I BREVARD NEWS, BREVARD, N. C. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Use it to Plan Your Shopping Trip, or for Mail Inquiries. ' The Firms Listed Will Serve You Well. Advertising. j Monuments and Tombstones. BOOKLETr desiViH'd' and written. j Slone, American Bank build inc. Cill. t. S. (.udger, 51 Broadway. Bank building. WEEKLY NKWSl’AI’KKS. Wcsttrn N».rth Carolina territory. Hates? (lill. Aiitomobilfs. Bir. LINE rsi:i) r.\US. C'ash .t 1 n-.lit. OK Auto Co. CHEVROLET distiil'iitois, Livi-ry ami auto service. (,'hanilK rs I'i \\\av» r Co. CASH talks. Csi'd »ars. Kvnv ipake. Musical Instruments. KALK Music House. 7l> Patton avenue. IMione 2(M). Men’s and Hoys’ Furnishings. %%%%%%%%%%«%%•%%%%%«%%%%%%%%%%%%« VOr know us. IS Broadway. ■i. W. Neely ('o. Office Supplies. OFI'ICK SriM’L^ CO., ty|)cwriters, add iii^^ inaihines, salfs. **1 I'atton avemie. Optometrist and Optician. Cafes. BOAKI) of Heahl’ says: ••CK-;me.->l in j (l>n Uioadwav Cat.'. ; (OKKix T CLASSKS. 5L’]*atton aveniu. ^ homemade caiuiu’s. tfstauiant, soda, j‘ -''toii.) 1 ir. I) .lisuii. ■ Club Cafe a-.id Car.-!v KitJun.^ | Photographers. DepartnuMit St>res. rrUEinVOOlV^'c'rdoIh^^^^ oppusite post Uliu c. Arl.Mu- lu.r-i 11 f. \ I P. r j' I k m % % % % I11C.C.\;%()N' S’l'CDiOS, (>IP.. I’attoo a^i- ut.ilun-. I'I.I. roN S 1 ritlos. Pack S.iUare. HIkIi- I'jadi' I'liitraitiiie and coinnuriial cao- liiKraphy. i’ianos I'uned. l\i;r\Ilvl!i>. I'\pert wiirk. All giiaran- t( .'d. Ivlk.s liulilinr.. Williams vV lliifriiiaii. Wear, etc., for c\crvI'odv. I'ly ri'oils, | Butterick patteiiis. Drisv: Stores. MEET your iticnds hcri’. 1.^ I’atl'in ftvenue. r.iranioiint Ihii;’. Ci>. Kuniitiire. « mm m m m m m> WHK> *' you si'o a l-'urnituro Ail tl'.ink ot (ireru Urotlu rs. I’rintiii}^. (ieneral Meolu'.nii's. i...!vi i\, i i i i » I N I l.Nli, U1 »i Hti 1 iiix. Loose* Lciil WKITE or Sir .\Kivai\ \ Si'ii !.'r y.mi Huiui i'-. !i.;' kni v .Monk- Co. Truck liofiy. Keal Instate. (Jr«>eeries. I n\'i'i o . ' 111 * IvOWl.ANI) \ CO. i''arms. “ll Cl IKAIKS. l.i.Hiiifs amniinlMV.', ('a,. In' I-..p. or more. i \M cii A t . ‘ ' , i-;|-..\L i;Si'.\ ri;, insurance, IS Snutli I’ack ■ S jcaii.'. IMidiie l.Mi). I,oru k Co. I • .*xvr^r>:%vXv/: I'rcncli I ravciitiir rm ti i w lii li ll\ ill \ I Eggs, Poultry Butter and Hides AH kinds country pro duce. We pay cash for all you ship. Prices on rerjuest. Western Produce Co Asheville, iN. C. Call and Examine Our 1- Strikiii;: cli'vc-uii \i»>w of tin- St. rii.-iniunil lank, latfst of ilic Inu turrets. •_*- rnjif. IfolVrcy I lai P'*r .-m A imiic:i ii inciiiKer of t !i> Itoyal I’.riii- bn>nulii tti .ie.'ith r:i].taiii r.nt lke, itn‘ raiii.'us ;;M-!aaii aviator, aii'i i-> n"w in Aiiicriea In liiinir ri' riiit l*.rili.n-. - Soniriiw in il;,. Ali>s tn (hr Swi'-'; li r(!' r. •! \«m. i.lintnL'raph nf King Allon^o uf Spain and his -tali' at mililary mHiii'UVcrs ; init rnal (li>i>niiTv thrcati'n ilic l.iir'‘v il.r.ni.* Hardware NEWS REVIEW OF THE PAST WEEK Government Is Now Going After the Food. Munition and Fuel Pirates. BCILOICKS’ liard\\ .iic .i l\i'..\L I.S 1 A I i, UKOKI.K. Sec .lames \\ . ■ Nnrthiip Ml lUiiV.f H.jriiuaii Cl'. H Iht,, II- Churi h street. ■ Jew elers. .\Siil.\ II.I.!' I\c.iity Ir.vi iits. Aim li- v.iu l^.mk liuil.ii!.:,. iK iiry 'I'. Sharp Co. TMK H..IISC of C.i!t>. ratt.'ii avenu. . j,, A :.-. vil!e K. al Kst.ue Chas. K. Ih n.ieT^rr. ,,, '.L.\SSKS ^iUed. llvjv U ..11 1’, Jt p,, 15 Chuich. !1 M ! '• J. K. CAK'Cr.NTr.K, ,le'.\c'a:. W.it.h u V. 1 i- Sli l.\v ;i.l :S. (iiit !i t ii;,;'. Spout in-, pairing s}«.H ialtv lo N.'ilh I’ack SiJU-'M'. ' I atiua. .\. L. (. o. Kodak I* Seeds. E\1M;kT work. i:,ist!HMa a.:, in'v. M.iii ‘‘olCKL'K SKIJ* ('OMl’ANV. \vhu]c^ale *>nlers SI>Iii'iil I'.ri'W n Kimik l iii l let.iil ;-ee.l nicicharits. I unljr’. Mip- J ' 1 11 > . ; SporlMii; (;o„l^ hOn.\K deve opine, printing, niail ■ ri!'. '- i,,-v cl-.-m • n .• i - . , ' ^ , i.i , v:. . 1->K.\ .sKl.AL. ( iLjars, all sportini: roi.ds. Amati-ur snnplii s. Kclimsun ! l;oti M 'le. ' ' 1 a IV S«'.jiiar'. Laundry. THE Nii'liols wa\ fur L;;un«h >• S.iti.^Jac- .|. lion. Aslu vilie Steam l.auad: v I'ailors and Hatters. Loan Office. .\ll. iKl' l) SI I I S IS ti' $5.^. Oppn.'^iU" j post ollii e. ^ oliiii;, I I 'Lire Rt'pairs. i VlNKICLSTi-]lN'S Lo.ni Oliire. .lewelrv. Sl-^N!) us vmir t ires and tulies. trunks, leather ^oods. J,' Uiltinore avenue, j .\shevilK- Sti-ani Viikani/in>: ('n. | THE NEW OLIVER NINE A TYPEWRITER REVOLUTION i New Machines for Half the Former Price! Was $100 Now $49 At tlif* v^“r^• hfiirht (>l ns Th'- tht* t\ ;)ewriter iiid;..-ti'\'. Jur-t sis ii .;u. .;i nnd torc’fcl all otlu-rr- fi) tolluw. Nd'v th:> «*nct* CJillr' M lialT t.) (.)id «‘X;lensive \vay.~ >i WH.-^tfful burdt-n. A conipany .-trotii: eiiou;‘h. lar^je i ■’.u h and bravi' enmmli t" d" a hi^. st;ir; tiling like tiiis. d^•se! ve^ a In at in;.:. The full laels a!e s, t 1-rtb in onr anui/injr i xposurc. t :'titl'-d "'I'lu Id' li Cost of 'I'vpewi iter.s 11.e Ueastm and ttie Wenu-dv." One cojy will lv- Tii^riid to you if vou send us the l oup* a HOW WE DO IT H.-nceforth 'I'lie «>1 vi: I'k pi'ariti r (‘.'m- panv will ni.iiTitain no i \p(. :^ivt - dt-s fori e of 15,1'ti.i s,il,snu'!i ;."(i a;’ at-. HeneeforUi it will jiav no rent in cities. '11.ere will Ik- Mo idU s'oiks. on. .Mr. will di .il irim i now w illi the ; n tual nianufactuii r ,\o n.uiiilemen 1111 useless toils. We i' •i the waste and jrive vou the saving's, "i-.u ^el tile ^.^'l !i> SAVE $51 This Oliver .Nine i- twenty-year development. It is the I'la'st. lostliei-t, most successful tvju writer wt- ever built. It is yours for ! » la nts i i-r .lav in monthly i>aynie:.t ■; .-'.vni). j'.v t*rvon*‘ i'iin own ;i I';it w rit'T i'n\» . will anv sane jiersoi’, • -.cr .i.!i pav $K»0 for a standard t>p- wr::. r when the Stanilard \ is’.hle )!iv, r Nine sells for Send today for vour i opv of onr hook and further details, 'i ou’l I he .surprised. )liv-r T' lit-'writiir CoinpHiiy UK-nin np.-ots '. f-tJ-v). \s'hi^n ;! inT.roduceti vi.'s-.t.Ie v%T!t Uir i pov.-f.rlul C.U>n:p»L’iv world widt* in ;istlu- | .-e! i t \ pe wnt-erH. It frees bux tr.r .>1 ii i't ;n^' V'.nr own saU-sman. .\nd we "ain | I eononiies for oursid\ es. too. So i? isn't j phil.inthiI'l'V. lust the n-w, elJicient : way 111 iloMi" husiness to nua t prc'-eiit- ! (i;iv eeononiii eli;;n;M s. [ .Note this f;a't «':irefuliv. We otYer the , 'Menti. al nlisci Nuu- the lattst ni.i.'cl itani! Ill w. foi the e;a:t oiie which 'vas .5 l"(t until !; 1 st. The Latest Model l>‘i not cnnfu tIiis offer of The (>liver ']’> pi \N l iter t'onip.iny itseli of ,i 'crand r.fW. latist nioai'i '• with offers of s-cond hami or rehuilt machines. Tills is the tirst time in history tl'at a !i w, sianii ini ,'iOd ty}'. w riter ha;' been ''r.eieii tor .51 *. We do not olfer a sidisii- ti:te mi'del. cheaper, different or rel>L:lt. Kead all the set ret facts in our locn- nu Tit, entitled ‘•The llifrh Cost of Tvpe- writers The Keason and The HiTaedv." '1 he coupon'hi low mailed todavw ill *->;in^ ■>oM (.lie Cojiv. FREE TRIAL *No money down no C. O. I). Alter ji mi n ad our hook you may ask fu: an C.’iver for live day>' free trial. He vwur ev. n salesman. Save yourself $.^1. > ou (■••cide in the privacy of your own otrce or home, as you see the Oliver. Then if you want to own an Oliver you may [lav at the late of ]o cents jier day. .Mail the coui>on now for "'I'he Hijjh Cost of 'rv[)i‘writers 'I'he Keason and The Iveniedv " !t rij)s off the mask. Cut the coupon out now. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1223 Oiiifer Typewrittr BIdg., Chicago, III. Over 600*000 Sold THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, B-7 Oitver Typewriter BIdg., Chicago, III. Do not send a machine until 1 order it. .Mail me your hook. “The Hi^h Cost of 'i'ypew riters 'I'he KeaS(*n and 'I'he Remedy,” your tie luxe catalo^fs and further informaiit)n. •Name Street Address City ^ _ State . 40 TRANSYLVANIA CATTLE Valh'v Viow Frtrin in Transylvania | ccMinty. 'I'liey HFo Shorthorrs, I>c-' t * (From Hendersonville 1 imes.) vons and Horoford.s. Twelve )i(?ad Justns and Harty huv.- jnst imr- "’‘'ro received Wcdnosdav. The based forty head of eattle troin \v('ight ranj/i •; T.i I {o i:: ;'i llis. CONTROL BILL IN CONGRESS OtJier Agencies Attacking the Profit eers—Plans Purhcd for Huge Amer ican Air Artny—Russia Deter mined to Continue the War Against German A bsoluticm. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. Cll'-I,. la-, Wi-.'k |.a\i.'i- niMi'c sj'i ei.-il ::I; 1 ;uIon to lie- iiii al " tli:i! inr--'! ill.’ land :lie foo.j pirai.,. h«‘ lonniri.in piralo^, iJio fn« l p iat* s anrl ail ilio «il.iio.\ious l>rood .«i prof- itt‘or> wtiose -jn-i-d for money olilite!- nt»s ihfir iiairiojisni. if thov over li:ol an\ f tin lati r i|Ualit\. The uarfaro iit-'.-iiris! till-!■ nii'ii and eorji;-;iiion-. ;s l'e:0:u' e;iITi d i*n ill t! i W;iV o! Jfiiiieiill hiW'si iir:!iiM!;s :]i:iT will result in in d'.v'tnii-nt.s nnd in propos.-d lo^’s’ntion !■> ••.■ncri'--. ’rth- hr NT. «'t' ('•••iii se, is i'*:o adinini-i r.-iiion loo.l e..mioj liill, wliii'li the i:-i'sii.ii'i;t l:,i' li«o', iifL'inL' Tow;iri] pa-s';i'.^.. wl'll liio f.’lei’l'nl a: = - SistalK'r of hoflM !I l|...:\or. Mi'. Iloo\.r told ;i l.iiheti ot' -inaiors on Tiiosihiy wlr. l!n- li.e.-i-urf -iM.iiiii lie pasv,.(i. an>'A.-rii| ;ill tl.o tioM" o; l! .ijijMinciii s. Ih'.ideil by \'ard- an ::’i, ;or.' :'nd K'-o.l, In On- 1;. :--i' on Th'i;'-da> Keprosi-n- intiv. s M;i-iileii nml ’ariion of Illinois mad. mh ali.inpi to h.!\o e..f,,n |i elndo'l aaioii;: itio ar’i'l.'s t.i !».* pul under e.f ir.il, hnt tin- on horn I>eni- ueralv rU"lio(t to ih.- r. seuo of the ent- 1«in j.latiTi-r and defoj.-..;) ih- i>lati. ’I'he ina.iority :>|s.« voted liown a prop..vji i.m by llari.:.-!! of Iowa To ineind-’ i-huh iin:. s>ioos ;,;,il inipl'T.ioni - in the nioa'^ lire. T.'o opiH.-;! ior, j.. !l,o i>ill in iii.' lioii-o \\;i- woal.oi' II,an in the s. nate Soiiato' S!iorni:'.;i of Illinois Ii.t.oIn llttaelM'.l it.o Ilie.-I.siilo as one ih siLTln'd to faM'r tin- eit\ dwelN'i- and union la Imi>- to injure T':.' farnii-r. :ind he took 111*' opponnnii; to say sono* \ei\ so\i'r>- ThiniT'- abour tlio .-idini;,S'ration, asscrilni: i’ had I" • ti a'-lei p for tw«i years ■ id now laid \val;« d up into hys teria. Dar iels Jolts the Extortionists. Seert'iar;. I'ani-'ls lie’-aim weary of the oMtiriions of ihi- fuel niauniifes. ami on .Monday aiuioune».'d thai ih- -oal aial "il iho na\y needed \MHiid l>e tiiken ity tin- L'ovornnient and paid for at [irie.'- to 111- li.Mil b\ ilie L;o\ern nietlt.. rroiiueers 111 steel found them- sel\es i‘ri-in;i the i»r*«]>eet of tln> s.aine aetion. t »r:j;;nl/.eil labor ;d«> took a h.ind In tile tiL'In on the fooii «'\tortjonisis and notili.-d the adniinist rat ion. throULih the .\nierlean I'edenttion of Labor, that nnb'ss the prices of the neees.s-i- ties of life are liroiiuht down to i\-a- son.-ible ^lrlU•C‘s, tliere ]>robably will be an etiidemie of s|ri!:es, |iossili|\ even a nallontil tie-up in many industries. 'I'he feib ral tr.-ide mnunission nn- riiiiineod it w.as ready t> beLrln Its iii- estiL'.'iTlon of food eoniritions on .Iul> 1 ; the inforinatiiin obtainod will be ttinied over to the food a^lininisiraior ri.nd the Iejiartnieiii of Jn-^liee. Wb\’ shoillt) not the )iress i.f the eonotry print pmnnnently The nanios of the despi-able ereatiire.'i \> Im :iro takinsr advanta;^e of the nat'oii's needs? I>ee*‘nt motives beinc laekitiL'. ■ t'oar of the imblb' \rrath nii^d\i oper- i ate li> inditee them to ecase tlndr no- ' fnrlons work. j Planning Great Air Army. | More ati'l tnon* the ;:overnnieni is be*o?n;im eonvlneed that America’s b'r piny in the war must be in , :n the air. and the [Jans for spiH'dily ;eTillnLr many thousands of airplanes ' rid aviators to the front from tills •ountry are Ixdn^ pushed with vijjor. Conixrt'ss is asked to make an noro- iiautic npitroprialioii of ij>G(X),0(X),(XK) to si; ri with, and alroady hundreds .'•I'tinL; nu n are beinu sejeeted fur tile "•"I''. irl pni into traiiiin^. I'or :i loni: tinii- .\dmiral I’eary has been uri;- iiiir the biiildinir up of a powerful air s.-,'\jee for our army and navy, and I’l'iL'adier Ooneral Sipiler has done- ali an aeti\e oilieer is permitted to do to lorward ' neh a plan, and now tin- !_'"v- «*rnnn ni re,-ili/,es that an itntnMise tb‘et of airp!;,nes is the (piiekest eiTeeti\«* aid it e;in ;:ive to its allies in lOu- rojie. 'I he aviation bill eonteniiilafos liie ost.'.bli-Innent of ‘J I trainiin: eainps and iiisirijeiioii in niativ tei'linieal sehool.s; liie lonsi ru'i ion of ;iboiil 'J.imki planes a nion'h ;ii ill - end of six months, with the nir;ibei- eonst.antly inerea-iiii: until it r In s .'i.tMMi month : th" bnildiiiLj at li;'"' I::.in!', of ir:i’nin_ ;.:id ob-er- \:'li> i, n.; ehines and lai'-r >f lar;:er tlUnibi ’• ..f b.’ll I le planes. To lill up ilio r,-inl;s ,if tl.o re>:ular ari -v, i’r-"-id'nl Wilson i- n. d a e;ill for T'Oi'MI V .Innteer- belWeon ibe aL'O' of ei'jlitoon and forty \t:.r'. Tliroii^di on* till' arni\ tlie rfri;'■ mil: oil.i-.i-s est,,.. i;ii!\ . •..li'.i.-i'-i/ed tie faei ll.at • non who reL,d-ior. d ar>- \'> leonie as \oii;nie. Is and will ha\e s.ene ad\an- ta;-'.s o\.r those who wait to tio draft.d. Ib'L.'ist rat ion slaekers bi-L'aii ^ettliitr \''liat |s I oiainj i,, tli.-m last week. Th. ir d:i\s of ;rraee havin_' e\pir.'«l. th.'_\ wi'i'e :'-t'e-’(d wb.’-.\.'r I'oimd .•ind .•lir.'-ki-'i in!o Jail. S. \> ral of them !ilf.-ad.\ lia\e L'i\en prison '■>’i t. ne. s. ’I''. .iiL'li 111.' nninb.-,- oi ;i:-’'. -rs 'I .•la lai-_'.-. it r'-::'!\ S M.'-i^n:ti e.'iit wi'i.-n eoinpar*d \\;'h ih.' total r.-i:i'i raI i. '11. War d.'pa;” laeti' !i::\;n:., a hal'd t. plan.s for th NaTioi;:il a r: 'i:i,s v,., in f.i I. •i I 'il;_ r.'siniii-' .'.•imps I »• . 1- aid o'.. : n I- on th.' lor III-- r II :.nd not iM'-i.-a.i r.-_'i’a.r • • \p."ts in ihat natb.nal d.f.'!:'-. ■ f as tal.i-n a hand aiei pni “exp.-ris" of Its own 'boi.siMu' in ebar'j.- of N.arioii^ (.arts of th-' W'lrk, ainl th.’ resell s,. far has been eonfiisi.in r.nd d' l:''. The • 'oiiin'il has do'r.LT L'r.-:ii " ork in river, between Wai'iietoii .and .\rmon- tlere*:. Another German Fiasco. Oeiniativ's elnin.sy iliploimiev eaino to :;ri* i auain in tli.- d. vejopnients fol lowiiiL' ih.‘ attempt of Koberl irimni, Soeialist. to indiiee Riis-ia to eonehide a sep.-irate peaee. \\ ileli the intricije w;is fxposcd. Orinim w.as iiri\cn from Itnssi.a, and l;is| wei l> I »r. .Xi'thnr Hoff man. a nieinbor of the .“swiss federal 'ouneii. who |i;i(j j| iiromiiient part in the Jilot. re-lL'Iled his iilliee. The dis- elosiirt led to nil exeited mass me« t- ini: of pi'otesi and a pro-.allx' demon stration in (o'iie\a. Orinim was le- noinie^| for iryint: to push Swif/eriand into tho \\ai' foi- iho purpose nf serv- in;,' C.rinany, .and the crowds stoned till' re-id.'ii'. s of pro- b-rnia ns. l-.lihn iloit and lii- eoll.-aL'Ues spent the W eeiv LTittiniT aeijnailli.'d \,ith the tnii' slate of affairs in Kus'ia, and wi'i'e as-iifoij tiy till- LTo\ I'rn 111'nt oi'i- ' i.'ils tli.it tiothini: \'.on!d I on.'ea!.*d from them. 'oniiaaleler in 'lii f I’.nis-i|,.ff -,.nt to (iciiera! Ilol.ert'oti Wi-diiesilay a lele;rrain a'S'irinu him lh;ii. "in honor b.uind. I'l'e.- Kiissia’s armie-i will n>.t f.ail to .lo t!f ir diry." lliiris I la khnie! icfi', special Russian envoy, :ind his eo||i;i;.'n.'s arrivod in Washintr'on and almost ininiediately ^a\e out a siaiennnt of the proi-'T'am of ih.' |.ro\'isional L'overnin'-nt. This In. lii'I.'s the absoliito ri j.-eiion of all tli'-ML'lil ..f separate jM-ae.- and tli.' jn'liieveiiii’i.l of iini\ersal p.-ae.‘ \\ith- oM! anie xai ions or eoni ribu: ions and pr.-:::..;nL' iio dominion o\er o-li.-r na tions. Till- [ir.i\ i"ional l'o\ .-riiia.-nt "■'d t.-ike pre].arato;-y st-p- for an aL.'1'ocii..-n! wi:!i its allies found--l .'ii its >i. ■ I,-! r.'i I ion oi’ March ‘J7. and its '■Ii!' '' ; i: is siati'd to b.‘ to fortif.v th>' 1 >'ni.le!:,• ;e f^.iindatioiis of tho arinv Our Stationery Department cor* tains everything novel and fashioH- able in that line. Delicately tinted and perfumed, if you like, or simply plain. Whatever you desire have it. Qualities and price:> to suit ail purses. We also have a fine assortment of ornamental inkstands, pens, paper knives and other essentials for th”. writing table. R. S. MORGAN, Druggist ROSMAN, N. C. Professional Cards. ROBT. L. GASFi ''X', H. i.RKHSh. jr. GASH & BREESE LAWYERS 11 to 1 r McMinn Building N (>* a rv ab the ''lieeitie-;: ^ , niiii'h h-':'d.\a;. b-a\i'iu tl" arni.\ . :',i.-. rs. \ 11:1 e. tin- Conn. and nnny as w oi-_';i ni;'.‘ and eon'-o|;,!;it.- t!.' ' I'.^htiiiL: power fo)- its defon^i\' DANIEL LEON ENGUSH Attorney arvd Counselor at Law Brevard, N. C. r^eal estate law and ab:-:rHcr|^ * I u s:)e; 'al: a! Ki ni.iUslv I'.-'-.e ER-NEST H. NORWOOD Arctiitect and Builder a n..-;!!v v.a\s, l.ut th ■■'I 1 o. 1 iiiany eool.> i.-r of L'. ttiii::: tfie .•>n«'ri].":'\*- and tbi- Ni'.'ional In;ird ii^t'. tr oid.v I-a,!ili;;/..‘s th.- wivdoai of \ .'r-^-al i.-.' |,olie\ and h. a . Submarines Very Active. or!i-.an>’' ul'inj.r!in' ]':it i ■ •Mur bii-y tinn\ r.-;-oris ■-inkitiL: of ; liied and rife.'r.-il \es.,i js 'on.li:L.' in. .\i,i.'ii’j’ :!i.‘ s|,ip~. d.,\\n \\as ihe .\ni. ’'iean oi! r;;n'; -i.'.-iin^t ip • Iol,n I'. .\r.h!>oliI, 1i\'e ..f wb.iso erow w.-,"i' lo^t. 'I in- vessel \,as arni.-d and ‘ .■irri.'.l a ::un -r.-,\ froiii an Arn>-ri.';in war^liip. bni tin- aunin-rs had r..>i ?»oen - iiiat- a rniy ainiiiLT a tinl- a ” t> I -rs b\ the t ern- •oin tak.' supplied with ranire T-iiid navy d> i>artinent. \'iee Admiral .'iins. .lur:in: th-. Jtor,-'r.\ ;;bs..n-.- of *he r.i’lri^h inan'l. r i'l eh’.-f. v.;is al'po;ni, 1 i, ;_'.'ner:il eharu'e of Th«- '.perai inr.is ■>!' the allied naval fof«-es In Irishi w'-.ters. where the I boats (ind most f>f lh*ir \ieiin|s. 'rile L'i\itl'J .if ill’s ^Ti-at re- ■■'poiisibility to the Aineriean :i'Hniral .'hows ill, eonfidenee ih*- aliits have '.n his abilit y and w l.'-;";>in. Two feats of tin* .Xnveri.'ari destrfi.v- ers In I’.ritisi) wa.ters were loi.l dur i'i’:'-T the \\eol. One cd llii's,. \,.se|s ■-..1110 npoii -I snbni.irhn and promjitly I'aniin.-'I ii. i.ronably sriidinu' it io the bo'.toni. Two oUters. (-es|Hindin;: to wireless eiilb-. rescued sur\i\ors of twi-i Tlritish shins that wore ror]uihied miles away, the farthest point v.est in the .\tlanti‘ the have ir|ier- aioij s(ii(-e the ruthh'ss vtiiiipalpri b(“- >ran. ’I'hen- w'as violent tiirlithr.: in I'raiK-e thniiitr!,!Hit tile week. Imt iu-it!ior siilo mad.- iiiiiMirtant rMin. Tin- Cermari-' won flrst-Miie treiiehes from the Itrlt- ish east of ^^.tnehy-le-l’rie^I^ :..-,d from tile i'relleb e;'f of \'a lii! ii iji. liilt later Were firiveii Viaek ai:: ’i with h‘'av.\' los>, ‘■."1,,- ('.in'iiii:':i troops •; iitnri fl s.^ ie p'>.,;p,,ns in f'*etit of I.( n . paviiiL': ilo' \va.\' for a drivo on iliat e.-nt r of the ''oal liebls. Toward the end of tin* week tho iJermaiis yielded fo the heavy jtressuro *f tile r.ritish in the territory domi nated by the ]\Tessin(*s ridj;(‘ atid altan- doii-'d the ;:round tlu-y had held on the western .'ide of the bend of the Ly.^ - w.'ii as otti'iisiv.' inn'lioscs;. In 1’.t roLV':.d tin- a!l-Kii--ian eon of worl.nion ;ind soldiers un;ii.i- npoii an imin.'di.-ii.. nsi\.', ami th.- same s,.niim.-nt 'va- , .-xprossed in a inanifesi,. i^.m d by the i Repairing a Specialty tniliTar.v union of woiiian \olunt.-ei's, \vhieh s;iid "the Workers are a]ipealin^ I f.'T an niirel. ntinu sirniTLde a^'aiiisi an j o'n ni\ who is uion.mI snh-ly b> inii>e- I ';ali';;i' aii'l sp\iriu' tend.'ii.'ie." i 1 l^e pi'o\ i^i-'r.il L,'o\erT'.ineiit ha^ !.»»- L'lin pro.'ei‘dinLT> I'.u' tin- s(-\.-re pnni'li- : ; in.'ii: of \arl.>uv hi^h oilieiiils of the • 'Id r.-LMiae, w ho are .-:.’el|s, ,| . f br.-ae!i,s ,.i Ih.- Iaw of ili.' i nipi;’-'. S.-\.-ral forin.-r eabin.-t ni.-mb."- I ' ::i"ny 'onini:ind.-rs, in. lu'linL l’i'..iop.ip ■ off and 'i.-in i'al Iteiinenkamp:', !,a\e ; been iiebe*. d, ! Crisis in Austria-Hungary. i Not liilleh Iiew.s w;is albiW.-i! to ei.r.i.- oil' of .\iist:i;i IliiiiL'ary. but what 'id eiaertre iadie.'ites that ill.' si 1 ii;;‘ji,11 ■ ih.-r»- b.-eomes niori- eritieal daily. 'The j I'ob-s of fh.- dual kiii'.^(loiii are \iriii;il- ly j'.i n-volt. d.-mandin.," at b-.-i-i ail- ton.onv f-.r th.-ir land, and n.-;irl\ :ill ^ til.- J. -..plo :;re iii-'^ieni for ;..-ae,.. , 'I'ln- Ansirir.n .-abin.'t. In-aded b\ ('lani- ! Mariinie. re>3l-_'ne*l. I 'onditiiiis iinf niainly i.. the war : I ha'x e broiiirht on a e.-i^is in S|ia‘n that f throat.-ns to result in the deposition of COLEMAN GALLOWAY Ki'iu' Alfonso. dt-si>ite Ids per-^c,nal pop- j uhiri;y. ami lln- establi^hm.-ai oi .\. t i ; iinc,h.-r new r. jujblie in Iv.n'o]*.-. ( 1 -ei,sor. however is ;is busy there ;i-. in ; i >t!)or eoimtries. and the ri ports mav i be nnsleadinu'. Ov r in China matters seemed to b>* ' setilinL' d.iwn peae.-fnlly. jiossiiily In I ji. ri the result of President Wib-,.n' ■ sii--:'-'. siion ih.-ii the intern.-il tronld.s i there lie broiiL:!it to a ]i:n i!ie : nd , spe-d.\ eml. ,'s, Vera! I>f the SI .- I’ll-.' I I>ro\!iiees ha\'e sal'l Ihi > wo'ild -o::ie back Info ilie fed.-ral fold, ,-ind th.. ]tresi(b-nt has e.-ilb-d a new |'ar1ianienr 1!T.\ • leetion. ^”ert!iin notoriously pro leian.-'.n n.-wspap.-i's In Cliiea,".), Mnwank. e .-md e|s.( ’lel'e. si.nie of them prhile.-l in tfie (lerui-in laiiLTnaire. are atl r-.iei ins ! June Sth. th.* a-t. iit’..n of tji,. u'overn’aen. a-je;;:-, | Ki.i^ular nu-etin-^ St. Johns Day. I’; Clayton, Claytorv &. Fisher Attorneys-at»-Law HKKVAKI). X. (’. WELCH GJiLLOWJiY Jittorney Practice in all the Courts j Breuard, C. CHAS. B. DILAVER Jittorney^ at-Law Office C'ooper HU'ck ALLISON & ALLISON Attorneys-ct-Law In Did Cooper Suilding BREVARD Attorney-at-Law Ccoter Block Brevard, N. C. CONNESTEE LODGE NO. 237 1.0.0. F. .Meets every Monday night. Visitors welcome. DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A.F. &A. M. ■IV I by :r .•.c.itinuons aa! -v ii-ioii-^ attaek | «'Ii ll,e allii-s oi’ ti!.- Cnileil Sl,-;1es ;:>; }! lo« :i‘ ,'.inl,\ -velled (:p-no-«iiion to ih’s -ounfry's course in the war. \\'ith t!a> shil! of ‘rained writer.s I'ley niay .-no d »i;p]»r«^.-.ion for treason,ible iitter:in e. ln:t ilieir sei.n'merit^and inti-nt ai'e evi- tlent. and if they cannot be n-.i.-liet! i.y le.^al iiroeeJure. fhey may y.'t b. s»iuelehed bv the lieopb- \'ii!Jloii* »'> :ihj tjf i1k* uuiJiuritios. a TRANSYLVANIA COuKCIL NO. 376 JR. 0. u. A. M. Vleets in Fraternity Building ev ery Saturday night, 7.30 p. m. Visitors welcome.