MIRROR Ol'’ TRAjS^SYT^VANIA COUNTY VOLUME-XXII (Name changed from Sylvan Valley News, January 1, 1917.) BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. JIJI,Y 0. 1917. NUMBER-27 A. F. MITCHELL ELECTED SCHOOL SUPERINTEND’T NEW BOARD OISCAROS PROl. T. C. liKNDKRSON Change Made in Siiiu'rintendt'nt For First l ime in 12 years; Board Orvrani/ation Th»' m*\v luxinl of i ilucittiou toi'k tlu* i)Hth of t'lVu't' I'Ti Mi'Tiilay, «ii»l orfjHtu/,o(l with tin' flt'Ctii'ii t>f Kiiwin Poor us I’hiiiviimii 'I'lh' »)th«‘r and T\t*w iiK'Tnl'* rs mit IV L Wilson HTul .K'lui >>t'ntht*rn. As sH>n HS ]>rt couM iHMlispost (1 i't tlif liOMid wrtit into the I'li-ction ot a (• unfv >ui>»‘rin- tendrnt. aiul i hosf A. F Miti'h»‘ll for this iillii-i' Prof. Mitrhcll 1" M native ot' Lnnrens (•niTiiv. S (' Ilis tarly tHlucHtlon WHS ( !>taiiu-il at tin* btatt- liifih school at Mount vill-, S (' Jiftt'r whicli ho tiiiishfil a sjM-cial eourso in » iiiriniciui;,' at NWitVoni C'ollr^t', SMartanSv.iLT. S. Hf WHS Inter uiaduati d iroiu the I'lii- vt'rsi tv i>f > 'U t h ( 1! ■ 'l;i\a a t ('oluin - bia. This \%a> ti'lloUfd t>y ciiui'm's in tho \Vo>tcrn Normal (.’ llr-rc. Slu'nnandoali. lov.a, wlnTr ho ri> Ct'ivrd til'- A B and li S di-;;rtM'S. I’rot. Mitrhr’.! it*cti\i-d tlir dfurco t)f L L. H at HaniiiT.iTi coIIciti* at l'liicai_'o at ter i‘onii>li t •.n„' W( rk at Sln*nna ndoah. 'I'hr»‘i' years ai.’o Mi’. M11(‘lu ll toi.k chaitreitl the state hi;:i' S' hool at !*enrt»^>‘. where he eonIlinic)l as ])ruu-i] al fill tin- el>>v,> nf m—v ion. liv hi> etYort-'t hi'(i‘i*ar! riii'Uts of inu>ie and I)’.;*-!!:! >> wric ailiie.i 1) I he sell'Mil. and the mt hii'-.asir, »1 lht‘ (• nilniun'i; V tor edue;itii'n lias urown utifd it has it-'Ulto.i m tlie ileterinination to huild a iitw sohuulhouse at a e st i l Sinee the death i ! Trot. Mil Ri'ece. I’rof. Mitelu l! ha*- oeei".]iiiil the Jiosition ' f :l^'■l^*allf ] Jine ;nl Jit Brevard ln"tiTnt ■ K WHS chN'ted ]ir’:\e'!' il o! iiitih >eh('«'l a^ M:'!' salary ot ' Prof, Mite! I V Henderson, faithful servi, I ]H‘riod inart! d tional i»roL'rt"-' weekV New> OXJU'eted freiin tlu* tiate t tli’ n.-.in- ini: of the new hoar ! (it ir:_'e Wilson la.-t wiT'.t* V in ti.e le.'ivlu- tiire. Mr. Wilson I'alks. hi talking: t.^ a r je- -. uta tiv«* (•oneeiiiini: Thi- I"'1, ' ■ il ' new hoard. Mr. 'A;]-''!! .-ad I'i.af ; t hitd d--' l:irt d it'cl; eit lillatle.aii \ \ -r n ]iroi:rani of ]ir.~’s ; that t'. l)oard hi'li.'Vf'l in a ivanc-n_: ti e sehoo] W'lk :m rv wav ] tllfif n >t ’''d liatl' . t. .1 :: -Mwt in:z otV -■ !: Mil taXi - h;;t m ^»tead woiiM . ti'-' ‘M!:: II: ri' ^ ; .1 tax d]>-tii: t- 1 r -.'r ; t’' a: 1 better teaeli.-r- :iT i V. Un'. li ’ lowi r the >al.iv • - ■ '■ a I. i- M '• \\'1 ■!! ’ 1 ' i ? !:.| I ’’ ■•■n H dllK -ult ina’ ■! ■; ;■ Tendi'Tit fi r t> T'. ■■■ »'im’ '1*' Tilt '111 a •- (r. . ■ ■ ■ ] 1 ■ ’ ’ '' I ■. both f' 'T aT i au’i:i '• v ' ' vo. r- II. liail hr- . ■ -I! ’ • • ’ be-f ; 1 • .* >- ■ ’ ■ ■ ’ • 1, 'T> an ] ha !?:■'!■: . ■ ' 'i, ■ 1 }J V t ' t !, (',!'••• ’ I ' .. ■, 1 ' i\ I' to a 7’d 1 . t II u * : a ‘ TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS AT BREVARD ON JULY 12-13 THE SIGN OF THE RED CROSS Kxatninafion of feaehors for all kinds of eertifieates issued by th»' Statt' Hoanl of l*'xa!nin(>rs or by tlu’ ei)unty suiierinti*ndent will In* ludd at lirevard on ,1 nly rjand 1 ;i. (>nly second and third ^radt* certificates can be issued bv tlm (‘onnty sn])er- intend(‘nt. All first i^radt^ certili cafes of all kinds will b»* issn«‘d by the State lii>ard of Kxaininers. ! 'I'host* desirini; to take the exanu- ' nation for a first trrado icrtilieale of any kind, from the ]>ritnary cer- { fitieatetothe suj)erintend»*nt's c»*r- | tilicate, are re(|uirctl to make a])|)li- | (•ation in advance to the State lioard of Kxaminers |5lank^ for these hj) idietions are in the oHiee of the county sui»erintendent anil will be furnishi il on ri'qui'st T. ('. Hkm*kkson, ('onnty Su]iennfend(*nt. YOUNGEST CHILD OF MR. AKD MRS. JOHNSON DIES I Kohert, t ln‘ftinr year oM .‘.on of , Mr. and Mrs Fr -d .tohnson of iNi'rth Hrevard, sucenmbed to co-i ! liti,'. th- di-“a"e esji.'Cially danurer- ' ' (TiS to childreti, and dit il on Snn- :dav atrernooTi He wa ' theyouni:- ; e>1 of three childri-n ! Funeral st rvicis were held on' I Monday at Oak iiove churcli, eon- i ducted I'V l\ev. W, F. I’novev. assisted ])V a choir trtnii tlir lire I vard Mfthodist liureli 'I’he ser- jvieoat thi* L'ravi* wer'> rend’Jfd I more !h;iTi ordinanlv imiire-^'ive by I the MnL’inL’of t!.(''•Inldri'ii of 0(1 k (inivi' Sund.iv >eho(il. ot whleli ' ixnbcrt was a membi'r. ■ 'i'he j ia’.l l'cari'r> '.V vc Ii'''rt:e ;i nd .1 'hn .Ma.vwfil S:•id-T .l .hiix'D. and 'r. .1. \\'il."on. BAPTIST CONFERENCE •ntly h ,>.tal.- ;',' 1i( r at a a ie.o:i! ^ -N I’r. f 'I' \\ i: . V T ’ - -I t fi I' M ..t t\\, ’vi \ i ar-. a wt h ^ r> a' : \ a . a -■ on t i i n. ’ti >1 ; ,a-’ 'I'tie c'lani!'' ''Va- A ’hri-t',an \V. rkiT'> I'l'nfrr'Tc--i wil. he iir d at th*- l:a]>1i't cliurcl: .XuLiU't r.'-'J I SfVi-ral al;er.s i-I L'oi.il tai't t lia \ I- airi’a.:V hi'.'U .•~i' , cur. .I aiiil > :li- r> ar.- b« in_: C'eis’i't | ed 1 y l’a>ti '!• Mi) ini- I. I'ull r ii.ti !-;'iation will b. lmvch l-ater i;i | t h e X e W S. ; ! EARLY TOMATOES j }l e; T'~ bi ‘ t 'r* T' a’ Vo' 1 n J ; ’I a ■ :. n ■ ■ ■ •• 1 I • ■ , I .1 sni>i T inti-r N ’ ’ a i ’ 'b. of hi' : ■ T ’ w ’ w Mil \ )m‘ ii> f' r t li. j ■ ■ ! ■ a'.l LT'iaran- tee tin* ’ .r’c .TiV and >■ «ij)cration am t ‘i n.- !’?;• >!■. N j llev W. F. I’oovey le.asted oTi his I fir>t l.omi'.^'rown tomato Wfiln. > ' law He thinks tl.i" t!ie earliest in I r.revard. j ROSf^^AN’S NEW POLICE (Fr"!n Ilt-nilirMin'illf 'I'ir.a.'. I 'P. r. I'l iiucr. '.vh-i i'- niiwhoMniL' a ;o>iti,.ii a> oi ili-'.‘ma n 'ti thi* tnwn '■i; Ilo-ma M. ''ill i;t \\’( ini'-dav here I with hi." tamily ul.ii ri->idi' :n lini’.- '111 !>l- ."t r"(‘t . Fourth of July Flag. The union of lakes, the union of lands, the union of states nor« can sever; the unfcn cf hcar L^, the union of h.-.ncis and tha Flag of our- Union f o p e V e r! CENSUS AND WORK OF FA»I«I DEMdNSTATOR BREVARD'S SCHOOL EMPLOyED RY GODNTY Principal J. C. Join s Makes ' Following Lonj; and Repeated Final Report C^overiny W'ork of the Past Year; Lack of Room Forbids Ckimpiilsory Attendance. The linHl, or anniial. rej)ort jf the Bre\ ard graded sclujol. as ci>m- piled by Principal .1 (' .bmes. ( on tained many it«'rns of mfornuitioti w’hicb nmy be of interest to tho {general j)ublic. The nurnlx'r of jiersons of sfliool in the district and the nufnber enrolled in school iudi( ate some- thuifi of the interest the ])er.|)lr urt* t}ikini: in‘■dneation. AccordinL' to tlu) rc'vised census taken by the orincijjal dnrinir flu* session, there ure in the district males and ;i 10 ffiuales of school a^t\ inakiiif^ a total of r.'.tr. ()f this number a total of aft(;nded school durinir tlie year, s^’attending school else wliero. From this it will be seen that over ‘.'no boys and >.Mrls m this commmdty were not in school ut all last year. (>ni? (juit(‘ encourai^inLT i> irt nf t!i(^ report shows th.it only one per son between flu* ii^‘S of I‘J and 'Jl. and that one :i boy, wus unable 1m read and v.rite. The hi;^h .school department, which enhraees Lrrade> from th-- eiu'hth to the elevr,!tli inciU'ive, en rolled ',7 })upils, fi.iir ot whi>m irraduated at the “nd of ’he sti.-sion. Tlu' school was in sess: n '' months, witli a faculty of ortf ]»riTicipal and 7 asl'i'ta iits. Thi total amount ]»aul in salarii to the teachers for tlu* year was 'I'he ([uesfions about the po.^S' .-s ion of schoi il farm and L'arden aT i* ans>vered in the neirative, as are also tlio.'-e relatiiiir to the teaching of cookini:. ."ev. ini;. a;;ric:dtnre. and manual trainini:. The library repo-t has a favura hie showing 'I'];' re wen- j ;‘,i) book' at t!ie b ■j.innin'^ ( f the session and •'■■-'o doTiat.’d dui'.!.„' tlie ^e.-.'ion Agitation for Demonstrator C^ounty Commissioners Fi nally 'Fake Pro^jressive Step. Ni'arlv all ' f thcM- boMk" iiorted in irood ctindnion. •re Millions and millions of stricken people in devastated Europe must depend on the activity of the Red Cross society alcnc for the most meager necessities of life—just enough to keep body and soul together. The Red Cross organization is the universal helping hand. But in order to extend this hand to the sorrowing and afflicted, it must havo your support. In fact, if you would do your part to relieve the suffer ing in the world, you can do it most directly and efficiently through the Red Cross. Become a member today. Give one dollar—two dollars— five dollars—as much as you can. RED CROSS AND AMBULANCE FUNDS BOCSTeO WEGNESOAY; PATRIOTIC SPEECHES HEARD 'Ihf Fi',;:o; of .I,J\ I’.rt-vaid lU r\» i; iiu iili '.'.t ' hv ;• ■■•i ,-'- !r"n- a 1 i'-.rl nt liic jMt: in'ij'.'iinT. llu w a.'' (.It^ri \ i'(i ■iv.ful (ir unii-;aai nui’.ilu r ni' ]i", pic ic.iin'v. a V w a a 'Ui- JURY LIST FOR JULY AND AUGUST Till' (•' iiT'ty Cl 'umissi’ Tiers met aT'.,I madi- ■ ;t th.' j”.ry :.>t f>r th-- .luiv August term ot !•' irt. \v‘; t'olloWS ; '1. r>. Sir"' . \\ . A .i ;'.kin'. I'm. .s..iithii a. .1. H. r. T. W. Kri,]. \V. Hi ..ii;; V. t : th. 1!. L. S' ; , \\. tit i i._i . .I.;:,:t - Vi. Fui.;.r.k>. .\. l'. i; r. \. .\iLcii, Lia- r. N' rl( ■ . I. b.ijUi a Hra’ut 'I'ltr-ifv. .1. 1* \\ il' V> . ,\. I i 'a 1\. 1,. Nu'''.i>i(in. .1. t». ( antr. !i, Kai'u- (liifU-y, 1,. H.iri’fit. 1!. l,;ithr'j', S Silvi it-.--a. .1. K. Neil!. S. 1!. \V. I. 'i’he county com rrussioners in their mt-etin;^' on .Monday lo(»k rle- cidfd action on a juesti(Hi of iru- portanr-e. in ehrtiu'j: a larm de monstrator f'lr 'I'ransy] vania coun ty. I'hisa.'tion follows hti a^'ita- tion coveiUiLT th'- past li'W venrs. 'I’he mull ehi'x-;. for this jKj.-'ifion wa> .'wr iarie’>, who is now resid ing and (t 'lni.'- deriion.'tration work, in 'I'ex i-, but v. ho was horn and ro.ired in r.uru:orn!)e c(junty ami is t liorouL’lily ac I iiH; nteil uifh rh*- amieultural needs and jiossihilities of this section. He is 10 years of af'(*and has had iiiueh e.xpeiiencc: in the kind of uurk for wliic h lie has been emplovt d. The board a])})!' jiriated for Mr. (Jarren's salar'. otnim th'-coun ty fuiiils. Thi^ umi'Unf is ."Ujijile- nicTittd by 1: om tli* state .s.'.o ofTi Tt d hy tile lirevard Banking' comjiany, .s.'im votcil hy tlie fanners union.s.'u a|ijiropriateil li\’ fhoboarcL of education, rai^'cd hy privat*,** suhserij)t loll aiul ot herwise. makini.’: a total of >■ 1 'Jl'(; a y.ar 'I'he denioi sfrator is ex]R;c'tr-d t'j be^in work in thi.'C 'Unty as soon a-> iiecessarv arrangements can b». made. GAMP SAPPHIRE NAS BANNER OPENING ('an?]) Sa])phire o])i-n((I on 'rhur>- day «d hist wt“(‘!c and:n two days had an enrollment ol I'Jo pupii.-^. Till* ci'( !imstance« attending tlu> o])fniUir, fou;)'.ed w.th tlie ])revious ree.iid. mak'-.i this initial t'lirt 11- !;;■ nt vi’i-y encoury.i^in.'. Last ye:n thf t"tal enrMil'ni-nt was only ]o-.> which \\a> hv n^i m. ans consitbtci. unfa V ira hli This vrar. up to a .'liorf tiTue aL:o. It was imra>s.~i'. It ii'i' tlu? direct^ rs b; be sure >1 a iTood attfudaiire tif tiovs. (i.vin:^ tf.. the unct-rtain c mdin, ir>., ansimz from the War. 'I'iioir -x|tn.n- have bfcn more tli.m :;d:’.l’* I hy tliis t-nc:inraL’’inLr op-Tiinir, and the jtrobabiiitifs are tliat tiierewid be many more enr' IKd bcl'-re Tho s'-.'is.'n c ist’s. 1, I nc F. .M. ■ I'l li Fourth of July Spiel. 1 Anf'tlier jniiid and i 'I'i man ni-fil'asslv sacrifwed on tlu- ailar •! politie.il jiink> r ism desifiPfd arid ('.latcd l»y Cimr^re Wilson. REV. R, G. TUTTLE Will preach at i’.rf'vanl Sunday Mornint' anti at PiSL'ah Forest Sun day afternoon at 1 ;15. ■I'SA'-:- int« T( -.-t t;.la u'ai ur.iii it.ik.a,; ; -i t.a la-lp fl' 'h( t 'ur.lrv. 'I'l..' iK'iii'!.,:! t.';ri:s w'ci-- di>iiiayi'd (.n s'li'ii- ;;i'l laiii r availahle [ila>a-. Fiiim till- iij;ht win-^. .signal li.'.r> i; ni;u;v kiia;.' luni;% aad al'n'a tiu- Ixiuh in tlu- muit Ituim- wi-r’- tile ll:i;.rs il tlu- thirc :!'.iii'S !.n;jl.ir,d. l-'j.eui- aad l!n- riiitid States. 1 lu’ tlav jia.ssi'd wiihmit i.thli ;ic sports, iiut it \\a> a liiiU’ of nui tini, f Iruiu’a. 1.;;!!(! r hakiii;^' ar.ii social i-njoyiiH iit. I'l'.i distiiicllv jiatriotie featur«-s nl tlu- dav Wi re the ])u!)li‘ speakinu in llu- court lior.'c- and tlu- man to man canv^iss !.i,r Ml! ."■.'1 ipliov.s lo tlu- Kt-d Cross aiul anil ;- lar, ■(■ fnmls. .Ma>’or \\. 1-^ I'.ru s-.' prc- ; li tlu- spt-akiii;^ and iiitroduct d. liu- sj” a!.t rs. .1. S. Silvcistccn addrfsscii tla- a>scniiil:!ve in biliaif of the sohcitnis wlu; ware trvin^' to raise suliscrijitions e-r tin- aniliu';nua- iiin-l. I)e]>uty t'ouacii' r V.. H. Sprinidi- of la icister. wiio had 1-ci r. :: ■ viti-d hy the .hr.iiois, was pres.-in and iraidt' a few remarks. .h:d|,u- .1. (’. Pritchard deiiv-nd l..s usual }. ood addrt ss. Il was intensely ir.- teristin;:;. He hc|.>an with proiier lu'im- trainin},^ which develo]tes into j^ood citi- 7i !i.>-hii' rel, and sciliie.; ■ ake aiui - .indwii hes. 'I'he result:. wt rt- aiiproxirnat: iy as lnllows; I'n.ni sail- "I sandwiches, etc.. nl I nntiihuti-'!!, .rl7.'JS; nu iahership fees in Kt d ('rl■^^ societv. $iS; anilmlaiu e fund, j $e(‘0. .Ml e\i cpt the an'.hnlaiac !uiu! is' to lie us u II r Ki'd ('ross purpns-s. ( o in- I -1 f .1 : 1'.alluwav, Jr.. 1’. .1. Sition. S. 1 . '11, w I'.') w as n: cMar^e ot the; -’ .\ikt-n. 1>. L, ('irc(-:u'. i’^iscy II. ".ve-.',, ('leV'.'laiul Ket-ce. 1-'. !>. ("a-T.e^'U S. Sa’.,a'iu rs. .lulian .\!li-'on. 1-'. Mt rrill. \'' 1.. 'I'liwnseiui. .\. Lyii.'.v, ,\. K. i'ellespie, Charlie I’.atson. S. i\. !\\ id. l.ce ,\;i hulson. 1'. r>. C;irr. 11. Iledi.ik. 1'. 1’. EXEN^PTION BOARD ORGANIZES 'I’he b.'ard »-f e -;--mpt--;'in, ai>no;nr- I . (1 last wi t'k !'V til-' L'ovt rnmeiiT, 1 met ar.d or_Mn!/.'-d ti M' nday with- |‘li(‘ i-lia-ti 'li Ilf K. Lat!ir' ]> as ■hairJuau. >ra 1. .I'^iC'S -l -rk. and ; !>r. (■ \V ll’H:’. ■ x .in:!);n.; physi- i '-ian. j N. lab-h isbi n ^v{ forheav;r.j: j.'.i-as f,ir ixen et:''!!. ! >;;e ru'ti - I will h - L'uen bv the b. ard of such •date ai'.d TUi-mbfrs ,t: the l)oar,; ih'Sire that no ]ih a-' f ^r i \>-mi»tior I ;-e mad'- until n..'ti 'e tor same is c’-veu. n: c'iar^,’e o "iiee lenonaii anI «'ifft-e coi!iU.r, had a s'aad'. iiusiiu-'s ;ini] handed out al>o\il l.^e ;;al!o;.s oi the fnrr:;. r and ;'.hoUt od Ions of the latter tt a thir'-'v nuillitiide. RECliEST MSDE OF AlOERMtii -Second Week I). I’. Kilpatrick, W. S. Price, ,Ir.. M.O. .McCall. .1. I>. brysou, ’i‘. C, '!'i.-.'.• ;i'!, .I.iuu- -M. .McC:i!l. b. .M. .\:kea. .1. P. i .ail.- wav. C. 1'. '\\’aolnn. .1. W. Sraiiii, 11. PicKclsinur. L. 10. Pn-A-»11, .A. H. Riley. W’m. .Maxwell, >'iack N. l\a;ncs. ller.iy Cairen. \\ . 11. Ni kelvey, i'.. W. Kaxlt r, Clifford K:i.\tcr, V\. H. Ili^hoj). C. W. 1 lendersoii.'1. Vuice Smith, C. 11. ,io!ly, 1-'. 1-'. Keniu iaore. C. M. BOYLt RF.AFPOINTEO DEPL'TY_MANO MASTER I I'r'. Tid^ of C, .M, l)oyle will be 'nte'.'r.-'ti'd to learn that he has beer Cl i.i])limt'Tited Dvhis re aointment t.itlu'i ;.'.ei- Oi d--]>utv ^M;.ud !uastt‘r ■ of the "I. ilistrii-t. which embract's , tlie i- e.uties I. f Transylvania. j .links—I admire your loyalty to tt frii'iul. I'.links—I tiejz yeiir i>ardon? .Hnks—Why. when .laekson (-riti(-i7.‘'d So harshly tht> spei'Ch that JMaxst"! inade you knocked him down. r.iinks—Yes; I ’.rote that speecl) myself. 'I'lie board of alderim-n tnet on Saturday nii'lit to hear compL-.ints ir. rcLrard to the town hucl;^ef. '!’h( ’-e 11-ini: no c.mpl I’.nrs. the i-ializet '.'. as a(i' ]it(“d. 'I'he V.oard ne-t .-iLrain on Moi'.day niirht for the ri'^rular .1 une !ne('f'intr. .\ie.yor Ki-eesi-and Aldt'rmin lirom- licld. Ward, Siudson and Kilj>atridc Wi re pr.'sent. lianks X^cholson appeared iiefore the board with the renu’-t I'or thi^ waft.'r line to he i OF JONES G.tf RO.iO '•1^ ...ft' ."■hii', lovalty and patriotisiii; (lriitc(! into the war situation and the nc-ci-ssuy for I’o pi r-atinjf with the jjovernnient iis(ffor'sto dct't-at C.ernianv an.l ch set' 's; ji’i sentation of the v.is* r.ce.is o: • • i-.e 1 ( r. -^s society. ciir.tir,ued to ami beyond his iu>us’. riu* niatf(‘r was reb'rr. d to f];.' v.'at.'r conimitree f-.;r in vcstiLratior. and rep'>!-t. A N .b-i^Uins ]>ri ir'. ' (•'■la’r I'i' t'le siiii-'vnllc ;it h'> place b. i>. Hoiiston, who V. ith ,M;.-. Iln\;.>t(,n spent the 1th in Hreva'd.. coui.i.y i;,. ; ■ an j ' (beenville, is of tlu- "pinii-n ll.;'.: v.erk; I will he under'.aken on the (Ircenviiu- e!ul . — i of the .lones Cap nad withia ihe ii. :.t few | ^.,i.lersnn and i’olk. (he appoint ru»Mit lUivKt!; ia'en rec(‘nti\' (.1 M. .K)YLE weeks. 'I'le svirvev^ l::;\e liecii madt-, cailinji f--r a n laer oi u ill 1 I nuuh route, and hy the suir. by t1m‘ ir^-aud neisTer of the Masunie P>1S, .Mr. Iloustiiii thinis . tlu-re order ot North ('irolinti. ; strictlv inod-,rn ii-ifiwa. hvtweeii ' I>‘yle was masft'r of tlu (becnville an.’ e. hu*ire-~s and a'so to make a re | ouest tHr the appointment of a! it town ni-_dit watchman Merman !ti ?Ht EQliALIZATiOM BOARfl : • .-.nd >• :■ idi;e on .Mr ')vtwet-ii I lo'-al Mas •lie ok;.'!- ;i' ' nti-'-l ; M ■l!:beis , f : last Friilay nu.’-i.f p-a ^. rif ^ 1) 'vle wit'i a rna.-ter’s jew. ], a I beantif'.l vn-na;;u>nt of ^'old'beannjr dates of liis .serviop, oflioe . . , , ■ , I ' • “■ 'I ti-iic td'represt'ntation. nanic' 1 .a collection of cash anl promi.'-CM to Bnunlteld, Sntdson and Miil“r were News the notice ol the mt'etinL,' of i of lodfr(\ etc.. the "i»resentation b ‘ ^well the Red Cross and amh.ilance }i]>p(,inted to confer with Mr. ' tlu‘oqnali//ition board for th** jnir-j in^ made by Master (' () RohinsoV l>ose vif hearing *omi>hiiuts as to ' in'"a few well-ehoson ’ ’ ^ proiK*rt.v valuations. j jye words. of im])ortance to fa .vjia v>rs ' fh(‘ they note »'1sewhere in tht n;nds went on all dav by to confer with solicitors lor .b nkins, but no further action v;as sui)scriptions, depositing money in a bar- : taken. and ini press- /

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