TTEW,3, BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA i Do You Want to Rent a Furnished House for the Summer? Just now we have a few desirable places to offer, some in town and a coupie out of town. If you want to buy a Home, or a Farm, or a lot in town we have a long list of choice places for your selection. Prices wiil never be lower. Come in and see us. Galloway Minnis Room 9, McMinii B\iilding( C. COOlvl:. Proprietor. aODB AND SUGAR SALE For sight days, commeacing Friday, June 15, ending Saturday, June 23, I will sell for CASH only: 24 lbs. Wichita's Best Flour for $1.90. 24 lbs. Acmico Flour for $1.75, 10 lbs. Sugar for $1.00. Nothing less than 10 lbs. sold. Come and save yourself some money. MULL’S STORE NEAR DEPOT BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA Summer Session Jui\e 12th to July 21, 1917 All dfpartnients in oper;.tion. /vcademic, Normal, Domestic, Com mercial, Manual Training. Prepares for county* examinations, for high icbool or college, or for one’s iite work. Rates very low. Personal Mention i.ddk throuj'h these rulunins; see if tlu‘ natiifs of voiii nut sls are there. If luit. N ull !iave m •fleeted ymir diitv llit'm. It (lix's not CDst anv- thi’i-'; 'ri-li-phone, write or hrinj; yoiir new s to Nrws ollii'e. tl-S Is Your Bedroom Cozy? That spot in which most folks are born and die, that haven where they find rest and in timacy between those two great journeys cer tainly should be as comfortable, convenient and inviting as taste and means will permit. We Specialize in bedroom furnishings. Our beds are desii^ned for solid, oid-fashioncd comfort. Our wa/drobes, dress ing tables, chiffoniers, dressers, ciothes chests, and tne iike, a/e sure to strike your fancy. And prices' — It is an ecopiomy to trade with us. Oizr W^rd Is a Guaranty of Honest Values HOME SUPPLY COMPAx^Y Mi>s liUis of Mickorv is visitiiiu' Mt^s IMim Stroup W i*. Whitiiiiii* of Il**titl«Msoii vili(> was 111 ti>\vn this week. Aiiiiii' Hrtir\’ luis n siiincd lii'i- tihl ]>(isitioii m tin* i)()st(,liii f !ui t hi' slit; I till'I'. Mi>. K li. Dcvjnn' mikI d.iiiirhtn-. \1'^^ .l(i>(‘j)lnii(“, (if (ifi'cnslui!''*, nt'f vi-'itin;^ Mrs (' M. ( ookf. 'Pi’i' lifttfrini'iit nssofintii111 will iiii'i t oil lii'xl 'I'ufsdav at 1 oflix k at t h(‘ jiulilic srlhM)1 hui'iliiiL:. Mt>s Hiiftit'Orr left on \\ rdTifs- (lay fur ii visit to iirr hi other, lit'wis (>rr. at 'hatta no ’Un, 'rcnii. 'I'hos. II. Shi]iman Irft on Monday toattiMida iiMTtini; of hankiTs of \orth t'arolina at Wrights villt- ! ’.'‘aril. I>avid llr.nt is visititi^ lii> i»c'ii»h> thiswrck. Ill- is sft'kiiiL,' ifcnnts for liis (•(iiiiiuiny of thf national i;nard. ^!rs. ('arh's Chiytoti sjiciit tht* wfi'iv t'lid with her hii^hand in A.slicvillc. Thi'V i(‘tnrnt‘d to I5ri‘- vard Monday. A. P. Bi'll, foniii'i'ly ti'Mclicr in 'rransylvania county, who SDcnt | till' ]iast winter at ‘'tinton, is at j ti'T'din;^ 'ullowlii't* institute. : Mrs. P. Keiliv and fainil^ of I ndia na Ind., arrived tliis; Week aT!il are oci-upy i nir their sunmier ln>nie ()ii llilo niounta.n, Misslna Talley returni'dto In r h nil" at I’l'tirose la-1 week alte’-a vi?-it of a few weeks in Savannah and ])oin1s in (ieoi _;ia and in ('i'lumhia, S. i Mi>s IMiia Strou]) and ’.ruist, Mi>s L(a.-. Hanna ot lliekory, Heniy IJanson and Lannr Le\\i> >iient Sunday with Sue (’annon at iii-r lionie n -a r 1 lorse Sin u‘. I’rof and Mr>. Miteiiell liuvf' r" turned to tlieii' 1’( iiroM* home 1(li the .-uniTMe;- folio winic I'rof. Miteh- ell ■> V . M'k a " t eaeiier a t t he Hr - va rd In.-titute duriiii: the s]»nni: inontli>. .h roTiie M.dt/ and faiinly of j'ev eval children liave moved t roru \Villiaiii>]iorf. Pa., to 'I’oxaway. where they are enea^r.i-l in ti;e di-- vi-loiinu’iit of li.e liii: luitjljci- o]ii-ra tions. BRhVARD, N. C. hr. \V. W. >’uith. who iias i'eeii pre.^( rijit i"ii clt rlv for tlie M ictie- i |-,.^lnnents tlic liri'dle 1 >rUl! ' I'!i; ; i;i T'V dui'i!l_r his ;;ntll Sej.tcmher. >tav ( 1 a’li'Ut ' .V'I yra r." in lirevai'd. has aece])ted a ]io>jtiun with the huckworth hiUL' coni]>any. Mi.-s Mar_'ar.*t Willie l.-t t foi- l;er home in I'harlotte 'I’uesday afti r visituiL: ,\li>s Mary .lane ivinu for several ilays. Mi.-.. Willis was ( ii-‘ of Mi"- l\iim' te;icheTs at the ;ri-enville Wuinan's college. .Mrs. (>. li. Erwin i vi.siting her p o]>hj in Jr-eiishoro, Ala. .Miss Kli/,>ilM*th ISoystiiin of Win ston Salem is in IJri'vard for the snminer ainl nccordinij in ln‘i an nouncenient in the News, will }zive i«'s>ons in ]»hy.~i nl edin iition for women. Kev. (' 1) haptnan and dauj;h ter. .Mrs I) («. Warrl, .Mrs. M. A. I-;. \\ (>odhi niLre and Mr. and .Mrs. M. I *'I', le a re II t tend] n^ t he ‘Jlst ;; fi iMM 1 (-on vent ion 'if the i-lpiscojial , !(-hurch(il the Asheville distrn't at} I i'ryon. i I llcMisley-l ItMidrix >11 'I’ll 'irxlay the I 11 ii i n.-^ta nt, at the lioiiie oi .Mr and .Mrs. I). .1. j liiilloek at Kosinan, (»ccurred thC| I niarria^(' ol .Miss Delhi Kairfax : jllensley and l-'lelds Hendrix, i I rile rooms wcni attractively deco-| j rated with howls of red roses. jAhoiit twenty livi! frn-nds ef the ' eouplif witne>s.‘d the ceremonv, ‘ Kev. .lohn K. Hay of !»i( vard dlli I ciatin^. 'I'lie riiii; service was us('d, , the riiiL^ hein*^ carried, c.ince:!led in H liir^c ]iink rose, hy little .Mi^s ..lean Bullock. 'I'lu' hridt' wor(' a j ^'oini; away suit of dark l»lui‘ witli S*cc('ssories (jf whitt-. I’lit* vduni: I couple W('iit to Marshall for a j fortniu'ht’s stay, after which tlu'y I will return to K(nsmHn, when' Mr. H(-ndri.\ is enijiloyi-d hy one «;f the ' nianntacturim: indu>tries. I Madiatasiaii Club. I >n 'I'hui sd iy afternoon, .hine I.'), tlie .Mathata'-ian clnh held its last meeli:iL' at i he re.-ldelice of Mrs, >. 1- .I>'iies. .Aniiiiij the items; of iiu.-';ness ii'an'Mcted were the choos- iiii: of (iilicej s and a (-oiir-'t' of study ' lor next year. .Mrs H.'I’row- hridiTe was (-hoen to lejld the (-lub a^',-1'T> ;is iiresident and •‘economics" 1 v.a- determined u]ion as the suhject !'T next yea r. • >ther otiicers a:'e Mis. 1-'. P. Sledge, vi(-c pre."i h'nt ; Mrs K. 1|. Nor'Ado. I. ti'ea'-urer; ^l is \V, A. Iie:i\ans. recoiiii111,' secretary, and Mis.-' Katherine i'.rwin. corresjiond-' ini: si-i retary. l-'o!!o\viiiL: the lin-ine>s nu'etim: '..eic piano and vocal .■'cleetions hy .Mis>es (’;iml l\o])er and Mary .lane i\iiiu' and tile sin_'inir of the l-’eder- ation Seller hy two(,f tlic cluS mem- i'er. ■['he hostess tli -n di'trihated a ; ird i.Mies>inir con'est whic . v.'a,'' a verv tltt'ilu' clo-e to the vear'r w.-rk on th(‘ -uhject of --( »ur Nati\'e lill'ds." .\tter the ser’-.ltii: of ri'- luli ra ft'd 11ii. nrel .i in 11,,- (■ wcro '’as(!s of jonk rosi;s and lif^hted OaTldle.s .Ml S IJl'SSle lia’' pl'i-^iiled (it the orj^an and wasacecinipani»!d by Mihs Mar!_'ar(-t SiMie-diid m the vi > in Nancy K'llli.-in s.mlt -mUi. p.-i- feet liove’’ atid .jiist hi lortf the hndal jiartv i Hi.nd ,M i s .iait!'-.- \V . Ueed saiiiT ••l.'iit l ea t me not to Jjea v‘ 'I’hee.” '!’h(^ at teiidants w*‘re Miss Anna Uooiie, maid -if liotior, Vvli(» wort* wliltelM-t am cairie.l pink sweet peas; and iiitle .Mis-« !)n .th\ Se,-i'.er. 'ircr le t-er '.viii ■.vnfi- white linu'» rie and eairied tlie rinji in a pif!i\ ro'i . i he i.s.'iers were iiiit us Slier ,iri(i Frank i; i v. /I'he hride, t^o .v ned in a traveliri'f suit ol hlue with !;al t-i mate!i and carr\ne_^H >hoVie5- hoijiief ()t iiride's roses aiwl .s'Ai et pea -, enteied on the arm of her r ii-'iii, l»r. Ii. N. Waldrop. V.'no :’-ive her in mai- ria^'e ; and wa> iik-I at t^U'altar h. the hridei'room a!id best man, l)r ! Tlionias .1. Suniiney. i). MikI Mrs. Smith loft iinrnedi- atclv for a trij) in tlio mountains. They arrived in Br^-ivurd {Saturday and will inakn their home with Mr. and .Mrs / W Ni(diolH. Anion^ the out of town guests presenf tor t)ie wedding woro Mrs. Ste])he?i porf«'i' and (iordoiri Porter of Andrew-; Miss Mignon Smith and Mr> .1 !>. ('alahan of Ridds- ville ; hr 'I'ii.-tnits .1. Snnimey of lire vard ; ,\lis Aniiiii Travis und M'ss Meia .Adams of KaJ(iigh. Nine Miles Soiithvi^est of Jerusalem. 'i !ui Morv i;i told of tnacher whc V. ;i:: acc!i: *orned ask the saiiu^ ques tioii of f!ic same scholar each Sunday 'I !i: ahvays had th^* (ji; .stion, “Where is tli(‘ located?” Il(> was always I>r iiar> >l n:i th»3 question, and tha* lii'iii^' r'lisvi-rc.(l felt lio l'urth(?r inter • •>^t in the les'^on. Tom wiis av.-ay jn« Sunday. On tli« Sunday;; th? tern }icr arked. “V. h»:r! wi.-re you last Sunday, 'roin?” and lirt a!;:jwereil me- f'haiiically; “Niar‘ miles southwest o) Jerusalem.”—Christian Ilerald. (!i>!ianded I loiisc-l vey Mr>. .1. II. I lou- : hi'ir Keceiit quests at the Shi])mf.n cottage are ; Mr. anil Mrs. l)uncan MacDunirald and son of Atlanta, Mis. \V. and Wilhelm Wallace, and Mrs. L. h. Mel ton of ('hesti'r, s. .M r. a 111 I annoirncc tlu- m-irriai.’'e of (I’l uichter \'cra ii’o’ninsou to .lohn Klie Ivey on \Vi‘dnes.lay, tlic (‘ightli of A august or.e thousand nine hundred and .-'C Veliteen I'.alsam (irove, .North 'arolina. 'I’he hrule-to-hc is one of Traiisvl .Mrs. H. Cud and Miss Helen (iud mania's most itojiular daughti-rs — of ('hica‘’’o. I Vi. ry attractive and accoin])lishi‘d. I I She has taught school for a number jofvi'ars. She rcc('ntly closcd her Fred L Smith, who sjient tho liMst year at i>t*r*‘;i collcLrc, Berea, K'y., has moved to ('incinnuti, >., and instructs that the News be forwarded to him, valuing it in the followin'.; words: "Fnjoymy home jiaper so much, feid that 1 can’t get along without it.” tliirdyear in a high sch lol neir K‘ulsville, of which shi* is jirincipal, and the school aritboritios by otTer of in(“reas('d salary for the comin'^ year set'urt'd from her a ])roniise that sin* w’onld continue the work ^liss House in now tak- 'J h(* dance given at tlu* Aotlu*l- j a course at the snnnnL-r .school of wold hotel! Tuesday night in honor the State Collegt* of Agriculture of tin* boys who are to leavt* for war service, was well attondi*d, ^speciali/.ing in play ground work ther-^ being in the n(*ighhorhood >)f liiti peo])le ]»>esent from various parts of tlu* county, and ilender- sonville. •I. Iv. .\]ills and family an' mak- int; their homo with Mrs. Mills’ mother, Mrs. W. K. Osborne. The hitter’s danghter and children, Mrs. M. L Shipman of Raleigh, are occujiying Mr, Mills’ houst^ for the summt*r, having arrived last wt'ek. .Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Darhind of ('incinnuti, (>., arrived \Vedn(*sday I and are the guests of the latter’s : brother, Thomas Dodsworth. They will remain for the summer and . will occupy the cottage heretofore I oc(!U])ied hy Mr. and Mrs. Dods- j worth, \vh(j have moved into their I new cottage, jnst completed and I near the old one. and Enginei*ring, where she is The bri(h*-elect is a ^radaate of lirevard lnstitut»\ wh(*re she met Mr. Ivt*}’. who was a member of the faculty at IJri'vard Institute P.'i:')-1 I. lie made many friends wnile in Brevard. He is now assistant in ])onltry investigations and pathol ogy, North (’arolinn E.vpia'iment Station and North Carolina State l)t!])artment of Agriculture, also instructor in ])oultry science at the North Farolina State College. Adanis-Smitti. The marriage of NHss Elizabeth Adams to Dr. William Wesley Smith was s(demnized Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock at Grace church, Waynesville, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Albert New. The chancel was artistically deco Physical Education For Women Take a coursc in physical education for womcnt consisting of ten lessons. Simple exercises to vitalize the body. The Aim of the Course is to relieve the coinmon but tjnnccessary ailments, such as indigestion, extreme nervousness, sleeplessness and kindred troubles; to insure better breathing and ^ build up a general vitality against colds and other j unnecessary diseases. Lessons will be given at Brevard Institute and at a desirable place up tov/n. Call or see MISS ELIZABETH BOYSTIAN AT THE INSTITUTE IMPORTANT The City Tax Collector has been instructed to collect all PAST DUE TAXES, both real and personal, AT ONCE. Also all water rates, which are [ payable quarterly in advance, must be settled, including any arrearages, during the first ten days in July. Failure to comply with this regulation on the part of any consumer will result in the cutting off of the sup ply with a charge of $1.00 “cut off” fee to be paid before the water will be again turned on. The office will be open from 9 to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 4 p. m. each week-day; also from 7:30 to 9 p. m. on the first Saturday even ing of each quarter (January, April, July and October). G. E. LATHROP, Clerk and Tax Collector. /