BRdiVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. BREVARD NEWS Natm- v-liati>ri'il frciii Sylvan ValK y New-'. J.iim.ii v i. kji;. NOAII M. Ill )W IM,. I'ub'lisln-it i-vf! V rinii sdav. I.nU-n-il at inis',liVu'O at Hm vmhI. N.(.'.,as svi'viii 1 iiiattfi. SUBSCUIPTION i’UlUK; Ony year - - - - S' 1 OO Six mi>nth^ .... lio Three uionthrti - - - .36 Twoimnitlis - . - .2ft Payuble by fherk. 8t»imi)n or money urtlt'r. CaiiN lit thanks, losoUiti.'iis ami liifiiiiM ia!s puSiistiivl I'ttlv at hall i cuii lUiM. i.i' i.itc. I 'lstmi; 111 ifiits I'ci mi ll I'l >i;u'-!iuil th j-i'llt I'l'l' \\ .'111. .''ill'si. I i)Itii'iis tint I'liiitimU’iI afti'i c\- I'ii I'i.'ii (M t:iiu'paiil ti'i r\>ci>t «mi t\' iiu.-si. Friday, Juno 22, 1017. Smniuor \ i>ituis an.- ih ittin; ('live iIk' I’l.iil h.iiul. Ill Aiul lu'W au- \i'u eui '\iii‘’, i1k- rn>l tiuil> of liiMik' ''aitU iun'' '1'Ik- I'loMrin l)oai\liiii; lioii''!. kct. lo (.'ha: L,!.' t. '1' Imai' ^'a!lCc 111 1 Ov i ! ir'' T'lV. new ^>.'a'f I'l |>i U (."s. 1 ‘v toll.' I well, ct>nsi(k i 111 ; llu- nntavorahlr I I weal her. liuluMti-'ns jioiiit to a j l)uiui>‘r croi) Tilltlieeouii- lr\'. 'I'here 'vill In.' an ahnoniial ileiiiaml for food stuffs to feed both home jteoj'le Mid lho>e ill the jiiddeu eouiitiie->, aiui to]> noleh ' prices are ahao>! i^iiaraiitei 1. I Nt)\v is i1k‘ time foi tlie j'enple to |l>.Min the ol i.enu()m\ 1»\ i lakin;4 eaieot .lil ero]» and ]>er Imittinv; a mininuim waste. ! 'I'he people ol 'I'ransx 1\ania, jiist like tho,'^e «.*Ise\\ here, all(»w I tons of fruit and \ (.‘_i;etal )le> to ;^o ' \\M--le c \ el >■ > ear. \\'c‘ mu>t uiiieinlter that e\'erv pieee of fuiit and cw r\ \ e_i;etal)le j has a maiket \alue. 'frne, we i ma\ nol-.nied them > iiirseh i s, hut |otlu r>- will. 1 here will he an ui- ^ L;ent di Miaiid t >r e\'er\'ean >1 fiui* ■ Mid \ t ;^i. lal ill s, .iiid for r\ i i \ jponii'l of the ,-anie that ean he 1 dried. j I'arailies should, if neeissar\-, ■ niaki.’ a liille ■^aentii.'e ol lime aiul ^lal'i'i in o’iK i to ^a\e tlu' o\'erplus lioin tl’.e d.eii'' and ou liaids aiid GIVES ADVICE UN BLOOD TROOBIE Brevard Hardware Go. Brevard, N« C. A Mil . !ei:'' and ol e! >t. !i'' t he ]'i u'l. (1 IK k ] la'o. iu 1 In oiiL;lioiit the suin •'I'u'e 1 !k' ad iner. rile ;.;o\\ i nnu ni w ill he in the maikc t t(M' i. i;o: niou'' t|iiantities of tlu-'e ;.;oo(is and will in a lari;e niea^'- uu ahsoil) the output of the hi;^ ■itat..-s .1 i^eiilK r wiilt.'- in to know h'-' ean ilo to aul tin eounli\. . eanneiit- 'riii.s will ka\(.' the lo He can t]o nnu'li. Juil eus^in;^ iIk \ ; nn.. nt. ''top knoek'.n;^ tla.- ai nu , pn .I', h ]Mt; lo'.’.'in :nd ,;> ■ to work and ke(,-p W- ’kiii;;. lU ar. a>'>et anvi not a niri;'-t.-ne, 'Thai >’enuiiie iMti ’.otisv.i. 1 A-,'. .;lK tiu- a: l^re\ a; i’l h.i-- a N at;i ;ia 1. 'r W’. a'a.:n'> ; \ ii-e ar,. lii.l W'a! R(.lii.f hi;t no Kci Cro^' ehapter. 'I'iie Uei! ts'toss ti;;. \\'et.'k wa j,'."j^ s b >11,1 M II i.1 li MI V ar.i pai'.^n o\'ei the i' iunti\-, 'rian'\l winia (.'on’.-l donl'tIe>'' !(,n.ier • m ral (kale’s to k]i.nd iijion ll.e -mall 0.inner'' and individual fanii lu '' loi' the ir "'ii]']»lie^. It will i.:uatl\ fai’ilitale matter's il neiu,hlloi lioods w ill co-o])erate and e^'tahlish small eonininnil\ v-amieries that ean take t aie of the "nij'lu'^ frint> and \e-etahles a> ^ tlie\- av v i iK-. I’.ut w in. re tlli-s is | not d.(>lie e\er\- faillil\- should fol- ’ low a linn determination that iMtli-1 iiii; shall > waste. ' ri'.eie is a seareit\ oi and tlr .s,.- expeetin VV’arns Aj^ainst Alcoholic ‘Patent’ Modicines ‘liijuro Kulnevs,” Says Writer IJelow. Miinv ])eo])le tfi iron ni one form or anotlur. setdaii'; rich«*r, h‘tt»*r l)lo(i'l, sfreii'„Mh iind vitiility, II serious mislaUe, iii'conlir.^ to H w»‘ll known writer on tlu snh ject. “If peopl*- rt'ali/t' tliat tli»*ki(i nevs are intrusted with tin* dutv' » of filtoriiif' th»? Mood of nnjturit ii“s, | uric acid and otlit r poisons, tlicy would ccrtainlv TU»t take alcoholic ■]»nten1' nicdicincs as reckk’s^l.v a> tlicy lit).” Alcohol IS very hud foi I iic kidiicys, not to uumtion stoin iich, net ves and liver. Any dtictor will tell you that. Jo to tiie nearest drn;:!.rist and ;_'et a liftv-ci'nt or dollar hotdc ol ti!\ I lira 1 iron, known as Acid Iron Minci’il. This is jnirc, hii^hly con- !‘cnlrafcd and trocs twice to ten ' tiiiifS as fiir. »>nc lialf tcaspoonfid I in a t,dass of water is a dose. 'I’ake i .'if ter meals and on ^oin^ to bed. ^ Not Patent Remedy. ! Nature in her own inimitable I way mixed it —k»‘]»t it ])ure, down ! in tlu‘ earth. Acid Iron .Mini-r d is j not a jiatent mcdicim*. It ht'lps in- j stead of injuring teeth, stomach, kidiievs, bladder and nerves. A»1 drmx^^ists, e>t (‘ourse, havti it — Advertisement. BREVABO INSTITUTE NOTES sel \ U e tail >11 ^ hajiU I . ;i a 1 Red l oss Ainoni; nt'w su i.mer school sTu di Ilfs at the dormitory are : Misses ^io'^i'uns aiitl Smith of • recnwood, is. (’. ; Mrs. L. ( iser ant! son, I )avid^ tiu cans! of 'I’amjia, Fla., atul the Missi,*^ to Use them or Mtiyt', Moseley and I’atnck of Ktd) iss \ esseis should take ]>recautiou ' crsonville. N. ( .linst ,i sho!ta,^e and phice their iiieis imiiK iiatiK' so as t>'iiiake ure ol r.o seiious handic.i]> in tak 1 iiat llot;.'e ,;bout tile tioU ot town t,i\es t'le liL^lil liip.; to '''U ‘'a;e of fniits and \'ei;etaliles it. 11-. u s • :ii-I t'.iat it iiKan- — all il su\-. tor the t' wn's !e(.-ii 'Ms*;nel comj'li MR. AIKEN CHALLENGES nienl t.. tax a tax pa\i.’s a reju-i.u our (. iti/^ hip in 'I- to XVr 'H Cltl/eu ^ same sp in^ f r P>re\ a-''. .Uellei a,, led f:.;: )ines ot l;\'iii AH the in ^ 'flu iin.h rs’e ,. 1 1 : man > ■: is 'iitt^ :i del's, 'lu-ir.e, taiiieer, l!;it .;:'i Xe\\s w.nits il ' Ik- interneil ( e.r l’:;- '\ (. : innenl f •: si r !’>:e\'ai.i tl'.an Ili_n W’a\:’.es\;;ie Molin j Students at the Haynes cottaue are; Mlsses Smith. Bifcdeii and ' I’urvis of South ( arolina, Miss Koyall and Mr. M-irrs of Missi.s. Sipill. Mr. L. 'r. Ikime of Salisbury .spent Sunday with us, en route to I liiltmore hospital. where her MOONBLIND FARMERS " cu]ieratin!4 from a recent ojieratien. I’rof. Trowbriilire went to liike W. !.. Aiken lias IIutilt h cbal-' "I'oxaway Saturday niud.t, return- lemrc in the laces of mounblind in^ Sunday afternoi.:i. tarmers thos(‘ wlio be]iev(» in .Miss \ iri:iiiia Moore, n summer l)laiitin^' ami cultivatim: by the school stuih nt. was airrcetibly sur- ni' '■n. jirised by a visit 1 roni veral mem- Mr. Aiken ]»lanted ]iotatuesin tin* bers of lu-r family on Sunday, 'ri:e dark ot the moon and the litrht of ]>arty motored over irom ('lil’fsitie, tlu' nioiiii. when the soil was in ri'turniiiu' the s-nue (ia\- via Sjiar Uood Condition at both jilantni^s, tanlmru'. ►ide by side and similarly ])lanted ' Miss Poindexter is still visitiii!., tertili/ed and cultivtiled. He in- her father and other frit nds in the amp a- '•;..; m.a!e: He;:.!ei ''Oiivu.e othei l^'Wn wlun beii.i it will lie w i‘nnles of I’.re- \'ard. I'l’.e (.11 needs (.ithe! a WoiKinv: klloW (,t 1,.;! p’..i\- o; rowth if at'v. None cutild be Mr. -\ikeJi Wants those Vvho iiflieve in moon farming to ins]»t>ct the ]»,'iTch ot jiotatoi s and then witui'.ss the diLTi^im;. He is bv no Tiieans a moon farmer, but h>' wants to (horou;hly test the doetruus of the moon advtjcates. this week. Tiu 0-' o; ’'be: ■ lie Iki\' .'scouts »'•lids in 1 ; r..’ i!.o. w ■Ills ;as II.IS 111 ] 1:1' ;n.; PtL . ird - .ik'- .;ii 1 r t!; ■ >\ ■: ter, l\e\ . John the b.;'. s Wi.I ailil'i’sii'. hued.. 1 ;;e wduaMi.- f iiniu'.; le Cel\ el by llU 't. lujvs i ;.Ieil!.ited to ti-,1 e\eii iv.ove ill the;r m.iul;.. (i.l liian in their I’-iyilnod. 'i';;e S', out 111';\’e!'.lt.-n ■ is 1 .;J'liil\‘ ^row- iii'4 ihrou^hont t’ne .. .'unlr;.- and the lov oi--a!;i/..tio:i ; ■ t,nlilled DAVID ENGLAND DIES ON lURKEY CREEK l)avitl Knulaiid, atre ? t vt'ars. died Saturday niLriit at 1 I o'clock after :ii I . » J .1 il j-'ood one and the i)rice for ryi‘ is an illness iif about > niontns, lU-atli ' to cnc' >ui liohs. ■nl an. -;r.iinia- 11'iiii: tilt' result of old kum* and in juries received in the Civil war. .Mr. Kn.irluutl was a r.'sident of Turkey Creek section, whert' lie ' had lived for a U»n^ number uf ! years. II« was a confederate ' vet eran and was jii isoni'r of war , for a wliile. He received wountls that ^!ive him f*onsi(k‘rable trt.»uble I lie b’.*^. ot da.Ilti^ tlial w ill duriMLT tht* ])ast few months. 1h- 1' .lU'.d Pio.ii .i.iU'swill be spent Mr. Kn^laml whs htdd in hijxh ri^hl hen- in this lounlryin llie esteem by his ru-iu^hhors. was a I'ooil. ]>ur.. hase or si!p; !;es 1 .r their a; - i b*‘i‘'"catd(^ eiti/en and as a I'lose b»‘tter than usnal. Thl^ : farmer'si first money c*rop. IS TWICE PROVEN No Hard Times. nei^'hbor rt*marked on Monday: •*Hti was just too ^ood and ]>eace- uhle. so niu(di so that he was ini- ]»os' (l upon at tinu'S." 'riie funeral servict-s wert^ con ducted from )ak (irove ( hurch by , , I lil ■> . .1 li. Lint*r on Montlay atti-r- ciTi iiia.i ).. , ( I !i person \\ dl "e interment was^ niailt' in direelly beiKi.ted ll.eieby. ,,ak (^rove Cemetery. Survivin*; are the widow anil Can or Dry JHl Surplus. clnldren, A. E. Knudand, KuLjlund ami Miss (’ora niies .ind. e;\ ;lian p'j.ul.ii i-.n. 'i'iiis will i;;e..ii iir. a-eil aeti\';l\' for every line ■ b-'.s],]e'-s from ih.c faelorx lo ’lie biMiur. Ji w'.ll al o mean that tile millions that liavt. been hoarded ;iii will be ]>ut Mito 'i'he fariiK-rs and ^ai leiiers ol 1 .loiinie Knirland of the Turkov (Jrei'k set If yon sufft'r backticlio, nif'hts. tired, dull days ami dis- tri-ssuii' bhiddt'r disordi'rs, don't (‘xpi'riment. Kead this twice told testimony. It s .Mnriou evidence— doirbly j)roven. Mrs. L. Leonurd, Sweeney Hill, Marion, N. C., says: “1 snlTered trom ht'adaehes and anti I often trot nervt»us and di/>;y. J was rest less at ni^lit and in the mornin'^ I fidt all tirt'd out. My buck hurt me and my kidnt*ys wen; w*>ak. Doan’s Kidnj'V I’llls stjon relieved me in every way.” OVKR TWO YKAKS LATEIf. Mrs. Leonanl said : ‘I have nst d Dotin's Kiilney Pills at diflt'rei.r timt'S when 1 Imve noticed syn ,»• toms of kidney complaint uriti I have thus kej)t compHratively fret* from kitlnev tnmblt*.’’ Price Title, at all dc'alers. Don’t simply hsk for a kidnt-y remedy— Neats and Vegetables These are our specialties TRY OLR Peas Pt)tatoes (>abba};e Cucumbers I'oniatoes Lettuce and other vegetables in season Bananas Butter .\rmour’s Meats Poultry I'ish ever.v week. C'.asb paiil for chickens and City Markets S. F. ALLISON, Proprietor PHONE 47 t-sp.te tills the A-Ik- viteil tht' News etlittir to look it Winston-Salem, Ktileitrli nntl other ville Citi/en ’pe-'ists Mievri:;- t.' over uml oiseover iirt'erenet> in ']>oints. She is expected some tim.> RYE CUTTING BEGINS THIS WEEK; GOOD YIELD 1 Althou,'h 'rransylvania farmers ' ^'rew a buin])er rye cro]) last year. the acr(‘a;^e was coiisiib'rably re- ' diit'etf this year, ai.’conlin^ to ( ». W. ( laytoii. wht» tlevotes i-onsidei ■ able tune to threshiiif; anti buyiiii; rye. The -uttin^ of rye bt't^an this : week. Although the acream* is not so .trrt^al, the croj) is considered Farm Buildings; Farm Profits 'I’oiir btiiidinps, if siib- rftantial, cost littic Uir it'p.iir. If \veat!'cr-tit;fit, liicy .i l l to your pr(jf;ts hy pr itc'tin;; yoiir stcx k. feed and ineiit.'. it convenient, tie y save you t luc —and time 13 nioney, If > ou nre^ of rc*- building or reniodelin;:, we can secure tor yon. i i^LL, a lianrlsonu* $1 lio'ik. on I'arm Buildin^^ plans. Just f;ive us your name and ad dress. No oblij-’ation. MiLLER SUPPLY GO. Mii'/hiiitf sh')i;Mn(l (.)tllee ,\flT .st:il 1511 BUKVARI), N. C. Note—bcllrvc no v.’ood can better .serve the tarmcr’s puiposes than North Carclina Pine. Lconoinical, attra(!live, siii.'^tantial, adr'ptahlc to pracJlirally rvcry nred, it i.^;, in our opinion, the besJl lumber at the price. 2,auii fdtii to tlie Ball. Our twine gives the most for the money. It is made for the Decring Binder. It can he used on other machines. If you use our twine you will have no trouble with it breaking. You will save money if you C. DOYLE 1 ransylv.niia luive j-ossibly the and William En^dand, '^^idn»'y 1‘ilLs—the sunu largest acreage in cuUivatitm ever known in this Cf)iinty. Crops arc L^okiiij^ ,jvccptioiially' loc.'ition in the Wi-st is unknown. Mrs. Mat Xetdey of Brevard is a sister of the deceased. that Mrs. Lt'onard 1ms twice j)ub- licly reconimendtMl. Foster-Mil- hurn (\)., Proj)s., Buffalo, N. Y,— Advertis'ement. nftui/w/ CttAV/TtQA)C 'aS deecumt Qxjeid«MtS MwlC ’'fuxJbjpe/n/, moYv£% m ISo/ViIl- EVEN IF AN ftCCIDEHT OR SICKNESS NEVER HAPPENS TO YOU, *T MAKES YOU FEEL SECURE TO HAVE MONEY \H THr: 3ANi;. MONEY IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WILL COME TO YOUr^ RESCUE WHEb! NOBODY ELSE WILL OR CAN. WHEN YOU ARE OLD MONEY WILL KEEP YOU. V/HO IS GETTING THE MONEY YOU ARE EARNING NOV^? THINK. OF IT. PUT SOME IN THE BANK. BANK WITH US. WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS BREVARD BANKING COMPANY Most Amcric.m railro.ids demand that watches of the ^rade ad mitted to their service must not vary over 20 seconds per week. Hamilton *'The Railroad Timekeeper of America" surpasses this requirement so consist ently that it is immensely popular. There are more Hamilton Watches in use on such roads than all other makes put together. The business or professional man who starts out to buy a wntch of unusual accu racy will he interested in the beautiful Hamilton K'-siz.e thin ruodrl. Come in and look at some of the IlamiltuQ Watciics wc cau show you. FRANK D. CLEMENT The Je'wcSer of Tran'ylvania County Buy ir» Brevard 6 Coc^Bctor Serrii of the "Golden State liiaitrir' j.f tii'. CMcigo *rJ flock Island R. R. carrifs x VjZ K-mi!:oa 'imcketprr. NEW GARAGE 0»aeil art Opailid Si Teape k Turner. Wo have oponenl a i,Mray:e in the Brooks building formerly occupied by the \iken & Brocdcs Feed Store. For a while w e shall niak“ a specialty of repair work. We are prepared to jiive you prompt aiul expert service and will back it with a guarantee of satisfaction. W e respectfully solicit your business and trust that you w ill ^ive us an opportunity to serve and :>lease vcm. TEAGUE & TURNER GARAGE PHONE- 09 Notice to Farmers and Stockmen Service of Jack The service of the Kentucky I Jack known in this county as! the ^‘Aiken^^ Jack, may be had | at my stables at any time. People desiring service may rely upon the assurance that there will be no disappoint- mentt even though they make no previous engagement. For further particulars ap ply to T. S. WOOD, Brevard, N. C. n a 11 THE U.NIVERSAL CAR The 1'nist dt'sirahh* ft‘;itur»*s of motorcar (•*!i.-'rrncti..n ar*- tdunl in Fi»rd cars. 'I'hev arc strong v.ith the strcnjrth 01 vnnadium sti'cl, hcilt ticatcd hv Ford nu’thod-x. wciu'ht iv clniiin ircd hy strcnirth, and th>‘ Ford more power tor its wcij^ht tl... (,>thi'T car. 1 >ack 1 ft tht.‘ cjir is the (>rtriinii \yhich has omit jind soM over two luillion I'ord cars. 'I'he Ford saves ritue is ji sure niotiev-iiKikei’. 'rouT iiiir (‘ur liuri- ahout .s::).'), Sedan .sf.J.',, T.)wn '('ar Coupeler s.')!'.')—all f. o. h. DiUroit. (hi disnhtv and lor sah* hy K1N(4 LIVK|;Y (’O.MIWNY Brevard, X. (’. ...VCfSS 1 h) \vs than any atii>n