis averted on Wednesday, but only F)y ;rrantim; the tlemanls of the men, liieludinj: tho si.\-iiour day. (Jeneral IJru'-silofT was made coui- inamler in ehief ot tiie llu''Siun armies, and Jener:!l (Jurko a>;,ain ro'.i;;nod U8 • ‘ommander on the western front. Two Things Worry Germany. | Two things are cansinj; especial > an.'.iety in (iermany. One is tiie per-j pistent demand of the nnisses in Aus- * tria llnnpary for u p«‘;ice on th« j '.'^■heideniann j'lan of no anne.\atioiis | and no indemnities—a sejiarate ]ieace If ;eriuany remains obdurate. Tne (Jennan Soelalist* are arouse| to an- i-'’r by the prospect of this breaking? Ui> of the alli:inee of the e,.ntral pow ers, and la.\ all the blame ou tie pau- reiiuans. The other cause for (o rman worry Is I he scarcity of foofl, whieh adnilt- te»!ly Is Inci'easin;; tltr>>ii;.;l:euL the em pire. I'ood «’ontroller von iiatorkl toUl the ri'b hsta;: that the potaio crop I'' small' r than u us e\pei-ted, and that the cro['S ill the occiipled territories are a ^I'eat di'-appoininient, a--' seed \\ill hanUy ^;enuinale in ruined soil. In Turkey. HulKaria and .\U'-'tria, he loli’.iMed, tlie food situ.'itlon was des- , perate. 'I'iie eitb s ami towns over j there ari‘ suIferiiiK far more than the ^ eountry distri'^' for the jieasants re- i tain mui'li of the meats and other food- KtulTs they prodtli'e, desjiite the ef fort- of tio- oili>-i;;|s to fori-e them to : disLiorL'e. In siiiue parts of (tenaany the towiisjieojil.- liave been eonduCtiniT rec’ilar xi)editions into the ••ountry to , seize i(^od, by aimed force if neee.s* sar\ . I Tlie war ami the (piestion of Chilia't^ ' partlriiiatlon Therein are oansii'.c a ' l'’T of trouble for the rub rs of that so- : "ailed r‘pulilb'. The situation is con- ‘ u^inj: to oecideiitaIs, but the eoncrete ' results hav“ lmlitd''d The revolt of 11 , liro\inees, whieh forined :i provisi.>nal : ^rovernmeiit, and the re>i.:nation of liie I vh.-e pr‘sblent. i ('lermany undertook to ajipcase ' ■ Spain by apolokrix.int; for the sinkin^' of a .Spanish vessel and oi'feririij to pay | ilamaires. but the Sp.-miards are sti!| ' antcry and the food situaluin there is bail. Kirifr Alfonso last week math- a , ; demand on the central powers that the | I abuse of ,7ews in I’alestlne be stop,jied, I ami in this was hack«Hl up by the ,\r-« T-epublie. t Na-thcliffe Comes to America. i .\n iT.terestii,.;; d>'velopnier' of thp ■^vcek \sas ihe ac ep*'in>‘ hy Lord ^ Nortti\'liffe of iht' [losirion of he:id of the nriti'^h war «'om!niv^;..n in the I'niti'I Statts ill suee«‘ssf()n to Arthnr .1. Ha'ifour. 'I’he jrreat ed:tf>r anl puh- llshor Is. ii('\t to Lloyd-Jeor?;^. the most intlueritial man in 'Ire.at llritaiu find ?? Is predieteri that his work ia | .^auTtfa will b»' nio’.iietiTous. > A neat exarrifde of trt-rman methods ■of opi^ri'fj.sion is sr.|»tdjed by the treat- roenr of Mo?i. That r.d;rian town was -SVied hist week because a I*.eig!;in }i:ip. *. firint.d In Holland, annotirj-eed that f’r«iwn FMince Hu- preeht of r.avar^:i v, hs in Moiis \, heii Only highest grade cream and pure fruit flavors served. Fountain and equipment of most modern type. Everything sparkling and clean. Try a Box of Our Candy. A Large Assortment of the Best From Which to Choose. R. S. MORGAN, Druggist ROSMAN, N. C. Professional Cords. t^OBT. L. GASH W. E. BRF.ESE. ]r. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 17 McMinn Building Notary I’uhlie. DANIEL LEON ENGLISH Attorney and Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. Real e.-itRte'law and abytriicCof titl©^ pecialty. ERNEST H. NOR.WOOD Architect and Builder Remodelling and Repair'ng a Specialty Clayton, Clayton &. Fisher Attorneys-aL-Law BREVARD. N. C. WELCH GALLOWJiY Attorney Practice in all the Courts \ Brevard, M. C. CHAS. B. DEAVER attorney'at^^Law Office Cooper Block ALLISON & ALHSON A^rneys«at-Law In Old Cooper Building BREVARD COLEMAN GALLOWAY Atlorney-at-Law CcoFe? ^\9ik Brevard, N. C% fbat rj^y was !iotii!iarde.l P;, men—itroPn!.)y, beeau' mans; 7,f-«>(b>d t’r niottey. The ilrianee eo.n’.rsittee if •jmt in an'?!lii r strennmi^ Ave the v;ij- ri‘V"ni;o vz'-.t ir :■ .«»>rtat-e. Tlie e.'Mlljc.i: e-r:v !)-ti 1 . is .•lllied ;(ir- •e tile (ier- ttl ~...ri-|t» re\;i'rip- Mid rinailv lape ff>r r«jnsf.P rntI.Mi hv n for 'st’* * ’ \ 'f T. CONKtSTEE lOOCE NO. 237 I. 0.0. F. Meets every Monday night. Visitors wclconie. OUNtrS ROCK LODCE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. Special Meilin^ J.itu ,sth. Kejiular meeting St. J(;l;n.s Dav. ' i>. pOS.t‘SSH)I';S. formed nre.it I’ri' case of Rti'^ ' " entente, Jflj - her troops > undertake mi!it:iry ■’lore. .lanan In- 'b;it while, in ' '•'oiu Th(> !o seof! liaii to obasti.seijjent Of tbru nrtr n ... r ,1, , ' ‘IK :he v‘oi> T r ... to I ’;e- t’ iial)’-- -- ! ! 'Ud; avt ■ly isieiicy ; ao >'■ ii '.vith vJilcn they are pushing tlie c.ainimi TRANSYLVANIA CCliNCL NO. 376. JR. 0. U. A. M. Meets in Fraternity Building ev ery Saturday night, 7.30 p. m. Visitors welcome.

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